Ma Meuia (NETEYAM)

Bởi cheezeitsforlife

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Neteyam X Oc The forest was my home. It's where I was born and where I was expected to meet my end. When we... Xem Thêm



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Bởi cheezeitsforlife

Trigger Warning, there is going to be a lot of gruesome death in this chapter.

He laughed from above me, "Boss, look."

He yanked my head back and I hissed, "the bitch is murderous."

Quatritch hummed amusedly, "better watch your back, Lyle."

Fucker was mocking me. Like he didn't believe that I could kill him. 

Lyle chuckled, "She can try but I'll kill her just like I killed the kid. Quick and effortless."

I would hunt this demon, and I would make him return to the hell that he came from.

Lyle moved his forefinger down my face.

"You sure are pretty."

I acted without thinking and bit his finger.

Clenching my teeth together so it pushed through the bone and flesh.

I spit it out, letting it hit him in the face.

He tasted nasty.

He let out a shout of pain, pulling his now stub to his chest.

He growled and yanked the gun that was on his hip out to point it at me.

Everything happened fast.

An explosion happened above us making the whole ship tilt.

Chaos sprouted around us.

People were panicking.

Fire was everywhere.

I was briefly aware of the shouts and gunshots surrounding me.

I didn't know if the disruption was Jake or Neytiri.

I didn't really care.

All I cared about was revenge.

All I could focus on was the anger.

The consuming rage.

The overwhelming need to have their hearts stop, to have their blood streak the floor. To see their life drain from their eyes and watch as they suffered a slow and painful death.

They would realize how stupid it was not to tie me to the pole.


I said nothing. I felt nothing other than fury.

She didn't need to see what I was about to do.

"Ri, Neteyam wouldn't want this for you." Kiri begged me.

"Neteyam is gone."

My voice conveyed how I felt. Hollow. Empty.

My best friend was gone.

I walked over to a part of the ship that had a sharp edge. Using it to cut the restraints.

"One of them escaped!"


Someone suddenly appeared in front of me and raised their gun as if to scare me back.

Everyone was too busy trying to control the chaos that they weren't worried about me.

A fatal mistake.

Before he could come any closer, I had dropped and kicked his feet out from under him.

Stomping on his arm, that was holding the gun. I pushed down, crushing it. I felt the bones snap in half under my feet.

Ignoring his shouts of pain, I lifted him up and threw him onto the sharp edge, on which I had used to cut my restraints.

The sharp edge slid easily into his chest, causing blood and a few pathetic gasps to trickle out of his mouth. Within seconds he was dead.

One down, many more to go.

I slowly turned around.

Red was all around me.

Rage was consuming me.

I was thirsty for their blood.

And anyone in my way was just carnage.

It was a blur.

My body moved on its own accord.

All I knew was that I was killing them one by one.

One person, I used their carcass as a shield to protect me from the oncoming bullets.

When I got close enough I pushed their body into another person, using their off balance to yank the gun out of their grip.

I didn't know how to shoot a gun, I didn't trust myself on how to use it either.

So I hit them with the back end until their skull caved in and their brain was exposed. I didn't stop, not even when their brain became mush onto the floor. I hit and I hit and I hit. I didn't stop until I heard a gasp behind me.

A person shot at me from behind but I easily hid behind the structure that was beside me.

The bullets were getting closer but I was getting further.

I waited until they ran out of ammo before I struck.

I was good at being silent. You had to be if you lived in the forest.

I didn't think I would use those skills for this but I was grateful for it.

I went undetected as I snuck up behind them. As they filled their gun, I wrapped my hands around their neck. They struggled to unlatch my hands, but I just squeezed and easily snapped their neck.

I watched as their body fell to the floor, now a lifeless lump.

I was back to hunting.

They all merged together. One after another.

Another person, I ripped out their eyeballs.

Another, I gutted with a knife I found on the floor.

I felt the blood on my hands.

The blood on my face.

It was slippery, and all I could smell was Iron. 

I thought I saw Neytiri for a brief moment but I wasn't looking for her.

I was looking for Lyle.

I was the predator and Lyle was my prey.

I don't know how many I killed, nor how long.

But I had finally found him.

His stupid glasses were still on his face, preventing me from seeing his eyes.

I didn't like that.

I wanted to see the terror and the recognition in his eyes when he realized that he was going to die, by my hands.

"Ahh, you again," He sighed.

"I will kill you, " I promised.

"I have the gun. But hey, since you're so pretty I'll take it easy on you. I won't even make you suffer for what you did to my finger."

His smile told me otherwise.

He was pissed about his finger.

Sick gratification filled me. That wouldn't be the only thing he would lose. 

He lifted his gun, prepared to shoot me but I was already running at him. He shot carelessly.

I ran up the wall and tackled him to the side.

We tumbled on the floor. The gun being thrown in the process.

He was strong, I couldn't kill him as easily as the others because he was using a Na'vi body.

He threw me to the side, easily getting on top of me. He punched me across the face a few times, reaching behind his back where he had a large knife.

He brought it out and tried to stab me but I held his hands back.

I grunted from the effort, I wasn't weak but I had taken a lot of hits, a lot of injuries. Blood loss, concussions, they weren't working in my favor.

I needed to get out of this position so I used my knee to strike him in the groin.

I flipped us over using his momentary pain. He used the new position to stab me in the gut.

I let out a yelp of surprise, but I barely felt the pain.

He yanked it out and stabbed me again, twisting the handle.

I ranked my nails down his face, causing him to shout.

I felt his flesh tear under my fingers. He moved his hands to try and rip off mine and I used the opening to rip the knife out of my gut and stab him in the side. 

I stabbed him a few times. It was quick, too quick.

I didn't want it to be easy, or quick. I wanted him to truly feel how I felt. I wanted him to feel the pain and agony radiating through my entire body. 

I ripped his stupid vest off his body, he was too weak to stop me.

"I'm going to make you feel what you did to me when you killed him."

I whispered into his ear.

I used his own knife to cut into his body, ignoring the resistance of his bones and body tissues.

He screamed, but it just made me wonder if Neteyam screamed when he died. If he was in pain, if it was fast, if he suffered. I would never know, because I wasn't there.

When he needed me I wasn't there.

The thought spurred my actions further. 

I shoved my hand into his torso and found what I had been looking for.

I ripped his heart from his chest.

I held the heart victoriously in front of his face.

He was already dead but It wasn't enough, I was still angry.

I sat next to his body holding his heart in my hands. After a few brief moments of silence, and coming down from the high of killing, I finally broke. 

The rage turned to heartbreak, the anger turned into inconsolable grief.

So much pain, it felt like I was holding my own heart in my hands.

I didn't just lose my only love, I lost myself.

I suddenly felt hands hold down my arms and I thrashed.

I hissed venomously, prepared to kill another.

"Ri it's me."

I tried to release their grip but it was unrelenting.

I was in a bad position, they could kill me any second now.

Slice my throat.

Strangle me.

Shoot me.

..but it wouldn't matter soon, would it? Not with the injuries I was spouting.

"Shhh it's me, it's me."

I vaguely recognized who it was.

A voice that used to comfort me when I was younger. 

I didn't want comfort, I didn't deserve comfort.

Not after losing Neteyam. It was my job to protect him. Mine.

He protected the family, I protected him.

He succeeded in his job, but I didn't.

I hadn't been there.

I should've been there.

"Get off of me." I snarled

"This isn't you." He tried to reason with me

"I don't know who I am anymore," I whispered.

"Look at me. Sweetheart, look at me."

Jake pulled my face to look at him.

"This rage. This over consuming rage, it will lead you down the wrong path. It isn't what Neteyam would want. This isn't the girl I raised."

I felt tears come out of my eyes.

"They killed him, dad." My voice broke.

His eyes were filled with their own pain. Everyone often mistook him as not feeling anything. But they where wrong. He hid his pain, pushed it back to get things done. To make it look like he knew what he was doing, so that he could show us to be strong. 

"I know sweetheart. I know."

He placed his forehead on mine.

"I need you with me. I can't do this without you. I need you to be strong for me."

I reluctantly let go of the heart, letting him wrap me in a quick hug.

I was shaking, my whole body trembling.

I knew what I had done, but did I regret it?

I didn't know yet.

It didn't make me feel any better, that's for sure. It made me question if I would be accepted by Eywa now.

I guess we would find out soon.

"Are you injured?"

I looked into Jake's eyes. He didn't know.

I looked down at myself, I was covered in blood, it was practically impossible to see if it was mine.

We didn't have enough time to get me help. I don't even know how it could be fixed. 

It was either help me or help my sisters.

"I'm fine."

"Ready to get your sisters?"

I nodded and he helped me stand up.

I feel numb now.

You would think that if you got stabbed in the abdomen two times you would be in immense pain. But I wasn't.

Maybe Eywa was taking mercy on me.

I didn't deserve it.

I didn't understand why. 

He turned to me, "You got my back?"

I nodded, "I guess. Only cause you need me so bad."

My tone was flat, but I was trying. 

He ruffled my hair, ignoring the blood. We stalked forward.

I looked to the side and saw Neytiri going feral.

I didn't recognize the woman in front of me. There was no kindness in her eyes, no love, only anger. 

I felt for her, I was her.

She was a merciless killer, a scorned mother avenging her child.

She hadn't just lost her child, she had lost many after they came.

Her home, her father, her people, and that was just on the top of the list.

It was a scary sight, to see her lose herself.

I wondered if I looked like that.

I lost my best friend and lover, but she lost her son.

Her pain was different but the same, in a way. We both lost someone important to us. She was fed up with loosing. 

She looked over briefly, and I saw some part of her soften, it didn't last long though.

She was back to fighting with her arrow, as a human came shooting at her.

Jake grabbed his ax and knife and hurried to Tuk.

I hanged back, watching Jakes back like I promised. Where the hell was Kiri?

She was next to Tuk last time I saw her.

I had a bad feeling in my stomach, and it wasn't from the stab wounds. 

"Dad, Ri!"

"Where is your sister?"

I held the knife that Lyle had used to stab me.

I narrowed my eyes looking around.

"Where is she Tuk?"

"That way, That way."

Jake growled and I hissed when we saw where Kiri was at.

"Don't you hurt a hair on her body."

Quaritch clicked his tongue, "Tsk. Tsk. I don't want to hear a word out of you missy. You killed a lot of my men."

I hissed when he pushed the blade further into her skin.


I held Tuk back, as Jake raised his hands in a calm manner.

"Running out of time here, corporal."

"You already lost one kid today. Do you really wanna loose another?"

I flinched, Tuk hugged my leg. Which made me wince, I forgot I had gotten stabbed there.

I didn't even know how I was still standing.

I used that feeling to bring me out of the haze.

Jake surged forward in anger, but Quaritch pushed the knife closer.

"Do not test me!"

"Just kill him, dad!" Kiri yelled

"Kiri Shut up," I hissed.

Maybe that was too harsh.

"Please," I added. She gave me a blank stare.

I couldn't loose another person I cared about.

I just couldn't.

We saw Kiri wince in pain as he drew blood.

"Put down you're weapons. Both of you. Now!"

"Don't do it!" 

"Shut up!"

I didn't bend down, I just dropped it. I should have thrown it at his forehead but I didn't want to take the risk. 

"Kick them away."

I rolled my eyes, doing as he told me to.

He grabbed restraints from his back pocket and threw it on the ground in front of Jake.

"Cuff yourself. The girl too."

Spider came out of no where.

It was like he teleported, " No. No. Don't hurt her, Okay?"

"Stand there. Don't come a step closer!"

I looked in between Quaritch and Spider with narrowed eyes.

Did they bond or something? I doubted Quaritch would listen to Spider but I wasn't stupid enough not to read the body language.

"Handcuffs on!"

"You son of a bitch." Jake hissed, doing as he said.

That was a bit basic, there was a lot more colorful names he could have used.

Crotch goblin, smelly turd hound, sleeze bag, shitbird, scumface, piss for brains- I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard a familiar hiss.

I was getting a bit light headed now.

I blinked slowly, I knew it was the blood loss.

Neytiri was holding Spider under her knife.

"Release, or I cut."

She wouldn't actually do it...would she?

I didn't know anymore.

I knew she had distaste for him, especially because she knew that he was his son. Spider was just a kid though, the same age as Lo'ak. 

Quaritch tried to put on a facade and I leaned heavily on my other leg.

My body felt like a bag of weights.

"What you think I care about some kid? He's not mine. We aren't even the same species"

I looked at Spider to see if there was any hurt on his face.

I couldn't tell. Not with my vision as blurry as it was right now.

I don't know how long I could stay standing.

Could they hurry this up?

Spider still pleaded to save Kiri, begging Quaritch to let her go.

Kiri was pleading Neytiri to let Spider go.

"A son for a son." Neytiri hissed.

She sliced Spiders chest, I knew now that she would actually do it.

She would do it for revenge.

I couldn't blame her. But I also didn't want Spider to die. I was never that close to him, maybe because he reminded me of myself.

If I was human I doubt they would have taken me in, made me their own.

I felt for Spider, I recognized his loneliness.

I should have spent more time with him.

"I cut."

When Quartich didn't move she raised the knife with a yell. Before she could bring it down, Quaritch released Kiri, "NO!"

I immediately pulled Kiri to me.

I guess they did bond.

Kiri pushed me away, moving towards Spider.

"Get them out of here." Jake directed it to me.

I nodded solemnly.

As much as I wanted to help, this was his fight now. Anyway I'd be more of a burden if I stayed.

I pushed my family toward the water.

"Go. Go!"

"I owe you a death."

I grabbed Neytiri's arm before she could attack him.

"Let us go. Mom, please." I pleaded.

"Mom, come on."


"You're not leaving, are you Jake? You know I'll never give up. I will come and kill your whole family."


Jake stood there watching Quaritch.

I knew him, he wouldn't pass on the opportunity. Not with Neteyam's breath still fresh. 

"Then let's get it done." Jake surged forward and they immediately fought. 

It had been a long time coming.

As they were fighting a huge surge of fire lit around the ship , surrounding us and preventing us from swimming away.

"Back on the ship!" I yelled.

I pushed Kiri and Tuk forward.

Spider grabbed my hand helping me swim.

On the ship, everything was tilting. Things were falling, and the ship was sinking. 

Water was caving into the holes of the lower areas of the ship. 

Tuk got sucked into a hole, the water pressure being too strong and ripping her from Neytriris hand.

"TUK!" I screamed, lunging forward but Spider didn't let me go.

Neytiri jumped in after her.

"MOM!" Kiri and I yelled in union.

"Come on, We have to go!" Spider yelled.

We ran up the ship, which was quickly overturning.

I was slow, I was holding them back.

"Come on, Ri," Kiri coaxed from beside me. 

I panted, trying to finesse energy that I didn't have.

They were so focused on me they didn't see the box coming towards us. 

I pushed Kiri and Spider out of the way, but there wasn't enough time for me to move.

The box hit me with force.

I heard them yell my name but there was nothing they could do.

The box dragged my body into the water, sinking me.

I didn't have the energy nor the strength to push it off.

I felt the water fill my lungs at a rapid pace.

I had been punched, smacked, hit, kicked, thrown, stabbed, and now I was drowning.

I had been through hell and back, and I had been living on borrowed time.

I only hoped that my family would be safe.

I hoped Neteyam wouldn't be too mad when I saw him again. 

Just the thought of seeing him brought a smile to my face.

I imagined his eyes, staring at me with love.

I imagined his laugh, Eywa I loved his laugh. 

It was black all around me and I had accepted my fate, when I felt someone grab my hand and then all of a sudden I could breathe.

I gulped in greedy breaths of oxygen.

I looked to the side to see Lo'aks concerned eyes.

"Shit, Ri are you okay?"

I just breathed in deeply, but the wound on my stomach was starting to hurt.

"Common Ri" He helped me onto the Ilu.

"Are you okay?" He asked again.

"No." I said bluntly, I didn't want to lie to him.

I wasn't okay, not physically, not mentally nor emotionally.

I wasn't okay, but I would be soon.

"Where is everyone?" 

"Still on the ship." I murmured, dazed.


"Okay, Okay." He stressed running a hand over his head.

"I'm taking you back to Neteyam. Then I'll go after them," he decided. 

I hummed in response. That was probably for the best.

I looked up at the sky. I was reminded of how beautiful the stars were. It felt like I was seeing them for the first time.

They looked brighter than usual. 

I wonder if I would be reborn as a star. I was starting to wonder about a lot of things.

"I'm so sorry Ri." Lo'aks voice broke, revealing his own pain.

"What for?"

"Everything is my fault." He stated like it was obvious.

"That is the dumbest crap I've ever heard you say."

He tried to hide his sobs but I felt it. He was full of regret and guilt, and I feared that it would only get worse.

"I know what I want my favor to be."


"I won the Ilu race. You owe me a favor."

"What is it?"

"I want you to live. Not in regret or guilt but truly live. Lo'ak the world is full of so many things-so many great things and you haven't even begun to experience them. So you need to live, you need to live and experience those things. Do it for Teyam."

For me too, I added silently.

He was silent.

"We had a lot of fun times, you and me," I mused. 

We where the two troublemakers, always stressing out Neteyam. Lo'ak more than me but I had helped. 

"Why are you all sentimental? This isn't like you." He tried to joke but it fell flat. 

"Today has just made me realize a lot of things." 

I continued, "When Tuk is older, tell her stories about Teyam and I." 

I didn't want her to forget about us. 

"You're going to tell them yourself." He sounded concerned now. 

"Ri, what's this about?"

"Yeah you're right. You wouldn't tell them right anyways." 

The sentences pained me. 

He chuckled.

"You are the best little brother a girl could ask for." I let a tear slip from my eye.

"Thanks Ri." His voice was full of confusion. 

I wish I could have done more, and expressed to him how proud he made me. How happy I was that he was my brother. 

But I didn't have time.

It was so weird, all I felt was tired.

I didn't feel pain, nothing but a slight stinging from the wound on my stomach.

Maybe I was numb from all the emotion, or maybe the pain in my heart was overpowering it.

But I could tell that it was almost my time.

When we got to the rock, Lo'ak was in a hurry, and I wasn't trying to stop him.

"I'll be back soon," he promised.

"Be careful little brother."

"Always am." He said but it was sad, nothing with his usual mirth. 

"I love you kid."

He nodded and swam away.

He was going to be amazing when he grew older. He was going to heal from all this pain, and he was going to be stronger than ever. He would be a force to be reckoned with, I knew it.

I turned to Tsireya.

She would help him heal. Leaving Lo'ak with her gave me some relief. She would take care of him, he would have someone to lean on. Someone to be on his side.

She gasped at the sight of me but I waved her off, not lying but lying at the same time.

"It's not mine."

She gave me a sorrowful glance, and I attempted to smile but I know it just came off as a wince.

"Don't look at me like that, you're sad face always makes me feel sadder. Look away, woman."

"I'm so sorry Ri," She cried.

"Sorry for what? Did you kill him?"

She shook her head no. 

"Then there is nothing to be sorry for. All you can do for me now is take care of my family." I smiled at her

Before she could say anything, I spoke.

"Can you give us a moment?"

I didn't look at his body.

I couldn't, not yet.

She hesitated. 

"Please...just give me a moment"

She nodded. Heading to the water a little while away.

I felt bad for her.

Poor girl was going to be looking after two dead bodies.

I slowly walked over to maTeyams body.

I kept my eyes on his face. I didn't want to see the fatal blow to his chest. I just wanted to see the face of the person I loved so much. 

His eyes were still open. 

Why where they still open?

I didn't cry. I had cried enough.

I simply closed his lifeless eyes, and laid down. I put my head on his chest, imagining there was the familiar thumping of his heart beat.

I imagined he was soothing circles into my skin, that he was warm, that he was alive. 

"You asshole." I whispered. 

"Wherever you go I go, remember?" 

You'd think that you would spend your dying moments thinking about all the things you didn't get to do, all your mistakes and regrets. But it wasn't like that. I was suddenly overcome with the feeling of love for my family. I felt happy that I had experienced love, love of all kinds.That I had lived with people who cared for me. 

It was everything I had wished for when I was younger, and I had gotten it. 

Even though I was dying I felt at peace. 

I could feel my heartbeat grow weaker. 

It was just like falling asleep. 

One moment I was awake, the next I wasn't. 


3rd person: 

"I want Ri." Tuk complained, "She always knows how to make me feel better." 

"Where's your sister?" Neytiri asked Lo'ak as they all hugged each other on Payakan. 

"She's on the rock...with Neteyam." He whispered. 

"Let us go to her. She is going to need us." Neytiri said to the kids, worry and sorrow evident in her tone. 

Jake nodded, "It's important that we all are there for each other, now more than ever." 

They all solemnly got on an Ilu and swam to the rock where unknownest to them, lay two bodies instead of one. 

"Lo'ak!" Tsireya cried as soon as she saw them, her hands covered in blood. 

She was shaking profusely, eyes bloodshot from all the crying she had been doing. The girl was traumatized from being left with the dead bodies of the people who she had once cared for. 

Lo'ak furrowed his brows, jumping onto the rock. 

"What's wrong?" he brushed her hair away from her face. 

"Ri...Ri she's-"She started sobbing.  

"She's what, Reya?" 

"What is it?" Kiri asked, placing Tuk onto the ground. 

"I'm not sure, something about Ri." 

Tuk was the one who saw her first. 


"RiRi are you okay?" She placed a hand on Riti's body. 

"Are you taking a nap?" 

"RiRi wake up. It's time to wake up now." Tuk said slightly tapping her shoulder. 

She frowned when there was no movement from her. 

Jake and Neytiri stepped onto the rock, not knowing what the ruckus was. 

Lo'ak was still trying to talk to Tsireya who was in a hysterical state, and Kiri was still trying to calm her. 

"Guys, RiRi isn't waking up." Tuk cried, knowing deeply that something was wrong.

Once Ri heard Tuk she would always wake up, always. She would wake up and tackle her in a tickle fest. It happened almost every morning. 

Tsireya pointed to Neteyam's body, and that's when everyone noticed where Ri had been. 

Lo'ak froze when he saw her. 

"No. No. No. No." Lo'ak immediately ran to her side. 

"Ri?" He shook her body. 

"Ri, please get up." Lo'aks voice cracked. 


"Please! I can't loose you too."  

There was no movement from Riti. 

Lo'ak let out a loud sob, shaking her some more. He was violently shaking his head no. 

The only person who was always on his side, no matter what. The person who tried everything in her power to make him smile when he was in a bad mood. The person he would go to when he needed someone to talk to. 

He had lost his older brother, and now his older sister too. 

He hadn't realized what he had until he lost them. 

The scene was heartbreaking, and encouraged Jake to act. 

Jake pulled him back into his chest. Holding him securely by the back of his head. 

His eyes scanned her body, looking for what had happened. He needed to know what happened. Looking for what he had missed when he last talked to her.

She hadn't seemed like she was in pain. 

But Riti never made it obvious when she was hurting. 

His eyes found the gruesome wound on her stomach. How had he not noticed that? 

"She's not waking up son." The pain radiated through him, he had lost two kids now. 

He didn't even notice she was hurt. What kind of father didn't know if his kid is hurt? Why didn't she tell him? He racked his brain trying to find the answer but there was none. 

Lo'ak tried to pull away but they both knew he needed the comfort. Jake needed it too. They loved Riti dearly and the lose of her and Neteyam had broken their hearts. All of theirs. 

"I didn't tell her I loved her. She kept on saying weird stuff, like she was saying goodbye." 

"I should've known something was wrong. I shoulda- I shoulda told her I loved her." 

"I didn't tell her I loved her." Lo'ak cried with clenched his fists. He was angry at himself, angry and full of regret. 

The exact opposite of what Ri told him to be. 

"She knew you did, she knew we all did." 

It pained Jake more to think about the fact that they weren't there for her when she died. That she was alone, with the body of her dead lover. That he didn't hold her and comfort her in her last moments, it was eating him alive. 

"Reya, how long has she been like this?" Kiri asked Tsireya, her eyes wide. 

It was like Riti's death hadn't registered yet. 

She stood there staring at her siblings body. 

Neytiri let out a sob that shook the entire family. 

"When she got here... she asked me for a moment with him. She said the blood wasn't hers. She said she was fine. She said- She said that I needed to take care of you guys. When I walked back over she wasn't getting up. I tried to stop the blood that was coming out of her stomach but she was already.... she was already gone." Tsireya covered her face with her hands. 

"Ma baby." Neytiri walked over to Riti's body, wiping away the bloody hair on her face. 

"Ma poor baby." Her tears hit Riti's face, making streaks on the blood that laid there. 

She didn't dare remove her from Neteyam's chest. 

It is where she wanted to die, and that is where she shall stay. 

With Neteyam, together forever. 

Neytiri kissed her forehead. 

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. Ma strong baby." 

She pulled both of their bodies into her arms. Letting out a wail, the pain was overwhelming. She thought it hurt when Neteyam died, now the pain was a million times worse. Two of her children where gone. Children that she loved dearly, her world came crashing down around her. 

Tuk cried as she held onto Riti's hand. She placed it onto her cheek, imagining Riti was the one doing it. 

Kiri slowly walked over to her mom and wrapped her arms around them. Making it into a group hug. 

"Thank you for everything" Kiri whispered, memories of Riti cheering her up and bothering her raided  her brain. Her teasing, her laughs, her pranks, all of which used to annoy her. Now she would do anything to hear it again. 

The last time Kiri had saw Riti was when she saved her life. She didn't get to say goodbye. To either of them. It would haunt her for the rest of her life. 

Tuk placed a hand on Neteyams forehead, "He won't be lonely anymore. Riti is going to take care of him." 

Tuk was close to both of them. They acted as substitute parents when Jake and Neytiri where busy. She had an irreplaceable bond with them, and now they both where gone. All she knew was that they wouldn't be there for her anymore, she wouldn't be able to run to them when she wanted to play or wanted extra love, no one to make extra time for her. No more training with Riti, no more collecting shells with Neteyam, no more helping Ri play jokes on him when he was training. No more anything. 

Riti was never invincible, even if she acted like it. She was strong but she wasn't made of stone. They deserved more time. They where too young to die, and yet there they laid. 

Lifeless and cold, only memories left of who they used to be. 

The family knew one thing though, they would never forget the brother, and son that cared more about them than he did his own life. 

Nor the girl who made it impossible to speak to her without a smile on their faces, made it impossible to feel anything other than happiness when she was around. 

That day the Sully family had lost huge parts of themselves, and they would never get it back. 

* This killed me inside. One more chapter left y'all. 

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