The Seed Of Vengeance (Gundam...

By zer0420

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Vengeances is a form of reciprocity in which each deed begets another. Each act of Vengeances is a response t... More

Chapter 1 Planted Seed
Chapter 2 Those Who Call For War
Chapter 3 Stardust Battlefield
Chapter 4 Unhealable Wounds
Chapter 5 End Of The World
Chapter 6 Land Of Confussion
Chapter 7 Memorial
Chapter 8 Blood In The Water
Chapter 9 Return To Battle
Chapter 10 Life Of A Soldier
Chapter 12 Bitter Hostilely
Chapter 13 Shadows Of War
Chapter 14 The Place of Sin
Chapter 15 Life Remaining and Life Scattered
Chapter 16 Fleeting Dream
Chapter 17 Stella
Chapter 18 World Revealed
Chapter 19 Fallen Angel
Chapter 20 Eve of Chaos
Chapter 21 Thunder In The Dark
Chapter 22 Visible Scars
Chapter 23 Hellfire of Destiny
Chapter 24 Winds Of Change
Chapter 25 Forbearance
Chapter 26 Fractured Mind
Chapter 27 Departure
Chapter 28 The Song of Truth
Chapter 29 To a New World
(Finale) Chapter 30 The Final Power
(Epilogue) To a New Tomorrow

Chapter 11 The Hidden Truth

936 39 13
By zer0420

No one's POV

Upon destroying the Earth Alliance's Gulnahan base, the Minerva arrives at ZAFT's base at the coastal city Diocuia along the Black Sea. At the same time,

Lacus Clyne's concert, visiting military camps, had begun.

At the insistence of Vino and Yolant, the whole lot of them left the ship to get a closer look. The two maintenance techs frayed their way through the crowd to get as close as they could, while Shinn and Nhazul stayed back, as Shinn had a puzzled expression on his face, while Nhazul an uninterested one.

Athrun and Lunamaria did likewise, as Athrun found himself remembering the conversation he'd overheard between Vino and Yolant a few days earlier. He shook his head, as Lunamaria spoke up.

Lunamaria: Did you know she was going to be here?

Athrun: Uh...well, no I didn't...

Lunamaria: Oh? Well, it's not as if either of you had the luxury of keeping in touch 24/7.

Lunamaria replied, smiling,

along with Meyrin looking with a jealous look.

Lunamaria: You're both busy people.

Athrun: Yeah, I suppose...

Suddenly, a crew member accidentally ran into Meyrin, causing her to fall into Athrun, who caught her.

Meyrin: I-I'm sorry. Someone bumped into me.

Lunamaria just looked at her sister annoyed, as Athrun spoke up.

Athrun: You could get hurt her. Let's go over there.

As Athrun lead Meyrin away, Lunamaria gained another jealous look, which Nhazul noticed. As she followed behind, Nhazul spoke up.

Nhazul: Not watching her performance?

Athrun: Ah, well... yeah, sure...


The crew of the Minerva had been given a couple of days' shore leave after the continuous battles they had been in, so after the concert a few of them were considering going into town - Lunamaria said she needed to pick up a few things. Yolant really wanted to see if he could find a poster of Lacus Clyne while they had the chance, so he said he'd be going too. They talked Nhazul and Shinn into coming along, so the three of them, in civilian garb, left the base and headed into town. Once they parked the car, they went their separate ways after agreeing to meet back at the car in a couple of hours. Lunamaria went her own way, dragging Nhazul with her, as to carry her stuff, much to his annoyance.

As they were on the way back to the car, Nhazul stopped for a moment, buying something to eat. As he did, he noticed both Shinn and Yolant making their way down, however someone collided straight into Shinn. Reflexively, he reached out to stop the other person's fall.

Shinn: Are you okay?

He asked. She turned to face him,

the girl that had run into him, who had short, blonde hair and bright, violet eyes, was extremely pretty. However, when he stopped her fall he had unwittingly grabbed ahold of her chest, which meant that his hands were on her boobs.

Shinn soon began to blush as he realized this, just as the girl, glaring at him over her shoulder, shook herself loose and ran off down the street.

Yolant: You grabbed her rack, didn't you?

He heard from behind him. Yolant of course had seen the whole thing, and he was grinning. Shinn turned even redder as he heard him.

Shinn: Wha...I...

Yolant: You lucky pervert.

Yolant quipped, and walked past Shinn.

Shinn: I didn't...Yolant!

Nhazul just rolled his eyes, returning back to Lunamaria, before going to the car.


Later that evening, Athrun as well as Shinn, Nhazul and Lunamaria were picked up by a black limousine, which led them to an opulent building in the center of town. They were met by a slightly older officer in ZAFT Red uniform,

the white pin of a FAITH operative glimmering on his lapel. The four of them were led to a sprawling terrace, where they saw Durendal sitting at a long table, along with Rey and Talia.

???: Excuse me, sir. The mobile suit pilots from the Minerva have arrived.

Durendal: Ah, Athrun.

Durendal stood and walked towards the four of them, greeting him.

Durendal: It has been a while.

The four of them saluted, then as Durendal held out his hand, Athrun shook it.

Athrun: Chairman Durendal.

Durendal: And you are?

Durendal asked as he turned towards the others, who introduced themselves as well

Lunamaria: Lunamaria Hawke, sir!

Nhazul: Nhazul Hatake.

Shinn: S-Shinn Asuka!

Durendal: Ah, yes. I have heard quite a lot about you two. Your accomplishments in these short months have been quite impressive, young men. In fact you've both been recommended for a decoration. You should have the results shortly.

Shinn was surprised at this sudden announcement was an understatement, however Nhazul was rather indifferent about it.

Shinn: Th-thank you very much, sir!

Nhazul: Thank you. I appreciate it.

Following Durendal's lead, they all sat down at the long table, Durendal turned to Nhazul and addressed him again as they were all served coffee.

Durendal: What you accomplished at the Lohengrin Gate was especially impressive - and to think that the engagement at Junius Seven was your first sortie.

Nhazul: I appreciate your praise, sir.

Durendal then turned his attention to Shinn.

Durendal: The same can be said for you. You're quite the capable pilot being able to take out multiple fleet ships.

Shinn: Y-You're too kind, sir.

Shinn said in response, blushing slightly at the compliment.

Nhazul: Commander Zala deserves the credit for a well-planned operation. I...well, I just followed orders, sir.

Shinn looked at Nhazul annoyed, hearing him credit Athrun, as he still didn't care for him.

Durendal: This great city was liberated in a large part thanks to your efforts in taking out that enemy emplacement.

Durendal said, looking across the table at all of them.

Durendal: I am proud of each and every one of you.

Lunamaria: Thank you very much, sir!

Lunamaria said, however Athrun was silent, looking preoccupied.

Durendal: The world currently, as you know, is in a state of turmoil.

Talia: Have there been any new developments out in space? What about the Earth Forces on the moon?

Durendal: Nothing has changed. A minor skirmish every so often with forces launched out of Daedalus Base, but nothing else. And as for Earth, well I'm in the dark here as well. The political and military situation is complex - so many variables to consider...

Talia: Has there been any progress towards a ceasefire or an end to the war?

Durendal: Unfortunately not. President Baum of course has been outspoken about his desire to end the hostilities, but President Copeland and the Atlantic Federation remain unwilling to compromise on anything. Perhaps this is a not a subject I should be raising in front of such fine soldiers as yourselves," Durendal continued, "but ending a war - choosing to walk a path that does not involve fighting - is much harder than making the decision to go to war.

Shinn: Yes, but...

Shinn started to interrupt, but stopped with a hasty apology.

Durendal: No, by all means if you have something to say, go right ahead. I value the opinions of the ones fighting in the front lines. You could say this is the reason I invited you here.

Shinn: I agree that it is important to avoid fighting whenever we can, sir. But if the enemy is threatening us, then we have no other choice. Unless we don't fight when there is an obvious need, then we won't be able to protect anything...not even ourselves. Innocent people, those who want to have normal, peaceful lives, should be protected. And if we have to fight to make that happen, then so be it.

Nhazul: ...

Athrun: But, there's a problem with that." He began. "A close friend of mine once asked me a question: If a person kills for vengeance, and then is killed for being a killer, then how will we ever find peace? When asked that question, I was unable to find an answer...I still haven't. That's one of the reasons I'm here.

Durendal stood, walking towards the edge of the balcony.

Durendal: Yes, that is the essential problem. Why do we keep fighting if there is no end in sight? Why don't wars ever simply go away - in spite of the cries throughout history of the people who claim they hate war and the pain it brings?

Nhazul: Because there's no such thing as true peace.

Everyone looked at Nhazul, as he continued to speak.

Nhazul: Throughout history, there have always been stupid, selfish people, like Blue Cosmos,  the Atlantic Federation, and even long before that, they start a conflict and drag others into unwillingly. Be it political, economic, and social inequalities; extreme poverty; economic stagnation, poor government services; high unemployment; environmental degradation; and individual incentives. If it can give birth to conflict, it'll eventually give birth to a war. Am I wrong?

Durendal: No. I believe you hit the nail right on the head actually. Especially when it comes to economics.

Shinn: Sir...that's disturbing...

Durendal: It is. Throughout history there have always been those who have urged others to make war, thinking of it in this manner.The current situation is no different, I expect. I am certain that if we look in the shadows of this war, we will find Logos is behind it.

Everyone looked at Durendal confused.

Athrun: Logos, sir?

Durendal: Yes...after all, it is they who formed the nucleus of Blue Cosmos.

Durendal revealed, though Athrun noted he did not explain any further.

Durendal: As long as we all are dancing to their tune, the PLANTs and the Earth are doomed to never find peace. If at all possible, I would like to change all that...but it is truly the most difficult task imaginable.

The rest of their dinner passed less ominously, however Athrun continued to ponder Durendal's comments about "Logos", whatever it was.


Not long afterwards they all left, and Chairman Durendal offered to allow them to spend the night here rather than return to the ship.

Lunamaria: Is it really okay?

Talia: Yes. It's your time off and the chairman offered. Go ahead. Take him up in his offer and stay the night. You've all more then earned it.

Athrun: There's no reason for you to hesitate. Nhazul, Shinn, Lunamaria, you guys stay here. I'll head back to the ship and...

Rey: Excuse me, sir. I'll head back to the ship. As the Minerva's top pilots, you, Nhazul and Shinn deserve this honor. And as a gentleman, it's only proper that I defer to Lunamaria so that she too can stay.

???: ATHRUN!!!

As everyone heard the familiar voice, Athrun just sighed.

Athrun: Oh no...

Everyone saw the the figure running towards them down the hall, as it was Lacus Clyne.

Durendal: Why, it's Lacus Clyne. That was a wonderful performance.

Lacus: Thank you for your kind words, Mr. Chairman.

Then she turned back to Athrun, ignoring the annoyed expression on Lunamaria's face, as she pushes passed her, almost knocking her down, however Nhazul caught her.

Lacus: I heard you were at the hotel, so I rushed here as soon as I could. Were you able to see my concert today?

Athrun: Uh...yeah.

Durendal: What a coincidence, and I just finished telling them to relax and spend the night here. Why don't the two of you go out to dinner, on me?

Durendal said, sounding slightly amused, which Nhazul caught on, raising a brow confused, however Lunamaria had a look of annoyance and disbelief.

Lacus: Really?! That would be wonderful! Let's go and make the reservations, Athrun!

Durendal: Before you leave however, may I have a moment of your time, Athrun?

Durendal asked. Athrun nodded, and the two stepped out into the garden behind the hotel. Lacus followed along, as Nhazul and the others decided to leave, heading towards their rooms.

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