Blood & withered roses || Dre...

By gay_rat_bastard

166 18 0

Uncompleted || In a broken world overrun by zombies, seemingly only three people remain. More

|| One ||
|| Two ||
|| Three ||
|| Four ||
|| Five ||
|| Six ||
|| Seven ||
|| Eight ||
|| Nine ||
|| Eleven ||
|| Twelve ||

|| Ten ||

8 1 0
By gay_rat_bastard

CW || Blood.

Dream and George both started running once again, legs still sore from the previous day, and tried to reach Sapnap as quickly as possible. They found him pretty easily, laying on his back and trying to shove a brute off of him, as his bat had been hastily thrown to the side by the zombie when it had charged at him. He was obviously struggling, as the undead creature was a much more powerful subclass of its substantially weaker infected brethren.

The brunette stood back and lightly tugged on the bowstring as he slipped another arrow into the notch, lining it up with the back of the zombie's rotting skull with a look of intense concentration. "I-I can't get a clear shot," He said frantically, lowering his weapon. "It's too close, i'd probably end up hitting Sapnap, you'll have to help him."

Dream quickly nodded, taking his pack off and throwing it towards George. "Here, hold my shit, and don't be afraid to run if things get messy...," He said in a bone-chillingly calm tone, rolling his shoulders as he grabbed his machete and jumped into the fray. The blonde was instantly met with what felt like a brick wall, slamming into the rock-hard flesh of the infected, but persevered and tried to bring his knife down directly into its back.

It turned around and easily flung him aside, roaring in agony as it scrabbled to grab the damascus weapon embedded in its body, and giving Sapnap time to pry his arm out of its grasp and roll out from underneath it. Dream grit his teeth as he got up, clutching his side and spitting out a glob of saliva and blood that had started to roll down his chin, before staggering forwards and grabbing the thick handle of his blade.

Sapnap had locked in on his own weapon, sliding over to the baseball bat and scooping it up, before gripping it with both hands and raising it high above his head. Before Dream could react, the beast came crashing down on top of him due to the sudden force of the wooden bat smashing down causing it to collapse.

Writhing in pain, the brute attempted to pull itself up and to the side, only to get an arrow straight through the head from George, who immediately slung his bow across his shoulder again and hurried over to help. Sapnap was heaving, hands shaking so much that the bat slipped right back out, and Dream was groaning as he shoved it off of him before managing to stand up once again.

George wrapped an arm around the blonde's shoulders, stopping him from immediately toppling over again when he went to grab his machete, before extending a hand to Sapnap, who gladly took the help to hobble over. "Shit... What the fuck was that..." He muttered, stumbling when his shoe snagged on a rock and falling sideways into the brunette. George, who was keeping the both of them upright simultaneously, studied the corpse for a moment. "A brute... Or, just a REALLY jacked zombie... Like, imagine a regular infected, but on every single steroid possible at once."

"And... Haha... We managed to kill one." Dream mumbled, kicking its head one more time just to make sure that it was truly gone, as he turned to face the other two. Sapnap weakly grinned, leaning against George while bending down to grab his bloodied weapon, before hissing in pain and bolting upright as he remembered his wounds. "Oww... Fuck..."

"Are you alright?," George asked, immediately moving his arm away from Dream to grab Sapnap's wrist and extend it. "Were you bitten? Do you have any major injuries... Like, broken bones? Fractured ribs? Concussion? Major blood loss? Anything potentially fatal that we should know about!?"

Dream yelped as he flailed his arms to catch his balance after George practically dropped him, grumbling as the brunette turned all of his attention to Sapnap, so he lowered himself down to the ground and began to rummage through his backpack after George chucked it back at him. Sapnap slowly shook his head, examining his own body in worry. "Umm... I don't think so..? Maybe a few cuts, though... But nothing major."

"Come on, let's get to another spot to settle down, then i'll bandage you up." He said, taking the raveonette's hand in his own before ushering Dream up once again. He led the pair outside of the mall and down the street, frowning at the beginning of a sunset. "We need to find shelter quickly..." Dream commented, trailing along just behind Sapnap and George to make sure that they weren't ambushed from behind.

"Agreed...," Sapnap suddenly yawned, having to force himself to speed up since George was basically dragging him along at this point. "I'm getting kind of tired already... Maybe from the blood loss..?" He mumbled, rubbing his eyes with his balled fist again, as he continued to walk.

"What about... There..?"

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