LMK x Child Reader (NON-BINAR...

Von FlowerFall5

23.1K 289 213

(This a very old book and contains grammar errors, slight cringe and some other stuff normally found in a 12... Mehr

A Hero Is Born Part 1
Bad Weather
Coming Home
Noodles or Death
The Great Wall Race
Impossible Delivery
The Lotus Prince
Skeleton Key
The End Is Here!
Revenge Of The Spider Queen Part 1
Revenge Of The Spider Queen Part 2
Sleep Bug
Dumpling Destruction
Ping Pong Panic
Sweet'n Sour
Minor Scale
Game on
Shadow Play
To Catch A Leaf
72 Transformations
This Is The End!
On the Run
Y/N Art
Underverse story?
Christmas Special!
More Y/N Art
Happy Holidays!
Animation thing I did
First headcannon- Yandere LMK and child reader
Untitled Part 27
Redson last words trend thing-
Future Books + Poll
Lego Set
Y/N Season 3 redesign!
Season 3?
Random Doodle
New Book Announcement!
Ask Anything
Ask Anything Answers

A Hero Is Born Part 2

1K 15 10
Von FlowerFall5

Y/N had no clue what they just got themselves into. They was currently standing next to PIF. Once Redson had gone to chase MK, they were left with Princess Iron Fan and DBK which was extremely awkward. PIF had a small conversation with her, while DBK was just staring at them expressionless which really creeped Y/N out. When Redson came back, he set them next to his mother and told them to stay there. Y/N was just awkwardly standing there, fiddling with their fingers.

"That should do it." Redson said, lifting the welding helmet (I think that's what it's called?) off his face.

"It's...Heavy." DBK said he stood up off his throne.

"T-That's because it's not powered up yet." Redson stuttered. He turned around and continued. "The suit absorbs energy to create energy, and what better source then the magic staff that kept you underground."

"You mean the staff that you lost." DBK said. Redson stuttered.

"I- It was the noodle boy, I-" He stopped when PIF chuckled next to Y/N as she floated forward, leaving Y/N unsupervised.

"Oh, don't toy with him, my love. We will get it back. I have bull clones scouring the city. It's only a matter of time."

"A-and while we wait the furnace can find other things into energy." Redson finished as he threw the helmet into the furnace. DBK roars loudly, causing Y/N to cover their ears at the noise. "The more rare the item, the more powerful Father will become. And once we have that staff, he will be unstoppable!" Redson yelled. DBK then sat back down on his throne, scrolling through shops in the city.

"Now to find something rare and expensive. Something to give me the power I deserve." Y/N just stood there sweat dropping, while thinking of the chaos they could cause. PIF then looked at them.

"Any suggestions on where we should be looking?"

"Huh?" Y/N responded, confused.

"Is there any place with rare and expensive things that you know of?" DBK then paused, and looked at Y/N, Redson doing the same awaiting her response. They started sweating bullets at all the unwanted attention they were getting and took a couple of seconds to think of an answer before stuttering a response.

"U-Uh, well... There are jewelry stores with some expensive things. Thought, the only place I can think of hat would have really rare and expensive items is a museum." PIF hummed.

"And what makes you say that?"

"W-Well, museums normally contain some ancient artifacts that could also be potentially magical and powerful. Not as powerful as the staff thought." Y/N responded. PIF then looked at her husband.

"Well, we've got somewhere to start." DBK looked back at her.

"Well, I already had one place in mind. We'll go there to this 'museum' after" Redson said.

"Well, while you two boys are out, I'll give Y/N a tour of the palace." PIF said as she took Y/N's hand and dragged them around the place.


Y/N was on top of a roof of a building with Redson, reading a book from their bag, trying to forget about the awkward situation they were in. A bull clone then walked up behind him and bowed. They as watched Redson's expression become annoyed.

"What?! You let them get away?!" He yelled, furiously.

"Aww, so your plan didn't go according to plan, huh?" PIF said as she was in a wind tornado. "Oh, don't worry, my sweet, useless boy." She grabs Red Son's cheek. "Mother will get the staff. I'm not about to let anyone stop us. Not this time." She looked at Y/N, and smirked. "And you can come with me." She then pulled Y/N's arm and brought them closer. Before Redson could protest, they disappeared in a wind tornado.

"Welcome to the Flaming Mountains, gang! A volcanic ring surrounds the mountain making it virtually impassable. This path is the only safe way through. That's as close as the boat can get. Just... be careful." Sandy said as the rest walked off.

"Stupid Sandy. Stupid Tang. Staying cozy in his stupid boat. What did I do to deserve this, Noodle Gods!?" Pigsy yelled, his complaining was interrupted by a geyser of fire erupting from the ground. "Ahhh!" He yelled in surprise

"Careful, piggy! Eeeee! You gotta wonder why Monkey King decided to live here of all places." Mei said, she then suddenly gasps.

"You know when Monkey King had to get through the Flaming Mountains, he actually used Princess Iron Fan's fan to blow-" MK was cut off by Princess Iron Fan's laugh and looked up behind him.

"Well, well, well. Aren't you a little Monkey King fan boy." She said, as Y/N was sitting on one of her mini tornado's.

"Y/N!" MK screamed. Y/N waved to him, a nervous smile could be seen on their face. PIF then put her fan into the fire behind her and brought it up, making a fireball and shooting it at the three below her. They flew back, MK and Mei landing next to each other while Pigsy made sure they were okay. Y/N was petrified, but couldn't do anything to help their friends as they were too high up. PIF then laughed.

"I'll be taking that staff now." MK then stood up with Mei.

"This belongs to the Monkey King. There's no way I'm letting you take it." He spoke.

"Oh, you're just a little Noodle Boy playing at being a hero. Sorry to disappoint. Playtime is over." MK then launched himself at Princess Iron Fan, making Y/N tense.

"Kid, no!" Pigsy yelled. Princess Iron Fan then formed the gauntlet and caught the staff.

"What?" MK said shocked, PIF then grabbed the staff making MK fly away, yelling. Unfortunately, Y/N went flying after him. PIF scowled as she watched Y/N fly away, and she decided she would look for them later.

"No! MK! Y/N! Ah!" Mie yelled before getting thrown over Pigsy's shoulder.

"Mei! We gotta go!" He yelled before running back to Sandy's boat.

Y/N quickly caught up to MK, and grabbed his hand before hugging him out of fear. MK stopped screaming and was surprised by their actions, before pulling them closer and hugging them back, using his body as a shield for impact. They both then go unconscious.

Y/N was the first to wake up in MK's arms. They first saw monkeys were in front of them staring at them and MK. They pushed MK's arms aside as they got closer to the monkeys backing them back away. They stood still and looked at them with a soft gaze and smiled trying to show they meant no harm. One of the monkeys came closer, causing Y/N to slowly raise their arm and pet the monkey's head. The rest came closer and started getting more comfortable with Y/N. They then looked at their soundings, then realizing that this was some kind of forest. They then hear a groan and looked behind them to see a monkey poking MK with a stick. He starts to get attacked by a group of monkeys before getting up, throwing them off in the process and they then run away. "Hi MK" Y/N said standing up and alerting him of their presence and he turns around wide eyed. He then ran up and hugged them.

"Y/N, ImsosorryforleavingyouwithDBKandIthoughtPigsywasgoingtokillmeforlosingyouareyouhurt? areyouok?IMSOSORRY-"

"It's fine, MK" Y/N responded, cutting MK off.

"Are you sure? The Demon Bull King Family didn't do anything to hurt you right?"


They replied, popping the P at the end. MK was relieved, of course not because Pigsy would be furious if he lost them. He cared about them a lot. While they were captured, he was freaking out. He didn't want them to get hurt, and if they did, he would blame himself. Ever since they met, they were incredibly shy and kind, which made him want to protect them. "Also, where are we?" They added. MK then let go of them and looked around. He looks to see the Flaming Mountains in the distance. He then looks to see Flower Fruit Mountain in front of him.

"Woah! Flower Fruit Mountain." He awed.

"Flower Fruit what now?" Y/N muttered, barely audible before shrugging. They both climbed up the mountain. They soon come to a waterfall. MK walks up to the waterfall and puts his hand up to the water touching it before the water parts, unlocking the waterfall. They both stare in shock as behind the water reveals a cave. They both walk inside.

"Hello? Hello? Hello?" MK called out, getting no response. Y/N hesitantly walks close behind him, remembering the last time they went in a mysterious cave. MK looks up and sees a mural that has friends of the Monkey King. Mk than notices the Monkey King.

"Hey! That's the Monkey King" He pointed out before his vision turns gold. "What? Uhh! What's happening? What's uhhh! What's wrong with my eyes!?" He then sees the mural come alive. "Woah! That's Monkey King when he was born from a stone. And when he got his staff from the Dragon of the East. Woah! Ahh! Huh?" He looks over and sees Monkey King. Y/N is looking at him strangely while sweat dropping. "Monkey King? Hey! Wait up!" MK then starts to run causing Y/N to chase after him. "Monkey King!" MK yelled before trying to touch him. "It's really-" Monkie King suddenly vanishes into dust. "Monkey King?" He then angrily kicks a rock and sits down. Y/N catches up to him, panting before stopping next to him. "Ugh! What was I thinking? For a moment there I though. Hhhh! Mr. Tang was right. I really am delusional." They stares at him with a sad face, slightly panicking, before patting him on the head. He looks up at them with a sad face, and they looks back at him with a smile.

"I don't think you're delusional." They says, he smiles sadly at them, then sees a butterfly land on his arm.

"Sup?" MK screams as Y/N stares wide eyed. The butterfly flies off MK's arm and lands on the floor in front of the duo. "Yes yes! It is I, the Monkie Kin-" The butterfly then was squished by Mk's shoe.

"Is it dead?" he asked as he lifted his foot.

"Sorry Mr. Butterfly." Y/N said, feeling pity for the now probably dead butterfly. The butterfly then glowed gold then started changing into different animals before turning into its original form, Monkie King.

"M-M Monkey King?" MK stammered.

"Yep! The one and only." He smirked "So, where's my staff?" He and Y/N then sweat dropped seeing MK on the verge of tears. MK then kneeled on the floor.

"I'm so sorry! I tried to bring it to you but Princess Iron Fan came and took it. She's got this glove-" Monkey King laughed.

"I know, I know. Look, I'm gonna come clean. Um... I've been kinda watching both of you."

"What?" Both Y/N and MK say at the same time. MK's face then lit up with recognition, while Y/N still looked confused.

"Wait, what? That was you?"

Monkey King laughed. "The look on your face. You're perfect!" He said pointing his bamboo stick at MK.

"Perfect for what?" MK asked. Monkie King then stood up, crossing his arms.

"To be...my successor!" Y/N looked at him confused.

"Uhhh? Are you sure you're the Monkey King? You've been cooped up in here way to long. I think your brain went mushed up." MK said, climbing all over him. Monkey King then grabbed MK with his tail and sat him on the ground. He went to pile of junk behind him, looking for something.

"Listen, Kid. You fought demons and you didn't die. And you made it here. Not just anyone can lift my staff." He pulled out a bag of pink chips, opened it and started eating them. "But you did."

"But what about DBK?" MK asked.

"Phft! What about DBK? You can handle it." He grabbed another chip and threw it in his mouth. "Consider it a trial."

"But I-" MK sighed, looking down and Y/N pat his shoulder. Monkie King looked at MK's sad expression and sighed, pouting before getting up and walking in front of him.

"Look if you can lift the staff, you can use it. Just believe in yourself. Even a smidge makes all the difference." He reassured him. "The staff was taken from you. Take it back." He said smirking. MK looked up and smiled.

"Alright!" he said. He then looked at Y/N with a worried expression. They looked back at him confused as he pat her head. "I think it would be better if you kept your distance away from the battle." MK said. Y/N nodded and MK smiled at them.

"Y'know, they can stay there with me?" Monkie King intervened, still eating.

"No, it's fine, they can come." MK brushed off.

"Alright, but can they stay with me for a bit? I want to ask them something." Monkie King asked. MK nodded, a bit skeptical before walking out of the cave. Monkie King then looked at Y/N with an unreadable expression. "You know, I saw the whole deal with you and DBK's family. They didn't hurt you, did they?" He asked, concerned. Y/N shook their head in denial, which made him sigh. "Good, I would've gone down there to save you with my awesome powers, but I had to make sure your friend was on the right track." He responded before kneeling in front of them. "Can't have a little cutie like you get hurt, so try to stay out of trouble. Alright, sweet peach?" He said while ruffling their hair. They blushed a bit from the nicknames and nodded. "Good, now as much as I would love for you to stay here with me, the kid's waiting for you." He noted. Y/N bid him farewell while he waved as they ran to catch up with MK. They see him aweing next to a small jet. He then notices them.

"Hey Y/N, look what I found. Cmon get in!" He said hopping in the front seat. Y/N got into the back seat and watched MK's expression turned into confusion as he looked at all the buttons. "Ummm? Can't be too hard to fly. It's for ages 8 and up!" He says referring to a note with 8+. He then pressed a button, which sent them zooming through the air. "Wooohooo! Hahahah!" He screamed while Y/N squeaked loudly from being thrown back.


Both Y/N and MK flew over Mei and crashed into Redson before crawling out of the vehicle.

"Kids!" Pigsy yelled. Mei then ran over to the two of them calling out their names before hugging them tightly.

"MK! Y/N! Oh my goodness! We saw you guys' blast into the fire. I thought you were all like "phew, ahhh" but you're not. Tang poked a bruised up Redson with a stick, and Y/N went up to him.

"Sorry." They muttered before turning their attention back the others.

"Where'd you get a jet? Way to trash it already. Wait! Monkey King did you find him?"

"Yeah, I did!" MK responded.

"So, where is he?" Pigsy asked.

"He said it up to me, to us."

"That's anticlimactic." Mei deadpanned. They all look up at the Demon Bull King.

"And how are we meant to fight that?" Tang asked, as Y/N shrugged next to him.

"We believe in ourselves. You clean the streets. I'll stop the Demon Bull King. Somehow." MK said. Mei then went next to the jet, looking at it.

"Yeah, this jet probably would have been really useful." She then kicked it revealing a motorcycle. Mk gasped.

"That'll work!"

"Go get'em buddy!"

Mei encouraged while Y/N nodded. MK then sped off, leaving the rest of them on their own. Y/N looked around for anything that could be used as a weapon and saw a part of a pipe on the ground near her. They grabbed it and began to go swing it at any bull clones nearby. They then looked up to see MK falling into the furnace, causing wave of wind to blow around DBK. Sandy then grabbed everyone to protect them from it. Y/N could hear DBK laughing before stopping. They looked up to see MK in the air dogging all DBK's attacks before making a giant mech. They stared in amazement. They then sees Redson emerging from the crater.

"You think this is over? It isn't over, bozo. Why don't you just get out of that dorky mech and fight me, you coward!" He yelled, but then he rolled back into the hole in the ground, making Y/N wince. MK tries to pick him up but is stopped by a big wind tornado. PIF's silhouette is seen from outside of the wind tornado. Y/N walks closer to the crater as PIF starts speaking.

"We know when we've been bested. But this won't be the last you see of us, Noodle Boy. Ta-ta, young one. For now." She laughed and disappeared with her family.

"What? No! No fair! Come on, you can't just run away when I'm right about to win." MK exclaimed, agitated. Mei shouted at him from below him.

"MK! You totally kick DBK's butt. Without us, the city'd be toast!" MK laughed awkwardly as he climbed out of the mech.

"Yeah. But you know, I couldn't have done it on my own." Sandy hugged MK and Mei.

"You did, little man."

"Your basically the new Monkey King now." Mei said.

Tang laughed. "Haha! Monkie Kid, didn't you say?"

Pigsy chuckled "You did good, kid. You did real good."

"Great job, MK" Y/N congratulated.

"But, er... what now?" Sandy asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Mei replied.

"Yeah! Bust up more bad guys!" MK yelled.

"Or we could go eat some noodles?" Tang suggested.

"Yeah! Noodles, noodles, noodles!" MK and Mei chanted as they all walked to the noodle shop. Y/N then paused and looked back at the mech, seeing Monkie King sitting on the shoulder of the mech. He noticed their staring before winking at them as he transformed into a bird and flew away. Y/N watched as he flew away before they heard MK call their name. They turned around and ran to catch up with the rest of the group. A small smile formed on their face as they caught up with the rest. 'What a day.' They thought.


The rest were at Pigsy's noodle shop, exhausted after today's events.

"Hey Y/N!" MK called out making the child look at him curiously, their head slightly tilted. MK chuckled at their cuteness before asking them a question. "Me and Mei are going to the arcade tomorrow, wanna come?" The child shook their head in denial, much to MK and Mei's disappointment.

"I'm visiting the weather station with my cousin tomorrow. I won't be able to go, maybe next time." They spoke.

"Aww, we wanted to celebrate our victory with a game of monkey mech, but tell me about the weather station tomorrow, okay?" Mei said.

"Okay, I will. I got to home now, bye guys." They said earning a goodbye from everyone as they walked out the door.

They sighed putting on their headphones and walking home. They soon got to the front door, opening it with some spare keys from their bag, before going inside. They went to their bedroom, placing their bag down and changing into comfortable pajamas. Turning off the lights and turning on the fan, they got into bed staring at the ceiling. A small smile soon forming on their lips, content that they finally got some excitement in their boring life for once. Exhaustion soon came and caused them to fall asleep.

As they were sleeping peacefully, they were not aware of the shadow watching them from their window. A smirk placed on its face before disappearing into the dark sky.

[To be continued]

Words- 3,322


I think it's pretty obvious on who the shadow person is at the end.

Took me all day again, but I hope you like it.

Sorry if it's not as good as the first one.


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