Persona: A Boy of Monsters

נכתב על ידי SonicAndthegreatYEET

92 3 0

A boy who has bounced from foster home to foster home finds himself caught up in the world of the supernatura... עוד

Prologue: Start of a Journey
Chapter 1: Gaining Footing

Chapter 2: Uncommon in the Common

24 1 0
נכתב על ידי SonicAndthegreatYEET

Let's get going.

April 21, 2015
Late Night

Phoenix was trying to sleep, but it doesn't seem to be working until a sudden wave of drowsiness overtakes him and he falls asleep. But he's not going to dream, he wakes up in the Monastery staring at himself sitting at the table across from's definitely not The Original, he looks identical to Phoenix but just a little older, he's got crown like horns on his head and his pointed ears poke out from his hair and he has on a red trenchcoat and black turtleneck, he's got a fingerless glove on his right hand and his left hand is covered in bright white bandages with a silver trim.

???: "So, you're the new version Igantia decided to make."

Phoenix: "Who's Igantia?"

???: "The prick that brings us here to this place, who else!?"

Phoenix: "You mean The Original?"

???: "That's what you call him? Well that doesn't matter, as you can clearly tell I'm you...but to keep it simple just call me...Vieta, yeah my middle name will work."

Phoenix: "But that's my middle name too..."

Vieta: "It doesn't matter, I just wanted to meet you and present an offer to you."

Phoenix: "What is that offer?"

Vieta: "Cutting to the chase, huh? I can respect it. My offer is training. I don't know if you'll be able to weild magic like I do, but we can attempt it. Now, do you have a Grimoire?"

Phoenix: "What like a magic book?"

Vieta: "No, no, what I'm talking about (holds up left hand) is the Grimoire manifested on your body, all of us have one."

Phoenix: "I'm pretty sure I'm just human."

Vieta: "As if, not a single Phoenix is ever human, we can look close to human's and faunus but we're not human."

Phoenix: "Faunus?"

Vieta: (scratches head with right hand) "Oum damn it, forgot you don't have people with animal features in your dimension. (Crosses arms) But I suppose you haven't gone through the event to awaken your grimoire into manifesting, we could try and force it...But you're not going to like it..."

Phoenix: "What do you mean? Why wouldn't I like it?"

Vieta: " manifest the Grimoire in any way..."

Vieta stops and stares at Phoenix for a moment before looking at the table and continuing.

Vieta: "You'll have to...lose an arm..."

Phoenix: "That's...That's a joke, right?...Right?"

Vieta looks back up to Phoenix and Phoenix can tell this isn't a joke.

Vieta: "It's either you lose your arm in a controlled space with me, or you lose it during one of your excursions into...what was it? A tower?...I think that was it."

Phoenix looks down at the table tapping his fingers nervously against the wood.

Vieta: "Well, I don't expect you to make a decision immediately, take as much time as you need...Just know, it will happen. Now I think you should go, sweet dreams, Messiah."

Phoenix: "Hold on wh-"

Phoenix doesn't get the chance to respond as he taken from the Monastery of the First Flame.

April 21, 2015
Early Morning

Phoenix was up in the morning with the weight of the decision on his mind, Minato notices Phoenix seems troubled.

Minato: "You alright, Phoenix? You seem troubled."

Phoenix: "I'll be fine, just have to make a pretty big decision and I'm not sure if I'll make the right choice."

Minato: "How about after school we talk about it?"

Phoenix: "I'd like that, thanks Minato."

Minato: "You didn't use an honorific when referring to me."

Phoenix: "We are friends aren't we?"

Minato: "Give it a few days and maybe I'll consider it."

Phoenix: "hmph, even I can tell you're being sarcastic."

The Fool tarot card floats down in front of Phoenix's face and dispates indicating he's formed a bond between himself and Minato. Minato forms a social link with Phoenix, but the card is blank confusing Minato.

Minato: "Got a social link with me, huh? Let me guess The Fool right?"

Phoenix: "How did you...?"

Minato: "Me and Hamuko formed The Fool social link with S.E.E.S as a whole. The one I formed with you, the card is blank. Which is confusing."

Phoenix: "Let's figure it out later, still gotta go to school after all."

Minato nods and the two head out to school. Minato and Hamuko get called by another student, Phoenix keeps on walking after telling the two he'll see them after school. Phoenix gets inside and learns there's an assembly, Phoenix finds Fuuka and the two head there together. The assembly goes by relatively quickly with Phoenix not paying much attention despite Fuuka trying to make him pay attention.

Student: "...That concludes the main portion of today's assembly. Next, we'll hear a word from the Student Council. Please welcome the new President. Mitsuru Kirijo, from Class 3-D."

Mitsuru: "Thank you."

The student walks off the stage as Mitsuru steps up to the podium. Phoenix looks at Fuuka.

Phoenix: "I didn't know, Mitsuru-senpai was the student council president."

Fuuka: "She is quite amazing isn't she..."

Phoenix stares at Fuuka as she seems to have trailed off while staring at Mitsuru, Phoenix decides he'll question her later.

Mitsuru: "As I begin my term as Student Council President, I'd like to share with you my vision for this coming year. It is my firm belief that each of us must accept the responsibility of bettering our school. However, change cannot occur without sustained effort and an unprecedented level of commitment. That is why we must restructure our daily lives to accomodate this lofty goal. I'd like each of you to dig deeply into your well of motivation, and re-evaluate your convictions...To imagine a bold new future without losing sight of the realities around you. That is the key. I am certain that many of you have your own visions of the future...For us to reap the full benefits of our education your participation, ideas, and enthusiasm are essential. Thank you."

Mitsuru steps away from the podium to a round of applause.

Phoenix: "She sure can give a speech, huh?"

Fuuka: "She's incredibly popular for her looks and speaking ability."

After Class

Fuuka nudges Phoenix awake from his nap and he gathers up his things to leave.

Fuuka: "You should really try staying awake, Phoenix-kun."

Phoenix: "I know, didn't get much sleep is all last night...actually could I ask you something Fuuka-senpai?"

Fuuka: "Of course, Phoenix-kun."

Phoenix: "If you had to make a difficult decision generally, how would you go about making that decision?"

Fuuka: "That's a strange question...But if I had to make a decision, it would be the one I believe to wholly correct."

Phoenix: "I see...thank you, Fuuka-senpai."

Fuuka gives Phoenix a smile and the Priestess tarot cards floats down in front of Phoenix and disapates, but it feels slightly stronger than the one with Minato.

Phoenix: This one feels stronger than the one with Minato. Is it because I talk with her far more often than with Minato? I'll have to figure that out.

Phoenix: "Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow Fuuka-senpai, have a wonderful rest of your day."

Fuuka: "I hope you do as well."

Phoenix walks out of the classroom and sees Minato being dragged along by Hamuko to socialize while Minato has a look that says "kill me". Phoenix nearly cracks a smile at the sight, but keeps it down and follows after the two.

Phoenix: "Minato, Hamuko-senpai!"

Minato looks relieved to see Phoenix and Hamuko wheels around with a bright smile on her face.

Hamuko: "Hello, Phoenix-kun!"

Minato: "Sup, Phoenix."

Phoenix: "What are you guys doing as of right now?"

Hamuko: "I'm making Minato socialize for once in his life."

Minato: "I do socialize though..."

Hamuko: "Not nearly enough!"

Minato: "See what I have to deal with, Phoenix?"

Phoenix: "I do..."

Hamuko: "Hey! What's that supposed to mean?"

Minato: "Exactly what it sounds like, are you deaf?"

Hamuko: "Minato, remember what I told you about being nicer?"

Minato: "I remember, I just don't care."

Phoenix: "Something tells me this happens a lot, huh?"

Minato: "You have no idea."

Minato cracks a soft smile and Hamuko's smile only grows.

Hamuko: "There it is! I knew you could smile!"

Minato: "So you tell me."

Phoenix: What it would be like to have siblings. I wonder if mom and dad ever...

The Fool tarot card floats down and disapates the bond now between Minato and Hamuko is strengthened. Hamuko now gains the blank card at level 2 and Minato's ranks up to 2.

Phoenix: "I suppose we should get going, I can feel people staring at us."

The three walk around the school for a while before going out the front to leave. The three of them stop when they hear a girl scream.

Akihiko Fan: "Look, it's Akihiko-senpai!"

Giddy Schoolgirl: "Where!?"

They spot Akihiko and surround him.

Giddy Schoolgirl: "Oh, there he is!"

Akihiko seems annoyed by their presence. Junpei walks up to the three of them watching Akihiko being surrounded by fans.

Junpei: "You guys notice how popular Akihiko-san is with the ladies? Man, take a look at that...I didn't use to talk to him much, but now I've got a good excuse. I know he's the captain of the boxing team, but...Who woulda thought he'd be such a chick magnet!?"

Phoenix: "He seems annoyed by their presence."

Junpei: "Come on! You don't even see girls flock like that on TV! I wonder where they're going..."

Akihiko tries to walk past the four girls, but they follow his heels, then Akihiko notices the four standing off to the side.

Akihiko: "Hey, are you guys free this afternoon?"

Junpei: "Hell yeah! Whatcha got in mind!?"

Phoenix: "I am free this afternoon."

Akihiko: "I want all of you to meet me at Paulowina Mall. You know where it is, right? I'll be at the police station. See ya there."

Junpei: "Th-The police station? You mean, we're not hanging out with your friends...?"

Phoenix: "I don't think they're his friends, Junpei..."

Akihiko: "Your assumption would be correct."

Akihiko Fan: "Akihiko-senpai is so mean!"

Giddy Schoolgirl: "But it makes him even more charming!"

Akihiko: "I don't even know their names. They talk so much they give me a headache. Anyway, I'm gonna head out. Don't keep me waiting."

Minato: "I'll be sure to make it."

Hamuko: "Ditto!"

Phoenix: "It won't be out of the way."

Akihiko walks away and the fans of him almost immediately run after him.

Junpei: "Man, how can he not know their names!? I mean, seriously! Just look at them!"

Phoenix: "I don't get it."

Junpei: "How do you not get it!? You know like they were smokin hot!"

Phoenix: "That doesn't make it any clearer."

Junpei: "Okay, look at Hamuko-chan."

Phoenix looks at her.

Junpei: "Look her up and down, what do you see?"

Phoenix: "I see Hamuko-senpai, should I see anything else?"

Hamuko: "Can I not be used as the object here?"

Phoenix stares at her for a moment seeing the blush on her face.

Minato: "I don't think it's too good to have Phoenix check out my sister, Junpei. Even if he doesn't get it."

Junpei: "Whatever, let's just go."

The walk is awkward with Hamuko being uncomfortable the entire time and any conversation being killed nearly immediately. They head to Paulowina Mall to the Police Station. They meet Akihiko talking to an officer inside.

Akihiko: "Thank you, sir. Oh, these are the guys I was talking about earlier."

The officer doesn't respond just stares.

Akihiko: "I was waiting for you guys. This is Officer Kurosawa. He helps keep our squad well-equipped. He's the one who was able to get your sword, Phoenix. Oh right, this is from Ikutsuki-san..."

Akihiko hands each of them 5,000 yen.

Junpei: "R-Really!? Sweet!"

Akihiko: "You can't fight empy-handed, so find something you like. Officer Kurosawa has connections...But, these things still cost money."

Kurosawa: "Of course they do. Nothing in life is free."

Akihiko: "I realize that. Well, I'll see you later. Thanks again."

Akihiko leaves the station and Officer Kurosawa turns his attention to the four in front of him.

Kurosawa: "I've been informed about you four. My job is to maintain peace in this city, regardless of the circumstances. I'm just an ordinary police officer, but it doesn't take a genius to know something strange is going on here. I'm only doing what I think is right."

Minato: "That makes sense."

Kurosawa: "I don't have that much, but you should be able to find what you need."

Minato and Hamuko take the lead in "shopping" deciding what they should and shouldn't buy from Officer Kurosawa. Phoenix does see that he has a buster sword in stock, but leave it to Minato and Hamuko to decide what should and shouldn't be bought. After what is decided to be bought they leave the station.

Junpei: "Pshh, only 5,00 yen..."

Phoenix: "You seemed pretty excited over it back in there."

Junpei: "I'm gonna take off, since I'm in a bad mood now...later."

Junpei leaves and the three of them walk around the mall, they spend time in Mandragora doing karaoke til it gets dark. They head back to the dorm, Hamuko teasing both Phoenix and Minato for seeming to enjoy themselves while singing. The enter and Mitsuru says something to Minato and Hamuko, but Phoenix doesn't pay attention.

Dark Hour

Phoenix doesn't get to sleep as they head to Tartarus and begin ascending floor after floor until they get to the 5th floor. The enemies on the floor are tough, but through perseverance and effectively bashing their heads against a brick wall they defeat the enemies in their way. Somehow Phoenix gets separated from the group and a metal gate cuts him off from returning to his companions.

Phoenix: "The hell's going on?"

Phoenix doesn't seem sure about this, but he keeps going down the path in front of him and he finds himself in a room that is oddly shaped. He hears laughter fill the room and grips his buster sword tightly as Vieta of all people comes around the corner with the sound of shattering glass.

Vieta: "I do hope you've thought things over."

Phoenix: "That decision...?"

Vieta: "Well, less a decision, more an illusion of choice. Sorry about this."

Phoenix braces himself for an attack as Vieta makes a weapon appear in his hands and disappears in a flash of black rose petals and suddenly Phoenix's left arm feels...strange...Phoenix slowly looks down at his left arm or lack there of, as his arm lays motionless on the ground beside him. Phoenix drops his blade as blood soaks his clothes where his arm is now missing, Phoenix grips where it should be in complete shock, the pain barely registering as he collapses to his knees as his own blood pools at his feet. It doesn't take long before the blood loss and pain makes him pass out. Meanwhile Minato, Hamuko, Yukari, and Junpei are searching for Phoenix, Mitsuru has informed them of his location as he has reappeared to her, they go through the rooms eventually finding the passed out Phoenix laying in the oddly shaped room. Phoenix wakes up groggy and rubs his head with his left hand, which shouldn't be possible since he lost it, but the shock of the moment and y'know bloodloss made him forget the moments when it happened and a little before.

Minato/Hamuko: "Phoenix!"

Phoenix looks up and sees them.

Phoenix: "Oh, did the gate come down?"

Yukari: "What gate?"

Phoenix: "A gate locked me in, I entered this room then... ... ...I can't seem to recall what happened, I remember walking in then I wake up here..."

Junpei: "Was there always a gem on your left hand?"

Phoenix: "Gem?"

Phoenix looks at his left hand and sees the gem, his gloves have also seemed to have changed having an opening around the gem. Phoenix inspects the gem and tries removing it, but it hurts when he tries to.

Phoenix: "Seems like it's stuck in my hand..."

Minato: "The teams overall pretty tired, let's head back to the lobby. We can discuss further there."

Phoenix: "Right."

Phoenix stands up and picks up his buster sword. They find the access point quickly and head back to the lobby. Everyone is tired from the expedition into Tartarus, so they head back to the dorm.

April 22, 2015
Late Night

After everyone gets back Mitsuru pulls Phoenix to the side before he heads upstairs.

Mitsuru: "Can you explain why you were seperated from everyone?"

Phoenix: "I don't remember how, I remember following everyone then suddenly they were gone, then a gate shut me off from leaving where I was going, I entered an oddly shaped room...then nothing!"

Mitsuru: "What do you mean "nothing"?"

Phoenix: "I mean, I don't remember what happened, I woke up and now there's a gem on my left hand that I can't remove."

Phoenix holds up his left hand showing Mitsuru the gem imbedded in the back of his left hand. Mitsuru studies the gem for a moment before coming to a decision.

Mitsuru: "Head to bed, we'll talk about this tomorrow."

Phoenix: "Yes, ma'am..."

Phoenix heads upstairs and heads to bed for the night.

I think I'll leave this off here, I'll have to figure out important dates and what not to plan the days out. I realize now how underprepared I came into making this I was.

המשך קריאה

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