Hotel Transylvania: Night Of...

Autorstwa 95nicholasnm

59.7K 1K 153

I am the last of my kind in which we were the most powerful monster of the century until a war broke many ye... Więcej

Oc Character Bio:
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 10.

Chapter 9.

3.5K 76 38
Autorstwa 95nicholasnm

A two months has past since Jason decided to live in Transylvania as well as be with Mavis who celebrated her one hundred and eighteenth birthday with all of her friends and her father who was pleased to see his daughter so happy and approved of Jason being with her since he makes her smile and thats what Dracula likes to see his daughter do every time. Mavis and Jason's relationship grew wonderfully and after confessing their love for each other they did all sorts of things together in Transylvania including going to parties that Jason invited Mavis too that are in the human world as well as telling her all about what is out there and the sites that could be seen. Mavis loved everything that her boyfriend mentioned to her as well as his travels around the world and she really wanted to see it in person and that is what gave Jason the idea to make his relationship with Mavis even more exciting. Right now the happy couple are on top of the hotel enjoying a beautiful sunset while cuddling next to each other.

Mavis: Sigh..this is great.

Jason: What is?

Mavis: You know this, here we are on top of my dads hotel watching a beautiful sunset over the horizon while being close to each other.

Jason: Oh that, ok I totally get it now.

Mavis: Can't believe it's been two months already.

Jason: Yea, even though it wasn't that great at first but I did enjoy the best times I had here including getting to know everyone here as well as spending so much time with this beautiful and absolutely gorgeous vampire who I came to know and love for the rest of my life.

Mavis: I agree, I mean two months ago my dad wouldn't allow to go out and see the outside world while humans still hate us but they don't after you came along and changed everything in which I got to know this incredible as well as handsome guy who is from a powerful monster race and he showed me such wonders and I couldn't be more in love than anyone then you Jason.

Jason: And I feel the same way about you to Mavis.

Mavis: You know since it's just the two of us here wanna have some fun.

Jason: And by fun you mean where I am not piggy back rider.

Mavis: Hehehe no silly I mean this kind of fun.(Mavis saids and sits on Jason's lap and wraps her legs around his waste and her arms around his neck while giving her man a devious smile)

Jason: Ooh you mean that kind of fun, why didn't you say so.

Mavis: Oh be quiet and just make out with me you handsome hybrid.

Jason: Gladly.

Jason and Mavis began to make out with each other where Jason kissed Mavis on the lips where the two of there were fighting for dominance then soon Jason moved down to Mavis's neck where the vampire let of a moan while feeling good of what her boyfriend was doing and then Mavis did the same but instead bit down on Jason's ear that left him sensitive.

Jason: You know my ears are very sensitive right.

Mavis: Good because I like how sensitive you are.

Jason: Really then tell me are you sensitive when I do this.(Jason saids and puts his hand on Mavis's butt cheek and gave it squeeze)

Mavis:(Moan)....Ooh how did you know that was my sensitive part.

Jason: Lucky guess.

Mavis: You really know how to make a girl like me very happy.

Jason: I try not to over do it but I guess you don't mind it.

Mavis: Not one bit.

Jason: Say Mavis I been thinking about something.

Mavis: What is it sweetie?

Jason: Well I been giving this some thought and I think it is something we can both together since now we're a couple and shared secrets with each other.

Mavis: Wait is he thinking what I think he is thinking about.(Mavis saids in thought)

Jason: Do you remember that card that your dad gave you the one that saids Paradise.

Mavis: Yea what about it?

Jason: How would you like to go to Paradise.

Mavis: Wait are you for real, I mean like really.

Jason: I wanted to take you there since we got together so hows about it babe wanna go to Paradise just like you always wanted.

Mavis: Holly Rapids! Holly Rapids!!

Jason: I take that as a yes.

Mavis: Oh my gosh yes yes yes!!!! But wait how will I tell my dad?

Jason: Actually I already talked to him about it and he approved.

Mavis: Wait really just like that.

Jason: He said to me as long as I am with you by your side and to make sure you don't get hurt than you can go but to also wear the necklace in the sun.

Mavis: Wow I always thought dad would flip out and wouldn't let me leave.

Jason: That was before he met me and I helped change his prospective as well as shared the human worlds technology with the monsters so they can catch up with what is going on in the world.

Mavis: And I can't believe it took two months for everyone to get used to the stuff that you shared with everyone.

Jason: What can I say I am a monster who enjoys making other monster feel comfortable.

Mavis: A very attractive and strong monster who is mine.

Jason: And you are mine my beautiful and gorgeous vampire girlfriend.

Mavis: So when do we leave?

Jason: Well I already got us the passports and tickets for the plane and I already packed my stuff so I think that you need to pack your things. Also for when we leave I think in two days since your dads still needs help around the hotel for a while until the new employees come in.

Mavis: Sounds good to me. Wanna help me pack.

Jason: Sure.

Soon both Mavis and Jason got up from their spot and headed back into their bedroom since the room that Jason was in got destroyed after his outburst a month ago so he moved in with Mavis who offered a place to stay in which Jason gladly excepted.

Mavis: So what is it like Jason, Hawaii.

Jason: Oh it is one of the most beautiful tropical paradises in the world besides the Bahamas and the islands near Africa and Madagascar. There is a lot of interesting sites to see there Mavis and I you will love them especially at night because the stars and the full moon are breathtaking. I read about the stuff online.

Mavis: Really, are there any places for couples.

Jason: Of course, theres private beaches, nice houses, great food, lovely strolls around the gardens, beautiful views of the island itself as well as the sea, and much more I even heard there is a hidden cave with a hot spring though it is located somewhere hidden in Hawaii.

Mavis: Ooh I would love to see that.

Jason: Like I said his a hidden place but I am sure we can somehow find it together.

Mavis: I am sure we will and maybe we can take the next step in our relationship when we get to Hawaii.(Mavis saids in thought)

Jason: Have any idea what you wanna pack for the trip.

Mavis: Don't worry I read the basic stuff that you need to take with you for a trip to a tropical paradise.

Jason: Make sure to bring sunscreen as well as your shades just in case.

Mavis: Oh that is something I forgot to put on the list thanks for the reminder sweetie.

Jason: Glad I can help and even if the necklace will protect you from the burning sun it is always a good idea to put on sunscreen so your skin wont turn red.

Mavis: Why is that?

Jason: Sun burn and it stings a lot trust me I know the feeling.

Mavis: I will keep that mind.

Knock! Knock!

Mavis: It's open!(Mavis saids and soon came in her father Dracula)

Dracula: Hello my lovely daughter and you as well Jason.

Jason: Hello Drac.

Mavis: Hey dad.

Dracula: So I take that you told her about of discussion Jason.

Jason: I did sir, and she took it quite well.

Dracula: Thats excellent though you never mentioned when you are planning on leaving.

Jason: I was gonna tell you but you had an emergency and just flew off before I had the chance to tell you when me and Mavis are leaving for Hawaii.

Dracula: My apologies Jason, you know how the hotel is every year.

Jason: I feel your pain, as for when me and Mavis are leaving our flight doesn't leave in the next two days so me and Mavis are here until the day comes.

Mavis: And since the new employees are not here yet me and Jason would be happy to help out around the hotel in the mean time.

Dracula: Oh that brings greatness to my heart, I always knew I can count on my daughter and her boyfriend to help out with the hotel.

Jason: By the way who are the new employees that you hired?

Dracula: Why more zombies of course.

Jason: Uhh.....really?

Dracula: Why what is wrong with zombies?

Mavis: Dad no offense but we already have plenty of zombies here at the hotel and most of them always keep falling apart each day.

Jason: Yea I been seeing their body parts all over the place.

Mavis: Exactly I think getting different employees ones that don't fall apart would do nicely for the hotel.

Dracula: When you put it that way it does make sense. Though if not zombies who shall I hire for the job.

Jason: Well I looked up a group of monsters who are looking for jobs and I think they would do great working at the hotel.

Mavis: What species of monster are they Jason?

Jason: Orcs.

Mavis and Dracula: Orcs.

Jason: Yes Orcs, I met those guys a long time ago they very strong and smart. They live in the parts of the Himalaya mountains along side the yeti's who are their neighbors. I am sure hiring some of them to work at the hotel would prove that they are better than using zombies. Their boss Mr.Grungier is in business though his company is already full and has a lot of works orcs working for him while the others don't so I think hiring the remaining orcs will be a great idea.(Jason saids to Dracula and shows him the picture of the orc boss)

Dracula: Oh yes I know of Mr.Grungier, he has good reputation and I think I will use your idea Jason of hiring orcs to work at the hotel since Mr.Grungier has enough orcs working for him.

Jason: Glad we agree on something Drac.

Dracula: I will give them a call and have them come work for me at the hotel.

Mavis: And in the mean time me and Jason will help out until they arrive.

Dracula: Thats my little bat. Well I will be taking my leave now you two take care now.(Dracula saids and then leaves the room)

Jason: What did I tell you, he has his approval.

Mavis: Glad I know, say should I bring a dress with me in case we go somewhere romantic.

Jason: I think you should I will be doing the same.

Mavis: Great, say hows is the music gig coming along with you and my uncles.

Jason: So far so good, we already came out with our first album though it wont be released until next month since we are writing more songs for the future.

Mavis: I cannot wait to listen to it especially that my boyfriend has a killer singer voice.

Jason: Oh stop your gonna make me blush.

Mavis: Hehehe. Well I fished packing.

Jason: Thats good now all we have to do is wait until the day comes so we can both enjoy paradise together.

Mavis: Sigh..paradise but in the mean time I think I need a little more pecking on the lips of you know what I am saying sweetie.

Jason: You are one clever vampire come here you.(Jason saids and grabs hold of Mavis and pulls her close to him)

Mavis: That I am now kiss me mph 💋....

Both Mavis and Jason made out for at least half an hour and then soon both decided to watch a movie on the television that Jason installed in Mavis's room in which it took some time for Mavis to know what it was and when she figured out how it worked she loved every minute of seeing so many channels and watching movies that her boyfriend introduced to her. The movie they were watching was one of Jason's favorites and that was Teen Wolf Too since both him and Mavis saw the first one together and thought it was cool and now they are watching the sequel to the first film while eating some popcorn and drinking cranberry juice.

Mavis: Teen Wolf Too, so this is the sequel to the first film.

Jason: It is, though in this movie the main character is the cousin of the original wolf who goes to college as a freshman and joins a boxing club where he discovers that his cousin and his uncle are not the only wolfs in the family. I saw it all on the trailer for the movie, it has music, comedy, romance, as well as a werewolf who is a boxer.

Mavis: Sounds interesting let's watch it.

Both Mavis and Jason watched the movie together and saw how the character known as Tod Howard was doing in the film where he had to go through struggles of fitting into college as well as dealing with the family wolf problem but was able to deal with it though it let fame get in the way of what he was truly meant to do in which broke the girl who fell in love with him and due to the wolf getting in the way it made life difficult until Tod saw his errors and decided to change and confess his love to the girl who saw for who Tod was as well as being just himself and not the wolf. Mavis was enjoying the whole thing though felt sad for some of the scenes while Jason didn't like the bully in the film as well as people seeing Tod as an object and more than a person because they only wanted to see the wolf and not Tod Howard himself. During towards the end of movie Mavis was feeling tired which Jason saw and decided to call it a night where he shut off the television and carried Mavis to their bed and put her next to Jason as well as covered himself along with Mavis who later snuggled into her boyfriends chest.

Jason: Good night Mavis.

Mavis: Yawn!...good night Jason.

The next two days both Mavis and Jason helped out Dracula with the hotel to make sure that the guest are well taken care of as well as their rooms nice for their arrivals and of course Jason showed them where the most populated areas around the hotel so that their families and friends can have a great time together with Mavis helping at his side. Dracula got the call from the orcs that they would be honored to to work at Hotel Transylvania as long as they get paid for the jog in which Dracula would gladly offer them. Soon the new employees came in and Dracula gave each of the orcs a job to do around the hotel as well as their own rooms to stay and it pleased the orcs that they have a place to stay while also working at the hotel. After both Mavis and Jason helped out with the hotel they got their things all packed up and read to go to Hawaii where they were waiting for their ride outside with Dracula along with his friends who wanted to wish the happy couple a nice vacation together.

Mavis: It's really nice of you guys to see us off.

Wanda: Its our pleasure dear, I know you and Jason will have a wonderful time together.

Murray: Send us some pictures of how the place is because I heard the sand is very smooth there.

Jason: Hehehe will do Murray and I promise to bring you guys back some souvenirs once we get back.

Frank: Thanks Jason, and remember if you two see fire stay bad.

Jason: Uh sure we will keep that in mind.

Eunice: You sure you kids will be all right by yourselves.

Mavis: Don't worry I have Jason with me, he knows more about the outside world better than anyone and if anything happens he will be there to protect me.

Jason: She's right about that I will not let anything happen to Mavis.

Dracula: That is wonderful to know Jason.

Wayne: By the way how you two getting to the airport since the car is busted.

Jason: How did it get busted in the first place?

Dracula: Sigh..the driver took a different turn and fell off a cliff.

Jason: Zombie driver.

Everyone except Mavis: Zombie driver.

Jason: Figures, anyway as for the ride you mentioned Wayne, I called up someone to take us to the airport and will get us there on time. I think he should be arriving right about now.

Soon everyone looked towards the front gate of the hotel and looked to see a black carriage that was being pulled by undead horses as well as the driver who carried are huge scythe who is also a skeleton while wearing a black cloak.

Jason: Right on time. Hey there Reaper hows it going.

Reaper: Oh you know traffic, sending souls off to other side to rest in peace the usual.

Griffin: How did he get a reaper driver?(Griffin whispers to his friends)

Murray: Don't know but I always wanted to take one of those.

Jason: Shall we Mavis.

Mavis: Sure but first I need to say goodbye to everyone.

Jason: Sure take your time while I put our bags inside the carriage.

While Jason puts his and Mavis's bags on the carriage, Mavis went and said her goodbyes to her family and her dad who wish her safe travels and promise to write too so they know how hers and Jason's trip is going in which she promises to write them.

Dracula: Stay safe Mavis.

Mavis: I will dad I promise and we will be back soon.

Dracula: Looking forward to it sweetheart.

Jason: We will also send you a postcard with us on it so you will know how our vacation is doing.

Dracula: Very good.

Mavis: Well I best be off bye everyone take care.

Everyone: Bye Mavis, Bye Jason!

Jason: I will make sure Mavis is well taken care of Drac, you have nothing to worry about.

Dracula: Thank you Jason and enjoy paradise the both of you.

Mavis: Thanks dad we will!

Once inside the carriage both Mavis and Jason looked out the window and waved towards everyone who wish the both of them safe travels and a great time together.

Jason: Best to buckle up Mavis because Reaper attends to go fast like really fast.

Mavis: Really I mean how fast can he.......

All of sudden Mavis words cut short when Reaper took off in blink of flash that left Dracula as well as his friends jaw dropping of how fast the Reaper took off that could out match the hotels car.


Jason: WHOO-HOO!!!

After a couple hours later of riding the carriage both Mavis and Jason arrived at their destination which is the airport and once they got off Jason paid the Reaper in gold coins and then took off into the shadows. Then when they got inside the airport and handed in their passports as well as their tickets both Mavis and Jason headed down and found their flight and waited for the boarding.

Mavis: So how many hours does it take to get to Hawaii?

Jason: It takes about fifteen hours and twenty eight minuted to get to Hawaii so best to just relax and enjoy the ride there.

Mavis: I think I will as long as I am with you sweetie.

Jason: Oh I almost forgot to tell you that I have a place done in Hawaii where we can stay.

Mavis: Really you have your own place there.

Jason: Yea I bought it a couple years ago during my travels and it has its own private beach and a great view of the area you will love it.

Mavis: Can't wait to see it.

All passengers for flight A to Hawaii are now boarding!

Jason: That looks like us shall M'lady.

Mavis: Yes we shall my good sir.

Jason: After you.

Mavis: What a gentleman.

Once they were on board the plane along with the remaining passengers, the couple took their seats and strapped themselves in until the plane takes off and soon both Mavis and Jason took out their iPhones and decided to listen to some music while they enjoy their ride to Hawaii.

Mavis: Hawaii I cannot wait.

Jason: I am going to show you a great time Mavis.

Mavis: I know you will Jason, and thanks for doing this for me.

Jason: Anything for you Mavis.

Mavis: I love you so much Jason.

Jason: And I love you to Mavis.

The plane then started its engines and soon took off into the air where Mavis and Jason sat in their seats while relaxing to some music as well as thinking about their vacation in Hawaii where both will enjoy some peace and quiet as well as paradise.

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