No Good Deed (HOC V.3)

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Volume 3 to Heart Of Chicago Xem Thêm

Season 2 Cast
Thank You!!
Soul Care
Win Loss
Natural History
Brother's Keeper
Extreme Measures
Alternative Medicine
Inherent Bias
Free Will
Heart Matters
Graveyard Shift
Mirror Mirror
Theseus' Ship
Cold Front
Lose Yourself
Prisoner's Dilemma
Monday Mourning
Lesson Learned
Crtl Alt
Generation Gap
Deliver Us
Love Hurts
Season 3 Cast

Uncharted Territory

330 11 0
Bởi naydoug

Standing in a doorway, Wesley watches with a soft look on her face as Skylar gently caresses Gabriel head, holding a bottle of water up to his mouth

Jeremiah: "Hey" he hums, gaining her attention as she turns to face where he motions to the living room "I'm heading out."

Wesley: "Meeting with Intelligence."

Jeremiah: "Ah, it's just Joseph and Sergeant Voight. I reached out to the guy on Ava's voicemail. Said the only way he'd talk is in person."

Wesley: "Alright, well be careful. Oh, and you're picking up Avery, right?"

Jeremiah: "Yeah. 3 o'clock. See ya later."

Wesley: "Bye" she hums, moving over to the kitchen counter as Skylar enters the room "He asleep?"

Skylar: "Yeah, just went down. Got him to finish a full bottle."

Wesley: "You might just be a miracle worker" she chuckles, a look of gratitude coming over her face "No, but seriously, thanks for all your help, Skylar. I know there are way more fun things you could be doing."

Skylar: "Eh, not really. Don't have many friends. At least not my age."

Wesley: "Well, still. Thank you."

Skylar: "Just wanna see him get better" she nods, glancing at her watch which makes her eyes widen "Crap, I'm gonna be late" she exclaims, rushing over to grab her belongings "And I missed the bus, damnit." she groans as Wesley chuckles, grabbing hold of a set of keys

Wesley: "Not like he'll be going anywhere today."

Skylar: "Really?"

Wesley: "Go ahead." she shrugs, making a look of relief come over Skylar's face

Skylar: "Thank you. I'll try to have it back by tonight and if not then by the morning for sure."

Wesley: "Don't worry about it." she hums, waving as Skylar hurries out the door


Luke: "How are you not freezing right now?" he scoffs, doing small hops as he shivers, standing in line for a food truck

Theo: "After the heatwaves we just went through? This feels like heaven."

Luke: "If anything it just makes you more of a psycho." he mutters, making Theo chuckle

Theo: "Cameron?" he hums, motioning to Luke's phone which begins going off

Luke: "Yeah."

Theo: "How's he enjoying the wonders of the wilderness?"

Luke: "Based on these photos, I'd say very much" he hums with a large smile on his face which is quickly replaced by a look of nervousness "Speaking of Cam, I've been meaning to ask you something."

Theo: "What's up?"

Luke: "His class is doing a career shadow day. They're given a list of occupations and they choose which one they wanna do. Cam has decided on first responders...more specifically fire and EMT." he informs, making Theo's eyes widen in realization

Theo: "Oh."

Luke: "Yeah."

Theo: "That's-that's cool. Guessing he didn't wanna have a father-son day."

Luke: "Yeah, I guess not" he lightly chuckles, nervously glancing at him "If you're uncomfortable with it I can find another firehouse. Just felt it would be better at 51 seeing as how I know you guys."

Theo: "Yeah, no. No, of course. Just, uh, let me clear it with Boden."

Luke: "You sure?"

Theo: "Should be asking you that question. I mean it was not that long ago you were calling me a puppy."

Luke: "Which I have apologized for. In more ways than one might I remind you." he hums, a knowing smirk on his face which makes Theo laugh, shaking his head with a soft look on his face

Theo: "On behalf of 51 we would love to have Cameron shadow us."

Luke: "Thank you" he smiles, leaning forward to press a kiss to his lips, pausing midway when his pager goes off "Duty calls."

Theo: "Mm-hmm." he hums, pressing a quick kiss to his lips, waving as Luke hurries towards the entrance


Paramedic: "Ricky wade, GCS 15, vitals stable." Luke hears as he moves towards the gurney

Maggie: "You're going to Treatment 4, Dr. Maxwell."

Paramedic: "Trauma to the left ear with hematoma, multiple dislocated fingers, expanding hematoma of the anterior thigh. Refused the board and collar."

Ricky: "I'm not a cripple. I could'a walked."

Luke: "Life of MMA, right. Feel no pain" he scoffs, shaking his head "Any loss of consciousness? Dizziness?"

Ricky: "Hell no. That bitch barely connected."

Paramedic: "Cage doc called the fight. Said it was a freakin' bloodbath."

Luke: "All right. Let's get an I.V. in him, then a gram of ancef" he nods to a nurse, hurrying out the room once the ambulance doors open once more "The opponent?"

Maggie: "Yep. You're going to Treatment 3."

Luke: "Thanks."

Paramedic 2: "Cyrus Hammad. GCS 15. Significant swelling to his left eye and bruising on the right flank. No loss of consciousness, but the fight doc wanted to have him looked at anyway."

Ricky: "You're lucky that doc stopped the fight" he calls out as the gurney passes his room "I would've pounded you into a living-"

Luke: "Hey! Not in the cage anymore, huh? Give it a rest" he orders, giving him a hard look "History and physical and let's page neuro for an exam."

Jeff: "Got it. I'll shout if I need you."

Aamir: "Excuse me" he greets, hurrying over to where Maggie stands "I'm looking for my brother, Cyrus Hammad."

Ike: "Cheating-ass punks" he grits, storming into the room "What did you do? Grease some palms? You know your bro was getting his ass beat."

Maggie: "I'm gonna need security in the ED" she mutters into her phone, perking up when the two men begin fighting "Dr. Maxwell!" she calls out as Luke and Jeff rush out the treatment rooms "Chill out!" she exclaims once the pair are broken apart

Luke: "Walk away." he orders, pushing Ike away as he motions down the hall


Luke: "Definitely swollen" he hums, looking at a large bruise on Ricky's leg "Let's get some ice on his thigh and hands."

Ike: "Had that A-rab eating mat in the first round. Should'a stomped him into oblivion."

Mark: "You've got a lot of blood in your ear, Mr. Wade. I need to release the pressure around the cartilage or it will cauliflower."

Ricky: "Skip the lido. Last thing I need's a mile-long hospital bill."

Mark: "Gonna hurt like a bitch" he warns, shrugging as Ricky turns his head to give him a hard look "Suit yourself."

Ricky: "Aah! Damn it, that hurts like a mother." he grits, groaning in pain

Ike: "Bastard was all about cheap shots."

Ricky: "Towel head. What do you expect?" he huffs as a hard look comes over Luke's face which Mark notices

Mark: "Gonna put a dressing on the ear then he's all yours."

Luke: "Let's also get some x-rays of the hands" he nods to a nurse, giving Ike a hard look as he snaps his gloves off, exiting the room "What have we got?"

Wesley: "Moderate swelling in his left orbit, probable fracture."

Aamir: "Inbreds. Always go for the low-hanging fruit."

Luke: "Elbow strike?"

Cyrus: "Hammerfist. Sounds bad. I know. But it was a legal shot." he shrugs with labored breaths, grunting as Luke gently presses on his side

Luke: "May have a couple fractured ribs."

Jeff: "CT orbits and facial bones to start, chest x-ray for the ribs?"

Wesley: "Let me know when they're up." she nods

Aamir: "I should hit up Rasheed. Get these jackasses in the parking lot, show them how the towel heads do it."

Cyrus: "Aamir, let it go."

Aamir: "This is why you fight, Cyrus."

Cyrus: "Not anymore. You can't control ignorance, only how you react" he declares, making a look come over Luke's face "Surah Al shura verse 40."

Wesley: "Ujrat alsayiya la yumkin 'iilaa 'an yakun shran msawyan laha wlakin man yaghfir wayusalih, 'ajruhum min allah."

Cyrus: "You know the Quran."

Wesley: "A little" she shrugs "Check on you in a bit." she nods, turning to walk out the room

Luke: "Scans may take a while. Moving around's gonna hurt like hell. How's a bit of morphine sound?"

Cyrus: "Like heaven."

Luke: "Alright." he nods, patting his arm in comfort


Will: "Yeah. For two at 8:00 P.M. Great. Thank you." he hums, hanging up his phone as Wesley glances up from the computer in front of her

Wesley: "Hmm. Well, aren't you all smiles. Hot date?"

Will: "Surprise date."

Wesley: "Oh, shh."

Will: "I'm taking Nina to this French restaurant on Monroe. Cochon Volant Brasserie."

Wesley: "Nice."

Stohl: "Actually, it's Cochon Volant Brasserie." he corrects, making the pair jump as they turn to face where he stands behind them

Will: "Dr. Stohl." he nods, clearing his throat

Stohl: "Personally, I prefer Alinea. It's American molecular gastronomy at its finest. Highly ranked on the S. Pellegrino list."

Will: "Didn't realize you were back from your sabbatical already."

Wesley: "Or that you spoke French." she hums, leaning against the desk

Stohl: "Enough to get by." he shrugs, stepping closer to Will, furrowing his brows as he looks him over

Will: "Something I can do for you, Dr. Stohl?"

Stohl: "My "sabbatical" was a world health organization assignment. I advised nongovernmental emergency medical teams on how best to respond and treat SODs" he informs, looking towards Wesley "Sudden onset disasters." he clarifies

Wesley: "Ooh. Interesting." she nods

Stohl: "We should sit down and talk about it."

Will: "Sure. Sounds great." he nods, watching Stohl walk off as he turns to exchange a look with Wesley

Jeff: "Who is that?"

Will: "The troll."

Wesley: "Our beloved Chief of Emergency Medicine."

Jeff: "Okay."

Will: "Talk about sudden onset disasters." he mutters, shaking his head as Wesley snickers


Sarah: "Findings showed that people with higher confidence tend to use open, expansive postures." she hums, walking down a hall with Parker beside her
Parker: "Like throwing your hands up in victory when crossing the finish line."

Sarah: "Exactly. Conversely, those who are timid or defensive make themselves small. They'll slouch in their seats, cross their arms, their legs, and actually what is really cool is, um-oh!" she exclaims in surprise as they turn a corner, bumping into Mark who quickly reaches out to steady her

Mark: "Woah, there. You okay?"

Sarah: "Uh, ye-yeah. Yes. Sorry about that, Dr. Gage." she stutters, making Parker's brows furrow in confusion

Mark: "Don't worry about it. See you guys later." he smiles, moving past them to walk off as Sarah watches him for a moment, turning back to face Parker who gives her a knowing look

Sarah: "What?"

Parker: "You know what. Something going on there?"

Sarah: "What? Of course not" she scoffs, shaking her head as Parker raises a brow "We're-we're colleagues. And besides, he lost his wife not too long ago. Plus he's in a new city...I highly doubt dating is on his mind right now" she hums, shaking her head as Parker continues to give her a look which makes her sigh "What?"

Parker: "Nothing. Just you mentioned every reason why he wouldn't and yet you didn't mention Joey at all" she hums, turning to walk off "Just seems a bit suspicious." she shrugs as Sarah's eyes widen in realization


Luke: "What's the status with the room change, Maggie? These guys next-door to each other are like asking for a bomb to go off."

Maggie: "I'm working on it, Dr. Maxwell."

Luke: "Thanks" he sighs, watching Aamir and Ike exchange a hard look as Aamir exits Cyrus' room "Hey, man. Where you headed?" he hums, stopping Ike from following Aamir down the hall

Ike: "To grab a pop." he sighs

Luke: "Vending machine's in the waiting room, that way." he hums, pointing in a different direction

Ike: "So that's how it's gonna be? Whatever, ese." he hums, turning to walk off as Jeff scoffs, coming up beside Luke

Jeff: "Hey, don't let those ass-wipes get to you. Just trying to be tough guys."

Luke: "No, it goes deeper. Trust me, I know the type all too well." he nods, glancing at the doors Ike went through before turning in a different direction as Jeff pats his shoulder in comfort

Maggie: "Dr. Manning, you're going to Trauma 3." she calls out as an ambulance arrives, April stepping back as she watches the gurney roll down the hall

April: "See the train kept rolling without me."

Parker: "Welcome back" she smiles, wrapping an arm around her shoulder "How's the little one doing?" she cheers, motioning down to her stomach


Aamir: "Help! Help! Something's wrong!" he calls out as Luke and Jeff hurry to Cyrus' room as alarms start going off

Luke: "What happened?"

Aamir: "He was talking, and then his eyes rolled back. I-I don't..."

Jeff: "Got a pulse, but he can't protect his airway."

Luke: "We need to intubate. Draw up meds. 20 of etomidate, 100 of sux."

Aamir: "Is he gonna be okay?"

Luke: "We'll see" he nods "Hold the meds. Don't need them. No gag reflex" he hums, exchanging a knowing look with Jeff "I'm in. Bag him. Let's get an OG tube down to decompress his stomach."

Jeff: "Pupil's blown."

Luke: "Must have a head bleed. Page neurosurgery. We need a stat head CT." he calls out, rushing the gurney down the hall as Ricky watches them through the opening door of his room with a fallen look on his face


Wesley: "Dr. Rhodes." she smiles, running her fingers along the back of his neck as she enters the room he sits in

Connor: "Dr. Green." he smiles, watching as she plops into a chair beside him

Wesley: "What do we got?"

Connor: "Gunshot victim. Just another day in Chicago."

Wesley: "Well, what else is new?" she scoffs, shaking her head

Connor: "Got some damage to heart which'll need repair but from what I saw, the bullet might be lodged in his spine. Waiting for the images to come up" he hums, Wesley nodding as she leans back in her seat "So, you know that food spot they've been building by my apartment?"

Wesley: "The one that had free tastings?"

Connor: "Mm-hmm. Their grand opening is coming up. What do you say?"

Wesley: "I think I can be persuaded" she hums, making Connor chuckle "Here we go." she nods, watching images come onto the screen

Connor: "Oh, man. Trauma's extensive."

Wesley: "It's lodged between the l4-l5 vertebrae."

Connor: "Any attempt to remove it would likely leave him paralyzed."

Wesley: "Not attempting to remove it might leave him paralyzed. The bullet could shift. Cause more damage. Luckily he's got a surgeon who can remove it."

Connor: "Don't you think that's a bit risky? As of right now the bullet's not doing any harm."

Wesley: "Why wait until it does?" she shrugs, glancing at her pager which begins going off "I gotta go." she hums, glancing at her pager which begins going off, hurrying out the room as Connor watches her with a sigh


Luke: "Massive hemorrhaging in his brain. Trying to get the swelling under control." he hums, looking into an OR where Wesley operates on Cyrus

Jeff: "Decompressive craniectomy. Opening up the skull should relieve the pressure."

Luke: "Yeah, but right before they put him under, he had a cushing's reflex. Dropped his heart rate, and his BP went through the roof."

Jeff: "Hang in, man." he sighs, Luke nodding as he looks into the room with a solemn look on his face


Dr. Lee: "Amniotic fluid level looks okay. Same with nuchal translucency. Fetal heart rate is 180, nice and strong."

Tate: "Aw, yeah, that's a boy. What's up, little man? Already looking like a linebacker."

April: "Um, she looks like a scientist to me."

Parker: "Looks like a blob to me." she shrugs, making the couple chuckle

April: "What are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be working?"

Parker: "Oh, come on, I've never been up close to an ultrasound before. It's interesting. I don't get how you're not more freaked out. It's like an alien growing in your belly."

April: "Just wait til you're laying in these stirrups one day" she chuckles, watching as Dr. Lee's face falters for a moment "Dr. Lee? Something wrong?"

Dr. Lee: "At 12 weeks, optimal crown chin length is 26 millimeters. Your fetal measurement is 23."

April: "Is that still within the normal range?"

Dr. Lee: "Yes, but on the low end. Something we need to keep an eye on."

Parker: "Uh, low measurement, what does it mean?"

Dr. Lee: "The main concern is anencephaly, a neural tube defect that can cause the brain to develop abnormally."

April: "Is it because of my TB meds?"

Dr. Lee: "Possibly. We can't really know for sure." she hums, a solemn silence coming over April and Tate as he rubs her shoulder in comfort


Mr. Hammad: "What does this mean? His pupils are nonreactive?"

Wesley: "The bleeding in Cyrus's brain has caused significant injury. Despite our best efforts, Cyrus has slipped into a persistent vegetative state."

Mrs. Hammad: "A coma?" she tears up, breath shuddering as Wesley sadly nods

Mr. Hammad: "But he can wake up, no? It's possible?"

Wesley: "I'm sorry, but with this type of injury it's more likely he stays like this or devolves to brain death."

Aamir: "That referee...he should've stopped the fight earlier. Cyrus was dominant."

Mr. Hammad: "The crowd...they cheered for blood. They wanted to see the Muslim boy get killed." he grits, a solemn silence taking over the room as a tear falls from Luke's eye making him quickly wipe it before turning to walk out the room


Ricky: "Aah!" he grits, groaning in pain as Luke releases pressure from the bruise on his thigh, blood squelching out

Luke: "Okay. Hard part's done. Stick tying it now."

Ricky: "The A-rab, Cyrus. You wheeled him out of here, but he never came back. What happened?"

Luke: "Turn for the worse."

Ricky: "He knew the risk when he stepped inside the cage. It's the cost of doing business." he shrugs, making a hard look come over Luke's face as he stands from his seat, making the stool ram into a wall

Luke: "Shower and change the dressing every day. It'll take at least two to three weeks to heal. Pack the wound. Get him out of here." he nods to a nurse, storming out the room


Standing at a counter in the lunch area, Charles opens a jar of cookies, glancing around the room before his eyes stop on where Wesley sits, a thoughtful look coming over his face before he moves towards her

Charles: "Dr. Green."

Wesley: "Dr. Charles."

Charles: "How's your day going?"

Wesley: "Pretty good" she hums, brows furrowing in confusion when she looks up to see a conflicted look on his face "How are you?"

Charles: "I'm good" he nods "Actually, I was hoping to chat with you about something."

Wesley: "What?"

Charles: "Well, it', how sensitive are you with your addiction?"

Wesley: "Guess you're about to find out" she hums, motioning to the seat across from her "What's up?"

Charles: "I'm doing an evaluation on a patient for a potential organ transplant."

Wesley: "And I'm assuming this patient has a history of drug abuse."

Charles: "That she does. Although, she's been sober for the past three years."

Wesley: "That's good. So, what's the problem?"

Charles: "I' some reservations. She's handling it all on her own. I mean, she doesn't go to meetings. Says they're too depressing."

Wesley: "Well, she's right about that."

Charles: "Don't you go to meetings?"

Wesley: "Yeah, but not because I like them" she scoffs, shaking her head "Part of Ms. Goodwin hiring a recovering addict, weekly meetings and routine surprise drug tests. My favorite is when they stop me in the elevator to hand me the cup." she smiles sarcastically

Charles: "Yeah, but, see even though you hate them, they still work for you. This patient...she doesn't have any sort of plan or strategy to avoid relapse."

Wesley: "Well, how on her own is she?"

Charles: "She's got a daughter who's involved. Although, I'm afraid she might be too involved. She is basically valuing her mother's life over her own. And as admirable as that may seem, it just doesn't tend to last."

Wesley: "Well, she is sick. Makes sense her daughter would want to help. I mean, you should see the way the Green siblings are when one of us is sick. We damn near pray that we get better just so we could be alone."

Charles: "Yeah, but there's more than one of you. None of you are stopping your own lives to take care of the other. Fine line between a healthy support system and an unhealthy dependence."

Wesley: "That's true. But, you have to remember what works for some might not work for others."

Charles: "I know it's just...if we give this patient the organ, we could be denying one to somebody who is just as deserving and might have a better chance of success."

Wesley: "Well, I wish I could give you an answer but unfortunately I wasn't born with the power to see into the future. Just...listen to your gut." she hums, tapping the table as she stands to her feet, Charles nodding in thanks as walks out


Wesley: "He all prepped?" she hums, entering the scrub room where Connor stands

Connor: "Yep. Think we should handle the heart problem first."

Wesley: "It's become emergent?"

Connor: "No. But preventing heart failure should be our chief concern."

Wesley: "It won't take me long. I'll be in and out." she shrugs, shaking out her hands as she begins moving towards the OR

Connor: "I still don't see why we can't just leave the bullet in."

Wesley: "Every jostle he makes could in turn shift the bullet."

Connor: "And you're sure you can remove it without causing more damage? I mean, you're worried about the bullet causing potential damage in the future but removing it could cause damage right now."

Wesley: "Have a little faith, Dr. Rhodes." she smiles, entering the room as Connor sighs, following after


Parker: "Hey, April's looking for you. Wants to know if she could discharge the asthmatic in treatment 2?"

Luke: "Uh, yeah" he nods, snapping out of his daze, Parker furrowing her brows as she turns to look into Cyrus' room "Prednisone and albuterol scrips are with the clerk."

Parker: "You okay?"

Luke: "They've been going for the last several hours, trading places."

Parker: "They believe prayer can bring him out. Kind of sweet." she shrugs, turning to walk off

Luke: "What are you doing over here?" he tenses up, rushing over to stop Ricky as he moves towards the room

Ricky: "I just, um...I'm not sure."

Luke: "You've been discharged. Go home."

Aamir: "You're showing your face around here?" he grits, storming out the room

Ricky: "Is he gonna wake up?"

Aamir: "Like you care. You did this to him. Murderer!"

Ricky: "It's not my fault. We b-we both wanted to win."

Luke: "Go home, Ricky." he sighs, holding Aamir back

Aamir: "God will punish you. You will burn in hell!"

Mr. Hammad: "Aamir! Enough" he declares, standing to his feet as he looks between the three men "Come. Pray with us." he hums, holding his out to Ricky who begins crying

Ricky: "I'm s...I'm sorry." he sobs, taking Mr. Hammad's hand as he leads Ricky into the room, Luke watching with a soft look on his face


Woman: "He's okay?"

Connor: "He's okay. I managed to repair the damage to his heart. The anesthesia should wear off in a couple of hours."

Woman: "And what about the bullet? It-it was lodged in his spine?"

Wesley: "I was able to extract it. Thankfully, it didn't do much damage to the spine or any other organs."

Woman: "What-what about paralysis."

Wesley: "Well..." moving to the end of the bed, she flips up the bottom of the blanket "He'll be out for a while. But in the meantime..." grabbing hold of a pen, she runs it across the bottom of the man's foot, watching as his twitches, making a smile come over her face "All nerve functions look good. We'll have to do the test again once he wakes up, but I'm confident he'll be walking out of here." she assures, watching as the woman break out into a relieved sob

Woman: "Oh, my God. Thank-thank you. Both of you."

Connor: "Of course." he nods, the pair turning to walk out the room

Wesley: "I told you so." she smirks, nudging Connor's side as he huffs, shaking his head

Connor: "Shut up. You got lucky."

Wesley: "There is no lucky with me, Dr. Rhodes."

Connor: "Uh huh" he hums, turning to face her with a smile "Pretty badass what you did."

Wesley: "It was." she nods, the pair exchanging a laugh

Connor: "Alright, well, I gotta check on a few patients. Wanna grab a bite after?"

Wesley: "Yeah, sure. Meet you out front?"

Connor: "Okay." he nods, turning to walk off as Wesley moves over to where Luke sits against a nurses desk with a soft look on his face

Wesley: "You just get good news or bad news?"

Luke: "Uh...I'm trying to look up the Qur'an verse you mentioned earlier."

Wesley: "Surah al shura 40" she nods "The recompense of an evil deed can only be an evil equal to it; but whoever pardons and makes reconciliation, their reward is due from God." she hums, a look crossing over Luke's face as he looks into Cyrus' room

Luke: "You know, an hour ago, those two hated each other, but then his father extends a hand" he hums, shrugging his shoulders with a sigh "Don't know if I could've done it."

Wesley: "Not many people can." she hums, patting his shoulder as she walks off, Luke turning to glance into the room once more


Wesley: "Hey" she hums, lightly knocking on Gabriel's door, smiling as he turns over in his bed to face her "You eat anything?"

Gabriel: "Uh, a little here and there."

Wesley: "Got some takeout on the counter. Help yourself."

Gabriel: "I'll grab some in a bit."

Wesley: "Skylar been back yet?"

Gabriel: "Uh, no. Got held up with work. Kind of glad she has something else to worry about besides me."

Wesley: "She worries because she cares."

Gabriel: "Yeah, I know. Just feel guilty. My girlfriend has basically turned into my nurse."

Wesley: "She's a cute nurse."

Gabriel: "Yeah, she is." he chuckles, nodding his head

Wesley: "Alright, well, I'm in my room if you need me."

Gabriel: "Tell Connor I said hi." he calls out, making Wesley shake her head with a chuckle as she moves into her room


Ike: "What now?" he sighs, looking up at Luke who comes over to where he's sitting in a waiting room "Can't kick me out of here too."

Luke: "I'm not here to do that" he shrugs, taking a seat beside him "I was thinking we got off to a rough start. Let me make it up to you." he hums
Luke: "Two beers. My tab." he nods, sitting at a bar besides Ike, the pair exchanging a nod

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