David x OC The Lost Boys

Autorstwa AuroraKnight23

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Come meet Storm, follow her story; will she choose love or humanity? Please open the story and follow along i... Więcej

Storm Emerson
Katrina Emerson
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 6

189 3 4
Autorstwa AuroraKnight23

Storm's P.O.V
I knew that Michael had gone home during the day time he had opened the bond and I frowned when I saw that Lucy was waiting to get a hold of me for a scolding and I sighed in irritation. I had gotten up before David and went to go take a shower lost in my thoughts as I got cleaned up.

Once I finished my shower I got dried and dressed when I heard Kat talking to me mentally and knew that she was awake.

'Where are you sis?'

'In the bathroom I'll be out in a couple minutes, what's up?'

'You hungry for some real food or do you want to go get your stuff moved to my house?'

'Move stuff; I gotta deal with Lucy afterwards...I don't want to deal with her right off the get go.'

'I saw what Michael showed us earlier, she tries to harm anyone of you three and she'll regret it.'

I smiled softly knowing that Kat was a very protective sister, especially when it came to Lucy. I hummed softly as I finished getting ready and walked out to where everyone was and stopped as I looked around for my mate and knew he wasn't in the cave anymore. "Where is he?"

"Outside, I'm pretty sure Max was bothering him." Marko spoke up as the family all walked over to me and surrounded me waiting patiently.

I smiled softly understanding that I was their leaders mate, and in an indirect way that also made me their leader as well. I was just as responsible for the pack as David was. "Then let's go join him." Smiling as the family howled happily as we headed out of the cave.

I smiled happily as I helped Laddie up the stairs once we got to a certain spot and carried him on my back till we got where it was safe and Marko and Kat brought him to their bikes, Dwayne and Paul went to their bikes, Michael and Star went to Michael's bike, I walked over to David who looked proud seeing that I brought the family out of the cave. I smiled happily and kissed him softly. "We got to go get mine, Michael's and Sam's stuff moved to Kat's and then the rest of the night is ours."

"You excited my love? I'm proud your starting to take lead like your meant too." David pulled me onto his lap nuzzling me as I cuddled into him purring and blushing.

"I've learnt from the best." I kissed him softly before I got onto my bike and started it with the rest.

Once David started his bike he took off with me close to him and the rest just fell into position, we were all having fun howling and racing. The night was ours and I giggled as myself and Kat raced, Laddie was with Marko this time but Laddie bounced between his adopted parents and Dwayne often.

As soon as we made it to the road we raced to our grandpa's place and I smirked playfully hearing Michael and Star laughing. This is how it was meant to be, no fighting, no stress...just us, our little pack. Pulling into our grandpa's driveway we parked incase he was leaving to see his girlfriend and I got off my bike as we all walked to the house and I remembered the guys could enter thanks to Kat inviting them in way before we moved here.

Sam ran downstairs and I giggled as Michael caught him and flipped him upside down over his shoulder.

"Hey Mike, remember what happened last time?" I asked grinning and snickered when once again Sam bit Michael and they raced upstairs with the family laughing.

"Michael will never learn will he?" David asked while the rest of us headed upstairs.

"Of course not, I'm surprised he can lift Sam yet." Kat spoke up as I opened my bedroom door and my stuff was still packed from when we moved here. "You never unpacked?"

"Been to lazy to do anything, plus with how everything has been since the day we got here. I just never had the energy to do anything, it's not much. A lot of the stuff I had was sold to try and get enough money for this move and well all of the money I had is gone, used it to pay for things since the start of our trip."

"Sam!" Michael yelled laughing as himself and Sam were playing as they carried things outside. Michael stopped. "By the way Grandpa is letting us use the car, Star and myself will drive the car to Kat's place with anything that can't go on the bikes and when we're finished we'll go gas it up and then bring it back for Grandpa. And come back home then."

"That works, we're coming with as well Little Bat." David spoke up as he sat on his bike that was besides mine. "We don't mind helping."

"You sure babe?" I looked to him curiously.

David smiled and before I could get on my bike he grabbed my right hand giving a slightly hard yank and I giggled when I landed on his bike in front of David, he had his arms wrapped so he was holding me and we were face to face. "I'm sure my little bat, we're family and we help each other out." David smiled softly as I blushed believing him and leaned up giving him a gentle kiss before he helped me up and I got on my bike.

I smiled looking to Kat. "Want to take the lead? Show us where your place is."

I followed them as well as they taught us short cuts and I was surprised when a trip that took normally fifteen or so minutes. It actually took us around ten minutes and we pulled up parking our bikes and I got off when I saw the front door fly open and frowned seeing the Frog brothers with Sam and raised my fingers to my mouth and gave a whistle.

Sam froze and smiled looking over seeing Kat, Michael and myself and ran over and I giggled as he basically tackle us to the ground and cuddling into all three of us. "Welcome home; I missed you three."

"Aww Sam you don't have to miss us little brother." Kat spoke as she hugged him and looked up glaring at the Frog brothers who were sneering and a barrier rose up around all of us and I looked to Kat with Michael. She saw the Frog brothers as a threat, they called themselves hunters but they were kids that needed to be disciplined and mind their own business.

I sighed softly my hands on my hips and looked to David who I noticed was glaring at the boys and I gently grabbed his hand to keep him calm. "Why are you two here?"

"Why does it matter to a blood sucking bitch?" The boy that was wearing a red bandana spoke with aggression.

Sam stood and shoved him back. "That's my sisters and brother you are talking to! Have some damn respect for them! They would never harm myself or grandpa."

"Then what about your mother?" The other boy in an army style jacket asked.

Kat sneered before she spoke up. "None of us four could care what happens to her boys. You don't know what Lucy has done to myself, Michael, Storm or Sam. Let my siblings grab their things and then we can go elsewhere to talk if that would make you more comfortable."

Sam looked to the Frog brothers but he had moved back into Kat who was holding him gently by the shoulders to keep him calm. Sam thought about where they could all talk and he looked to seriously and then Michael and myself. "What about the shop?"

Edgar went to say something and Alan stopped him and looked to the group before he spoke. "How do we know that you won't attack us?"

"We can come up with a treaty of sorts can't we? A truce." Michael spoke from where he stood and I looked to him and then Kat before smiling softly and nodding my head.

Alan saw the smiles and was curious...and that was something we could work with. "What do you have in mind?"

"We'll let you two live, help us get rid of the head vampire as he abuses his power...and in return we'll keep getting rid of other vampires and supernatural who try to enter Santa Carla..." Kat had started.

I spoke up next seriously. "And we'll keep feeding from the humans that are guilty, which means crime rates will be kept in check, and you two will keep the hunters away. No one will get hurt and we will all benefit, we will share Santa Carla."

Alan and Edgar looked to one another seriously and then they looked to Sam and it was Edgar who...surprisingly spoke up. "Do you trust them Sam? Can we trust their word?"

"Yeah we can trust them...you two can trust them. I know my siblings and wether or not they're human; they would never lie to me that's not how they work." Sam smiled and I nodded my head in agreement and hugged him gently bringing him under my left arm and chuckled softly messing up his hair just to hear him playfully hiss at me and I chuckled.

"So what are you guys here for?"

"Jus grabbing Michael and Storm's things to bring them to my place." Kat spoke as they all walked inside together and she smiled softly seeing how quiet the house was as she looked around. "Where's grandpa?"

"Already gone on his date Widow Johnson, he was bringing her another stuffed animal I feel sorry for that woman." Alan spoke up as they sat on the couch to talk to the group as myself and Michael went upstairs to grab our things since Lucy was currently working.

I was in my room packing what I had which thankfully wasn't much to pack. As I packed I felt arms slip around my waist and someone nuzzle my neck which caused me to smile softly. "Hey handsome did you come to help carry things to grandpa's car?"

"Of course I have, you don't have much I'm honestly surprised." David was looking around and seeing I really didn't have much.

"You can thank my father for that, when he divorced our mother he took all the money basically so myself and Michael had to see a lot of stuff so we could have money to make the trip here. Sam sold a lot of stuff as well but we still had a trailer load when we came here as well."

"Now you'll never have to worry about that man ever again Little Bat." David smiled sneaking a kiss causing me to giggled shyly as he grabbed a couple things and Paul came to help as Dwayne and Marko helped Michael along with Star.

Paul took care when he carried some tapes as we walked outside together behind David. "You know ever since you, Kat and Michael joined our little family things have been more calmer in a way. I mean...we were all a lot worse then this before Kat came, even I smoked a lot more but when she came she started cleaning house. I never thought that bringing all of you into the family would make things better, I'm worried though about what it will be like if Max succeeds."

"Of course we'll do our best to help Paul, your a lot more fun when your not smoking so much weed and I have seen what your like when your starting to detox slowly. And as for Max and Lucy...it wouldn't work, there is no love for her from any of us four. Not after she refused to believe that man was abusing Kat, and whenever a problem came up she never believed any of us either. Kat became more of that mother figure for us...and her coming here..." I sighed softly as we set things into the trunk of the car and I leaned against the car with Paul and David; and it was David who gently rubbed my back gently while he lit a cigarette as Marko came out with the last of my things and I set it into the trunk.

"What will your mother do when she finds out that yourself and Michael are gone?" Marko asked curious.

"She can't do anything, after all myself and Michael are eighteen like Kat since we're triplets, and she should have known when she saw us there together that soon we would be drifting back together and away from her. And when this is all over then Sam will be joining us as well." Michael spoke up as he finished hauling his things out and he looked to Kat who was with Laddie and he then looked to me and held up his arm silently asking me to come in for a hug which I didn't turn down.

I walked over to Michael and got a hug from my elder brother, and I looked to my left smiling when Kat had walked over joining the hug and she gently placed her forehead against mine and then she did the same to Michael and I giggled hearing a purr from Michael. "You sound like a cat."

Michael smirked. "Do not." He tickled me and I gasped giggling as I escaped and we started running around the yard laughing and playing as I climbed up into a tree and laughed jumping and felt myself get caught and looked to see my favourite ice blue eyes. "My hero."

David smiled happily. "I'll always be your knight; now shall we get this stuff back to Kat's place? And get you two settled in?"

"We better, cause then we need to go feed and get food for Laddie as well." Kat spoke up as she helped Laddie onto her bike with her.

"If you want sis I wouldn't mind making supper tonight." I spoke up as Michael and Star would be taking Grandpa's car long enough for us to unload our stuff then go and fill it up before bringing it back.

Kat looked over and smiled softly. "Only if you want to Storm."

"I'll help out Storm." Michael spoke up as he looked to Sam. "When will mom be back?"

"Mmm not till around nine tonight? So you guys have around an hour."

Kat huffed softly as she started her bike like the rest of us did and Michael started grandpa's car. "We'll see you tomorrow Sam." Getting one last hug from him before she took off with Marko, Paul, Dwayne, Michael, David and then myself behind as I got one last hug as well and took off.

I smirked revving my bike playfully as I caught up to David and looked to him, I kept wondering what the future would hold in store for not just us two but our entire family here. I laughed as we raced down the road to Kat's place and slowed down as Kat used the garage door opener and we all drove in and parked the bikes and car and that's when I noticed Kat's car there and whistled in appreciation as I got off my bike. "Damn sis, is she done yet?"

Kat smiled as she had unlocked the house and let the rest inside as she walked over. "She is, want to see her engine?"

"You know I do. How long has she been finished?" Looking over her car, it was a gorgeous Dodge Charger. It was an orange like colour and the body demanded respect.

Kat chuckled as she popped the hood and I opened it up and was amazed by the engine under it. "You like sis?"

"Hell yeah sis." I smiled as we checked it out, she had it suped up for speed. "Damn she's badass car sis."

"What's a badass car?" Michael spoke as he came over curious and he was shocked. "Holy heck; when did you get this beauty?"

Kat's P.O.V
Kat found it amusing watching her triplets checking out her car and looked over when she saw the rest of the pack walking over and saw David looking amused. "I told you that they love working on machines and vehicles like I do."

"Yeah you did Kitten." Marko smiled as he walked over and saw the two checking out the car engine and shook his head smiling. "I wonder who got them into this kind of things."

"Gee I wonder." Kat smiled playfully looking to Marko as she kissed him softly and heard playful gagging and looked glaring playfully to her sister and brother who were both humming looking away.

Storm was the closest and had already started creeping away smiling innocently. "Umm...yeah." Laughing as she ran off with Michael snickering and he was soon following their baby sister.

David grinned looking to Kat. "We got two little mice on the run; what do you want to do?"

"Don't worry I got them." Kat smiled as she took off using her speed and she caught Michael first. "Mike...where's Storm?"

"No idea she was already out of sight." Michael was smiling and laughed as he tried to tackle Kat and she laughed as played.

Storm had gotten up into the tree watching her twins and snickered when Kat won and sat Michael down in a chair. When they would play and Kat made them sit down that's when they would know they lost their little game. She kept an eye on Kat and smirked when Kat looked up and spotted her in the tree.

Kat chuckled softly walking out to the tree and looked up smiling with her hands on her hips. "Now are we going to do this the easy way? Or the hard way?"

"You know me sis, I love doing things the hard way." Storm playfully grinned and laughed jumping from the tree, she dodged Katrina who had jumped up to try and catch Storm as they played.

Storm laughed she was fast like Kat and agile, at points she was barely dodging Kat especially when Kat's hand touched her left side and Storm smirked catching onto what Kat was trying to grab. "Don't touch those belt loops."

"I'm going to get you Storm." Kat smirked playfully as they ran around and played chase, with Storm as the mouse and Kat as well...the cat.

David's P.O.V
David watched Kat and Storm in amusement as they were running around and chuckled softly shaking his head as he had carried his mates things into their room and Michael had everything in his and Star's room. "How long can they play like this?"

"When we were all living together back then...they would play for hours. It's nice to hear their laughter again; it's been so long since I've heard them laughing like this. Just playing like this." Michael spoke sitting on his bike watching his sisters and chuckled when he heard Storm yelp in surprised. "Kat won."

"How do you know?" David looked where Michael pointed to Kat giving Storm a piggy back ride up the drive way and both happily talking away to one another; David could feel how happy Storm was just through their bond. "I won't let that smile vanish ever again."

"I believe you; I know she was scared but...we both were. And truth be told...she's never been in love or even had a boyfriend before."

David was surprised but thought of when he stole Storm's first kiss and smiled softly. "What about dates?"

"Never...she would go to school all day and then after wards she would work, come home to have supper and spend some time with us two and then go to bed. Storm did her best to make sure us three always knew that were to stick together. But I know Storm, and she likes old fashioned romance, you know a supper, movie, those kind of things and...you being truthful." Michael explained before Kat sat down Storm who went to David and cuddled into him.

David smiled and softly kissing the top of Storm's head. "Having fun love?"

"Of course; but my throat is starting to burn again." She huffed softly.

David looked to his family seeing many were hungry. "Then shall we go hunt? Take away all that pain Little Bat."

"Please David; can I ride with you this time?"

David chuckled softly and moved straddling his bike and helped Storm onto it as everyone else minus Michael and Star got onto their bikes. "Who's going to watch Laddie?"

"We can watch him while everyone hunts and then we can hunt after you are all done." Star spoke up.

Kat nodded her head as she was on her bike as they all backed out or pulled out and once everyone was out she closed the garage doors and saw Laddie with Dwayne and a little backpack with magazines in it. "Hold on tight sweetie."

"I will momma." Laddie replied and was holding onto Dwayne.

David smiled as he held Storm's hand gently that was wrapped around his waist. "Let's go." He kissed Storm's hand and chuckled softly hearing her heart race as they took off to go drop off the car and head out to hunt.

As they raced to get Michael's bike, David let out a howl and heard Storm whoop happily and chuckled as the family were all giving their own howls and whoops of happiness and excitement at the thought of a hunt.

They had to stop so Michael could fill the car but due to people fearing them, they didn't have to pay for the gas before they drove to the Emerson home where Michael and Star dropped the car off and got on Michael's bike. David smiled when he felt Storm cuddle into him.

"You comfy love?" David asked while they drove and he watched as Michael and Kat were racing.

Storm smiled softly sitting up some but spoke loud enough for him to hear. "I'm with you; of course I'm comfy."

David smiled softly hearing what she told him. "I'm glad to hear that my love."

Storm looked up as they drove and when they parked their bikes where they hunted she got off and smirked following Kat and Michael up into the tree. David huffed amused but he knew she was starving, he climbed up and held Storm against him as he kissed her head softly and looked over when Marko had climbed up and was holding Kat, Michael was holding Star and all the women were growling under their breaths. "Ladies first my love."

Storm's P.O.V
I looked to David and smirked playfully before I looked to Kat and Star. "Let's get this party started." Taking off with the girls as we each ended up taking down a man each as we fed and I made sure not to drain my dry. I knew eventually I would have to feed to finish turning but till Max and Lucy were out of the picture and we had to make sure that the Frog brothers wouldn't try to kill us.

As I finished feeding from the second victim I snapped his neck and tossed the bodies into the fire and looked around for David and smiled softly seeing him still feeding as I walked to the water and started washing myself the best I could. As I washed I heard movement besides me and looked to David and saw that he looked much better as I smiled softly and let him help me wash up around my hair and neck. "You look better after a good feeding."

"I feel better. I was wondering, if you want to go on a little date with me." David rubbed the back of his neck and I smiled softly.

"I'd love that. When would you like to go?"

"Well if you want, we can go finish getting cleaned and changed into cleaner clothes and then go on the date if you want." David was nervous but excited.

"Sounds like a plan then handsome." I was excited that they were going to go on a date together. I waited with David till everyone finished feeding and the bodies were burnt before I got on behind David and they all headed home to clean up and I spoke mentally to Kat. 'Sis, guess who's got a date.'

I giggled hearing Kat howl happily and then Marko who was grinning, I figured Kat told him and looked over my shoulder to Kat. 'I'm going to need some fashion advice sis.'

'Casual?' Kat asked curiously as she drove her bike.

I hummed and spoke to David. "Casual date?"

David grinned. "Of course, it's time to show my lady off so people know to back off."

I purred happily loving that sound of that as I held onto him and nuzzled David. "They're all going to learn your permanently off the market." I then spoke to Kat again mentally. 'Casual but a warning for guys to know I'm off the market, and so I can in a way warm women that David is off the market.'

Kat laughed. 'Hope he doesn't mind, I'm going to make you look badass then.'

'I doubt he cares, we're going to clean up and then out for our date.'

Kat smirked as they drove. "Marko! David's going to shower and change in our room! I'm not letting him see Storm till she's done getting ready!"

"Whatever you want Kitten!" Marko grinned as he would make sure that David didn't try to even look mentally while the girls had sister time.

( Kat's Dodge Charger)

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