Lizzie Olsen one shots

De marvel847

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One shots of Lizzie and her characters. Feel free to leave any suggestions. I'll be doing mainly male reader... Mai multe

I missed you | Elle Brody
Overprotective | lizzie olsen
Looks can be deceiving | Leigh shaw, Jane banner and Elle brody
It's christmas time | Elizabeth Olsen
Y/L/N-OLSEN enterprise pt2 | Elizabeth Olsen
Blind date | wanda maximoff
Undercover | Jane Banner
Best birthday | Elizabeth Olsen
Sexual frustration | Zooey Kern
Blind Date pt2 | Wanda Maximoff
Blind Date pt3 | Wanda Maximoff
Neighbours | Wanda Maximoff
Samcro | Lizzie Olsen
Mornings Like This | Lizzie Olsen
Not so drunk | Lizzie Olsen

Y/L/N-OLSEN enterprise | Elizabeth Olsen

2.9K 43 9
De marvel847

Pov: y/n and lizzies father's are very successful business owners and want to merge their companies. To make this possible an arranged marriage must be completed between y/n and Lizzie but what the fathers don't know is that y/n and Lizzie hate each other due to a rivalry between Robbie (Lizzie's boyfriend) and y/n.
!smut warning

Y/n pov
I have just walked into my fathers business building which is called "y/l/n enterprise". He said I was needed for an emergency meeting which doesn't make sense because I don't work for him seems as I'm a musician. I walk up to one of his assistants that are at the front desk to try and get some more information about this meeting.
"Morning mr y/l/n, I hope you are well. Your father is waiting in meeting room 5 for you. His guests will be here shortly." She says with a smile and I look at her confused.
"Who are his guests?" I ask.
"Mr David Olsen and his daughter Elizabeth" she says. I then walk away from the desk trying to compose myself. Why the hell is she coming? She's an actress so why would she be involved in her fathers business. This is so confusing and it also isn't going to help the fact we hate each other. Me and her boyfriend Robbie have an ongoing rivalry with each other in the music industry and it's very toxic. After calming my thoughts I head to my father so I don't keep him waiting. When I enter the room I see him sat in on of the chairs with a cigar in his mouth.
"Y/n my boy! Thank you for coming" he says pointing to the chair next to him.
"Not a problem but are you gonna tell what it's about now" I ask as I sit down. He offers me a cigar but I shake my head no.
"Well I'm not sure how your gonna react so let's just wait for our guests to arrive. All you need to know is that this is really important for the business" he says taking a drag of his cigar. I don't like where this is going. It's going to be virtually impossible to stay civil with Lizzie but I'm going to have to try seems as this is a professional meeting and I'll get scolded by my father if I don't. I just nod in response to his words before pouring myself a glass of bourbon. As I take my first sip David and Lizzie walk through the door. My father stands up and I mirror his actions. They walk around so they are opposite us on the table. Lizzie facing me and our dads facing each other. I see my father shaking Mr Olsen's hand so I offer Lizzie a handshake which she hesitantly accepts before I Shake Mr Olsen's hand. We then all sit down.
"First of all I want to thank you all for coming" my father starts.
"Now me and David here have agreed to keep this meeting short and sweet. So do you want to start?" he continues as he lays his hand towards David who nods before speaking.
"So as you know both the Olsen and y/l/n enterprises are skyrocketing in business at the moment and we want to ensure we can keep this progress for as long as possible. To do this we're going to be merging the companies." I can't help but feel happy for my dad knowing his business will be growing day by day. But I don't understand what this has to do with me and Lizzie.
"Wow that's amazing in all honesty but what has this got to do with me and your daughter sir" I ask and David just nods at my dad to answer. He clears his throat before answering.
"So son as you know when I retire you will become ceo of the business and when David retires Miss Elizabeth will become ceo after cancelling her acting contract." He starts and I nod in acknowledgement as he he continues. "But in order to merge the business there must be some sort of relation between the families and that's where you, my boy and miss Olsen come into this." I see Lizzie tense up at my fathers words and I can't blame her because I'm doing the same not liking the words coming out of his mouth.
"You mr y/n will be marrying my daughter to bring the businesses together and you both with have children to carry on the families legacy and business. When the marriage is completed the companies will be joined as one and known as the y/l/n-Olsen enterprise." David finishes and I see Lizzie has froze in shock so I decide to speak for us.
"But you don't have our permission to do so this isn't fair" I argue and receive two death stares in response from the other two men at the table.
"Life isn't fair son. This will be good for you and good for the family. You don't want to disappoint the family do you know" my father says trying to manipulate me but before I can answer Lizzie speaks up.
"What about Robbie dad! I love him" she exclaims to her father and I internally gag at the mention of his name.
"He doesn't offer anything to the family sweetheart and he's clearly not successful with his music career unlike y/n here." David says making me smile at the fact he thinks I'm more successful in the music industry. "This is ridiculous" she scoffs and I nod in agreement.
"Look honey would you rather be sat in a small bar full of tramps watching Robbie perform or would you rather be making millions of dollars along side y/n." He says and she doesn't respond but instead stares at the table.
"Who will be ceo of the joint company?" I ask.
"Me and David with be joined CEO's until we both agree to retire, which should be within the next few years. Then the business will go to you both and you can decide whether if you want one ceo or joined CEO's like me and David ourselves." I just nod agreeing with the idea of the marriage. The only bit I'm unhappy about is that it's Lizzie I need to marry and we don't get along.
"I'm happy to do the marriage as long as I get some revenue upfront to help with my music career until I take over the business." I offer making the two men nod with a smile.
"We can do that for you son. 5 million sound good ?" My dad says topping up my drink. I nod in thanks.
"Yeah, that's good for me" I say offering my dad and Mr Olsen a handshake to confirm my side of the deal. They both accept my handshake before turning to Lizzie.
"I'll do it as long as Robbie can stay in the picture. And I also don't want to carry his child so can't Robbie and I conceive then the child can be heir to the business." She offers making me scoff in disagreement as my dad and David shake their head in disagreement.
"The kid has to be pure y/l/n and Olsen blood. I don't want some random child taking over the family business." David says making me hide my smile that wants to escape.
"Fine. Robbie stays in the picture though." She renegotiates.
"That can work but you must keep the relationship private with Robbie and the marriage public so it doesn't look fake." My dad says and she nods in agreement. He then offers her a handshake to confirm the agreements. She looks at his hand for a second before shaking it.
"Perfect. Thank you all for your cooperation. Elizabeth and y/n you stay here and get to know each other and when you are finished, y/n could you please drop her home?" David asks and I nod in agreement. My dad and David then walk out of the room with smiles on their faces. I turn back to Lizzie and see she staring into my soul.
"What?" I say getting annoyed at the way she's staring at me like I'm an alien.
"Just shut up y/n. I can't believe this is happening" she says as she leans her head on the table.
"Believe it or not, I don't wanna marry you either" I say taking a sip of my bourbon.
"Well then why did you agree so easily!" She shouts flaring her arms about.
"Stop fucking shouting. And I only agreed so I didn't get cut out of the family business." I say with no expression.
"What am I gonna tell Robbie. He's gonna hate me." She mumbles running her hands through her hair.
"Not my problem. Come on, I'm driving you home before this ends up in chaos." I say standing up and walking out of the room. She follows suit and we both get in my car. She tells me the address and we drive in an awkward silence. When we pull up at her house she gets out the car without saying another word. As soon as she's gone I get a phone call from my mother so I answer it and put the phone to my ear. "Hey ma you ok ?" I say.
"I just heard about the merge and I'm sorry if it's not what you want sweetie but you know what your dads like, he won't stop until he gets what he wants."
"It's ok ma I understand and it's what's best for the business." I sincerely say not wanting her to worry.
"Okay honey. I'll hopefully see you soon. I love you son"
"Love you ma"
As soon as I end the call I hear muffled shouting so I look at Lizzie's house and see her pushing Robbie and some other chick outside. Oh damn Robbie must of been caught sleeping around. I instantly get out of the car getting ready to beat the shit out of him. Me and Lizzie may not get along but nobody deserves to be cheated on.
"Don't ever let me see you again you cheating bastard and you, you stupid bitch are nothing but a whore." Lizzie shouts pointing between the two with tears running down her face. She then sees me and I can't help my anger rise as I see her getting more upset. Robbie also then spots me standing at the edge of the driveway.
"What are you doing here loser" he says walking over to me.
"More like what are you doing out here half naked with some random bitch" I say as we square off.
"I was having the time of my life fucking "that bitch" until Lizzie had to come and interrupt." He says pushing me back. I don't even respond but jump forward and punch him in the face. He then tries to punch me back but I grab his arm and twist it until he groans in pain before punching him in the face until I feel myself being dragged away.
"That's enough y/n, he's learned his lesson." Lizzie softly says pulling me away from him before turning to Robbie who's on the floor holding his nose with his fuck buddy nowhere to be seen. "I don't want to ever see you again. Do you understand?" She says before kicking him in the baby maker making me laugh. He just groans in pain.
"Now get off my property" she seethes making him slowly get up holding his manhood as he hops away. I then turn back to Lizzie and see she's rubbing her tear stained cheeks.
"I'm sorry Elizabeth" I say and she just looks at me not being able to hold back the tears. She then collapses in my arms and I just hold her to bring her as much comfort as I can.
"I just don't get it. What did I do wrong."she says through the tears looking up at me.
"I can assure you did nothing wrong. He's just a dick and it's his loss I can promise you that" I say rubbing her cheek. She leans into my touch closing her eyes taking in my warmth.
"Thank you y/n, maybe your not so bad after all." She saying giggling and i just smile at her.
"Yeah. Look I better get going but I should see you soon. My dad texted me saying our engagement party is on Friday and your father is bringing you an engagement ring sometime this week." I inform her as I slowly back away. She nods before replying. "I'll see you y/n" she says before walking into her house. This probably sounds selfish but I'm so relieved that Robbie is out of the picture because I can't stand that guy. Now me and Lizzie can hopefully focus on making this future marriage work for the sake of our family businesses which will soon be one business.

"You look good son" my dad says as he fiddles with my tie on my navy suit I'm wearing for the engagement party.
"Thanks dad" I say before admiring my outfit in the mirror again. My mind then wonders to Lizzie. I wonder how's shes feeling about the marriage now Robbie is out of the picture.

Y/n's suit but without the broach

I am then broken out of my thoughts by David walking in with Lizzie's arm wrapped around his. They greet my dad before walking over to me.
"It's good to see you again kid" David says giving me a handshake before placing lizzies hand in mine and walking over to my dad leaving me to greet my future wife.
"You look beautiful Elizabeth." I say kissing the top of her hand making her blush.
"Thank you y/n. You look handsome shall I say" she compliments running her hands across my blazer smoothing it out.

Lizzie's outfit

"My father stopped by earlier this week with the ring and I must say it's very pretty" she says offering me her hand which I lay in mine to have a look at the band sitting on her left ring finger.
"Well of course it's going to be pretty if I picked it out" I say making her smile.
"I have a good feeling about this merge now Robbie is out of the picture and I'm willing to put it all into making this work for the sake of our happiness and for the business." She says looking into my eyes as she places her hand on my chest over my heart.
"Me too. I think this is gonna be great if we both commit to it as Mr and Mrs y/l/n" I say holding my hand on top of hers that's still resting on my chest. She nods at me agreeing with my words.
"Right y/n and Lizzie. Let's get this show on the road." David happily says before my father speaks up.
"So as soon as you hear me announce your names, walk out looking all cute and in love. Then go on the stage do your speeches then we can party like there's no tomorrow!" My dad excitedly says making us laugh before me and Lizzie nod. Our fathers then leave the room and we wait for our names to be announced.
"Now I happily present my son, y/n, and his beautiful wife to be, Elizabeth" we hear my father conclude his speech making people cheer. I then give Lizzie a nod of encouragement and she wraps he arm around mine that I was holding out for her before we start to walk to the stage. Once we are in eye site everyone's gazes turn to us as we walk with smiles on our faces due to the cheers and wolf whistles we receive. I hold Lizzie's hand as she walks up the steps so she doesn't fall and we then walk in front of the microphone. I keep an arm wrapped around Lizzie's waist as she places a hand on my chest as I begin to say my practiced speech.
"Elizabeth and I are delighted, thrilled and honored to share our intentions for the rest of our days with you. Standing together in front of all the very special people in our lives to announce our engagement makes our private dreams public and in a way, real. Thank you for being here, for your love and well wishes. Elizabeth has made what I previously condemned as trite meaningful. With her by my side I understand "Love makes the world go round" and "All you need is love". Whether I'll also understand the importance of themed colors for the reception decor, or the bridesmaid dresses is another thing though.
However like the best of men, my father and many of you here, who've gone before me, I'll endure because I know what I want. That's to call Elizabeth, my wife." I say making Lizzie tear up and the crowd congratulate us with a round of applause making me smile. I then turn to face lizzie as we get applauded.
"Kiss me" she whispers so I lean down and give her a sweet kiss. Once we pull away I give her a smile as she steps up to the microphone once the applause has silenced.
"Y/n, it fills me with great pride to stand here by your side in front of our families and close friends. Your choosing me to love and to marry is the fulfilment of a dream. It surpasses everything else: academic successes, great career moves. You are my best friend, my mate and soon to be my husband. Once I was merely me. With you I am more than I ever thought possible and this is just the start. To Y/n, may we grow more in love and life nurturing the best in each other and those around us. And to you all, my thanks and gratitude for your support in the present and future." She finishes as we receive another applause. She turns to me and I give her a proud smile as I massage her hip with my hand that's around her waist. She leans into my touch as the claps begin to quite down. I notice my dad and David coming back up to the stage.
"That's it from us. Let's get this party started!" David says into the microphone making everyone cheer in agreement as people start making their way to the bars around the room.
"You guys did great. I'm actually starting to believe your actually in love" my dad teases making us giggle before we head off to get some drinks. We spend the night celebrating and talking with our families about the engagement. For the first time in my life I actually feel happy to be around Elizabeth and I'm sure she feels the same. We share a few kisses here and then, not because we have to but because we want to. We also get informed by our fathers that the wedding is in a couple of weeks on a Sunday and will be taking place at the local church. We also get a 2 week honeymoon to the Maldives in a private bungalow which will be nice.

2 weeks later
I'm standing at the altar waiting for my bride to be as "turning page" by sleeping at last fills the Church. As soon as I see her walking with David I can't help by admire how beautiful she looks. She's just perfect.

Lizzie's dress. I hope you like it

Y/n's suit

Once they are close enough David hands lizzie off to me after he kisses his daughters cheek. We then stand at the alter holding hands as we look at each other. The officiant waves his arms down signalling for everyone to take a seat before he speaks.
"Ladies and gentlemen we are gathered here on this glorious day to witness the union of y/n y/l/n and Elizabeth Olsen" he introduces before turning to me and saying "please repeat after me" i nod then he continues.
"I y/n y/l/n"
"I y/n y/l/n"
"Take you Elizabeth Olsen"
"Take you Elizabeth Olsen"
"To have and to hold"
"To have and to hold"
"From this day forward"
"From this day forward"
"For better, for worse"
"For better, for worse"
"For richer, for poorer"
"For richer, for poorer"
"In sickness and in health"
"In sickness and in health"
"To love and to cherish"
"To love and to cherish"
"Till death do us part"
"Till death do us part"
I look at Lizzie the whole time and I see nothing but love and admiration in her eyes. The officiant then turns to my almost wife.
"Please repeat after me" and she nods squeezing my hands trying to ease her nerves. I rub my thumbs on the back of her hands.
"I Elizabeth Olsen"
"I Elizabeth Olsen"
"Take you y/n y/l/n"
"Take you y/n y/l/n"
"To have and to hold"
"To have and to hold"
"From this day forward"
"From this day forward"
"For better, for worse"
"For better, for worse"
"For richer, for poorer"
"For richer, for poorer"
"In sickness and in health"
"In sickness and in health"
"To love and to cherish"
"To love and to cherish"
"Till death do us part"
"Till death do us part"

We then get the rings ready. I am holding Lizzie's band and she is holding mine.
"Do you y/n y/m/n y/l/n take Elizabeth Chase Olsen to be your lawfully wedded wife."
"I do" I say slipping the band onto her ring finger, stacking it with her engagement ring.
"Do you Elizabeth Chase Olsen take y/n y/m/n y/l/n to be your lawfully wedded husband"
"I do" she says looking into my eyes before slipping the band into my finger making me smile as we connect our hands again.
"I am happy to announce you as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" the officiant says laying his hand towards me. I place my hands on her hips as she places one on my chest and the other behind my neck as we both lean in. When our lips touch we kiss with nothing but love and passion as we hear cheers from the people we love most, our family. After a few seconds we pull away smiling at each other.
"Please make way for the newly wedded y/l/n's!" The officiant excitedly says as everyone stands to watch us walk out of the church together. We walk out hand in hand with a smile on our faces. We spend the rest of the day celebrating and doing traditional wedding activities such as the first dance which was cute. Once the reception had finished we both head to the house our dads had brought for us as a wedding gift. We are spending our wedding night here before catching a flight to the Maldives tomorrow for a 2 week honeymoon. When we arrive at our new home I carry her over the threshold before we go to the master bedroom. We both gasp in surprise when we see chocolate covered strawberries with champagne in the corner. My wife then turns around to face me placing her hands on my chest.
"Help me out of this dress?" She sweetly asks tilting her head to try side with an innocent smile but I catch her pupils darkening making me smirk. I just nod before feeling around her back for the zip and slowly pull it down letting my lips ghost hers as my knuckle grazes her back. Once the zip is all the way down i bring both my arms around her back and pull the dress from her body until it's on the floor and my eyes widen at the Lacey white lingerie set she's in. She smirks at my reaction before getting to work removing my suit leaving me in just my boxers. She then grabs my hand and walks forwards towards the bed letting me check out her behind before she climbs on the bed and crawls to the top before making a come here motion to me. So I crawl towards her and when I'm in reaching distance she grabs me by the neck and pulls me into her lips. We both sigh at the skin on skin contact as we hold each other close. I tease her bottom lip with my tongue and she opens her mouth using her tongue to guide mine into her mouth. She lets out a moan against my lips when I place a hand on her cheek and tilt my head to deepen our lip lock. She pulls back slightly so her lips are ghosting mine.
"I want you to have me" whispers against my lips before removing her bra. I just nod before leaving kisses all over her chest. I then feel her hands go down my back as she reaches for my boxers indicating she wants me to take them off so I lean back and get the material off of my body as she runs her finger through the defined grooves on my abs. I then help her remove her panties leaving us both naked. She pulls my lips back into hers letting my tongue explore her mouth once again. She trails a hand down my body to guide my member into her entrance making her moan and me groan into each other's mouths. I start thrusting at a steady pace and when her lips become unresponsive to my kisses I move my head to her neck and find her sweet spot almost instantly making me smirk.
"Mhm fuck me harder y/n" she moans into my ear whilst scratching her hands down my back. I increase the speed of my thrusts making her moan uncontrollably as I continue to lick, kiss and suck her neck, marking her as mine. I then lower my kisses to the valley of her breasts as I leave another hickey there to remind her of this night even when it's over. I feel one of her hands go into my hair to hold me in place as I continue to suck on her cleavage. She then pulls my head back up to hers so she can kiss me. She sucks on my bottom lip as I grab one of her legs and guide it around my waist making us both moan into each other's mouths at the change in angle. With the new angle I'm constantly hitting her g spot making her moan and scream my name louder than ever. The bed is hitting the wall on a constant beat along with our movements as we give in to one another.
"Cum inside of my y/n" she says into my mouth before kissing me again as she releases her juices all over my shaft, the euphoric feeling making me release my sperm into her womb. I then slowly lower my body weight on top of her as we both calm ourselves down from our orgasms. She runs her hand through my hair making me relax even more. I then lift my head up and give her a sweet kiss before pulling out and laying next to her making her moan at the emptiness. She then turns her body so she's laying facing away from me before leaning behind her to grab my arm, placing it around her waist so I'm spooning her.
"I love you Elizabeth y/l/n" I whisper onto the back of her neck. She then intertwines our hands on her stomach before replying.
"I love you y/n y/l/n" she whispers back before we both let sleep take over our bodies.

This took me so long to write but I'm very happy with how it's turned out. Make sure to leave any one shot ideas in the comments. Thank you so much for the suggestion and I hope you enjoyed it aloneodi

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