Reina [HS]

harrycherry9 द्वारा

135K 3.9K 4.3K

Losing someone is never easy. Especially if it's your best friend. Being in love with that someone though, ma... अधिक

Introduction // Trailer
epilogue 1
epilogue 2
epilogue 3
epilogue 4
thank yous


1.7K 43 38
harrycherry9 द्वारा

if this chapter had a title, it'd be sex toys 101 (just to warm you up for the Italy smut......)

The sun was finally coming up.

Elizabeth and I had been in the same position for hours, sitting up against the headboard of this king size hotel bed, staring out the window. She was between my legs, her back pressed to my chest, my arms tightly wrapped around her torso.

We had a rough night, probably the worst since we'd known each other... Elizabeth had fallen into pieces right in front of my eyes and it hurt like nothing else. My heart was breaking for her and I hated that it seemed like I couldn't do any more than be by her side. I loved her so much and the sight of her in pain was nothing but pure torture.

The look in her eyes when we walked into that apartment... fuck, the image was burnt into my mind for life. She looked so devastated. I never ever wanted to see her like that again. I wanted her to be happy, I wanted her bright eyes and her wide smile.

But unfortunately, it wasn't that easy. Sometimes we don't get what we want and sometimes life is just cruel for no reason. Elizabeth didn't deserve to be treated like this and yet, that's what she got. Years and years of abuse, scars after scars, and an endless amount of tears. All because of one person.

A father should be someone that gives you love, someone that teaches you, that you can look up to... Not someone that makes your life a living hell. I would never understand how anyone could ever be capable of putting through all those things another human being, let alone their own child. My anger towards Richard was indescribable and I wanted to make him pay. I wasn't a violent person, but when it came to my loved ones, I had no boundaries.

Elizabeth meant the whole fucking world to me and if anyone fucked with her, they fucked with me. I played nice so far, I didn't want to get too much into this mess, it wasn't any of my business so I decided to stay out of it. But Richard went too fucking far this time. I was done watching the love of my life fall apart and shatter to pieces, she deserved better and I was going to do everything to give her better. I promised her happiness so that's exactly what she was going to get.

"Harry?" Reina's soft voice snapped me out of my thoughts, her fingers giving a gentle squeeze to my own to get my attention.

I could hear how tired she was, we barely slept a few hours before we decided to give up trying all together and waited for the morning to come instead. I wasn't sure how I was going to step on stage tonight, I wouldn't say I was in the right physical or mental state to perform in front of thousands of people, but we had a couple of hours to figure something out I guess.

To be honest, I was more worried about Elizabeth. She was absolutely beaten, inside and out, and I didn't know how to make it better. She looked so exhausted and she needed sleep, but with all these nightmares I didn't know if it would be possible... Maybe now that the sun was up she'd be able to find a little peace and get some rest. I could only hope.

"Yes?" I hummed, holding her a bit tighter as we watched the city waking up, the streets getting busy, everyone ready to start their day.

Elizabeth paused for a second, like she wasn't sure if it was a good idea to tell me what was on her mind. She was biting her lower lip, a clear sign of her hesitation, I knew these little habits of hers like the back of my hand.

"Can we pretend like nothing happened?" She asked eventually, making me tense up behind her.


"Just until we get back from Italy." She cut me off, not even giving me the chance to argue. "I don't think I can deal with all this shit right now."

I didn't like the idea. Sweeping things under the rug didn't seem like a great solution and I was afraid that we might do more damage than good. I didn't want to ignore the elephant in the room, I didn't even know if I was capable of doing so, to be honest.

On the other hand though, I could see where she was coming from. What had happened in the last few hours was a lot already and Elizabeth reached her breaking point, that was for sure. She couldn't take more and she wanted a break before figuring out the next steps. It was understandable and I didn't see the point of pushing her if she felt like she was done for now.

"Until we get back from Italy." I repeated with a nod, kissing the naked back of her shoulder before resting my chin there.

We were leaving tonight and I couldn't be more excited. We had a whole week just for ourselves in the middle of the Italian countryside, Tuscany. It was going to be an absolute dream, I had so many things planned and I couldn't wait for Elizabeth's reaction. I was determined to make her happy, even so now that everything was a mess again, and I had no doubt that what I had on my mind would do just that.

"You're going to be okay." I whispered in her ear for what felt like the thousandth time in the last few hours, hoping if I repeated the simple phrase enough, it would come true.

"I'm going to be okay." Reina breathed, turning her head and looking up at me with those broken eyes of hers. My heart ached for her, but I tried not to show as I leaned forward and connected our lips, her eyes fluttering closed at the contact. "I love you."

"I love you too." I told her, giving her two more little pecks before pulling back fully.

The rest of our morning was spent mostly in silence. We watched the sunrise, the combination of my hand running through her hair and my quiet humming managed to eventually lull Elizabeth to sleep. That finally made me relax a little bit as well. She looked so peaceful, putting my mind at ease as I watched her chest rise and fall steadily.

While she slept, I got some work done, making phone calls and answering emails that were long overdue. I even went for a short run, leaving a note in case she woke up before I got back, but when I walked through the door again, she was still sound asleep.

Now I was sitting in the bed right next to her with my laptop in my lap, discussing a possible song idea with one of my producers while constantly stealing glances of Elizabeth's naked back. She looked ravishing in between the white sheets, her hair sprawled out over the pillows, her lips in the cutest little pout.

About another hour later, just when I was about to get up for my guitar to play a few tunes, Elizabeth started stirring next to me. I watched as she slowly blinked her eyes open, her nose scrunched up at the sudden light coming through the windows and once she realised her surroundings, she finally looked up at me.

"Hi." I whispered with a smile, my chest tight with all my love for her.

"Hi." She grinned, letting out an adorable yawn as she stretched her limbs out. "What time is it?"

"Almost noon." I replied, brushing a few strands of hair back from her face. "Did you sleep okay? No bad dreams?"

"No bad dreams." Elizabeth shook her head with a smile.


"Starving." She stated with a serious expression, making me chuckle.

"How about... I order you some bacon and eggs then?" I asked, leaning down to brush my nose against hers a few times.

"Sounds amazing." She breathed, kissing me on the lips. "I think I'll have a quick shower until it gets here though."

"Okay, baby." I nodded, watching as she slipped out of bed, grabbing some fresh clothes on her way to the bathroom.

My eyes were glued to her naked ass and I felt a kind of pride washing over me at the thought of how her confidence grew day by day. We had come such a long way. I remember the blushing mess she would turn into every time even a tiny bit of her skin was on display and now she barely acknowledged the fact that she was walking around the room stark naked. I'd like to think that I had some kind of part in that, making her comfortable enough to not feel at all embarrassed.

While Elizabeth was in the shower, I quickly ordered her breakfast from room service before getting back to where I had left off, typing away on my laptop and getting whatever work I had done. Thankfully, I was getting over my tipping point and therefore I didn't feel so exhausted anymore, but I still struggled to keep my eyes open from time to time, especially in the silence that currently surrounded me.

The sound of the bathroom door opening snapped me out of it, Elizabeth walking out in comfortable clothes, sweatpants and one of my jumpers, her hair wrapped in a white towel on top of her head. She had fresh bandage over her left palm, covering up the scars from last night and making my heart hurt at the sight.

But even despite that tiny flaw, she looked absolutely gorgeous.

I would've gladly kept staring if it wasn't for the two knocks on the door, making me get up and let the staff member roll the little cart into our room.

We both thanked him with a smile and not even two minutes later, we were sitting against the headboard again, Elizabeth with her food in her hands and me just watching her in awe. The atmosphere was so much lighter than for the past hours, it's like nothing had even happened and I didn't know we'd be so good at pretending, but I was grateful for it.

We were now in our own little world again, where it was impossible to get hurt and we were safe. I liked it like that and I wanted to stay here forever, no matter how much I knew that it wasn't an option. I'd take as much time as I could though, if it was only for a week then so be it.

"You know... I was thinking..." Elizabeth spoke up suddenly, breaking the silence in a suggestive tone which made me focus all my attention on what she had to say. "Remember how we talked about– well, experimenting in Italy?"

Her question caught me a bit off guard, because I knew exactly what talk she was referring to and I didn't think she'd bring it up now, but here we were I guess.

"I do remember, yeah." I said slowly, a bit of hesitation laced in my voice as I watched Elizabeth's face. She tried her best to avoid eye contact and that was enough proof for me that she was getting shy about this. I liked how flustered she became from one second to the other, it was so cute. "Why?"

"N-No reason really, it's just– I mean, we're leaving tonight and we still haven't looked at anything..."

A smirk appeared on my face at her nervous stuttering and I could feel the excitement suddenly rushing through my veins, knowing very well which direction this conversation was heading into. I didn't waste a second before deciding to give Elizabeth the final nudge and speak her mind instead of her.

"Do you want to look now?" I questioned curiously, unable to hide the small smile that was playing in the corner of my lips.

Elizabeth shrugged her shoulders, trying to act as nonchalant as she possibly could, but her cheeks betrayed her, turning a soft pink under my intense gaze. I would've liked to tease her about it so bad, her shyness never failing to amaze me... On the other hand though, the last thing I wanted right now was to make her uncomfortable so I decided to let this one slide.

"It's up to you." She eventually replied like she couldn't care less, giving me a side glance as she took a bite of the bacon. No matter how good her act was, I could see it in her eyes clear as day... she was dying to have a look.

Again, I decided not to call her out and just simply played along, grabbing my laptop instead and opening up a new tab in the browser. I searched the website I knew well by now, smiling to myself as I felt Elizabeth scooting closer to me so she could have a better look.

"So... How does it work? Hypothetically, if we ordered now, how much time would it take to arrive?" She asked, a curious look on her face.

"No more than a week, I guess." I said, pursing my lips in thought as we waited for the website to load all the way. "But, hypothetically, I could also send someone to pick the package up today. They definitely have shops here in New York so it shouldn't be an issue."

"Wouldn't that be... awkward, though?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, wouldn't they know what we've ordered?" She asked hesitantly, shifting a bit in her spot while keeping her eyes on me.

"No." I shook my head. "These places are very discreet. Whoever I'd send there would be picking up a simple black box, having no idea what's exactly inside. I would also obviously place the order under a different name, not my own. Hypothetically speaking, of course."

I received a rather painful punch to my bicep for my last few words, Elizabeth glaring at me as the corner of her lips tugged up into a small smile. She loved my teasing, no matter how much she tried to pretend otherwise.

"That makes sense, I guess." She mumbled after a while, her eyes now on the screen, already scanning the page as she chewed on her bottom lip nervously.

"Mhm." I hummed in agreement. I could see the hesitation in her and so I made the suggestion I knew she was too shy to ask. "So how about we just take a look at all the stuff here and add whatever you're interested in to the cart. And then we can decide whether we want to order everything right now or not."

"Yeah, okay." She breathed, putting her empty plate on the nightstand. "But we choose what you're interested in too, not just me."

Her words sent a warmth right to my lovesick heart, making it speed up as I grinned at her like a giddy schoolboy.

"Okay." I agreed, both of us turning back to the screen of my laptop.

I clicked on the women section first and started scrolling down slowly, looking through the countless amount of vibrators. I glanced down at Elizabeth every once in a while, checking if maybe something had caught her attention, but so far it didn't seem like it.

"Those magic wand things look scary as fuck." She mumbled mindlessly after a while, making me chuckle softly.

"Yeah... they feel pretty good though." I hummed. "Should we try one?"

"I don't know... I think I'm okay with the one I have now."

"What about a g-spot stimulator?" I asked, stopping at one that didn't look too big nor too small.

"I'm not sure if I feel comfortable with anything being inside of me, o-other than you I mean..." She admitted in a small voice and for some reason her words made my heart flutter like crazy.

"Okay." I nodded, trying to hide the smile on my face. "So any type of g-spot or thrusting vibrator is out... No dildos either..."

I kept scrolling down as I ruled out a couple of options, thinking out loud and murmuring under my breath until something suddenly caught Elizabeth's attention.

"Wait, what's that?" She pointed to the screen and I smirked to myself, clicking on the product so we could have a better look.

"That's a g-spot vibrator too, but I guess it's way more comfortable than the others, due to its shape. You barely notice it's inside." I explained, inspecting the cute little love egg with a head tilt. "It's also app controlled which means that I could control your orgasm even from thousands of miles away."

Elizabeth looked at me with wide eyes, not quite believing that information. Technology these days was honestly insane, but in this case thank god for that. I had been thinking of getting a toy like this for a long time, because even though right now we were basically spending every minute of every day together, I knew it wouldn't stay like that for much longer.

I was also well aware that Elizabeth was still struggling with the whole masturbation thing, claiming that it didn't feel as good as when I touched her so maybe we had just found the perfect solution.

It looked like I wasn't the only one who felt this way, because next thing I knew, Elizabeth was gently pushing my hand to the side as she clicked on the add to cart button, not saying a single word while I grinned at her in amusement.

Next up was the bondage section, where her interest evidently perked up, her eyes glued to the screen as we went through the selection. She wasn't really into ropes or the leather restraints, but she picked two handcuffs, a simple metal one and another black furry pair. We also chose a silk bondage set that we could use for tying up or blindfolding as well.

"Are those... riding crops?" Elizabeth asked after a bit of silence, a confused frown sitting between her eyebrows.

"Oh, yeah." I nodded. "Riding crops, floggers, spanking paddles... you name it."

"Have you ever tried any?"

"I haven't. I'm not really into that stuff, I'm completely satisfied using my hands." I explained with a playful smile. "We can try it out though, if you want to."

"No." Elizabeth shook her head quickly. "No, I think that's a bit too extreme for me."

I nodded at her as I reached the end of the page, returning to the top so we could switch to another section again. I was just about to click on lubes and essentials when Elizabeth suddenly stopped me, guiding my hand over to the men division.

"Let's check out your stuff." She muttered quietly, resting her cheek on my shoulder as if she wanted to hide her face from me as much as possible.

I felt my heart skip a beat as I watched her for a few seconds before forcing my eyes back on the screen, slightly shifting in my spot at the sight in front of me. It had been a while since I used any type of toys on myself and I could immediately feel the excitement rushing through me at the thought of experimenting with them again.

Right at the top, I had already spotted a 3 piece silicone cock ring set, clicking on it quickly. They were nothing special, I actually had one that was similar to these back at home and I could faintly remember the memory of how it felt around my cock, perking up my interest even more.

"How does it work?" Elizabeth asked curiously as I added the set to the cart after making sure they were the right size.

"It goes to the base of the penis and puts a light pressure on the blood vessels, causing the blood flow to slow down." I explained. "That way it helps you last longer and it can also make the orgasm more powerful."

"Doesn't it hurt?"

"If you use the right size then no." Elizabeth nodded in understanding, her eyes full of fascination with all this new information.

I went back to the men's page and started scrolling down, feeling my stomach slightly jump as I looked through the selection. Every second product was either a butt plug or a prostate stimulator, making me shift in my place in discomfort. Not because the sight made me uncomfortable, quite the opposite really, my dick started hardening as I stared at all the different types of vibrators, dildos and massagers, wondering how they'd feel inside me.

I had never really experimented with that sort of stuff, even though I always wanted to. It's just that trying those things out requires so much trust and I never felt like I was ready to open up like that to someone. I had been with men before, but I was never in for more than a blow job and the women I had been with were either not interested or I hadn't even had the bravery to ask them.

So this was new territory and I wasn't sure if this was the right time to bring it up to Elizabeth. I had never felt so comfortable with anyone, I trusted her and I knew I was safe with her, but despite all that... we were still in the beginning and I didn't want to scare her away.

"Okay, I think I'm all settled—"

"Woah, hey... What about the other stuff?" Elizabeth cut me off as she gazed up at me with a frown between her eyebrows. "Harry, you barely looked at anything."

I gulped, suddenly becoming a bit nervous as I turned my head away, wanting to hide from those big blue eyes.

"I know, but it's fine." I cleared my throat, hoping she'd drop it, but of course, Elizabeth was more stubborn than that.

"No, it's not." She shook her head, still frowning. "Aren't you interested in anything else?"

I rolled my lips into my mouth, letting out a breath as I tried to figure out what to say to her question. I didn't want to lie and it would be pointless anyway, she'd see right through me immediately.

"Baby, what's going on?" Elizabeth questioned again, easily catching onto how much I was struggling to put my thoughts into words.

"It's just— I'm not sure if you're okay with the other stuff that I'm curious about." I mumbled, fidgeting with my fingers in my lap.

Elizabeth gave me a confused look at that, watching my face intently.

"Well, what are these other stuff?" She asked calmly and I could feel my heartbeat picking up.

I paused, hesitating for a moment before taking a deep breath and trying my best to push aside all the insecurities in my head.

"I don't know... like— butt plugs... maybe." I eventually made the confession, my voice barely audible anymore and I could feel my cheeks heating up as the words left my mouth.

I really didn't know what the fuck was going on with me, I was never timid or reserved when it came to talking about sex. Ninety-nine percent of the time I had no filter and now here I was, stumbling over my words and blushing in embarrassment like saying these things out loud was the biggest sin of all time.

"Why wouldn't I be okay with that?" Elizabeth snapped me out of my thoughts, her tone laced with confusion and a little bit of surprise. She almost sounded offended.

I shrugged my shoulders, still avoiding eye contact as I felt Elizabeth's gaze burning into the side of my face.

"I-I don't know–"

"Harry, I would never ever judge you for something like that." She cut me off sternly. "Whatever you're interested in, you don't have to feel embarrassed about it. We're experimenting with new things, that's the whole point and if this is something that you want to try out then I'm all in."

"Are you sure?" I asked in a whisper, glancing up to meet her eyes. "It doesn't make you uncomfortable?"

"Definitely not." She shook her head. "I obviously don't know much about any of this though, so you're going to have to guide me a little, but if it'll make you feel good then I'm ready to do whatever."

A huge smile spread across my face, my cheeks still a bit pink due to the unholy thoughts running through my mind, but the insecurities were for sure long gone as I stared at the love of my life in awe. I could've burst into tears from how happy she made me feel and I didn't hesitate for a second before leaning down to press my lips to hers in the sweetest kiss.

"I love you so fucking much." I mumbled against her, making her grin, her good hand coming up to brush my untamed curls back from my forehead.

"I love you too, baby." Elizabeth breathed and the way she called me baby could've been enough to send me into cardiac arrest. She didn't do it all that much, but that only made these occasions even more special.

Another few small pecks and loving words later, we went back to browse the page. Now I was as relaxed as ever, one of my hands around Elizabeth's figure, pulling her close to me as we went through the countless amount of options that we had. We looked at the selection of butt plugs first, checking out the different sizes, materials, and colours.

"So you've never tried one before?"

I shook my head at the question, my half hard cock coming to life again.

"But I want to know how it feels..." I told her. "It can be super intense for men. The prostate is super sensitive and it's like a whole different sensation when you're stimulated there."

Elizabeth hummed, a thoughtful look in her eyes as she studied the screen full of possibilities.

"What about women?" She asked. "Does it feel good for them too?"

I gulped, clearing my throat and pausing for a second. The image of me fucking her in the ass popped into my head, causing my brain to temporarily short circuit.

"It can, yeah. If it's done right." I nodded eventually. "It takes a lot of warm up and it might feel a bit strange or even uncomfortable at first, but it can do wonders."

Elizabeth hummed in understanding as I kept scrolling down, suddenly stopping at a 3 piece set that had three different sizes. They were all silicone and they seemed friendly enough, not at all scary.

"We could... get a set like this?" I asked and Elizabeth agreed with a nod right away.

"Maybe I'll try one too." She whispered into my shoulder quietly, making me snap my eyes down to her at lightning speed.


"Mhm, we'll see." She mumbled, burying her face further into my chest and I couldn't help but grin widely at her confession. This just kept getting better and better.

We went back to look through some more stuff, Elizabeth insisting that we also get a vibrating plug for me and we found one that was app controlled as well, just like what we had chosen for her earlier. I then added a prostate massager to the cart too, explaining to Elizabeth how intrigued I was about those as she encouraged me with the biggest smile on her face.

"Okay, do we need anything else or is that all?" She asked once we reached the end of the page and I paused to think for a second, one particular thing coming to mind.

"H-How do you feel about nipple clamps?" I voiced the question that I wasn't brave enough to ask before, our gaze meeting as Elizabeth looked up at me.

"Nipple clamps?" She frowned in confusion and I didn't waste another second before clicking on the search bar in order to find what I had in mind.

I knew this was a bit of a stretch, but I had been fantasising of trying one out ever since the first time I laid my eyes on those perfect tits of hers.

"How much does it hurt?" Elizabeth wondered unsurely, biting down on her bottom lip.

"It definitely shouldn't be too painful, just the amount where it still feels pleasurable." I explained quickly. "We don't have to though, it's just– I-I love playing with your sensitive nipples and I know you like it too so I thought–"

"No, I'm definitely curious." She told me with a timid smile, looking back at the screen. "How about that one?"

She pointed to an adjustable pair that was attached to a silver chain, but that's not what made a shiver run down my spine. They weren't just nipple clamps, the toy also came with a clit clamp, making my dick throb in my pants.

Fucking hell, she was going to actually kill me one of these days.

"Yeah, sure. That's perfect." I nodded, trying to act like I wasn't about to have an orgasm right there and then, just from the thought of her wearing that.

Another ten minutes later we were all set, choosing some lube and a bottle of massage oil as well before going to the check out. We had a bit of an argument when it came to paying as Elizabeth desperately tried to convince me to let her cover at least her side of the order, but I refused. I told her that she could make it up to me in Italy, giving her a playful wink and hoping she knew what I meant.

"So you're going to send someone to pick the package up?" She asked once we were all done, getting up from the bed, knowing we had to start getting ready to leave for the venue.

"Yeah." I smiled, adjusting myself in my underwear as I headed to my suitcase for a change of clothes. "We'll have it by the end of the show and we can take it all to the airport."

Elizabeth nodded, rubbing her hand up and down her face with a small sigh.

"God, I feel so dirty just thinking about all that stuff we went through..." I chuckled at that, my eyes full of amusement as I watched her.

"Understandably so." I smirked, stepping closer to her and bending down so there were only a few inches left between our faces. "We are dirty after all, but I fucking love it."

Elizabeth grinned, pressing her lips to mine without missing a beat. The air between us was as light and comfortable as ever, and that made me so fucking happy. I was eternally grateful that we could let go of all the shit that was going on outside of our own little world, we needed that.


"Want some help, baby?" I asked Elizabeth as we took our bags out of the trunk, watching her struggle with a wide grin across my face. She looked cute with that big ass suitcase of hers, a concentrated frown sitting between her eyebrows.

"I'm good." She shook her head, lifting the heavy suitcase with a grunt as if she wanted to prove a point.

I laughed at her, earning a death glare that made me shut up quickly before I gave her a quick kiss on the forehead.

We had just arrived at the airport, fully ready for our getaway. My body was still buzzing from the aftermath of the show, I got off stage not even forty minutes ago and the adrenaline rush didn't quite wear off yet. I felt like I was ready to run a marathon, but that might've been just because of the anticipation for the next seven days we had ahead of us.

"You ready?" I questioned, holding my hand out for Elizabeth, electricity flaring up between us the second our skin touched.

"Born ready." She stated with a serious expression as we made our way inside, being escorted through the airport by security.

We both had sunglasses and baseball caps on, trying not to draw too much attention as we walked by the lines of people waiting for check in, and headed straight towards a door that led outside. The private jet was already waiting for us and we climbed up the stairs, greeting the fly attendants with handshakes and polite smiles.

"Reina, you're shaking." I stated with a chuckle, glancing down to our intertwined hands as we took our seats.

"Stop laughing!" She scolded me with an offended look that I knew was fake, which only made me smile harder. "I'm shitting my pants and you know it."

I did know it. Elizabeth still hated flying, no matter how many times we had been up in the air over the last months. She was quite literally terrified and she didn't really appreciate me making jokes about it, but I just couldn't help myself. She looked adorable, gripping onto my hand for dear life every time and asking for a distraction.

"It's going to be okay, mi amor." I whispered in her ear with a small smile as we started taking off, trying to comfort her in some way. "It'll be over before you know it."

"I highly doubt that." She grumbled under her breath before screwing her eyes shut and burying her face into my chest.

I stroked my fingers that she wasn't holding onto through her hair, whispering sweet nothings as I stared out the small window on my other side. At that moment, a kind of serenity came over me that I couldn't really put into words, because I didn't know how. I only knew that I was in the right place, with the right person in my arms and that was enough. As long as she was by my side, I didn't need anything else.

Once we were far up in the clouds, my eyelids started becoming heavy and I knew my tiredness was catching up to me again. The last thing I felt was Elizabeth's lips over the fabric of my shirt, pressing a loving kiss to my heart before I drifted off to sleep and let my body get the rest I knew it was in desperate need of.

I woke up hours later in pretty much the same position, Reina clinging to me and not letting go for even a split second as she stared out the window, the colour of her eyes was the same as the ocean below us. I admired her silently for a minute, taking a mental picture of her beautiful face.

The beat of my heart involuntarily sped up as I stared at her which alerted Elizabeth of the fact that I was now awake and she turned her head to peer up at me in awe.

"Hey, sleepy boy." She greeted me softly, kissing the side of my neck and sending electricity through my entire body.

"Hi." I smiled lazily. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm okay. Although, I could use some distraction."

"Yeah?" I raised my eyebrows, sitting up a little to get more comfortable. "You're lucky then, because I might have an idea or two for that."

"You do?"

"Mhm." I hummed, giving her a cheeky look which she had caught on to immediately.

"Harry Styles! Are you ever not thinking about sex?!" Elizabeth gasped, hitting my chest playfully and making me let out a hearty laugh.

"To be fair, love... you're not giving me much of a choice here." I grinned, my gaze dropping to her plump lips, practically just begging me to sink my teeth into the flesh. "So gorgeous."

"Okay, stop." She reached up to put her good hand over my mouth, shutting me up with a cute giggle. "We're not having sex on a plane, you can save the effort."

"Well, I wouldn't be so sure about that. We're not even halfway there, so I'd say we'll just have to wait and see."

"Not going to happen." Elizabeth shook her head in denial, grabbing onto my chin now and rubbing her thumb over my stubble. Her eyes were glued to my light facial hair, studying it intently with a thoughtful expression. "I like the scruffy look, by the way."

"You do, huh?"

"Mhm..." She hummed, biting the inside of her cheek mindlessly. "Can you keep it?"

"You don't want me to shave?" I asked in surprise and she shook her head without hesitation. "For how long?"

"I don't know, just for a little while. I like it when you have a bit of a moustache." She explained, still rubbing my skin gently. "Looks hot."

I tried to hold back the smile that wanted to take over my face as soon as the words left her mouth, but I didn't stand a chance. I knew she found me attractive, but she didn't actually say it all that much and so whenever she called me pretty or hot, I felt like I was on top of the world. She also knew what she was doing, stroking my ego like that... I welcomed the praise with open arms though.

"Now you're just begging me to fuck you senseless right on this plane..." I mumbled, making Elizabeth blush as she gazed up at me.

I thought she was about to deny it again, but when her clear blue eyes turned dark from one second to the other, giving me a challenging look and shrugging her shoulders, I knew I was in trouble.

"We'll see."


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505K 7.3K 6
ALERT!!! READ CINDERELLA MY ASS FIRST. BELIVE ME GUYS, IT'S BETTER THAT WAY. But then you can just ignore me and then regret it later. _____ Insom...
696 138 24
Best friends are meant to be forever - right? So when Maddy loses contact with one person she thought would always be there for her, and then only a...
620K 12.8K 60
My friendship for Harry is laying on green grass on a hazy summer afternoon, hot chocolate in winter and swing sets at the park... But my love for Ha...
74.3K 2.3K 37
Everest moves in with her future fellow firefighter who just so happens to be her best friends brother and her frenemy. When they're at work one day...