Damsel in Control (18+ Only)...

Bởi Random_roze

3.1K 166 68

Warning! This is an adult novel and contains sexual material (like a lot hehe XD). Read at your own risk. I w... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 5

107 7 2
Bởi Random_roze

"Reyna!! Alice!"

Kenneth and Maria, alongside their respective partners, are already sitting at a table when Alice and I arrive. They've managed to get a quiet table at the back, and they wave us over. It's a really nicely decorated bar, with shiny leather bar stools and plush sofas dotted about the room. With tables at a variety of heights, there's a nice casual atmosphere that's accentuated by the live guitarist on stage. Weaving our way through the crowds in the bar, I'm surprised at how busy this place is for a random Wednesday night. My dress shimmers as I move, and I notice a couple of heads turn my way. The material has a way of clinging to my skin, and I'm aware that it accentuates all my curves beautifully. I try not to pay attention to the glances, though my nose flares discreetly, assessing whether there are any wolves in the vicinity.

A pretty blonde at the bar catches my eye as I attempt to avoid the glances of a particularly riotous table of what can only be described as 'lads'. She sends me a radiant smile that makes my heart do a little flutter, and I respond nervously with a friendly smile of my own, before returning to my assessment of the room.

By the time I'm at the table, Aida, my wolf, is finally certain that the bar is werewolf-free, allowing me to relax slightly as I slide one of the empty bar stools at the high table my colleagues have chosen.

"You want a drink?" I have to raise my voice slightly so that Alice's human ears can hear my words through the din in the room.

"Nah!" She raises her eyebrows in the direction of the bar and I turn to follow her gaze, taking in the nerdy-looking man...

Man is a strong word... Baby boy? I chuckle at Aida's cynicism

A nerdy-looking boy is walking towards us from the bar, three drinks precariously clutched in his hands. His thick-framed, square glasses are slipping down his nose as his head remains bent, attention entirely focused on not spilling the liquid that is currently attempting to careen over the side of the glass. His hair is slightly curly, and messily tousled, as if he's been running his hands through it repeatedly. He's wearing a simple outfit of jeans and a shirt, although the shirt hangs off his lean body. His face splits into a wide, crooked smile as he raises his head for a fraction of a second, spotting Alice. Then his gaze sweeps over to me and his eyes widen, head immediately dipping down, but not quickly enough to rescue the small spill that splashes onto the floor.

I see his Adam's apple bob as he swallows harshly, although in the darkness of the room I doubt anyone else noticed. He quickly shuffles over the table, his body posture suggesting that he is unsure of himself, yet to his credit, he plasters the smile back onto his face as he sets the drinks down on the table.

"Drinks for the beautiful ladies!" He visibly flushes in embarrassment at that very cringy statement and even though Aida bursts out laughing, I decide to spare him any further awkwardness and hide my own laugh. I smile up at him, and motion at the spare chair next to me.

"And the third drink for you, hopefully?"

I'm rewarded with a wide beam, and a discreet nudge from Alice reminding me of my half-hearted promise not to stomp on her friend's heart.

"You must be Reyna." He folds his lanky body onto the stool and turns to me. I take a sip of the proffered drink. It's a Mojito, and it's delicious. The boy has good taste, I have to give him that.

Even seated, he's about half a foot taller than me so I have to look up slightly to be able to see his face.

"Mm-hmm. And you must be Chris? I've heard so much about you!"

Conversation with Chris is surprisingly easy. I'm surprised that despite his initial awkwardness he's actually very easy to get along with, and the banter flows easily between us. I'm careful not to lead him on though, I avoid giving him too much attention or flirting too much, splitting my focus evenly between him and Alice. I haven't actually spoken to Alice in what feels like forever, and it's lovely to be able to catch up with her. Plus Chris really isn't my type, so although I enjoy the conversation, I'm really not interested. Not that he isn't cute. He is, in a geeky, school-boy way. And although I've found myself to be attracted to a number of people, train boy for instance, I usually only go for the large, muscular Alpha types with powerful auras who dominate me in bed - The Wattpad bad boys. Plus, he's human, and once you've had sex with a werewolf, there's no going back...

Also, I don't think you could hide me!

I struggle to disguise my chuckle at Aida's outrage. It's true that her animalistic nature often takes over when I'm having sex, and I would struggle to hide my growls and tone down my physicality. I mean part of the reason I love sex is the feeling of power it gives me. Although sometimes I worry that that's not very healthy...

"Rey?" Chris' voice drags me back to the conversation and I growl inwardly at his nickname. Not that I mind the nickname, but the familiarity could suggest that I'm not doing the best job at acting disinterested.

"Sorry. I'm just tired. Been working all day, you know how it is."

"Of course! You must be exhausted! Do you want me to drive you home? I've not had much to drink." His schoolboy face is hesitantly hopeful, and I can hear the frantic pounding of his heart as he waits for my answer.

Great, now I have to let him down without crushing his poor little heart.

"Oh goodness, don't worry about me! Let's get a couple more drinks, it's not often that I go out." I'm obviously lying through my teeth, but luckily no one at the table knows about my usual extra-curricular activities in Kutkda.

Chris looks minorly disappointed at the fact that he doesn't get to take me home, where I presume the most he will do is attempt to kiss me as he drops me at my door, obviously after having opened my car door for me in a gentlemanly manner. But when he realises that this means we can spend more time together, the smile returns to his face.

"My round! What would you like Rey?"

"No, no, my turn. You bought the last one." I gesture at the empty glasses on the table in front of me.

"What would you like?" I stand up.

"Erm. A beer?" He seems doubtful though, and I assume he's trying to seem manly when he probably wants another Mojito.

"I think I'll get a Mojito. Alice, what would you like?"

"Oooh the same for me too!" Her voice is gigglier than usual, and I set myself a mental reminder to monitor her alcohol intake tonight.

"You sure you won't join us in the Mojito drinking Chris?"

"Oh go on then, you've twisted my arm." He shakes his head, but his smile seems genuine.


"Hey gorgeous," a large man, who is obviously very drunk, lears at me from the neighbouring stool at the bar as I wait for my three drinks.

I shoot him a quick smile in response, hoping that in responding I'll avoid his anger, but that in minimising my response I won't encourage anything further. No such luck.

"You here with anyone, hot stuff? Or is my night turning for the better?"

I continue to ignore him as I wait for the drinks I've ordered. Suddenly a sweaty palm presses itself to my ass. I close my eyes as he squeezes my flesh, as if not seeing him makes it less real. Panic grips Aida and she takes over, forcing me to freeze as he turns me to face him, his sausage fingers digging into my hip. He leans forward and the bitter stench of alcohol and cigarettes rolls over me, making me want to gag. I struggle against Aida, desperate to take back control from my wolf. His lips are practically grazing my cheek, hand still pressed to my side before Aida finally succumbs, whining and quivering as she darts to the back of my mind. I don't give him the chance to get any further, firmly pushing Aida back as I finally take control of my body once again.

Using my palm, I jab him hard in the chest, targeting his solar plexus as I attempt to wind him whilst creating a bit of distance between us. Grabbing the hand off my waist, I twist his fingers backward until he cries out. I hold his hand in the painful position, maintaining pressure on his fingers, all whilst hiding my movements between our two bodies so that the rest of the bar can't see. At the same time, I hold a tight reign over Aida who's frantically pacing, desperate to escape, desperate to take control and flee into the night.

"Firstly," my voice is almost a growl as it comes out. "You will not touch me. Secondly, just because I'm here alone does not mean you have any right over me. I do not exist to be owned by men. I do not..."

"Is everything ok here?" My rant is cut short as Chris' hesitant face appears beside me. I quickly release the man's fingers. He clutches them to his chest, his breathing still ragged from my jab, and I realise that in my anger I may have exerted too much force. I just hope I didn't break his hand, that's a conversation I really want to avoid. Although at the same time, he bloody deserved a broken finger.

"Yes. Yes. All good!" The man's voice is squeaky, embarrassment and pain obvious in his tone. He quickly downs his drinks and scrambles away from me, awkwardly swaying as he makes his way to the exit, shooting me evil glances the whole way.

Beside me, Chris looks proud. He obviously thinks his intervention is what made the man leave, and looks like he just saved a princess from a deadly ogre of a man. At any other time, I would have struggled not to laugh at the goofy expression on the boy's face, but I'm currently desperately trying to hold back my wolf. The man's words, the suggestion that we are nothing more than a possession to be owned or gained was too much of a trigger for her, especially after what happened with Rodrigo...

Rage simmers through me as I return to my table with the drinks. I don't even hear Chris' happy chatter as he babbles away beside me, his mood greatly improved by his great show of strength (cue sarcastic tone) as he saved me from the big bad man. But I can't focus on a single thing he's saying, or Alice for that matter. I'm locked in a mental battle against Aida, desperately trying to convince her to calm down. She's hyperventilating inside my head, and I know she desperately needs to get out. That interaction triggered all of her - and for that matter all of my - insecurities about my freedom, and I can understand her panicked reaction. To top it off, I'm struggling to control my own rage, furious that once again, a man has succeeded in making me feel worthless.

I barely last another half hour, just long enough for me to finish my drink, unable to maintain my happy facade as I fight against my inner turmoil. I succeed in staying friendly enough with Chris and Alice, and briefly chat with all of my co-workers before I leave. I even manage to suggest to Chris that I'm looking forward to seeing him again, alluding to a future drinking opportunity, yet I can't help but feel his disappointed eyes boring into my back as I walk out of the bar alone, the excuse that I would catch the bus still bitter on my tongue.

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