Flood of Ashes [sequel to 'No...

By lxmosstories

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"You have a good heart." "And look at where that good heart's gotten me." *** War finds it's way to Awa'atlu... More

Authors note
Ash People
Metkayina extra


224 7 4
By lxmosstories

Miyara's pov:

"And you granted him uturu?" Ronal asked her son in disbelief as Zaniyah hung onto her grandmother, "after his leaders threatened your mate and unborn child?"
"I'm sure our son knows what he's doing," Tonowari said as Na'aila tugged on his hair, "don't you trust his leadership, dear?"
"Of course I trust his leadership," Ronal scoffed, "I just never expected him to have such a soft heart for outsiders, from Miya I would, but not Aonung."
"I'm right here," I said as I continued braiding Asherah's hair, "I can hear every word you're saying."
"I know, dear," Ronal said as she smiled at me, "have you had a word with the boy yet?"
"Not yet, De'iya happens to be very busy teaching the boy our ways," I answered, "Araoukai will assist her today after my pretty daughter over here decided that he wasn't worth her time and refused to teach him."
"I don't trust him," Asherah said stubbornly, "and I couldn't care less if he drowns."
"We know, Mischief," Aonung said and smirked at his daughter before turning to his parents, "so, you'll be staying in our pod then?"
"Yeah, you two can go on your date night," Ronal said, "I'm sure your father will be dressed like a pretty little girl again by his granddaughters."
"I'm a pretty little girl," Tonowari said making Na'aila and Zaniyah chuckle.
"You are not, pop-pop," Na'aila laughed as Tonowari pretended to be offended by that.
"Grampy!" Kaoru said excited as he walked into our pod with his arms spreaded, "Grammy!"
"You're nearly fourteen, dipshit, can you quit with the nicknames?" Asherah said and she rolled her eyes.
"Never!" Kaoru said as he hugged his grandparents tightly before turning to me, "by the way, Zaria told me that I had to tell you that De'iya thinks both you and dad should talk with the Ash dude."
"Why's that?" Aonung asked his son as Kaoru simply shrugged, "where's your brother?"
"With his girlfriend," Kaoru answered, "have you guys by the way decided wether or not Khalilah becomes the next Tsahik?"
"Khalilah?" Ronal asked in disbelief as Aonung shot me a stern look, clearly not wanting his mother to know about Araoukai's affection for Khalilah, "that demon's daughter? I don't think so, what is Araoukai thinking?"
"I'm guessing he isn't thinking much since all the blood in his head is moving to another place," Asherah said and smirked.
"Asha!" I hissed at her as Aonung simply laughed along with his daughter for the dirty joke she made.
"Where's it going?" Kaoru asked clueless as he looked at his father, Aonung raised a brow signaling that he already knew the answer and after thinking for a long time Kaoru realised what Asherah meant, "oh! OH!"
"It's a good thing you're pretty," Asherah told her brother after I had finished braiding her hair and she got up, "because you're not very bright."
"At least I'm pretty," Kaoru said and I saw Asherah's smile fall, all of her insecurities written over her face and Kaoru noticed it too, "I was joking, Asha, you're pretty too.. almost as pretty as me."
"Are you finished, darling?" Aonung asked me as he smiled at me, "I'll accompany you to Ri'han."
"Who?" Asherah asked and Kaoru rolled his eyes.
"I'm finished," I said as I got up to my feet and kissed Asherah on top of her head before moving onto Kaoru who immediatly pulled me into a hug.
"Momma's boy," Asherah whispered under her breath as Kaoru let go of me, I briefly brushed my hand along his cheek before moving onto my youngest daughters who were in their grandparents's arms and kissing them on top of their head.


Aonung and I approached Ri'han and De'iya as she was teaching him to ride an Ilu, as soon as De'iya's eyes landed on me and my husband she smiled and waved at us before turning to Ri'han and explaining that I was the Tsahik.
Ri'han nodded as he got out of the water and walked over to us and suddenly he bowed before us, I frowned confused as Aonung had to hold back a laughter, the child in him suddenly popping up to say hello as he found it hilarious that Ri'han bowed before us.
"Please, Ri'han, there's no need for such formalities," I said as Aonung scratched the back of his head, "you don't need to bow to us."
"Oh, where I'm from you have to bow before the leader or you get beaten," Ri'han explained, "I was already worried that would happen to me when I didn't do it at my arrival."
"No beatings happen here," I said quickly as I felt terrible for the kid, "I'm so sorry that happened to you."
"Don't worry, I'm safe now," Ri'han said and smiled, "I'm Ri'han."
"I'm Miyara, I'm Awa'atlu's Tsahik," I said as I offered him a kind smile, "and you've already met my husband Aonung."
"We've met," Ri'han said and frowned, "if you don't mind me asking, what is a Tsahik?"
"Y-you don't know what a Tsahik is?" Aonung asked the boy confused, "you don't have a spiritual leader where you're from? A spiritual guide for Eywa's will?"
"No, we Ash people don't believe in Eywa," Ri'han explained calmly but his eyes widened in shock when he saw the flabbergasted looks on Aonung and mine's faces, "Y-you're not going to send me away now?"
"No, Ri, they're just a bit.. shocked, right?" De'iya asked us as I slowly nodded and Aonung just stared at the boy in disbelief, "we all are, we thought everyone on Pandora believed in Eywa."
"I'm sorry but it's forbidden to believe in Eywa where I'm from, they call Eywa a false God that exists to control our lives and drive us away from our true leader, you call it an Olo'eyktan," Ri'han explained as he looked at me, "I'll keep it a secret that I'm a non-believer if you want me to."
"That's okay, Ri'han," I said as I wasn't sure on what to say next, "but we do have a lot of rituals with Eywa and if you want to become a part of the clan you'll need to participate in them."
"That's no issue, I understood that I would have to change my ways the moment I arrived here," Ri'han said, "but.. I've spend my entire life as a non-believer, don't expect me to believe right away, okay?"
"I understand, I don't expect that from you," I said as Aonung was in a deep thought, "is De'iya teaching you well?"
"Oh, yeah, she's amazing," Ri'han said and chuckled as he looked at De'iya who simply blushed.
"We'll leave you alone then, although I must say that our son will join you soon," I said as Ri'han's ears lowered.
"He doesn't have to, we're fine just the two of us," Ri'han said, making De'iya turn away from us as we could both tell what was going on with her. She was crushing hard on the Ash boy.
"It's his duty as future Olo'eyktan," I explained and smiled, "he'll be here shortly, have a nice day you two."
"Thank you, Miyara," De'iya said as she played with her hair, the way she looked when she was nervous was an exact picture of what Neteyam looked like when he was nervous, she resembled him so much.
Aonung paced quickly infront of me, clearly he was distraught from when Ri'han told us that he did not believe in Eywa.
"Ma'Nung, please talk to me," I said as he turned around and towered over me, a worried expression in his light colored eyes.
"He needs to leave," Aonung said stern, "our son is about to be betrothed to the granddaughter who hunted our Tulkun and killed good men and women and now there's a non-believer in our care.. do you understand what that will mean for us? They'll force us to step down as leaders before we want to, what a mess."
"We're leaders, but we're also parents, Ma'Nung," I said as he squinted his eyes shut, "Ri'han knows that he will need to adapt to our ways and what's concerned about Araoukai and Khalilah, once the people see them together they'll realise that she's not her grandfather."
"I'd feel better if he just got along with the Ta'unui girl," Aonung said and groaned irritated, "I have a feeling Asherah might end up being right about everything."
"Stop worrying," I said as I cupped his face with my hands, "we've got this, besides Araoukai's relationship with Khalilah doesn't exist yet, he might still change his mind."
"Yeah, right, because once he sets his mind to something he just let's it go," Aonung sighed, "he takes after you, Miya, meaning that he's stubborn."
"I thought persuing a girl for an eternity until she falls for him was your territory?" I asked as I quirked a brow and Aonung rolled his eyes once he realised that I was right, "let's get some work done before our date night."
Aonung nodded and leaned down to peck a kiss on my lips, pulling me closer by my waist, still feeling the same as the first time he kissed me. I could never grow tired of him kissing me.

Aonung's pov:

"What's troubling you?" Neteyam asked me as he saw how aggresively I was sharpening my spear for the hunt, my gaze upon De'iya and Araoukai teaching Ri'han, Araoukai being his obvious self and befriending the guy immediatly.
"Is it that obvious?" I asked Neteyam and he nodded, "you can't tell anyone."
"Sounds serious," Neteyam sighed and smirked, "let me guess, Miya wants me back after alk these years of having you."
"That's a really bad joke, treehugger," I said as Neteyam laughed at his own joke, "it's about the Ash boy."
"What about him? He seems harmless," Neteyam sighed, "De'iya's fond of him at least."
"Since your daughter is involved in this I thought you should know that Ri'han," I paused as I saw De'iya playfully slap Ri'han on his arm after he made a joke, "he doesn't believe in Eywa."
"What?" Neteyam asked me as he widened his eyes, "then what does he believe in?"
"I don't know, himself?" I questioned and sighed, "I have no idea on what to do, Miya insists that he stays."
"My dad didn't believe in Eywa too when he joined the Omatikaya clan," Neteyam explained as he looked at Ri'han, "but he knew he had to adapt and so now he believes."
"Ri'han seems pretty bound on pretending to believe," I said as I saw Lo'ak and his children approach us, "we'll discuss it later, but I thought you should know."
"Thanks," Neteyam said and sighed.
"So, you two decided to already prepare yourself for the hunt and not tell me?" Lo'ak asked as he sat down.
"You were too busy sipping juice with Miyara to be bothered," Neteyam scoffed, "you know you're not supposed to keep the Tsahik from her duties."
"I wasn't," Lo'ak said as he looked at Naeyi, who's ears lowered, "my daughter needed treatment."
"Why?" Neteyam asked.
"She got too cocky and fell out of the tree," Emra'o answered and smirked, "luckily her boyfriend was there to kiss her boo-boo."
"Shut up, skxawng!" Naeyi said as she slapped her brother and blushed at the mentioning of Khonsu.
I could tell that Lo'ak had a hard time accepting the fact that his daughter had a boyfriend, it was written all over his face as soon as Emra'o brought him up.
"Have you met the boyfriend already?" I asked Lo'ak as he shot a glare at me and his ears lowered.
"Ah yes, isn't the boyfriend taller than you?" Neteyam added.
"Well your future son-in-law seems to be ash blue with bloodred eyes so I suggest you be very nice to me," Lo'ak said as he pointed at Ri'han who was teasing De'iya. Immediately Neteyam shot me a knowing look, clearly stating that now that he knew the truth about the boy he wouldn't be too happy about it. But I knew that despite Ri'han being a non-believer he would accept him nonetheless because it would make his daughter happy, his wife would however be furious if De'iya were to come home with a non-believer.
I sighed as my gaze landed upon Asherah who was being followed by Zeoay, making me frown confused as the tall boy continued to flash smiles at my daughter.
"Look at that, Aonung's future son-in-law's here too," Lo'ak joked and the twins shot each other knowing looks.
"He has become rather fond of her," Naeyi said softly as she had to contain a smile, "although he won't admit it now that Kaoru's home."
Zeoay was Kaoru's best friend and I was certain that Kaoru wouldn't be too happy if he learned that his best friend had a crush on his sister, but we might be just reading into things a little too much.
"Are we going to hunt? Or are we going to keep talking about silly teen drama?" Emra'o asked as he grabbed his bow, "I'm bored."
"We're ready when you are, son," Lo'ak said.


Miyara's pov:

"Finally I can have you all to myself," Aonung said as we walked into the forest and he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, "it's fun and all having five kids but it makes it very difficult to have sexy time."
"Please, your parents come once every week to look after the children," I grinned as Aonung pecked a kiss on my cheek.
"Yeah, but I still want to fuck you everyday," he whispered, "I might be all grown up but I still respond the same way to you naked as I did when we first got together."
"I'm getting old, Aonung, no need to lie," I said and he let go of me, turning me around to face him as he had this offended look in his eyes.
"You are still the most beautiful woman I've ever met," he whispered as he cupped my face, "I look at you and I see perfection."
"You see perfection?" I repeated, "that's such a cringey thing to say."
"Just stating facts, darling," Aonung said and smiled as he placed his forehead against mine and sighed, "I'm so grateful that Eywa's brought you into my life, who knows what would've happened had I never met you."
"I'm guessing you'd be mated to someone like Leykuzi," I said and he gasped in disbelief.
"That's such a mean thing to say," Aonung said, "you'd probably be banished from Awa'atlu by your father because you mated with Neteyam the treehugger."
"Good thing we ended up together then, hm?" I whispered as Aonung's nose brushed against mine, "I can't imagine my life without you and our children."
"You and our children have made me the happiest man on Pandora," Aonung whispered and I could feel his breath on my face as he slowly leaned in closer to me and his lips met with mine, it was a gentle and tender kiss that I deepened when I wrapped my arms around his neck. Aonung smiled against my lips as his hands slithered down to my waist, closing all the inches in between our bodies.
We were getting so lost in the moment until the horn blew, announcing the arrival of yet another stranger.
"For fuck's sake!" Aonung shouted enraged as he pulled away from me, "can't even have sex with my wife without someone coming in to ruin it!"
"We still have an entire night, Ma'Nung," I said and chuckled when he pouted like a little kid, "let's do our duties as the clan's leaders and then we'll go to our special place in the cave."
"Fine," Aonung said as he grabbed onto my hand, "this better be done quick."
As soon as we reached the pier we saw a man from the Omatikaya clan awaiting us, the villagers that were still awake awaited for Aonung and me to walk up to the strange man. None of the Sully's were present and I could tell that the villagers were anxious for why the Omatikaya man was here for.
"Are you Aonung and Miyara? Olo'eyktan and Tsahik of Awa'tlu?" The man asked us as Aonung softly squeezed my hand.
"That's us," Aonung said and frowned, "who are you?"
"I'm Kleìo, I was send here by Tarsem the Olo'eyktan of the Omatikaya clan," the man said, "I have news regarding our Tsahik Mo'at, Neytiri's mother, she's gotten very sick and won't live long anymore.. her last request is that she'd see her family one last time."
"Oh my Eywa," I whispered under my breath, "I'll get them, you stay here."
Aonung nodded and I ran off to find all of the Sully's.


Neteyam's pov:

"I need to talk to you," I told my wife as she put Eyrae down for sleep, "it's about De'iya."
"Don't tell me she took that Maël boy back," Seyza said as she followed me out of your youngest son's room, "he broke up with her, she was heartbroken, I don't care if he's Raì's son I will personally send him to Eywa."
"I think she's over Maël, sweetheart," I said as Seyza checked on our other kids to see if they were all asleep, "it's actually concerning the Ash boy."
"The Ash boy? You said he was kind," Seyza said as she turned around to face me, "what about him?"
"De'iya seems fond of him but," I stammered, "Aonung's informed me that the boy.. doesn't believe in.. well, he doesn't believe in Eywa."
"What?" Seyza asked as she quirked a brow, "and De'iya knows this?"
"Yes, she does," I said as Seyza ran a hand through her curly hair.
"She could've even chosen one of Aonung's kids over that," Seyza sighed frustrated, "my Eywa, a non-believer.. if the elders find out.. she could be banished for it."
I wanted to open my mouth and speak up, wanting to tell her that the boy wouldn't tell a soul about his disbeliefs but a sudden knock diverted my attention away.
Miyara stood infront of our pod with a concerned look on her face, I frowned confused because I knew that tonight was her date night with Aonung so she wouldn't be here unless something bad had happened.
"Miya?" Seyza asked her just as confused as me, "what brings you here?"
"I need to speak with you," she said softly, "it's about your grandmother, Neteyam."

It took me sooo much longer to update then I wanted to, I came back from vacation last week but obviously I went on a party vacation so I fell sick as soon as I got home from being sleep deprived and I was just too tired to write.. I'm still tired but at least now I can work on stuff again.. it sounds silly I know but I would sleep for like 12 hours and still feel tired ..
Anyway, what do you think will happen now that Mo'at is sick? Do you think the Sully's will return to the Omatikaya clan one last time? Or will they be forced to stay in Awa'atlu because of the sky people?
Let me know what you think in the comments

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