Reincarnated as The Villain's...

De ---acielllll

67 1 3

In the world of nobles, where bloodlines determine one's fate, Yleana finds herself in an unexpected and peri... Mais

[0.1] Outlanders
[0.2] Authorization
[0.3] Allured By Darkness

[03] Dispute and Stardew

6 0 0
De ---acielllll

Yleana was summoned by the prince, and she quickly made her way to his chambers, her mind racing with curiosity about what he wanted to discuss. As she entered the room, she found the prince standing next to Caspian, who was lounging on a couch, looking bored.

"Ah, Yleana, there you are," the prince said with a serious face. "I have someone I want you to meet."

Yleana's eyes fell on Caspian, who was said to be 17  years old, yet carried himself with an air of confidence that was beyond his age. She bowed politely, acknowledging his presence.

"This is Lord Caspian, the Duke's son," the prince said, introducing them. "He's visiting the palace for a short stay."

Caspian looked Yleana up and down, a mischievous glint in his eye. "So, you're the infamous maid that Ignatius can't stop talking about. I expected more from someone who has captured his attention."

Yleana kept her composure, not rising to Caspian's taunts. She had learned to have a thick skin and remain composed in the face of provocation.

"I assure you, Your Grace, I am here to serve the prince and carry out my duties," Yleana replied with a curt nod.

Caspian rolled his eyes, looking unimpressed. "Well, he didn't mention that you were so uptight and formal. You could loosen up a bit, you know. You're not the queen herself."

'this annoying brat...'

The prince chuckled, enjoying the playful banter between Caspian and Yleana. He could see that Caspian was already treating Yleana like an annoying younger brother, and he found it amusing.

"Alright, alright," the prince intervened, stepping between them. "That's enough, Lord Caspian. Yleana is a trusted member of my staff, and I expect you to treat her with respect."

Caspian pouted, crossing his arms over his chest. "Fine, fine. I'll try to contain my overwhelming enthusiasm, Your Highness."

Yleana couldn't help but smirk, finding Caspian's attitude amusing in a childish way. She was used to the prince's unpredictable friends, but Caspian's youthful energy and impulsive behavior were a new experience for her.

As she left the prince's chambers, Yleana couldn't help but reflect on the complexities of palace life. She had to navigate not only the dark and calculating nature of the prince but also the spirited and impulsive personality of Caspian, who seemed to view her as an annoying older sister figure. Despite the challenges, she remained focused on her duty and her resolve to uncover the truth behind Caspian's visit to the palace, knowing that her loyalty to the prince and her role as his trusted maid would be put to the test.

Yleana ana recalls reading the novel "The Virtues of a Traitor" in her past life, where she lived in a world vastly different from the one she currently finds herself in. It's strange to her that she's now living in a world that she previously only read about in a book.

She remembers the story of two feuding families, the Dukedom of the North and South, and their attempt to create an alliance through the marriage of their heirs, Caspian and Maria. The union was meant to strengthen their kingdoms and prepare them for the impending war against the South's armies.

But things went awry when Maria died on her wedding night from poisoning, which turned out to be a suicide. Yleana can't help but wonder if Maria had any other options or if the pressures of the kingdom were just too much for her to handle.

Yleana reconciles with the fact that she is now living in a world that she once only read about in a book. She wonders if there's any connection between her previous life and her current situation. But for now, she knows she needs to focus on her duty to the prince and solving the mystery of the recent deaths in the palace.

In this dark world, the sun rises but does not bring warmth or light. It casts a crimson hue upon a land stained with blood, where the cries of the oppressed echo through the air like haunting melodies. The once lush fields are now battlegrounds, where the seeds of conflict have been sown and reaped in a never-ending cycle of violence.

The kingdom is a twisted tapestry of betrayal and treachery, woven with threads of ambition and greed. The ruling class, like vultures, feast on the suffering of the weak and the innocent. The king's throne, once a symbol of honor and nobility, is now tainted with the stench of tyranny and corruption.

The people, downtrodden and oppressed, cower in fear, their voices silenced by the iron grip of the ruler. Torture chambers echo with screams of agony, as dissent is crushed with ruthless efficiency. The streets are painted red with the blood of those who dared to speak up against the injustices, their bodies left as warnings to others.

The nobility, like venomous serpents, coil in deceit and betrayal, plotting against each other for power and influence. Alliances are fragile, easily broken by greed and ambition. Loyalties are fickle, shifting with the winds of opportunity.

War is a constant companion, a hungry beast that devours everything in its path. Armies clash, leaving trails of destruction in their wake. Lives are lost, families torn apart, and entire cities reduced to ashes.

The once beautiful landscape is now scarred with the scars of battle, a testament to the brutality of the world.

In this world, trust is a luxury few can afford. Fear is a constant companion, lurking in every shadow. Survival is a daily struggle, where only the ruthless and cunning can hope to thrive. The innocent suffer, the weak are crushed, and hope is but a distant memory.

It is a world where virtues are but a fleeting illusion, and betrayal lurks around every corner. A world where darkness reigns and the light of compassion and justice is but a distant dream. It is a world of blood, tyranny, war, and torture, where humanity's worst instincts have taken hold, and the cycle of suffering seems never-ending.

Yleana stood before the mirror, her reflection marred by the bloodstains on her linen. Her eyes held a glimmer of sadness, but also a steely determination. She had once again carried out another task for the prince, a task that had required her to shed blood, to betray, and to deceive.

Taking a deep breath, Yleana clenched her fists and made an oath to herself. She would play her role in this lifetime, as dark and twisted as it may be.

She would do what was required of her, even if it meant sacrificing her own principles and morals. She didn't want her life to be meaningless, and if she had to be a pawn in the game of power and politics, she would be the most skilled and strategic pawn there ever was.

Her heart heavy with the burden of her actions, Yleana reminded herself that she had made a choice, and now she must see it through. She had pledged her loyalty to the prince, and she would fulfill her duties with unwavering loyalty, no matter how difficult or morally ambiguous they may be.

She knew the risks and the consequences of her actions, but she was willing to bear them for the sake of her purpose. Her resolve hardened as she reaffirmed her commitment to her role in this dark world. She would navigate the treacherous waters, play the game of thrones, and make her moves with calculated precision. She would do whatever it took to survive and succeed, even if it meant getting her hands dirty.

With a resolute nod, Yleana straightened her shoulders and looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes shone with determination, and she knew that her path ahead would be filled with challenges and sacrifices. But she was willing to walk that path, for she had made her oath, and she would see it through, no matter what the cost.

Her life may be filled with darkness, but she would strive to make her actions meaningful in this ruthless world, and leave her mark, even if it was stained with blood.

As Yleana was cleaning up the blood from her clothes, the prince entered the room with a serious expression on his face. "Yleana, I want you to keep a close eye on Caspian," he said.

Yleana nodded, surprised that the prince was taking such an interest in the outsider. "Why, my prince? Is he a threat to the throne?"

The prince smiled darkly. "No, Yleana. He's an asset. He's the perfect pawn to use against the Dukedom of the South."

Yleana was taken aback. She knew the prince was ruthless, but she never realized just how far he was willing to go for power. "But, my prince, what about the innocent lives that will be lost in this war?"

The prince's smile disappeared, replaced with a hard stare. "The ends justify the means, Yleana. You know that. We need to do whatever it takes to maintain our power and ensure our survival. And Caspian is the key to that."

Yleana couldn't help but admire the prince's logic, even if it was brutal. She knew that he was the only one who could protect her in this cruel world, and she was willing to do anything to stay by his side.

"As you wish, my prince," she said, bowing her head in submission.

The prince placed a hand on her shoulder, giving her a rare display of affection. "Good girl, Yleana. I knew I could count on you."

Yleana couldn't help but feel conflicted as she listened to the prince's words. Was she just a pawn in his grand scheme for power, or was she truly secured in his affections? Her mind was clouded with doubts and uncertainties.

As she looked up at the prince, she was taken aback by the intense gaze he was giving her. She could feel her heart race as he moved closer, his hand still resting on her shoulder. His voice was low and smooth, laced with seduction.

"Yleana, you know how important you are to me," he said, his eyes never leaving hers. "You're not just a pawn to me. You're so much more."

Yleana's breath hitched as she felt a mix of emotions. She was drawn to the prince, his power and charisma undeniable. But she also knew that he could be calculating and manipulative, willing to use anyone, including her, to further his ambitions.

"I... I want to believe you, my prince," Yleana stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

The prince's hand trailed down from her shoulder to her waist, pulling her closer. "Then trust me, Yleana. Trust that I have your best interests at heart."

Yleana's resolve wavered as the prince's proximity sent shivers down her spine. Her mind told her to be cautious, but her body betrayed her as she was swept up in the moment. She found herself leaning in, her lips dangerously close to his.


But then she pulled back, her senses returning to her. "No, my prince," she said, her voice firm. "I won't be just another pawn in your game."

The prince's expression changed, a mix of frustration and admiration. "You're playing a dangerous game, Yleana," he warned.

Yleana straightened her shoulders, her resolve strengthening. "Perhaps, but I won't compromise my integrity or be used for your selfish ambitions. I know you now, my prince. I've encountered all those people who kiss your feet and ended up getting their head unattached. If I make a wrong move that doesn't satisfy you, you might always tighten my collar and choke me to death."

The prince smirked, a glint of admiration in his eyes. "Very well, Yleana. You're more intriguing than I thought."

With that, he released his hold on her, and Yleana took a step back, regaining her composure. She knew that her position was still precarious, but she refused to be manipulated by the prince's charms.

As she left the room, she couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. She was tempted by the prince's allure, but she was determined to find her own path in this world, one that wouldn't compromise her values or make her just a pawn in someone else's game.

Yleana's head throbbed suddenly, a sharp pain shooting through her temples as she was in the midst of discussing her reports with the prince. She tried to ignore it at first, but the pain intensified, causing her to wince and clutch her head.

The prince noticed her discomfort and reached out to steady her. "Yleana, what's wrong?"

Yleana struggled to focus, her vision blurring as memories flooded her mind. She saw flashes of images - a maid sneaking around in the prince's chambers, a hidden meeting in the shadows, whispered conversations.

"I... I...," Yleana stammered, her words faltering as the pain in her head intensified. She tried to convey her suspicions about the maid, but the memories were jumbled, and her speech was incoherent.

The prince's expression changed, a mix of concern and frustration. "Yleana, you need to calm down. Take a deep breath and try to compose yourself."

Yleana tried to follow his advice, taking deep breaths to steady her racing heart. But the pain in her head was overwhelming, and her thoughts remained fragmented.

The prince's grip on her arm tightened as he looked at her intently. "Tell me what you found, Yleana. Focus."

Yleana's eyes cleared for a moment, and she managed to convey the gist of her findings - the maid's suspicious behavior, the secret meetings, and the hidden agenda. But her words were disjointed, and she struggled to maintain coherence as the pain in her head continued to throb.

The prince's expression hardened, and he made a swift decision. "Yleana, go rest. I will investigate this matter further."

Yleana nodded weakly, her energy drained from the sudden onslaught of memories and the persistent headache. She stumbled out of the room, feeling disoriented and overwhelmed.

As she retreated to her chambers, she couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. She knew that she had stumbled upon something significant, something that could potentially threaten the prince's reign. But her memories were still hazy, and she couldn't piece together the puzzle.

Yleana lay down on her bed, her mind swirling with questions and uncertainties. She was determined to get to the bottom of the mystery, but she knew that she needed to recover her strength first. As she closed her eyes, the images and memories continued to haunt her, and she vowed to unravel the truth, no matter how difficult or dangerous it may be.

Yleana's headache intensified, becoming an agonizing throb that seemed to pulse in sync with her heartbeat. She tried to push through the pain, but it was overwhelming, blurring her vision and making her feel lightheaded.

As she stumbled towards her bed, her knees gave way, and she collapsed onto the soft linen. Her surroundings seemed to fade away, and she felt herself drifting into unconsciousness.

In the moments before she lost consciousness, Yleana had flashes of memories from a past life. She saw herself in a different time and place, wearing different clothes and speaking a different language. She saw familiar faces, but in different roles, and events that seemed both familiar and foreign at the same time.

There were moments of joy and laughter, but also moments of pain and loss. She saw herself making choices, some with consequences that she hadn't fully understood at the time. She saw regrets and missed opportunities, and a sense of longing for something that she couldn't quite grasp.

Amidst the chaos of these disjointed memories, Yleana felt a deep sense of unease. She realized that her past life had been intertwined with the present, and that the choices she had made then had shaped her current circumstances. She felt a surge of determination to make sense of it all, to find the truth and understand her place in this universe.

But as her consciousness slipped away, the pain in her head finally overwhelmed her, and she succumbed to darkness, unconsciousness claiming her.

Time seemed to blur as Yleana's body lay still, her mind in a state of limbo between the present and the past. She felt weightless, as if floating in a sea of memories, her senses dulled by the fog of unconsciousness.

Then, gradually, she began to regain consciousness. Her surroundings came back into focus, and she felt a dull ache in her head, though it had subsided compared to before. She blinked, trying to clear her vision, and found herself staring up at the ceiling of her chamber.

The memories of her past life were fading, slipping from her grasp like sand through her fingers. But the sense of purpose and determination remained, and she knew that she had to make sense of the puzzle that had been presented to her.

Yleana slowly sat up, feeling slightly weak and disoriented. She looked around, realizing that she had been unconscious for some time. Her thoughts were still muddled, but she knew that she had to resume her duties and continue her investigation into the maid's suspicious behavior.

As she gathered herself, she couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of curiosity and resolve. She was no longer just a pawn in the prince's game; she had a role to play, and she was determined to make her life meaningful by uncovering the truth and standing for justice.

With a deep breath, Yleana pushed aside her lingering discomfort and pain, and she set out to resume her duties, her mind clear with a newfound sense of purpose. She knew that the path ahead would be challenging, but she was ready to face whatever obstacles came her way, determined to make a difference in this world, no matter what secrets and mysteries she might uncover along the way.

As I regained consciousness, the memories flooded back, filling my mind with a sense of clarity. I remembered the details of the novel, "Virtues of a Traitor," and the truth about the person I was working for, Prince Ignatius Von Zebulion. He was the villain, the mastermind behind the chaos and tyranny that plagued our world.

I recalled his calculating and cruel nature, his manipulative ways, and his thirst for power. He had orchestrated wars, betrayed allies, and inflicted suffering on innocent people to further his own ambitions. His actions were ruthless and merciless, and he had no qualms about sacrificing anyone who stood in his way.

Despite the dark truth about Prince Ignatius, I couldn't help but remember how I had been drawn to him initially. He exuded an air of freedom, unbound by the constraints of the plot that controlled the lives of others. He seemed to move with a sense of purpose, unapologetic and determined, and I had been captivated by his charisma and confidence.

I remembered how he had taken notice of me, Yleana, and had given me a role to play in his schemes. He had praised my loyalty and resourcefulness, and I had fallen for his flattery and charm. I had believed that I was working for a just cause, that my actions were for the greater good, and I had admired his cunning and intelligence.

But now, as the memories of his true nature came rushing back, I realized that I had been blinded by his charisma. I had been manipulated into serving his dark purposes, aiding him in his quest for power and control. I had been a pawn in his game, just like many others, and I had unknowingly contributed to the bloodshed and tyranny that stained our world.

As the reality of the situation sank in, I felt a mixture of anger, betrayal, and regret. I couldn't believe that I had been so naive, so easily swayed by his words and actions. I had to face the truth that Prince Ignatius was the true villain of the story, and I had been playing a role in his plot.

But despite the shock and disappointment, I also felt a sense of relief.

I was no longer under his spell, and I was no longer blinded by his charm. I could see him for who he truly was, and I was determined to take a stand against his tyranny, to expose his true nature and put an end to his nefarious plans.

As I stood up, the memories of his villainy still fresh in my mind, I felt a surge of determination and purpose coursing through me. I was no longer enamored by his facade, but committed to standing up against him and making a difference.

The burden of the plot that had once controlled me had been lifted, and I was now free to fight for what I believed in, no matter the challenges that lay ahead.

Although...even though a hungry dog, despising its owner, would still come back to him and ask for affection and care..

As the days went by, I continued with my daily tasks as the prince's personal maid, keeping up with my duties diligently while also working on my secret investigations and schemes as instructed.

Despite my newfound knowledge of Prince Ignatius' true nature, I maintained a facade of loyalty and obedience in his presence, always keeping a watchful eye on his actions and interactions.

One day, as I entered his office to clean, I found him sitting in his chair, a lit cigarette in his hand. The pungent scent of smoke hung in the air, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of concern. I approached him cautiously, knowing his temper could be unpredictable.

"Your Highness," I said, my voice steady but my concern evident. "Smoking is harmful to your health. It's a dangerous addiction that can have serious consequences."

He looked at me with a smirk, taking a drag from his cigarette before blowing out a puff of smoke.

"Ah, addiction," he mused, his voice smooth but a little raspy. "An interesting concept, isn't it, Yleana?"

He leaned back in his chair, his eyes fixed on the swirling smoke that rose from the cigarette.

"People are addicted to many things in life," he continued, his tone almost detached. "Power, wealth, control, pleasure. They crave these things, and they will go to great lengths to satisfy their addiction, often ignoring the harm it may cause to themselves and others."I listened attentively, intrigued by his metaphorical view on addiction.

"But addiction, Yleana, is a double-edged sword," he said, his gaze piercing. "It can be a source of strength, driving people to achieve greatness, to conquer their fears and limitations. But it can also be a weakness, clouding their judgment, trapping them in a never-ending cycle of craving and dependency."

He took another drag from his cigarette, the ember glowing brightly for a moment before fading away.

"People are complex creatures, Yleana," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of melancholy. "They are capable of both greatness and destruction, driven by their desires and their addictions. It's a delicate balance, a constant struggle between light and darkness, and those who can harness their addictions for their own benefit are the ones who come out on top."

I couldn't help but be captivated by his words, even though I knew the dark truth behind his philosophical musings. His eloquence and insight were undeniable, and I could see why he had been able to gain followers and manipulate others with his charisma.

But I also saw the danger in his addiction to power and control, and the harm it had caused to those around him. I was determined to use my knowledge and skills to bring about justice and put an end to his tyranny, even though it meant playing a dangerous game of deceit and manipulation.

As I finished cleaning his office and left him to his thoughts, I couldn't help but reflect on his words. Addiction, in all its forms, was indeed a powerful force that could shape the lives of individuals and even entire societies.

It was a reminder of the complexity and fragility of human nature, and the need to be vigilant against the destructive forces of addiction, whether they be physical, emotional, or psychological. With renewed determination, I vowed to continue my efforts to bring about change, fueled by the knowledge that Prince Ignatius' addiction to power would ultimately be his downfall.

As I was lost in my thoughts, the prince's voice interrupted my reverie.

"Yleana," he said, his tone sharp, bringing me back to the present moment.

I turned to face him, my heart skipping a beat as I prepared myself for his scrutiny. His piercing eyes bore into mine, and I could see a glimmer of suspicion in them.

"I've noticed a change in you, Yleana," he said, his voice cold but composed. "You used to be quiet, obedient, and content with your role. But lately, you've been different. More observant, more assertive."

I held my breath, knowing that any slip-up could be disastrous. I had to tread carefully, as I was playing a dangerous game.

"I apologize, Your Highness," I said, keeping my tone respectful but neutral. "I assure you, my loyalty and dedication to my duties remain unwavering."

He arched an eyebrow, his gaze never leaving mine.

"Do they now?" he said, his voice dripping with skepticism. "I find it curious that you've been asking questions, poking your nose where it doesn't belong, and reporting on the activities of others without my explicit command."

I swallowed hard, trying to maintain my composure. I couldn't afford to let my facade slip now.

"I apologize if I overstepped, Your Highness," I said, my voice steady. "I was merely trying to anticipate your needs and be proactive in my duties."

He leaned in, his eyes narrowing as he studied me intently. "Anticipate my needs, or satisfy your curiosity?" he said, his tone accusatory.

I held his gaze, refusing to show any signs of weakness. "I am your loyal servant, Your Highness," I said firmly. "My only concern is to serve you to the best of my abilities."

He smirked, his gaze never leaving mine.

"Well, then," he said, his voice dripping with amusement. "I suppose it's fortunate for you that your newfound curiosity aligns with my interests for now. But remember, Yleana, curiosity can be a dangerous trait. It can lead to discoveries that one may not be prepared to handle."

I nodded, acknowledging his words, but my resolve remained unshaken. I was willing to take the risks necessary to bring about change and expose his tyranny, even if it meant confronting his suspicions.

As he turned away and walked towards the window, I took a deep breath, my mind racing with thoughts and plans. I knew I had to be more cautious, more strategic in my actions. The prince's keen perception and manipulation skills were not to be underestimated.

But despite his warnings and suspicions, I couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of determination. I was willing to endure whatever challenges came my way to fulfill my mission and put an end to his villainous rule. The memory of the character he portrayed in the novel "Virtues of a Traitor" haunted me, but I was also drawn to the freedom he represented, free from the constraints of the plot. I knew I had to stay focused, use my wits and resourcefulness, and stay one step ahead of the prince to bring about the change I believed in.

With a resolute heart, I continued my duties as the prince's maid, always keeping my eyes and ears open, and my mind sharp. I was determined to expose the true nature of the prince and put an end to his tyranny, even if it meant taking risks and playing a dangerous game of manipulation and deceit. The stakes were high, but I was willing to do whatever it took to ensure that my actions had meaning and purpose, and that I could make a difference in this world, no matter how dark and treachery.

Yleana took a deep breath and reflected on the question the prince asked her earlier - if she was a dog or a snake. She remembered feeling insulted and conflicted, unsure of how to answer. But now, as she went about her daily tasks as the prince's personal maid, she had a moment of clarity.

She realized that she wasn't a dog, blindly following orders without any sense of self. Nor was she a wild, uncontrolled snake, acting on impulse and instinct alone. Instead, she saw herself as a tamed snake - still dangerous, but under the control of a skilled handler.

Yleana had her own goals and desires, but she also recognized the value of serving someone who could help her achieve those goals. She wasn't blindly loyal to the prince, but she also wasn't an untrustworthy traitor. She was somewhere in between, navigating the complex web of politics and power with caution and strategy.

As she worked, Yleana realized that being a tamed snake was a position of power in its own right. She had the freedom to make her own choices, but she also had the support and protection of someone who held significant influence in the kingdom. It was a delicate balance, but one that she was determined to maintain.

3 / 3

Yleana couldn't believe her luck. As she finished her duties for the day, Prince Ignatius surprised her with a bag of coins as a gift for her day off. She stared at the bag in her hands, her eyes wide with genuine shock and excitement.

"Here," the prince said, his voice tinged with amusement as he handed her the bag of coins. "Take the day off, Yleana. You look like you need a break."

Yleana's enthusiasm was palpable as she clutched the bag of coins tightly. "Thank you, Your Highness! This is so generous of you!" she exclaimed, practically bouncing with excitement.

The prince raised an eyebrow, giving her a sidelong glance. "Do you want the day off that badly, Yleana? Or are you just trying to avoid me?" he asked with a teasing tone.

Yleana blushed, realizing her eagerness might have been a bit too obvious. "Oh, no, Your Highness! I mean, I appreciate the gift, but I don't want to avoid you!" she stammered, feeling flustered.

The prince chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Well, I'm glad to hear that. Enjoy your day off, Yleana. Just don't get into too much trouble without me around to keep an eye on you," he said, giving her a playful wink before walking away.

Yleana watched him go, still clutching the bag of coins with a mix of excitement and amusement. It was the first time she had ever been given a day off, and she was determined to make the most of it. As she headed out of the palace, she couldn't help but chuckle to herself, realizing that even her interactions with the prince could be both funny and unpredictable.

Yleana walked along the busy streets of the city, enjoying her day off. She felt a sense of freedom that she hadn't experienced in a long time. However, her peace was short-lived as a bandit suddenly appeared in front of her, grabbing the bag of coins from her hands.

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