
Bởi Musicmelis

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All seventeen-year-old Liana Lachey wanted was to get through her senior year at her new school, graduate, an... Xem Thêm

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Twenty-seven

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Bởi Musicmelis


"We should set a day to run as a pack and do some training exercises," Zev said as they finished their food.

I brightened. I hadn't run with anyone besides Zev, it would be fun to run with pack-mates. Plus it would help with my training, Zev said I was getting better but I still had a lot to learn.

"Really? Is it safe?" Sarina asked with a glance at me.

"Nothing has happened in weeks and my father has had decoys out to see if anyone attacked and they haven't," Zev said. "I still believe it is personal against Liana," He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. "But she'll have all of us around and my father said he would send a couple of his enforcers to stand guard, just in case. I think we need this though, for morale. Especially the younger ones."

"When should we do it?" Rafe asked eagerly.

"Next Saturday afternoon is supposed to be nice, weather-wise," Priscilla said, a slow smile spreading across her face. She gave me a sweet smile. "Have you run with anyone in the pack before?"

"No, just Zev," I said cautiously. Priscilla talking politely to me was a novelty.

"You'll love it, it's so fun!" Priscilla grinned.

Sarina clapped her hands together. "Yay! Pack run!"

"I'll have Isobel spread the word," Zev said. "I want all the teenagers to get the experience."

"Next Saturday?" Nash asked.

"Yup. Problem?" Zev asked casually.

"Nope, no problem," Nash said, running a hand through his sandy blonde hair. He had a slight frown on his face.

I noticed he looked a little disappointed and mind linked to Zev. What's wrong with Nash?

A grin appeared on Zev's face. His birthday is next Saturday...

Oh...Aren't you going to acknowledge it?

Sarina and Colt have planned a surprise birthday party for him the night before. Isobel is helping them...

Oh good...he looked sad... I grinned.

Don't worry, he'll love that it is a surprise...

Friday night everyone was gathered at Nash's house, waiting for him to get home. His parents had been in on the surprise party and had taken their son out to dinner so his friends could get the house ready.

"There certainly is enough food," I commented when Isobel joined her at the table, which was covered with sub sandwiches, pizza, a variety of chips, and drinks.

Isobel shrugged and grinned. "We're shifters. What do you expect?"

I laughed. "So, what did you get Nash?"

"A rare game for his PlayStation 5," Isobel answered as she put her gift on the table. "It was hard to find but I managed to track it down."

"Wow," I said, watching Isobel closely. "Are you two close?"

"No," Isobel said wistfully.

"Oh," I lowered my voice. "Do you like him?" I smiled at Isobel's hesitant look. "I won't say anything. Not even to Zev, I promise."

"I like him," Isobel admitted in a soft voice. "But he rarely talks to me."

"Could he be your true mate?" I asked curiously.

"I don't know for sure. Usually, seventeen is the age when shifters start to find their mates. So another year and a half to go for me but..." Isobel shrugged.

"And he's seventeen today," I realized. "Hmm."

Fifteen minutes later, Nash and his parents walked in and he grinned while everyone shouted out happy birthday. "Thanks, guys!" He laughed. He playfully shoved Zev, who was standing near and laughing. "You made me think you guys had forgotten."

"As if we would," Zev chuckled.

I watched as Nash suddenly stiffened and his eyes darted around the room frantically until they landed on Isobel.

"Oh, my," Isobel whispered while I watched them with wide eyes. "Liana, do you think..."

"He senses you're his mate," I said excitedly. I waited, expecting Nash to rush over to Isobel but he didn't. I frowned as he visibly gritted his teeth and turned away. My heart went out to Isobel when I heard her whimper.

"He doesn't want me!" Tears filled Isobel's eyes. "You saw that, right? He obviously scented that I was his mate and he turned away!"

"Isobel," I said, putting my arm around her. I felt helpless at the younger girl's misery. "Maybe...maybe he wasn't sure who he sensed or maybe -"

"He looked right at me!" Isobel wiped her eyes. "He just doesn't want me."

"I'm so sorry," I said softly. I couldn't imagine how much it would hurt if Zev had rejected me. How could Nash do that to Isobel? "Maybe he's going to wait until you turn seventeen," I suggested.

Isobel shook her head. "I told you, he rarely talks to me. He's probably just disappointed that I ended up being his true mate."

"I could talk to him," I offered.

"No," Isobel dried her eyes and a look of determination filled them. "No. If he doesn't want me, then that's fine. I'll ignore the call to him when I turn seventeen. It's not like you have to be with your true mate, I'll find a compatible one instead when the time comes. I can do better than him anyway." She tossed her hair over her shoulder, her eyes flashing. "Remember, you promised not to tell." She reminded me.

"Right," I said unhappily. I wished I knew what to say, how to help. "I won't but I think you should talk to someone. How about your mom?"

Isobel shrugged. "Maybe when I turn seventeen I will. What's the point now?"

"The point is you like Nash. You already feel something for him," I pointed out gently. "Just think how much more intense your feelings will be when you do turn seventeen."

"I'll be able to handle it," Isobel said, her lips quivering a little. "I'll be immune to it by then. I'm already getting there. Nash is a jerk."

"Oh Is, you don't really think that," I sighed.

"Yes I do," Isobel said stubbornly. "I was stupid to think he doesn't matter. I'm so over him." She turned and walked away, to the opposite side of the house from where Nash was standing.

I wished I hadn't promised to not tell Zev because I wasn't sure how to help Isobel. And why was Nash ignoring the mating call that he was obviously feeling? I sought the birthday boy out with my eyes and noticed that he didn't look like he was enjoying his party very much. He had a smile on his face but his eyes kept roving to where Isobel was chatting with her friends. I sighed. Why were they making things so complicated?

An awkward moment came when Nash was opening his presents and opened Isobel's. "Wow! I've been looking everywhere for this!" His eyes shining, he eagerly looked around. "Where is Isobel?"

"I think she left," One of the teenagers said.

"She left?" Nash bit his lip and stared at his game. "Oh. I'll have to thank her later."

"I wonder why she would leave the party early," Zev commented, pulling out his phone.

"Maybe she was bored," I bit her lip. Or heartbroken...

Zev barked out a laugh. "Isobel? No way. She loves parties. Hmm, she texted back that she had a headache but that she's fine," Zev said, slipping his phone back into his pocket. "Looking forward to tomorrow?" He put his arm around me, hugging me to him.

"The pack run? Yeah, I am," I said with a smile, putting my worries for Isobel to the back of my mind. For now. "I can't wait."


We arrived in the woods, ready to let our wolves loose and run. It was something we hadn't done in a while and it would be Liana's first time running with the pack. It was a good bonding time for pack-mates and our wolves needed the freedom and time to play. I gave out instructions on how far the perimeters they were allowed to go and if they felt or saw anything out of the ordinary, to return to this very spot and send up a howl.

I took Liana behind a tree while they got ready to shift. I wasn't about to let anyone see his mate without clothes, I was too possessive for that. Never mind that Liana was shy about it, not being used to shifting around the pack. Soon they were all in their wolf forms and began running, howling their excitement at the freedom.

I love this! Liana sent me as we ran side by side.

It's amazing, isn't it? I sent back.

Hide and Seek! It's a good training exercise! I ordered through the pack bond. I ran around, making sure everyone paired up. I looked back to see Liana looking around a little uncertainly as Isobel had already paired up with her best friend, Tiffany. My sister had been acting weird and had almost backed out of the run, which was not like her at all. I didn't know what could be wrong and decided to ask Liana if she had any ideas after the pack run. I watched as Sarina and Rafe ran around, making sure no fights broke out. Seeing that things were under control, I was about to go to Liana when Priscilla trotted by him.

I'll pair up with Liana, Priscilla volunteered.

Why? I was suspicious.

She needs a partner and I'm good at this exercise. Besides, if you two partner up you will just disappear and make out... Priscilla sent, her disgust apparent.

Got you there! Rafe snickered as he ran by.

Besides, I'm good at this game. I do have traits to help the pack you know...Priscilla sent him a hurt look.

Do you mind? I privately sent it to Liana, unsure about letting her out of my sight. I was responsible for the whole pack and since there were younger ones, I needed to be able to run around and keep an eye out so no one got lost or fought. But Liana was my number one priority.

No, it's okay... Liana sent back. Priscilla and I needed to try and get along for the pack's sake anyway...

You're amazing, I love you...I gave her a wolfy grin before trotting off.


I love you too, I sent back. I stretched my legs, one by one as I watched Priscilla head in my direction.

Ready to play? Priscilla asked eagerly.

I tilted my head at the way Priscilla was acting. It was strange but...maybe she was ready to put the past behind them and start over. I'm ready!

Follow me...

I ran behind Priscilla, ears perking up when I realized they were going past where Zev had said to go. Too far...

Sorry, I forgot. We usually aren't restricted when we play...we'll do it here. Go hide, I'll give you two minutes... Priscilla sent.

Probably can't wait to show how fast she can find me, I thought to myself as I began running. I rubbed up against different trees to leave my scent before taking off in the opposite direction. I nestled down behind some bushes and waited. A minute later I sensed a wolf and was shocked that Priscilla had found me that fast. And wait, how did she get behind me already? Priscilla couldn't have gotten behind where I was hiding unnoticed...

I spun around to see a familiar wolf, only it wasn't Priscilla. It was Phelan.

Zev! Help m-


You're supposed to take turns hiding and finding one another, not roughhousing...I lightly scolded two thirteen year old's. Now do the game properly... I sighed to myself as I set out in a jog to oversee the other wolves. The exercise seemed to be going well and I hoped everyone was enjoying themselves. I loped around, satisfied that everyone was behaving, and then decided to go find Liana and Priscilla to see how they were doing. I still felt a little uncomfortable about their pair up but Priscilla was good at these games and Liana had a point, if they could learn to get along it would be better for the pack. Of course, that meant Priscilla would have to behave herself. Suddenly a wave of confusion and fear filled me and I stumbled.


Zev! Help m-

I began running but froze when suddenly the connection they had disappeared. I couldn't feel her or hear anymore and I howled in anguish. Liana!

Zev, what's happening? Rafe asked, running up beside me.

Something's wrong with Liana, she was scared and now our connection is gone...I began running again, following her scent, although because of the games they had been playing, her scent was covered by other wolves.

We'll find her! Rafe howled to call the others to come help. Sarina, Colt, and Nash quickly joined them.

Suddenly a wolf stumbled into their path.

Priscilla! Sarina gasped.

What happened? Where's Liana? I asked with a growl. I would have felt bad for acting so aggressively, especially as Priscilla was limping toward them but all I felt was fear for my mate.

Oh, Zev... Priscilla whimpered. I don't know. Some wolf was after her and I tried to help but I was knocked out!

Did you recognize the wolf? Whoever it was, I would tear their throat out.

No, I'm sorry... Priscilla gave another whimper, limping up to me and attempting to rub up against me for comfort.

I moved away, my mind on Liana. Sarina, take Priscilla to Lorelei to get her looked at. And tell my father what has happened.

On it. Come on Priscilla... Sarina nudged the injured she-wolf on.

I began running in the direction Priscilla had said Liana had been but the further I went the less I could scent Liana. Growling frustration, I turned to my beta who was staying by my side. I don't scent her at all...

Neither do I... Rafe was puzzled. I don't scent Priscilla either.

Here! Nash called out from the opposite direction.

What were they doing so far out? Rafe wondered.

I don't know...I turned and ran in the opposite directions and found Colt and Nash both growling. I knew immediately why, I could smell the same thing. Another wolf from another pack. Phelan!

I'll kill him...


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