The Propitious Paradise

Autorstwa Mortimertheopossum

18 0 0

You know the episode of Saiki-K where the gang gets washed up on an island? Well, what if instead of a desert... Więcej

Ship Wrecked
A Hard Day's Work

The Dinner

3 0 0
Autorstwa Mortimertheopossum

After bonding through dance, the queen sat everyone down, Yumehara and Jinn sitting next to her at the head of the table while Kaidou and Saiko sat beside them. They sat there for awhile waiting for the dinner to arrive.

"So, when is it going to get here?" Kaidou tried to speak through the awkward silence.

"Soon. They have to deliver to the entire island, so it takes awhile." Her highness sat there patiently.

"But, isn't this island huge? How do they deliver it to everyone?" Princess Yumehara asked.

"And why aren't we getting it first, we're royalty aren't we?" Saiko was pouty in his chair, mostly as usual.

"To answer both questions, we have multiple cooking houses around the land. Yes, we are the first that get delivered to, but we wait until the house closest to the palace is finished cooking. In the meantime, we can wait on your friends to arrive."

"Wait, you mean everyone is coming? Man, I haven't seen anyone else all day." Kaidou was excited.

"I know, right. I hope they're all okay. I'm sure they've had it harder than us. I can't wait to hear what they've been through." Yumehara showed the same enthusiasm.

"Even I miss them. Teruhashi definitely deserved to be a princess, don't know why you were chosen instead of her..." Saiko looked at everyone else. "You're fine as a princess here, I guess...just not my first choice, obviously."

"Hey, could you at least be nicer about it? Sure, Teruhashi might be a better princess to you, but I think..." Kaidou looked beside him, face heating up a bit. "I think she's great despite no training at all...Yeah, Teruhashi as a princess makes a lot of sense and she's perfect for the position, b-but I'm sure if you gave Yumehara some slack, she may even be better."

"Phht- yeah right." Saiko scoffed at that stupid idea. "No one could be a better princess than Teruhashi, that's just fact."

"Excuse me?" Jinn glared at him.

"I well...besides you, duh...I meant out of the people that I got stranded here with." He didn't care to impress her or make her feel better, but he had to to keep any sense of power he held back in Japan.

The queen was about to speak, but two people came in with a guard on each side. It was Nendou and Aren, coming back from a fun miniature luauthey organized. "Hey, this room looks fancy."

"Yeha, no kidding. Wonder how much Bind it took to hold this place together, not to mention how long it took to make it all."

"No kidding, I'm guessing it took an entire day just to build this one room, but damn it's cool." The two really got into their jobs and enjoy it, wouldn't ask for anything else. "Hey, Kaidou!" The two came by the table and sat next to him.

"Hey, guys. Haven't seen you all day."

"You look fancy." Aren popped his back on the chair.

"Yeah, what was your job?" Nendou patted his hair to make sure the flower from earlier was still in place.

The coiter was in a bragging mood. "Oh, nothing really, just uh being a prince and all."

"Woah, they made you a prince?" Aren couldn't believe someone like him could be royalty.

"Yeah, it's been great so far. Already starting fashion trends."

Nendou started laughing his ass off. "Yeah right, no way you're a prince, pal."

"It's true!"

"It's a fact, he's a coiter...or the equivalent to a prince where you're from." The highness smiled.

The two couldn't believe it. "You mean him..."

"The guy that gets scared by girls and spiders..."

"The guy that can't make a decision for himself, let alone for a country?"

The coiter looked away. "You don't have to be so rude about it! And is it really that hard to believe?!"

Saiko stepped in. "I agree with those two for once. I'm interested on what made her highness come to that decision."

"Well-" Before she could finish her explanation, a girl who would be deemed a goddess anywhere else in the world was escorted in. The guys at the table couldn't help but swoon, even in this land's native summer wear. "I see you have a preview of next season's fashion trends. You look stunning."

"You really think so? I look a lot different from the other models, so I'm not sure if I'm made for it."

Saiko couldn't help but have his mouth dropped. "Are you kidding? No matter what the normal models look like, any outfit they wear you could pull off one hundred times better than they could."

"Yeah, although it's almost summer, shouldn't it be less clothes, not more?" Yumehara asked a genuine question, slightly jealous of her friend's natural beauty.

"I thought the same thing." She sat down one seat away from Saiko.

"Yes, this island is typically reversed for what shipwrecked people wear. Clothes with more fabric are used in the summer as it protects our skin from sun light and is breezy enough to where we aren't burning in it. Winter clothes have less as we don't want to be too hot and sweaty through out the day." The group now understood the basic fashion of this island.

Teruhashi looked around. "Hey, where's Saiki and Mera? Have they not come back yet?"

"Both of them should be chefs, right? They should be on their way now delivering the food." Yumehara answered.

Aren remembered earlier that day. "Actually, Saiki went missing earlier today." The whole group was concerned about this news. "Yeah, we went hunting for the Gonzorgza beetle and one landed on him. Lance cut it's head off and suddenly he disappeared out of thin air. No one saw where he went."

As if he summoned him by mentioning his name, Saiki and Mera came in with covered food tins as well as plenty of other chefs who prepared the table.

"There he is." Nendou went up to hug Saiki, but the embrace was expectedly dodged. Mera and he sat down around Teruhashi.

"Where did you go, man? You just vanished out of nowhere." Aren watched as the plates and silverware where set.

Saiki was in Nashville and came back a few minutes later, teleporting into one of the bathrooms so no one would think it was suspicious. He then made his way back to the Preparation House and helped out as a prep assistant, much safer than dealing with those huge beetles.

Mera sat down, egar for another meal at this lovely resort. "He was in the Preparation House cooking some of the food."

"But, he was helping us kill some beetles. How did he get to the Preparation House so fast?"

"How should I know? I was taste testing the whole time; when I did see him, he was working on some type of jelly or something."

"Oh well." He shrugged it off.

The chefs uncovered the dishes. There were plenty of strange vegetables and fruits that all looked interestingly delicious. There were a few different types of meat, like Horniad, Boar, Pheti, and some Gonzorgza meat with a hollowed out head next to it for decoration. Not to mention some lovely Quill berry juice for their drinks. It all looked very appetizing.

Saiki looked at the beetle and stared at it. He knew it was dead, but it was still a bug. He would just eat everything else they offered, no matter how much they tried to convince him.

Everyone else from the shipwreck thought that this looked beautiful and as though they were getting special treatment, even Saiko felt this way as it felt exotic and tropical. They dug in and every food tasted like it's own separate miracle. They casually chatted about how their days went and how different all of their jobs were.

During the meal, Jinn kept making glances at Saiki. From his knowledge, it was a classical case of his ability to be average turning into the ability to be somehow the most attractive man on Earth. Without trying, he had a very high charisma, Rizz if you will.

Once the meal was over, everyone who isn't a coiter or royalty was sent to their respective sleeping houses. "You two boys will sleep down that hallway." One of the guards led them to their very nice and prestine rooms.

Jinn went to her mother when Saiko was out of the room. "Ayako, is it okay if I have two coiters?"

"Why yes, why? Did one of the other guys catch your eye?"

She nodded. "The one in pink. Just something about him has an appeal to me. He'd be a hard challenge to make submit, and do I love a challenge. Not to mention his accessories, I find them odd and not like everyone else's. He just stands out."

"Very well, I'll tell him of his new position in the morning."

Yumehara was shocked and confused. "Wait, you mean Saiki? You're gonna have both Saiko and Saiki as your coiters? That's allowed?"

"Why of course it's allowed dear. If a woman needs extra men because she's too much to handle, then so be it. Or if she needs no men, handmaids are always fun to marry. I have no regrets from whom I chose my partner to be."


"It's quite late. I do hope you've been enjoying your stay. Jinn will show you to your room; I'll see you tomorrow." The queen waved her princesses goodnight as they headed to their rooms.

Jinn showed Yumehara to a very deluxe master bedroom that looks gorgeous. "Wow, this is my room?"

"Yes. It isn't much, but it'll make due."

"Isn't much? This is way more than I'm used to." The room had a lounge area in it complete with its own private bathroom.

Jinn leaned against the dresser. "So, tell me about this Saiki."

"Oh, him. Well there isn't much to him at all, he is just an average guy. Sure, he can be...cute sometimes, but he's mainly anti-social. Not to mention, everytime I- someone tries to make a move on him, fate decides to ruin it."

"Which one of you are Fate?"

"Huh?...No, I meant destiny, you know."

"...and who's Destiny?"

"I meant...some people think that our lives are predetermined, where no matter what we do our choices were bound to happen. Like the shipwreck was fate. No matter what we did, it was bound to crash here."

"Okay...I kind of get it...You're saying that this 'fate' is stopping him from being a coiter?"

"Uh, yeah basically."

"I'm sure I can get past it, fate will change and he'll be my coiter."

" go ahead and try that."

"And is there anything else about him?"

"Hmmm....No not really. He is just an isolated kind of guy, doesn't talk much if at all."

"And about Saiko?"

"Him? He's actually really terrible and rude. He's the reason we're all on this island in the first place...He wanted to show off how rich he was and look where that got us."

"He was rich?"

"Yeah, his parents have basically everything in the world and he wanted to show us his boat and how amazing he was."

"I'm surprised he's that luxurious in life."

"Yeah, he didn't earn anything and just thinks he can be a prince because he asks for it."

"I mean, he makes a fantastic coiter in my opinion. He doesn't have the genetics but he sure can serve me, not to mention his comedy."

"Genetics? Genetics play into being a coiter?"

"Yes, that's the main thing that plays a role. It usually doesn't matter how great they are at being a prince, if there's a person with more phoenix blood then they're being picked first."

"Phoenix blood?"

"Yeah, their characteristics resemble that of a Phoenix. Firey eyes and hair, dancing hips, those are the things typically looked for in coiters."

"Then, why was Kaidou chosen?"

"Mostly because you chose him. You two had a bond before coming to this island and Ayako didn't want to ruin that for you. Besides, you have enough phoenix in you to where it won't matter."

"Wait, that's why I'm a princess?!"

"Yes, you're hair and eyes are perfect, we had to accept you into the family immediately. We don't even do that with people naturally born on the island, but we did it with you because who knows if you're really related to us or not."

"Wow, so I was born a princess! Is-is that why even though Teruhashi is the most perfect person in Japan, she wasn't princess material?"

"Don't know who Teruhashi is, but I'm sure that's her reason."

"That's interesting, so your beauty standard looks like me, and not her!" She was so happy to finally not be in her friend's shadow for once. Always being compared in looks, personality, vocals, grades, and practically everything else that makes up a person. Now she was the better of the two best friends. She felt a bit bad as her friend would be extremely jealous now, but who cares; now it was her time to shine.


"Wait...but what about Saiko? He doesn't look like a Phoenix at all."

Jinn thought for a bit. "I think my mother chose him because he was more like my personality and knew I would get along with him well. He is sparky and he knows it, so she could probably see that from over the horizon. She probably wanted me to find a coiter already; I guess I am picky but I want one that's just perfect. Are his looks great, no he is somewhat horrific, but I will say he is the most fun I've had with a coiter yet."

"I see...and Saiki? You want to choose him, but you're different personalities and he doesn't look like a fire at all."

"Actually, he does look like he has pheonix blood, he's what we call a Salty Phoenix."

"A Salty Phoenix? What's that?"

"It's where they get salt from our mines and sprinkle it into the firepit. Bam! It turns bright pink right before your very eyes, and it is truly beautiful. I couldn't help but notice his entire outfit and hair looked like he was actually from the ground itself."

"Wow, I didn't know fire could be pink."

"It can, that's why I want him to be my main coiter while I have Saiko as a handmaiden. I do still like him, but not in a sexual way like I do for the Salty Phoenix."

Yumehara's face turned pink. "Wait, sexually?!"

"Of course, how else do you suppose I see him?"

"Not sexually! He's your coiter, your helper!"

"Yes, my coiter...I'm supposed to feel this way about him. It's what a coiter is for."


"A coiter is whom the princess chooses to marry and have kids with. I thought you had this type of relationship all over the world."

She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "You mean...Kaidou and I are...engaged?!"

"I don't know if that's correct but you're both together in a relationship for his soul purpose being to reproduce with you to continue the Phoenix's spirit."

She was just speechless.

"If you don't see him that way, then you can get someone else to take his place."

"I- When exactly are we expected to have kids?!"

"How old are you?"


"Oh, you have plenty of time. You three years until your coronation. Even then you still have five more years afterwards where it's socially acceptable to be childless. You'll be fine."

"So, I don't have to do anything like that for eight years?!...That's plenty of time actually...What if he doesn't feel the same way?"

"It isn't his choice, it all depends on you whether he's your coiter or not."

"He doesn't get a choice?!"

"Nope, only the women get a say in the relationship. The men just have to accept it."

"But what if he doesn't want to or doesn't like me in that way?"

"You can let him go from the position if you want to be nice. I doubt someone like him would be good at work though, not really strong nor does he seem the type that can take the harm from his upper classmen. Although, you can make him just a handmaid and he serves you until you let him go or until death. It's what I'm doing to your friend. Being belittled by harsh people would figuratively kill him, and I get to have friend with me at all times."

"I guess that's a nice option...where we can still be friends if he doesn't feel what I do."

Two male handmaids come in, one of them takes Jinn to her room. "I'll see you at morning meal then. Goodnight, Chiyo."

"Goodnight, Jinn." She waved bye. Her handmaid was getting her sleeping clothes ready and all she needed to have a peaceful night. In the bathroom, she got dressed and ready for bed in this long and flowy gown. Although she was nervous about her life ahead, she didn't mind it at all. If Kaidou liked her back, the two were destined to live like royalty and raise children of their own. It seemed luxurious and even if everything went wrong, who could pass up being a princess? She slept under the very soft covers and dozed off to sleep.

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