Just a Malfunction| Connor x...

Autorstwa androidsuperiority

14.6K 473 124

You're Detective Y/N Anderson, your father Lieutenant Hank Anderson hates Androids. That's until Connor, the... Więcej

Plastic asshole
I could try
I like dogs
The Chase
Well, they fucked up.
What are you waiting for?! Chase it!
Eden Club
But are you afraid to die, Connor?
Public Enemy
You're off the case
Connor, that's suicide...
Easy, you fucking piece of shit!
Do it again and you're grounded.

Russian Roulette

763 26 5
Autorstwa androidsuperiority

November 6th, 2038, 7:51pm

Connor opens his eyes as he felt rain falling down on his head. He looks around to see he is back in the garden but this time it was gloomy and rainy. He looks down to see he was holding an umbrella in his left hand. He starts to walk forward as he looks around and sees Amanda standing near a white tree.

"Hello, Amanda." Connor greets as he walks up to her. "Connor, I've been expecting you... would you mind a little walk?" She asked. Connor nods as he opens up the umbrella. He then stands by her side then holds the umbrella over their heads to block the rain.

"That Deviant seemed to be an intriguing case." Amanda said as her and Connor began to walk along the walkway by the pond. "A pity you didn't manage to capture it..." She said as she glares up at Connor.

Amanda Status: Trusted but decreased

"Deviants are completely irrational, which makes it difficult to anticipate their behaviour... but I should have been more effective." Connor replied to her. "Did you manage to learn anything?" She asked him. "The walls of the apartment were covered with drawings of labyrinths and other symbols. Like the other Deviants, it seemed obsessed with rA9." Replies Connor.

"What else?" She asked.

"It was fascinated by birds. We've seen other Deviants interested in other life forms like insects or pets, but nothing like this." Connor replied.

"You came very close to capturing that Deviant..." Amanda said as she glares at him. If he could have gulped from nerves he would have. He knew that she was angry at him for failing but when he saw how scared you were when you were pushed and fell off, he just knew he had to save you.

"How is your relationship with the Lieutenant and the Detective developing?" Amanda asked him. "She was grateful that I saved her life on the roof and so was Lieutenant Anderson, he cares deeply for his daughter." Connor said as he felt his core temperature seeming to increase, remembering the hug you gave him. He could still feel your arms wrapped around him.

As they make it to the bridge, Connor turns to stand in front of Amanda, who looked very upset at this, as she said. "We don't have much time. Deviancy continues to spread. It's only a matter of time before the media finds out about it. We need to stop this, whatever it takes."

"I will solve this investigation, Amanda. I won't disappoint you." Connor said to her, firmly. "A new case just came in. Find both the Anderson's and investigate it." She said as she walks away, leaving him alone on the bridge.

You were sitting on your couch wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top, watching a sad film. D/N was sat on your lap watching you cry as if to say 'You cry at everything.' You look down at her and pat her head as you sniffle, with a small smile. You look back to the film as more tears fall down your face at the scene. "It's just so sad, D/N." You mumble.

You then hear a knock at your door and turn to look towards it. "Maybe if I don't answer they'll go away..." You say to D/N turning back to the TV, however it seemed they would not go away the knocking continued. You sigh and pick D/N up placing her onto the floor as she huffs at you disappointed.

The knocking continues as you start to feel annoyed, you walk to your door and open it saying. "If you knock one more time, I'll knock your head off." You then look up to see Connor who tilts his head at you. "I apologise, Y/N. I wasn't sure if you heard me." He says as he stares at your face. "Why are you crying?" He then asks as you wipe the tears off your face.

"I was watching a sad film, but that's not the point why are you at my house?" You ask as you glare at him. "A new case just came in and I need yours and your fathers help." He replies as you sigh in annoyance. "One night, that's all I wanted. Just one. I need to get changed then I'll be ready. Uh, come in I guess." You said as open the door wider for him as he stepped in instantly looking around.

You shut the door behind him and turn around to see D/N staring at Connor who stares back at her. She then walks up to him as he looks down at her, with interest. "Uh, you know you can pet her right?" You say as Connor continues to stare at her which makes you laugh.

He then looks at you as you stop laughing. "Would you like to pet her or not?" You asked Connor as who looked between you and D/N. "You're useless come here." You say as you grab his hand. "You need to get down to her level." You said as you guide him down to kneel in front of D/N. "Now you just let her come to you." You say as you hold his hand out towards your dog.

You let go of his hand as D/N rushes towards Connors hand, panting excitedly. Connor starts to pet her as a small smile creeps onto his face.

Software Instability^

Y/N Status: Friend but rising

"I'll go get changed, don't touch any of my shit." You say to Connor who looks over at you for a moment before going back to petting your dog. "Why does the Lieutenant call her ugly?" You hear Connor ask as you walk towards your room. "I don't know." You call out before walking into your room closing the door.

"You are not ugly." Connor says to your dog as he stands up after hearing your bedroom door shut. He then begins to look around your living room.

Learn more about Detective Y/N

He looks over at a display that had a couple of pictures of you and your dad when you were younger. He noticed that you had both always been very close with one another.

He then moved over to the pictures on the wall and saw a picture of you with your dad when you first started working for the DPD. He then saw a picture of you and a little boy smiling he instantly began to scan both faces.

Name: Y/N Anderson
Dob: (dd/mm/2014)
Criminal record: None

Name: Cole Anderson (Deceased)
Dob: 23/09/2029
Dod: 11/10/2035

Had a brother who passed away

He sees a shelf filled with films that weren't necessary to have but you preferred them that way, he looked a few of them up and saw they were all different genres and produced at different times.

He then moves over to a side table that had a drawer he knew that you had told him not to touch anything but, he felt curious. He pulled open the drawer to see a group of pictures, he pulled them out and began to look through them. In every single one of them you were smiling, happiness filled your eyes as you clung to a man. He instantly scans their face.

Name: E/N E/L/N
Dob: (dd/mm/2013)
Criminal record: Petty theft

Connor glared down at the pictures but couldn't understand why he felt the way he did when he looked at the man's face. Connor then put the pictures back not wanting you to catch him looking through your stuff, he then hears your bedroom door open and instantly moved away from the side table.

You walk up to him. "Well, I'm ready." You say as you shift on your feet. "Wait no, one of shoe laces is tighter than the other, hold on." You then say as you bend down to re-tie one of your laces.

"Where will we go to look for your father?" Connor asks you as you look up at him. "Uh, he's probably at home, told me he wasn't going out to drink tonight." You reply as you stand up.

Connor gives you a slight nod as you move over to D/N who was sat in her bed, you lie down on your stomach in front of her and start rubbing her belly. "You be a good girl, D/N. I'll be back in awhile, I'll give you some treats when I get back." You say as Connor watches you, amused.

You jump up and turn to Connor. "Let's go!" You say and walk towards the door, Connor walking beside you. Once you both get to the door, he reaches out towards the doorknob and opens the door for you. "Thank you..." You said, smiling at him. "You're welcome." He said, smiling back at you. Then you both walk out your house, you lock the door behind you and then move towards your car.

You get in your car as Connor gets into the passenger seat and you start the car heading towards your dads house.

You tap the steering wheel and sigh. "So... what's the new case?" You asked Connor. "A man was killed in a sex club. We think a Deviant is involved." He replied, you shivered in response. "Just where I wanted to go tonight, a sex club with my father nothing awkward about that." You mutter.

"Can I ask you a personal question, Y/N?" Connor asked, you glance at him for a second before saying. "Yeah, why not?" You then turn back to keep your eyes on the road.

"I noticed that there was a few pictures of you and a little boy in your home..." Connor starts to say as you wince in response which Connor noticed. "He was your brother right?"

You look down at your steering wheel, sadly, then take a deep breath. Connor turns his head away and looks out the window, concerned he may have overstepped his boundaries, but then you responded. "Yep, my little brother... I'd rather not talk about him."

"I understand, I'm sorry if my question upset you, Y/N. It wasn't my intention." Connor says, apologetically. "It's okay, Connor. It's just a hard part of my life to talk about..." You said.

Software Instability^

"I'm here if you ever need someone to listen..." Connor says as you look over at him quickly then pay attention to the road again. "I doubt you'd want to sit there and listen to my problems, but I appreciate it nonetheless." You said, with a smile on your face.

Y/N Status: Friend but rising

"I noticed that you have a lot of films." Connor said. "What can I say... when I'm not working my favourite thing to do is watch a film." You explained to Connor who smiled at you but you didn't notice this.

Finally, you pull up to your dads house, as it starts to rain once again. "Here we are..." You mumble as you turn off your car. The two of you get out of the car and make your way to the front door. "Fuck... I forgot my key." You curse under your breath. "Is everything okay, Y/N?" Connor asks, while stood at the front door.

"I kind of left my key at home..." You tell him, with a nervous laugh. He nods then turns to the front door, Connor raises his fist and knocks. "Lieutenant Anderson?" He calls out, as you walk up next to him.

No response.

He then pushes the doorbell and says. "Anybody home?"

Still no response.

"Dad?" You shout but nothing. "Oh come on." And you walk over to the window on the right side of the door. You look through it and see the TV was on. You could also see Sumo laying in the living room.

"My dads definitely home... I mean the TV is on." You muttered to Connor and the two of you begin to walk over to the side of the house to look through other windows. Connor comes up to a window and looks through it to see your dad was passed out on the floor. "Lieutenant Anderson!" He shouts, which catches your attention. Connor steps back, then he shoves his elbow at the window, breaking it.

"Connor, what the fuck...?" You started to say as Connor takes a few steps back, runs and jumps through the window. "Damn..." You mumbled, impressed, you run up to the window and see Connor sitting on the floor as Sumo approaches him.

"Argh!... Easy!...Sumo..." Connor said, nervously, as Sumo gets closer to him. "I'm your friend, see?" He said as he holds his hand out towards Sumo. "I know your name... we're just here to save your owner..." Sumo looks at him ready to growl.

"Sumo!" You called out as he looks up at you happily wagging his tail at the sight of you. "I missed you, now be a good boy and leave Connor alone." You said to Sumo and he lets out a breath through his nose then walks away slowly towards his food bowl.

"Thank you." Connor said. You nod at him and you see your dads passed out body. "Seriously dad..." You mutter as Connor stands up. You pull yourself up and start to climb through the window.

You were almost through the window as you almost fall to floor. You close your eyes waiting to hit the floor and land on broken glass, but two arms catch you. You fall into Connor's chest as you place your feet on the floor with your hands clinging to Connor's jacket, his arms around your waist.

You look up at him and for a few moments the both of you look into one another's eyes, you could feel your heart beating against your chest. Connor's LED flashes yellow as he stares down into your E/C eyes. He started scanning you and noticed that your heart rate was a little faster than what a normal heartbeat should be.

"Uh... yeah... Thank you, Connor." You said as you both remove your arms from one another. "You're welcome, Y/N." Connor said as you felt your cheeks heat up a bit. You turn to see your dads body and see there was a bottle of whiskey and a revolver next to his right hand. At first you felt bad for ignoring him but not as much anymore.

"Really not surprised." You said as you and Connor go over to Hank and Connor kneels down. "Stop right there." You say as Connor looks at you, confused. "I need some payback..." You say as you pull your phone out and click on your camera. "Everyone's gonna love their Christmas cards this year." You say as you snap a couple of your pictures of your dad passed out.

"You can scan away now." You say to Connor who nods and scans him to see that he was in a Ethylic Coma. "Lieutenant?" He said in an odd pitched voice.

He reaches out and pats your dads face, making your dad smack his lips and let out a sigh. "Dad, wake the fuck up!" You shout. Your dad opens his eyes a bit and just groans at you. Then Connor raises his hand and bitch slaps your dad, which wakes him up as you start laughing.

"It's us, Connor and your daughter Y/N." Said Connor as he grabs your dads hand and begins to pull him up. "We're going to sober you up for your own safety." Connor said pulling him up in a sitting position.

"Hey!... Leave me alone, you fuckin' Android!" Your dad shouts, angrily. "I have to warn you, this may be unpleasant." Connor warned.

"Get the fuck outta my house!" Hank shouts. You walk behind your dad and put your hand under his left arm to help him up. "Sorry, dad, but it's time to sober up." You said as both you and Connor pull him up. As he stands up, your dad flops backwards on you. "Asshole." You mutter.

"Thank you in advance for your cooperation." Connor said to him as you lift your dads left arm over your shoulder. "Hey! Get the fuck outta here!" Your dad shouts.

You and Connor were leading your dad to the bathroom when he shouts. "Sumo! Attack!" Sumo just barks in response. "Good boy." Your dad said, calmly. "Attack!" You and Connor lead him to the bathroom which was down the hall and to the right. "You get the door, I got grumpy." You said to Connor.

He nods and removes your dads arm off of him and opens the bathroom door. "Fuck, I think I'm gonna be sick..." Your dad slurs. "If you vomit on me, I will hurt you." You warned him.

Connor walks back over to you and your dad and helps you to drag your dad into the bathroom. "Ah! Leave me alone, you assholes! I'm not going anywhere..." Your dad growls as you two walk him into the bathroom. "What the hell are you two doing?" Your dad asked then you and Connor turn him around and place him on the bathtub.

Your dad stops himself before he falls in and sits on the edge. "Oh no. I don't wanna bath, thank you... my daughter is in the room." Your dad said as he goes to stand up. Connor places his hand on your dads chest and said. "Sorry, Lieutenant. It's for your own good." And he pushed your dad back into the tub, reaches down to the faucet and turns the water on.

Your dad begins to yell like he was in pain as the water pours down on him. "TURN IT OFF!! TURN IT OFF!!!" He screams as his arms and legs flail around. You double over laughing, clutching at your stomach.

Connor let's the water hit your dad for a few seconds before he reaches down and turns the water off. Your dad relaxes as he takes a few deep breaths and looks up at you two on confusion.

"What the fuck are you two doing here?" Your dad asked. "A homicide was reported forty-three minutes ago. I went over to Y/N's house to get her, then she bought us here to get you." Connor replied.

"Jesus, I must be the only cop in the world that gets assaulted in his own house by his own daughter and her fuckin' Android..." Your dad said glaring at you as he pulls himself up out of the tub and sits on the edge then looks up at Connor and asked. "Can't you just leave me alone?"

"Unfortunately, I cannot. I've been programmed to investigate this case and I can't do it without you or Y/N." Connor replied.

"I don't give a shit about your damn case!" Your dad shouts at him. "Dad, you don't really mean that!" You exclaimed. "Beat it! You two hear me?! Get the hell outta here! You two can do this without me!" Your dad shouts as he stands up, angrily. But then he starts to fall back and you and Connor catch him and help him sit down on the tub again.

"I understand." Said Connor and you look at him completely confused. "It probably wasn't interesting anyway..." Connor said and you realised what he was doing, this makes you smirk at him. "A man found dead in a sex club downtown... guess they'll have to solve the case without us..." Said Connor in a teasing tone as he walks away and shrugs.

"You know, probably wouldn't do me any harm to get some air..." Your dad said and you roll your eyes at him. "There's some clothes in the bedroom there." Your dad said as he points to the room across the hall. "I'll go get them." Connor said as he then walks out of the bathroom and towards the bedroom.

"What do you want to wear?" Connor asked, loudly, from the bedroom. "Whatever." Your dad replied then he looks up at you and said. "Wanna help your old man up, Y/N?" You sigh but start to help him up, slowly, to his feet. He takes a few steps before falling to his knees in front of the toilet and begins to grasp for air.

You pat your dads back as Connor comes back into the bathroom with a fresh set of clothes. "Are you all right, Lieutenant?" Connor asked him. Your dad coughs and gags before he says. "Yeah...yeah...wonderful... just a...give me five minutes, okay?" Your dad said, weakly. "Sure." Connor said as you then say. "Just wait till I leave to start vomiting." You stand up and both you and Connor walk out of the bathroom as your dad begins to puke into the toilet.

You gag at the sound as Connor shuts the door. You go to the living room and sigh, jumping onto the sofa and looking over at the TV with the news on. "Pft, boring." You mumble.

Connor begins to walk around the house to learn more about your dad. He sees the record player with a jazz album sitting on top of it. He then glances over at you lounging on the sofa. "Do you come here often?" Connor asks as you nod in response. "If I'm not at home I'm here, sometimes I like to keep Sumo company when my dad is out drinking." You say as Sumo perks up hearing his name and whines.

You jump up off the sofa and go over to Sumo and kneel down to pet him. "You wanna pet him?" You ask Connor who nods and moves over to you and Sumo kneeling down beside you. He starts to pet Sumo who sighs happily at the attention. "I really do, like dogs." Connor says as you laugh at him. "Well I'm sure they like you too." You tell him as he smiles at you.

Connor then stands up and walks into the kitchen while you stand up and watch him. He looks at the table which was full of trash except for a picture frame that was laying face down.

He picks it up to reveal that it was a picture of your younger brother. You walk up beside him and look down at the picture of Cole, sadly. Connor glances at you as you look away your eyes settling on the gun on the floor. "What were you doing with the gun, dad?" You asked, loudly, to your dad.

"Russian Roulette! Wanted to see how long I could last... Must've collapsed before I found out..." Your dad replied as Connor sets the picture down and picks the gun up. He spins the cylinder and sees there was one inside.

"Russian Roulette?! What the fuck were you thinking, dad?!" You shout, feeling a lump in your throat. "You were lucky, the next shot would have killed you." Connor informed as you run your hands down your face trying to calm down. "Don't say anything, you'll just make it worse. Just don't say anything..." You began mumbling to yourself. You felt a hand grab your arm and you look up to see Connor looking at you, concerned. He gives you a small smile in an attempt to cheer you up, you couldn't stop yourself from smiling back.

After a few minutes, your dad finally comes out of the bathroom looking much better with his fresh set of clothes. Connors lips twitch into a smile again, you just glare at your dad with your arms crossed. "Be a good dog, Sumo. I won't be long." Your dad said to Sumo.

"We're taking my car, and you can sit in the back, dad." You say and the three of you walk out of your dads house and towards your car.

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