So Much Pleasure, a Little bi...

Englottt0215 tarafından

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Khun Waraha.
The Contract...
First Session...
Good Girl...
Are You Coming?...
If You Spanked It, You Can Soothe It...
Dinner And Little Peace...
You Are Pretty Amazing...
It's Not Just Pain...
You Can Reach...
I Am Going To Devour You...
Open The Door...
Take What's Yours...
I Love You Engfa...
Touch Me, Engfa...
I Dare You...
Catching And Falling...

Rough Day...

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Englottt0215 tarafından

Tugging gently on a length of brown hair, Charlotte grinned as Engfa only snuggled in deeper, refusing to lift her head.
"Hey" she whispered, trying again only to be ignored.
Sighing with playful exasperation, Charlotte cupped her chin drawing it up until finally she got a glimpse of those gorgeous dark brown eyes.
Smiling softly she brushed their lips together before nuzzling her cheek. "I totally just freaked you out" her breath was warm against her cheek causing a shiver to shoot up her spine.
Closing her eyes as Charlotte traced her jawline, Engfa buried her hands in the gorgeous brunette's hair resting their foreheads together and breathing in the sweet scent of her. "No..I mean yes...reflexively"
Shifting off of the warm body beneath her, Engfa turned so that they were laying side by side and nose to nose, legs still tangled together as they eyed each other.
"Reflexively...and now?" Charlotte questioned, fingertip tracing over her lips.
"You are so brave and I love that about you. We've only really known each other a few weeks. How can you possibly know if you love me?"
"I know it's only been a few weeks. It's one of my biggest flaws. I love early and I love hard. I've never felt about anyone though the way I feel about you. I know it hasn't been long but I....crave you."
Biting back a grin, Engfa widened her eyes in mock fear. ""
Charlotte's fingers danced down her side, tickling her ribs and causing Engfa to giggle. "Not like that. You're like crack"
"I'm like an illicit drug?" Engfa questioned, nose wrinkling cutely in confusion.
"YES" Charlotte's grin was wide and breathtaking "I just want to be with you, talk to you, snuggle up beside you, kiss you, memorize every inch of your skin...all of it. If I'm not with you, I'm thinking about you and looking for you, hoping to get just a glance. It's like I'm addicted and you're my drug of choice. It's actually quite distracting."
Fingers curling around the taller brunette's collar bone, Engfa slid her thumb into the notch in the center as she thought about the brunette's words. Lashes brushed against her cheek before fluttering up, dark brown eyes gazing into brown. "You said you love me...does that mean you are in love with me?" she whispered before dropping her gaze back down to where her thumb pressed against her.
"Engfa" she murmured, wanting her eyes back on her.
Bending to kiss the smooth skin at the base of the gorgeous brunette's throat, she let her tongue dip into the indentation. "Hmm?"
Charlotte's heart rate instantly shot up and she tilted her head to give the smaller woman better access as she released an involuntary moan. Her hand descended to find the hollow behind Engfa's knee, raising it up to rest across her own hip, their torsos now molded together from breast to hip. Engfa reached out and grasped her wrist, dragging Charlotte's hand from where it rested on the bend of her knee up her bare leg and to the curve of her hip. Charlotte rocked against her as she pressed firmly on her lower back, keeping her in place.
Her lids were heavy and her voice husky when she again started speaking. "I love you, Engfa, as so much more than just a friend and I'm quickly falling in love with you."
brown eyes met and held hers. "I love so many things about you, Charlotte. I love your smile and your laugh, the way you dance in my kitchen." she wraps her arms around her snugly " I love that you trust me to take care of you. I love how you look at me, love your giant heart and I love that you love to spend time with me. I love you too, Charlotte, and I'm definitely enjoying the free fall of falling in love with you"
"You do?" her voice was laced equally with doubt and hope
"So very much" Engfa whispered against her lips, eyes still on hers.
Rolling on top of her, Charlotte claimed her mouth, determined to show her again just how fun the fall could be.

Engfa cursed in annoyance as she leaned back in her chair. A raging headache had plagued her most of the day as issue after issue had found its way into her hands. The worst being the insufferable Itsara Mongkhon again creating a reason to be sent her way for discipline. The irritating woman had been working actively for a trip over Engfa's desk for the better part of the last six months and so far she had managed to avoid having to dole out any punishment for her, arranging her vacations to fall during disciplinary periods so that the visiting woman was required to lose days of pay rather than have the option of corporal punishment. Her luck had run out though as Itsara had put a big contract at risk, a big one this time, and Mr. Chakrii was insistent she be dealt with immediately.
Groaning, Engfa searched her desk drawer for ibuprofen, popping the cap off the bottle and swallowing three along with a healthy drink from her water bottle. Glaring at the door as someone knocked, she all but growled out "Come in"
The dark haired woman that stuck her head in the door made her mood immediately lift. "Charlotte" she grinned, rising to greet her.
Closing the door behind her, Charlotte dropped a takeout bag on her desk and quickly pulled her into her arms.
"Hey there. Heard you were having a rough day and thought you might want some lunch"
'Mmmm....thank you. You are my very favorite" she grinned, nuzzling into her neck.
"Does that get me a kiss?" Charlotte teased, tugging on a lock of brown hair
"That gets you as many kisses as you want" she murmured before pressing their lips together.
Charlotte wasted no time in laying claim to her mouth, tongue eagerly gaining access and mapping the contour as Engfa melted into her arms. When she finally pulled away, they were both panting for air and it took a few more short kisses before she managed to pull herself away enough to open their lunch.
Grinning at the smaller model's excitement over the giant brownie that accompanied her grilled chicken salad, Charlotte sat beside her pulling her own salad onto her lap. They talked a little, as they ate, about the brunette's last photoshoot and one she was going to perform later that day before Charlotte finally turned to her. "So do you want to talk about your day and why you're so irritated?"
Rolling her eyes, Engfa sighed deeply before taking a bite of her salad and chewing it thoughtfully. "Well, it started with me getting called in way too early and having to leave an exquisitely delicious woman behind in my bed. I had to force myself to get up and leave her all alone, completely naked and so warm" her lip pushed out into a little pout and Charlotte's heart fluttered hard in her chest at the adorable sight.
"Hmm...poor baby, that is sad. I'm sure she would love nothing more than to re-enact the entire night though and wake up wrapped up in your arms." Charlotte winked.
Engfa's eyes turned dreamy as she stared off into space, picturing that until Charlotte nudged her with a giggle. "Quit that or I'm not going to be able to leave your office. It's going to be hard enough to have you check "your work"" she teased "without taking you on your own desk"
Cheeks blushing pink, Engfa bit her lip and moaned. "That didn't help, now I'm going to be thinking of that during my other discipline session today."
Charlotte's eyes widened in surprise as an emotion she couldn't quite pinpoint made her skin feel tight. "Other session?"
Irritated again at the very thought of Mongkhon, Engfa slid her half eaten salad away. "Yes, unfortunately. Normally it doesn't bother me this much but I'm pretty sure this woman only acts out in hopes that she ends up in my office with her pants down. It's just...she is so sleazy and handsy, always finding a reason to touch my arm or my hair. She literally makes my skin crawl."
"Who is it?" Charlotte demanded, faces of various female girls racing through her mind as she tried to think of any instance one of them had paid too much attention to the beautiful model.
"You know I can't say, Charlotte" Engfa said tenderly, reaching to pat her knee. "I'll be fine, I just have a raging headache and I don't want to deal with her but it will be ok."
"Are you allowed to have someone in the office with you? You shouldn't have to feel uncomfortable being alone with someone who acts like that. Can Mr. Chakrii sit in?"
Engfa searched worried dark eyes, surprised at the level of Charlotte's concern. "That's actually not a bad idea. I'll call Mr. Chakrii after we're done eating and see what he suggests."
A little relieved, Charlotte sat back to finish the last few bites of her salad. Taking a drink of water, she dropped her trash back in the bag and threw it all away.
"Do you have to leave already?" the pout returned with the same answering effect.
"Nope. Just wanted to make room for my girlfriend to climb into my lap for some snuggles" she grinned hopefully.
"You have a girlfriend?!" the smaller model demanded, standing with her hands on her hips and a teasing glint in her eye.
Rolling her eyes playfully, Charlotte pulled her into her lap, cupping her face in the palms of her hands and kissing her soundly. Settling in with a sigh, one of Engfa's hands found its way between her breasts where the brunette's heartbeat thumped against her skin. Straddling her thighs and tangling her other hand in dark curls, she lost herself in her kiss.
"I do have a girlfriend and she is beautiful, and loving and fierce and I am so very lucky" she whispered hotly into her ear when she finally came up for air.
Engfa grinned against the smooth silky skin beneath her ear. "Mmmm...I sure hope it's me or I may have to take someone out" she whispered.
"I'm yours, Engfa. All yours"
"I really like the sound of that" she rested her head on her shoulder and just enjoyed being held for a bit. She had very nearly drifted off to sleep, when Charlotte nudged her. "Hey sleeping beauty, my surgery starts in about 30 minutes. Want to check me before I go?"
"Only because I get to see your naked rear end" as with no small amount of regret Engfa climbed to her feet again relieved to find her headache was nearly gone.
Charlotte snorted as she stood and moved to the desk. "Lucky for you, you now get to see it whenever you want" she winked, laughing again at the instant grin that lit up the smaller brunette's face.
"You're right, I do! I LOVE being your girlfriend. So many awesome perks" she leered playfully at her, eyes dropping to her cleavage.
"Ms. Waraha!" Charlotte gasped before laughing
"Alright, beautiful, bend over and let me have a look"
"Such a charmer" Charlotte teased, slowly lowering her pants to her knees and then laughing as Engfa pushed her forcefully down on the desk.
Cool fingers danced over her skin and she shivered as her body erupted in goosebumps. "You have such beautiful skin, Charlotte. So pretty and smooth." her voice was tender as her palms skimmed over her, occasionally smoothing or squeezing.
Charlotte groaned as her fingertips came dangerously close to brushing over her core that was pulsing non stop. "Engfa" She murmured, shifting in a desire for more contact.
With a deep sigh of regret, the model stepped away, turning until she heard the taller brunette stand and fix her clothing. Wrapping her arms around her waist, Charlotte pressed her head between the smaller brunette's shoulder blades and just held her for a minute.
Finally turning around, Engfa gave her a short yet sweet kiss. "You are good to go for tonight" her smile trembled around the edges and Charlotte pulled her close again. "It's not just pain, remember that. Ok?"
Engfa nodded even as tears pricked her eyes. She had no idea why she was having such an emotional response to the idea of paddling the taller brunette but just chalked it up to her headache and the bad day she'd had.
"Hey - I left marks all over you last night and you seemed to enjoy it. Besides, I am looking forward to you kissing all the pain away" Charlotte teased, happy when Engfa laughed lightly. "I'm not sure that's listed on the paper you signed"
"It's aftercare. You said whatever I needed! I need you to kiss it better so make sure you have some chapstick handy, your lips will be very busy later tonight" she arched a brow as she pulled the smaller brunette tighter against her.
"Ha! We will see about that. I'll see you at 7"
Full pink lips pushed into a pout and Engfa couldn't help leaning in to kiss it away. "Not until 7? Don't you get off at 4?"
"5 now because of the discipline session. What about you?"
"I'm done as soon as I finish this next surgery so it should be about 4 or 4:30. Do you want to have dinner together? I could make something or, if you are tired of my cooking, we can go out?"
"I will never be tired of your cooking, or the show you put on while you're doing it. I would actually love a night at home and you are more than welcome to come over whenever you want. Just remember that your discipline session will be at 7 and you don't want to eat too much beforehand."

"Ms. Waraha, to what do I owe the pleasure? It's not often I speak to you multiple times in one week let alone one day"
"Hi, Mr. Chakrii, thank you for taking my call. I have some concerns about the Mongkhon discipline session scheduled for later today and I wanted to discuss them with you and see if there are any options" launching into her concerns about the other womans attention and possible motivation to be alone with her, Engfa mapped out a few safeguards she felt might be necessary. Mr. Chakrii was noticeably quiet on the other end of the line which caused her to nervously ramble a little but at the end of the call she thought she had gotten her point across as she waited for his response.
"I have to admit, Ms. Waraha, that I had some of the same concerns during the few times I have been around Ms. Mongkhon. She seems to have some kind of fixation with you although, at the time, I wasn't aware it wasn't consensual. Not that you acted out of turn in anyway, I just thought it may be a lack of professionalism on her part. After our discussion the other day, her antics this week, combined with your concerns, have caused me to look at her behavior in a different light. I appreciate your willingness to proceed as well as actively seeking to protect yourself and, in turn, the company. I need to make a call, talk to a few board members and then I will get back with you. Refresh my memory though, Ms. Mongkhon is only on loan to us for another three weeks?"
"Another four. There is a contract happening at the beginning of the fourth week that is pretty big and will bring a lot of positive publicity to both our company and hers. After that, she should return to her home agency"
"Thank you, Ms. Waraha. I will be back in touch shortly. Definitely before your 4:00 appointment with her."
Grateful, Engfa leaned back in her chair and breathed a sigh of relief.

Making sure she had all of her things together so that she could leave as soon as her meeting with Mongkhon was over, Engfa glanced one more time around her office and double checked that the only other items not locked carefully away were the file on the other woman, a pen, and a selection of discipline tools.
Straightening the items on her desk, she made sure the thick wooden paddle, leather belt and rattan cane were well displayed. Resigned to do her part and leave as soon as possible, she sat down to wait for Mongkhon's appearance.
She didn't have to wait long when, not a minute later, there was a short knock before the smug woman let herself in.
"Hi, Engfa. So sorry I'm late but I wanted to freshen up a know, add a little lotion to make sure my skin is extra smooth for you" she grinned coyly.
"Have a seat Ms. Mongkhon, and I prefer you call me Ms. Waraha in the future". Her voice was stern as this woman had worn her patience completely down. She kept her face carefully blank as she stifled a snort at the other woman's words. Freshly applied lotion would more likely make the punishment hurt even more than it should. "Let's get started"
"So soon?" Itsara flirted, sitting in the chair indicated in front of Engfa's desk but leaning forward to lay her hand on her arm. "I thought maybe we could talk a little first"
Yanking her arm out of her grasp, the peds surgeon gave her a curt smile. "I actually have plans tonight that I am eager to get to so let's get this over with. You will need to read and sign this document then choose which implement you would prefer."
Picking up the paper, Mongkhon briefly scanned it before her eyes darted to the different paddling options. Trying to create some kind of sexual tension, she leaned forward again, careful to make sure her cleavage was visible. Voice low and husky, she ran her finger down the cane "Is there really enjoy, Ms. Waraha?"
Sitting back in her chair, Engfa placed her hands in her lap and gave her a cool look. "Do you know why you are here, Ms. Mongkhon?"
Biting her lip and looking up at her through her lashes, Itsara tried unsuccessfully to appear innocent and bashful with a health dose of alluring. Unfortunately her efforts fell flat as Engfa continued staring at her waiting for an answer.
"I was naughty" she grinned just as the door to the office opened again.
"Naughty? Seriously? The way I understand it you nearly lost millions of dollars because you couldn't stop flirting with the workers from the other company!" the newcomer's deep voice filled the room as he shut the door firmly behind himself.
Itsara nearly jumped out of her seat as her eyes widened with new found fear. "Mr. Amari? What are you doing here?!"
Folding his arms over his chest, he glared down at her. "I'm pretty sure I just explained what I am doing here. You may be on loan to our company but you are still one of our workers. I can't tell you how furious I am to have gotten a call from our board of directors sharing with me the contents of a call they had just finished with a Mr. Chakrii. Luckily I was in the area for a conference and didn't have to ask Ms. Waraha to put you back in line." his eyes flicked up to Engfa's and he gave her a short nod of recognition.
"I apologize for being late, Ms. Waraha. What have I missed?"
"Thank you for coming, Mr. Amari." she stood and offered her hand and smiled as he shook it "As you heard, Ms. Mongkhon hasn't yet acknowledged what she has done wrong, hasn't signed the paper, and seems to be open to whatever discipline tool you most prefer. She was also sure to explain she has applied fresh lotion to her backside."
Closing his eyes briefly, his jaw visibly tightened.
"Wait!" Itsara begged, I didn't know it would be Mr. Amari! I thought it would be you, Engfa"
Slamming her hand on her desk, she was gratified when Itsara jumped. "For the last time, you will address me as Ms. Waraha and give me the damn respect I deserve." voice low and steady but laced with steel.
"Ms. Waraha, I appreciate all you have done and apologize profusely for any trouble Ms. Mongkhon has caused you. You should expect a formal letter of apology from her on your desk tomorrow. Now, I'm sure you have had a long day and I hate to keep you any longer. If you could just point me in the direction of the break-room?"
Nodding with relief, Engfa gladly gave him the information and began to gather up her things. Itsara's face had gone abnormally pale as Mr. Amari picked up the form as well as all the discipline tools and reached out to grasp her elbow, directing her to the door.
"Wait! Where are we going?! All discipline sessions here are done in Eng...I mean Ms. Waraha office!"
"Well, you are our employee and as you are aware we do ours in the break-room. Since you seemed to be playing coy with making a choice, I'm just going to use all three of these. Next time maybe you won't have such a hard time making up your mind. Also, I will be adding 20 more for being disrespectful to Ms. Waraha yet again."
"That's not fair!" she sputtered as he marched her out of her office and down the hall.
"Don't worry, Ms. Mongkhon. We will be discussing all of your complaints along with all of your infractions thoroughly over the next hour."
Shutting her door and heading to the elevator, Engfa couldn't help but feel relieved as Mongkhon's voice slowly faded away. She felt only a tinge of pain for the other woman after seeing the size of Mr. Amaris arms, but Mr. Chakrii had assured her that he was fair and firm and was not known to ever go too far in his discipline. Shaking off all thoughts of the irritating woman, her thoughts turned to Charlotte. Sighing happily at the thought that she may be waiting at her house already. With a smile of anticipation and a flip of her hair, she nearly skipped out of the building.


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