The Turbo Hero:- Midoribolt

Da Kevhedgehog

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Izuku Midoriya has really had enough. First, he had his property destroyed by his childhood bully, then he wa... Altro



1.4K 44 16
Da Kevhedgehog

After a few minutes of riding his new motorcycle, Izuku parked his bike in front of a 24-hour convenience store. Upon entering it, he grabbed a shopping basket and began packing it with stuff he can use to cook, stuff to go in the fridge, some drinks, and some snacks. He didn't pick up a lot since he was by himself, except for Torbolt who eats by absorbing Izuku's Turbo Energy whenever he's attached. Thanks to Camaflouge Mode, Torbolt can stay attached to him and constantly eat. 

"Hey Izuku, might I suggest we stop at a clothes store later," Torbolt said from Izuku's chest. "I gotta scan some more apparel so we can hide the Turbo suit better"

"Yeah, good idea. And then we can..." Izuku said before accidentally bumping into someone in front of him. "Oh, I'm sorry I..."

Izuku said only to make eye contact with something truly remarkable. In front of him stood a teenage girl with beautiful round brown eyes with cute perpetual blushes on her cheeks. She also had bob-cut brown hair which he couldn't help but find so attractive. The girl looked at him and couldn't help but stare at his emerald green eyes too. She felt her heart accelerate as she took in the sights of his adorable freckles and cute messy dark-green fluffy hair.

"I'm uh... so sorry," Izuku said bowing in respect as his cheeks began to grow red.

"Oh, no, no, no, it's okay," the girl said, waving her hands while trying to hide her blushing face. "It was just an accident" 

After hearing that, Izuku stood up straight and sighed in relief. As he took up his groceries, he noticed the basket of groceries she had in her hand and that she was walking in the opposite direction of the cashier.

"Are you um, putting all those back?" Izuku asked straight out.

"Hm? Oh yeah," the girl said looking down at her basket. "I check the prices and they're all expensive. My family doesn't have much money so I can only get what we can afford"

Izuku took another peek at her basket and saw that there was barely anything in there for an entire family. He felt so bad for her that she was risking a lot to support and help her folks. Being the nice person he is, he decided to do something noble. 

"Torbolt, can you take note of all the stuff in her bag?" he whispered to his alien friend when the girl got distracted. 

"Got it," Torbolt said using his lenses to scan each and every item that was in the girl's basket.

"Well anyway, it's nice meeting you miss..." Izuku said holding out his hand before realizing that he didn't know her name. The girl gave him a warm smile before taking his hand to shake it.

"Uraraka. Ochaco Uraraka," she responded. "And you are?"

"Mi-Midoriya. Izuku Midoriya," he said to her in the best voice he could. After they separated their hands, they stood silent for a bit not knowing what else to say. Izuku rubbed the side of his arms while looking in another direction while Uraraka pushed back some of her hair doing the same with her eyes.

"So uh..." Izuku said nervously. "See you around?"

"Huh? Oh yeah sure," Uraraka said in a nervous tone too as she began walking past him to the register. As Izuku turned to look at her leave, she slightly turned her head and said something. "See you around, Izuku Midoriya"

Izuku stood there in place, mouth agape and cheeks burning as he stared at her backside while she left the store.

"Ga, ga, ga, ga, ga..." Izuku said stuttering with his words.

"Uh Izuku, you good?" Torbolt said from his chest snapping Izuku out of his stuttering.

"Huh? Oh yeah," Izuku said. He lifted up his basket, looked at the items he bought, and looked back to the shelves with a smile on his face. "You got those items?"

"Yup," Torbolt responded. "Are you gonna do what I think you're gonna do?"

"Yup," Izuku responded before walking back to the aisles. 

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After walking up a few steps in a local apartment, Uraraka held a plastic bag containing a few packs of instant ramen which could serve a family of three. Placing her key through the slot, she turned it, opened the door, and walked inside.

"I'm home!" she shouted as she closed the door behind her and removed her shoes.

"Welcome home Ochaco," a woman's voice said from the kitchen. Uraraka held the bag in her hand and walked inside to see a woman who resembles her by her hair and face pouring what looked like tea into a cup beside a muffin. "Your father went to bed already"

"But I brought some ramen for all of us to share," Uraraka said holding up the plastic bag she was holding.

"Good, now you have dinner for tonight," she said while taking up her cup of tea and muffin. "Sorry honey, but we've got work tomorrow. Good night"

"B-But..." Uraraka said trying desperately to speak, but her mother already went into her room, leaving her daughter standing in the kitchen. She held her head down and looked directly at the bag she was holding. She clenched the handle and gritted her teeth as falling to her knees. "Just wait Mom and Dad. I'll go to UA, become a hero, and get the money so you both can live a better life"

Just after saying that, she suddenly heard the sound of their doorbell which caused her to perk her head up.

"Huh? Who could that be at this hour?" she said standing back up to her feet and leaving the bag of ramen on the ground. Walking up to the door, she looked through the peephole of the door to see who it was only to see that there was no one there. Her apartment didn't have advanced security like a lot do, but even though there were cameras in the area, she went on the defensive by grabbing a broom that was close by and slowly opening the door. Peeking her eyes through the open crack, she looked around only to still see no one there. Having the feeling that she was safe, she opened the door completely and saw there really was no one. "Well, that's weird. Who rang the..."

She walked forward to exit the apartment but stopped when she felt her toes touch something rough on the ground. She looked down only to see something that made her eyes bulge with shock. Sitting upright at her doorstep, were 4 bags filled with groceries containing fruits, veggies, frozen microwavable dinner, snacks, etc.

"Wh-wh-what?!" Uraraka said bending down to take up a frozen yogurt to look closely if they were fake or not. But what really surprised her was that some of the items she saw were ones she placed back, back at the convenience store. In fact, there was twice as much as what she took up. Her first thought was that it was someone else's but considering that all of them were placed at her doorstep, it's obvious that it was for her. "But who would..." 

She stopped once she saw a small slip of paper stuck onto one of the paper bags. Taking it off, she read it out loud.

"I hope this is enough for you and your family. I hope to see you around too," she said before reading who it was from. "I.M."

Looking up to the sky, a smile began to crawl onto her face as the picture of a green-haired boy began to form in her head.

"Izuku Midoriya," she said looking back at the letter and pulling it back to her chest. "I really hope I can see you again"

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Riding his green bike back to his secret hideout, Izuku held his head down for the whole time as he was a blushing mess underneath his helmet.

"Izuku, your heart levels, and rate are constantly rising and increasing," Torbolt said from his chest. "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah, it's just, I never met anyone like her before, so I'm, just a little flustered," Izuku said underneath his helmet.

"So, you're in love with the girl," Torbolt said causing Izuku to get so flustered he nearly lost control of his bike. "I've been on this planet for a while so I totally understand what you're feeling"

"I-I don't even know her all that much. I mean, sure she's cute and all but, it's not like I'll see her again," Izuku said in a sad tone.

"Who knows? This world's full of many possibilities," Torbolt said causing Izuku to smile at his chest and look back to the road only to see something that really made him almost trip his bike. With the help of his headlights, he was able to catch sight a small figure wearing a white gown. Quickly twisting the handle of the bike, causing it to skid in place before stopping right in front of the figure. 

"Are you okay? What hap..." Izuku said from his helmet finally getting a better look at what he stopped in front of. Sitting on the ground due to the surprise by his sudden stop, was a young girl with bluish-white hair and red eyes wearing nothing but a hospital gown and bandages around her arm. What caught his interest was that she had a little horn on her head. Judging by her face, he could clearly tell she looks very traumatized. Slowly he got off the bike, kept his helmet on, walk up to her, and kneeled down. "Oh, I'm sorry that I scared you. It's just, you ran out on the road, and if I hadn't stopped..."

He was cut off by the girl jumping onto him, holding him tight. Izuku was confused at first but understood when he heard her whisper something in a trembling tone.

"Help me, please," she said gripping his clothes tighter. He opened his mouth to ask why but Torbolt beat him to the punch.

"Izuku, I'm detecting someone else in the area beside ours and it's coming this way fast," he warned him quickly. Not bothering to ask who or why, Izuku took up the girl looked left and right, and noticed a nearby trash can that looked big enough to hold her. Rushing over to it, he pulled off the lid and thanked god that it was empty. As he placed the girl inside, he took up the lid and whispered something to her. 

"Stay here and stay quiet. I'll protect you," he said earning a small nod from her. As he placed the lid over the can covering her completely, he turned around upon hearing footsteps come close. Walking out of the shadows of an alleyway, a man wearing a weird coat and a mask that kinda resembles the beak of a raven.

"Hey helmet kid!" the man said noticing Izuku. When he heard what he just called him, he realized that he still had his bike helmet. Though he was relieved he couldn't see his face, Izuku stood on the defensive. "I'm looking for a little girl with silver hair. Seen her run by here?"

Izuku didn't say anything but stayed silent for a while. The man looked irritated as he stared into his own reflection of his helmet.

"Maybe you didn't hear me right. I'm looking for my daughter," the man said clearly getting angrier. "Where... did... she... go!?"

Izuku then opened his mouth and began to speak in a deep but serious voice.

"She's your daughter? Then why the hell does she look like she's been nearly tortured to death?" he said before clenching his fist tight.

"Oh, that? You know how kids can be, playing rough, not behaving themselves when told to do something. Those were just signs of her being disciplined," the man said walking closer to him. "Now, tell me where the girl is, or else I'll discipline you"

Underneath Izuku's helmet, his eyes flash green while clenching his fist tighter.

"Never," Izuku solidly said with no fear at all. He watched as the man looked both ways before pulling the white gloves that he had on off.

"Shame no one's here to witness this kid. Cause you're grave's gonna be the trash," the man said before slamming his hand on the ground in which causing spikes made of pure concrete to rise up in the direction of Izuku.

"TORBOLT NOW!!! GO TURBO!!!" Izuku said as he quickly jumped backward as the spikes came up to him.

"YOU GOT IT IZUKU!" Torbolt said from his chest changing his form from camouflage mode to base mode.

The little girl who Izuku had hidden, saw that flash of green light through the lid of the trash can. Peeking her head through it a little, her terrified eyes widened upon seeing the 

"Wh-what the hell are you?!" the man said shocked to see him in a different suit. "You can't be a hero, you're just some kid!"

"You're right, I'm not a hero," Izuku from under his mask said holding up both his arms in a fighting position. "I'm just someone who doesn't stand by and watch people get hurt"

"GIVE... ME... ERI!!!!!" the villain said placing both his hands on the ground causing the road they were on to break up.

"Crap," Izuku said before jumping up into the air to avoid the disassembly. "GO TURBO, FLIGHT!!!"

Izuku flew slightly mid-air over the villain before crossing his arms again.

"GO TURBO, STRENGTH!!!" he shouted again as he landed on the ground with a stomp.

"Wh-what the hell?!" the villain said with wide eyes. Izuku clenched both his fist and ran straight for the villain as fast as he can. The man's eyes widened and placed his hand on the ground causing more spikes to erupt toward Izuku. Thinking he'd be impaled by them, he took a step back once he saw him punch through each spike with ease. 

"Careful Izuku, it looks like this guy's quirk helps him dissemble anything he touches," Torbolt said from his chest as he kept punching the spikes. "So if he touches you're Turbo suit..."

"He'll destroy it and I'd go into a full overload, and destroy everything around me," he said remembering the painful memory of what happened the last time he overloaded. "Then I gotta knock him out quickly, so I can restrain him"

"Then what're we waiting for? I got the need for Turbo speed," Torbolt said causing a smile to grow on Izuku's face.

"GO TURBO, SPEED!!!" Izuku said crossing his arms and releasing his energy to change his suit.

Running in a straight line, Izuku ran past Overhaul and began circling around him creating a mini tornado that lifted him slightly off the ground. Increasing his speed, Izuku ran so fast that the tornado got bigger and the villain began to actually raise high up in the air.

"Dammit, I can't touch him!" Overhaul said as he wavered his hands in the air. Once he knew he was high enough, Izuku ran up the nearest building with Speed Mode until he flew off the top.

"GO TURBO SPIKE!!!!" crossed his arms and released his energy to shift into a ninja-like suit that has turbofied spikes on the two long black whips.

"It's over villain," Izuku said using the whips he strapped the spikes to the edge of the building and prepared to slingshot himself toward the villain who was falling to the ground. Crossing his arms, he pulled himself straight in the villain's direction, and shot himself like an arrow toward at high speed. "GO TURBO..."

Izuku shouted as Torbolt changed his form and turned it into a now bigger and sturdier mode. Charging up his Turbo energy, he curled up in a ball and spun forward while glowing bright green like an exploding boulder.

"CANOOOOOOOOOOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he shouted as he struck the villain dead on in the stomach all the way to the ground. Upon impact to the ground caused an explosion of green light that lit up most of the street they were on. Eri who watched everything through the trash covered her eyes from the blinding light.  

Once it settled, she opened back her eyes and was shocked beyond belief to see the man who was just chasing her was knocked out cold in a crater left by Izuku without his mask.

Izuku, who had reverted back to his base form, walked out of the crater and slightly crouched clearly out of breath.

"I totally forgot that... that using cannon mode takes up a lot of energy," Izuku said taking in deep breaths.

"Yeah, your levels have dropped very low," Torbolt said from his chest. Before Izuku could respond, he heard the sound of sirens and vehicles approaching him. A few seconds later, multiple police cars and a new van came up and surrounded him and the crater he just made. As the police exited their cars, most of them went inside the crater to handcuff the villain while some stared at Izuku wondering who he was. That however didn't stop the reporters from running up to him and pointing multiple mics at his face.

"Who are you? Are you a new hero? Are you male or female? What is your name?" they all asked him at the same time. Upon hearing the last question, Izuku and Torbolt answered at the same time.

"Midoriya/Torbolt," the both of them said before quickly shutting their mouths after realizing they were living out their real names. Lucky for them, the reporter didn't hear it properly and said the name they thought they said to the camera.

"And there you have it folks, we got a new hero in town, and his name is Midoribolt," the reporter said. Though Izuku and Torbolt were surprised by the mane given, they decided to just shrug it off and play along with it until one of the reporters asked him a very surprising question.  

"How did it feel to take down the yakuza leader of the Shie Hassaikai," she asked.

"WAIT??? HE WAS THE LEADER OF A YAKUZA GANG!!!???" Izuku, a.k.a Midoribolt, said watching them take away the man. "I um... I was just doing the right thing and all. I mean, I just wanted to protect..."

Under his helmet, his eyes upon remembering the main reason why he fought him. Looking past the reporters, he could see red eyes peeking out of a trash can.

"I um... gotta go!" he said before crossing his arms while releasing energy. "GO TURBO, FLIGHT!!!"

As he flew above the crowd, he ignored the camera flashes as everyone watched him take up a green bike by the handle, take up the trash can, and fly away into the night.

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