Malicious Romance

De Ekphrastic

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Sometimes, not every love story can be as idyllic as it should be. Dean Winchester, bred and raised in the ma... Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109 END

Chapter 104

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De Ekphrastic

In the Raven boxing club, the sound of the men screaming in agony echoed throughout the entire floor. The Cobra men crowded the basement level while pointing their guns at each head of the Raven men, forcing them to stay still.

Dean seized the collar of a right-handed man of Stefano Angelo. He dragged the man up and then pushed him against the wall with full strength, using one hand. He withdrew his silver dagger with another hand quickly before pinning the sharp tip against the old man's throat.

"I heard you were behind Angelo's death," Dean said in a monotone.

"He's not your fucking father. Why do you fucking care?" The man's veins grew big as he raised his voice. Dean could feel the man's pulse beating fast through the dagger in horror full of fear.

Dean leaned a bit closer and replied with a vicious smile. "I didn't even give a shit about my father, and what's making you think I would care about your boss?" He scraped the tip of the dagger intentionally against the man's skin, and then pressed it slightly into where the jugular vein was located. Dean grabbed the man's jaw before thrusting his chin upward, giving him a clearer view of where his dagger was digging into. "He disappeared in the banquet that we Cobra was a part of in terms of the hosters. And, that alone affects my business. You know that I don't like getting my fucking hands soaked in blood. I don't just send people to hell for no reason, you see. And I would hate that to be you, considering all of the times you've been following Angelo around."

"You're an asshole! I worked for your father if you don't fucking realize that!"

"Then show me the proof." Dean lowered his voice dangerously, full of doubtfulness. After a moment of heavy breathing from the old man across from him, he continued speaking. "The rumor said you worked for the Singaporeans too."

"What the hell are you talking about? That's not true!"

"Oh, now you're denying?" Dean tilted his head a bit as his brows grew tensed. "Is there any proof to prove that too?"

"Everything I've told you is the truth."

Dean shook his head slightly. "Oh, no... That's not how things work with me." Suddenly he took a step back and then yanked the Raven man onto the table, causing the alcohol bottle and glasses to fly off and shattered onto the ground. Dean watched as the man's head slammed against the surface of the table with a loud thunderous sound. Without hesitation, he inched closer to pull out the man's left hand.

"What the hell do you want from me? I have confessed everything that you wanted me to!"

Dean motioned two of his men to come in and held the man in place before he walked to the other side of the table with his silver dagger in his hand. "I am not the type to fucking torture someone to get the answer. I hate doing that type of shit." Dean turned to glare at the man whose left hand was pinned forward. "So, spill everything while you're completely intact."

The man grunted as he tried to break from the Cobra men's grip.

"Stop wasting your energy. And tell me what the fuck you know." Dean said seriously as he brought the sharp dagger closer to the man's hand.

"You're just like your fucking father-"

Dean slammed his dagger down onto the table as he cuts off roughly, "It's just the rule that people like us are living in. I don't want to fucking kill you... because I am not my fucking father. But, if you compare me to him one more fucking time, I will start with your fucking tongue." Dean inhaled deeply as he turned to look at the other Raven's men who were being held captive. "I assumed everyone here is aware that Raven is currently under the watch of the Cobra. Therefore, none of you are allowed to act on your own... if I don't fucking order you to do so. I've been slackened with my duty for just a bit, and some of you here had already grown some balls to mess with me. Don't let me catch you. Because if I do, you won't get to die so peacefully."

The old man chuckled ridiculously before he added, "You're so wrong to think death would scare people like us. They only followed my order, Winchester. If not the fucking Angelo's daughter, Raven's boss would have been no other than me, you fucking asshole!"

Dean nodded his head while his back was still facing the old man. "Good to know." He murmured. "Now all of you will be given a second chance. Either you choose this bastard to be your new boss and go against me, or follow the rule of the Cobra until Angelo's daughter returns. You guys don't get a choice, frankly speaking. Because I am the one making that decision."

The man continued to chuckle mockingly. "Who the fuck would believe that the Raven won't disappear under the Cobra? That's pure bullshit. The Raven is going to fucking be left with nothing once the Cobra takes over. Ravens and Cobras are hard to fucking coexist. Even Stef knew that. But, the asshole was too fucking pussy to get up and fight against the damn Cobra. And, so what? I had no other fucking options but to protect my brothers and people. I can't fucking let a weak ass leader drive us into the damn downfall!" The man suddenly screamed in agony when he resisted the tight grip, only to get his arms twisted roughly in return.

Dean turned around and then slammed his hands onto the table one more time. "I've told you I don't give a fuck about whatever all of you believe in. I am here to fulfill my duty. I don't have fucking times to pay another visit for not getting things done in one night. So, while we are at it, I will have to speed up the process by using force since that is what I believe you are asking for." Dean dragged his dagger up closer to the man's hand again. "Should we start with your ring finger? I don't like things to get to your family, you know. How about we cut that part of you off first?"

"Let me go! You sick piece of shit! Let me-Agh!" The man screamed in pain as the sharp edge slit through the skin of his ring finger.

"I haven't chopped off your fucking bone yet," Dean said coldly. His eyes were full of darkness, a similar type of determination that he displays when he cuts Kevinskey. "It's still not too late." He added while applying pressure on the sharp dagger onto the hard bone. Blood was already leaking out through the cross-sectional cuts that split the skin of the finger apart. The old man cried out loud while resisting forcefully underneath the two Cobra man's strength. "Your wedding ring is going to be a souvenir soon, my guy."

"Fuck you!" The man cursed loudly. He cast a sharp glare at Dean but shit did nothing to stir Dean's nerves.

"Fuck, you're wasting my time." Dean finished his sentence before pushing his blade with all of the pressure to split off the man's bone. The crunching noises got masked out by the crying sound as Dean chopped the finger off.

"AHH!" The man screamed and breathed heavily at the same time. His hand and body began to tremble from the unbearable pain. His fingers curled, meanwhile his ring finger was left disconnected. It twitched for the first few seconds, squirting a small amount of blood onto the table.

"Now, stop fucking screaming, and tell me the fucking truth!"

"Fuck you... son of a bitch..." His voice shuttered from the shocking pain. The old man's breathing pattern shook while sweat dripped from his hair. "If I tell you... will you let my fucking people go?"

"They only followed your order," Dean repeated the man's words emotionlessly. His tone of voice was flat as if the scene in front of him was not satisfying him. When the man did not utter another word for several seconds, Dean asked, "Would you like me to cut off your fucking thumb next? Or the whole fucking hand?"

"I did work for the Singaporeans!" The man raised his voice the minute he noticed Dean lifting his dagger slightly.


"Their boss promised to give us the support we need... He said he will... help us reestablish ourselves as a new Raven. He did not tell me anything else besides promising to make Raven mine."

Dean breathed out loud as if the man's words had bored him. He nodded once and blinked slowly before leaning down to the man. "And, what did you do for him in return?" Dean could already guess the answer, but he preferred to hear things with his own ears.

"It has nothing to do with you!" The man spat loudly.

Instantly, Dean raised his dagger and then stabbed it into the man's forearm with full force aggressively. The silver knife was then left stuck in upward position between the ulna and radius bone of the old man. Dean released his grip as he straightened his back without further word.

"Fuck! I will tell you! Just stop!" He breathed hard and fast for a couple of seconds. His redhead and hands shook uncontrollably as he tried to gather his leftover strength. His nervousness and pain caused the dagger that stuck inside him to tremble along his fear. "I... That night... I got rid of a high-status official. I don't fucking know who he is beside... seeing him at the big events a couple of times. I heard that his name was some fucking Richer or Richard or Rochester or whatever the fuck it was. Now, why the fuck is this even matter to you? It has nothing to do with Cobra! Let me go! I've told you what I fucking know. What else do you fucking want from me?"

Dean pulled the dagger back out of the man's forearm without a warning, making the old man screamed and curled his body weakly. Tears were already coming out through the asshole's eyes as his bloody arm shook uncontrollably. He continued to whimper and grunt as he watched his own blood pooling out from his veins and deep arteries. Dean brought his bloody dagger to wipe against the old man's shirt at the shoulder until it looked clean enough to his eyes.

"Tell your men to fucking let me go, Winchester! I've told you everything! Why are you doing this to me?...The only proof I have is the recordings on my fucking phone... Besides that I have nothing! Let me fucking go already!" The man's loud voice shuttered between each breath as he begged impolitely.

"You didn't even fucking remember your target's name. And, yet, you managed to fucking kill him. You should've done your fucking research before you even tried to kill someone." Dean tucked his knife back into the holster under his black blazer. "And, you chose to kill my fucking enemy." His eyes slanted to glare piercingly at the man who started to struggle in his men's grip.

"What the hell is wrong with you then? Shouldn't you be fucking grateful that I killed him for you?" The Cobra's men pulled one of his hands back, earning a yelping sound out of pain as they broke his right arm purposely.

Dean nodded his head slightly, "You're right. I am not grateful for that. Because I didn't grant you permission to finish what originally belong to me. And, that was a fucking mistake."

"Ugh! Let me go! I didn't fucking know that you wanted his life too. How the fuck would I know?"

Dean placed his glute on the edge of the table while gluing his eyes at the same man. "Either way, you're still a fucking traitor. And, we have one rule in the world we are living in. We don't keep them, traitors. You're lucky that you are not one of my men."

"You fucking call me traitor when you were one too."

"That's why I am here to make up my fucking mistakes." Dean hissed before standing back on his feet. "You could've been a great man," Dean murmured. "And, I would've entrusted you with Raven for the time being. But congratulations on ruining that opportunity." He wiped his bloody hands over the sleeve of his black blazer before telling his men in a dangerous voice that was full of wicked intention, "Set him free as he wanted."

The two Cobra men knew what their boss meant before they released the man's arms. Shortly after Dean turned around, one of the two men pulled out the pistol with a suppressor and then shoot the old man's head from behind. Dean noticed the man's body roll off the table and then collapse back onto the cold floor from the corner of his eyes, but he didn't bother to turn around to look. Instead, he motioned the rest of the Cobra men to release the rest of the Raven soldiers. None of the Raven men dared to cast a glance up at Dean as he walked pass by silently.

When Dean got back to his penthouse, he dismissed his men in an exhausted manner. Unlike any other time, he did not bother to check the cameras to see if Giselle was awake or not. This time, he swung the door wide open without reluctance. Dean was not sure if there were any part of his sanity left inside of him after what had just occurred. He stepped his foot into the penthouse before closing the door behind him. The entire room was almost pitch black. The only light source was from the moon and the city below.

His eyes scanned the dimly lit area close to the window, hoping to come across Giselle. Unfortunately, she was nowhere to be seen.

Right, she must've fallen asleep. What the fuck am I anticipating?

Dean shoved his hand into his hair, making a mess out of them. Soon, his feet began to make their way toward the glass windows. He watched the city below him in silence while he removed his blazer slowly. He could smell the sickening odor of the blood from the fabric as he tossed it onto the floor. Shortly after, he removed his holster then threw it down near his feet. His eyes displayed emptiness as they stared at the lights on the street for several minutes.

Dean was not sure of how long he had stood in that position until he decided to make his way toward the bathroom located in the opposite hall of Giselle's room. On his way there, he unbuttoned his black shirt and then undone his belt.

The next thing he knew was standing under the warm shower. His eyes were focused on the red color of the water that ran down his body, washing another man's blood off him. Dean raised his hand to check his fingernails. To his surprise, there was no red stain or blood dried up under any of them.

A similar situation flashed across his mind as he recalled his memory. He wondered if that was during his high school period. He had never tortured a man like an animal. At least not when he was under his mother's guidance. But back in the day, there were just too many bullies that Dean had to handle on his own when his father's men were not around. Though he did not end up killing any of his classmates, he for sure remembered how some of those kids showed up the next day with PTSD, losing their sanity just like his other prey. Whenever he went to sleep, he would notice the blood stain under his nails regardless of how many times he washed them. Those memories used to keep him up at night as a teenage boy. And now they began to engulf his mind again as an adult.

Physical health was one thing that could heal over a short duration. But mental health was something that would stay with that person for a much longer period. And because of that, Dean doubted if he had become one of them now, his own victim. The only difference was that he was the predator on the battlefield. The blood of his enemies was just the trophy for his conquest in the game of hunting. And that was something that he knew was not wrong. Even if those haunting memories of his young self kept coming back to him, Dean knew that they would only make him stronger and not weaker like his victims. He was the one to inflict the pain. And with every victory, he only learned how to do it better.

As for what he had done today, it was for justice. He did it for his beloved woman. And there was nothing wrong with that. At least that was what he began to believe in.

His father used to remind him that the only way to pay for one's life was to sacrifice another's life. He had tried to prove that theory wrong. And, it did not work. Now that he started to act accordingly to that one theory, it seems to him that many things began to fall into their places so much faster with more control.

If only he did not finish that traitor, Dean knew that it was no different than betraying Giselle. She loved her father so endearingly. And, no one was entitled to touch what was longing to her. Dean inhaled deeply under the shower, hoping that when Giselle finds out, she would at least forgive him for letting her father die that night.

When coming back out of the bathroom, that was when Dean realized that his other clothes were in Giselle's room. He heaved out a loud sigh for his stupidity before making his way towards the fridge, searching for his red wine like every other night. Instead of choosing the same one as the last time, he grabbed a new bottle with stronger alcohol in it. The only thing that he could think of at the moment was to forget whatever he had going through today. The image of the earlier scene was too fresh inside his head to which he felt like he was still living in it. He questioned himself silently if he had already gone mad for staying so calm until now.

Dean grabbed a wine glass on his way to the sofa. The corner of the living room, where he sat down, was probably the darkest part of the entire space as it shield him from the light source. He poured himself the dark liquid. For some reason, the fluid in the glass reminded him of the blood of the Raven man, which splattered all over the table. Dean's brows tightened in distress before he chucked the wine down in one gulp with guilt resting between each breath. The sweetness spread over his tongue, but the euphoria that he was seeking was yet to appear inside his head.

Dean cleared his throat before he filled up his glass with the dark wine again. He kept drinking until he could finally find himself feeling less anxious and stressed from every problem. As he was finishing another glass, a shadow at the corner of his eyes caught his attention. Dean turned his head instantly in the direction of the dark figure. Every inch of his muscles tensed as his survival instinct kicked in. Dean rose to his feet immediately, prepared to run across the living room to his target. But the minute that the dark figure stepped into the brighter spot of the room, Dean let out a brief breath in relief.

He watched as Giselle stalked slowly to the kitchen area. Dean scanned her from head to toe from afar, only to see her wearing one of the night lingerie dresses that he got for her.

No wonder why she always covers herself with that thick ass blanket at night.

Dean noticed that her eyes were scanning the entrance door, searching for what was not there. He did not hesitate any longer as he started to direct his way toward her. Dean crept silently behind her back until she suddenly turned around to face him. Her eyes grew wide shockingly at his sudden presence in front of her. But her body did not flinch as if she had anticipated him.

Instead of uttering a word, she hurried to make her way past him. The only thing that Dean wanted at that moment was to not let her go back to her room. The confrontation had to be done now at least. This may be the only chance that he could get to fix their relationship. With the effect of the alcohol, though it was not strong enough, Dean could feel less tense and more at ease with facing her. He found it easier to stand in front of her now rather than being cleared with his mind later. And, if the confrontation was not going well, then let it be. Dean was prepared to accept the consequences. The only thing he wanted tonight was her. His unbreakable form faded the second that he saw her. And he knew that he wanted nothing more.

Dean spun around on his heels and took long strides after Giselle. The second that he caught up with her, he seized her wrist gently from behind, making her pause in her step. Dean waited for her to resist him, but she did not move a muscle. He thought he had lost his sanity earlier, but it seems to him that his sanity was just beginning to lose now. Dean brushed his thumb over the skin of her fragile wrist. Slowly, his feet inched closer to her from behind without realizing it.

He watched her closely, looking for any sign of revolting. His fingers traced the thin silky fabric from her lower back to the side of her waist. Still no sign of resistance. Dean's hand continued its way to travel to her abdominal area, meanwhile, he pressed his upper body against her back, embracing her from behind vulnerably as if she was a piece of glass.

Dean lowered his head to her shoulder as he intentionally pushed his hip against her back. He could hear the hitch of her breathing pattern the second that his hard cock crushed against her body. She suddenly yanked her body out of his grasp in panic before Dean tightened his grip on her wrist to prevent her from getting away. When she did not bother to turn around to face him, he decided to speak in a low tone of voice. "I am very tired tonight, Giselle."

There was no response.

Dean inhaled deeply as he continued talking softly. "I felt like... I am going crazy..." He inched closer to her body again. His voice became a whisper to her ears when he lowered his head to her shoulder for the second time. "Please... I just need a hug... before I lose my shit and sanity... from not seeing you any longer..." He pressed his lip lightly over her shoulder before wrapping both arms around her waist, securing her within his grasp. He breathed in her fresh scent as he traced his lips from the edge of her shoulder to the base of her neck, kissing her through the hair that was in the way.

Dean could feel her body tense up under his touch. He was not sure if that was out of fear or what. But he wished to calm her down. He wanted to show her that he means no harm.

"Stop me... Giselle..." He whispered under his breath as one of his hands moved up to remove her hair out of his way. He stared at her exposed neck before moving his hand to touch her breast through the thin fabric. Under his fingers, he could feel how hard her nipple was getting. Was it from the coolness inside the penthouse? He wondered to himself. "If I hurt you... stop me..."

Her breathing pattern picked up its speed as he touched her other breast lightly. He did not dare to add any heavy pressure, considering the bruises he saw last time. One part of him wanted to find out if they had been healing well. But he could not force her to show him. And he would not do it without her permission either.

Dean kissed the side of her throat gently a few times before he lost his self-control and started to use his tongue to lick and suck her soft skin. Giselle tilted her head to the other side, providing him better access to her neck. Dean could hear her shuttering breath as he sucked lightly and briefly over her sensitive skin. Soon, Dean worked his way up her throat to her jawline, kissing, sucking, and licking along the way, marking every inch of her as his.

His right hand began to slowly travel south until it reached the hem of her dress. He reached under her dress before tracing his rough fingers from her thigh and hip to her panty.

"If you're cold..." Dean whispered against her skin. "Why didn't you wear something under?"

She still didn't respond to him.

At this point, Dean was determined to make her moan out of pleasure if she still resisted talking to him. There seems to be nothing else that he could do to get the answer out of her. And that was killing his inside even more.

Dean's rough fingers touched her through the thin panty. He had no intention of removing it if she did not tell him to. He could already feel her wetness through the panty as he rubbed her entrance gently.

When he caught her suppressing her sound by pursing her lips together tightly, Dean stuck another hand under her dress. He touched her bare breast carefully as he was afraid to make an unexpected impact against her rib. He could not see anything in the dark. Being careful was the only choice that he had to do to make sure he was giving her pleasure and not pain. Dean did not dare to pinch her nipple. Instead, he brushed his fingers over them lightly.

His hip began to grind slowly against her lower back. His hard cock was visibly hard and erected beneath the white towel. Dean felt like he would lose control at any second.

He licked her earlobe before nibbling on them lightly. His fingers rubbed over her panty lightly before they began to pick up their speed as her juices covered them.

Suddenly, Giselle seized his arm that was touching her breast. Instead of pulling herself out of his strong grips, she dug her nails into his strong forearm. Dean noticed that she started to breathe faster and heavier while squinting her eyes shut. For some reason, he found pleasure in her reaction. One thing he was sure of was that the look on her face was not the same as the look of someone who was in pain. Although they were quite similar, Dean knew what pain looks like when he inflicted one on his victim. But the look of pleasure on Giselle was different than others to him. It was the only thing that could keep his mind grounded while shaking his heart like nobody had ever done.

Dean let out a warm breath against her throat before he sucked them again. "I want... your lips..." Dean whispered between each breath as he rubbed her wet entrance through her thin panty faster and deeper.

It didn't take long until Giselle moaned out loud at the same time that Dean could feel her knees go weak. Her body fell in his strong grip. Dean took this chance to spin her around to face him while pressing her back against the nearby wall.

Her chest was moving up and down at a fast pace as if she had just done cardio. In the dark, Dean could not see the expression worn on her face. He tilted his head and then leaned close until he could feel her warm breath fanning over him. Even though he couldn't see anything, he knew that she refused to look up at him. "You should've resisted... if you didn't want me to touch you." He whispered before closing his lips over hers. He kissed her hungrily. He shoved his tongue inside her mouth, searching for hers. The minute their tongue found each other, Dean licked and sucked her deeply as if she was his last meal. He could not remember how long he stood there, sucking and licking her. The next thing he knew was when he felt Giselle's hands pushing against his pectoral muscles weakly. Realizing that she was running out of breath, he broke the wet kiss, allowing her to inhale deeply and rapidly. "Giselle... say something..." He murmured. "You're driving me crazy with your silence..." He pressed his forehead against hers lightly. Drops of cold water dripped down his hair onto her skin as he towered over her.

After several seconds of ghostly atmosphere, Dean felt her small hands cupping his face slowly. "What do you want me to say?" She mumbled lowly.

The corner of Dean's lips curved up after hearing her voice. He swore that his world was melting slowly. In that split second, he forgot about everything around him. He forgot who he was and what he did. All that was running inside his head was the slim figure of a woman in front of him. His heartbeat sped up foolishly again as if her words sparked his entire darkness.

Dean touched the back of her left hand caressingly before he replied, "Anything..."

"But... I don't want... to talk tonight..." She responded while brushing her thumb over his cheekbones.

Dean opened his mouth, prepared to speak, but Giselle suddenly leaned up to kiss him. He remained still in his position, anticipating her to deepen her kiss the way he did. Besides sucking onto his lower lip and barely licking them, she did not do anything else. She broke the kiss briefly before he could even find himself satisfied with her lips.

"Can I lift you?" He asked lowly after a few seconds of trying to catch himself. "I don't want to hurt-"

"Yes," She replied shortly, cutting him off.

Dean did not waste another millisecond after he heard her. His hands moved to seize her small waist and then lifted her against the wall. The next thing he knew was her legs wrapping around him. He pushed his rock-hard cock against her wet panty before leaning close to find her lips.

"If I am being too rough... let me know... But if you can't talk... then push me away like always..." Dean gulped as he noticed her pressing her lips over his again.

This time Dean kissed her in return, deeply and lustfully. He wrapped his arms around her body tightly as he began to make his way to the kitchen counter.

He placed her gently onto the cold counter surface, making sure that she was steady in the position. While he was busy sucking into her mouth, his hand shifted to slide her panty off skillfully. After tossing it onto the floor, he began to peel off the lingerie strap off of her shoulders. Dean broke the kiss as he traced his mouth to her warm throat, carefully not to touch where a cut was located. The minute he cupped one of her breasts, she leaned backward with both hands supporting her. Dean licked her soft skin down to her right collarbone when he recalled briefly the bruise under her left clavicle. The room was barely bright enough for him to see any details that marked her body. And that stirred his curiosity even more.

His other hand caressed her calve slowly until it made its way to her knee and then thigh. Giselle moaned lowly, making Dean's cock twitch, demanding for her. Dean inhaled deeply as he touched her soft pussy with his fingers. He leaned his head back up to watch her face. In the dimly lit space, he could see that she was closing her eyes while her mouth hung open slightly breathing for air. Dean traced her entrance teasingly until she whimpered a bit in her throat. He smirked without realizing it before he asked, "Was that out of pain?" His finger movement did not stop as it continued to circle her clit. "If it is, I will stop."

Dean withdrew his hand slowly from her before Giselle seized his thick wrist instantly to halt him. She was out of breath when she threaten him, "If you dare... to stop now... I will not forgive you..."

Dean chuckled briefly at the way she sounded. Sparks of butterflies electrified his stomach from her words. Soon, he found himself touching her once again. "Then I will continue doing this... every day and night until you can forgive me." As soon as he finished talking, he shoved his fingers inside her.

She moaned out loud in surprise at the same time that she threw her head backward. "I think... I am the one that's going crazy..." She murmured between each breath as he increased his speed of fingering her.

When Dean noticed her body getting tense, and that she was about to orgasm for the second time, he removed his finger from her. "I won't let you go crazy, Giselle." He said before he leaned in to suck on her breast. He licked the hard nipple before he earned a loud moan from her one more time. She grabbed his hair with one hand as she came without him fingering her.

"Oh my god, no..." Her voice shuttered the second she realized Dean's head had moved to in between her thighs. She tried to push his face away as she came back to her senses. But Dean grabbed her wrist and then planted a kiss on it instead.

"Do you want me to stop now, love?" He asked but she didn't reply in return. "I'll take that as a no."

Dean inched his face closer to her pussy. He kissed her clit gently while staring up at her. As he moved his lips to her entrance and then fucking her with his tongue, he noticed that she had no strength left to hold her upright position. He smirked in triumph as she laid her back flat on the counter. Dean licked her deeply and delicately until she came one more time.

Giselle gasped for air loudly before she made small tapping noises over the counter with her hand. "Dean... Dean..." She called his name breathlessly. "I need a break... I can't... I can't do it anymore..."

Dean strengthened his posture before he scooped her melted body up from the kitchen counter in a bridal style. He then carried her to the living room sofa. He didn't rush in his steps purposely as he tried to buy Giselle some break time.

After placing her down on the sofa, he removed his towel, revealing his erection. "Do you want to continue, or do you want to take your break?"

Giselle gulped as she stared at the huge cock that was twitching across from her. The only thing she knew at that moment was to not let Dean fuck her yet. She was too sensitive to let him enter her. She would lose her mind if that happens. Instead, she lifted her hand to touch his length. She was not sure what to do to make him feel as good as how he had made her feel.

"Suck it, Giselle." He instructed after noticing her awkward reaction.

"I know." She replied, trying to sound confident.

Slowly, she leaned closer, until her lips came in contact with the tip. She inhaled deeply and then opened her mouth to take it in.

"Fuck..." Dean grunted as he moved one hand to place lightly over her head.

Giselle glanced up at his jawline before using her tongue to lick it while shoving it deeper into her mouth. For some reason, she could only feel him getting harder and bigger inside her oral cavity. She was not sure if she was doing it right. She gulped before sucking him as he had told her.

"Are you teasing me purposely?" Dean questioned before he removed his cock from her mouth.

"No, I-"

She didn't get time to finish her words as he lifted her body back up. Dean spun around quickly with her in his arms before he settled onto the sofa. While she was hovering over him, he whispered, "Break time is over, love." His big hand added a bit of pressure onto her hips, while another hand directed his cock towards her entrance.

She shuttered under her breath as she lowered herself onto him. She gasped involuntarily after realizing how deep it went inside of her.

"You're way tighter than last time, Giselle... Does this position hurt you?" He asked for assurance.

Heats burned her cheeks as she shook her head, no. Little did she knows that he had not pushed the rest of him inside her yet.

Dean raised his hip as he deepen his entire length into her. She gasped out loud unexpectedly with a sharp breath at the same time that she squeezed his shoulders roughly. He smiled in satisfaction after watching her trying to get adjusted to him. In his husky voice, he mumbled, "Now, move your hip... it's the only way for me to find out... what strength, angle, and pace to not cause you pain."

Giselle froze for a few seconds in hesitation. She felt somewhat embarrassed of being the one in charge instead. When Dean moved under her purposely to encourage her, she began to rock her hip slowly against him. Their eyes locked on each other with every movement and rhythm under the dimly lit room. As she picked up her speed, Dean leaned in to kiss her lips hungrily. He wanted nothing else but to devour every inch of her body. He trusted her from the bottom slowly, following her movement. He glanced at her body which was grinding full of desire over his. The sight drew more excitement into him. Dean made a deeper thrust into her while holding her lower back to stabilize her hip.

After some time of allowing herself to enjoy the ride, he grabbed her waist and then turned her around on the sofa. Before she could utter a word, he fucked her from behind. He watched as her head fell onto the soft seat while her ass was being held captive against his hip. Dean thrust deeply into her, making her moan with each breath. He leaned over to kiss the back of her neck before grabbing both of her breasts with his big hands. He rubbed and pinched her nipples lightly as he increased the pace of his thrusts. It only grew stronger and deeper with each push he made into her. Dean traced his lips close to her ear and then whispered, "I love you."

"Dean," She called his name softly before she tensed. "When will you come?" She questioned while breathing heavily. "I think I am going to pass out..."

"Try calling my name more... Maybe that'll help..." He said playfully before taking his cock out of her pussy. He kissed her shoulder and then down to her spine lustfully before he turned her body to face him.

Dean spread her legs apart before he caged her body with his. Slowly, he entered her again. He thrust gently into her, making her feel more relaxed after just hitting the climax. He licked her lower lip and then bit it lightly. She kissed him in return, mirroring the way he was kissing her. He smirked against her lips as he stuck his tongue into her mouth again. His thrusting motion started to pace up as he kissed her deeper and thirstier. No matter how long and how many times he took her, Dean felt like it was never enough. He wanted more and more. He was losing his mind and self-control. The sound of the skin slapping echoed throughout the entire penthouse. Giselle's wetness made Dean feel even more aroused with every thrust. It made him fuck her harder and faster than he ever did. Dean felt her muscle tighten around his cock as he increased his pace.

"Aah, Dean... I think I... Dean..."

Before she could speak further, Dean came inside her. She dug her nails into his back as she reached her climax once again. Dean breathed heavily over her as he remained inside her until she was no longer tense. Shortly after, he removed himself from her. Without a word, he lifted her off of the sofa and then began to make his way into the bedroom.

Her body felt weak inside his arms. He placed her gently onto the bed before covering her up with the blanket like usual. The only difference was that this time, he got on the bed to lay next to her. He wrapped one arm around her waist, keeping her close to his body underneath the cover. He wondered if she had fallen asleep because there was no sign of resistance whatsoever. She didn't speak a word as she lay inside his arm. Dean's hand brushed gently over her bare lower back as if he was putting her to sleep. After several minutes, she hugged his body in return.

Realizing that she was still awake, Dean called her name in a deep tone. "Giselle,"

She shifted slightly in his arm as she replied weakly, "Hmm?"

"Can we do it one more time?"

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