白い薔薇 | 𝘌𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘓𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘙𝘶...

By xsoftly

543 19 5

Muzan Kibutsuji x OC Fanfic! ⚠️CONTENT WARNING: This work is not for minors nor the faint of heart. It is for... More

Act I
Act IV
Act V

Act II

107 3 0
By xsoftly

It is the Kakusei era, year 3XXX.

The world has undergone a drastic change due to the series of global conflict, ecological disasters, and the advancement of technology. Modern civilization had long collapsed and the merging of countries, increase in oligarchs and totalitarian regimes, corruption, and warfare was rampant.

Left alone, uninterrupted without pause, was a world unbeknownst to those fortunate; a world filled with demons and those who slay them.

* Thoughts
* "Dialogue."
* 'Telepathic dialogue.'
* "Past conversation."

┍━ 【❀】 ━┑



Himari faced a dilemma while getting ready for her date with Tsukihiko as she struggled to decide on her outfit. She sifted through the collection of high-end, trendy garments that he had bought for her, and amidst the pile, she discovered a black cocktail dress.

What a pretty dress. I do not remember receiving this from Tsukihiko.

In front of the mirror, Himari frowned as she held up the dress.

Oh, my, this does not appear to suit me at all!

Believing that the dress would enhance her appearance, she decided to wear it. However, as she looked at herself in the mirror, her dissatisfaction grew. She became self-conscious about her figure, perceiving it as shapeless and terribly frail in the dress. Moreover, she felt uneasy about the dress's short length and how immodest it was. Just as Himari was about to remove the dress, she began to realize that it was no coincidence that such a dress was in her possession.

No, no, no, I must not think badly about the dress nor how I look. Finding this dress was not a mistake; Tsukihiko-san gave me this dress for a reason. He is testing me because he wants to know if I am confident in myself!

Tsukihiko Kobayashi undeniably exerted a significant influence on Himari. The man made her feel beautiful, wanted, and desired, unlike any other. It was only natural for Himari to hold him in high regard and yearn for his continued approval, striving never to never disappoint him.

Himari adorned her attire with black flats with silver buckles. Standing before the mirror, she held her head high and placed her hands on her hips, feeling a profound sense of contentment, self-assurance, and a strong desire to make a lasting impression on the man who captured her heart.

I am ready for you, Tsukihiko-san.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Himari and Tsukihiko found themselves seated in a booth at an upscale restaurant. The flickering candle between them cast a mesmerizing dance of light, creating an ambiance of silence that stretched on indefinitely.

"You appear to be uncomfortable," Tsukihiko commented, rubbing his finger along the rim of his glass of sake.

"Uncomfortable?" Himari asked questionably. "What makes you think that, Tsukihiko-san?"

"I can feel you bouncing your leg underneath the table, to begin with," he laughed.

Embarrassed, Himari covered her mouth and looked away in shame. "Oh, my... I guess I am a little anxious."

"Why is that?"

"Because I was nervous about what you would think of me when you saw me," she muttered, her head low. "It took a lot for me to put on this dress, Tsukihiko-san. It is a beautiful dress, but I do not think that I am doing this dress any favors..."

Tsukihiko gave a short laugh while wearing a skeptical expression, as though he could not fathom the words flowing from Himari's lips. "Himari, you appear very attractive. There is nothing wrong with your physique, I assure you. In fact, you should embrace this look more often... I like what I see."

Tsukihiko-san likes what he sees!

"So, how was it, your self-gratification?" Tsukihiko inquired, narrowing his eyes like a playful, mischievous cat.

"It was so amazing, Tsukihiko-san. I never knew... that access to something that felt so good was just at my fingertips, literally."

"That is wonderful to hear. Now, describe it to me in detail."

Anxious, Himari glanced at the people seated around them. "W-what? Here, in public?"

"Yes," Tsukihiko purred with a hand stroking and squeezing her thigh underneath the table. "Here, in public."

Himari's nipples hardened and rubbed against the fabric of her cocktail dress. When Tsukihiko's hands moved further up her thigh, close to her intimate area, she fought the urge to yelp aloud. "I— I..."

The man beckoned her to continue with his soft crimson eyes. He goaded her to articulate her experience using vividly colorful words by gently prodding and nudging her feet. "Go on, tell me. Tell me of what you did last night."

Aroused, Himari bit her lip and fidgeted like mad in her seat, eager yet hesitant to divulge her secrets. The feeling, the rush, and the thrill of everything was intoxicating. "As soon as I got home, I took off all my clothes because I was feverish and aching all over. I did not know or understand what to do, so I listened to my body. I touched the parts of me that ached the most and I thought of you as I did so, like you instructed me to do. Our kiss was the only thing on my mind, and I kept replaying it. I kept touching myself until I had to stop. Oh, I have never felt such a powerful release... and then I tasted myself. I tasted rather sweet and sharp, like a tart summer drink. I... I liked it, I really did. I liked it so much, I did it all over again."

Impressed, Tsukihiko patted Himari's knee underneath the table. "Good girl."

Himari was on the verge of losing her balance and melting in her chair. The man's words exuded possessiveness, as if she belonged to him completely, and she struggled to control her intense feelings of arousal. "Oh, m-my..." she stammered, barely able to find her words.

The waiter came back to replenish their beverages and presented Himari with a serving of lemon chiffon cake.

Once the waiter left, Himari spoke. "Tsukihiko-san, I wanted to ask you something..."

"Yes, Himari?"

"The annual Yaegashi Tsukimi festival is tomorrow night... and I was wondering if we could go together." Expecting rejection, Himari tightly shut her eyes and crossed her fingers.

Please, please, please say yes! Oh, I have always wanted to go to the annual Tsukimi festival with someone, but no one has taken me in years! Going there with Tsukihiko-san will be a dream come true!

"I would love to, Himari," Tsukihiko replied calmly.

"You will?"

"Yes, it will be a wonderful activity to do together."

"Oh, Tsukihiko-san, I cannot wait!"



Saori, filled with shame, perched on the edge of her bed. She found herself in the midst of a scolding from her mother, who had just discovered that she had been meeting a man without her consent.

Soaku paced around in an agitated manner, appearing as if she was about to faint or collapse. She commanded while hyperventilating, "I forbid you from ever seeing that young man again!"

"Mother!" Saori shouted back in anger, Why does must decision be so severe? It is not as if Ikuo is lowly. He comes from a prosperous, wealthy family!"

"Although the Watomi boy may not possess traits of lowliness or humility, the reputation of his people is deplorable and abhorrent. They are not accepted within our social circles because they are below us. Dear God, I cannot have such a scandal sully the Katōwamuro family name!"

Saori's head drooped in shame as she detested disappointing her mother, despite their frequent arguments. "Mother, I assure you that Ikuo and I were discreet about our affairs..."

"Oh, yes! You were both very secretive and discreet," Soaku remarked sarcastically. "You two were so secretive and discreet that someone told me about it!"

Upon hearing that, Saori's emerald-green eyes widened as she lifted her head. "Mother, someone told you about this? Who was it?"

"Saori, it is not important who informed me. People talk. Rumors spread easily, and if someone else had witnessed your actions, they would have undoubtedly shared it and started gossiping about our respected family name over tea! They might even question my abilities as a mother and go as far as calling you promiscuous, saying that you are loose! Saori, you are forbidden to leave this manor until I say otherwise!"

"But, Mother—"

"Silence!" Soaku interjected. "Saori, I will see to it that you will never see that young man ever again."

"I cannot do that, Mother."

"Why, Saori?"

"Because I am in love with him," Saori whispered under her breath.

"What did you just say, Saori?"

"I said that I am in love with Ikuo Watomi!" Saori said in a raised voice. Upon saying the truth aloud, she felt a weight being lifted despite the dire circumstances. For a moment, she felt that she was not suffocating under the pressure of her mother's domineering control and could finally breathe. Saori bowed before her mother as she spoke. "Mother, I see a wonderful future with Ikuo. I wish to leave the manor and marry him promptly. I know that this is a lot to digest but I am an adult... Please give us your blessing."

Saori exclaimed loudly, confessing, "I am deeply in love with Ikuo Watomi!" As she spoke the truth, she felt a sense of relief despite the difficult situation. It was as if a heavy burden had been lifted, allowing her to breathe freely.

The noblewoman stood still, her mouth agape with incredulity. "Saori..."

Saori bowed to humbly address her mother and said, "Mother, I envision a wonderful future with Ikuo. I wish to leave the manor and marry him promptly. I know that this is a lot to digest but I am an adult... Please give us your blessing."

Tension thickened in the air.

Soaku abruptly swung her hand back and delivered an openhanded slap to her daughter. The sound of the strike echoed like thunder, resonating with the intensity of the moment.

There was a long while of silence until Soaku spoke once more. "Marriage to the Watomi boy? Ba-haha! Nonsense! You are a disgrace, Saori. Forget about him momentarily because I will see to it that you will never cross paths with him again!"

Saori massaged her crimson, pulsating cheek and directed a fierce gaze towards her mother, filled with intense animosity. "Mother, you cannot impede me from meeting him. I am determined to leave this estate and be with him!"

"Then I will be certain to make it impossible for you to see him," Soaku replied with a shrug.

"How would you do that?"

With a stern expression, the noblewoman fixed her gaze upon her daughter, sending a shiver down anyone's back. Her words were gravely serious as she explained, "It is simple; I will reach out to one of my acquaintances to take care of the Watomi boy."

The young woman covered her mouth in horror, appalled by her mother's blatant allusion to murder. "You would not dare do such a thing!"

"Oh, yes, I would, Saori! Try me!"

Saori's head drooped in surrender as she acknowledged her mother's merciless nature. The individuals with whom the Katōwamuro family had associated for generations were considerably more ruthless than her, capable of committing any act imaginable.

I cannot live with myself if I endanger Ikuo's life...

Saori's emerald-green eyes shed fiery tears born of sorrow, a mixture of anguish over her inability to be with her lover and the seething fury caused by someone's betrayal. In her heart, she believed that someone had perpetrated a despicable, deceitful act that shattered her connection with Ikuo, and she had a suspicion of the culprit's identity. "Certainly, Mother," she replied, her voice laced with resignation.

This is all Himari's doing! That bitch! I will teach her a lesson if it is the last thing I do.


It was the night of the annual Tsukimi festival in Yaegashi, and the lively event took place at Kurosuna beach, located along the coastline. Numerous residents of Yaegashi gathered to rejoice under the Harvest Moon, embracing the joyous atmosphere with songs and dances that filled their hearts with delight.

Himari and Tsukihiko were perfectly attired for the event. Himari looked stunning in a vibrant floral kimono, adorned with pink and red blooms. She gracefully held a parasol that perfectly matched her ensemble. Tsukihiko sported dark fedora and a stylish dark blue yukata, featuring a three-line grid pattern. Hand in hand, they strolled through the festival, basking in the warm glow of lanterns and relishing the lively atmosphere of the crowd.

Himari noticed a booth where balls were being thrown to win stuffed animals as prizes. Among the various stuffed animals, her attention was drawn to a teddy bear clutching a white rose.

Oh, how kawaii is that?

"I have not been to a Tsukimi festival in so long, Tsukihiko-san!" Himari exclaimed with eyes filled with the light of pure wondrous joy. "Everyone is so cheerful and happy!"

"Yes but are you happy, Himari?" Tsukihiko inquired.

"Yes, yes, yes, I am! Being with you is more than enough to make me happy, Tsukihiko-san!"

"That is wonderful to hear. Come, the night is ours."

The couple chose a table adorned with bush clover and pampas grass, settling down to witness a mesmerizing dance and koto music performance unfolding on a crimson and gold stage. Himari found solace in Tsukihiko's affectionate embrace, feeling a sense of belonging she had always longed for.

The October air has a quiet bite to it but, in his arms, I am warm, safe, and content.

A moon like this, round and golden, is for making memories. To live, to laugh, to love underneath this fleeting lunar light.

The placid waters along the coastline of Kurosuna possessed a tranquil essence capable of lulling even the most restless infant. The vista before them was etched into their memory, unforgettable, as they beheld a navy blue sea adorned with shimmering ripples, mirroring the hazy night sky. Their gaze fixated upon the grandeur of a colossal, radiant golden-orange moon suspended overhead.

"The moon is beautiful, is it not, Himari?" Tsukihiko asked.

"Yes, yes, yes, Tsukihiko-san!" Himari agreed. "It appears to be so large, like I can reach out and touch it."

Every day, after the sun falls, the moon rises, but there is no night to view the moon like tonight.

Standing by the shore, Himari extended her arms, immersing herself in the enchanting autumn breeze that carried the scent of saltwater. The sensation of the white sand and refreshing ocean water against her feet felt almost mystical. Lost in the moment, she remained in that position until she finally opened her eyes, only to realize that Tsukihiko was nowhere to be found.

Where did Tsukihiko-san go?

"Tsukihiko-san?" Himari called out, frantically looking around the area. She walked away from the coastline and was swept into the joyous crowd. The people were singing and dancing while Himari was in a rising state of panic. "Tsukihiko-san? Tsukihiko-san? Tsukihiko-san? Tsukihiko-san! "

"Himari, I am right here."

When Himari looked back, she noticed Tsukihiko standing right behind her, clutching the same oversized white teddy bear as before. "Tsukihiko-san, where did you go? Why did you leave like that?"

"I saw you enjoying the ocean breeze, so thought I would surprise you," he replied earnestly, offering the teddy bear to her. "I saw you eyeing it earlier, and i felt that you should have it."

"You are not answering my question, Tsukihiko-san!" Himari snapped angrily. "Why did you leave without saying a word?"

The man's bewildered and surprised expression returned Himari to reality. She suddenly became aware that she was conversing with the most attractive and compassionate man she had ever encountered, who loved her unconditionally. Feelings of shame, embarrassment, and remorse washed over her in the form of painful twinges in the heart as she recognized the unfairness of her behavior towards him.

Oh, my, what am I doing? I am behaving like an entitled and needy child! It is not right for me to behave this way. Tsukihiko-san does not deserve any of my anger or hatred because of my own problems. It is so easy for me to get overwhelmed and lose control of my emotions! I just hope this does not make Tsukihiko-san think less of me. If that were to happen, I do not know how I would—

Himari's train of dark, intrusive thoughts came to an abrupt halt as a sudden and passionate kiss enveloped her. Like an unforeseen shooting star, the osculation was swift and intense. With the touch of his lips, she felt her spirit awaken, blooming like a delicate flower, and surrendering herself further into the depths of his affection. It was an electrifying, sensual, and metaphysical experience that defied conventional description.

Breathless, Himari closed her eyes and melted into his embrace. "I am so, so, so sorry for behaving like that, Tsukihiko-san!" she wept against him. "It is just that everyone I have ever loved has left me... I fear to lose another person in in my life. There is no more pain I can bear."

Okasan and Father-sama were the first to leave me. Father-sama's departure hurts me more because unlike my mother, he is alive and well. He has not looked me in the eyes in so long and that pierces my heart like thorns.

I cannot lose Tsukihiko-san. He is the only one that makes me happy and pushes me to go on! Without him, I have nothing to live for.

"Himari, you must not worry about me ever leaving," Tsukihiko whispered to her, cupping her face. "I am here to stay because you are mine and I am yours."

"Is that true, Tsukihiko-san?"

"Yes, it is true. I love you, Himari."

Unable to comprehend the words Tsukihiko had just said, Himari gazed up at him with an astonished, doe-eyed expression. "What was that, Tsukihiko-san?"

"I said, I love you, Himari," Tsukihiko reiterated.

He said it... He said that he loves me. I thought that my love was unrequited, but he felt the same the entire time! I am so deeply in love with him, if only he knew.

"... I love you, too, Tsukihiko-san!"

Bathed in the amber light of the glowing paper lanterns and the Harvest Moon, Himari and Tsukihiko kissed.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Himari did not find scrubbing hardwood floors to be a painful task as she was still in a blissful, dreamy state from the previous night. She could not help but swoon at the thought of Tsukihiko's words to her during the annual Tsukimi festival, which kept echoing in her mind repeatedly.

"The moon is beautiful, is it not, Himari?"

"Yes, it is true. I love you, Himari."

"I said, I love you, Himari."

The thought of being loved by a handsome, mysterious gentleman made it difficult for Himari to conceal her arousal. Her taut nipples ached and chafed against the poor fabric of her apron dress, so she gave her nipple a fierce squeeze and stifled a quiet moan. The young woman refrained from touching herself to not become too feverish.

Oh, m-my... So good!

"Himari?" a familiar voice called out.

Startled, Himari stopped touching her breasts and composed herself. She turned her head to see Saori watching her. "Y-yes, Saori-chan?"

"Could you come with me to my room for a minute? I need to talk to you."

Himari placed down the bucket and sponge, visibly nervous and confused. "... Yes, yes, yes. Of course, Saori-chan." She followed Saori upstairs into her bedroom, shuddering in fear.

I am so anxious. I wonder what Saori-chan wishes to speak with me about. I hope it is nothing bad...

Once inside, Saori sat upon the stool in front of her vanity dresser. "Himari, are you envious of me?" she began.

Himari stood frozen, her astonishment evident as she remained silent, unable to articulate a suitable response.

"Let me rephrase the question because you may not know what the word 'envious' means: Himari, are you jealous of me?"

The lump lodged in Himari's throat lessened enough to grant her the ability to give a brief response. "... No, no, no, Saori-chan. I am not jealous nor envious of you."

"Really? I would beg to differ," Saori remarked as she delicately brushed her vibrant, fuchsia hair using a bejeweled brush. Engrossed in her self-care routine, she observed Himari through the mirror, her eyes resembling those of a graceful feline, shimmering in emerald green. "I am prettier than you. That is true despite what was once said, so get that through your thick, hollow skull."

Himari opened her mouth to respond, but Saori turned her head around and yelled, "I am not finished speaking! The likes of you shall not interrupt me when I am speaking!"

Nodding, Himari covered her mouth and lowered her head in shame.

"You could not handle the thought of a man loving me, wanting me, desiring me because a man has never looked your way," Saori continued. "I mean, look at you. You are nothing more than a plain, scraggly housemaid. You are bound to this manor because of your debt, you wear thirdhand rags that were sewn together ineptly, and you are covered in ugly scars from head to toe. You smell like floor cleaner and mackerel while I smell like jasmine and honeysuckle. No one would blame you for being envious of me."

Saori's callous words pierced and cut through Himari like dull knives, rending her heart like how they would tear through flesh tissue. It was a heart-wrenchingly painful experience to hear the true thoughts of her older stepsister, whom she deeply loved and respected. "Saori-chan, why are you saying such cruel things to me?" she asked tearfully, heartbroken. "Why are you doing this? I have nothing but love and admiration for you, why have you never noticed it?"

"Love and admiration? Ha! Do not make me laugh. You have always hated me."

"I never hated you, Saori-chan, even when you—" A sharp, painful memory cut Himari's words off, leaving her mouth agape with a trembling bottom lip. "Why must we fight, Saori-chan? I know our relationship is not the best, but you are still my stepsister, and I cannot stop loving you! If only you knew how much I truly adore you..."

"Oh, cut the act!" Saori yelled at the top of her lungs. "I know it was you who told Mother about what you saw in my bedroom."

The memory of the time Himari saw a young man in Saori's bedroom came to mind. "W-what? Saori-chan, I did not tell anyone! I—"

"It was you, Himari. Do not even try to deny it!" Saori stood up from her stool, her gaze fixed on Himari. The brightness of her emerald-green eyes faded away, replaced by an intense anger that darkened them completely.

From Himari's perspective, she witnessed a disturbing transformation of Saori's lovely face into something horrifying and grotesque, resembling the mask of a Hannya. Himari stumbled backward, overwhelmed by the intense anger radiating from her older stepsister like fiery flames. Trembling, she pleaded with Saori, desperately hoping to be heard. "Saori-chan, I beg you, please listen to me! I never betrayed you! I did not tell a soul! Please, I implore you, do not hurt me any further!"

In a fit of anger, Saori's hand clenched around the nearest object within her reach, a weighty lacquered jewelry box. With a forceful gesture, she flung it towards Himari, her voice filled with fury as she shouted, "You hollow-headed idiot!"

Upon being struck by the jewelry box, Himari immediately felt herself losing balance and falling. Upon hitting the floor, she realized she was unable to move and remained still as her mind slowly drifted into unconsciousness. Despite the harshness of the situation, the peacefulness of her unconscious state was a welcome contrast to her reality.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

"Hey, get up," a voice whispered sharply. "Himari, wake up!"

As Himari's eyes fluttered open, she was greeted by the sight of a blurry, unrecognizable face. However, as her vision cleared, she was flooded with a rush of recognition at the sight of those familiar wide, ingenuous eyes and the trademark curly high pigtails. "... Yui-chan?"

"Yes, it is me!" Yui sang cheerfully, taking Himari's hand and helping her up. "Come on, let's take you downstairs in the basement."

"Yui-chan... You are... helping me?" Himari asked in confusion and disbelief.

"Yes. I am. Lean on me and watch your step."

With Himari relying on Yui for assistance, the pair made their way down to the basement at a leisurely pace.

"Yui-chan, I feel so nauseous," Himari groaned, staggering as she walked. "My head is pounding like it is about to explode..."

"I bet you do feel nauseous. You were lying there unconscious for a few minutes."

"I was? Oh, my..."

Four flights of stairs later, they arrived in the cold, dimly lit basement. Yui helped Himari lay down on the mattress and covered her with a thin blanket. "All done, hi-hi! I could not let you lie there on the floor, I had to do something. Also... I must thank you for taking the blame for me!"

"Taking the blame? What do you mean, Yui-chan?"

Yui's eyes, large and emerald-green, glimmered with an unhinged intensity as she declared, "It was me who informed Mother about Saori's relationship!"

"What?" Himari gasped in pure disbelief. "It was you? Saori-chan believed that I was the one who told Lady Mistress Soaku-sama!"

"Yeah, I know. Sucks, huh? I was eavesdropping and heard the entire thing, hi-hi-hi! It was a very intense exchange, but I did not think Saori would hit you with such a hard object! I guess I am sorry about that..." Yui shed her mask of feigned remorse to reveal her true malicious nature as she said, "Do not even think about telling anyone because no one will ever believe you."

With a sorrowful nod, Himari acknowledged the truth in Yui's words. She was aware that no one would trust her. "I promise to never speak a word of this, Yui-chan. However, I cannot help but wonder why you decided to betray your own sister."

"Oh, there are some things you just would never understand, Himari..."

Struggling to rise, Himari gazed at Yui with a impassive expression, grimacing from the discomfort. "I may not be intelligent enough to understand, but I can try."

"Oh... Well, I was bored! And Saori deserved it!" Yui erupted into uncontrollable laughter, her pigtails bouncing as she rocked back and forth. Her laughter, with its child-like and piercingly high pitch, was quite unpleasant to the ears.

Himari was not as mirthful as she wearily settled onto her mattress, curling up in a fetal position and clutching her knees. The pulsating ache in her head grew stronger, accompanied by a piercing ringing in her ears. The flickering and swaying of the lightbulb above her forced Himari to turn her head and tightly close her eyes.

I feel horrible, dreadfully ill. Something is not right...

Yui asked, her voice becoming faint and distant, "What, do you not find it amusing? Well, you have always lacked a sense of humor anyway."

As Himari descended deeper into disorientation, her surroundings swirled and multiplied, eventually blurring into an indistinguishable haze, rendering her unable to perceive anything.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Himari was abruptly awakened by a forceful kick to her side, causing her to cry out in pain. As she opened her eyes, she was met with the stern gaze of her stepmother. "Aie!"

"Do you believe you can simply sleep and laze about in this mansion all day?" Soaku accused. The noblewoman's voice was excessively loud and slurred, suggesting that she was intoxicated.

Oh, no, no, no...

Soaku delivered another powerful kick that left Himari gasping for air. Clutching her abdomen, Himari struggled to escape, her vision blurred by tears.

"You will earn your keep if you are to live under this roof!" Soaku seized Himari's arm and pulled her forcefully up the stairs leading out of the basement.

The frail young woman screamed and kicked along the way, sobbing. "Lady Mistress Soaku-sama! Lady Mistress Soaku-sama, please! Please, yamete! Yamete kudasai!"

✧TRANSLATION: The frail young woman screamed and kicked along the way, sobbing. "Lady Mistress Soaku-sama! Lady Mistress Soaku-sama, please! Please, stop it! Stop it, please!"

Once they reached the main dining area, Soaku pushed a bucket of soapy water at Himari's feet and threw a sponge into her hands.

Himari experienced a wave of fear and her legs trembled uncontrollably. Throughout her childhood, she had dreaded Soaku's intoxicated outbursts because she was always the target of her wrath. Soaku's anger manifested in various ways, such as scalding her hand with hot water, burning her with fireplace embers or a cigarettes, or physically assaulting her.


It was always pain.

Soaku forced Himari to stand up straight and shoved a mop in her shaking hands. "Here! Take that! Now quickly do what you are good for, you skinny whore!"

Struggling to catch her ragged breath, Himari propped herself up against the mop, as her legs trembled on the brink of giving way. "Lady Mistress Soaku-sama, I need... help." she pleaded before collapsing to the hardwood floor.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Himari's ears were filled with the constant hum of monitors and beeping sounds as she slowly regained consciousness. As she opened her eyes, she found herself in a world of institutional white. "Oh, my... Where am I?"

A kind-faced man in a white coat smiled warmly at her. "Hello, Miss Maeda-Katōwamuro," he greeted. "I am Doctor Kansai, and you are in the emergency ward of Yaegashi Central hospital."

As Himari began to question why she was in the hospital, memories flooded back and fragmented scenes of what had happened played like broken shards in her mind, caused by her head injury.

Saori-chan... Yui-chan... Lady Mistress Soaku-sama...

"Miss Maeda-Katōwamuro, may I call you Himari?"

"... Yes, you may, Doctor Kansai."

"Thank you, Miss Himari. We have seen cases like yours."

"Cases... like mine?"

"Yes, Miss Himari. When I speak of cases like yours, I am speaking of the... injuries you have sustained over the years."

Feeling ashamed, Himari cast her gaze downward as she understood that he was subtly referring to the marks of wounds and bruises on her body. "Oh, my..."

"Miss Himari, I do not want to make assumptions or cross any boundaries, but there are certain aspects of your situation that indicate potential abuse." Seeking permission with a glance, the doctor gently placed a reassuring hand on Himari's. "Miss Himari, we have the means to assist you. However, we can only do so if you give us your consent. Just say the word."

A long period of silence was shattered by a pitiful, tearful plea from Himari. "I want my daddy."

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Himari sorrowfully handed a nurse the telephone with a pained sigh; she had just finished speaking with her father. She told him that she was in the hospital and needed his presence and support, but Kihaku said he was swamped in meetings, so it was uncertain when he could leave to visit her.

Father-sama may not be able to come for me... That is fine because I do not want to inconvenience him with my condition. Still, I feel my heart breaking. I do not want to be alone right now.

As the young woman shifted onto her side to find some rest, she was suddenly taken aback by a chilling sight: a pale, white face peering at her from the shadows of the room. However, her fear quickly dissipated as she recognized who it was. Himari's heart filled with delight and she could not help but break into a wide smile as she sat up in bed. "Tsukihiko-san?" she exclaimed, pleasantly surprised. "Where did you— How did you manage to enter this place?"

With a respectful gesture, the man took off his fedora while approaching Himari's bedside, his smile radiating warmth. "I came to see you. How are you doing?"

"I want to go home," Himari whined, pouting. "I keep telling them that I am fine, but they are keeping me here for observation. I was told that it is not likely for me to leave tomorrow."

Tsukihiko gently brushed stray strands of hair away from Himari's face and lovingly tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. "Well, they do have a point there. Concussions should not be taken lightly. Can you please enlighten me, was that troublesome door the reason behind your injury?"

"Please, do not start with that again..."

Tsukihiko presented Himari with a freshly picked white rose, complete with thorns. "This is for you."

Accepting the rose, Himari offered a faint smile, finding solace in its sweet fragrance that provided relief from the sterile smell of the hospital room. "Tsukihiko-san, you truly are amazing. Arigatō gozaimasu," she expressed with gratitude.

✧TRANSLATION: Accepting the rose, Himari offered a faint smile, finding solace in its sweet fragrance that provided relief from the sterile smell of the hospital room. "Tsukihiko-san, you truly are amazing. Thank you so much," she expressed with gratitude.

Tsukihiko positioned himself next to her, gently overlapping his hands with hers in a manner that conveyed both care and affection, causing her cheeks to flush. "Himari, it is evident that your living conditions have become perilous. Hence, I have been contemplating inviting you to reside with me."

"W-what? Tsukihiko-san, I— No, no, no, I cannot."

"How come?"

"I do not want to burden you with my presence."

"You are not a burden, Himari; on the contrary, you are a blessing."

Himari experienced a rush of emotions when Tsukihiko expressed his romantic feelings. She longed to embrace him and implore him to take her away, but the weight of her obligations and the impact on the people she cared for held her back. "Tsukihiko-san, while my heart along with every bone in my body wishes to live alongside you as your woman, as your wife, I cannot. My family needs me."

Even though my relationship with my stepmother and stepsisters is rough, it would not be right of me to leave. My departure will dampen everything. The flowers of the garden would wither and die, Fuwapo would never stop whining, Alde-san would be devastated, and Father-sama would be heartbroken.

"How admirable of you," Tsukihiko scoffed with a laugh. "I guess it cannot be helped."

At that moment, Himari caught a glimpse of an unfamiliar aspect of Tsukihiko. His contemptuous chuckle and malicious grin evoked memories of individuals like Soaku and Saori Katōwamuro, sending a wave of fear through her.


"I must take my leave," Tsukihiko said, tenderly touching the side of her face. "Focus on your recovery, little one. I have plans for you and I will need you of sound mind."

"Plans? For me?"

Rather than responding to Himari's inquiries, Tsukihiko bent down and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead. The tender gesture reminded her of the way her father used to kiss her. "Take some rest now, Himari. We shall reunite in the near future."

"When will I see you again, Tsukihiko-san? What day and time should we meet, and where should the location be?"

"Eager, are we not?" Tsukihiko chuckled, amused. "It ultimately depends on when you will be released."

"I should be released the day after tomorrow hopefully."

"That is marvelous, but it would be more appropriate for us to meet sometime next week. Let us meet on Thursday, a week from now. I shall be waiting for you at our spot in the forest at our usual time, nine o'clock."

"I... look forward to it," Himari whispered, her eyes closed in peaceful content. She inhaled the scent of Tsukihiko deeply, and her keen olfactive senses could decipher the aromatic notes of him: a faint, woody mist of cedar wood, leather, and musk.

Thursday, nine o'clock, at our spot in the forest. Thursday, nine o'clock, at our spot in the forest. Thursday, nine o'clock, at our spot in the forest!

"Be certain to look nice for me, like you did last time," Tsukihiko muttered, his tongue lashing against the flesh in the crook of her neck. "You were utterly delectable... I would have devoured you whole if we were not in public."

Devour me...

Aroused, Himari turned her head to the side and arched her back to give Tsukihiko more access to her neck. The man's teeth grazed her jugular, and she would have let out a moan if someone did not knock on the door.

A middle-aged nurse with disheveled hair entered with an eyebrow raised high in curiosity. "Is everything all right, Miss Maeda-Katōwamuro?"

Himari hid herself underneath the blanket up to her neck quickly. "Y-yes, yes, yes, everything is fine, arigatō."

✧TRANSLATION: Himari hid herself underneath the blanket up to her neck quickly. "Y-yes, yes, yes, everything is fine, thank you."

"I hate to pry, but were you on the phone? I heard you speaking to someone."

"No, no, no, I was not on the phone. I was speaking with—" Himari looked over to Tsukihiko but the man was nowhere to be found. Her face reddened in embarrassment as she attempted to defend herself against accusations of insanity. "How did he— He was just right here— Never mind..."

Maybe I am losing it... But the rose he gave me is still here! Come to think of it, how did Tsukihiko-san know that I am in the hospital? How strange...

The nurse knitted her eyebrows in deep concern and shook her head until a younger nurse approached her. "How is the patient?" the younger nurse inquired, clutching her clipboard.

"The patient appears to be fine but jot down that she is hearing voices, the poor girl. We are keeping her under observation for a few more days, without a doubt."

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-



One week later, Himari was discharged from the hospital. As she made her way towards the hospital entrance, she noticed Alde, the family chauffeur, patiently waiting for her. Alde, an elderly gentleman in his late fifties, had a dull white hair color and a thick, matching mustache that framed his face.

Upon catching sight of Himari descending the staircase, Alde swiftly approached and enveloped her in his arms. Initially caught off guard, Himari gradually surrendered to the comforting warmth of his hug. It had been quite some time since she had experienced such genuine elation from someone's presence. "Alde-san..."

"No one can understand how scared I was when I did not see you for so long!" Alde muttered in relief. "I had to eavesdrop on the Mistress' telephone conversation to discover that you were admitted to the hospital!"

"Oh, Alde-san..."

"Lady Himari, I want you to know that the blooms of yours out in the garden have been taken care of. I have been watering them in your absence."

"Arigatō, Alde-san! No words can describe how much I appreciate all that you have done for me."

✧TRANSLATION: "Thank you, Alde-san! No words can describe how much I appreciate all that you have done for me."

Alde bowed to show his respect and unyielding support. "Lady Himari, it makes me sick to my stomach knowing what those three have done to you since you were but a girl," the man said begrudgingly. "I feel that I am committing a great sin returning you to the manor."

In a display of reverence and unwavering loyalty, Alde lowered his head and reluctantly expressed, "Lady Himari, it deeply troubles me to acknowledge the torment inflicted upon you by those three individuals since your tender years. Returning you to the manor feels like a grave transgression on my part."

Shaking her head, Himari held Alde's hands and said, "No, no, no, Alde-san. You should not concern yourself with our family affairs, no matter how flagrant. Please, do not worry about me. I will be fine."

Wary, Alde gave a hesitant nod. "Lady Himari..."

Soon, they arrived at the Katōwamuro estate.

Alde dutifully held open the vehicle door for Himari, his expression blank and unemotional, his gloved hands tightly clasped in front of him. He exuded a militant aura, resembling the plastic soldiers strategically placed around a toy fortress. It was difficult to fathom that behind this façade, Alde possessed a lively and effervescent personality.

As she proceeded to walk the steps of the manor, Himari looked back at the kindhearted chauffeur and smiled.

Do not carry the burden of failing to protect me, Alde-san. That burden is only for my shoulders to bear. I should have been stronger.

Upon descending into the basement, Himari was met with a devastating sight. The objects that once adorned her workstation, plants, books, medicines, and perfumes, were strewn about, bearing the marks of a furious, vengeful outburst.

But none of that mattered.

Himari assumed a kneeling position to tidy up the clutter, attentively collecting the sizable shards of shattered glass until her attention was drawn elsewhere. The window caught her eye, so she paused to look out of it. Her eyes were met with a pale, full moon steadily rising into view. The sight brought a small smile to her lips, even if for a moment.

How pretty.

The rise of the moon evoked a mental picture of a tall, mysterious man clad in elegant finery, his complexion resembling the moon's glow. Awaiting their moonlight tryst, Himari's heart danced with anticipation as she reminisced about their final conversation in the hospital.

Thursday, nine o'clock, at our spot in the forest. Once the clock strikes nine, I will be there waiting for you, Tsukihiko-san.

┍━ 【❀】 ━┑



Himari found herself beneath the tree, their secret spot shared with Tsukihiko. It had been two hours since nine o'clock, yet there was no sign of him. A mixture of fear and unease started to consume the young woman.

Where is Tsukihiko-san? It is long past nine. I hope he did not forget...

A frog sitting upon a lily pad let out a low, hoarse croak. It blinked at Himari with its huge, globular eyes, its throat swelling once more.

Oh, Tsukihiko-san, where are you?

Minutes passed by, amounting to yet another hour. When the air grew chilly and the stars had dimmed, Himari decided to leave the forest glade with great sorrow, but she still clung on to the hope in her heart; the hope that she would see Tsukihiko again.

I must leave now. I guess Tsukihiko-san forgot that we were supposed to meet tonight... That is okay! I hope all is well with him, and I look forward to us meeting tomorrow.

After departing from the forest clearing, Himari proceeded towards the street, following her familiar path back home. While walking, she noticed a cluster of men congregating beneath a dimly flickering streetlight.

Feeling a sense of unease, Himari huddled further into her oversized trench coat, casted her gaze downwards, and decided to cross the street to evade their presence. As she passed by, she unfortunately encountered a few derogatory remarks, taunts, and an unwelcome wolf whistle.

"Hey, miss! Where are you heading off to?"

"What a nice, skinny thing!"

"Look at those legs!"

"Want to give us some company tonight, baby?"

As the young woman picked up her pace, her feet began to throb due to her unfamiliarity with high-speed walking in heels. Startled by the sound of approaching footsteps, she turned her head and spotted a group of men trailing behind her.

They are... following me?

Himari experienced a surge of fight or flight instinct that overwhelmed her with panic and without fully comprehending what was happening, she found herself darting into a dimly lit alley, desperately trying to evade her pursuers. In the gloom, she strained her eyes to navigate, narrowly avoiding a stumble. Quickly regaining her composure, she steadied herself by leaning against the brick walls.

I must keep running!

"Hey, stop right there!" a man shouted.

"Get back here!"


Himari raced forward, only to collide with and bounce off an obstacle that felt like a firm, pudgy wall. A giant of a man loomed before her, wearing a gruesome, sinister grin and crossing his thick, burly arms, blocking the pathway. He had cunningly taken an alternate route to thwart her escape.

In a state of immense fear, Himari found herself with no place to hide or escape, causing her to tightly cross her arms around her body. "Oh, n-no, no, no..."

As the man, presumably the leader of the gang, walked towards the scared and fragile young woman, casually wiping his mouth with his sleeve. With a hint of a drawl in his voice, he asked, "Well, well, what do we have here?" After taking a gulp of his liquor, he shattered the bottle on the ground. When the man brushed away the hair from Himari's face to get a better look at her, he instinctively took a few steps back and exclaimed, "Shit!"

Upon seeing Himari's scar, one of the men recoiled in discomfort. "Yaguchi-sama, she is super cute but that scar... It is kind of freaking me out."

"She reminds me of this urban legend," another interposed. "Ah, what was it called? Uh.... I know! Kuchisake!"

"Yeah, Kuchisake-onna!"

The group of men erupted into boisterous laughter and repeatedly called out 'Kuchisake!' as they taunted Himari for her unfortunate disfiguration. As they were invested in their laughter, Himari darted her eyes around to look for a way to escape.

I need to get out of here...

"Oi, what did you do to get a scar like that?" Yaguchi slurred, stopping Himari dead in her tracks. He gave Himari's arm a forceful yank and brought her towards him. "Oi, where do you think you are going? I asked you a question!"

Himari fought to escape his grasp, but he was far stronger than her. The liquor on his sour breath burned her nostrils and she could not stop screaming. "No, no, no, please! Please leave me alone! Help! Help me, please!"

"Hey, hey, hey, stop being so frigid! Fuck, someone shut her up!"

One of the men placed his hand over Himari's mouth to silence her, and she bit his hand like a rabid animal. "Bitch!" he bellowed before punching her in the face.

As the metallic flavor of blood permeated Himari's mouth, she sensed her limbs being seized, lifting her from the ground. Laughter echoed from the men as they ventured further into the dimly lit alley, to a place untouched by the lamppost's dim light. They toyed with Himari's body, mimicking the actions of a child with a doll, their amusement evident in their cackles and guffaws.

"Hey, keep watch," Yaguchi ordered, nodding to the largest man. "Make sure nobody comes here."

The large man nodded before standing near the alleyway's entrance, acting as a lookout.

Smirking, Yaguchi returned his attention to Himari. He unbuckled his belt then pulled his pants down halfway between his legs, revealing his underwear. He laid on top of her and forced himself between her legs.

"No, no, no! Do not do this, please! Please, stop!"

"Do not do this, please!" Yaguchi whined in a high-pitched voice, ridiculing Himari's pleas. "Scream all you want but no one can hear you!"

"Do not do this to me, please! Someone, please! Help me!"

"Oh, shut the hell up!" Yaguchi shouted, grabbing her arms to stop her from moving. "You... You wanted this! You wanted this to happen. Out this late all by yourself, wearing such skimpy clothes like a high-class tramp! You were asking for it, practically begging for it!"

Himari tilted her head and shed tears as the pungent odor of Yaguchi's breath invaded her nostrils. She closed her eyes tightly, praying and hoping for solace, but they snapped open in surprise when she felt a hand underneath her short dress, nearing her privates. "Y-yamete. Yamete kudasai! Yamete! Yamete kudasai! "

✧TRANSLATION: Himari tilted her head and shed tears as the pungent odor of Yaguchi's breath invaded her nostrils. She closed her eyes tightly, praying and hoping for solace, but they snapped open in surprise when she felt a hand underneath her short dress, nearing her privates. "S-stop it. Stop it, please! Stop it! Stop it, please! "

Just as Yaguchi tugged at her panties to pull them down, Himari parted her full lips and unleashed the most shrill, piercing, and bloodcurdling scream that her lungs could possibly muster. "YAMETE!"

✧TRANSLATION: Just as Yaguchi tugged at her panties to pull them down, Himari parted her full lips and unleashed the most shrill, piercing, and bloodcurdling scream that her lungs could possibly muster. "STOP IT!"

Yaguchi's senses were altered by the banshee-like cry, causing him to shield his ears and grit his teeth. Consumed by anger, he impulsively hit Himari and bellowed, "What do you think you are doing, trying to rupture my fucking eardrums?" In retaliation, he screamed into Himari's ears, but his outburst was feeble in contrast to the choked scream emitted by one of his subordinates.

"Holy shit, l-look over there!" one cried out.

"Christ, what was that thing?"

Himari looked over Yaguchi's shoulder to see one of the men staggering forward with a gaping hole in his stomach. Entrails were leaking out of his abdomen, and he tripped over them. He lay on the ground with a pool of blood surrounding him, lifeless.

Oh, m-my... Is that—

"What the fuck? H-he is dead! Oh, fuck! Fuck!"

"Yaguchi-sama, w-we need to get out of here!"

Yaguchi rolled his eyes and gave a sardonic laugh. "Heh, you assholes are terrible at jokes, but I will play along. Who is dead and wh—"

Suddenly, Yaguchi was struck in the face by a dark blur.

Despite being only inches away from Himari, she was unable to perceive the object that had struck Yaguchi, feeling only a rush of wind as it swiftly passed by.

S-so fast!

Yaguchi's back hit the wall and splattered it in blood before he slumped over, dead. The man was unidentifiable; his head was obliterated with blood leaking out of the cavern that was once his face, and his teeth were strewn about.

Without even thinking, Himari rushed to hide and crouched behind a dumpster. She tightly shut her eyes and whispered a silent prayer with her ears covered to mute the bloodcurdling wails of the men as they were slaughtered one by one. The remaining men let out horrified screams upon seeing the mangled corpses of their companions, but their screams were cut short when they met their end.

All was still and silent.

The air was thick, hazy, as it was impregnated with the pungent acidity of gore.

A while later, Himari willed herself to open her eyes. A scene of carnage lay before her: Clumps and gobbets of flesh, intestines, and brain matter covered the dark cobblestone of the alleyway. Shredded corpses and severed limbs lay littered like forgotten trash and scattered debris.

Himari opened her mouth to let out a horrified shriek, but no sound escaped past her lips. The desire to scream was overcome by the need to retch, so she spewed vomit.

There is so m-much blood... I cannot believe that this is happening!

A weak, raspy breath and the quiet sputtering of blood brought Himari's attention to one of the corpses. Through the mesh of gory decimation and death, one of the men was still alive.

Blood trickled from his eyes, nose, mouth, and egregious wounds steadily and profusely. Unable to move, he locked eyes with the shivering young woman and slowly moved his hands towards her, pleading for help.

Paralyzed by fear, Himari shook her head with tears flowing without cease from her terror-stricken eyes.

I want to help you. I really do, but I cannot! Forgive me, but I cannot move, I cannot speak! Gomen'nasai, gomen'nasai, g-gomen'nasai, gomen—

Suddenly, a black figure pounced upon the man's back and dove into his neck, tearing out his throat. The creature gorged on the man with a ravenous appetite, its chewing and squelching noises interrupting the absence of sound that usually cloaked the dark streets of Yaegashi.

Himari covered her mouth in horror when the creature slowly raised its head from the man's neck, revealing a mouthful of sharp, jagged fangs that were dripping with blood. Tendons and pieces of flesh were stuck in between them. Moonlight reflected on the gory extraction, causing the flake of muscled organ to twinkle and glisten.

The creature and the Himari locked eyes, with a pair of intimidating, yellow eyes peering back into her bronze-colored ones.

As the surroundings faded into obscurity, the entire world transformed into a hazy shadow. A cool breeze caressed her hair and brushed against her face followed.

Himari became conscious of her surroundings and realized she was sprinting blindly into the darkness of the night, with her heart thumping loudly in her ears. Her heels created a noisy clatter as she ran full-speed through the streets of Yaegashi. Despite the branches and twigs hitting her face and rocks scratching her legs while taking the shortcut through the forest, she did not feel the pain due to the adrenaline rush in her veins.

Once the Katōwamuro estate came into view, Himari pushed against the wrought iron gates forcefully and flew inside, slamming the gates closed behind her.

Mere moments passed and Himari found herself standing in front of the mirror in the basement. There was blood splatter on her face and a piece of something fleshy was tangled in her hair.

Bath... I need a bath!

Horrific visions and images of the horrifying events that transpired flashed within Himari's mind as she bathed. She lathered chamomile and jasmine oil on her body, but the fragrant oils could not overpower the stench of blood and death that still lingered on her flesh even after scrubbing her skin so fervently.

Still in shock, Himari laid down upon her futon and faced the wooden coffered ceiling. The memory of the horrifying events flashed in her mind unremittingly.

It was a nightmare. It was a nightmare. None of that was real. None of that was real, it was a nightmare.

Restless, Himari kept repeating that mental mantra until sleep finally befell her.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

The next morning, Himari worked tirelessly in the kitchen to keep her mind off the events of last night. She had prepared a traditional Japanese breakfast consisting of steamed rice, miso, tamagoyaki, grilled mackerel, natto, and blanched broccoli dressed is sesame and garlic oil. Like a mechanical maid, Himari cooked, cleaned, and served with a vacant, emotionless expression.

Soaku sipped green tea and ate breakfast as she looked through the mail. She gave an occasional smile as she read letters, but she smiled the hardest when her youngest daughter, Yui, came downstairs.

Yui, as always, resembled a genuine Lolita doll, gracefully moving in a delicate pale blue chiffon dress and adorable frilly Mary Janes shoes. Her luscious fuschia pigtails, adorned with bows and ribbons, added to her charm. With a cheerful demeanor, she took her place at the dining table and sat down. Fuwapo, her loyal companion, circled around her feet, eagerly anticipating a treat. "Good morning!" she greeted with a smile.

"Ohayō, Yui," Soaku said sweetly. "Where is Saori?"

✧TRANSLATION: "Good morning, Yui," Soaku said sweetly. "Where is Saori?"

"Saori is still in bed," Yui replied, dipping her broccoli in soy sauce. "She said she does not feel too well!"

"Oh, it appears that she is still not feeling well. I will make sure to check on her after breakfast. Yui, how are your classes going along?"

Yui expressed her delight while devouring grilled mackerel, saying, "Mother, my classes at Hanakotoba Academy are going incredibly well! It feels like a dream come true. I am excelling in my studies, and I have made numerous friends. I am proud to say that I am among the popular girls in school."

"Ah, that is my girl!"

The mention of Hanakotoba Academy evoked the repressed, painful memories of Himari's time there as a high schooler.


Himari experienced her inaugural day of attending in-person classes at Hanakotoba Academy, marking a significant transition from her previous homeschooling routine of almost three years in the Yaegashi district of Ni-Kunoe Prefecture. In the courtyard, Himari stood beside Saori near the pond, both donning the elegant burgundy and grey blazer and skirt uniforms that symbolized their affiliation with the esteemed academy.

With her textbooks pressed against her chest, Himari cast her gaze downward, consumed by a sense of shame and insecurity. Her heart-shaped face, adorned with silky, ebony tresses that cascaded past her tailbone, exuded an undeniable beauty. Yet, she remained oblivious to her own allure. "Oh, Saori-chan, I am very nervous," she whispered, her voice trembling. "I never anticipated joining school so late in the year. Everyone has already made friends... Oh, my, what if I do not fit in?"

"Do not be nervous," Saori reassured half-heartedly. "I am certain that my friends will take a liking to you."

Saori and Himari were approached by a charming bunch of young girls, dressed in plaid skirts and with smooth, shiny hair swaying in the wind. Every one of them emanated an aura of allure, self-assurance, intelligence, and femininity, as they approached with beaming smiles on their faces.

"Hi, ladies," Saori warmly greeted the group. "I would like to introduce a new student who has joined our school, Hanakotoba. Please welcome my stepsister, Himari. She will be joining the Marigold class since, unlike us Peonies, she did not perform as well on the entrance exam."

To Saori's dismay, the schoolgirls bypassed her and flocked to Himari, surrounding her like a swarm of bees. They showered Himari with admiration, expressing their awe and admiration for her beauty, as the air filled with sweet scents and a chorus of flattering compliments.

"Gosh, Himari, you are so pretty!"

"The boys must be all over you!"

"I wish I had hair half as long as yours!"

"You can copy my notes and homework anytime you would like, Himari!"

"Hey, we should hang out after school and get a bite to eat sometime!"

Himari found herself drowning in the accolades and adoration of Hanakotoba's most renowned clique of girls. Being the focal point of such positive attention was an entirely novel experience for her, and it felt delightfully dreamlike as it brought a sense of belonging she had never known. While Himari beamed with joy, she could not help but observe Saori's smile fade, replaced by an envious and resentful countenance.


As Kihaku entered the room, his presence immediately captivated everyone's gaze. With his dark-brown hair cascading over his face, his pale complexion was hardly visible. He greeted the room with a simple, "Good morning."

In the kitchen, Himari gazed at her father with a mixture of longing and hope, yearning for his acknowledgment. She believed that if he met her gaze and recognized the joyous smile on her face as a result of his arrival, she would finally become real.


Soaku stopped drinking her green tea and exclaimed in astonishment, "Ah! Kihaku, you have returned!"

"Father, we missed you!" Yui squealed dramatically. She got up from her chair and skipped towards Kihaku to greet him, jumping up and down.

Kihaku embraced Yui and kissed her upon her forehead, then said, "I have missed you all as well, Yui. Where is Saori?"

"Oh, Father, Saori is sick in her bedroom! She has not come down for breakfast."

"Kihaku, you returned from your business trip so early!" Soaku gasped at an obnoxious volume. "How was your flight?"

"It was fine, fine." Setting his luggage aside, Kihaku hurried towards Soaku and eagerly presented the newspaper to her. "Soaku, darling, take a look at the headline!"

Soaku's eyelids, tainted with a shade of blue, slowly lifted as she raised her voice to a crescendo while reading the headline aloud. "Five men found mauled to death in an alleyway in downtown Yaegashi!"

Upon hearing that, Himari halted pouring hot water into the teacups. "Five men?" Soaku scowled disapprovingly at her, causing her to retreat deeper into the kitchen. "I apologize for my outburst, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama..."

"Himawari, go polish my fine china once you are done in there!" Soaku hollered.

"Yes, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama."

So, last night was not a nightmare; it was real! That creature... I cannot get the image of it out of my head! I cannot help but wonder why it did not kill me as well. Why did I survive?

"Can you believe something atrocious as this happened right here in Yaegashi?" Kihaku gasped.

"I do not believe it!" Soaku snatched the newspaper from Kihaku's hands and continued reading aloud. "It says here that the men were mauled by what experts claims to be a large beast that has yet to be identified."

Yui's chopsticks suddenly dropped a tamagoyaki roll. "A large beast, like a coyote?" she questioned, her mouth slightly ajar.

Kihaku responded in a casual manner, stating, "I suppose so. I fail to see any reason why it would not be possible."

Yui expressed deep concern and worry as she questioned her father with a whining tone, "Father, are there coyotes in New Japan?"

"You can find anything anywhere if you look hard enough," he replied.

Yui looked as if she was on the verge of passing over before she shoveled more food into her mouth. "Yummy!"

Himari's mind was filled with turmoil due to the distressing incidents that occurred the previous night. The memories haunted her relentlessly, causing her to vividly recall the forceful, aggressive touch of men, the lingering marks on her arms, and the lingering metallic odor of blood. A gentle contact on her shoulder startled Himari, and she looked towards her father, whose face displayed a visible expression of worry. "Father-sama," she whispered.

"Himari, are you all right?" Kihaku asked.

"Yes, Father-sama, I am fine. I was just spooked by the news headline, is all."

"How did that happen?" he asked, referring to her head wound.

"Oh, that? I walked into a door and bumped my head a little while ago," Himari fibbed, her nose unconsciously wiggling and twitching.

"Himari, you should be more careful about watching where you are walking," Kihaku chided, handing her a bottle of water. "I am sorry that I could not come see you in the hospital, but you should be more mindful of your water intake."

"What, Father-sama? I do not understand."

"Soaku told me that you fainted without warning and when they ran tests on you at the hospital, the results indicated that you were suffering from dehydration caused by an electrolyte imbalance."

"... Oh, yes, my electrolyte imbalance. Silly me! I have been consuming an adequate amount of water ever since my hospitalization." Himari opened the water bottle and took a delicate sip. "See, Father-sama? I am taking my health very seriously!"

Father-sama does not need to know the truth; it will only cause more problems. I am thankful that Lady Mistress Soaku-sama told him that.

Kihaku nodded and gave a weary smile as he said, "Good girl."

Upon hearing that, Himari nearly choked on water and burst into a coughing fit. "What did you just say, Father-sama?"

"Hm? I said, 'good girl.' Himari, you seem out of it. Remember to consume that water within the next hour."

Himari instinctively guzzled the entire glass of water in mere seconds. With her mouth full, she muffled a sound of approval, while inwardly feeling embarrassed and mortified by her lack of restraint. "Mhm!"

┍━ 【❀】 ━┑




After completing the task of washing the dishes, Himari proceeded to drain the dishwater and took a moment to appreciate her diligent work. The immaculate state of the kitchen filled her with a sense of accomplishment. She had dedicated her time and effort to scrubbing and polishing the hardwood floors, kitchen islands and counters, as well as the dinnerware.

It will bring Lady Mistress Soaku-sama great joy to see what I have done with the place!

After almost a week had elapsed since the event, Himari's recovery was gradual but steady. She discovered that engaging herself in activities like cooking, cleaning, and studying provided a distraction from dwelling on it. However, the thought of Tsukihiko Kobayashi lingered in her mind, causing restlessness day and night. Himari longed to be in his presence, yet the idea of approaching the site of that dreadful night was unfathomable to her.

I cannot walk those streets ever again. I do hope Tsukihiko understands and does not think I abandoned him... Perhaps he will come to see me here! No, no, no, he cannot. Someone may see him, and then we will never see each other again! Oh, my, love is so complex!

That was when Soaku entered through the front door with Alde trailing behind her. The compassionate chauffeur was burdened with numerous boxes and bags, signifying that Soaku had recently been on a shopping spree. "Alde, bring my possessions to my boudoir," she ordered.

"Yes, my lady."

With a warm and inviting smile, Himari observed her stepmother making her way towards the kitchen. "Lady Mistress Soaku-sama, are you pleased with how sparkly and clean the kitchen looks?"

Soaku scanned the kitchen area with her sharp, emerald-green eyes, searching for any imperfections, only to find none; the kitchen was impeccably clean. "Hmm... I suppose I am pleased," she reluctantly admitted. "It does seem quite... sparkly."

"I am honored to have your approval, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama!"

"Why does the kitchen not look like this every day?" Soaku remarked snidely. "Himawari, have you not been cleaning to the best of your ability?"

"No, no, no, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama. I used a new method to clean the kitchen counters involving lemon juice and baking soda."

"Fine. From now on, I expect the kitchen to always look like this. Good work."

Himari gave a small smile of gratitude and relief. "I will prepare some green tea for you, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama."

Breathing heavily from standing too long, Soaku took a seat at the kitchen island. She shed her coat and removed her hat, perspiration dribbling down her face. "Oh, it is hot in here! Put some ice cubes in that green tea, Himawari!"

"Yes, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama."

As Himari hurriedly arranged Soaku's hat and coat on the rack and prepared green tea, Soaku spoke. "For tomorrow's evening, I am extending an invitation to another guest for dinner," she managed to say amidst her heavy breaths. "I would appreciate it if you could prepare an exquisite meal. Maybe you could recreate the opera cake you made that one time!"

"Dinner and an opera cake... Yes, yes, yes, I can prepare all that tomorrow."

"Excellent, excellent! I will have you go out to the marketplace tonight to gather the ingredients."

That was when Himari refrained from pouring green tea. The memory of the man named Yaguchi's face pressed against Himari's during his attempt to force himself on her flashed, causing her hands to tremble. "... Tonight?"

"Hey, hey, hey, stop being so frigid! Fuck, someone shut her up!"

The noblewoman raised a questioning eyebrow. "Yes, of course, tonight."

"You... You wanted this! You wanted this to happen."

Himari's grasp around the teapot's handle tightened, the metal pressing against her hand. "C-could it wait until t-tomorrow, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama?"

"Himawari, you will be busy in the kitchen all day!" Soaku lambasted. "Do not forget you must complete your daily duties tomorrow in a timely manner. It makes more sense if you get whatever you need tonight. The marketplace is still open, so get to it!"

"Out this late all by yourself, wearing such skimpy clothes like a high-class tramp!"

"P-please, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama," Himari whimpered, shaking her head. "I cannot..."

"Are you being defiant, Himawari, you little wench?"

"You were asking for it, practically begging for it!"

Overwhelmed by fear, Himari dropped down, her knees hitting the ground as she desperately pleaded at her stepmother's feet. Tears streaming down her face, she implored, her voice choked with sobs, "Please, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama, I beg of you! Please do not have me go out tonight! I am so, so, so very afraid!"

Soaku, upon listening to her stepdaughter's desperate pleas filled with profound sadness and fear, adopted a more compassionate stance. With a gentle expression, she inquired, "Himawari, does the night, the ceaseless darkness that engulfs everything after sunset, cause you to feel afraid?"

"Y-yes... I was not afraid of it until recently."

"Why, did something bad happen to you, something traumatic?"

"Hey, keep watch. Make sure nobody comes here."

"Yes, something traumatic did happen to me, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama!" Himari wailed pitifully. "Something awful, terrible, horrible... I cannot get it out of my head!"

"Oh, you poor, poor, poor thing!" Soaku cooed in a voice that was sickly sweet, mawkishly so. The noblewoman looked at the young woman with great pity and compassion in her emerald-green eyes as she said, "Himawari, you do not have to leave the manor tonight; it can wait until tomorrow. I do not want you doing anything that makes you uncomfortable."

"Lady Mistress Soaku-sama!" Overwrought, Himari fell into her stepmother's arms and wept. The warm, velvety couture of being bundled in Soaku's embrace was foreign; Himari had never known neither the noblewoman's gentle touch, nor the softness of her corpulent form, nor the delicateness of the light, powdery scent of her perfume.

This is everything I have been missing, a mother's love. I still remember you, Okasan...

They both stayed in that position until the noblewoman's grasp suddenly became rigid and cold. "That is what I would say to you if I was a fool!"


Soaku cruelly pushed Himari out of her embrace. Her face twisted in repulsion from having touched Himari in a way without violence, as if touching her stepdaughter in an endearing fashion was the most putrid thing. "I am sick of your tricks, Himawari. You are not afraid; you are just a lazy pig who wants to lounge around!"

"No, no, no, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama! That is not true. Please listen to me!"

"Himawari, you seem to forget that because of your debt, you have to do as I say whenever I see fit!" Soaku interjected angrily. "You will head to that marketplace right this instant or else you will be disciplined!"

"I was cornered by a group of men when I was walking home!"

The noblewoman shook her head in both disgust and disbelief. "You are lying, Himawari."

"I am not, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama!" Himari wept, breathing raggedy as traumatic memories of her violent assault haunted her. "They cornered me, ridiculed me, grabbed me... They were going to take advantage of me!"

"Going? They were going to take advantage of you? What stopped them from doing so?"

Himari fidgeted in place anxiously, digging her nails into the skin of her arms. She was facing a dilemma because she was unable to think of a way to articulate the truth of what happened in a way that did not sound absurd. Time went by and with Soaku growing impatient, Himari felt that she had no choice other than to tell the truth. "... A monster," she whimpered softly.

It was a monster; I am sure of it! I saw it, I saw it with my own eyes! The way it looked at me...

Aggravated, Soaku rolled her eyes and groaned. "Oh, God, that is ludicrous! I cannot believe that I entertained your shenanigans and allowed you to waste my time! Devilish cretin! Himawari, you are the Daughter of Lies!"

"No, no, no! I am not lying to you, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama! I am not the Daughter of Lies! I know it may seem impossible to believe but that is the truth! A creature appeared and prevented the men from harming me any further!"

I wish I could tell Lady Mistress Soaku-sama that the men I am speaking of are the very same men who were found murdered by a beast, but I do not know what she would do with that information. She may believe that I have something to do with their deaths and will contact the authorities! I cannot risk that... because I cannot believe what happened myself!

"Himawari, this is the most ridiculous lie you have ever told!" Soaku chortled wickedly. "Have you no shame, you mendacious harlot?"

"I would never lie about something so serious! Lady Mistress Soaku-sama, a group of men did assault me!"

"What did the men look like?" Soaku asked, suspicious. "Height, build? What were they wearing? What were their names? Certainly, you remember something."

"I... I do not remember," Himari said quietly.

"What was that, Himawari? I did not hear you."

"I do not remember any of that, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama. Everything happened so fast..."

With a smug smile, Soaku gently remarked, "Your lack of recollection stems from your habitual deception, as always. Himawari, I once wondered about the origins of your defectiveness, your rebellious nature, and lack of refinement. However, I have come to understand that it is simply an inherent part of your being. It is rather unfortunate."

Filled with heartbreak, Himari hung her head in overwhelming shame, guilt, and sorrow. "I will leave for the marketplace now, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama..."

"Yes, you do just that. Now get out of my sight!"

Himari fought back her tears as she prepared to leave the Katōwamuro manor. Anxious about the potential dangers that awaited her in the night, she decided to arm herself with a kitchen knife for self-defense. Though her mind was filled with racing thoughts and internal panic, she managed to maintain a facade of composure and calmness as she gathered her belongings and put on her coat before stepping out.

While descending the porch stairs, thoughts of her stepmother's cruel denial of her experience consumed her mind.

I am so hurt by what happened between I and Lady Mistress Soaku-sama. How I wish that she would see me and treat me like a person. I love her so much, but she despises me, and I do not understand why... Why did I think that, even for a moment, anyone would believe me?

Please, God, keep me safe.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

The streets of Yaegashi at night were no longer the same and had become even more frightening.

In the middle of the night, Himari began walking home from the marketplace, holding onto her groceries. The serene beauty of the crescent moon above went unnoticed by her, as her once vibrant joy had faded away, taking with it a part of her innocence. As she reached the street where it all occurred, a mixture of fear and sorrow overwhelmed her, yet she managed to keep her emotions in check. Her fingers brushed against the kitchen knife concealed in her pocket.

I am so very afraid, but I cannot show it. I cannot let myself be at the mercy of anyone like that ever again!

"Himari," a deep, alluring voice as smooth as velvet said.

Himari's attention was immediately captured by a voice she recognized, causing her to turn around. To her surprise, she saw a pale, handsome gentleman standing behind her, clutching a beautiful bouquet of pink and white flowers. "Tsukihiko-san, it is you..."

Tsukihiko gently toyed with a strand of Himari's hair before delicately tucking it behind her ear, a familiar gesture of affection. With a bouquet of flowers in hand, he extended it towards her and spoke, "These are for you. I discovered that in floriography, the language of flowers, blush-colored blossoms and lilies of the valley symbolize the deepest apologies and remorse."

Although Himari accepted the bouquet, she did not smile at all. She questioned, "How did you know I was here?"

"I have been coming here looking for you regularly, hoping I would see you again."

"Why did you not meet me at our spot in the forest last Thursday?"

"I apologize for my absence, Himari. I had pressing matters to attend to. I sincerely hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me." Tsukihiko's smile vanished and he felt a twinge of annoyance as he noticed the bareness of her neck. "May I inquire about the necklace I gave you? Where is it? Why are you not wearing it?"

"I did not feel the need to put it on for a night errand, Tsukihiko-san. I would have if I knew that you were going to come..."

Tsukihiko attempted to kiss Himari, but she withdrew from his advance."Why are you behaving so coldly?" he questioned, irked. "I already explained why I could not be there."

"That is not enough," Himari retorted. "That is not enough because I waited for you and things happened to me when you were not there, Tsukihiko-san!"

"What kind of things?"

"Terrible, terrible things..." Himari's voice trailed off to a whisper as she rubbed her eyes, which were stinging with tears.

I will not cry! I will not cry in front of him again.

Tsukihiko's face softened as he took on a gentler approach. "What happened, Himari? You can tell me anything."

Himari's desperate grip on the bouquet caused blood to drip onto the pavement as she shouted, "Do not touch me!"

Alarmed, Tsukihiko stepped back a few paces.

"I waited for you!" Himari continued. "I waited for you at our spot for so long, Tsukihiko-san! And you never came, you never showed up! Now, you come back to me like nothing happened."


A gentle gust of wind brushed by, carrying with it a handful of autumn leaves.

"... I was so scared!" Himari exclaimed as she embraced Tsukihiko, seeking solace in his arms and hiding her face in his chest. "I believed that I would never lay eyes on you again, Tsukihiko-san!"

The man embraced her warmly, soothing her with gentle strokes on her back and through her hair. "No, that is nonsense, Himari. We will forever be with each other. Now, let me see your hand."

Himari presented her injured palm to Tsukihiko, who initiated his inspection by placing tender kisses on her wrist. Overwhelmed with joy, she shut her eyes momentarily, only to snap them open as she sensed his cool breath caressing her open wounds. "Oh?"

Their eyes met and time seemed to stop.

Tsukihiko shamelessly licked the blood off Himari's palm, while she could only observe, unable to utter a word of objection or distance herself. His light-red eyes displayed an unnatural hunger as he cleaned her rose-pricked wounds with his tongue, which both terrified and strangely aroused Himari.


As if nothing happened, Tsukihiko skillfully wrapped Himari's wounded hand with a handkerchief retrieved from his suit pocket. "It is imperative that we disinfect and dress this injury correctly. You will accompany me back to my place," he stated firmly.

"Your house? Right now? But I must take these groceries home!"

After planting a gentle kiss on Himari's forehead, Tsukihiko lifted his hand to hail a taxi. "The groceries can be attended to tomorrow."

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Tsukihiko Kobayashi's residence could only be aptly characterized as 'grandiose.' He dwelled in a sophisticated mansion adorned with classical furnishings and décor, boasting a pristine marble floor that reflected one's image. Upon entering the arched double entry door, visitors were welcomed by a sparkling chandelier and a majestic staircase.

"Tsukihiko-san, your home is so, so, so wonderful!" Himari exclaimed, her voice echoing throughout.

Tsukihiko helped to remove Himari's coat and placed it on the coatrack, along with his own. "I appreciate your kind remarks, Himari. You are welcome to come here whenever you wish, though I must inform you that I am never here during the day. I am always away on business matters."

"Oh, okay, Tsukihiko-san."

Before leading Himari to the main living room, Tsukihiko collected medical supplies. Once they arrived, the two sat together on a loveseat in front of a roaring fireplace. Tsukihiko then proceeded to tend to Himari's injuries using cleansing gauze pads and bandages.

"This will hurt but only for a moment," Tsukihiko said before dabbing a cotton ball dipped in hydrogen peroxide on the open wounds.

He has such kind, soft hands and a gentle touch.

"Ouch," Himari exaggerated playfully. "Thank you for inviting me to your home, Tsukihiko-san... And I hope you can forgive me for how ill-mannered I was earlier, yelling at you and all."

"It is fine, there is no need to apologize. Besides, you were rather cute when you were angry earlier."

The rosy warmth of a blush crawling up from Himari's neck to her face made her cheeks tingle. "Cute? Well, I thought of myself as ferocious."

"Ferocious?" Tsukihiko chuckled, amused. "Watching you was like watching a frustrated little bird with an injured wing attempt to take flight. There, I have finished caring for your wounds."

After her wounds were tended to, Himari found solace by resting her head on Tsukihiko's chest. There, she could discern the rhythmic lull of his heart and the steadiness of his breath. "Tsukihiko-san, I am immensely grateful that you returned for me. I feared that loneliness would engulf me once more."

"Loneliness? While I will never leave you, how could you be lonely with a family as loving as yours?"

"Oh, Tsukihiko-san, if only you knew..."

"If only I knew what, Himari?"

Himari braced herself as she revealed the gravity of her family circumstances. "I must confess that I have not been entirely honest with you about my life. Please forgive me for keeping this from you, I deeply regret it. In truth, my stepmother and stepsisters harbor a strong dislike for me and often treat me cruelly. It is a daily occurrence for them to make it clear that I am unwanted. I long to leave, but I am bound to my stepmother by a debt."

"How does your father feel about all this?" Tsukihiko inquired. "Surely, he has an opinion on the matter."

"I... I do not have much of a relationship with my father, not anymore."

"How come?"

With a tinge of sorrow, Himari's eyes, once bronze-colored, seemed to darken, reflecting her deep sadness. She let out a long sigh, filled with longing and yearning. Her voice trembled under the weight of her emotions as she began to speak, "I watched grief devour a man alive, through and through. I would give anything to never witness such a thing ever again... My father, once strong, has been defeated by the loss of my mother. But we used to be so close, sharing happiness as a tight-knit pair. Nothing could separate us, until he remarried and we moved in with my stepmother. Now, I rarely see him, and when I do, his attention is solely devoted to my stepmother and stepsisters. This has been my reality for the past decade."

Until you came into my life, Tsukihiko-san.

"How do you feel about this, Himari?"

"I feel alone, empty. Everything is so, so hollow, and I find the will to go on fleeting... That is before I met you, Tsukihiko-san. Since we met, you have been my reason for continuing. In fact, on the very night we met, I was thinking about ending it all. It is strange how life works out, is it not?"

"Himari, is your family the reason why you felt that your life was not worth living?"

"... Yes. Yes, they are."

The only sound for a considerable amount of time was the crackling of the fireplace until Tsukihiko broke the silence. "Hate them."

Himari's body stiffened as she felt the abrupt chill in Tsukihiko's tone while he held her close. "Tsukihiko-san, what did you mean by that?" she whispered.

"You heard me well. I said, hate them. It is acceptable for you to hate your family, Himari."

Bewildered, Himari lifted her head off Tsukihiko's chest and looked up at him questionably. "Hate? But hate is such a strong word, Tsukihiko-san. I do not understand..."

"Hate is an emotion we all experience," Tsukihiko elucidated. "With how sorely your family treats you, it is only natural for you to loathe them. No one would blame you. Your family do not deserve your kindness. They are the ones at fault, not you."

"Hate is a feeling that resonates within all of us," Tsukihiko elucidated. "Given the way your family mistreats you, it is only natural for you to harbor strong disdain towards them. Nobody would hold it against you. Your family does not deserve your compassion. They are the ones at fault, not you."

Hate? Loathe? What is he saying?

"No, no, no, Tsukihiko-san, I do not hate my family," Himari said, shaking her head for emphasis. "I cannot bear the thought of hating another. It will only hurt my heart and make me sick. Hatred is like poison; it will pollute your soul, devour you from within, and split your heart in two!"

Tsukihiko looked as if he wanted to respond but refrained from doing so. "What did you mean when you said that you were indebted to your stepmother? Please, elaborate."

"I am indebted to my stepmother for 421,348,315 yen," Himari replied solemnly. "Well, 423,348,315 yen now. I cannot leave the Katōwamuro manor until it is paid in full."

Tsukihiko raised a questioning eyebrow as he asked, "Why is your debt so prohibitive?"

"Lady Mistress Soaku-sama said it is the expenses of taking me in to begin with combined with the cost of all my wrongdoings and misdeeds over the years. Fulfilling tasks and completing housework lowers my debt; that is why I take care of the manor, from top to bottom. Once I pay off my debt, then I will be free."

"You will be free to live your life once your debt is paid?"

"Yes, yes, yes, Tsukihiko-san."

"Let me handle your debt," Tsukihiko offered earnestly, placing his hand upon hers.

"No, no, no, Tsukihiko-san. I cannot ask you for something like that. Besides, the money must be from me. I have been giving money to my stepmother piece by piece from what I earn selling my medicines and perfumes for years now."

"You will be selling your wares for the next couple centuries to pay off such an extortionate debt," he chuckled.

Himari snuggled against Tsukihiko as she said, "Yes, yes, yes, I might be, but it will be worth it. I want to go to school, Tsukihiko-san, I really do! I would do anything to make that happen. My mother studied at a gorgeous university in France... I wish to go there, too."

"Himari, you can do anything you set your mind on doing. I will support you in all your endeavors."

"Oh, my! Arigatō, Tsukihiko-san!"

✧TRANSLATION: "Oh, my! Thank you, Tsukihiko-san!"

"Earlier, you mentioned that something terrible happened to you. Tell me, what was it?"

The young woman's joyous grin fell, and the gold of her bronze-colored eyes dimmed. "... Tsukihiko-san, have you heard about those five men that were murdered in Yaegashi?"

"No, I have not," he replied.

"Six nights ago, when we were supposed to meet, I encountered a group of men. There were five of them and each of them were under the influence... They cornered me and were set to do awful, terrible things to me but something— I mean, a creature appeared."

"A creature, you say?"

"Yes, yes, yes, a creature! A news report said it was a beast but that cannot be."

"How so?"

"... Because I was there and I saw it all with my own eyes," Himari whispered. The expression upon her face indicated that she found it difficult to believe that she was present at such an event. "The eyes the creature had are unforgettable. I keep replaying everything in my head, Tsukihiko-san. It was so strange; it could have killed me, but it only stared at me, as if it was telling me to run away."

Tsukihiko brought Himari closer to him, and she rested against his form. "I am glad that you survived, little one. The creature you speak of must have known it was no match for a strong, capable young woman such as yourself."

Amused, Himari gave a short laugh. "Strong and capable? Oh, my, you flatter me, Tsukihiko-san..."

"Tell me, what was it about the creature that convinces you that it was not a beast?"

"Its eyes... Its eyes were different, I never seen anything like them. They appeared to glow, they were a bright yellow where it should be white, and I could never forget those pupils! It was dark so I could not see much of it except for its monstrous mouth... Oh, it was such a frightening sight, Tsukihiko-san!" Himari did not resist when Tsukihiko kissed her passionately; she merely wrapped her arms around him and welcomed him further into her mouth. They withdrew and gazed into each other's eyes, peering deep into each other's souls, with their foreheads touching.

"Stay the night," Tsukihiko beckoned her. "It is too late for you to return home. There is more than enough room for you here."

"Oh, I wish I could stay here with you, Tsukihiko-san, but I cannot," Himari groaned, shaking her head. "My family may notice that I did not come home and become worried. Plus, I have those groceries of mine."

"You are eighteen years old, an adult, are you not? You alone are more than capable of deciding if you will stay with me tonight."

"Yes, but... my father would disapprove. He is awake during this time, and he will not be pleased if I am not where I am supposed to be. He will surely notice my absence."

"Why do you care so much about the opinion of your father?"

Himari's eyebrows furrowed in slight aggravation. "Because no matter what happens between us, he is still my father and I love him dearly, Tsukihiko-san."

"The wellbeing and happiness of your father should not diminish yours."

Himari looked away in shame because she knew that Tsukihiko was right. For years, Himari devoted her life to pleasing others at the expense of her own joy, so much that she forgot what happiness felt like. "Yes, that is correct, Tsukihiko-san..."

Tsukihiko touched the side of Himari's face so that she was looking at him directly. "Then stay here with me," he whispered.

This kind, beautiful man wants me to stay with him, to live alongside him. I have never been desired before... Is this what being wanted and loved feels like? If so, I want more of it because I cannot get enough!

I do not want to leave Tsukihiko-san. I am only happy in his presence.

Oh, why am I so resistant to fighting for myself? My heart tells me to stay with Tsukihiko-san, but my mind keeps reminding me of what will happen if I do. I do not wish to be rebellious and ail my family with my impulsive actions.

Still, Himari rose from the loveseat and spoke in a voice of undoubted certainty as she said, "Forgive me, Tsukihiko-san, but I must leave. I have no say in the matter."

"Very well. The chauffeur will take you home." Tsukihiko kissed her forehead, then tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear.

"I do not want to leave you, but I must, Tsukihiko-san," Himari whispered with tears spilling over. "Forgive me, but I cannot be caught disobeying curfew, or else I will never be able to see you again!"

I do not wish to risk what we have. A world where I do not see him again is a world where neither my heart will beat, nor will my lungs take in another breath.

"Enough of that," Tsukihiko wiped Himari's tears away and pulled her close in his embrace, kissing her forehead. "Himari, you are right; we should not imperil what we have. We shall continue meeting at our place at the same time as always."



Saori experienced a bout of queasiness and irritability early in the morning, rendering her unable to muster the motivation to step out of her bedroom. Over the past three days, she found it challenging to consume food, as nothing seemed appetizing and she struggled to digest and retain anything. She would spend hours in her room, sleeping, only to be awakened by gentle and hesitant knocks on her door during meal times. The familiar soft knocking belonged to her stepsister, Himari.

"Ohayō, Saori-chan," Himari said softly. "I have breakfast for you."

✧TRANSLATION: "Good morning, Saori-chan," Himari said softly. "I have breakfast for you."

Irritated, Saori called out from beneath her blanket, "If it is food, take it back. I have no appetite right now."

Himari knocked upon the door again.

"I am not hungry. Leave me alone."

Still, Himari knocked once more.

Saori moved the blanket off her head and shouted angrily, "I said, I am not hungry! Take it back!"

"But Saori-chan, you must eat!" Himari entreated. "It has been three days, and I am worried about you!"

With a roll of her eyes, Saori gave in to her stepsister's pleas and allowed her to enter. "Come in here, Himari."

The door slowly opened and Himari entered, appearing as modest and shy in her tattered pinafore. "Saori-chan," she greeted, bowing.

"Why do you keep bringing me things?" Saori asked her.

"I heard you were feeling sick and could not keep anything down, but you still need to eat something. That is why I brought you bone broth and tea..." Himari placed the tray on the nightstand before quickly leaving.

"Himari," Saori called out abruptly.

Himari stopped dead in her tracks with a foot raised, petrified.

"Come here."

Himari approached Saori's bedside timidly, visibly frightened. "Y-yes, Saori-chan?" she faltered.

"What is in this tea?"

Nervously, Himari shifted her position and spoke in a hushed tone. "It is a blend of lemon, red r-raspberry leaf, and peppermint leaf... for your nausea, of c-course..."

She knows.

"I take it that you are sentient enough to use deductive reasoning," Saori said. "Now that you know of the truth of my condition, what will you do? Will you seek vengeance? Retribution of some sort?"

Puzzled, Himari shook her head. "No, no, no, Saori-chan. I do not know what you mean."

"Stop pretending that you do not know what I am talking about! You were never a good liar. You may be an idiot, but you know a lot about plants, and I know that you gave me this tea for a reason!"

Frightened by the intensity of Saori's raised voice, Himari burst into tears and covered her face. "O-okay, I do know," she whimpered meekly. "I will not tell a soul, Saori-chan. I just want to tell you that you must not tell Yui-chan!"

"Why must I not tell my sister?"

"Because... Oh, my, I cannot say! Please do not make me tell you, Saori-chan! I do not wish to be disciplined!"

As Saori watched Himari shake and turn red, she almost felt pity for the frail, broken young woman. "You really are a hollow-headed idiot. I am not going to waste my time disciplining you. Anyway, here is a word of advice, Himari: never spare your enemies nor refuse to strike them when they are injured."

Himari's sobbing quieted down to soft whimpers. "Saori-chan... What if your enemy is also someone you love?"

"Do not be stupid; love has no place in war," Saori replied as she turned away and laid on her side. "Now, leave me and be certain to shut the door behind you."

With a silent nod, Himari turned and left the bedroom, leaving Saori with only her thoughts and the sweet morning birdsong of warblers and robins to accompany her.

I sense an internal conflict within me, as if I am battling against a formidable opponent who represents my mother's hopes and wishes. My mother's controlling nature gives the impression that she desires to live vicariously through me, leaving little room for my own peaceful existence. This situation feels unjust, denying me the right to simply be.

With Mother's threat looming over Ikuo's head, it is a good chance I will never see Ikuo again.


Closing Saori's door, Himari exhaled a sigh of relief for having left Saori's bedroom unscathed. Fuwapo circled around her feet, and she kneeled to pet it.

"Yip, yip, yip!"

Love? War? Enemy? Oh, what does Saori-chan mean? I do not understand...

"Himawari!" a shrill voice that belonged to none other than Soaku bellowed. "Himawari, get over here!"

"Yes, yes, yes, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama! I am coming!" Himari hurried down the stairs, and Fuwapo followed closely. She reached the kitchen and found her stepmother awaiting her presence.

Seated at the central table, the noblewoman delicately fanned herself. "Himawari, I require your culinary skills to prepare a dinner for two this evening," she said. "We have a distinguished visitor coming."

"Yes, yes, yes, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama. What should I cook?"

With closed eyes, Soaku delved into the recesses of her mind to make a choice. "... Chicken. The chicken dish should be incredibly tender, juicy, and bursting with flavor. Feel free to prepare it any way you like, as long as it is absolutely delicious."

"Okay. I will start dinner immediately." Himari bowed and turned to leave to prepare dinner, but Soaku stopped her.

"No, not yet. There is something I must show you. Follow me, girl."

Soaku led the way into the dish room, with Himari trailing behind. This room housed an array of exquisite dinnerware sets, consisting of fine china and delicate porcelain. The shelves displayed a remarkable assortment of dinnerware, meticulously arranged according to their color and style.

How pretty...

"Himawari, what do you see all around you?" Soaku asked abruptly.

Himari looked around at her surroundings, uncertain of how to respond. "Um... I see tableware, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama."

"Indeed, Himawari, tableware encompasses our surroundings, but these are no ordinary tableware items. These sets of dinnerware hold great significance as they have been cherished heirlooms within the Katōwamuro family for countless generations."

"They are very beautiful, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama," Himari complimented, beaming.

"That I know, that I know. Now come here and come close." Soaku dragged her finger along the porcelain platter's gold etchings, collecting a light streak of dust. She held her finger up to Himari and asked, "Himawari, what is this?"

"... Is that dust, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama?"

The noblewoman's harsh emerald-green eyes were immensely intimidating. "Yes, this is dust. Why? Why is there dust on any of these platters when I tell you to polish them nearly every day?"

The jarring severity of Soaku's raised voice frightened Himari because she knew how violent and volatile the noblewoman could be. "I... I do not know, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama," she stammered. "I—"

A loud crack was heard as Soaku gave Himari a harsh strike across her face, cutting off her words. Himari was knocked to the floor, writhing in pain.

"Miserable fool!" Soaku hissed like a venomous serpent. "Useless girl, leaving dirt and grime on our treasured valuables! For this, I will discipline you! For this, I am going to add two million more yen to your debt! You will spend the rest of the day cleaning in here! What a foolish, skinny twat you are!"

Now alone, Himari fell to the floor and wept, distraught.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

The dining table was adorned with a delicious chicken entrée meal for two, accompanied by a bottle of red wine. Glancing from the kitchen, Himari caught a glimpse of the distinguished guest that Soaku had mentioned. The noblewoman sat opposite an elderly man, whom she vaguely remembered from a distant encounter in the past.

Upon recognizing him, Himari became fearful of what the older man's presence meant.


Soaku's father, an elderly man, bore a resemblance to Soaku, albeit with a more severe countenance. He had thick, weighty eyebrows and a sharply-defined nose. His hair boasted a light, glossy hue of fuchsia, while his eyes were a pale shade of green so faint that one could question his sight. Dressed in a meticulously crafted suit, he complemented his attire with a formal hat adorned with a decorative feather.

While Himari was busy washing dishes, she noticed a change in the tone and volume of their conversation, indicating that they were speaking in a hushed and secretive manner. Intrigued, she leaned in, hoping to catch snippets of their conversation.

I know it is wrong to eavesdrop, but I cannot help myself...

"... Yes, I will do anything you ask of me, Father," Soaku said, her voice muffled.

"Soaku, I need one of your girls to marry the son of an old friend of mine."

"Huh? One of my girls, Father?"

"Yes, indeed."

"Oh, I will be more than happy to assist you in your private dealings, Father!" Soaku exclaimed. "I know just the one who is perfect for this: My oldest daughter, Saori. She always knew of the possibly of an arranged marriage and is prepared."

"Wonderful, wonderful," the older man replied. "I knew I could count on you, Soaku. You were always my favorite daughter."

"Ba-haha!" Soaku chortled loudly. "Good one, Father! Do not tell Suyume you said that!"

While Soaku and her father shared a joyful meal, Himari found herself captivated by the news of Saori's impending marriage. It reminded her of the moment she had glimpsed Saori and a young man in her bedroom, witnessing the undeniable love between them. Despite the laughter and merriment around her, Himari could not shake the memory from her mind.


*ೃ༄OUTRO .ೃ࿐

𓆩 𓆪 HYDRA - MYTH & ROID 𓆩 𓆪

破滅さえ 厭わないで
ねえ まだこの手に残る欠片だって
何もかも 失くしても
捧げるものが 在るの
未来だって 命でさえ
焼け尽きた感情も 不毛な祈りも
縋る無様も 貢ぐ愚かも
病んだ声も 穢れた両手も

𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘸𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴, 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳

時間がまだ 在るのなら
無意味だって 無駄だっていい
積み上げた日々が 無残に散っても
想いが呪いに 変わったとしても
報いも無く 徒労に終わってもいい
暗く陰った この道の先では
どんな光も やがて潰えるでしょう
希望待つように 生きるより
尽くしきるの 今を
焼け尽きた感情も 不毛な祈りも
縋る無様も 貢ぐ愚かも
何もかもが どうなってもいい
全て貴方に 捧げよう

𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘪𝘧 𝘐 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘣𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳

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