𝑀𝑜𝓂𝓂𝓎 𝐼𝓈𝓈𝓊𝑒𝓈 (𝑅𝑒...

Bởi maki_neko7

56K 2.2K 747

You couldn't tell by looking at her, but [Y/n] is an assassin, is surprisingly good at her job. She only has... Xem Thêm

Piece of Cake
Kiss of Death
Spice of Life
What Will Be, Will Be
Crunch Time
Wishes & Command
After Rain Comes Fair Weather
Nothing Seek, Nothing Find
No Sweet Without Sweat
Everyone Will Be Hypocrites
Daughter Daddies Plus Mommy

Lost At Sea

3.4K 156 27
Bởi maki_neko7

[Y/n], Kazuki and Rei walked to the daycare to pick up Miri while they planned on want to give Miri for Christmas. "A present?" Rei questioned.

"We've got Christas coming up, right?" Kazuki said, "Wonder if there's anything Miri wants."

"Morio Kart 2nd Edition." Rei said.

"That's what you want!"

"I pre-ordered it." Rei said giving the thumbs up, making [Y/n] giggle.

"I can figure out what Miri wants." [Y/n] said, "It just takes a little--" She noticed a familiar woman standing at the gate of the daycare. [Y/n]'s eyes narrowed.

"Isn't that..." Rei muttered.

"Miri's mother."

"What the hell is she doing here?" [Y/n] muttered.

She noticed him. "I'm Unasaka Misaki. We've met previously."

"Yeah, when you threw your daughter-- no, my daughter away." [Y/n] said, "What the fuck do you want now?"

"I've...I've come to take Miri." Misaki said.

"Eh?! You must be out of your damn mind!" [Y/n] yelled, and Rei held her back.

"That's a whole lotta nerve you've got here." Kazuki said.


"You're the one who threw Miri out and said you didn't want to see her again! What the hell are you thinking?" Kazuki yelled.

"I am her mother." Misaki said, "I have the right to live with my daughter."

If looks could kill, Misaki would have been struck down by [Y/n]'s intense glare. [Y/n]'s grip on Rei sleeve tightened. "It's a little damn late for that! You know we've-"

"Hey." Rei stopped him as well. Kazuki noticed the other parents were looking. "It's Mama!" They heard Miri, "It's my mama! Mama!"

"Miri, wait-"

[Y/n]'s eyes widened as Miri ran right passed them and hugged her mother. Her real mother. "Miri, I've missed you!" Misaki said, hugging her daughter.

That hurt worse than any bullet wound [Y/n]'d received.

Rei allowed Misaki to come back home with them. Miri showed Misaki all of her drawings.

"Why's we let her come back with us?" Kazuki grumbled.

"We can't exactly have a serious talk in front of a daycare." Rei said.

"We shoulda told her to pound sand!" Kazuki whisper yelled.

"In front of Miri, dude?"

Kazuki glared to the side. Rei glanced over to the kitchen to see [Y/n] drinking a glass of wine that was filled to the bream. She only drinks that much when she's upset and wants to forget her problems.

After showing all of her drawings, Miri wanted to show her mother her room. "Mama! Hurry! Come quick!" Miri said, pulling her mother along, "This is my room!"

"Goodness!" Misaki muttered.

Miri opened her closet. "Look, look!" Showing all of her clothes.

"These are all yours?" Misaki questioned.

"My Mama [Y/n] and Papas bought them for me!" Miri cheered.

"I see." Misaki muttered and sat down to Miri's level. "Do you have a lot of fun here?"

"Yeah!" Miri nodded.

"Then...you'd rather be there than with me?" Misaki asked.

Miri shook her head then hugged her mother. "I love my mama!" Miri said, "I love my papas and Mama [Y/n] too!"

"I'm sorry." Misaki said and patted Miri's head, "I don't know what came over me. Why I sent you away..."

"Mama! Hamburg steak!" Miri said.


"I wanna eat your Hamburg steak!" Miri said.

To make Miri happy, Misaki went to the store and bought the packaged hamburg steaks.

"What the hell's going on?" Kazuki muttered.

"I'm having Mama's Hamburg steak today!" Miri said while the others looked confused.

"She said she wanted Hamburg steak, so we went shopping together." Misaki said.

"Eat with us, Papas, Mama." Miri cheered with excitement. [Y/n] smiled a bit. When with her mother standing there, Miri still thinks of [Y/n] as her mother.

"Hey! Hey! Mama, make it quick!" Miri said.

"I'm sorry. I'll need to use your kitchen." Misaki said and walked to the kitchen. Kazuki and [Y/n] glared, ready to strangle the woman.

"It's making Miri happy." Rei had to remind them.

"You just don't get it, man... There's nothing worse than having someone else around in your kitchen!" Kazuki yelled.

"That's the issue?" Rei questioned, making Kazuki even angrier. After dinner was made, everyone sat together to eat. "It's so tasty, Mama!"

"I'm glad you like it." Misaki said.

"My hamburg steak uses minced a5 Kuroge Wagyu, organically grown Awajishima onions,-

"Hey, yeah, this is good." Rei said, making Kazuki glare at him. [Y/n] continued to eat without saying a word. After dinner, Kazuki cleaned the table with Misaki did the dishes with Miri.

Miri was telling her about her Christmas party and the song they would sing. "Mama, sing with me!" Miri said, and Misaki placed her hand on her throat. This didn't go unnoticed by Rei.

"I charge a lot for my songs. I'm afraid your papas would have to pay... I can't give them away for free." [Y/n] glared.

"Papa, pay up!" Miri said.

"Hell no!" Kazuki yelled. After a while, Miri fell asleep, leaving Misaki to talk to the three assassins.

"Okay, let's get down to brass tacks." Kazuki said, "Why now?"

"It's money you want, isn't it?" [Y/n] grumbled.

Misaki sighed and pulled out a box of cigarettes. "No smoking here." Kazuki said.

"I got fired. My man left me." Misaki said, and she took off her scarf, "The cancer spread to here, and I can't sing anymore."

"You're gonna die?" Rei asked.


"God's so cruel. After everything I've been through already, he throws this on the pile." Misaki said.

"That's too bad." [Y/n] said then she glared, "Your point?"

"We don't give a damn about your sob story. It has nothing to do with Miri." Kazuki said.

"I don't know how much longer I have to live." Misaki said, "So I hoped you'd have pity and forgive my selfishness. I want a fresh start with my daughter. Hitting rock bottom has made me realize what's most important in life. I'm going back to my parents to make an honest go at life. All I really need is my child. Please... Please!"

"I don't. Think of me as a bad person or whatever. I know what I am. I don't forgive you or pity you. " [Y/n] said as she stood up, "You gave up your rights as her mother when you kicked her out. I don't care what you have to say anymore. Get out."

[Y/n] walked over to the couch where Miri slept, wrapping her in a blanket and holding her close. "Miri's excited about her daycare's Christmas party. I don't think it'd be right to move her around now." Rei said.

"I'll make sure she can stay at that daycare for a while. I'll rent an apartment nearby. I'll do whatever it takes to give her a happy life!" Misaki said.

[Y/n]'s eyes saddened, and she hugged Miri's sleeping form. "You've really changed." Kazuki said.

"To make up for everything I put her through, I want to start living my life just for her." Misaki said.

"Still making it about yourself..." [Y/n] said.

"What Miri wants matters too." Rei said.

"I know that." Misaki muttered and stood up, "I thank you for all you've done to watch over her. But I also know you're involved in dangerous work."

The assassins' eyes widened, looking at Misaki. "As her mother," Misaki said and glared back at [Y/n] as well, "I can't leave her in your care any longer. If you consider yourselves her parents as well, you must agree."

After Misaki too her leave and putting Miri to bed, [Y/n] went with Kazuki and Rei to talk to Kyutaro. "Miri's mother showed up?" Kyutaro repeated.

"Yeah. Came in like a freight train. If Rei wasn't there, [Y/n] probably would have jumped on her at the daycare." Kazuki said.

"Miri was asleep when we sent her on her way, which sent into maximum sulk mode." Rei said and looked at [Y/n], who was only poking her spoon around instead of drinking her tea, "How'd her mom find out where we were and what we do?"

"I told her." Kyutaro said, and Kazuki spit out his coffee.

"H-How come, Kyu-chan?" Kazuki asked while [Y/n] glared up at him, "You mean you're the one who called her?"

Kyutaro placed a picture of them and Miri at the field day on the counter. "That..."

"That's not the picture we took." Rei said. [Y/n] had a worried look.

"You're familiar with Ogino Ryo, correct?" Kyutaro questioned, and Rei glared.

"Why's he after Miri?"

"I'm giving you a warning. Her presence in your lives has made your work sloppy. The organization won't tolerate it." Kyutaro said, and [Y/n] glared, "That's why I contacted her mother. Get rid of her soon, or they'll give you more than a warning."

Kazuki's eyes widened, "No way. You want us to..."

"Unless you're willing to turn on the organization. Are you?" Kyutaro said, and [Y/n] clutched her fists down on the table, "For you, for the mother, and for Miri, this is the best outcome one could hope for."

"Still...you can't just ask us to--"

"Have you forgotten? You're the ones who killed her father." [Y/n]'s eyes widened, remembering what she did, "Yet you want to put on smiling faces and play the happy family? You don't think she'll see through that eventually? Put an end to the lies. All this was only ever a dream."


The next day, Kazuki decided to take Miri out on the town before having to give her back to her mother. [Y/n], however, wanted no part in this. It wasn't like [Y/n] was Miri's mother anyway.

"Mama!" Miri yelled, and Kazuki pulled the blanket off of [Y/n].

"Wake up, Mama! We're hitting the town!" Miri cheered, and [Y/n] rubbed her eyes. Then she sighed there's no way she could say 'no' to Miri.

They went down to the bathroom where Rei slept. Kazuki started banging the pan that he grabbed. "Wake up, wake up!"

"Papa Rei!"

"Rise and shine!"

They yelled.

"We're hitting the town!" Miri cheered and jumped on Rei. After getting dressed, Kazuki drove them into town. "Hey, Papa! Where are we going?"

"Not telling." Kazuki teased.

"Mean!" Miri whined, "Hey!"

[Y/n] smiled a bit. "Silent night~" Miri sang, "Sing with me, Mama!"


Soon, they made it to their destination. "Ta-dah!" Kazuki presented, "Our destination day is... here!"

"Hey! Hey! Tell me what it is!" Miri said.

"It's full of kinds of places kids love!" Kazuki said, showing Miri pictures of the place.

"It sounds like so much fun!" Miri said and ran around, "I bet you can't wait, Papa Rei!"

Rei's eyes softened. "Yeah, I guess not." He said.

"Are you excited, Mama [Y/n]?" Miri asked, and [Y/n] smiled at her.

"Of course, I'm super excited!" [Y/n] said and picked Miri up.

"Heck yeah! Let's rock this place!" Kazuki cheered.



They first went to an inside obstacle course. The workers strapped Miri into safety gear while the adults got into theirs. They did the obstacle course. [Y/n] took so many pictures.

They watched as Miri jumped around and played a few video games. Miri wanted to for the rock-climbing wall next. "Hey!" Kazuki called as Miri climbed, "You okay?"

"Go, Miri!" [Y/n] cheered.

"I-If anything happens to our girl..." Kazuki was worried.

"She's perfectly safe, sir."

"B-But what if she slips?!"

"That's why she has a safety line."

"B-But what if it snaps?!" Kazuki panicked.

"Calm down, dude." Rei said.

Next it was Rei's turn. He tied his hair up and put his helmet on. Rei climbed the wall so fast. "Papa Rei looks so cool!" Miri said, and [Y/n] nodded in agreement with hearts in her eyes.

Next it was Kazuki's turn. He was too scared to climb too far up. "I can't! Too scared!" Kazuki said.

"Papa Kazuki looks so bad!" Miri said.

Lastly it was [Y/n]'s turn. "Watch and learn, guys." She said, placing her helmet on. She climbed up the wall really fast.

"Mama [Y/n]'s so fast!" Miri cheered.

Soon it was time to leave. "I wanna play more!" Miri said while walking out hand-in-hand with [Y/n].

"Me too." Rei said.

"Bet you're hungry, huh?" Kazuki asked Miri, "Let's get something to eat!"

"Okay!" Miri said.

They went to the food court. Miri saw the menu for a crêpe stand. "Papa, I want that!" She said to Kazuki.

"Hey, that looks good." Rei said, and [Y/n] nodded.

"You buy. I'll save us a seat." Kazuki said.

"Which on do you want?" Rei asked Miri.

"I love strawberries, and bananas too..." Miri muttered.

"Get whatever you like." [Y/n] said, and Miri's eyes sparkled.

She got everything she wanted on the crêpe while [Y/n] and Rei got burgers and drinks. Once they got their food, Rei, Miri, and [Y/n] walked to the table that Kazuki held for them.

"Wow, that's a big one!"

"I got um, um... An everything!" Miri said as she sat down.

"That looks bettered than I thought." Kazuki said, "I kind of want one now."

"Papa Kazuki, say ah!" Miri said, giving Kazuki some of her crepe.

"You mean it?" Kazuki questioned and cried, "What a good kid!" Miri laughed, "Ah!" Kazuki ate some.

"Here!" Miri said, "Papa Rei, you too!" She offered Rei some.

"No, I-" Miri gave her a sweet smile, and Rei caved. He ate some.

"It's good." Rei said.

"Mama [Y/n]!" Miri said, catching [Y/n]'s attention. "Here!" She said, and [Y/n] smiled at her.

"Ah!" [Y/n] opened her mouth and ate some. "So good!" She hummed in delight.

"We shared it four ways!" Miri said with a smile.

"We've been through this before, right?" Kazuki said.

"It tastes better when we all eat together!" Miri said, and [Y/n] gave a sad smile while Rei and Kazuki looked at each other.

"Hey, Miri. Can I have another bite?" Kazuki asked.

"No more!" Miri said.

"But there's a lot left, right? Can't I have a little?" Kazuki said.

Miri got annoyed and ate the rest of her crêpe super-fast. "This is my part!" Mir said.

"Mean. Meanie Miri." Kazuki said.

"Weenie Papa!" Miri said, and [Y/n] giggled.

"Not weenie!"

"He said 'Meanie'." Rei said.

"Weenie, Weenie, Weenie Papa!" Miri continued to yell and continued to eat. Once Miri finished, she rubbed her belly. "That was good." She said.

"But now your face is all sticky." Kazuki said, "Come over here." He picked Miri up and set her in his lap. Kazuki began to wipe her face clean. "There! All clean!"

"Thanks, Papa!" Miri said and noticed a family next to them. The boy shared his treat with his mother. "I wish Mama could've eaten with us!" Miri said. [Y/n] looked around at all of the little families around. So many mothers and father with happy faces.

"Excuse me..." [Y/n] muttered, standing up. She walked away with teary eyes. Kazuki and Rei looked at each other, and Rei got up and went after her. He found her crying around the corner.

"I feel like such a bad person," [Y/n] muttered, "I killed her father... I took her from the mother she loved so dearly. I just don't want to let her go."

"I know..." Rei said and pulled her into an embrace. [Y/n] buried her head in his chest. "Do you think she'll ever forgive me?" [Y/n] muttered.

"I don't think she'd understand right now." Rei said and placed a kiss on [Y/n]'s forehead, making [Y/n] look at him. Rei smiled at her, "Let's just have fun for today." Rei wiped [Y/n]'s tears, "Come on. Miri's waiting."

"Okay..." [Y/n] muttered as she blushed when Rei held her hand. They walked to where Miri and Kazuki were waiting for them.

They went to the arcade and played a couple of rounds of Morio Kart. After that, they took Miri to the store to buy whatever she wanted.

After a whole day of shopping, they walked out to the Ferris wheel. "Now for the day's climax!"

"It's so big!" Miri cheered while [Y/n] stared in awe, "I've never been on a Ferris wheel before!"

"Me neither." [Y/n] said.

"Are Ferris wheels scary?" Miri asked.

"No." Rei said, and they began to walk.

"They let you see really far, though!" Kazuki said.

The four got into the cart, and the ride started. It was getting dark outside, and they could see the light of the city in the night sky.

"So pretty!" Miri cooed, and [Y/n] stared out in awe as well.

"It's not scary?"

"No!" Miri said. They sat in silence for a moment, admiring the beauty of the night.

"Last winter," Kazuki began, "You brought a cat home, remember?"

"You got mad." Rei said.

"Remember what I said to you?"

"No." Rei said, flatly.

"Sometimes it's kinder not to get involved." Kazuki said, and [Y/n]'s eyes saddened, "If you're no really prepared, getting involved can make things worse. If you can't watch over them to the end..."

"Don't get involved if you can't see it through...' To say that now..." Rei muttered and held [Y/n]'s hand, "To say that after we're all attached... it's cruel."

[Y/n] looked like she was going to break down at any minute. "It might not be too late." Kazuki said.

"Too late? For what?" [Y/n] finally looked at them.

"Normal happiness." Kazuki said and Rei's and [Y/n]'s eyes widened.

"I want her to eat Hamburg steak and smile forever. Fight with friends, practice for school races, sing songs..." Kazuki said.

"I don't think I know that..." [Y/n] muttered, squeezing Rei's hand, "I want her to be happy too."

"There's only one thing we can do now." Kazuki said, and [Y/n] wiped a tray tear.

Soon their cart made it to the top. "We're at the top!" Miri announced, "Look! Look! Papa, we're at the tippy-top!"

"Hey, really?" Kazuki said, "That's the best part! Get yourself an eyeful."

[Y/n] and Kazuki looked out the window with Miri. "I'll come, too." Rei said, scooting closer to [Y/n]. Rei's closeness made [Y/n] blush.

"It's so pretty!" Miri said.

"Yeah." Kazuki said.

Rei could see the familiar twinkle in [Y/n]'s eyes. As much as today pained her, she was enjoying the view. "Yeah, it's really pretty." Rei said.

The cart began to decease. "Oh, we're going down now." Miri said.

"We got far more than our share." Kazuki said.

"Thanks to you, Miri, I've seen things I'd never seen before." Rei said.

"I got to live out my dream. Thank you for coming into our lives, Miri..." [Y/n] muttered.

"Time to wake up from the dream." Kazuki said.

After the ride, Misaki met them at the pier to pick Miri up. "Mama?" Miri muttered.

"Here's the last surprise present from your papas and Mama [Y/n]." [Y/n] said, kneeling down to Miri's level. [Y/n] took off the golden locket she got from Rei last Christmas and placed it on Miri, "A sleepover for just you and Mama!" [Y/n] placed a kiss on Miri's forehead.

Miri grinned. "Thank you, Mama [Y/n]!" She said and ran to her mother. They waved her goodbye. [Y/n] stood up and looked at Rei, who had a sad look as well. She ran and buried her face in his chest as she sobbed.

Rei's arms wrapped around as she clutched on to him harder. Crying her eyes out.

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