Before The Storm: A Mario Fan...

De SuperGamerGirl_

671 25 5

Ten months after the final battle, Mario and Peach are married and Peach is 6 month's pregnant. Luigi is also... Mai multe

{Prolouge} : A Day Never to Forget
{1} : Discovered
{2} : The Perfect Oppurtunity
{3} : Interruption
{4} : Attack on Capital
{5} : Nightmare

{6} : The Great Escape

55 2 0
De SuperGamerGirl_

Royal Castle, Toad Town

Anger, sadness, and hatred were all things that Princess Peach felt right now. Her kingdom, her home, had been taken over by the Koopas and the great mushroom kingdom, that had stood for over 100 years, was at its knees.

President para had locked Peach, Mario, Daisy, the chancellor, and some of her other aides in her and Mario's bedroom suite, and the doors were heavily guarded. Rosalina and the other guests that had hidden in other parts of the castle had been taken prisoner and were being held on the massive koopa dreadnaught.

Everyone had gathered in the living room, in efforts to devise a plan to escape, but Peach had stepped out and into her bedroom, to try to collect herself. Eventually, she changed into her silk pajamas from earlier-- even though she probably would be required to change into something more formal later. She walked back into the main room where everyone else was, and sat down on the couch next to Mario.

"Has anyone thought of anything..?" she asked half-heartedly while snuggling up to mario. Everyone murmured some form of a no. "We're never getting out of here," she muttered to herself for the umpteenth time. Mario wrapped his arm around his wife, and pulled her closer. "Don't worry, my love.." He whispered into her hair as he pressed his face into it.

After a few long minutes, something lit up in the back of Peach's mind.

"Wait a minute! I have an idea!" She says, sitting up. Everyone turns to her attentively.  "Well, I'm not where it is, but somewhere in this suite, there is a secret escape passage." She explains. "We could go through there and disable the barrier and steal a ship and try to rescue the others!" She proposed. "Yes! That's perfect!" Mario says. Peach then sighs.  "I would go, but I'm afraid running isn't very fun in this state," she says, motioning to her stomach.

"I'll go!" Mario says, jumping up. "I'll go too," Says daisy, also standing up. For a few minutes, everyone pitched in to try to find the escape passage, until one of Peach's aides found one. Mario and Daisy had left the suite, in hopes of not being caught.

Peach looked out of the large window, and over Toad Town. It was a burning mess, she could barely believe that a nice, happy and peaceful city had been reduced to nothing but rubble and ash.

The remaining crew waited in anxiety and anticipation after Mario and Daisy had left. They had only been snapped out of their trance at the sound of voices right outside the door.

"We have orders to take the prisoners to the dreadnaught. By orders of the president himself." a generic-sounding voice recited. "We haven't recieved these orders yet. What are your ID numbers?" said another. Peach bit the bottom of her lip. It was only a matter of time until they were to be sent down to the president and then to one of the airships. The ID numbers were given and the door swung open to reveal two figures in standard koopa flight uniforms with helmets over their heads.

The figure on the left removed their helmet, followed by the one on the right. It was Mario and Daisy!

Peach smiled at the sight that they were okay. "Peach, get changed. And wear flats," Mario told her. "Be quick, we don't have much time,"

Peach changed into a sleveless black jumpsuit with a white tunic on top. She paired it with black knee-length boots and tied her hair into a low ponytail. One she was back in the living room, Daisy advised everyone of the plan. It was for Mario and herself to escort the group to a shuttle, and then they would fly to the dreadnaught and free the others. There were major holes it the plan, but it was better than sitting there and doing nothing.

After explaining the plan, Mario and Daisy put cuffs on everyone. "Here goes nothing.." Peach whispers to noone in particular.

Mario took the lead with Daisy in the back. Everyone else walked two-by-two. They walked through the castle, trying their best to take less-crowded corridors and stairwellls. Soon enough, they had made their way to the front entrance of the castle. Outside, it was no longer raining, in courtesy to the large ships covering the sky. Just as they were about to board the shuttle, they were stopped by another individual in a flight suit. Mario explained their "orders" and then the group marched everyone onto one of the parked shuttles. 

Once everyone was in, Mario had closed the entrance ramp, and Peach had let out a sigh of relief.

"We're not safe yet," the chancellor said. "I know, but at least this part is over," Peach smiles.


Koopa Dreadnaught, Above Toad Town

The crew had safely landed in the landing bay of the dreadnaught. Daisy's heart was beating abnormally fast. She was so nervous. She had doubts about the plan, and didnt know how much longer it was to last. She hadn't been in action like this in the past nine months and although it wasn't good, it beat doing nothing.

She and Mario put their helmets back on and rounded up their "prisoners". This time, Daisy took the lead. She had studied mas and cutaways of these airships and although the knowledge had never come in handy before, it was crucial now.

Once everyone was out of the shuttle they were greeted by a squadron of soldiers. Daisy thought that they would get caught, but they showed the leader of the squadron their ID numbers and explained their orders and he let them go. It was rather foolish of them, she thought.

Once out of the hanger bacy they reached the cell blocks. The prionsers were on the E deck in cell block number E501. The crew were currently on J deck.

The Dreadnaught had 11 standard floors, and 4 spilt-level floors above the main deck. J deck was the second lowset deck, but there was only one deck that they had to pass in order to reach the E deck and that was the K deck which was mainly and engeneering floor.

After they made it to the cell block on E deck, Daisy realized that it wasn't as heavily guarded as she'd expected. There were two officers sitting at the command desk and three scattered around the cell block's foyer. They didn't seem prepared for a surprise break out.

One of the officers asked where they were taking the prisoners, and Daisy explained their orders, but he remained suspicious.

"I'llhave to check on that.." the officer said, taking out his hologram reciever. He was interrupted by a 'bang' sound. Mario had ran up next to daisy and shot the officer. The other one grabbed his pistol, so did the guards. But Daisy was faster and she grabbed the gun off her flight suit's utility belf and shot the other officers.

She then rushed over to the group, who were crouching on the ground, and quickly begun to take off their cuffs.

"Don't move," she told then sternly, pointing a finger at them. Mario had shot down two other guards, but another was running down the hall of the cell block. "I'll stop that guard!!" Mario called out. Daisy nodded and rushed over to the desk and grabbed the guns of the two dead officers. She handed them to Peach and the chancellor, and handed out four more to some of the other aides.

She then ran down the hall, searching for the cell that all of their friends were in.

"Bingo!" she said to herself as she found the cell. She swiftly began to unlock the cell's one by one, and ushere dthe dipomats into the hallway. There was at least five of them in the same cell. Those were the lucky ones, the ones that could be saved. After unlocking all of the doors, everyone flooded out into the foyer of the cell block, reuniting with each other.

Daisy gestured for everyone to come, and they obeyed. The large ground ran down the cell block and then reached the end of the hallway.

"Oh, thank the stars, you're all safe!!" Peach exclaims. "But we still have to get out of here.." she said in the least cheery voice.

"Now, we just have to escape.."


Hey everyone! Wow this chapter was so long.. I didn;t want to split it up though, because it was going to be too short!


Anyways, have a nice day and as always,

Thanks for reading :)

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