Heavy is the Head [Kion] ✔️


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"Kion! Help!" The rocks ran down the sides, following Zira into the ravine. "Hold on Kiara!" "Kion!" "No!" A... Еще



313 9 2

the new reality

Kion stomped angrily through the grass, leaving his father far behind. He didn't want to see him now.

He walked along the trodden paths, unintentionally coming to walk along the same route as he had led the guard on every day for so many years. He passed the hunting grounds and the Mbali fields, and the waterhole where the hippos were soaking. He ignored the whispers that followed him.

He's the new prince — the future king!

Well, I heard he doesn't want the position.

If not him, then who?

He's getting married! Did you know that?

It was a bunch of zebras whispering together; females. Kion tuned them out, instead turning his attention to the sky. In the distance he could see Ono flying high, scanning the world below. Kion wished to join his friends, even for an hour, for a bit of normalcy but he knew that would not bode well later, especially with tensions now so high. Not to mention, Simba had practically forbid him from taking part in anything guard-related.

You can't lead the guard and learn how to be king!

I can and I will!

I am the king and I forbid it!

What if I don't want to be king? What if I have a different calling?

You should have thought of that before you let your sister drown.

Simba! How dare you—!

The argument was still fresh in Kion's mind, even after three months. He and his father hadn't mentioned anything of the topic since. If only to spare Nala at least, who had become ill not long after Kiara died. Stress, Rafiki had declared, and heartache.

With the making of a split-second decision, Kion turned away from the direction of his friends and headed east towards his special spot. He walked through the long grass, 30 paces until he reached a small tree and then turned right, jumping into a small enclosure of grass around a pond. He settled on the water's edge, trying to calm his angry heart. He swiped the ground angrily, watching as the dust flew into the air and the pebbles scattered into the water, disappearing from sight. It was soothing, watching the dirt melt to mud.


He jumped, whirling around to see a familiar cheetah poking her head out through the grass. Kion had hidden himself in a secret enclosure of tall grass and high rocks. "The royal garden," Kiara had named it. She had found it long ago when they were playing hide and seek as cubs. It had taken hours for Nala and Sarafina to find them. Apparently it did not take Fuli as long.

She pushed her front feet inside. "Can I come in?"

Kion shrugged. "Might as well."

Fuli grunted as she pulled the rest of her body in through the grass before coming to sit beside him. "So, what's on your mind?"

The young prince sighed. "You could tell?"

"It can only be smelled from across the Pride Lands," she joked, but Kion did not laugh.

He sighed again. "I'm getting married."


He chuckled unenthusiastically at her reaction. "I know right. Apparently Kiara was meant to be married to some snotty prince and now... now I'm marrying his sister."

Fuli's mouth was open wide with surprise and a bug was threatening to fly inside. Just before it could, Fuli snapped her jaw shut and turned to him. "You said no, didn't you? I mean—"

"I tried, Fuli, I really did but—"

"Kion you can't get married to some strange lioness! I mean, have you even met her before?"

"Jealous?" Kion teased.

Fuli blushed. "No! I just— Kion, I want you to be happy."

He let out a deep sigh, looking down at his reflection in the water. His scar stood out to him: two lines leading into his eye, and only one leading out of it. By some miracle, Kiara's claws had missed his eye.

He looked back at Fuli. "No one's happy."

After a moment, Fuli leaned into him. It surprised Kion who knew Fuli wasn't usually one for physical comfort, but he appreciated it.

"You'll get through this," Fuli said softly. "Even if I have to murder a princess in her sleep."


Unbeknownst to either big cat, a little lizard sat on a rock watching them. Samokai, as the reptile was known, watched the interaction with great interest. He stayed still, watching and listening until the conversation went silent and the prince and cheetah returned to Pride Rock. It was long after the sun set behind the horizon.

Once they were gone, Samokai leapt from his rock and started towards the Outlands. Across crocodile river, termite hill and over the field filled with bickering lionesses, Samokai finally came to a stop outside a large anthill that served as the home of the lions. He shivered, looking at the doorway.

"Hello?" He called.

A shadow moved somewhere in the background, making the lizard jump. He started backing away, doubting his decision to come here, when he was suddenly snatched up by a pair of paws. He squirmed and moved, jumping through a gap between the claws and landed hard on the ground.

"Oh man! Come here!" The lion continued chasing, and Samokai made a break for it further into the den.

"Nuka!" A voice suddenly snapped. Simultaneously, Samokai ran straight into the leg of a lioness, making him dizzy. The lioness chuckled before turning back to her older brother. "Don't you know these are our most trusted informants? Not food."

"Tani," Nuka groaned. "I'm hungry!"

Vitani rolled her eyes and turned. "Come on, Samokai. He's waiting for you."

The lizard followed Vitani far into the den. Sleeping lionesses —or dead lionesses, Samokai wasn't sure— lay around. Some had cubs that they were tending to while others chewed on flying ants. All of them looked unhappy. At the far end in the shadows, stood a lone lion. Vitani led Samokai there.

"Kovu," she called. "A scout has arrived back with news."

"Good," came the answer. It send shivers down his spine.

Kovu had changed over the months that had passed. His once lush fur was matted with dirt and he was as thin as his brother Nuka. His eyes, once full of care, shone with fiery hate. As he turned to face the little lizard, who felt himself shaking, his breathing turned ragged. "What news have you?" He demanded.

Samokai gulped and stepped forward. "I have word on the prince, Kion."

A cold smile works its way into Kovu's features. "Brilliant."

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