Loki and the Kindergarteners...

By jusdubs

1.3K 278 938

"There's something in the forest," was Charlie's response. "What?" Will squinted but aside from trees he sa... More

Author's Note
school roster
a piece of candy starts it all
it's the end of the world as we know it
loki, fenrir and jormungandr walk into a school...
saying sorry is the hardest part
kindergartners unleashed
trust issues, instant coffee, and one tired teacher
just shake it off
well, that escalated quickly
the trickster's trick
a goat called "tansnorffel"
the sky falls, and so do the gods
their lord and saviour, loki
goats mourn, and the rainbow bridge is near
asgard's bridges falling down
looks like we made it

vidar's revenge

39 8 26
By jusdubs

With the Bifrost in sight, Ragnarok also loomed closer. The armies had since moved away from the fallen mountain, spilling towards the rainbow bridge at an alarming speed. Thus far, the kindergarten class had skirted around the worst of the war, but if Thor and Loki were right, everyone was converging on the bridge.

Will had yet to devise a plan to keep the children safe and together. Fortunately, a long, coarse rope was tucked in the corner of the chariot. It was thick and long enough to secure around the waists of the children. They couldn't take the chariot with them, something Loki had pointed out as they approached the gates to the bridge.

"The goats cannot travel to Midgard without Thor," Loki said, pulling the chariot to a stop. "This is as far as we can go with them."

"Okay." Will glanced back at his children, who waited patiently for instruction.

Though it had only been a few days, Will saw their ordeal's impact on them. They awakened Loki and started Ragnarok, were trapped in a school, attacked by a giant wolf and snake, whisked away to another world, tricked by a trickster, helped their injured teacher and watched a god die. The innocent trip to the woods behind Rainbow Elementary School felt like a lifetime ago.

While Loki released Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr, Will folded his arms over the chariot's edge. The wood had lost its sleek shine and splintered from the rough treatment.

"How are my little mice doing?" Will asked. "Are you excited to go home?"

"Yeah!" replied the chorus. Will's smile twitched as he shivered. "This is the most important part of our journey, okay? You have to listen to everything, Loki and I say. If we say duck, you'll duck. If we tell you to hide, hide like little mice. If we tell you to close your eyes, pretend you're like the three blind mice. No matter how scary things get, you'll be safe, okay?"

Twenty little heads bobbed up and down in understanding. Charlie raised her hand. "Mr. P, who will keep you safe?"

Will glanced at Loki, still fighting with the stubborn goats. His quiet curses and threats were punctuated by taunting bleats.

"You don't have to worry about me," the teacher said, winking at the children. "Now, find your buddies. Hold hands as tight as you can, and do not let go. You're going to follow me. Loki will be right behind you."

The children scurried to find their walking buddies as Loki freed the goats and joined Will.

"There is still one option you haven't considered," Loki pointed out.

"We are not leaving them as bait," Will said.

"I'm only saying. This walk will be difficult enough for you in this state. Add twenty children to the mix, and disaster will strike." Loki tilted his head, mischief twinkling in his eyes. "Perhaps we can leave you as bait. Since you'll slow us down."

Will thrust one end of the rope at Loki. "I'll be fine. Start tying this around their waists."

"If you fall behind, I'm not stopping." There was no smirk this time on Loki's scarred mouth. He meant the warning. Even though that's what Will wanted, the roots of worry ensnared his stomach.

The children were lined up in two rows, holding hands with their walking buddies. The rope secured them together, each end held by Loki and Will. Without the safety net the chariot provided, Will felt the prickling of vulnerability. Every slight noise made his heart leap into his throat.

The gates were towering arches carved from granite. Nordic runes were inscribed along the stone, similar to the markings found on Loki's altar. A stone corridor walled them in, providing a semblance of cover should things turn against their favour. Overhead, the glistening rays of the rainbow beckoned to them, their shining beacon of hope.

"Follow the path," Loki instructed. "The Bifrost is not too far."

They moved as quickly and quietly as possible, making steady progress until the children grew bored, tired and cranky.

"Mr. P, Amira keeps stepping on my foot," Max whined.

"I do not!" Amira huffed.

"I have to go potty," Forest said.

"I'm tired," Charlie whimpered. "And hungry."

"Me too," Alexandre whined, dragging his feet.

"We have to keep going," Loki said, but Will felt his steps slowing. He was sweating more than he'd ever had before. He couldn't tell if it was anxiety, adrenaline, fear, his injury or all of the above.

"And we're dealing with a class of five-year-olds," he pointed out. "Plus, I could use a break too."

"A short break then." Loki threw his hands in the air, overruled. "You are in a rush to get home, yet you dawdle. Make up your mind." He approached Will, who sank gratefully to the ground. "Remember what I said. Don't fall behind."

Will wrinkled his nose and chose to ignore the threat. "Alright, those who have to go to the bathroom, go with Loki. The rest... How about a song? Something to keep us inspired."

"I don't think singing is a good idea—" Loki hissed.

"Oh, I know!" Charlie leapt to her feet. "If you're happy, and you know it, clap your hands."

The class started singing along, clapping, then stomping their feet. Will clapped along with a tired smile. Loki returned with the gaggle of kids and eyed their surroundings nervously. "This is foolish."

"They need a distraction," Will muttered. "Singing helps." I need a distraction. He didn't say the words out loud, but he found it difficult to focus. "Just a few more minutes, then we'll keep going."

Loki crossed his arms with a frown. Will watched the beautiful trickster pace back and forth. Sure, they wanted to get to the Bifrost as soon as possible, but Loki never passed up an opportunity to relax and have fun. Why was he impatient?

Soft debris, light and dusty, rained down on Will. He jumped, shaking loose pebbles and dirt from his hair. The children's eyes snapped upwards, and their mouths popped in silent screams. Slowly, Will's gaze drifted away from them and up.

"Will, get away from the wall," Loki warned.

A giant black head stared down at them, sharp, ivory teeth flashing. And then came a laugh, dark and villainous. Will paled and scrambled away from the wall, pushing his children back towards Loki.

"Well, well, well, look what I found." The voice was husky, deep and wolfish. Glinting green eyes watched the class. "A snack."

"Fenrir can talk," Will gaped. Of course, Loki's giant wolf offspring could talk. Why did Will never consider that a possibility?

"Oh, did you not know this?" Loki shrugged. "He's a genius. Quite the conversationalist."

"That's great. I'll make sure to have him over for dinner sometime," Will spat back. "You know, if he doesn't make us dinner first."

Fenrir growled and leapt down the corridor wall. "Did you know mouse is my favourite chase? They try so hard to hide."

"When I say run, you run," Will breathed. "You'll go that way, and don't stop until you see the bridge."

"Oh, yes, run," Fenrir snarled. "I do love a good chase."

Will half-expected the trickster to run like the day Fenrir broke into the classroom. Instead, he stepped in front of the class, placing himself between his son and the children.

Will used the trickster's distraction and dug through his pockets.

"As much as I love your charisma, these little ones are under my protection," Loki sighed.

"Do not get in my way, Father," Fenrir sneered, "or I will eat you whole like I did the Allfather." His barking laugh shook Will, and the teacher scrambled for the pair of metal gloves. "He tasted delicious."

"Yes, as wonderful as that was to watch, you're not going to eat me. Or these children." Loki squared his shoulders. "Let them live, and I'll help you get to the rainbow bridge."

"What?" Will exclaimed. "Loki—"

"We are already breaching the hall," Fenrir rumbled. "I do not need your help, Father. Now, step aside and—"

Suddenly, Fenrir yelped like an injured dog. He lashed out, hitting Loki in the chest before whirling around to find someone with one foot on his tail. Loki hit the opposite wall and crumbled in a winded heap.

The foot on Fenrir's tail was ensconced in a thick, leather and metallic shoe. A giant man with a sturdy build was attached to that foot, and he glowered at Fenrir with rage that matched Thor's. His black hair was long and braided, his dark eyes like heated chunks of coal. Where Thor was built like a giant, stocky bear, the god before them was built like a lion. His muscles were thick, and he moved with predatory grace.

"Oh, thank the gods," Loki wheezed, "Vidar."

"I have been looking for you," Vidar said in a disarmingly soft-spoken tone. "I will avenge my father's death by killing you, Fenrir."

"Are you okay?" Will asked, approaching the trickster.

"I'm fine," Loki grumbled. "Fucking child of mine. No respect for his parents whatsoever."

"We need to get the kids out of here." Will shoved the gloves at Loki. "Here."

Loki raised an eyebrow. "Thor's gloves? What am I supposed to do with them? Without the hammer, they're useless—oh, Will."

In Will's hand was Mjolnir. The hammer had shrunk to fit his grip. Thor's hammer rippled and grew to fit the trickster's when he passed it to Loki.

"I took it before we left, Thor," Will admitted, "will it work without him?"

The grin that illuminated Loki's face was chilling. He put on the gloves and lifted the hammer to eye level. Then he threw the hammer with all his might, grinning as it smacked the wolf in the side of the head. "Oh, it'll work just fine."

Dazed, Fenrir tried to snap his mighty jaw at the Aesir. Vidar had luck on his side. He caught it with his bare hands. With a war cry, the god pried Fenrir's mouth open. Mjolnir returned to Loki, who buzzed with chaotic energy.

"Vidar's taking care of that for us. Bless his soul. Let's not let his distraction go to waste."

He leapt to his feet, grinning like a fool as he swung Mjolnir. Will climbed to his feet, eyeing the trickster nervously. He hoped he didn't make a mistake giving Loki the hammer.

"Let's go, like little mice," Will said, coaxing the children to run. Ushering the children down the corridor, Loki half-carried, half-dragged Will, taking their place at the back of the line.

Will glanced back just in time to see Vidar planting his foot at the bottom of Fenrir's mouth, the wolf squealing and struggling to free himself. A loud, sickening rip cut through the silent air and Fenrir dropped with one final pained howl.

The last thing Will saw before Loki rounded a corner was Vidar sinking to his knees, his mournful wail trailing after the class. Then the dazzling light ahead drew his focus.

They'd reached the Bifrost

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