You are Spring for My Winter...

By IzabellaFehr4

74.3K 4.6K 406

A suddenly orphaned, young and weakened omega like Wei Ying, had little chance of escape when some alphas fou... More

🌷 | Intro + Note
🌷 | Characters
Chapter 1 | A sad chapter
Chapter 2 | The hiding rabbit in the realm of wolves
Chapter 3 | An alpha who not only followed the light
Chapter 4 | The alpha has returned home
Chapter 5 | Short omega stories
Chapter 6 | "You're like a white magnolia"
Chapter 7 | Bad memories come back as nightmares
Chapter 8 | Rainy day, tearful heart
Chapter 9 | Shadow around the house
Chapter 10 | A stormy evening
Chapter 11 | Legends and news
Chapter 12 | Back to the beginning
Chapter 13 | So far from hope
Chapter 14 | The hiding bunny
Chapter 15 | The hunting red fox
Chapter 16 | The last dark night
Chapter 17 | Know the truth
Chapter 18 | After the fall
Chapter 20 | The first kiss of spring
Chapter 21 | Like the last breath of winter.

Chapter 19 | The red bird

2K 147 10
By IzabellaFehr4

Days later ...

With Lan Zhan's condition improving rapidly, Mingjue began to consider returning home, — but with Lan Zhan. He wanted Wei Ying to go with them, but every time he thought about it, he realized that there was very little chance of that happening. Wei Ying was finally completely safe, and his long-gone and sought-after brother was also back. Mingjue felt even more strongly that Wei Ying didn't need him or Lan Zhan now that Hua Cheng and Xie Lian were already there for Wei Ying. Mingjue accepted that it was time for him and perhaps his son to say goodbye to Wei Ying. He had already prepared himself for this, but he knew it would be much more difficult for his son.

Mingjue had difficulty sharing his negative thoughts and then discussing his decision with Lan Zhan about the morning of their planned return home. At the end of his sentence, Mingjue was prepared to expect Lan Zhan would protest, rage, or yell at him. But none of that happened.

Lan Zhan just sat silently on the bed, thinking carefully about what Mingjue had told him. While watching his son, Mingjue realized that Lan Zhan thought the same about Wei Ying as he did. Both of them had lost all hope, knowing that Wei Ying would never leave his brother again and that Hua Cheng would never let his little brother go again.

After their conversation, Lan Zhan only asked Mingjue to go home in the evening instead of the afternoon, so they still have a few hours to think about a few things. Mingjue agreed to Lan Zhan's request with a faint smile, then left the room to let his son rest. But after he closed the door, the elderly alpha sighed tiredly and sadly. Mingjue felt that Lan Zhan had suffered from the thought that he must be separated from Wei Ying forever. But despite the pain, apparently, the young alpha didn't want to talk to him about it. That's why Mingjue decided to ask an omega to help him convince Lan Zhan not to give up what's most important in an alpha's life.


While Wei Ying and Hua Cheng were out of the house, Xie Lian saw a good opportunity to have an uninterrupted conversation with Lan Zhan.

Lan Zhan was in the kitchen, sitting alone at the kitchen counter. He held both hands on the half-empty glass on the counter and watched as his thoughts revolved deeply around Wei Ying. The faint scent of freshly made fruit tea gave the alpha a little calm. Xie Lian walked into the kitchen, grabbed the glass teapot, and walked with it to the counter where the lonely alpha was sitting.

"Orange tea? .. Hm, great choice." the omega remarked to the surprised Lan Zhan as he poured some fresh tea into the alpha's glass.

"Oh, .. Xie Lian. .. Hi. ... Ah, sorry I didn't notice you, I just..." apologized the alpha.

"It's all right, Lan Zhan, calm down." replied Xie Lian, then set the glass teapot down on the counter and sat down opposite the alpha.

"I see that something is bothering you very much. Don't you want to talk to me about it?"

"I, umm .. don't want to bother you with my ... problems." replied Lan Zhan distastefully.

"That's what I expected. .. You're like my mate. You both become just as stubborn and aloof whenever it comes to someone wanting to help you."

"That's ... just alpha behavior." Lan Zhan stated flatly.

"It's a little bit more than that, Lan Zhan. .. It's a love pain." Xie Lian corrected.

Lan Zhan didn't really expect Xie Lian to notice exactly what he was really suffering from. But Xie Lian's sentence reminded him of one of Mingjue's earlier remarks.

"It's interesting because my mate used to really get to know the hidden but true nature of an alpha when she looked into their eyes." said Nie Mingjue. — { Chapter 5 }

"What makes you think that?" asked Lan Zhan.

"I don't think so, I know it because I see it on you. Your father didn't even have to tell me about it because I had already noticed that you had love grief."

"And... I believe you know who that is, don't you?"

"Yes, I know. .. I could tell by the way you acted around Wei Ying since you arrived here. You two love each other, but not only do you hide it from him, but he also does the same thing. .. And that is a big mistake. Lan Zhan, notice that no one wants to separate the two of you anymore. Neither your father nor my mate." Xie Lian replied earnestly, then continued after a brief pause.

"The only alpha who could have done this to you, ... well, he's no longer in your way." Xie Lian tried to hint nicely that Wen Xu's fate didn't end well after Hua Cheng caught him.

"Even if my father doesn't want me to leave Wei Ying, ... but Wei Ying's brother; and also your mate wants it enough to happen."

"Hua Cheng may be a little cold and tough, but he's just like that because he's an alpha and because he wants to protect his little brother from more pain. .. You wouldn't behave any differently in his place, would you?" asked Xie Lian.

Lan Zhan nodded and drank some tea from his glass.

"Lan Zhan, understand that you are Wei Ying's happiness. The happiness of the two of you is important to both your father and Hua Cheng, and neither of us wants to stand in the way of the two of you. The decision is up to you and Wei Ying. Will the two of you leave each other, or will you and he stay together? But, before you answer that, I'll tell you something that I believe will confirm your decision."


While Xie Lian shared a secret with Lan Zhan, the two brothers spent their time at a small lake near the house. The weather wasn't ideal, but the temperature was still just right for the omega to leave the house early in the morning.

Wei Ying stood in the lake and tried to catch the fish while his brother sat under a tree. They both chatted cheerfully, recalling unforgettable and good moments from their past. But as the conversation faded, Hua Cheng decided it would be time for them to return to the house. He got up from the ground and walked to the lake's edge.

"Wei Ying, I think we've spent just enough time here. Let's get out of the water and go back to the house... at least until we get wet." said the alpha as he looked up at the dark clouds, hearing the slight thunderous sound.

Wei Ying sighed in disappointment. He started toward his brother, but when he reached the edge of the lake, he took a careless step, and his wet feet slipped on the grass and small stones. Wei Ying quickly lost his balance, but his wrist was firmly grabbed by Hua Cheng.

Hua Cheng waited until Wei Ying was once again on his own feet, then helped him safely out of the water. He only let go of Wei Ying's wrist when the omega was standing next to him.

"I think I was close to falling into the water again, wasn't I?" remarked Wei Ying, with a light cheerfulness, as he was glad that his brother had saved him again and looked after him.

"Yes, ... but I was there to catch you this time." - said Hua Cheng in a serious tone. - "But are you okay? Did you hurt your ankle?"

"I'm fine, brother." replied Wei Ying, and then to prove his point and reassure his brother, he walked to the tree where Hua Cheng sat and where he left his shoes.


On the way back, the two of them continued their conversation.

"Good to know, that unlike me, you haven't changed in a few years. You're still as careless and a little childish as you used to be." Hua Cheng remarked.

"Well ... actually, that's only half true." - said Wei Ying. - "But as long as there's an alpha next to me who takes care of me, I don't think this careless and childish, irresponsible behavior of mine is that big of a problem, is it?" asked Wei Ying, with a small, innocent smile.

Hua Cheng shook his head but still smiled at what Wei Ying had said. But then his smile faded.

"Are you talking about Lan Zhan?" asked Hua Cheng.

"Actually, I was talking about you, ... but now that you mention him, it also applies to him." - Wei Ying said, his voice becoming fainter. - "After all, I could count on him just as I had before, and now on you again."

"By the way, while we're on the subject of him, ... Who is he really to you? What does he mean to you?" asked Hua Cheng curiously and with all the cunning that lay behind his question.

"He's my — my friend." the omega said hesitantly.

"Your friend? .... Are you sure?" Hua Cheng stopped, and his brother did the same.

"Well, ... Lan Zhan is very important to me. .. He was the one who saved me from the little group of alphas who kidnapped me when I was weak, injured, and alone. .. Then Lan Zhan and Mingjue defended me on several occasions. They healed me and cared for me. I owe them a lot, .. There are many things I can be very grateful to them for." said Wei Ying sincerely.

But the little sadness in Wei Ying's eyes was not ignored by Hua Cheng.

"The fact that they were there for you and took care of you while I was away from you, .. even I am actually grateful to them, especially the elderly Mingjue. But .." - Hua Cheng changed the subject a bit. - "Wei Ying, .. you didn't answer a question of mine. Why don't you tell me that Lan Zhan is more than just a friend to you? Maybe you're afraid of your own feelings, .. or is it something else?"

Wei Ying looked at him in surprise, but Hua Cheng just grinned at his brother's reaction.

"Oh, come on! .. You had a hard time fooling me long ago, and you still do. You said you didn't change as much as I did, don't you remember? You've never been able to hide your problems or pain from me well, and it's no different now. ... So, tell me what's wrong?" asked Hua Cheng.

"What's between me and Lan Zhan is ... it's a bit complicated. After Lan Zhan told me that he wanted to be alone, I did nothing but accept his decision and try to keep a little distance. .. Then, after I found out that mom and dad were dead, I became even more vulnerable and even more scared because of Xu's appearance. And because of that, I just got further away from him. ... So, yeah, my relationship with him has become complicated." said Wei Ying, and then he wanted to leave, but Hua Cheng wouldn't let him.

"But I don't think there's anything complicated about that, Wei Ying, especially not now. Only you think so. ... Listen, all you have to do is talk to him honestly and without fear about your feelings for him. It's not that complicated at all."

"You're right. ... Okay. I'll speak with him... today."

"And if Lan Zhan breaks your heart, you warn him ... hm, although I think he knows that anyway, it's worth reminding him ... that I'm going to tear him apart." Hua Cheng joked as he knew that what he said had little chance of happening. Besides, Hua Cheng had something else up his sleeve in case Lan Zhan did something different.

Wei Ying thought his brother's comment was less funny. He stepped firmly in front of Hua Cheng.

"Brother, I know how much you want to protect me from any pain and disappointment since Wen Xu. But Lan Zhan is nothing like him. Please promise me that you will never hurt him. ..."

Wei Ying was interrupted by a sharp sound coming from under a small bush beside them. The omega knelt down and searched curiously among the branches. Moments later, he found something.

"What is it? What did you find there?" asked the alpha.

"I found a cute little bird." said Wei Ying, then stood up. He showed his brother the little creature he had found.

A small, bright red feathered bird decorated with white dots rested carelessly in the omega's palm. { strawberry finch } 🐦🍓😊❤️

"Quite a beautiful and special bird, don't you think?" asked Wei Ying with sparkling eyes, admiring the bird's feathers.

"Yeah, .. he is." - agreed Hua Cheng, then took a closer look at the bird. - "Although the way I see it, he may have injured his wing when he fell in the bush, and it's possible that he might have even gotten a little shock from the fall." 

"Oh, ... we can help him in some way?" asked the omega, and then began to gently caress the bird to calm him down a little.

"Xie Lian will know how to cure this little feather. .. Then until he recovers, we'll take care of him." reassured Hua Cheng his brother.

After a few blinks, the bird chirped to the alpha in a satisfied voice.

"I think he likes us, don't you think? ... But it's possible he likes you a little bit more than me. ... Maybe it's because he's a bit like you." the omega remarked.

"Let me guess, you're just saying that because of the color red, right?"

"Hm, .. yeah, you see it right." said Wei Ying with a smile as he walked away, and Hua Cheng followed.

They had both just returned to the house when suddenly it started to rain.


( ... I'm sorry to say this, but soon this book will be over. ... 😞💔💔 )


Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it! 💛✨

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