
Από MinSonyaa

70.9K 2.5K 69

Jungkook: You're going to be a good girl aren't you? I nod Yoongi: I can't hear you... are you going to be a... Περισσότερα

VII - 🌶
VIII - 🌶
XI - 🌶
XVI - 🌶️
XXV - 🌶
XXVI - 🌶
XXIX - 🌶
XLI - 🌶
XLV - 🌶
LIII - 🌶
LVI - 🌶
LIX - 🌶
LXI - 🌶
LXIV - 🌶
LXXXVI - The Final 💜
Thank you 💜


988 21 1
Από MinSonyaa

We get home and find Jungkook is already home and in bed watching TV, I'm so glad he's home, if he wasn't here I would have been so worried

Jungkook: Hello sexy people... how was it?

Yoongi: Pointless, well apart from one part

I slap Yoongi's arm and he giggles and walks off into the wardrobe

You: How was your night? Are you okay?

Jungkook: I'm fine jagiya, I told you I would be. Deal done, everyone is home safe

You: Good, well done you! 

Jungkook: So how do you go to a dinner party and end up fucking?

Yoongi comes back out from the wardrobe in his underwear 

Yoongi: Is that a real question? Like you don't understand...

Jungkook: Mm, I guess you're right. Where was it?!

Yoongi: In a bathroom

They both have a good laugh together while I go and get changed too 

When I come back out I hear Yoongi finishing telling Jungkook about what his dad was asking of him

They continue talking and I crawl into the middle of them in the bed

Yoongi: So tonight went okay for you three?

Jungkook: Better than okay, it was actually a women who was in charge and she had a soft spot for our little Park Jimin. She apparently knew him because he'd once rescued her dog that ran off in a park a few months back, how random is that?!

Yoongi: So bizarre... but at least it made things easy 

Jungkook: Jagiya, you tired?

You: A little, why?

Jungkook: I want you to ride my face... it's just what I need after a long night

You: Eh, what?

Jungkook: So I'm going to lay here on my back, you're going to get on your knees and straddle my face, maybe hold on to the top of the headboard for some support...

You: I'm always scared of suffocating you

Jungkook: Good, suffocate me! Lower it all onto my face and wrap those juice thighs around my head

Yoongi starts slowly taking my underwear off and I don't stop him

Jungkook starts moving the pillows, he lays one down long ways under his head and back so he's raised a little off the bed to help me not have to lower so much as it can hurt after a while otherwise 

Jungkook: Climb on...

I get on my knees over his face but I'm not lowered down yet

Jungkook: Don't tease me baby

He grabs my hips and pulls me down sitting on his face 

His mouth instantly gets to work and I grab the headboard like he said otherwise I'm going to collapse

Yoongi watches us and I look over at him

You: Yoongs...

Yoongi: Mm?

You: I want you to touch yourself... and Jungkook...

I manage to speak through my panting

I'm shocked he just does as I ask, he starts taking off Jungkook's underwear and his own

He moves to the edge of the bed and uses one hand on himself and the other on Jungkook and I fucking love it 

Jungkook's mouth motions change completely where he is getting pleasured at the same time 

He moves his face so he can talk to me

Jungkook: Y/N... I'm going to open my mouth and leave my tongue out, I want you to fuck my face... grind on me, do whatever feels good... okay?

I nod at him and wait for him to get fully under me again and I start to move my hips back and forth over his tongue 

My moans are loud and sharp, this feels incredible

I can feel myself pushing down harder against his face because it's making me lust for more but I can also feel him encouraging it pulling down on my hips

I start to rub against him, I'm going to cum so quick

I keep looking back and watching Yoongi too and it's making me so wet seeing him wank himself and Jungkook knowing they're getting pleasure too

You: Oh fuck, Jungkook! 

I keep hearing "mmmm" from down between my legs from him

You: I'm gonna fucking cum! Oh my god!

He gives my ass a hard slap and I feel my orgasm taking over my body

I let out some strong moans and Jungkook knows I'm cumming as I slow my movements so he starts moving his mouth again and licking my clit just as fast as I was grinding to keep it going 

Once he knows I'm done he doesn't hesitate to push his tongue inside me for a minute or so 

He then pulls it out and he sucks hard on my clit suddenly and then I realised it's because he's orgasming

I look back to watch and see his cum going everywhere on his stomach and the bed, it looks like Yoongi had already cum too 

I slowly get off of his face and fall to the side, all three of us lay panting on the bed 

Jungkook: What a trio we are...

We all giggle together 

You: Yoongs that was so hot...

Yoongi: Glad you enjoyed it

Jungkook: I enjoyed all of it! 

You: We need to change the bedding though

Jungkook: You don't want to sleep in our spunk?

You: Not particularly, you need to shower too! You two go and shower and I'll change the bedding

They both get up and head towards the bathrooms and I sort everything and we eventually get some rest


We've been trying for a baby for about 3 months now, I didn't realised how disheartening it would be when you get a negative test or your period shows up

Jungkook and Yoongi have both been amazing though and keeping me sane and understanding it won't just happen instantly because we want it to

Yoongi has bought me an ovulation test kit, but a good one which is electronic and more accurate, I wanted to try with nothing but I think this will help just incase my dates are off, not that we haven't just been having sex constantly anyway, but still 

I've been taking the test each morning and it has little faces to tell you how strong you're ovulating, it flashes when there is a chance of pregnancy and it's a solid smily face when it's your highest chance day

Today I got a solid face!

I'm in the bathroom and I scream for Jungkook


He comes smashing through the bathroom door

I hold it up for him to see

Jungkook:  A solid face?! So today is the day?

You: Yep! 

He picks me up and wraps me around his waist and runs to the bedroom

Yoongi is out with Namjoon but I text him just to let him know once Jungkook and I are done with round one

[You: Yoongs, solid face!]

[Yoongi: I'll bring home snacks and energy drinks

We make the most of solid face day and make sure to still keep it up even on flashing face days!

We've been sleeping so well at night, it's exhausting but also incredible


It's been a couple of weeks since we had our solid face day, I wake up one Sunday morning and I just feel something weird in the pit of my stomach

Am I getting sick? Is my period due and it's weird new pains?

I head to the bathroom and I just feel the urge to take a pregnancy test, I usually do in the morning anyway as it's the best time, but something inside me is saying 1000% do it today

I rummage in the cupboards and grab one of simple tests we have to check as the comes in boxes with hundreds in

I pee into my cup and dip my test in and leave it while I wash my face 

While I'm washing my face I happen to peak down at the test and notice I have two lines... two lines is pregnant, however, I've had this happen before and it's just a faulty test as they can be damaged sometimes

I try not to get excited and I just go into the cupboard and grab one of the good ones, these ones are electric and 99% accurate, I always do this if I have one of the cheap ones say it's positive just to check 

I dip it in my pee and wait again, it's usually up to 5 minutes but this start to change instantly and has a little loading screen

Then I see it... "Pregnant - 1-2 Weeks"

I just stare at it, I've never seen one of the good tests say this... is it right?! Could this one be broken?!

I grab two more of the good ones just to triple check everything

All three of them now show the words "Pregnant - 1-2 Weeks"

I instantly start to cry... I CAN'T BELIEVE IT, WE DID IT! WE FUCKING DID IT

Baby Jeon is cooking away and we didn't even know!

How am I going to tell them? Do I just run in the bedroom and wake them?

I know, I'm going to put the caps back on and make sure their clean and I'm going to hand them a test each so they get to experience reading it for themselves, and that's what I do

I have two of the tests with me hidden in my pocket, I wash my face once more so they can't see I've been crying and I go and hunt them down

Luckily they are both actually still led in bed, they're awake but on their phones and talking to each other 

You: I have presents for you both...

They both looks towards me in confusion

You: Don't worry you've not forgotten something, I just wanted to treat you. Please sit on the edge of the bed

They both get up and sit at the foot of the bed

You: Now close your eyes and put out your hands so I can put this in your palms

They both look at me with suspicion 

You: I promise it's a good thing! I'm not tricking you...

They do as I ask and close their eyes and put their hands out

I place a test in each other hands and I'm too scared to tell them to open their eyes

Jungkook: Can we look?

You: Yes... please look...

They open their eyes and look down into their hands and then look at each others hands, then they both look up at me with absolute shock on their faces

Jungkook: Jagiya, you're pregnant?!

You: We're pregnant!

They both run at me and squeeze me tight and I can hear Jungkook is crying onto the top of my head 

Yoongi: Congratulations you two! I'm so happy for you!

Jungkook grabs my face and looks at me and he is crying just as I thought

Jungkook: We're going to have a baby...

I start crying again instantly and fall into his chest 

Yoongi is already on the phone to our doctor and telling him about the positive test 

Yoongi: The doctor said congratulations and he's going to arrange a visit in the week but he said in the mean time, continue with the folic acid, stay away from seafood and anything not washed or raw and just try to not get stressed, he said relax and enjoy the good news 

Jungkook: You're not leaving my sight jagiya, the next 9 months you're going to be in bubble wrap 

Jungkook drops to his knees in front of me and kisses my tummy

Jungkook: Hello in there baby Jeon

I'm a blubbering mess and Yoongi wraps his arms around my chest from the back of me and cuddles me kissing the side of my head 

Yoongi: Well done baby girl, we're so proud of you

You: Your ovulation tracker is what did this Yoongs, thank you so much

Yoongi: This also means we don't need condoms anymore!

I burst out laughing through my tears and I hear Jungkook laugh too

Jungkook: I'm actually so happy for you hyung, it's going to kill me when I've got to do that 

Jungkook tells the staff so they're aware and can help with any extra needs and they're all under NDA so unable to talk about it so no fear of the news getting out

Yoongi goes to the kitchen to talk to the chefs and make them aware as things will need cooking a little different or be handled different for me 

They're so over the top but I know it's because they care 


Over the next few weeks we let the boys know the news, just because we see them every single day they'll notice and it's just good they're aware. They were of course all so happy and especially happy for Jungkook

I've been having the most terrible morning sickness, we're late to work every morning because they won't leave without me and they stand rubbing my back or holding my hair and giving me water 

The doctor is coming to the office today to speak to me about my sickness as it's so bad

We're finally leaving to drive into work and I have to sit in the front of the car, if I sit in the back it makes me feel so nauseous 

You: You two really don't have to be late each day because of me

Yoongi: We're not going to leave you being sick alone

Jungkook: We're here to take care of you jagiya, you come first 

You: Thank you, I really appreciate it

Jungkook: And we appreciate what you're doing, you're creating life Y/N! It's the least we can do is make sure you're comfortable and taken care of 

I've got this app on my phone that tracks the babies progress and shows how big the baby is and what is happening and we look at it each morning, even though major changes are weekly, we just love to look

You: So baby Jeon is the size of a sesame seed at the moment

Jungkook: That's all? 5 weeks and it's the size of a sesame seed, wow...

Yoongi: The size of a sesame seed and already controlling all of us... baby Jeon is going to be a handful 

Jungkook: When can be find out the gender?

You: The doctor said 16 weeks is the earliest 

Jungkook: Oh man, that's ages

You: Yeah but at 12 weeks we get to see baby Jeon for the first time! How exciting

We get to the office and I'm told the doctor is already here and waiting in Jungkook's suite, I head straight there to see him

Doctor: Good morning Mrs Min-Jeon

You: Good morning, I'm so sorry we're late, it's my sickness

Doctor: It's every day?

You: Without fail. As soon as I open my eyes I'm ready to puke 

Doctor: You poor thing... we'll start you on some tablets and if they don't work we can try something else but hopefully this will stop it all

You: Thank you so much, will this help with general sickness?

Doctor: Such as?

You: Well, being in the car makes me sick, certain smells or even thinking about certain foods

Doctor: It might help that a little but not as much as the morning sickness

You: I feel like such a burden at the moment

Doctor: Your body and even you mind is going through huge hormone and physical changes at the moment, you might find you have mood swings or feel very down and even depressed, it's very common. If that does happen please call me or at least talk to Mr Min or Mr Jeon about it

You: I will, thank you for coming today

He smiles and leaves, as he is walking out the boys come in along with Hoseok and Jimin

Hoseok: How are you feeling Y/N?

You: Not too bad at the moment thank you

Jimin: Did you get something to help your sickness?

You: Yeah I've been given tables I have to take each day and see if they help

Jungkook and Yoongi finish talking with the doctor and come over to us

Jungkook: Do you have any tablets or do you have to go and collect them?

You: I have to go and collect them and then I've got a repeat prescription 

Jungkook: I'll go and get them, give me the prescription 

He puts out his hand

You: Are you sure?

Jungkook: Of course, I've got time now so I'd rather go and do it now or they might be closed when we finish

He gives me a smile and I want to cry, my emotions are so heightened 

I hand him the slip and he kisses my head and leaves shouting back

Jungkook: Won't be long

Yoongi: I've got a meeting now Y/N, can you join me?

You: How come?

Yoongi: So I can keep an eye on you and baby Jeon

You: Really? I'll be fine here

Yoongi: Non negotiable, I was being polite asking

I see him smirk and then help me up. I know Jungkook has told him to do this but I know he's just as bad and would do it anyway 


The next few months seem to fly by where we're eager to get our first look at baby Jeon

Jungkook bought us a little machine that lets us listen to the babies heartbeat and he uses it constantly, especially at night in bed 

We're on our way to the hospital today to get our first scan

Jungkook: 13 weeks jagiya! Baby Jeon is the size of a peach now

Yoongi: And look how cute your tiny little bump is...

He says 'bump' but it's just the bottom of my stomach is start to round out a tiny bit 

You: I don't know how I'm going to cope when it's like I've got a basketball weighing 7 pounds on the front of me

Yoongi: You'll do great, your growing slowly so you won't even notice. Women's bodies are incredible 

You: I'm so excited to see the baby!

Yoongi: What if it's more than one baby in there

You: Oh my god, can you imagine, first pregnancy and it's triplets 

Jungkook: That would be quite fitting for our situation

You: No! Don't put that into the universe... one baby please...

We arrive at the hospital and go and sit with all the other pregnant women waiting, some are so far along and huge, I look at them in absolute fear because I'm looking at my future 

Then I hear my name being called

Nurse: Mrs Min-Jeon...

All three of us stand and head towards her and into the room

Nurse: Good afternoon everyone, Mrs Min-Jeon, please lay down on the bed and raise your top and pull your trousers down enough so your entire abdomen is accessible 

I lay down and she moves over two chairs next to the bed for Yoongi and Jungkook

Nurse: I'm just going to turn off the lights if we're all ready...

All three of us let her know we're so ready! 

She turns the lights off and squirts a nice warm jelly onto my tummy and tucks some tissue into my trousers so it doesn't get on my clothes 

I reach out my hand and Jungkook and Yoongi both grab it so we're all holding each others hand 

The nurse grabs the little device and starts rubbing it over my tummy but the screen isn't on yet 

After about 30 seconds we hear a loud heartbeat coming over the speakers and the nurse turns on the screen in front of us

I let out a tiny gasp... 

You: Oh my god

I feel my eyes welling up instantly and I can feel the boys squeezing my hand

Jungkook lets out a sigh and I see him look down, he does that when he's about to cry

Nurse: Please say hello to your baby... we've got a very strong heartbeat with this little one

I suddenly turn from a little emotion to full ugly crying

You: Kook, Yoongs, look!

Yoongi: We're looking baby...

He's giggling at me and I can hear sniffles coming from Jungkook

Jungkook: Does everything look okay with the baby nurse?

Nurse: Everything looks perfectly normal, I'm just taking some readings and I'll start to move about now to check all angles 

She does as she says and is moving around my tummy and checking fingers and toes and the babies chest and how long everything is measuring

Nurse: Yep, everything is perfect and baby is measuring about 13 weeks old so you're due to give birth in roughly 6 months

You: And just one baby in there yes?

Nurse: Yes, just one baby this time

She presses a load of buttons and starts to print off all the screenshots she took and hands them to us

We stare at all the pictures we've been given of the baby and I'm so happy I feel like I'm going to burst 

The nurse gives us some information about what to expect now we know for sure how far along I am

We leave the hospital and start to drive home

You: That was one of the most amazing experiences of my life, it's right up there with the wedding, the proposal, the first night we fell asleep together 

Jungkook: Perfectly normal, I never thought hearing those words would mean so much

Yoongi: I'm so happy for you two, only 6 months left! Or sooner as full term is also before 40 weeks technically

You: Don't scare me too much! I don't know how I'm getting this baby out of me

Jungkook: With lots of drugs! 

You: Correct... I know Taehyung is going to be on my bottle of gas and air more than I am

Yoongi: So the nurse said you might start being very thirsty... in both ways

You: What?

Yoongi: So she said a lot more blood will be pumping through your pelvic area which can cause a really high sex drive and for you to want to drink more from 13 weeks onwards...

You: Oh shit, I hope you two are ready...

Jungkook: You just say the word and we're there, always willing to help a women in need!

You: True heros...

We get home and as soon as we get through the door one of the staff members runs towards us

Staff: I'm so sorry Mr Jeon, she insisted on coming inside and staff weren't sure what to do...

Jungkook: Wow wow wow, slow down... who's here? Who's inside?

Staff: Miss Choi... she's waiting in the living room

Yoongi: What?! Why is she here? Who let her in?

Staff: The front desk staff said they didn't know if she was allowed in or not so they sent her up. I'm so sorry. Shall I remove her?

Jungkook: No, it's fine. I'll sort it... Yoongi, take Y/N somewhere else

You: Wait, what's going on?

Yoongi: I'll explain, come on, let's go get some ice cream... JK, call if you need me

Jungkook nods at him and Yoongi ushers me back out and into the elevator

You: Yoongs what the fuck is going on? Who's Miss Choi? Why have we just left her with Jungkook?

Yoongi: Miss Choi is Jungkook's mother...

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