The Kakushi from the future

Von DekuExplosion0

91 8 1

Being sent to the world of Demon Slayers should have been a dream come true. I mean it is the dream of most o... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Chapter 3

24 2 0
Von DekuExplosion0

As I approached the area after dropping Rui off at my home, I instantly began to hear the sounds of the others talking.

"There's no need for a trial here! Protecting demons is clearly a violation of conduct! We can deal with it by ourselves! We'll decapitate every demon!" Rengoku's voice ranged out, making me even more glad over the fact I left Rui at home.

Slowly walking closer I continued to listen in case something changed.

"Then let me cut her head off flamboyantly. I'll show I can spray blood more flamboyantly than anyone else. It'll be a flamboyant flamboyance." Uzui commented while sparkles appeared all around him.

'I always thought that was a weird way to say you wanted to cut someone's head off,' I thought as I stopped moving once, I was by one of the trees in the back and quietly waited for the master to show up.

As I waited, I began to place my veil over my mouth. I had a habit of taking it off, all the time.

"Ahh... What a shobby child she is. How sorrowful. It's so sorrowful that she was born into this world," Himajima said as tears ran down his face as he added, "Let's kill her."

"Uh-huh!" Rengoku agreed with his signature smile, which was kind of unnerving at the moment.

"Yeah. Flamboyantly." Uzui agreed also with his usual sparkles.

Of course, as this all was going on Tanjiro like in the anime/manga wasn't taking this so well, which who could blame him? If it was my family up there being judge in a unfair way I would lose it too.

"More importantly. What're we gonna do about Tomioka?" Iguro asked while pointing towards the ever-awkward Tomioka, who was standing by himself.

"I have a headache seeing him not bound there. According to Kochou, Tomioka violated demon hunter conduct as well. How will we deal with him? Make him take responsibility? How are we going to make him suffer?"

'Man, that sounds could hearted dude,' I thought while being happy the aggressive male didn't bring up Rui.

As Shinobu answered him I couldn't help but get the feeling that someone was watching me. Looking around I was surprised when I made eye contact with the ever-smiling flame hashira Rengoku.

Not seeing any harm, I gave him a small wave since he wouldn't have been able to see my smile since my veil from my kakushi uniform was covering my mouth.

Now to say what happened next nearly gave me a heart attack is an understatement. Since instead of just waving back or giving me a nod like I thought he would, he actually started to walk towards me.

'Crap! What do I do? What do I do?' I questioned myself as he came closer and closer to me until he was standing right in front of me.

"Greetings, Che! It's a fine morning wouldn't you agree?" He asked with his usual loud voice that was kind of enduring.

"Hello mister Rengoku, and I wouldn't call this a fine morning," I replied while gesturing towards a pleading Tanjiro who was still trying to plead his case.

"Trye! It's not every day you end up having to execute a fellow demon slayer. Although, I am curious how it will all play out," Rengoku said while crossing his arms across his chest.

"Oh well, spoilers but master is going to ask that you accept him and his sister," I answered, not really bothering to withhold the information since it wouldn't affect the story... Not that I cared.

"I see. Well, I will have to decline his offer. I respect him with all my heart, but a demon can never be trusted!" Rengoku replied causing me to chuckle awkwardly.

"Um, well I also may have adopted a demon," I said causing Rengoku to pause from asking his next question.

"I don't follow," he admitted with a cute head tilt.

"Well remember how about a week after I arrived, I said that some demons will be converted to join us in our fight against Muzan. And how Oyakata-sama agreed it would be good for the cause." I reminded which caused him to nod.

"Well one of those demons is a 13-year-old boy by the name of Rui. He was one of the demons on the mountain we raided. He is also a member of the 12 kizuki."

"I see," Rengoku said before staring at me for a minute with a thinking face which caused me to get a little nervous.

"I will accept the boy, but I can't fully accept the girl," he finally answered causing me to release a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Thank you," I said while not really being too worried about his feelings towards Nezuko since I know that by the end of the Mugen Train arc his opinion on Nezuko will change.

"Anything for you!" Rengoko replied while giving me a bright smile which caused my heart to race.

The two of us continued to talk with even Uzui joining in after he noticed Rengoku's absence. Heck, we even talked when Shinazugawa showed up with Nezuko's box. We only really stopped talking when Tanjiro managed to land a sweet [it was anything but] headbutt on Shinazugawa and I'm not going to lie, it was even funnier in person.

"Man, that sounded like it hurted," I commented as Kanroji giggled at what happened.

"I'm so sorry," she said as the others looked at her with blank faces which was also even funnier in person

"If you can't tell the good demons from the bad ones, then you should quit being a pillar!!" Tanjiro yelled while crouching in front of Nezuko's box.

"Damn you... I'll rip you to shreds!!" Shinazugawa shouted before charging towards Tanjiro who prepared himself for the upcoming attack.

"Oyakata-sama is visiting!" One of the master's children called out causing everyone to pause what they were doing and bow to him. Well except Tanjiro.

Yet, to save him from having his face slammed into the ground I quickly moved to gently lower his head before Shinazugawa could cause him any harm.

"So, you have come. My cute swordsmen," master said before continuing.

"Good morning, everybody. We have some really nice weather today. Is the sky blue? Our members have gathered for the pillar meeting that we hold once every six months as per usual. I find this pleasurable."

Keping my hold on Tanjiro I could help the surprised look that flashed across my face.

'It's already been six months already?' I asked myself while not believing how fast time flies when you are busy almost every single day.

"We find it most honorable to be in your presence Oyakata-sama. We eagerly pray for much happiness upon you." Shinazugawa said in a more polite tone that caused Tanjiro to have a look of shock on his face.

"Thank you, Sanemi." The master thanked which caused Kanroji to pout a little.

'Can't really blame her since I wanted to greet the master, but I'm too nervous to even open my mouth.' I thought bitterly while being envious of Shinazugawa's confidence.

"Let me humbly say I would like to explain the scenario. So will you allow me?" Shinazugawa asked and received a nod from the master before continuing.

"There is a soldier present in the pillar meeting by the name of Kamado Tanjiro who has brought a demon."

"I see. I'm sorry he has surprised you all. I have given my approval for Tanjiro and Nezuko. So, I want everyone here to accept them." Master said causing everyone but me to look at him with shock.

"Aahh, even though Oyakata-sama wishes us to do so, I am reluctant to give consent..." Himajima said while tears continued to run down his cheeks.

'He's such a teddy bear,' I thought while smiling at the giant man.

"I also flamboyantly oppose this. I can never accept a demon hunter who brings demons along," Uzui said with his freaking sparkles all around him again....just how does he even do that.

"I will abide with all your accordance's Oyakata-sama," Kanroji said with hearts floating around her.

'Another one?' I shouted in my head in question as I looked from her floating hearts to Uzui's ever present sparkles.

"Either way's fine with me...I'll just forget right away..." Muichiro said with a bored expression on his young face that was a total mood while Shinobu and Tomioka remained silent.

"Don't trust them. Don't trust them. We all hate demons to begin with," Obanai said as his snake hissed in agreement.

"I respect you from deep within, but I can't understand your thinking. I completely oppose this!!" Rengoku said with his signature smile still on his face.

"We are demon hunters who annihilate all demons. I wish to punish both Kamado and Tomioka," Shinazugawa with rage written all over his face.

The rest I guess you have an idea what happens next. From Urokodaki and Tomioka saying they will commit suicide if Nezuko eats a human. To Shinazugawa trying to get Nezuko to show her demon side and failing, to even Tanjiro asking to headbutt Shinazugawa for stabbing Nezuko. It all happened like it did in the anime/manga.

"Miss Che," Master called after my fellow kakushi carried both Tanjiro and Nezuko away after Muichiro knocked him out with a pebble.

"Yes Oyakata-sama?" I asked wondering what he would need. To tell you the truth I was wondering why I was needed for this meeting to begin with.

"For another layer of assurance for my dear hashira can you tell us if young Nezuko will ever eat a human or is this information not available to you at the moment." Master Oyakata asked me causing the hashira to turn their attention towards me.

'I forgot I told them I could see into the future,' I thought before answering honestly.

"No, she will never eat a human. To be honest from what I seen mister Tanjiro will somehow succeed in turning Nezuko back into a human. Although I don't know how he will."

"I see. That is reassuring for me to hear in more ways than one," he said with an air of relief coming from him as he gave a soft smile before continuing.

"Now I have a few questions about Muzan Kibutsuji if you don't mind."

"No, Oyakata-sama. I will try to answer any questions you may have." I said while moving to sit crisscross applesauce style since I still don't get how they can sit on their knees for so long.

'I really need to do more leg workouts or something,' I thought before waiting to hear what master Oyakata-sama wanted to know.

"First, what is Muzan's goal?"

"He wants to obtain a blue spider lily so that he can be able to walk in the sunlight," I answered while hoping I don't screw anything up by telling them this information.

"I see and can you answer one final question?"

"Yes Oyakata-sama!"

"Do we win?" He asked causing me to pause before answering.

"We will. It will be hard but, in this lifetime, we will manage to defeat Muzan Kibutsuji. We will suffer a number of loses but I promise to change that out come," I answered with a determined look on my face causing master Oyakata - sama to chuckle.

I could tell my answer really made his day.

'I forgot how much he hated Muzan.' I thought.

"That is reassuring to hear. So much so that I beings a smile to my face. Thank you, Che, for delivering such wonderful news," Oyakata-sama said causing me to be filled with a warm feeling throughout my body.

'Wow, he's like an anti-depressant or something,' I thought with a faint blush on my face that was luckily impossible to see for a number of reasons.

"Wait so you too have information about Muzan?" Uzui asked while looking at me with a bewildered look on his face that matched those around them.

"Well yeah, I thought you knew," I answered since I have been wondering why for the past six months why no one asked me any questions about Muzan.

"Quick tell us! What kind of powers did Muzan have?" Uzui asked while leaning in.

"What does he look like?" Rengoku asked he too leaning in closer.

"What was he doing and where is his headquarters located?" Shinazugawa asked while leaning closer.

'Man do I feel crowded.'

"Um first of all his ability is called biokinesis. Basically, he can manipulate his body/flesh to anyway he wishes. It doesn't sound all to powerful but trust me it is. Of course, he has the same abilities as any other demon but imagine that times a thousand. Secondly for his appearance he looks like a very pale skinned guy with black hair and red eyes, but he has a number of disguises from a woman to even a little child. I believe when Tanjiro meet him, he was with his wife and child who are sadly doomed to be killed by him in the future." I said before taking a deep breath and continuing.

"As for his location well its in a number of places, but from what I've seen he has this place called the Infinity castle which is the lair of both him and the twelve kizuki. It is controlled by a demon named Nakime with some kind of instrument."

"I see." Oyakata-sama said as the other hashira looked on in amazement.

"If I may ask," Shinobu stared after snapping out her silence. "Just how powerful are his upper moons?"

"Very powerful. To the point I believe for now when you all go on certain missions where you will run into a member of the kizuki you all should do it in pairs or more." I answered honestly since in the manga the only person who really managed take on a member by himself without dying was Muichiro and then he was killed by the next one he encountered.

"These demons have eaten a number of humans and because of this they are extremely powerful. Heck, I am positive that some of them are consuming humans right now as we speak."

"So, it truly will be an uphill battle," Shinobu said with a smile, but her eyes told another story.

'I wonder if she is thinking about Doma,' I thought before turning my attention back towards Oyakata-sama once he lifted a finger to him mouth just as another hashira opened their mouth to ask me more questions.

"I see. Also I believe you now possess one of the 12 kizuki as well," Oyakata-sama stated which caused the hashira that didn't already know this to turn their attention back to me.

"Yes Oyakata-sama. He is one of the ones I mentioned about during our last meeting. His name is Rui and he is lower rank five," I answered which would have caused another round of questioning if Oyakata-sama didn't continue talking.

"Has he said anything about Muzan yet?" He asked.

"No Oyakata-sama. If I didn't know any better, I would say he forgot all about him. Rui sees me as his mother figure and has willingly came with me to enemy headquarters. He seems more focused on having a family then serving Muzan," I answered truthfully which caused Oyakata-sama to nod, pleased with my answer.

"Then I will leave him in you care," he said before I was dismissed since it was time for the hashiras to have their meeting.

Giving all those present a nod and Oyakata-sama a bow I left quickly as I headed home to Rui.


Hope you like the chapter.


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