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7.8K 219 65

"hi, I'm D.VA, err...Y/N." - five boys get compensated by being sent to the transfer program in Korea, alongs... Mai multe

โœฆ *LEVEL 1 โ€ข. : ON THE WAY.
โœฆ *LEVEL 2 โ€ข. : DORM-MATES.
โœฆ *LEVEL 5 โ€ข. : THE STARS.
โœฆ *LEVEL 6 โ€ข. : TUTORING.
โœฆ *LEVEL 7 โ€ข. : FRIEND OR FOE?
โœฆ *LEVEL 8 โ€ข. : BINGSU DATE.
โœฆ *LEVEL 11 โ€ข. : JUST THE TWO OF US.
โœฆ *LEVEL 12 โ€ข. : AN ACCUSATION.

โœฆ *LEVEL 3 โ€ข. : SCHOOL TOUR.

627 17 3



Finney was the first one to wake up from his sleep, still very unaware of their new timezone, he had woken up from the small noise from the kitchen and the pitter patters of your feet on the floor. You seem to notice him sat up and trying to blink away his sleepiness.

You giggle, walking towards him and putting his long hair away from his face, "morning sleepyhead," you poke his forehead. "You should get ready, we're going to the school soon, and we don't want to be late." He groaned slightly, pulling the blanket off of him, walking begrudgingly to the bathroom.

You fixed your uniform, fixing the blouser and playing with the ends of your sleeves. You sat down where Finney slept previously and shook the boy next to Finney, which was Robin. He let out a small whine, covering his body further with Finney's blanket. "uhh..I think you're Robin, right?.. err, you really should get up." You shook robin even more who, clicked his tongue and sat up quick. He looked at you with an sleepy expression before pulling himself out of bed.

'Okay, two down, three to go.' You thought, you walked over to the other couch where the other three boys managed to squeeze themselves into. You woke up Bruce first, his hair was a mess and you laugh. He groans as he's pulled out of sleep by you. "Okay, okay..I'm up." He sighs, rubbing his face with his hands before waking up the other two guys for you.

"Wake up idiots.." Bruce used his foot to push Vance off the couch, a big thud was heard before a loud yell. "Bruce, that fucking hurt, you dipshit!" Vance stood up rubbing his lower back. "Do you not know how to wake people up properly?" Vance balled up Bruce's shirt as the black haired boy had a goofy smile on his face as he was shook by Vance.

That was enough commotion for Billy to get out of bed and get ready as well. You didn't bother to stay behind and watch as Bruce and Vance bicker as they get ready, so you took this opportunity to explore the house a bit.

You look at the bedrooms, all cozy and has their own TVs, the kitchen was small enough to feel big but not grand. You looked at the study room, in awe of how well made it is, 'I'm definitely going to be hanging out here often.' You thought as the gaming set up in the room caught your eye. It seemed new and built with your own favourite colours. It seemed made for you.

Ms. Won smiles as you run your hand across the new keyboard. "We got that for you, your mother said you loved gaming, and we try to accommodate as much as we can." You jumped from her voice before smiling. You give her a thankful nod before following her out the room, by the time you saw the boys again, they were put into the school uniform and some of them seemed uncomfortable from the uniform.

Vance leaned against the couch, his blouse slung over his back, refusing to wear, not only the vest, but the blouse. Robin thought the blouse was overkill, opting for the vest and unbuttoning a few buttons of his dress shirt, Bruce and Billy wore theirs the right way, while Finney was in the process of wearing his blouse.

"Vance, Robin, you know you're supposed to wear the whole thing?" Ms. Won gave them a questioning glance. "I'm not wearing the whole damn thing, it's hot out here." Vance pulled at the tie around his neck, untying it and letting it rest unmade.

"I'm sure it's fine Miss! The school did say, as long as it's the uniform, you can wear it however you'd like!" Your words must've convinced Ms. Won bc she lets out a sigh of defeat before shooing you guys to the car.

"Alright, I'll be driving you today, but you're on the bus by tomorrow for your school day." Ms. Won checks the rear view mirror, seeing if everyone's buckled up and ready to go. You look in the car side mirror, seeing Robin without his bandanna. "Robin, where's your bandanna?" You ask, he glanced at you before raising his hand.

The bandanna was tied tightly to his wrist, it looked more like a bracelet than a bandana around his hand, he let it drop before continuing to stare outside the car window. You decided to stay quiet as well, all of them seemed still sleepy and you wondered how these guys get through their school days every day.

Your shoes clacked against the tiles of the school floor, following Ms. Won to the headmaster's office. You realized that Korean schools and Filipino schools are somewhat similar, they all have doors in the back or front of the class, they have windows that are covered by curtains when privacy is needed, the lunch room felt the same as well, but instead of small stalls owned by street vendors, it's an actual lunch system. You peeked in one of the classrooms, seeing students studying silently and efficiently.

You wished you could study well like that. You, the boys and Ms. Won arrived at the headmaster's office where she's sat in her chair happy to see that your group had arrived. "Welcome! I'm glad you all made it safely." The headmaster greeted Ms. Won with a firm hand shake and gave your group a greeting as well.

"My name is Mrs. Choi, I'm usually called headmaster." She ushers you to follow her, walking down the quiet halls, some student passed by, they would glance at you and wave, you waved back, being polite.

"When I heard that we'd be hosting transferees I couldn't wait, I've already prepared a class for you." You all stop at a certain classroom, watching as Mrs. Choi opened the door and greeted the teacher in there politely. "I'm going to assume, you don't know Korean?" The headmaster turns to face you and the boys, the boys nodded while you shook your head.

"I know a little bit, enough to communicate for a vacation stay." You smiled, Mrs. Choi gasped in joy. "Well if that's so, would you like to be put in a seperate classroom? I think you'd learn a lot yourself being put in a general classroom," opening the door to the next door class, who seemed focus on their study of sciences.

"Of course, I won't move all of you, you'll be learning the same things as the rest of the kids, the only modification, Korean speaking class and an English-speaking teacher." Mrs. Choi told the boys. Bruce seemed excited to learn, Billy was busy spacing out with Finney who jumped and nodded to make it seem like he was listening.

Vance looked off to the side, glancing at some classrooms with a blank expression. Robin looked at you before speaking, "Miss, would Y/N be put in our class sometimes?" You looked at robin surprised. You don't know each other that well and he wants you in his class? Or maybe you're overthinking..

"Uh, sure! There's independent study every day, during the last periods of school and after the first 2 periods of school. You are free to sit in and relax or pitch into whatever the boys are learning, Ms. L/N." Mrs. Choi smiled at you as you thanked her.

"I'll leave you be to roam the premises, please don't go off campus unless supervised or during lunch. It was nice meeting you, kids." Mrs. Choi waved goodbye before returning to her office. You were left with the boys and Ms. Won who smiled at you guys. "Good job, first impressions are important and I think you did great."

"Before we head into your classes, you six are free to roam, you'll be able to find me in the teacher's lounge, it's on the second floor." Ms. Won walked away as well. You were now alone with the boys who seemed like they had no idea what to do.

"Let's explore?" You question, their heads turning to you. Vance stared before clicking his tongue, walking away. Finney and Robin walked up to you, Robin had stuffed his hands into his pockets. "I think, I better stay with Vance before he messes anything up." Bruce points his thumb to the far figure of the blonde, Billy nodded as well, picking to go with Bruce.

"Oh, well, meet back here in an hour?" You tilt your head, making Bruce feel giddy from his stomach. Billy thought you were cute, tilting your head like a rabbit. "uh, ye-yeah, yeah in an hour." Bruce awkwardly did his finge guns before turning around and running after Vance, Billy trailing behind.

"I guess it's just you guys and me." You turn around seeing them with their gazes already on you. They jump and look away, seeming to think the ceiling and the fire extinguisher was super interesting.

You were a little dense, you couldn't lie. You decided to grab their hands, making them hitch their breaths. "C'mon! I want to see the lunch room!" They got dragged along to the lunch room, where there was two ladies already starting to serve those who had their independent studies.

"녕하십니까 (Good Day/Hello)." You bow politely, forcing Finney and Robin to bow from their back as well, to the lunch ladies, who greeted you back.

Finney and Robin watched you as you conversed with the ladies in Korean, laughing and seeming to have a good conversation. You turn unexpectedly to them, "the lunch ladies are currently serving breakfast, we didn't have time back at the dorms." Finney looked at Robin who, nudged his head, telling him to make a decision for the both of them.

"Uh, yeah, yeah I could, sorry we could, eat." Finney didn't know why he seemed so nervous. The last time he could be this nervous was when he had a crush on Donna in middle school. You laughed, nodding to the lunch ladies before grabbing each of them a tray, a spoon and chopsticks.

But before you hand it over, Robin stopped you. "Let's just...put that back." Pushing your hand back to the chopstick container. Finney and you looked at each other before you both snickered. "You don't know how to use chopsticks?" Robin glared at you for even asking.

"No...I've never even encountered chopsticks my whole life." Robin grabbed his tray out of your hands before placing it down. Finney went from snickering to letting out loud cackles.

"You've never had Chinese take-out, or anything of the sort?" you laughed at Robin who pushed Finney by the shoulder out of embarrassment.

"No! Let's just eat, okay?" Robin grumbled, getting served by the lunch lady who smiled at him.

You all got served, you bounced on your heels out of excitement for food. You all sat down and you squealed, shaking your hands. "You must really like food." Finney laughed, watching you put the first bite in your mouth.


"We missed out, definitely." Robin sighed and leaned back against his seat, rubbing his stomach. "I never knew Korean food was so good..." Finney shook his head as he put his last spoonful in his mouth.

"Just wait till Ms. Won let's us go out, the street food here is awesome." You sighed happily, drinking the last of your milk.

"There you guys are! It's been an hour and we didn't see you guys over at the classroom!" Bruce walks up to you, Vance was locked under his arm so he wouldn't get away. "Get off of me, you ass!" He grumbled.

"You can forget about trying to get out of Bruce's grip," Billy walks towards them, standing beside Vance as he struggled. "The guy plays baseball, that's his pitching hand you're under." Vance sighed and stopped struggling.

"You play baseball?" You asked, looking up to see Bruce glancing at you downwards. "Yeah, since I was a toddler." He grinned at you, finally letting go of Vance who stumbled into the seat beside you.

"Yeah, you should see him pitch," Finney points to the boy, "everyone says his pitches, when caught, sound like champagne bottles being opened." Robin hummed, agreeing.

"You should try out for the baseball team then, if what they say is true." You replied, stacking both Robin's and Finney's trays on yours and placing the utensils nicely.

"Plus, I want to hear that pitch everyone's praising suddenly." You winked at him jokingly, Bruce rubbed the back of his neck shyly, Vance and Billy stared at each other seeing their friend look giddy. "Blegh.." Vance put his tongue out, with a finger pointing to his mouth to signal he was disgusted.

Billy pushed against Vance who stumbled once again. "Stop pushing into me, you ass." Vance pushed the blonde on his head. "Okay, okay, enough goofing off, let's get to class." You had placed the trays in the dirty section before leaving. The boys trailing you like little ducklings.


school uniform visuals:
(masc and fem)

Continuฤƒ lectura

O sฤƒ-ศ›i placฤƒ ศ™i

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