baby (you complete us) || BTS...

purpleyoonn tarafından

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Soulmates were a common occurrence, so common, in fact, that the world sought an easier way to find your othe... Daha Fazla

chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12

chapter 1

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purpleyoonn tarafından

Every morning for the past ten years, the first thing you did was open the Soul app. Each morning you hoped and wished to see a notification on the upper right corner of the app on your screen. And each morning you were once again left disappointed with the zero notifications. Each of your friends had already found theirs, had met up with them and felt the bond cement within their souls.

You couldn't help but to grow envious and jealous of their happiness, even now, as you watch your closest friends pledge their lives and souls to each other. You were a bridesmaid, right behind her own sister, the maid of honor. You were like a sister to Anna, having grown up with her and her family. But you never felt so out of place, like you didn't belong as you stood there.

You were beyond happy for Anna and Chris, love in your heart for them as you witness their love for each other. But you couldn't help but to feel your own heart break at the sight.

Your soulmates didn't want you; it was the only conclusion you could think of. Ten years, ten years of knowing that you have seven soulmates out there.

Your bracelet made the distinction of telling you that your soulmates already knew each other. Maybe it shouldn't have. It left you feeling the way you do now, believing that they don't want you.

And maybe you couldn't blame them.

For every day, over the past ten years, since you first put on the gift from your parents, you had messaged your soulmates, introducing yourself, letting them know how your day went. Everything and anything you could think of. But once your mother passed away, you slowly started to taper off your messages.

The feeling of being alone had started to sink in.

You had family come in, say their condolences, and leave after a while. Even people you didn't know were coming in to say their part, but nothing from your soulmates. You never once saw a 'read' notification underneath a message.

Then, not even a month after your mother's passing, you were diagnosed with Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, a genetic connective tissue disorder that affects your entire body. You were diagnosed after your sister took you to the doctors, her concern for your hips and knees becoming too much after seeing you need a cane for walking assistance. The diagnosis took weeks of medical history research and a physical examination.

Apparently popping your wrists in and out of place isn't as much of a party trick as you thought it was.

After that, you just sort of stopped the messages, only really messaging when you had no one else to talk to. You figured, if they aren't going to read it, then why not use it as a sort of diary, writing the things you knew you couldn't tell others.

Today, however, would be the last time you messaged them. You had decided mid ceremony that you weren't going to continue wearing your bracelet. It was just becoming a reminder of how much your life was not going the way you wanted.

"Thank you so much for being here with me!" Anna spoke to you, wrapping her arms around you in a tight hug. She had pulled you aside after pictures. You were having a good day, not needing your cane but having it sat by your assigned seat just in case. You weren't sure if you wanted to be in the wedding when she asked you, but knowing how happy she was, you said yes.

"I'm glad I got to be a part of your special day." You smiled back, hoping she didn't see the small sadness in your eyes. Anna nodded in response; just glad you were happy. She knew how hard your life had been in the past couple years, and she loved seeing the smile on your face whenever it happened. She wanted you to be happy always, never having to feel pain again.

"I can't wait until you get to marry your soulmates. I will be right here for you, doing everything I can to make your day just as special." She hugged you again before being called away for more pictures of the family, the bridesmaids and groomsmen being dismissed. While you smiled at your friend, you could feel the tears building.

You wouldn't get that day, and you knew it.

Fate was determined to see you cry, and this only cemented your decision.

By the time you were ready to message them for the last time, you were drunk for courage, and maybe for yourself as you tried to bury your negative thoughts. You sat on the floor in the bathroom stall, listening as women came in and out, talking about their own happiness with their soulmates, wishes for the bride in her own.

Grabbing your phone out of your bag, you clutched it in your hands, fingers slowing typing out the last message you would send before taking your bracelet off.

"If you do actually read this, just know that I am happy for you all. I hope that you feel the happiness that you wish for.

I have decided that this will be the last time I hope to see a notification from you, a message in return saying that you have signed into the app and would like to meet me.

I am sorry if my messages were annoying in any way. You do not need to read them. They probably wouldn't mean anything to you anyways.

I understand that you don't want me, and that is fine. I am used to that. You would know if you read any of the messages I've sent.

I am taking off my bracelet in the morning, the hope I have for the bracelet diminished by the time you read this. If you do ever read this.

I wish you all a lifetime of happiness."

Despite your drunken state, you were proud of how sober you sounded, thanking spell check for keeping everything eligible.

Getting off the floor, you moved from the stall and over to the sink, using the tissues and water to help make your makeup neater than it was seconds ago. You could feel your leg shaking from the amount of time you sat on the floor, your position less than desirable as you tried to make yourself comfortable on the cold, hard ground.

Once you felt more presentable, you decided to say goodbye to your friends, your phone telling you it was past midnight at that point. You also knew you would need your cane soon, the slight limp you had as you walked and the weird feeling in your hip telling you it would shift soon.

It took you a couple of minutes to walk through the crowd of people in the reception hall, but you were glad when you finally spotted Anna and Chris.

"Hye guys. I'm gonna be heading home." You were tugged into a bear hug by Chris, his hold comforting especially after your feelings for the night were less than good. When you pulled back, you pointed your finger at him, eyes narrowed.

"Congrats bro. Remember, this is my best friend and I will hurt you if you hurt her." You joked around, reminding him of the first talk you gave him over six years ago. He just laughed, before hugging you again.

"I hope you guys have a fun time at your honeymoon! Don't forget, my name is extremely cute for babies. Plus, I would be the best godmother slash auntie ever." You grin again, before bringing Anna into your arms, hugging her tight before letting her go.

Once you finish your goodbye's, you finally leave the building, get in your car and head home to your apartment.

Your apartment was small, but it was home. You managed to make the place look comfy and cozy, needing all the comfort you could get. You wanted a pet, but your apartment didn't allow them, and you didn't have the money to get a service animal like your doctor had once suggested.

It was cold when you walked inside, the heat off as you liked bundling up. You also didn't want to spend the money on something when you were usually overheated anyways. Placing your keys on the little bowl your sister made you as a kid, you move around the couch and cozy recliner and make your way to your room.

You liked the color blue, and everyone would know by walking into your room. You had different shades of blue everyone, blankets, pillows, even your dresser was a dark navy blue. Placing your cane by your bedside table, you take your time changing into pajamas, just a simple pair of sweats and a large t-shirt you stole from your friend Michael years ago, the logo long faded and worn down.

Your bed consisted of many blankets, your very own comfort item. You loved the softness of them, and the warmth they provided. You had a weighted blanket, a gift from Anna last Christmas. You cherished it and always slept with it. It was a dark grey, standing out against the blues of your bed, but also tying the room together.

Pulling it over you, you let the weight of it rest against you, soothing the unknown and known tension in your body, helping you to be able to drift to sleep. However, the weight of the bracelet on your wrist was another issue.

It was familiar, but now unwelcome as you felt another rush of emotions hit you. You moved quickly, taking the bracelet off your wrist, moving over so you could reach your nightstand, placing the bracelet in the bottom drawer filled with other items you deemed as junk over the years.

The emptiness you felt once it was off your wrist was not a new feeling, but you felt it would be a permanent one.

Turning over, you faced the wall, remembering you had a work meeting in the morning and needed to wake up relatively early.

The last thing you think of was that damned bracelet, wondering if your parents knew the kind of resentment you would have towards it when they gave it to you.


"Now remember guys, this is a collaboration project. You may or may not receive any sort of notification when you put on your bracelet and it scans your mark."

The man from Soul Connection spoke over the different Hybe groups in attendance. The CEO's of Hybe chose to do the collaboration after the news that the population within South Korea was declining, and soul bonds were on the way to declining. They had made the announcement a couple days ago, the collaboration already sparking a boost in soul bracelet sales.

Everyone wanted to be bonded to one or more of the idols, especially to the bonded group BTS. Bangtan was a well-known bonded group, having come out to the public once public opinion on soulmates within the industry became better. While the boys may already be a bonded group, they were still under contract and were given their own bracelets.

"What if we receive a notification, hyung?" Jungkook looked up at Namjoon, his hands interlocked with his leaders.

They were all nervous, a small part of them wondering if they had another soulmate out there. It wasn't a new feeling to them, having all thought this over the years. They had all felt some weird, empty spot within their souls, but ignored it as they became more well-known and more popular over the years, their lives becoming busier with the increasing amount of attention.

But now, they didn't have an excuse to not wonder about a missing soulmate, not when they were having to wear the soul bracelets that would let them know once and for all.

"Now, once you put these on, they bracelet will take a couple minutes to scan your mark, and plug it into the server, looking for any matches. Once they have found a match, you will get a notification, and will be brought to your soulmates profile." The small man explained, moving throughout the room as he explained how the bracelets worked.

"But also, you will only be notified if you have a soulmate, but you might not be brought to a profile. You may be given basics if their mark is found in any medical history and the person has allowed it to be disclosed to the company." The man held the bracelet up, the room of idols growing quiet as the stipulations were said.

"If your soulmate has worn the bracelet, or is currently wearing it, their information will come up, and any messages they have sent will be available to you at the time of identification. Once you get the notifications, your soulmate will receive one as well, notifying them that you've been found." At his words, Namjoon looked over to their main manager, Sejin, who nodded back over. His management team already had a plan in place for, the smallest percentage, if they were to have another soulmate.

Once they got the okay, Jimin was the first to put his bracelet on, extremely curious to know if they were a completed bond, or if they had any missing soulmates out in the world. Like the man said, it took a couple minutes, but his heart broke once he got the notification. Hearing similar dings from his mates, he looked at them, tears in his eyes.

They had another soulmate.

One who had been wearing theirs for ten years.

One who had been messaging them.

And their last message said they lost hope and were going to take the bracelet off. 

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