بواسطة SLchurchill7

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Ragnar Baratheon, younger twin brother of Joffrey. Ragnar never thought he would claim the throne; so instead... المزيد



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بواسطة SLchurchill7


All you could hear you could hear throughout the courtyard of the Red Keep were the sounds of wood crashing together, from the wooden swords of Prince Ragnar and his 'Uncle' Jaime.

As Ragnar seems to grow into a young boy, Jaime has started to realise what an accomplishment he had created, when he received Ragnar on the day of his and Joffrey's birth he had felt like he had accomplished everything in life in one little boy.

Jaime knew that Ragnar was going to bring pride to him and their family. When he first set his eyes on Ragnar when he was born, all he could think about was about how much Ragnar looked like Cersei when they where younger, when now since Ragnar has gotten older he sees more of himself throughout the boy as he grows with each passing day.

Ragnar had always wanted his 'Uncle' Jaime to train him, and when he finally got the permission from his mother, however hesitant she was, she allowed Ragnar to learn how to use a sword through Jaime guidance as she has always wanted at least one of her sons to be close to their biological father, as Joffrey could barely turn his head to even care about Jaime, and Tommen was way too young to learn how to wield a sword as he was barely five name days old, and he could hardly lift a sword for longer than a minute. However Cersei knew that Ragnar loved his Uncle, as a son would love a father, the knowledge of this made Cersei's heart swell.

However when Ragnar was given the permission to train, Jaime could see the excitement in Ragnar's eyes, there Jaime sore dedication through the the near Twelve name day old boy. He also sore the leadership through Ragnar always thinking he would become a great King though that was taken from Ragnar as he was born mere minutes after Joffrey, therefore making him a second son and a spare to the Iron Throne.

Suddenly Jaime was knocked out of his train if thoughts as he was hit on the back of his head

"AAHH!" Jaime yells clutching his throbbing head. He turns to look down at Ragnar with a glare who was looking up at him with a smirk.
"What was that for?" Jaime seethes through his teeth as he looks at Ragnar's little smug face.         

"You where daydreaming Uncle, you made yourself vulnerable" Ragnar says with a smirk on his face.

"Vulnerable aye, how's this for vulnerable" Jaime suddenly swings his wooden sword at Ragnar in an aggressive manner while Ragnar tries to block his attack with his shield with wide eyes as he didn't anticipate the speed his Uncle was attacking him at.

Jaime then quickly snatched Ragnar's wooden sword and then threw it on the ground and took a step back.
Ragnar tried to retrieve his sword by looking down to see where it had landed, Ragnar then kneeled down to grab his sword when Uncle decides too jump forward to spook Ragnar. Ragnar flinches and takes a step back looking up wide eyed at his 'Uncle' covering his face with his shield.

"Watch" Jaime softly scolds Ragnar bringing two fingers to his eyes, even though he could never be mad at him.  

At this Ragnar quickly nods his head, and slowly kneels down again covering his head with his shield and retrieves his sword. However Ragnar gains some confidence and madly charges at Jaime with a war cry, swinging his sword trying to hit Jaime while failing miserably as Jaime dodges every attack. With how much strength Ragnar used to try and hit Jaime he quickly became exhausted, all Ragnar got in return from attacking his uncle was Jaime hitting him softly on his back.
After training some more they decided to call it a day after that they sat on a bench in the gardens to talk about Ragnar's upcoming name day.     

"So yours and Joffrey's Twelfth name day is tomorrow" Jaime reminds Ragnar. "What do you want for your name day" Jaime asks with a raised eyebrow.        

Ragnar looks at Jaime with a puzzled look thinking hardly, "I would like a dog or a sword" Ragnar answers excitedly.           

"A dog Mmh, what would you want a dog for? I mean I understand the sword but not really of the dog" Jaime asked Ragnar while nudging his shoulder playfully.

"I don't know, I guess when either mother, you or my siblings are busy I would have at least some type of company" well in reality Ragnar has always wanted a dog, but he never really had the reason to ask for one until now.

"Well hopefully you receive the gifts your after" Jaime says with a smirk knowing he's going to do something for his son.

As time goes on Jaime and Ragnar sit and watch the sunset peacefully basking in the silence, watching all the colours of orange, yellow, pink, purple and blue blend together to make the perfect picture.
However Ragnar's and Jaime's peaceful moment quickly comes to an end as they heard the clattering of steel armour walloping behind them.
Ragnar turned around to see his mother walking over to them with a wide smile seeing Ragnar and Jaime, with the Kings Guard not far behind her. Ragnar smiles widely wanting to greet her so he quickly jumps up at the speed of light and races over to his mother with Jaime slowly following behind him.

"MOTHER!" Ragnar shouts while running over to Cersei. Cersei quickly falls to her knees as Ragnar slams into her opened arms giving her a giant hug. Ragnar shuffles his head into the crook of Cersei's neck and mumbles.        
"I missed you mother" although his words where incoherent Jaime and Cersei understood them all to well.        

"I missed you too my strong cub. Did you have a nice day training with your Uncle Jaime" Cersei asks Ragnar even though she already knew the answer.     

"Yes me and Uncle Jaime had so much fun, he taught me how to tackle someone" Ragnar says excitedly as he starts to ramble on what he and Jaime did that day. Cersei was rubbing his smooth golden hair that was short at the back but longer at the front. Ragnar has always wanted his hair too look different from his brothers so he could stand out more, so he had it shaved at the back but long at the front so he had a variety.

Cersei absolutely adored her second born, as he was never a Sheep that would follow the moving herd but always the Lion who would someday lead the pride. Cersei also loved that her son was invested in his actual father, even if he didn't know that Jaime was his father, because to him he was his Uncle.
But Cersei didn't care about that, she was just relieved that Ragnar was into the same hobby's that Jaime was interested in. She remembers when Ragnar was younger he would follow Jaime around and ask him to teach him how to wield a sword. Cersei loved that they could bond easily with one another.

As Ragnar has finally finished giving details of his day Cersei realised what she came out to fine Ragnar for which that he needs to eat and get ready for bed.

"Ragnar, my cub it's time for some dinner. Give your Uncle Jaime a hug and say thank you, and then go run to the dining hall, your brothers and sister are already there waiting for you to have dinner" as Cersei says this Ragnar leaps into Jaime's arms and hugs him tightly before saying thank you. Ragnar gives his mother a quick kiss on the cheek, after that he quickly runs off to the dining hall for his dinner.

Jaime and Cersei watch their boy run off with love and admiration in their eyes, satisfied with what they have accomplished with Ragnar over the years.   

"I can't believe he and Joffrey are turning Twelve name days old, how time flys by huh?" Jaime says while turning to face Cersei.       

"I know it only seems like yesterday that Ragnar and Joffrey where near my feet playing with their little toy soldiers. You do miss it when they're younger, and now their getting older and I don't want them to see the troubles of the world" Cersei says this with a frown. However Cersei didn't want to speak of her sons growing up, so she changed the subject about what Ragnar wanted for his name day.          

"You know Ragnar wants a dog and a sword for his Name day" Jaime says while holding his arm out so Cersei could loop hers through, however peaceful the walk was they had the clattering Kings Guard trailing a couple feet behind them.

"A dog why?" Cersei asks with a look of confusion.      

"He said that when either you, me or his siblings where busy he would have some type of company with him, so he doesn't get bored and cause mayhem around the Keep" Jaime says with a laugh. "So I thought if I get the dog, you could get him a sword with maybe his name engraved into it, how does that sound?" Jaime asked.       

"That sounds wonderful Jaime. But whatever you do do not get a small dog, they are quite viscous and I do not want it too bite Ragnar out of retaliation" Cersei say's protectively.

"Do not worry I will get him a decent sized dog, you just worry about the sword dear sister. Anyway you should go have dinner with your kids or they will worry. Goodnight sister" Jaime then lightly kisses Cersei's forehead lovingly.

"Goodnight brother" Cersei says while closing her eyes. When Jaime pulls back he turns and walks away.
As Jaime has gone Cersei makes her way to the dining hall to see all of her children laughing and being childish with one another like they had no care for the world. Cersei couldn't help but laugh at her children thinking about how much they have grown up over the years, and wishes for them too slow down so she could enjoy these small moments with her young children a little longer.


As it was finally the Twelfth name day of the Prince's Joffrey and Ragnar, Kings Landing was bustling with people coming from areas far and wide, just to witness the Royal name day celebration.          

However one person was not exactly pleased for this day. The Queen, Cersei was walking around the Red Keep waiting till it was time too wake her children for an important day of festivals and dancing to celebrate her eldest sons Name days. However exciting that may seem it was almost dreadful for Cersei, as her little cubs where growing up and soon would be forced to marry some little Lords daughters or son, for so that her husband would have alliances all across Westeros. How much this angered Cersei, she had no say in the matter which infuriated her to be told that her children would have to be condemned to the life she had lived. A loveless marriage. At least she had her beloved brother Jaime by her side to console her.

As time had got on she had already woken Tommen, Myrcella and Joffrey and quickly told them to get dressed and wait in the small gardens near their chambers whilst she goes and wakes up Ragnar.   

As Cersei walks closer to her sons bed chambers she nods to the guards posted outside and walks in without knocking knowing he is still asleep.       

As she enters Ragnar's chambers she sees her Twelve year old son sprawled out on his bed sleeping peacefully like he used to do when he was younger.

Cersei walks over to Ragnar's bed and softly strokes her hand through Ragnar's short blonde hair, Cersei always knew that this would soothe Ragnar as he would sometimes have outbursts of anger, these would be more worse than Joffrey's however his were very frequent and are quite the bother. Cersei would always try and help Ragnar calm down just by running her soft fingers through his hair and pulling him into a tight hug keeping him close.

"Sweetheart, wake up it's your Name day" Cersei says softly while shaking Ragnar.

"Mmmh" Ragnar groans while opening his eyes to see his mother smiling at him. "Morning mother, have you broken your fast yet?" Ragnar questions already feeling his hunger.

"No my darling boy not yet, your siblings are waiting in the small gardens for us" Cersei says while standing up and walked over to Ragnar's wardrobe and picked out an outfit for Ragnar that was red with gold details caressing it. Cersei also went over to Ragnar's draws and got out his golden Lannister Lions head ring and his chain.

"Here wear these for today, you will look exquisite my darling. Once your dressed meet us at the small gardens to break our fast ok" Cersei tells Ragnar.
Ragnar nods his head while rubbing sleep out of his eyes. At this Cersei walks out his bed chamber leaving Ragnar to get dress.

As Ragnar has finished getting dressed he travels to the small gardens to see his family consisted of his Uncles, mother and siblings all eating with one another with his father know where in sight probably with some whore waisting money, or more exactly Lannister money.
Ragnar walks up to the table and greets his family, and goes sits next to His twin Joffrey.

"Happy Name day brother" Ragnar says with a small smile on his face while he starts to plate his breakfast.

"Thank you brother same to you too" Joffrey says with a sinister smirk on his face. "I can't wait for all the presents and tourneys to be held in my honour" Joffrey says with a look of evil in his eyes which was noticed by everyone at the table.

"Do you mean our honour, brother. Or is today just about you" Ragnar says through his teeth already annoyed with his brothers antics. Ragnar has always known that Joffrey was crazy ever since he caught Joffrey killing a cat with a narcissistic grin on his face.

"Now, now boys no more of that" their Uncle Tyrion scolded them knowing there would have been a fight between the two boys and no one wanted that as there would have been a casualty, only on Joffrey's side as he could barely stay in a fight for two minutes.

"Alright, I want you four to eat your breakfast then get ready for tonight" Cersei says with an authoritative tone. Not wanting her sons to carry on fighting as she looked at them with a pointed look.
However all four of her children nodded and finished their meals and left to get ready for the festivities that was happening at night times.
After they left it took mere minutes for Cersei, Jaime and Tyrion to leave as well too get ready for tonight.


As the feast started for the Name day of the Prince's Joffrey and Ragnar, music was blaring and nobles where enjoying themselves or trying to get their daughters to get the attention of the two prince's , however neither where interested.

It was getting closer to the present ceremony and Ragnar was getting impatient, but not wanting to look needy like Joffrey he moved his attention to his food and filled his stomach in the luxurious sweets.

Then an announcement was called that got Ragnar's attention.
"IT IS TIME FOR THE PRESENT CEREMONY!" his Uncle Jaime yelled over the music making it dyle down.

At this nobles from around Westeros gave Ragnar many gifts such as: books, clothing, games and much more.

However after his uncle gave Joffrey his present, that consisted of a Crossbow, he moved back to retrieve Ragnar's gift that was in a wooden box.

"Happy Name day nephew, hopefully this gift would give you many a company when you are bored" Jaime says with a smile as he places the box in front of Ragnar's feet.

Ragnar got up off of his chair and moved over to the box places on the floor.
Ragnar unclamps the buckles on the front of the box and opens the lid.
Everyone at the feast wait in temptation to see what is in the box.

Ragnar gasps in excitement and slowly lifts up a black furred puppy.
"Oh thank you Uncle, I will cherish him forever" Ragnar says with excitement.

"You are truly welcome nephew" Jaime says with a wide smile.

"Why does he get a dog and I don't?" Joffrey moans.

"Because nephew you didn't ask for one did you" Tyrion says, who was sat next to Tommen and Myrcella.
At Tyrion saying this Joffrey immediately shut up and flumped back down into his chair crossing his arms.

"What will you name him brother?" Myrcella asked Ragnar

"Mmh he will be named Frodi, it means wise he looks like a smart dog even only being a puppy. Uuh Uncle what breed is he?" Ragnar asked

"He is what they call a Great Dane, so that means Frodi will grow quite tall maybe even taller than you in twelve moons time" Jaime says, in fact he only got such a big dog just to annoy Cersei, he could already see her eyes framed on him.

After many more nobles giving their presents to the Princes it was finally the Queens turn.

Cersei moved to her eldest first and presented him with a new set of armour, but not just any old armour Lannister armour. Joffrey has always wanted this armour so he could bring more pride to his house, however he couldn't help but feel jealous as his younger twin brother got his armour before him at the age of Eleven when he finally bested Jaime in a sword fight and won. Joffrey had never seen his family more proud and it was not at him, the Crown Prince it was to his younger brother. So when he received the armour he thought of it more of a pity present as he has always moaned about not getting the armour first. This lead to a sour feeling in the relationship between Ragnar and Joffrey, as Joffrey always thought he was better than his brother and not his equal when in fact he could never beat Ragnar even if he tried.

"Thank you mother, this is a most gracious gift" Joffrey says with a smirk as he looks at his brother.
"Now we both hold Lannister colours brother maybe this will give me the strength to finally best you" Joffrey says with a serious tone in his voice.

"You can try brother, but I won't go easy on you" Ragnar says with a laugh, but everyone could see the look in his eyes of pure ambition to show how their was no equality between the twins and how their will always be a favoured one between them, and that was Ragnar.
Joffrey grinds his teeth in annoyance.

Cersei softly smiles at her sons trying to play it off as childish banter when she already knew the competitiveness between her two sons.
Cersei turns round to retrieve her gift for Ragnar from a guard behind her and slowly walks up to Ragnar with a little smile at this Ragnar quickly hands Frodi to Myrcella to hold, while he opens his mothers gift.

"Happy Name day my little cub, I hope this gift will help carve you into the man you was always destined to be" Cersei hands Ragnar a sheathed sword.

Ragnar grips the handle of the sword and slowly pulls it out to look at it with a fondness, he sees runes engraved into it making him look up at his mother in confusion.
"What does the runes mean mother?"

"The sword is made out of valaryian steel and the runes engraved makes up your name 'Ragnar Baratheon', I hope you like it my cub" Cersei says while she looks at him looking at the sword from the runes to the gemmed handle.

"Oh mother I love the sword, thank you" Ragnar says while he re-sheaths the sword and stood up to hug his mother.
After he hugged his mother he walks back over to his sword and attaches the scabbard to his belt.

After the present ceremony the feast continued until early on into the next morning. After the feast the nobles of Westeros left to venture off home and most of the Royal family left to get some rest in their chambers.
The only ones who stayed in the great hall was Ragnar and Cersei, they where talking about what Cersei did with Ragnar when he was much younger. Ragnar loved hearing these stories as he could see his mother's eyes lit up every time.

"So me and Joffrey use to be really close I never would have guessed it' Ragnar says with a smile on his face trying to remember good times of his childhood.

"Yes, you too where quite close when you where younger" she too was remembering when Ragnar was younger and would be by her side 24/7. But Ragnar was not like Joffrey, even if Ragnar was by her all the time growing up he was quite independent not needing to be coddled on all the time like Joffrey needed. He never really needed the attention, he kind off just got it every time he entered a room.
"Now my strong cub, it is time for you too go to sleep, or else you won't grow into a strong Lion that will defend their pride will you?" Cersei asks.

"No mother, I'll go too bed now love you" Ragnar says while giving his mother a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you so much for the sword mother I will look after it forever" After that Ragnar got up and picked up Frodi from the floor and left for his bed chamber.

Cersei watches her son walk off with fondness in her eyes, as she watched both of her sons in company that night and already knew which one would be a better man, soldier, and king. However Ragnar was not born first so unfortunately he could not be king. But he has already been granted the gift of being his grandfathers heir to Casterly Rock as he is wise beyond his years. Therefore Ragnar would be one of the strongest lords in Westeros. Cersei could only wish she could take ahold of Joffrey and control him when he takes the Iron Throne, she could only dream of what the future may bring for her children mainly Ragnar.

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