Kokichi ship oneshots and may...

Od hortonhearsawh0

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I sacrifice my dignity to write a bunch of oneshots with oma being the main focus// some are ships and some a... Více

Maki and Kaito play matchmaker
Ghost hallucinations
Artist's muse
Kiibo's memory sorting
Bug hunting
Kaito is afraid of ghosts
Tsumugi forces Oma to cosplay with her

Whispering women/ Junji ito

156 2 0
Od hortonhearsawh0

Super long one
Ok so this was heavily inspired by the whispering woman from junji ito stories. It's a great show on Netflix and this might the whispering lady might be my favorite

Ok this is a horror one

and it's kinda not meant to be shipped. It's more of just showing an unhealthy thing

In result of the safety of the ultimate students. Monokuma turned to drastic and dangerous levels of desperation. A desperation that let a certain ultimate to a despair that the others were not ready to face.

Monokuma's motive. A motive placed after many others failed. This motive, as Monokuma described it, was a motive that turned something small within you into something deep and dangerous. A powerful thing that, if it pleases, could end you in less than a day.

For example, a small liking to something can turn into an addiction that you would rather die than lose a hold of. A tiny fear that would most likely never happen, could cause you to live everyday in fear of it. A fear that will prevent you from doing anything that entails you to drop your guard.

When Monokuma announced it. No one understood it. Nobody took it seriously. Why? Because as it was said before, none of his recent ones had worked. But this one, it was a motive that forced them to pay attention. One that forced them to take it seriously.

Kirumi Tojo, a woman who believes her soul purpose is to satisfy other people's needs and requests.

"What do I do.. What do I do.. I don't know what to do.. please, what do I do.. what do I do.." The maid mutters under her breathe. She's on her knees with her hands on her head. A devastating look on her face with despair swirling eyes that fall into a never ending pit. He stomach feeling as if it's eating itself and she wishes she could go inside herself. The need to escape sometimes resulting in her clawing at herself for an entrance.

Kirumi was affected by the motive. When it first happened, she didn't think much of it. She thought that she was just extra bored that day. She had asked everyone for extra tasks to do and when she came up empty handed, she would clean the schools.

Although that seems like a very time consuming task. It was nothing for the ultimate maid. An objective that took nothing more than a week to finish the entire school.

At that time, people were worried for her. Everyone but her has realized that she was the one affected. Nobody knew what to do about it. Once she was done cleaning the school, she had gone around asking for more requests and panicked when she ran out.

She had started going over the whole dome and trying to clean it, only taking breaks to make food or to do common household chores for the students there.

In an attempt to get her to stop rushing around the school and hurting herself from cleaning so much, they would ask her to do small things that wouldn't take much effort. But of course, they cannot do that forever. They would soon run out of things to tell her to do and repeatedly ordering for more and more things to be done became tiresome.

When one of them had the bright idea to order her to take care of herself, it had failed. That request was followed by a multitude of questions asking for specifics or asking for what to do after that had been done, or if they wanted her to do something before then.

A task like 'go to sleep' would be followed with 'how exactly long would you like me to sleep?' Or 'exactly where would you like me to sleep?' And 'Would you prefer I use one or more pillows?' It was never a straight answer.

That's when they decided that the last thing they could think of to stop her from succumbing to this motive, would be to keep her in her room and prevent her from forcing herself to do tasks.

That of course, brings us to now. Kirumi was still there. The last thing she was told was to stay in the room but while she was in the room, she realized she had nothing to do. She's doing nothing.

"I'm being useless... What do I do.. I need to do something.." she's already done the most she could. She's gotten so desperate as to use her gloves as cloths and the cleaning supplies she had for her personal hygiene for cleaning her room. She had taken out one of the buttons on her uniform to chip off any uneven paint on her walls or to crease out hidden dust between cracks of her room.

Now that she had nothing to do at all, she was just sitting there in a panicked position. Her hands were digging in her hair. The horrid aura that embraces her as she panicked only grew as she sat in her silent room.

"I can't take this anymore!" She raises her voice and starts to grip and pull at her clumped hair. She stands up with a shaky body. She doesn't know if it's from the lack of food, lack of sleep, or the lack of sanity. Perhaps it's all of them.

She had to leave this room. And as soon as she left, she needed to do something.

'Let's think logically' she thought. She was planning to leave her room and go straight to whoever would listen to her and give her something to do. Someone who's willing to give her orders. To tell her what to do.

To take out the obvious choices, Kaede and Rantaro. They're the god forsaken reasons that the killing game started. The reason Kirumi is forced to deal with this torture. Kirumi clenched her fists and continued to think.

She should avoid asking those such as Maki, Kaito, and Shuichi. Maki herself was the one who decided it was a good idea to keep her in her dorm room. With her connection with Kaito and Shuichi, they'll most likely agree.

Tenko refuses to boss around a lady. And with her attachment with Himiko, she'll make sure Himiko doesn't get near Kirumi. Also, who knows. Himiko might even drag down Angie.

Kiibo and Miu are a tricky case. Miu herself, in her own way, bosses around Kiibo. And Kiibo bosses around himself with his 'inner voice'. His inner voice is unpredictable in Kirumi's opinion. When Kiibo does choose for himself, he usually follows the others and either he follows Miu, his inner voice, or the others, he's not going to help her. Miu would follow Kiibo. So they're both out.

Tsumugi is an unremarkable person. She follows the crowd and then complains about how plain she is. With the majority agreeing that they won't request anything from Kirumi, Tsumugi will follow.

There are some people here that are so undeniably naive and that consists of Gonta, Kaede, Kaito, Himiko, and Tsumugi. Sadly most of them have already been exed out. However, Gonta can now be exed out as he will just follow what everyone else says.

That leaves her with Korekiyo, Kokichi, and Ryoma. Now, as shocking as it may seem, Kirumi can't think of any reason to avoid them. She tilted more towards Korekiyo and Kokichi only because, knowing Ryoma, he was the most likely to decline out of all of them. Personality wise, Ouma was the more unpredictable one. But that's not what made her circle in on him. It was his ultimate. The ultimate supreme leader would be more likely to give orders. It's common sense.

Kirumi reaches for the door handle and twists it, a creaky sound occurs as she opens the door by just a crack. Her eye peeks through the long slit of the door and she feels a sudden uneasiness. Had she just disobeyed an order? They wouldn't have wanted her to stay there forever, would they?

Once she confirmed that nobody was there she takes careful steps over to the door with the purple haired pixel next to it.

She stares at the door. Frozen in place. It's not a fear kind of frozen. It's the frozen that happens when your getting a sudden rush of an emotion. Excitement, anticipation, happiness? She doesn't know. She's finally out of that dorm after all.

She knocks at the door three times. The rate of her knocking being incredibly slow. The low level of surveillance over her health most likely being the cause.

She sucks in air once the door opens. Part of her expected the door not to open. Once it's open just enough for her to see his face. She can see his eyes widen and his suspicion settle in. This was something she was worried of. No matter how childish he was, his untrusting nature was like no other. He became tense whenever someone came near him and he trusted no one with the fragile truth he chooses to protect.

"Kirumi? You should be in your room." Was his first line.

"Please, Ouma.." his suspicion mixes with confusion and he pulls the door a little closer to being closed. "I need something to do! I don't know what to do! I don't know if I should stand or sit! I don't know if I should whisper or yell! I don't know if I should live or die! Please! Just tell something I can do!" The severity of her feelings settle in. She hadn't realized how bad it was until now. She needed someone to tell her what to do. She needed something to do.

His eyes widen and he looks around before speaking.

"Wait there for a bit." And so she does. A little bit of herself returning with just the smallest order. She stays as still as she possibly could. He closes his door and he then comes back out, with the door now fully opened.

"You can stop staying still now.. jeez we're you even breathing?" Was she? She takes a long gasp.

"Now what?" Kirumi is starting to calm down. Was this all she needed? Someone to help her know what to do?

"What do you mean?"

"What should I do now?" Did he not understand? Was she gonna suffer once more? Her breathing starts to get less stoic. "Please, I need something to do—"

"Relax! We'll figure something out!" He sighs and puts his hand to his face in exhaustion. "I guess Maki's plan was a bust.. dumbass.." Ouma mutters the last part before looking at Kirumi. "Well first, you look like a mess, so let's get you back to normal." He starts to walk out and then realizes that Kirumi wasn't behind him.

"Would you like me to follow?" In response, Ouma groans and walks up and drags her over to her room. Once he walks in, he's left shocked.

"What are we gonna do with you— woah." The room has been completely wiped down. What was she doing in here!? "I—... Whatever we'll talk about it later. First, your hair. What happened to you? You look horrible."

"I am aware. Please forgive me."

He groans once again and grabs a nearby hairbrush. "Sit down!" And so she does. He then told her to stay still while he unknots her hair. Once he was done, he told her to go wash it.

"How would—"

"I don't know how you do it Kirumi! Just do it how you did before this stupid motive!" She nods and goes to the bathroom.

What are they going to do? They had hoped that not giving her anything to do would make her better but it just made her even worse. They thought that because Monokuma's motive relied on her sinking into the despair of this newly planted addiction, if they didn't let her be in contact with it, it would be fine. But Kirumi is obviously not fine.

When Ouma saw her, she was shaking and she looked like a mess. She looks like she recently escaped some horror movie except she was the main villain.

When the motive was first announced, Ouma left it all to the rest of the current survivors to deal with. No one really thought that much about it but as soon as Monokuma brought it up, he went to go start writing it down on his whiteboard. He decided he'd watch the others and see how the motive goes before intervening.

When they did start taking notice of the motive, everyone was panicking. They hadn't expected things to be this bad. That's when everyone started making up their own ideas to fix the problem. They were all stupid ideas but they had to settle on one of them.

Tsumugi had made the idea to just keep giving her small tasks that wouldn't put to much pressure on her. But that only made her crave more and more. Ouma immediately saw how stupid it was. If they didn't realize, once she was done with a task, she would go straight to asking for more. That plan just made her do more work.

Then they thought of just making her take care of herself. Credit goes to Ryoma for thinking of it. That failed as well. And Ouma won't deny it. He really thought it might work before it followed with her spiraling into an endless amount of questions. She would drown out the thought of a simple task for her health with questions that really— no one cares about.

When Ouma brought up his own idea, everyone got upset and thought he was joking. He had suggested they just ask her to do a task that would take the majority of her time and made sure she left them alone and could keep to herself without going crazy. The others, like always, yelled at him for such a stupid attempt at humor and canceled out his idea.

Ouma decided he really didn't care what they thought. He was just tired of Kirumi following him for a whole hour asking for requests before finally giving up and moving on. He had asked her to count every piece of grass in the courtyard and report back to him. When the others found out, they were furious... they yelled at him for so long and Ouma feels like he could still here the ringing in his ears from the volume. At least he found out how much grass there was here..

Finally, that's when Maki decided to grace them with her incredibly large brain and start her own idea. She had asked Kirumi to go to her room and once she went inside she locked the door and stated that she'll unlock it before she goes to sleep. Really, this wasn't an effort to get her to stop doing tasks. It was an effort to make her stop bothering Maki. It was obvious that every time the red assassin saw Kirumi come near her, she would fight the urge to strangle her or coldly walk away.

That was yesterday. When Maki unlocked her door, she never locked it back since apparently she only needed a one day break. Ouma was surprised that someone with her temper was fine with only one day.

Well that plan backfired because now she's annoying Ouma. Why'd it have to be him? He just wanted to look more into the killing game..

"I am done. What next? Where would you like to go?" Kirumi stood in her original pose. Kirumi struggles to keep up a stoic and calming aura as her hands shake and her body is stiff. She's struggling to keep still and looks as if she's fighting the urge to not lose her cool over not having something to do at the moment.

"Finally! Come on!" If she wanted something to do, he might as well make her do something useful.

She followed without any more questions. Once they made it to the dining hall, everyone there stared in shock. Then, anger.

"Ouma you idiot! We said we weren't going to—" Kaito argues.

"It is not his fault. I came to him. So please, your negative comments are not acceptable." Kirumi defends Ouma.

"She's gonna make dinner. Kirumi, go make dinner." Ouma says this with annoyance and she hurriedly goes to the kitchen.

"Ouma what is this!?"

"Well Maki sucks at making plans and guess what? Her little negligence plan made her worse and now she can't stand doing anything without orders! Nice job Maki! You did it!"

"Do you want to die?" Maki hands him an icy glare that if looks could kill, Ouma would be melting under her fiery watch.

"Well I know I don't but guess who doesn't know? Kirumi! She doesn't know what to do with herself! She asked me if she should die or live! That's crazy, Maki!" Arguments broke out and when Kirumi was done, she walked out the kitchen asked for new orders.

"Serve it to them, please." Ouma looks pissed.

That dinner was a very silent one. The day was a very annoying one. With Kirumi constantly asking for new orders, Ouma's whole day was taken up with thinking of new things that would take up Kirumi's time.


Days go on and Ouma had hoped Kirumi would bother someone else, but no. In fact, she only got worse and worse by the day.

"Okay so— uh.. just— breathe. Okay? Breathe and stay in place whenever you aren't doing anything! That's an order!" Hopefully that solved that problem. Kirumi nodded.

"Do I stand or sit?"

"Uh.. stand. I think.." he's been doing this for a while. He learned it's just easier to pick something rather than tell her to pick herself.

"How about now? Where do I go?" Usually, he would just tell her to go to the dining hall. But as stated before, she's a lot worse now than days ago. Now he has to give specific directions.

"Okay so walk to your right.." and so she does. "Stop at the top of the stair case." He waits for her to do so before continuing. "Now walk down the steps." He's gotten better at figuring out how to do this. "Alright now walk over there and open the door."

"Okay.. now what?"

"Now walk to the school building over there" he points over to the academy and Kirumi follows. "Hey wait—"


"I need something from Iruma's lab.. after breakfast, we're going to go over there and get it." Ouma realized that planning ahead was very useful. It made it so she was able to tell what to do without asking every five seconds.

"Of course."

"Sorry that was stupid.. Okay now once we're inside, turn your monopad on and follow the map to.. there." He points to the dining hall on the map and she follows it. "Now open the door." And she did. He's starting to get tired of all this ordering and he only just woke up.. normal leaders don't order people this much.. not even ultimate supreme ones.

"Good morning you two.." Tsumugi says with weariness.

"Say good morning!" Ouma commanded.

"Good morning." Kirumi followed. This got a few glances.

"Dude.. I don't she needs you to tell her to do that.."

"I know. I didn't think so either." Ouma sits down in his usual seat and puts his head down. Kirumi follows after him.

"Kirumi, why don't you give him a break? He seems tired.." Ouma doesn't respond and Kirumi simply looks back at the two of them before talking back.

    "That's for him to decide." She really didn't need them doing this. She had finally gotten someone who agreed to help her and now they're trying to take that away. Anger started to cloud her mind and she clenched her fists. Her head turned to Ouma and she continued, "Monokuma must be counting on us not to follow the motive. Don't you think so? So we should do the opposite."

    Kirumi wasn't stupid. She was the opposite. She knew what she was doing and she knew it was manipulative. This is how Ouma thinks. Ouma does whatever can stick a wrench in Monokuma's plans and by saying this, it fits right in with Ouma's logic.

    Ouma thought for a bit. His head still in his arms. Kirumi couldn't tell exactly what he was thinking. In fact, she couldn't tell anything at all. His mind was a place that nobody could possibly predict unless you were a mind reader. The one thing Kirumi could tell was what he would do. Ouma makes an effort to do the most outrageous things that some how put Monokuma in a disadvantage. She knew what Ouma would do before he did it.

    "Hm? Well really you guys should be taking advantage of it too. She's basically a free ticket to leaving this place."

    "What..?" An eerie vibe is sent around the room like dominoes being tipped over.

    "I mean you could ask her to help with a murder! With how desperate she is she'll probably do it." A series of gasps fill the room.

    "That's it. Kirumi go back to your room." Maki's glare could send a grown man crying. Who even is she? Her mom?

    "Kirumi don't listen to what she says, like— ever. Notice how everything she's said since this motive started ended up as a huge dumpster fire? Kirumi just go and start making breakfast" Kokichi shoos her away with his hand while all of the other ultimates yell at him.

    Kirumi makes everyone their usual breakfast in silence. The sound of everyone's arguing in the background. Once she was done she looked at all the food lined up before freezing at the sudden noise of nothingness. The screeching sound of silence beeps in her ears. All of the arguing has stopped. There was no warning. Everything was quiet.

    Kirumi grabs three of the plates with food in them and heads out using her foot to push the door open.

    Everyone sitting down looked scared and shocked and the scene in front of Kirumi made her pause in shock as well. It seems Kaito had went for a more proactive approach and had just punched him. Ouma sat there and made no sound. His face covered by his hair. Kaito seems to have finished yelling and just realized what he had done. Maki was standing behind him with a deathly glare on her face.

    "She's not getting better unless one of us dies. You know that, right?" That was the last straw. Nobody saw it happen. But before they knew it, Maki was in in front of Ouma and her hand was wrapped around his neck.

    "Do you want to die!? What the hell is wrong with you!?" Maki screamed into his face. The others were watching in fear and hiding their faces. It was too early for this. They just wanted breakfast..

    Ouma makes an attempt to speak but all that comes out is scratchy nonsense that was too quiet for  any of them to understand.

    "Stop her." What? Kirumi wasn't sure if what she heard was from Ouma or just in her head. Her mind was telling her that it was Ouma. That Ouma wanted her to make Maki stop.

    "That's an order." It's an order.

    Kirumi isn't sure what gave her the ability to be able to fight against Maki Harukawa. It could be god, it could be Monokuma, it could even be the pure motivation she has to fulfill an order. She doesn't know. Soon, she's some how able to start a fight with Maki. Neither of them are winning. The others try their best to stop them but it's to no avail.

    "Snap out of it! What are you doing!?" Maki says this while she fights back. She's clearly angry. First, Ouma decides to piss her off and now Kirumi randomly started to fight her.

    "Please accept my apology. I am simply following orders—"

    "Kiibo what the hell!? Put that down!" Kirumi could get one final glance at Kiibo before she and Maki were shot at with a fire extinguisher.

    "Do you want to die!? Why would you do that!?" Maki seethes in anger. Miu's laughter comes to a halt when she sees Maki's burning stare directed straight towards her.

    "This has gone too far! It was bad enough when we were all yelling at each other! Now you guys are hitting each other and it's scaring everyone! Stop it already!" Kiibo drops the fire extinguisher onto the floor and the others agree with small notions like nodding their head or muttering their opinion to themselves.

    Kirumi glares at him and stops paying attention. She begins to stand up and look away from Kiibo and Maki.

    "Ouma what should I do.." she stops in the middle of her sentence when she realizes that Ouma isn't there anymore. Her eyebrows furrow and she walks out the room with people shouting at her to come back.

    Kirumi spent the rest of the day looking for Ouma and took never took any breaks.


    By now you could probably tell that she's only getting worse. While every day goes, the motive affects her more and more and her desperation only grows. It's the same thing every day with Kirumi asking for more requests and Ouma repeatedly spewing out steps for small tasks like directions to go to a certain place or going over a procedure for simply walking down the steps.

    Ouma's appearance could be described as a dead man. His mental health could be described as death itself. His life isn't his own anymore. He hardly sleeps and when he's awake, he's constantly watching over Kirumi and thinking of nothing but what she should be doing.

    Ouma absolutely despises asking for help. But at this point, he's praying for someone to just take her off his hands for just one day. Since he was the only one willing to stick with Kirumi, no one else would agree to taking up his position. He's been doing this for days with no breaks.

    Ouma lied awake in his bed with his eyes wide open. He had a been staring at the ceiling since he couldn't fall asleep. His body just wouldn't let him.

    Ouma despises the rest of the students. Especially after what they said the day before. "Kirumi seems to be getting better!" They said. "See? We had nothing to worry about! This motive is nothing! Just like the others." They said. That's bullshit. They haven't had to deal with ordering Kirumi all day.

    Once their out of this killing game, he's retiring from being an ultimate leader. When he had asked Kirumi why she chose him, she explained that his ultimate was a huge factor in her choice. He does admit, it was smart thinking. But oh does he hate her for it. He wishes she were just stupid like the rest of them and just guilt tripped someone else into doing it instead.

     Ouma shuts his eyes tight and faces away from the ceiling. Once he was finally starting to doze off, he could hear a scream. He didn't flinch or anything. He just sighed and walked to his door. When he opened it, it seems the others have heard it to and left their rooms in a panic.

    He starts to walk over to Kirumi's room before he was stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

    "What do you think you're doing?" It's Maki again.

    "Did any of you even think of following the noise?"

    "No way! That's the first step to dying in a horror movie!" Kaito screams over at them and Ouma rolls his eyes. For someone who can't even stand the mention of horror movies, he seems to know a lot about them.

    "Well that's what I'm doing. It's most likely Kirumi. Again.." Ouma mutters the last part and continues walking. He now has a couple of the students following him.

    Ouma makes his way to Kirumi's door and pick locks it open. Tenko looked like she was about to say something before Maki stops her.

    When the door opened, a chorus of gasps and cries came from the ultimates. They were under the impression that things were getting better.

    Just to ease your curiosity, she was not dead. She was panicking again. This time it was way worse. The room was incredibly messy and a lot of the things in her room were ripped apart.

    "I don't know what to do! What do I do.. What do I do? I don't understand! What should I do? What should I.." she continued to mutter things to her self while she hit herself on the head with her fists.

    "Kirumi! Are you okay!? What happened here!?" Kaito comes running up before being stopped by Maki who's staring at her with an unreadable face.

    "Kirumi." Everyone's attention is turned to Ouma, who's leaned on the door frame and watching with tired eyes. "Shut up." And she did.

    Ouma could feel the glares being stabbed into the back of his head. He didn't care anymore. If they cared about what happened to her, they would've offered to help a long time before it got to this point.

    "And what now!? Please, what do I do now!?" She sounded so hopeless. None of the ultimates knew how to help her. How did the stoic, motherly maid become this crazed fanatic whose obsessed with doing her job.

    "Well you could start with taking deep breaths. After that you should stand up." She does what he said slowly, making sure not to make any mistakes.

    "Now what—"

    "Kirumi, you don't have to—"

    "Now what?" Tsumugi walks away after that, embarrassed at how Kirumi blatantly ignored her.

    "Turn around and walk to your bed."

    "How much to I turn?" A couple of the students looked at her like she was dumb. The others mostly looked at her with pity.

    "180 degrees." Now some of them are starting to understand. This isn't something he wants to do. It's tiring and if he doesn't do it, something like this might happen again.

    "Okay so now you lay down— no— Vertically. Alright now close your eyes." The place is silent and nobody wants to be the first to make a sound. It feels like if anyone but Ouma makes a noise, everything will go wrong again.

    "Okay I did it. What else would you like me to do?" Kirumi speaks with her eyes still closed.

    "Uh.. we'll you could stop talking and just go to sleep. That's something you can do." He says with an annoyed accent. After that he waits a bit to see if she's done asking for things to do and then he leaves.

Maki looked at the others, who were looking at her and Ouma in pity. They were looking back and forth before Ouma finally reached his dorm and entered.

Someone had closed Kirumi's door and no one spoke for a while after that. They just stood there infront of her dorm in an awkward silence.

"You guys.. I thought.. I thought we were doing okay.." Himiko mutters and she slides down the wall she was leaning on. She leans her head onto her knees and a scent of dread radiates from her. "I thought we were doing it.." her eyes water up when she says that.

"How could I have not seen this..." Saihara blames himself. He sits himself next to Himiko and the both of them stare blankly at nothing.

Maki looks at the two of them and then at the others. Is she the only one who wasn't affected by that?

"It's not your fault Shuichi. It's Monokuma's fault. You couldn't have done anything." Maki tries to reason with him. Kaito gives her a sad smile but his face soon returns to one of sorrow.

"Maki.. I'm a detective. I should've noticed it. I should've noticed.." Maki looked at him bewildered. She really didn't understand why everyone started acting so sad all of a sudden.

"No one knew. That's because Ouma has been keeping her busy for the past few days." The mention of his name left a sour taste in her mouth. She hated his guts and just having to think of him made her blood boil.

When everyone suddenly started looking even more depressed she looked at them like they were all insane. That wasn't the reaction she was going for at all!

"So that's why he's so tired.. and we haven't helped at all and he's been doing all of this.." Maki's eye twitched when she heard that. There's no way this is how they're acting.

"Yeah.. I wish I noticed sooner.. I wish I helped."

"Don't feel bad for him. He volunteered to do it. Nobody made him do it so you shouldn't feel obligated to help."

A long pause took place and Maki felt like she was holding her breath the whole time it was quiet. It's as if all that air in her lungs disappeared once someone spoke. All of their attention was quickly taken by the mage as she spoke in a low voice that sent bad signals to whoever heard her.

"You're wrong.. someone did make him do it.. it was Kirumi." What? What was she talking about now? "She manipulated him! She's turned to using dirty tricks that Ouma would use against him!"

Maki's eyes glowed red in the dark dormitory and her voice was dangerous as she questioned her.

"Remember when Ouma first brought Kirumi to the dining hall? She said that she was the one who came to Ouma!"

"And? He just agreed to do it like the dumbass he is. Doesn't mean Kirumi manipulated him." Maki said.

"But Ouma said that she was saying all this stuff about if she should die or not and—" Himiko frantically claimed. Desperately trying to get Maki to listen.

"And what about it?"

"She could've guilt tripped him!" Himiko earned a few unbelieving glances. They looked at her like she was stupid and Himiko hated that feeling.

"Guilt trip Ouma?" Maki didn't even bother glaring. She stared at her with a dead serious face that made her eyes look empty. It sent a scary shiver through Himiko's bones. Himiko froze in place. "That heartless monster doesn't feel guilt. He showers in the tears of the innocent and laughs when people are in agony. I think it's safe to say he wasn't guilt tripped."

"Well then— what about that one breakfast! The one where she ended up fighting Maki!" She looked around to see if anyone understood her before continuing, "Kaito said something about Ouma nod needing to tell her to say good morning or— whatever it was! When that happened she said it was Ouma's choice and then made it— like— not his choice!"

Maki wasn't even angry anymore. She was just confused. Maybe even a little concerned. Has Himiko gone insane? What is she talking about?

"What do you mean by 'not his choice'?" Maki says with an accusing tone.

"She manipulated his answer! Kaito said he looked super tired! And—and he did but then she went and said something about going against what Monokuma wants! And then he went.. and said all this stuff and.. and then we argued.." Himiko starts to go more hysterical as she continues. Her voice starts to go more and more forced as she goes on. "I'm not the only one noticed this right?"

Himiko's eyes reflect the dread she felt when everyone looked at each other with unsure looks. They all felt pity for Himiko. Pity for multiple things. Pity that she's so desperately trying to convince them of something that just doesn't make sense. Pity that nobody is on her side. Pity that she's officially lost it.

Maki didn't look at her with pity. She didn't look at her with remorse or sadness. Not even anger. She looked at Himiko like she was stupid. Like she was deranged. Like she had no idea what she was talking about.

Himiko felt something from that. All of the looks of pity meant nothing to her. That one look from Maki that set fire to a forest within Himiko was the one that set her off. Himiko couldn't handle it. She couldn't handle that stupid look. Himiko isn't stupid. They just don't understand. They don't understand and that made her furious.

Himiko's face flushed in anger and all she could see is red. She wanted to scream and kick and yell for them to believe her. What happened to trusting each other? They all puked out all this stuff about trusting and teamwork. Why aren't they trusting her on this?

"Himiko." Maki gained the attention of the short red haired mage. "You're tired. Let's go to bed." That was it. That was the last straw.

"I'm not tired! I know what I'm talking about! Kirumi is turning into a horrible person! In fact— she already is! That's not Kirumi in there! That's a fraud! A disgusting, manipulative fraud pretending to be Kirumi!" Her eyes met with frightened and disgusted ones. She wasn't getting through to them. They didn't understand..

"You've truly lost it.. Himiko." Maki turns around and starts walking to her room. The others look back and forth between the two before hesitantly following.

"No you have to listen!" Himiko frantically stands up and calls over. "That isn't Kirumi! She's— Kirumi's gone! That's a monster in there!" Himiko didn't care if Kirumi heard her. She get nothing but hatred at the moment. The majority of her hatred circled around the wretched victim of Monokuma's motive who allowed herself to succumb to such despair.

Once everyone was gone she dropped to her knees. She couldn't believe it.. they completely ignored her. They think she's insane. They think she's crazy. They think she's wrong..

She sat there for so long. She sat there in her own despair. Is this really how despair feels like? She turned around and faced Kirumi's door. She couldn't help but glare. Staring at the door that protected Kirumi from her anger.

Her hands curled into fists and she had the drowning urge to hit something— anything! She didn't understand.. why was she so angry? Why did she feel so much hate all of a sudden? Why did she feel nothing but hatred for her. For the motive. For everything. It took all her might not to bang her fists against Kirumi's dorm door. Her resistance transformed her anger into frustration and she didn't feel like hitting anything anymore. She felt like crying. She's never felt so frustrated before. Why won't they listen? That's not Kirumi! That's an imposter! The real Kirumi is gone!

Coming to that conclusion resulted in a lump in her throat as her eyes watered. She couldn't do anything. She felt so helpless. She felt useless.. she had to do something. She had too..


    Kokichi stared lucidly at his ceiling, waiting for the familiar knocking of the ultimate maid. This has become a routine for the two. Sometimes he stared at the ceiling and questioned if this was all really worth it. Once he started watching over Kirumi, he quickly realized the challenge of this motive would be. He was thinking that he'll hold on until Monokuma gives up like all the other ones but he hasn't. Is all this torture really worth it? Should he just leave Kirumi behind?

    The answer was no. He absolutely will not. Maybe it was something his ultimate has built into him.. To not leave any of his organization members fall behind. He would've kept on ignoring her if it weren't for the fact that all the others seemed to have given up.

    It was a double kill for Monokuma. He got to have a despair inducing motive that made the option of murder seem like a very compelling response and he was able to put a stop sign in the middle of Ouma's plans.

    Before Kirumi came to him for help, he was able to keep up with his act. The act of an antagonist. He was able to keep on the down low and continue his work on the killing game. But now, not only does he no longer have the time, he no longer has the mental capacity for such a task. His mind feels as if a vacuum dug it's way into his brain and sucked out all his thoughts. It feels like it's been so long since the last time he chose something for himself instead of Kirumi.

    For a while, the burning thoughts in the back of his head screamed at him that he's not even the one deciding what Kirumi does anymore. It's Kirumi making him do it. But really, he knows he's being selfish. It's not like she chose to be affected by the motive. It's not like she has any other choices. With all the others leaving her with Ouma, he was her only source of help.

    And so there he was. Waiting for the common knock on his door that he's started to memorize. He's memorized the exact way Kirumi knocks. An organized three knocks that each take a long pause before going to the next. Every single pause never being larger or shorter than the other two.

    That's how he knew that the knock he heard at this moment, was not Kirumi. When was the last time anyone other then Kirumi came to his door? He can't remember.

    This knock sent a boom throughout the room and was fast paced. A lot quicker than Kirumi usually does it. The knock was followed by a matching, loud voice that Kokichi recognized as Kaito.

    "Hey! You in there? Ouma!?"

    Ouma sat up and waited for his newfound headache to ease down before throwing his legs off the bed and standing up. He slowly walked up to the door, almost tripping on random objects on the floor. He opened the door by a crack and looked up at the other with tired eyes.

    "Kaito? What do you need?" Kokichi slurred his words.

    Kaito stared wide eyed at him and jumped back to reality. He never realized how different Kokichi looked since the motive started.

    Once Kaito was done gawking, he cleared his throat and spoke with an uneasy tone.

    "You certainly look.. new— or— not new! I mean—different! Not that your ugly—"

    "Wow. Did you come here just to call me hideous or is there something important you have to say for once in your unremarkable life?" Making everyone hate him used to just be a part of his original plan. But even now that that plan is useless, Ouma can't help himself! It was always fun to tease them! Ouma hadn't been able to do that for a while.

"What!? No I didn't mean it like that! I just— whatever! I came here for something else! Not to deal with your bullshi—"

"Then cough it up already!" Ouma yells at him yet his tone doesn't match his words. Neither does his expression. He seems almost dead. His face is blank and his eyes look so bland.

"I'm getting there! God even after all this you still haven't lost how impatient you are!" Kaito glares at him and continues, "you see, the others told me to tell you that.." he looks around and then turns back to Ouma. "We think Himiko might be a new victim to the motive.."

"..what?" Ouma's eyes went wide. It was the first time he's shown any emotion during their conversation.

"Last night.. when you left and went back to your room. She was acting all weird and upset.. And it was out of nowhere too!" Kaito then sighs and moves his right hand to the back of his neck. "Look.. we're just worried about what might happen to her.. we thought you might wanna know."

All of a sudden, a large amount of anger flashed in Ouma. "Did you just come here to make me watch over himiko too!? I don't have time for this!" He attempts to slam the door shut before it's stopped by a hand. Kaito jumps and shakes his hand in pain.

"Ow! Dude you just— are you kidding me!?" He groans and looks back at Ouma, who's glaring at him with dead eyes. "I didn't mean it like that! You don't have to do that! I just thought that you should know! You know just in case.."Ouma stared at him blankly until Kaito finally came to realization, "Oh god!— that sounds even worse.. No! You don't need to look after her! Just that you should watch out since Himiko seemed really.. hateful. She kept saying all this stuff about needing to watch out for Kirumi and that she isn't there anymore.. something about her being a monster.." Kaito looks into the distance with a worried face. "Just.. we're not sure. So please, watch out—"

    Kaito was interrupted by a new voice that soon gets louder and louder. As if they were walking towards them.

    "What about me being a monster?" Kirumi walks over with shaking steps. Kaito looks a bit nervous at the sight of her. Last time he saw her, she was screaming and panicking.

    "Oh! Hey Kirumi.. we weren't.. really, it wasn't anything—" Kirumi didn't wait for him and turned to Ouma, who is now leaning on the door frame and looking at the both of them. She then speaks, interrupting Kaito.

    "Good morning Ouma. What will we be doing today?"

    Kaito looks between the two with worry. He then takes the attention and speaks up, "Hey Ouma seems tired.. why don't I watch over you for today?"

    Kirumi simply looks at him from the side, her body still facing Ouma. "No." She says. She then looks away and pushes her attention back towards Ouma.

    "How about I take her then?" Himiko appears and enters the conversation. Kirumi expresses her new found irritation and glares at her while Kaito glances over with nervousness. Ouma starts to focus more on the conversation now instead of zoning out like he was before.

    "Oh.. what's up Himiko? You seem like you're feeling better.." Kaito tries to ease the awkwardness that formed when she entered. It happened to do the opposite.

    Himiko glares at him and looks over at Ouma. "You don't mind, right? It's just for one day. If you'd like me to look over her for more than that I could though.." Himiko looks away and Ouma isn't sure what she's looking at. While doing this, she takes her arm and hooks it around Kirumi's. Kirumi looks displeased.

    "Himiko.. I don't think that's a good idea.." Kaito uttered. Uneasiness in his tone.

    Ouma really could use the extra time.. He could get some rest and if he couldn't sleep, he could use the time to plan an end to the Killing game. So naturally, he agreed, despite the disappointed look he received from Kirumi after his response.

    "Thank you! Alright so let's go." Himiko begins to walk away and stops when Kirumi doesn't follow. "Kirumi?"

    "When would you like me to go? Should I turn around?" Oh.. she forgot. It's like last night. She needs all these weird steps to do small things. This was gonna be annoying.

    Kaito looks at Ouma in worry. "Ouma I don't think that was a good idea." And Ouma would probably agree if it weren't for the fact he could hardly focus and his vision was going blurry. He really needed some rest.

    After a long time of struggling to get Kirumi out of the dormitory, she finally got the both of them out. Himiko obviously has ulterior motives. She had to find a place where nobody usually goes. That's what led the two of them to Himiko's lab.

    "What now? Should I sit or should I stand? Would you like me to assist you with something—"

    "What's your problem..? What did you do?" Himiko's face was dark with the shadows from her hair. She was looking down and her face couldn't be seen.

    "I apologize but I do not understand. Did I do something wrong? How can I fix it? Do you want me to fix it?" Himiko groans and tries again.

    "You're evil and manipulative. You know that? You're not Kirumi. What did you do to her. What did you do to Ouma?"

    "What did I do.. to Kirumi?" She speaks with a confused voice.

    "Yes! Kirumi was always the kindest and the best! She was responsible and respectful and she was amazing! You're nothing like her! You're like.. You're just like Monokuma! You're a monster!" Himiko starts to get emotional. She's thinking of the time before this motive took place, where Kirumi was a motherly and loving person.

Kirumi stares at her with an emotionless expression. Her eyes swirling with despair. It's as if she doesn't care.. as if Kirumi really wasn't there anymore. This was just the husk and body of a dead women.

"Is there anything you'd like? If not, I will begin to look for other requests." She doesn't care.. that only fueled Himiko's anger much more. She looks at her with hurt before her face shifts to one of anger. A shadow casted over her eyes and a frown on her small face.

"You made this.. a much easier decision." Her fists clenched up and she walks over to the door. She looks back with a scowl before leaving.

That was the last of Himiko that Tojo saw of her that day. She went off looking for something to do before being spotted by Kaito. She was then occupied for the rest of the day as he requested for her to watch movies in the AV room. Normally he would've returned her back to Ouma but after promising him a free day, he couldn't do that.


"Bing Bong Ding Dong! A body has been discovered!" The students woke up to the dreadful sound of the announcements. A song of misery melting in their minds. Had somebody really died? Again? It's been so long since the last trial, yet no one was ready to do it again.. Another person will die.. another..

When the students arrived at the scene, many weren't fully awake. It was the morning.. some people had just woken up to see the dead body of Kokichi Ouma. The ultimate supreme leader. He lied dead in his own dorm. If the announcements hadn't said it, they would've assumed he was just calmly sitting there, at the side of his bed.

When they found the body. They all stared at Kirumi, anticipating a reaction. It could be sadness or anger. Maybe even a guilty look. They didn't care. She had to have reacted some way, right?

But she didn't. She stood there staring blankly at the body. No one could tell what she was thinking. The room was silent and no one dared to be the first to speak.

Kirumi suddenly spoke and her voice sounded so loud in the quiet room, despite how quiet she was actually speaking. She muttered a small "okay.."
Before starting to investigate. The others stared in shock as she kept muttering small agreements under her breath and making small nods or asking things like "what's next?" or "where now?"

"Kirumi?" Ryoma looked at her with a concerned expression. He was ignored and he gave up after that. He then turned to the rest of them and said, "We should start to help her investigate.."

Small agreements spread around the room and so they began. They would first check around the room and then talk to each other for alibis. When anyone spoke to Kirumi, she would look at them and continue doing what she was doing. At some point, some of them left the room, including Kirumi, most likely going out to investigate other places just in case.

After a while of investigating and digging for information, they heard the dreaded announcement. However, this time it was different. It brought a lot more despair then usual.

"Alrighty! Investigation time is over! Drop your pencils and hand me your tests!" No one laughed at his joke and he grumbled. He then continued, "Quickly head to the shrine of judgement! A trial is about—" one of the Monokubs pop up and Monokuma yells at them to go away. That was until they whispered something into his ear and he smiles. A malicious, disgusting smile that sent a bad feeling through everyone. "It seems you get to have another investigation. Please report to the hallway in the basement level of the academy! A body has been discovered!" He laughs and everyone looks at each other in fear.

"What the hell!? You couldn't wait till after the trial!?" Miu argues with no one.

"Miu don't worry! we'll get past this!" Kiibo desperately attempts to calm her down while failing. Miu, in response, goes on a rant as the ultimates head towards the academy.

After a while of an agonizing atmosphere and multiple people telling Miu to shut up, they arrive at their destination and is met with an ear splitting scream. A cry of pure terror.

"Himiko! No! Please no! It's gonna be okay! It's gonna be okay it's gonna be okay.." no one knew what to do. They watched the girl cry while saying nothing themselves. Kiibo walks up in an attempt to comfort her but steps back when he's slapped away.

There in front of them, Himiko lies on her stomach with scratches littered around her body. Blood falling out from her head while Tenko cries next to her. What made it worse was that the shade of blood almost matches Himiko's hair if it weren't for the slight tint of pink.

"Oh my god.. who would do such a thing!?" Tsumugi covers her face and she starts to cry.

"Geez.. someone must really hate short people.. only one left is Ryoma." Miu scratches the back of her head and Ryoma glares in response.

"Oh no! Does that mean we're gonna have three dead bodies!? I can't handle anymore!" Tsumugi continues to sob.

"Please don't kill Ryoma! Gonta has seen shorter people, please spare him!" Gonta cries and some of the others frown at that.

"I think I'm fine.. Quit it with the height thing." Ryoma grumbles and puts his hand in his pockets. "It was just a joke. Miu, stop it." He turns to Miu and she sputters in response.

"It's not my fault! I didn't think these dumbasses would believe me!"

"Well you shouldn't be joking at all!" And after that everyone stays silent. No one expected Tenko to snap at a girl.

"We should start investigating.. again..." Everyone silently agrees and begins to search. Kirumi however, stood still. She hasn't said a thing since they started Ouma's investigation. Unless you count the small muttering under her breath. She kept looking to the side in annoyance as if something were bothering her.

Ok now I'm just gonna skip til the end of the trial since this chapter is almost reaching 10000 words and i didn't mean for it to be that long. My bad


(I DIDNT THINK ADDING THOSE WOULD WORK 💀💀💀💀💀)1)1(1)1()1(1)1)1))2)1)())))))(

"So.. it had to have been Himiko who did it. There's nobody else who could've done it." Saihara concludes with a saddened look.

"Dammit.. if only I had just brought her back to Ouma.. maybe Kirumi could've protected him.." Kaito looks down in defeat. "I'm so sorry.. this is all my fault.."

"Yes.. I do regret not being there but it isn't your fault." Kirumi voices out. "It is Monokuma's for making this motive."


"No.. She didn't do it! Why would she kill Ouma then!? If anything, she would've killed Kirumi!" Tenko argues. A desperate attempt to defend the girl that she secretly (not so secretly) loved.

"Yeah.. she was against Kirumi, right? I'm pretty sure she would've killed her in order for Ouma to well— be.. free?" Kiibo says. Unsure on if that made sense.

"That sounds corny as hell..." miu looks to the side.

"No.. I don't think so.." everyone's attention is now on Saihara. "I don't think she cared about Ouma at all."

"What..? Then what was she arguing with me about?" Maki's voice rises as she speaks. Annoyance clear in her tone.

"Well she never really liked Ouma before. So if we're assuming she was affected by the motive then that's out of the picture."

"The motive made something increase.. what was it?" Tsumugi looks down with a thoughtful look.

"She was angry." Everyone looks at Maki. "She was angry at Kirumi."

"Angry at Kirumi?" Tsumugi's face flashes a confused look.

"Yeah dipshit were you even listening when Himiko started going on her stupid rant!?" Miu curses at her.

"Hey! It wasn't stupid! And no she wasn't! She left remember!? Pay attention!" Tenko's quick to defend her. Still mad about her joke from earlier. Miu cowers in response and apologizes.

"Yeah.. she called her a disgusting fraud." Kaito ignores the two and adds on to the main conversation. "She was acting real harsh.."

"Exactly. I believe she was just against Kirumi." The others waited for him to continue. "Because she hated Kirumi, she went after Ouma."

"What!?" Tenko gasps. "She wouldn't stoop that low right!? She wouldn't!"

"How truly despicable.." A shadow casts over Kirumi's face as she looks down.

"Then.. then who would.." Tenko starts to tear up before her eyes widen in realization. She looks up and everyone follows her gaze that leads up to Kirumi. "She was right.. you are a monster!"

Kirumi looks around before speaking. "Excuse me?"

Tenko scoffs in response. "You killed her! How dare you I— I just.. No! You—" Tenko breaks down while everyone watches. Shuichi nods and gets everyone's attention before speaking.

"I agree. I think Kirumi killed her. She was one of the people who left Ouma's room and she left after Himiko did. She must've killed her then." A series of gasps fill the room.

"Are you sure Shuichi? That doesn't feel like something Kirumi would do. She doesn't seem like the type for revenge." Kaito says on edge.

"No it doesn't.." Shuichi wonders. He takes a bit to think before his eyes widen. "Unless she's still under control of the motive."

"Shuichi you're being stupid. When she was under the motive, she constantly asked for orders. She's barely said a thing this whole morning." Maki stares blankly at Saihara and he flinches in response.

"No she hasn't.. she's been muttering this whole time! Like she's been speaking with someone!"

Korekiyo seems a lot more interested in the conversation now. "I understand.. How amazing!"

Kirumi glares at him. "Well I don't. Elaborate."

"You were never cured." Maki says emptily. Kirumi doesn't respond.

"But if she wasn't cured then how come she stopped muttering after we found Himiko?" Tsumugi wonders.

"I understand! I understand perfectly!" Some of the students jump at Korekiyo's sudden yelling. "Ouma must still be here! Guiding her this very moment! How beautiful!"

"Someone get that psycho out of here!" Miu yelled back.

"What..? But that doesn't make sense..." Saihara mumbles to himself.

"Don't think that much into it.. he's just being weird." Kaito tries to reassure him.

"Kirumi.. is that what you really think?" The ultimates look over at Kirumi and she takes a defensive stance. Saihara then continues, "Tell us the truth.. that's.. my only request."

Her eyes widen before her face goes blank. She takes a moment to think and then complies.

"It's.. true."

"We have two psychos now!" Miu cries.

"Can you see him? What has he been saying?" Korekiyo questions.

"Assuming that he really is still giving orders. He's been telling her what to do since he died. That must be why she hasn't been asking for requests, despite his absence." Tsumugi concludes. Her hand on her cheek with her head tilted slightly.

"Why are you guys talking like ghosts are normal!?" Kaito screams. He's quickly ignored.

"But if he really has been giving her orders this whole time, Himiko wouldn't be dead.."

"She wouldn't? But it makes sense, doesn't it? For revenge?" Kiibo asks.

"Ouma's a pacifist. He wouldn't do that. Despite how.. harsh he is." Saihara announces.

"Really? Ouma of all people?"

"That is correct. Which is why I tuned him out." Kirumi says. She then continues with a new accent to her voice. One of distress. "The yelling for me to stop.. the screaming from Himiko when she realized what I was doing... both of their voices telling me to stop and I didn't.."

The ultimates watch her in pity. All except for Tenko. Who angrily glares at her. Maki. Who doesn't show a hint of emotion. And Korekiyo. Who stares in amazement. All of them anticipate her continuation.

"It's the only request I have failed to complete. Instead, I murdered her on my own. It was my choice. I needed revenge." Her face shows no emotion. "Once I was done, The yelling never stopped. The cursing for me to die. Once such a horrible thing such as murder is done, you relinquish all rights to live yourself."

"That little twerp is too stupid to use big words like relinquish!" Miu yells.

"Please try and be quiet." Korekiyo glares at her. She apologizes and stops talking after that.

"Even now. I'm not telling you because of my own judgment. I'm telling you because I'm being ordered. Right now. I must be executed. A final request."

"What!? You're saying Ouma is telling you to die?" Maki questions, her eyes wide in shock. One of the small amount of times she's shown any emotion throughout this whole trial. "This is your own judgement Kirumi! You're the one telling yourself to do this!"

"That's wrong!" Kirumi slams her fists against her podium. "He's been there the whole time! Even when you guys weren't! That's why I know that he wants revenge! I'm doing what he would want! Even if he doesn't know it! He'll thank me later when I'm in hell!"

"Get her away! Get that monster away from here! She doesn't deserve to live!" Tenko screeches.

"Kirumi what the hell is wrong with you!?" Maki yells at her. Her hands in tight fists.

"Monokuma please start the voting.. I need to fulfill this request! Execute me! Let me die!"

"What an interesting twist! Don't have to tell me twice!" Monokuma laughs. The voting screens pop up and the clicking of buttons can be heard over the chaos.

"Ouma may hate me but it's worth it! I know what I have to do!" Kirumi yells and Tenko cries even more.

"You die in favor of revenge for the one you lost? How truly amazing! Represents perfectly the beauty of humanity!" Korekiyo vocalizes his admiration. "I wonder.. what is it he wants now? Please, enlighten us on what the dead may seek!"

"He—" she comes to an abrupt stop. A new emotion coursing through her. "He doesn't want anything.." the room goes silent. "He's not there.. was.. he really not.."

"Did you finally realize? That he was never there?" Maki asks.


"You've been hearing things.. Ouma hasn't been telling you what to do and he hasn't been guiding you either! You're just insane!" Tenko yells at her.

"Wait— but that doesn't make sense.. What!?—"

"It seems Kirumi Tojo has been found guilty! Ding ding ding! Bullseye!" Monokuma celebrates. Getting ready to press the button.

"Wait no.. he just.. I'm not insane! He's there!—"

"And now.. as a final request.. I shall now execute you!" Monokuma mocks her. He then pressed the button and screams could be heard as Kirumi is pulled away.

"Let them catch you, Kirumi."

Ending here cause this one is already super long and I'm not willing to make it even longer

Cringey as hell 💀💀💀 couldn't be me. This one was so Annoying to write and it was way too extra long. It reached over 10000

10726 words counting these ones

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