Possessed ⚪️

By GothNebula

9.4K 189 88

Monarch is running out of ideas but when he used his latest victim as Time Streamer, they find one powerful A... More

Time Streamer
Hanging Out
White Cat
Aggressive Behavior


457 11 5
By GothNebula

Adrien was in his bedroom, panting too much from Blanc using his body too long. He can't remember what happened or what Blanc was doing. The rings that contain the kwami magic were now in his hands.

"What? But how?" Adrien was surprised.

"I did it, Adrien. I brought them all back" Cat Blanc said.

Adrien realized something. The rings are somehow connected with the Alliance rings. If Monarch was able to transfer magic with technology, that explains why everyone is wearing the alliance rings but they didn't know it was all a setup.

"Wait a minute, they are connected to these" He took off his alliance ring.

"But of course. Monarch is no more" Cat Blanc said.

"What did you do?" Adrien glared at Blanc in the mirror.

"Gave him a hell of a beating and dethroned him to Hawkmoth" Cat Blanc said.

"It's a man behind a mask!" Adrien yelled.

"I know, but what makes you a monster or a man?" Cat Blanc crossed his arms.

"He's still human but a monster," Adrien said.

"No. A Human is a being that has a heart, a mind, a soul, and self-control. Hawk Moth is barely even human. How many times has he feasted on innocents?" Blanc glared.

"Countless times. 80 on Mr. Pigeon" Adrien said.

"And did he ever regret it? No, he did not. Also, I discovered that he wants the miraculous to bring someone back from the dead, not rule the world" Cat Blanc said.

"By causing chaos? That's just one selfish goal!" Adrien got mad that all this was just for one goal.

"He's insane, my brother. Now if you don't mind, I'm starving for food" Cat Blanc took control of Adrien again and teleports to the kitchen.

He opens the fridge and munched on whatever it has, deep down Adrien just can't handle this anymore due to Blanc's influence on him. He grabbed a chicken leg and bites down on it.

"Adrien?" Nathalie heard him and sneaks up on him.

"HRRRGH!!!" Adrien turns around with a feral look.

"Cat Blanc! Please! You're using him!" Nathalie begged.

"Your Adrien is not here!" Blanc growled and tossed the bone at her but missed.

"Oh god!" She saw him walk on all fours, growling.

"Nathalie?! What's the noise?!" Gabriel comes into the kitchen.

"RRAAAAARRRRRGGGHHH!!!" Cat Blanc aggressively shoved glass cups off the table.

"It's Blanc!" Nathalie screamed.

"That's right!" Blanc screeched and spots a rat. He lunged at it and killed it with his bare hands. He munched on it like a predator hungry for prey, making the adults cringe at the sight.

"HRRRRRGH!!!" He looks up with a bloody face.

"Blanc! Stop this now!" Gabriel demanded.

"Or what?" Blanc threw the dead rat at him.

"I'll send you where you belong!" Gabriel threatened.

"You can try but if you do that, Adrien will die with me" Blanc pounced on him.

"AAGH! Please! I beg you!" Gabriel begged.

"You beg?! In my world, I watched everyone I love getting destroyed by my uncontrollable powers, including the love of my life" Cat Blanc shed an angry tear.

"You took advantage of me, akumatized me, and you stupidly beat me up without mercy! You got no compassion for children!" Cat Blanc grew vampire fangs, "Would you love Adrien like this?!"

"No!" Gabriel got more scared.

"Would you love him if he was a werewolf? A vampire? A zombie?" Cat Blanc tries again.

"I-I-I would!" Gabriel uttered out.

"You're lying" Cat Blanc hissed and moved aside when Nathalie tried to grab him but falls on Gabriel, "Hahahaha!!!!" He laughed evilly.

"No! ENOUGH!" Adrien briefly tried to regain control.

"Shut up!" Cat Blanc regains control, "Anyways, be prepared that I will fight again, Gabriel" He teleports out of here.


Marinette was working on the last miraculous as earrings, putting every magic fiber in it, "And that should do it" She added the last detail.

Blanc appeared in her room which spooked the kwamis, "Hello my dear" He spoke out.

"AH! Blanc!" Marinette yelps.

"What? You don't like how I added your boyfriend with cat ears?" Blanc chuckled.

"What do you want?" Marinette glared.

"Well, what do I want? You of course" He said seductively.

"Adrien would never take advantage of me like that" Marinette backs away.

Blanc chuckled and pinned her against the wall, "He can't but I can. You do know cats crave attention"

"Yeah, but this is too much!" Marinette struggled.

"I used to remember how you tried to get away from me" He kissed her passionately for a few seconds before departing, "By the way, here's the other half. I let that monster keep the butterfly so that you and your kitty can beat him again" He hands the last rings to her.

"Ummm..... thanks Blanc" Marinette blushed.

"I did want to get the last miraculous but that would be too easy. I don't like easy" Blanc said.

"But he has not much time left until the cataclysm kills him," Marinette said.

"Exactly. Cat Noir told me the story. I never expected that villain idiot to do something crazy and stupid" Blanc said.

"Yeah but soon someone else is taking over," Marinette said.

"Of course" Cat Blanc replied.

"Both Hawk Moth and Gabriel are the 2 victims I wanna haunt. Both of them act like they think they are God. No one plays as God" Cat Blanc said.

"Yeah, of course. Well, I'm looking forward to meeting up with Cat Noir later" Marinette said.

"You do know there hasn't been an akuma for a week. I made Monarch stop trying to make another repeated Akuma. Let me haunt him again. His fear makes me stronger" Cat Blanc purred and nibbled her neck seductively.

"Ahhh......what the hell are you doing?" Marinette moaned weakly.

"Just leaving my mark on you, Princess" He used Cat Noir's nickname on her.

"Technically, you used Adrien's teeth, not your own" Marinette pushed him off.

"Right of course" Cat Blanc replied.


Later on, Marinette went out as Ladybug to clear her head after reclaiming all miraculous. She hopes her prince is okay dealing with a sadistic white feline possessing him. She doesn't want to lose Adrien again like the other times with akumas going after him.

"Milady" Cat Blanc appeared behind her as his real version.

"Cat Blanc! You've shifted host again" Ladybug jumps and turned to face him.

"Yes, I did. How else can I meet you again?" Cat Blanc chuckled.

"This is weird with you as my partner," Ladybug said.

"You know..." Cat Blanc paced around her, "I've seen your kitty's memories and they weren't so good. Very un-ladylike of you to distant him after you lost all the miraculous" He glared.

"I know, and I'm really sorry for it. I just want to apologize to him for all of it" Ladybug said.

Cat Blanc raised a brow, knowing that she was making an excuse.

"I'm being serious. I really wish I was a better heroine and guardian but I just blew it" She added.

"You never trusted your cat enough because you were obsessed with that boy you love. That's the same reason Monarch's miraculous obsession led him to his doom. He's not creative like you." Cat Blanc said coldly.

"That's in the past, this is now! I'm not gonna abuse my kitty ever again!" Ladybug yelled.

"Oh really? You trusted a dog over a cat. Face it, milady. You only think about Adrien instead of Paris. You were unfocused and lovesick. Now if you will excuse me, I got haunting to do. If you want to be a good guardian, you need to listen to your partner. He was there for you all the time" Cat Blanc teleports out of here.

"Of course" Ladybug swings away depressed.


Cat Blanc shifted back to Adrien's form and he decided to hear the real story of what happened to Monarch when he used the time miraculous. The only person who has seen this is Nathalie.

The sun was rising and he walked into Nathalie's room who is already awake, "Hello Nathalie"

"Blanc? What do you want now?" She asked.

"I want the truth. What really happened when Gabriel used the time miraculous? Why did he go through so much trouble to almost change time events?" Blanc demanded an answer.

"Well let me tell you. He used the time miraculous to go back in time to give his past self and his wife the info needed to fix the peacock miraculous until Ladybug and Cat Noir interfered" Nathalie began.

"I see. But everything I see now hasn't caused the future to change" Blanc said.

"That's because he chose his obsession with Ladybug and Cat Noir instead of choosing to save his wife and me. They stole the time miraculous from him" She coughed badly, "And now, he's doing this out of madness! You need to stop him because his madness is harming Paris and he won't listen to me!"

Cat Blanc was surprised at this, "I took every miraculous from him but I didn't kill him" He said.

"You have to put an end to him. He's too stubborn and Emilie tried so hard to convince him to stop chasing miraculous. Everything he does is his own way instead of hers" Nathalie hands him the old phone containing Emilie's videos, "Please"

"I will" Blanc clicked and checked every video.

"Mom," He thought as he watched the videos of her talking about her husband's obsession. She talked about requesting Nathalie to take care of Adrien because he's gonna need someone. A tear ran down Blanc's cheek as he watched. She also mentioned that her husband should not have someone's life taken away by the wish to bring her back.

"She must have meant Adrien or someone else," Blanc said.

Nathalie coughed really hard and her illness is getting worse.

"Nathalie, I will put an end to him once and for all, I promise," Blanc said.

"When I mean an end, have him arrested, not kill him. Adrien would feel traumatized" Nathalie said.

"Adrien will have to hear the truth from me. Everything Gabriel does to his own son is not what a real father would do" Blanc said.

"Do whatever it takes but be sure to stop him" Nathalie said.

"Not me. Adrien and I will stop him. If Gabriel is long gone and can't be reasoned, I will have no choice but to let the circle of life take him away" Cat Blanc said.

"Life has already made him choose a dark path" Nathalie sighs as he left.

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