
Bởi Tophatauthor

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What happens a normal kid dies and finds themselves in their favorite show as the brother of the future queen... Xem Thêm

One shots
The Nightclad
It Came from the Nightosphere
The Hobby
Loyalty to the Princess

Consequences of Himself

369 19 8
Bởi Tophatauthor

In case some people missed something. Marshall's Nightclad costume has a helmet to hide his face.

Also, his armour is very slim and not bulky at all. It's mostly pitch black in color.



"Alright, Marsh. You want to control your magic, right?" Asked Hunson Abadeer cheerfully as he stood in a small abandoned building.

"Are you doing this to force me to suck souls?" Asked a very young Marshall wearing a blue shirt and shorts dejectedly as he sat on a pile of rubble.

"Whaaaaaat. Nooooo! I wouldn't do that." Lied Hunson cheerfully. "Does it sound like I'd do something like that?"

"Dad, you're called the lord of evil." Deadpanned Marshall.

Hunson paused as he realized that was a good point before smiling it off.

"Aw, It's just a silly nickname people gave me." He said cheerfully as he ruffled his son's hair before holding Marshal's face to his. "Marshall, look into my eyes and you'll see how trustworthy I am."

His father or not, for a child like this Marshall seeing the face of Hunson Abadeer from such a close distance was absolutely terrifying. The red slit eyes, the sharp teeth and the terrifying evil smile. It all came together to make a haunting scene.

Needless to say Marshall was on the verge of tears. And as of to match his son, Hunson started to cry fake tears.

"I trust you." Marshall managed to utter in complete fear, just trying to get Hunson away from his face.

"GREAT!" Said Hunson with his expression shifting a 180 degrees to happiness once more. "Let's start."

As Marshall tried to recover from the nightmarish scene, Hunson hummed cheerfully as a red portal formed on the floor of the abandoned building.

From the portal, the lord of evil pulled out a weak looking, red skinned demon. The demon didn't look bothered as Hunson held him by the back like a toy.

"Alright, Lee. To control your magic, you need to make this guy scream in pain." Declared Hunson cheerfully.

"What?!" Asked Marshall in shock.

"Is it finally my turn?" Asked the demon innocently.

"Yup. Doesn't matter which type. Psychological, physical, just get him to scream." Said Hunson ignoring the demon.

Marshall stared at the lunatic he calls father in complete bafflement and anger.

"What is wrong with you?!" Yelled Marshall angrily before stopping Hunson from speaking. "No. Just leave me alone! I don't wanna hear it."

Marshall immediately curled into a ball and filtered the world out causing Hunson some confusion.

The lord of evil tilted his head as he stared at his kid before lightly poking him on the head.

"Marshall?" He asked as he kept poking, trying to get his son to open up. "Knock knock, open up!"

Suddenly, Marshall's body began to violently shake as Hunson faintly heard the word "door" come from his son's mouth.

"Marsh?" Hunson stared at his son in concern before he swiftly dodged a laser from Marshall's mouth that hit the weak looking demon from before.

Hunson flew away as Marshall's magic began going wild. He watched as the matter and life twisted around them forming a creature with no shape or logic, simply chaos and entropy. As if it was born without time, without anything and without nothing.

And in front of the lord of evil was no longer the scene of the small abandoned building.

All that was left was his son with his eyes as black as an abyss...and a monster.

Hunson Abadeer saw this chaotic result and was filled with pure glee and pride. And as any proud father would say...

"That's my boy!"


Present time.

"Oracle Crystal, are you okay?" Asked Marshall worriedly, wearing a red flannel shirts, black pants and the Billy nose gem earring.

"*Sniff* no! My favorite couple broke up!" Exclaimed a sentient crystal orb with limbs, the size of a soccer ball. "I was cheering them on for 4 seasons! OC is not happy!"

"...almost forgot you use your spying powers to watch strangers go on dates like it's a romance movie." Muttered Marshall with a frown before his expression went blank. "Wait- did you just say you've been watching the same couple for a WHOLE year?"

"All that chemistry, gone to waste!" Exclaimed Oracle Crystal dejectedly as she cried tears of sadness. "Marshall! Date someone! OC needs romance in her life!"

"Maybe later. Now, can you show me the latest news?" Asked Marshall patting OC on her head. "Anything interesting going on?"

"Yeah, Finn and Jake punched an old lady in the face...an evil old lady, a primordial appeared and attacked candy people...and disappeared."

Marshall's heart sank immediately upon hearing the second part. "A primordial primordial or one of the tiny ones I've made by accident?" He asked nervously.


After barely one second of thinking, Marshall ran off to find the primordial, forgetting to put on his costume.

But little did he know of the important encounter ahead.

"Oh hey, Finn and Jake. They must be looking for the primordial too. I should tell Marsh- wait- my favorite couple is coming back together! YEEEEESSSS!"


Finn and Jake treked onwards in the middle of the night towards a forest where the last sighting of the monster happened.

"So Finn, what did PB say that monster looked like?" Asked Jake calmly.

"She didn't know. Apparently, it disappeared before anyone could see it." Replied Finn calmly. "She did say it had pointy teeth, though."

"Pointy teeth, huh?" Jake muttered before he and Finn heard a rustle from the bushes.

The two heroes immediately went on edge ready to fight whoever the intruder was. The rustling continue until what looked to be... Marceline, but different.

"That primordial really know how to hiiiii, there." Said the entity upon seeing Finn and Jake.

"Who are you?" Asked Finn narrowing his eyes as he gripped his sword. "And why do you look like Marceline?"

"Uh, I'm Marshall. Marcy is my sister." Said Marshall cheerfully while also seeming nervous. "Finn and Jake, Right?"

Jake immediately noticed that Marshall had pointy teeth and started quaking in his boots, his fear of vampires getting the best of him.

"You see it too, right?" Jake whispered.

"Yeah." Finn whispered back. "What are you doing in the middle of a forest in the middle of the night?" He asked raising a brow in suspicion as Jake disappeared out of sight.

"Oh, I was just looking for uhh, some flowers for...my roommate?" Replied Marshall nervously as he scratched the back of his head.

"Your roommate, huh?" Asked Finn staring into Marshall's soul. "What are they like?"

Before Marshall could say anything to that, Jake morphed his hand into a hammer and slammed it onto the back of Marshall's head as hard as he could, knocking him out cold.

"JAKE!" Exclaimed Finn in shock.

"Dude! He's totally the monster!" Replied Jake as he held Marshall's unconscious body. "He's a vampire like Marceline, he has the fangs and he's totally lying about the flowers thing."

"But Jake, he's Marceline's brother!" Exclaimed Finn.

"Then she can deal with him! We take him to her house and you explain what happened." Said Jake with a frown, calming Finn down exponentially.

"Hmm, I guess we can do that. Okay, we'll take him to Marceline."

Finn and Jake decided that heading to Marceline would be the best option and so they started heading out of the forest with Marshall on Finn's back.

"Woah!" Said Finn as ladders began flying out of Marshall's head.

"What the heck?" Asked Jake as he tried to contain the ladder projectiles before the ladders all turned into mugs of coffee with some getting into Jake's mouth. "Decaf coffee?"

"How much coffee does he have in his head?" Asked Finn as mugs of decaf coffee were flying out of Marshall's head.

Before Jake could answer, he and Finn heard a loud screech. They turned to its source and saw a yellow skinned deformed monster with a lot of eyes and pointy teeth heading their way as well as too many limbs.

Finn and Jake screamed at the horrifying figure of the true monster. The latter tried to attack the monster by enlarging himself, but it dodged with ease and fired some heavy magical jelly that froze Jake's giant hand and made it hard to move due to the weight.

Finn carefully put Marshall down and joined the fight with his sword. Alas, the monster was unbothered. It simply froze Finn's sword with the magical jelly, rendering him useless.

But before the monster could attack once more to finish Finn off, the earth under the monster transformed into a chicken and began trying to eat the nearest thing to it which was the monster.

"Get away from them." Said Marshall groggily as he held his head with one hand and focused the other on casting magic.

The monster replied to Marshall's order by slinking out of the chicken's beak and growling at him.

"I really could go for a cup of coffee right now." Said Marshall feeling a painful headache as he began casting his magic.

Before the monster could attack, Marshall pulled Finn and Jake towards him so much so that they slammed into him before a barrier of coffee mugs surrounded them.

"That should stop it...for a bit." Said Marshall as he clutched his head in pain as Finn and Jake got off his body.

"You're too obsessed with coffee, man." Commented Jake staring at their coffee filled barrier.

"Sorry, using magic with a headache is hard and the first thing I usually do when I have a headache is drink coffee." Said Marshall tiredly as he rubbed his temples. "It usually helps."

Hearing Marshall's apology for something he caused, Jake quickly began feeling guilty for knocking Marshall out.

"Sorry for knocking you out, man. I-"

"It's cool. I know you're scared of vampires." Said Marshall with a smile. "But I'm not a vampire. Only Marcy is. See?" He said showing that his neck had no bite marks.

"Oh. Well, now I feel like more of a jerk." Said Jake, his shoulders dropping dejectedly.

"Yeah and my sister will kill me if she knows about this." Said Marshall with a frown.

"Wait- she'll kill me too!" Exclaimed Jake in realization.

"Haha! scared of Marceline buddies! Ow." Said Marshall as his head started aching once more. "Okay, here's the plan. You get away and I'll take care of it. It's more than what you can handle."

"What?! No!" Exclaimed Finn upon hearing Marshall's declaration. "We're not gonna just-"

"Sorry, Billy. It's my mess to clean up. I have to take care of it, not you." Said Marshall calmly as he created a spear made of coffee. "This nonsense. Eh, good enough."

Marshall frowned in disapproval at his weapon before he took a deep breath and destroyed the barrier of coffee mugs.

"Go!" He ordered Finn and Jake using his magic to fling them across the forest before he flung the coffee spear through the monster with magic.

The monster screeched in pain as Marshall increased the heat of the coffee spear to the point of boiling.

The monster spat out it's magical jelly to freeze Marshall in place, but the latter conjured more coffee to take the jelly in his place.

The monster attacked with magic jelly a few more times before giving up as Marshall conjured more liquid coffee to take the hit each time.

The monster changed its tactics and charged forwards with great vigor, attempting to bite Marshall with its pointy teeth.

Marshall, still feeling the effects of Jake knocking him out, wasn't able to dodge and was forced to block.

The monster had the upper hand in terms of strength and pinned Marshall to the ground. Now in bite range, all Marshall could do was move his head to avoid getting bitten.

But just as all seemed lost, two heroes appeared to save the day.

"Hey, ugly!" Exclaimed Jake angrily as he kicked the monster only for it to slither onto his leg. "AAAH!"

"Jake!" Exclaimed a swordless Finn before the monster turned to him.

Now with its new victim decided, the monster leaped towards Finn to end the human for good.

But before it could, Marshall stood in the way and the monster bit into his shoulder. Now that the monster was stuck in place. Marshall opened his mouth and the monster began turning into smoke and getting sucked into the half demon's vortex of a mouth.

And with that, the monster was gone and Marshall calmly fell back first onto the ground.

Meanwhile, Finn and Jake started to panic.

"You're gonna be okay, right?" Asked Jake worriedly as he shook Marshall lightly.

"Probably. I'm not a vampire like Marcy, so I can't heal fast. I'm just a really tough wizard. Like, I don't age but I can be killed." Said Marshall nonchalantly.

"Well, can't you heal yourself with magic or something." Asked Jake in a panic.

"Hahahahaha!" Marshall burst into laughter as he bled out of his shoulder remembering his mother and what him trying to heal someone did. "Haaaa....no."

"How are you so calm about this?!" Asked Jake in a panic.

"Pfft, I spend some weekends in the Nightosphere. This is nothing. Just take me to Marceline, I'll be fine. Actually, might need bandages." Said Marshall before a large roll of white bandage wrap fell in front of him. "Magic, you love it and you hate it."

Finn and Jake turned to each other before they started bandaging Marshall to take him to Marceline.


*Knock knock*

Marceline opened the door to see her brother wrapped in bloody bandages and Finn and Jake supporting him.

Needless to say, she was horrified.

"Marsh! What happened?!"

"I messed up." Said Marshall nervously glancing at Finn and Jake. "On multiple levels....please don't be mad."

"I'm not mad. I'm bloody FURIOUS!" Yelled Marceline as she transformed into a bat monster. "Take him inside, now!"

Finn and Jake did as ordered and ran inside in a panic with Marshall in hand.

Luckily, the vampire queen was able to calm down and help her injured sibling. And it only ended with Marshall getting grounded by Marcy. A nice happy ending.

Now, back to narrating over my favorite couple. Oracle Crystal, OUT!


Before anyone says anything about Oracle Crystal appearing out of nowhere. She was in the previous chapter just didn't speak or get mentioned by name.  She was referred to as a living glass orb. Also, yes her name is a pun on the fact that she's an oc.

Also, yes she's the narrator.

Tell me how I did. Leave a review.


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