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A young Targaryen who is the rebellious son of the rebellious Daemon Targaryen. The King, Viserys Targaryen d... Daha Fazla

-•| CAST |•-
-•| PROLOGUE |•-
-•| I |•-
-•| III |•-
-•| IV |•-
-•| V |•-
-•| VI |•-
-•| VII |•-
-•| VIII |•-
-•| X |•-

-•| II |•-

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The night of Rhaenyra's ceremony was quiet. News flooded the Seven Kingdoms and created confusion and sparked arguments. Women all around the realm were proud of Rhaenyra's claim to the throne. Some men were also proud but the proudest of them all was Ragnar Targaryen.

His support for her was the deepest and most powerful then anyone else's, more than her father's. Ragnar was split between supporting his father's claim and his love's claim.

That night, Ragnar was standing behind Rhaenyra in her chambers as she looked at herself in the mirror with her royal dress, headband and necklace on. Rhaenyra's face showed one of determination, power and grace. But there were times her facial expression would change to uncertainty and anxiety.

Ragnar wasn't sure what he could do to prove to her that she was born to rule. He did what he thought was best. Ragnar unsheathed his sword, set it horizontally on the floor in front of him before he kneeled behind her. She turned around to see him with his head down.

RHAENYRA: "What are you doing?

RAGNAR: "I, Ragnar Targaryen, Prince of... House Targaryen, promise to be faithful to King Viserys and his named heir, the Princess Rhaenyra. I pledge fealty to them and shall defend them against all enemies in good faith and without deceit. I swear this by the old gods and the new."

He looks up at her, she smirks.

RHAENYRA: "Why are you doing this?"

RAGNAR: "They didn't give the chance in hall earlier."

They look at one another while he still kneels.

RAGNAR: "I mean it, Rhaenyra. I swear to you my undying fidelity until the end of our times."

RHAENYRA: "I accept your loyalty to me, Ragnar. Now, please, stand. I can't have my love pain his knees to show his fealty to me as I've known of it for many years."

Ragnar reaches out for her hand, he takes it and kisses her ring finger before standing tall in front of her. The pair look into each other's eyes, full of love and appreciation. Ragnar kisses her forehead before she rests it against his chest. Ragnar holds her close to him as they stand there together, savoring these moments of peace together.

_______ | 6 Months Later | _______

It's early morning, sunrise. Ragnar and Rhaenyra are on their hilltop with their dragons behind them. Arryx and Syrax have gotten quite close in the last 6 months. They greet each other with neck rubs and they always sleep side by side now. Ragnar and Rhaenyra have been spending their usual amount of time together as they've always done. Rhaenyra is beyond grateful of Ragnar's assistance in helping her grief the lose of her mother. He always made sure to make her smile and laugh daily.

Ragnar lays on his back with Rhaenyra resting her head on his abdomen. Ragnar rests his head on the side of the big red and black Arryx. The couple looking at one another as they fidget with their ring necklaces. From time to time they smirk and smile at each other.

RAGNAR: "I could lay like this forever."

RHAENYRA: "As can I. Moments like these with you are my favorite."

RAGNAR: "Mine too."

Ragnar is mesmerized by her beauty, as usual. He scans her soft face and bites his lip.

RAGNAR: "Fuck, I love you, Rhaenyra."

Rhaenyra smirks and bites her lip before climbing on top of him and straddling his hips. Ragnar hums in content as he grazes his hands around her hips.

RHAENYRA: "And I love you, Ragnar."

She leans down to kiss him. Arryx grumbles and sighs which causes them to laugh in each other's embrace.

Ragnar looks deeply into Rhaenyra's eyes before looking at his ring hanging from her neck. He goes to touch it but Rhaenyra slaps his hand away.

RAGNAR: "Wha-"

RHAENYRA: "You can't touch your ring until we wed one day."

RAGNAR: "Agh... then let's wed."


RAGNAR: "Yeah."

RHAENYRA: "I don't think I'm ready to marry yet. We're still young and we deserve to live young."

RAGNAR: "Alright. When do you think we'd wed?"

RHAENYRA: "I'm not sure, but I know we'll feel it when it's time."

RAGNAR: "Okay... I guess I can wait. It's not like we don't already spend nearly every waking moment together anyways."

RHAENYRA: "We basically are already married."

RAGNAR: "And I wouldn't trade it for the world."

RHAENYRA: "Nether would I, my love."


Ragnar sits in his Small Council seat to the side of King Viserys. He doesn't necessarily have a particular role anymore as Daemon has taken the City Watch he worked hard to collect from all over the Seven Kingdoms. Ragnar was definitely agitated by his father's actions.

KING VISERYS: "Ser Ryam was a strong Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. But he was ill for some time. He passed in peace, I hope. "

MELLOS: "Yes, Your Grace. He was found to have passed gently in his sleep. His remains are being prepared by the Silent Sisters. The succeeding Lord Commander, Ser Harrold, would like to make haste in finding Ser Ryam's replacement on the Kingsguard. "

SER HARROLD: "Your Grace. My lords. The Kingsguard must soon be restored to its full complement of seven. With the help of the Hand, I've invited a number of fine candidates to court. All have passed fair trials."

The council doors open and Lord Corlys struts in.

CORLYS: "Four ships have now been lost. The last one was flying my banner. The Stepstones have now grown into a conflagration, yet you sit here and dither about court business."

OTTO: "If you've something to discuss, Lord Corlys-"

CORLYS: "I want to know what is to be done about my ships and my men."

OTTO: "The Crown will compensate you for your ship and crew, and make an offering to the men's families."

RAGNAR: "There shouldn't be a compensation to hand out in the first place."

OTTO: "Prince Ragnar, please do know that you have no official position in this small council anymore."

RAGNAR: "I am well aware, Lord Hand. But as I am here, I think I have the right to voice my opinion. If I didn't, I wouldn't be here in this room anymore but it's obvious someone in this council appreciates them."

OTTO: "I don't care. Lord Corlys, you will receive a compensation."

CORLYS: "I don't want compensation. I want to seize the Stepstones by force and burn out this Crabfeeder."

RAGNAR: "This is what needs to be done now. We've waited 6 months already and nothing has improved."

KING VISERYS: "I am not prepared to start a war with the Free Cities."

OTTO: "These pirates are not the Free Cities."

KING VISERYS: "Who do you think provides them with their ships and tender?"

BEEBURY: "In all of its history, my lord, the Seven Kingdoms have never entered open war with the Free Cities.  Were that to happen, the losses would be incalculable."

CORLYS: "What reason does the Crabfeeder have to fear us? The King's own brother has been allowed to seize Dragonstone and fortify it with an army of his gold cloaks. Daemon has squatted there for over half a year without even a protest from The Crown."

OTTO: "I'll caution you, Lord Corlys, a seat at the King's table does not make you his equal. Do well in knowing that as well, Prince Ragnar."

KING VISERYS: "I have acted, Corlys. I've sent envoys to Pentos and Volantis to see if we might find common cause. Ships and men are at the ready. The Stepstones will be settled... in time."

RHAENYRA: "You have dragonriders, father. Send us."

Ragnar looks over at Rhaenyra while sipping wine, he raises his eyebrow as he feels proud for her speaking up on how she feels about the matter like a true Queen.

KING VISERYS: "It isn't that simple, Rhaenyra. It would be a show of force."

CORLYS: "At least the Princess has a plan."

RAGNAR: "We have the force to burn the crabfeeder down and destroy his presence and hold on Lord Corlys' ships."

RHAENYRA: "I only meant that we should at least-"

OTTO: "Perhaps, uh... there's some better use for the Princess's talents, Your Grace."

KING VISERYS: "Why don't you take the Princess to see about the new Kingsguard posting, Lord Commander?"

SER HARROLD: "A fine idea, Your Grace."

OTTO: "Prince Ragnar should assist the Princess, Your Grace as he himself has experience in combat."

KING VISERYS: "Yes, a fine proposal."

Ragnar slides his chair out, bows his head and then walks out behind Rhaenyra with Ser Harold behind him.

RAGNAR: "You did the right thing, Rhaenyra. You voiced your opinion and concern. Those who are born to have a seat in power and in leadership have no limits to speaking their minds about certain matters out loud."

RHAENYRA: "Yes, but any time I do voice my opinion or concern I'm shut down. I deserve to have input in the matters that threaten the crown I will sit at one day."

RAGNAR: "I understand, Rhaenyra. It might take time for them to realize that you aren't just a cupbearer and that you are the heir to the Iron Throne and you are to be Queen. But this experience shouldn't stop you from continuing to put your foot down and speak your way."

Rhaenyra and Ser Harrold stand at the top of a balcony overlooking a courtyard with several knights standing to attention. Ragnar stands in the middle as the announcer of each knight as they present themselves.

SER HARROLD: "Ser Desmond Caron, a fine knight, Princess. Step forward, Ser Desmond."

RAGNAR: "Son of Ser Royce Caron, Ser Desmond has proved strong and steady in both the tourney lists and without. While traveling through the Kingswood on his way to King's Landing, Ser Desmond recently brought a would-be poacher to justice."

Ragnar stands beside Ser Royce as they wait for what she has to say, Otto whispers to her.

RHAENYRA: "We thank you for your loyal service to The Crown, ser."

SER HARROLD: "Ser Rymun Mallister."

RAGNAR: "Son of Lord Lymond Mallister of Seagard. Winner of the melee at Cider Hall. He was the last mounted of three-and-twenty knights. Ser Rymun was knighted at eight-and-ten."

RHAENYRA: "Do any of these knights have combat experience? Beyond capturing poachers."

Ragnar will always smirk at her witty moments.

SER HARROLD: "Ser Criston Cole."

RAGNAR: "Son of the steward of the Lord of Blackhaven. Ser Criston portrayed great skill and experience during our duel months ago, Princess."

RHAENYRA: "Be welcome, Ser Criston. You saw combat in the Stormlands."

SER CRISTON: "Dornish marches, Princess. I fought for a year as a foot solider against the Dornish incursions. Ser Arlan Dondarrion knighted me after we razed two of the watchtowers along the Boneway."

RHAENYRA: "I choose Ser Criston Cole."

OTTO: "Let's not be too hasty, Princess. There's no doubt Ser Criston is a fine warrior, but houses such as Crakehall and Mallister are important allies of The Crown. Seagard, for instance, is the realm's prime defense against reavers from the Iron Islands."

RHAENYRA: "These men are tourney knights. My father should be defended by a man who's known real combat. Should he not?"

OTTO: "Of course, Princess."

RHAENYRA: "Well, let us plan Ser Criston's investiture then."

SER HARROLD: "If Ser Criston Cole is to be your father's knight, who should be yours, Princess?"

Rhaenyra stands on the stool once more and looks down at Ragnar who stands before her.

RHAENYRA: "I shall choose Prince Ragnar Targaryen to be my personal guard."

OTTO: "Princess, I-"

RHAENYRA: "Did you or did you not say that Prince Ragnar had skill and experience in combat?"

OTTO: "I did."

RHAENYRA: "Then he shall be my guard."

OTTO: "He's not a Knight."

RHAENYRA: "Then make him one."

Ragnar tries his hardest cover his deeply appreciated smile, he bows to his love in gratitude.


Ragnar kneels in front of King Viserys, the Throne Room is occupied with all the Kingsguards and those who serve the realm closely. Rhaenyra stands at the bottom of the steps next to her father, looking at Ragnar with concealed pure happiness.

KING VISERYS: "I, Viserys Targaryen, first of his name... King of the Andals, and the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm, here by charge you in the name of the warrior, to be brave. In the name of the father, I charge you to be just. In the name of the mother, I charge you to defend the innocent. Arise, Prince Ragnar Targaryen, a knight of the Seven Kingdoms."

Ragnar rises as the crowd applauded his knighthood. He bows his head in great gratitude and appreciation for both Rhaenyra and Viserys. Ragnar was finally more than Daemon Targaryen's son, he was a Knight, Ser Ragnar Targaryen.


Ser Ragnar and Princess Rhaenyra walk to The Grand Sept. Ragnar is wearing a modified version of the Kingsguard Armor, his helmet is black with red accents. They approach Alicent who is waiting for them.

ALICENT: "Wow, Ragnar. You look quite sharp in your new armor."

RAGNAR: "It's Ser Ragnar now, Lady Alicent."

ALICENT: "Oh, my apologies... Ser Ragnar."

RAGNAR: "Your apology is under review."

The three of them chuckle before walking further into the Sept. It's quiet and dark with only candles lighting the room. Ragnar takes his helmet off to honor the Seven and those who've passed. Ragnar walks a slight distance behind them, posting as their guard.

RHAENYRA: "It's only been half a year since my mother died, and already they tried to marry my father off and replace me as heir. I know those men and how they plot in their secret councils when I've been sent away."

ALICENT: "You cannot worry at the matters of lords and kings, Rhaenyra. What if your father were to remarry? Your father loves you. He chose you for his heir."

Alicent walks over to the set of unlit candles and picks one.

RHAENYRA: "He didn't choose me. He spurns Daemon."

Alicent kneels and lights her candle.

ALICENT: "Kneel with me."

Rhaenyra obliged and kneels beside her best friend.

ALICENT: "I find this is a way to be with my mother. Here in the quiet of the Sept... I feel close to her. I know it sounds foolish."

RHAENYRA: "I don't think it's foolish. I don't."

ALICENT: "Good... because I thought you might try."

Alicent passes her an unlit candle.


ALICENT: "If not for me, then, perhaps for them."

Rhaenyra awkwardly lights her candle.

RHAENYRA: "What do I say?"

ALICENT: "Whatever you wish. It's only for you and the gods to know."

Rhaenyra takes a moment before she starts crying, Alicent places her hand on her friend's arm to comfort her. Ragnar wishes he could do something to help but he's her sworn protector and he can't bring any attention to their relationship as its to be private.

RHAENYRA: "I want him to see me as more than his little girl."

ALICENT: "Mine own father does not know the language of girls either."

Rhaenyra and Ragnar chuckle.

ALICENT: "When I wish to talk with him... I know that I must make the effort."

RHAENYRA: "Thank you."


Ser Ragnar and Lord Corlys stand together in the gardens as King Viserys and Lady Laena walk privately.

RAGNAR: "I see you've chosen Laena."

CORLYS: "She was a better choice over her sister."

RAGNAR: "I think so as well, Lady Laena is reserved and has the qualities to be a fine wife to the King... while Lady Laenys is scrappy and dare I say not a Lady."

(I added a twin sister to Laena for future purposes)

Corlys laughs and pats the knight on the shoulder.

CORLYS: "Yes, that is true... do you think it will happen?"

RAGNAR: "If the king can overlook the fact that she's 12 and will be of age in a few years then why wouldn't he? Joining the houses will secure great power and wealth, it's is the greatest strategic move one could make at this time."

CORLYS: "If it doesn't happen I might just marry her to you, you are a great young man, Ser Ragnar."

RAGNAR: "Thank you, My Lord... but I'm sure Kingsguard can't marry."

CORLYS: "There's always room for a first as we've seen months ago."

RAGNAR: "Don't think I have room for that."

CORLYS: "You're a Targaryen, a Prince of royal blood. You have room in your life to make many contrasting decisions."

RAGNAR: "And I'm guessing you want me to make a certain contrasting decision in the mere future?"

CORLYS: "Maybe."

RAGNAR: "I might or might not make it, Lord Corlys."

CORLYS: "I know, Ser Ragnar. Doesn't pain anyone to ask."

RAGNAR: "No, it doesn't."


Ragnar and Rhaenyra walk into the council room, they stand to the side.

DRAGONKEEPER: (Valyrian) "It occurred in the blackness of night, my lords, during the Hour of the Bat. The thief eluded our pursuit.

KING VISERYS: (Valyrian) "How is it possible that a dragon's egg was stolen out from beneath more than fifty Dragonkeepers?"

DRAGONKEEPER: (Valyrian) "It was Prince Daemon who was the culprit, your grace."

Everyone looks at Ragnar who stands next to Rhaenyra. His face fills with shock, disgust and anger.


OTTO: "The Prince left a missive, which I believe might explain."

MELLOS: ""It is the pleasure of Daemon Targaryen, the Prince of Dragonstone and rightful heir to the Iron Throne, to announce that he is to take a second wife in the tradition of Old Valyria."

Ragnar and Rhaenyra eye one another slightly.

MELLOS: "She is to assume the title Lady Mysaria of Dragonstone. Her Grace is with child and is to have a dragon's egg placed in the babe's cradle in the custom of House Targaryen." The Prince has invited you to his wedding, Your Grace. It is in two days' time."

Ragnar can't believe his father would do this. He was angered at his father for having a child with a whore. He knew he would be replaced by the child.

BEESBURY: "Gods be good."

CORLYS: "Who is Lady Mysaria?"

MELLOS: "We believe-"

RAGNAR: "His whοre." he says with animosity.

OTTO: "This is nothing less than sedition."

STRONG: "I strongly agree, sire."

KING VISERYS: "My brother wishes to provoke me. To answer is to give him what he wants."

CORLYS: "The realm is watching, Your Grace."

KING VISERYS: "What would you have me do? Send him to the Wall? Perhaps I could put his head on a spike."

Ragnar clinched his jaw.

OTTO: "Daemon has seized Dragonstone, has surrounded himself with an army of gold cloaks, and has now stolen a dangerous weapon-"

Rhaenyra mumbles Valyrian.

RHAENYRA: (Valyrian) "Which egg did Daemon take?" she speaks up.

DRAGONKEEPER: (Valyrian) "The egg was Dreamfyre's, Princess. The same you chose for Prince Baelon's cradle."

KING VISERYS: "Assemble a detachment, Otto. I will go to Dragonstone and drag Daemon back to face justice myself."

The King begins walking out of the room.

OTTO: "Your Grace. My apologies, Your Grace, but I cannot allow it. It's too dangerous. Daemon is without limit. Let me go to Dragonstone."

Ragnar looks into empty space with anger and frustration towards his father.


Ragnar sprints his horse to the Dragonpit after learning Rhaenyra left with Syrax to go to Dragonstone.

Ragnar is currently in the Dragonpit readying Arryx. His red and black dragon is the son to Caraxes, Daemon's dragon. Arryx is similar to Caraxes, their roars are ominous whistles and clicks with long necks like snakes. Arryx in mostly red with black strips and markings covering his body, much like a Zebra. Arryx is young, the same age as Syrax, Rhaenyra's dragon. But his size is the same as Caraxes, his father. Only the Gods know how big he'll grow to be.

Ragnar is adorned in his Targaryen Armor, black slate with scale decoration and a red cape draped over his left shoulder.


Ragnar and Arryx are flying towards Dragonstone against the King's orders they approach the wall walkway. Ragnar can see Syrax standing behind Otto's group of men and Caraxes standing behind Daemon's group of men. He flies over the two parties meeting on top to see Rhaenyra and Daemon in a tense conversation.

Arryx lands in the middle of the meeting and whistles and cricks loudly at his dragonfather. Ragnar climbs down and stands at Rhaenyra's side.

DAEMON: (Valyrian) "Does it take a situation like this to bring father and son together?"

RAGNAR: (Valyrian) "In our case, yes."

DAEMON: (Valyrian) "Come here, my son. Stand with me and join me."

RAGNAR: (Valyrian) "I'm right where I desire to be."

Daemon laughs in disbelief.

DAEMON: (Valyrian) "I expected betrayal from my brother... but not from my own flesh and blood, not from my own son."

RAGNAR: (Valyrian) "Betrayal? Really?"

DAEMON: (Valyrian) "This act of betrayal cuts deeper and hurts more than any wound I have ever bared, Ragnar."

RAGNAR: (Valyrian) "You don't think I'm hurting? My reputation and everything I've fought so hard for is tainted by you."

DAEMON: (Valyrian) "You certainly are not my son. You've sided with the other and chose to betray me."

RAGNAR: (Valyrian) "I support Rhaenyra, the object of your ire."

DAEMON: (Valyrian) "Believe me, Ragnar. You're the object of my ire."

RAGNAR: (Valyrian) "Me? Really? Grow up, father. I'm not the one."

RHAENYRA: "I am, I'm right here, Uncle... the reason that you were disinherited. If you wish to be restored as heir, you'll need to kill me. So, do it. And be done with all this bother."

Daemon draws his sword and points it at Rhaenyra. Ragnar acts with speed and unsheathed his sword to block the close call. He stands in front of Rhaenyra with his left hand placed gently on her hip to keep her behind him.

RAGNAR: "You and I both know that won't happen.. Either we fight for the egg or you give it up. And I won't stop at nothing to ensure I get what I want."

Daemon stares at Ragnar and Rhaenyra before tossing it at Ragnar harshly. He catches it and hands it to Rhaenyra who smiles at him, he smiles back. He turns to watch her place the egg in it's canister. With instinct, Ragnar draws his sword up to block an incoming attack from Daemon.

Daemon is on the attack while Ragnar defends. Daemon lunges forward at his son with speed but is blocked away by Ragnar who then swings at his father. Ragnar's speed and accuracy is something not many possess. Ragnar has found himself on the attacking with Daemon defending. The father and son alternate swings and slashes followed by blocks.

Daemon throws a cheap shot by punching him in the nose, causing Ragnar's vision to blur and his nose to break. As he stumbles back, Daemon throws another punch, cutting his eyebrow deep before blood starts to gush out.

Ragnar catches Daemon with a hard punch to the face in anger as retaliation, causing him to fall to the floor. He holds his nose as his too is broken. Ragnar stands over him with his sword's tip laying at his neck. Daemon throws his hands up and surrenders.

RAGNAR: "If you ever threaten Rhaenyra or I again, I will not hesitate to kill you."

Ragnar makes the bigger decision and walks back towards Rhaenyra with the deep gash on his eyebrow bleeding down his face and his broken nose oozing blood down his chin and neck.

DAEMON: "You are a disgrace, Ragnar! How dare you turn your back on me?!"

RAGNAR: "I'm the disgrace?!"

DAEMON: "All along I thought you'd be a standup man, one who doesn't betray his own blood. You are the greatest disappointment I have ever seen and the greatest regret I've ever made."

He stands to face his son.

DAEMON: "You will never be my son again, stay the fuck away from me."

He says with snark before he turns and walks away. Ragnar stands there angered and saddened. It's quiet as he climbs upon Arryx and flies away as fast as he can.


Ragnar sits slumped over on the hilltop. He yells in frustration. He runs his fingers through his hair before the screech of Syrax can be heard. Rhaenyra and Syrax fly over him and land behind him.

Ragnar continues to sit as Rhaenyra walks up to him. She doesn't hesitate to hug him from behind, resting her head on his shoulder while holding him tightly. Ragnar begins to sob.

RHAENYRA: "I'm sorry, Ragnar."

RAGNAR: "I... I don't know what to do."

RHAENYRA: "I appreciate you, Ragnar. I can't put into words just as to how lucky I am to have you by my side."

RAGNAR: "It's because I love you deeply and I want you to be the Queen and Ruler you were born to be. I believe in you, Rhaenyra."

RHAENYRA: "I believe in you too."

RAGNAR: "What do I do now? I'm disowned."

RHAENYRA: "By Daemon... but you will never lose me my love, ever."

RAGNAR: "I don't need anyone else but you."

Rhaenyra sits in front of him and massages his knuckles before kissing them and looking at him gratefully.


Ragnar and Rhaenyra were summoned to the King's chambers. They stand with their heads down. Ragnar's face is covered in his dried blood from the fight with Daemon.

RAGNAR: "Your Grace."

RHAENYRA: "Your Grace."

KING VISERYS: "You disobeyed me. You fled King's Landing without a word and you acted without The Crown's leave. Rhaenyra, you are my only heir. You could've been killed. And Ragnar, how reckless can you be? You've obviously got yourself in trouble and you put my daughter in danger."

RAGNAR: "My apologies, Your Grace."

RHAENYRA: "May I sit?"

She sits in the chair by the fire while Ragnar stands at the entrance of the room with his head still down.

KING VISERYS: "You went to Dragonstone."

RHAENYRA: "And retrieved the egg without bloodshed. A feat I'm not sure Ser Otto could've accomplished alone. I didn't do it by myself, Ragnar played a massive role."

Ragnar lightly smirks to himself.

KING VISERYS: "Yes, well... I sometimes forget how alike you both were. Your mother's absence is a wound that will never heal. Without her... the Red Keep has lost a warmth that I dare say it will never recover."

Ragnar continues to lower his head in memory of the late Queen.

RHAENYRA: "It pleases me to hear you say this. To know that I'm not alone in my grief."

KING VISERYS: "I wish I had known better what to say to you in the aftermath. I struggled to realize that my daughter had so quickly become a woman grown. But I know... she understands what is now expected of me."

RHAENYRA: "The King must take a new wife."

KING VISERYS: "I could never replace your mother. No more than I intend to replace you as heir. But you are my only heir and our line is vulnerable, too easily ended. And by marrying again, I may begin to ensure that we are better defended."

Ragnar slowly looks up at the King in doubt of what he'll say.

RHAENYRA: "Against whom?"

KING VISERYS: "Whomever may dare to challenge us. I do not wish to make us estranged."

RHAENYRA: "You are the King... and so, your first duty is to the realm. Mother would've understood this. Just as I do."


Viserys looks up at Ragnar with a questionable look, one full of uncertainty. Ragnar didn't feel good about it, he was just now getting his reputation back and for the better. He fears the King and the realm are starting to lose trust in him because of what his "father" is doing.


Ragnar sits on his balcony, overlooking the reflection of the moon on the water below. So fixated on the events that occurred today he didn't realize Rhaenyra had walked in.

Ragnar hears rummaging from his bathroom, he heads to investigate to find Rhaenyra filling his bath.

RHAENYRA: "Don't question it, love."

Ragnar smirks and sits by the bath watching Rhaenyra prepare him a bath.

RAGNAR: "The future ruler of the Seven Kingdoms shouldn't be doing this."

RHAENYRA: "I know I don't have to but I want to."

Rhaenyra stands and walks to him, she stands between the opening of his legs. She looks down and brushes his long silver hair back from his face with her fingers.

RHAENYRA: "I want to show you how much I love and care for you. As it is the woman's duty to ensure her man is fulfilled... especially after he risked his life to prove his loyalty to me against his father."

RAGNAR: "I thank you, my love."

RHAENYRA: "Let me help you with your clothes."

Ragnar raises his hands slowly in exhaustion over his head. Rhaenyra slips his shirt off for him, he grimaced in pain as the cloth brushed his broken nose. Rhaenyra helps untie the laces of his trousers before he pushes them down. Rhaenyra offers her hand to help him get into the bath. The water is scorching hot to anyone who isn't a Targaryen but to him, it was soothing. He released a sigh of relief and comfort. He sinks into the bath just past shoulder height.

Rhaenyra sits on the side of the bath and starts to clean the deep cut of his eyebrow with a washcloth. Ragnar clenches his jaw as pain shoots through his face.

RHAENYRA: "Sorry."

RAGNAR: "No, thank you."

After she finished cleaning his cut she focuses on his knuckles. Ragnar wasn't used to this treatment, he's not the direct Prince of King's Landing as he isn't part of the main Royal Family.

Rhaenyra places her elbows on the rim of the bath and looks at him. He catches her gaze and smiles.

She looks down at the necklace with her future ring. She then looks at her ring finger and playful sizes it up. Ragnar looks at his ring around her neck and does the same causing her to laugh.

Nothing could express or explain how free, safe and loved they feel when with one another even out in public. Rhaenyra never had her doubts about his protection for her. The events of the day truly solidified it to her. Anytime he was around her, she felt safe. She knew he would protect her and be by her side no matter where they were.

RHAENYRA: "I love you, Ser Prince Ragnar Targaryen."

RAGNAR: "I love you, Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen."


An important meeting was called. Rhaenyra stands at the cupbearer table while Ragnar sits in his small council chair with his Kingsguard armor on and his helmet set on the table next to his dish where his black marble ball lays. A small bandage is wrapped around the bridge of his nose and on his eyebrow. Ragnar is confused as to why Alicent is in attendance for the meeting but he didn't think much of it, maybe Otto asked her to come.

The members of the council continue to settle in. Ragnar looks back at Rhaenyra, giving her a look that asks if she's okay. As her guard he must make sure she is safe and mentally positive.

King Viserys looks out the window until everyone has settled down. He turns around and starts walking to his seat.

KING VISERYS: "Good morrow, my lords."

He stands behind his chair as everyone watches him.

KING VISERYS: "I have decided to take a new wife."

Lord Corlys shuffles in his chair in anticipation, Ragnar looks at him and nods slightly as they wait. King Viserys looks at Rhaenyra, who nods. His expression is one of guilt.

KING VISERYS: "I intend to marry..."

The King looks over at Alicent and so does Ragnar and Rhaenyra in realization.

KING VISERYS: "The Lady Alicent Hightower before spring's end."

Ragnar looks behind him to see the teary eyes of Rhaenyra has her face turns to hurt. Lord Corlys stands.

CORLYS: "This is an absurdity. My house is Valyrian, the greatest power in the realm."

KING VISERYS: "And I am your King."

Lord Corlys leaves in anger. Ragnar looks at Otto who's face is smug.

KING VISERYS: "Rhaenyra."

Rhaenyra leaves in an offended manner, which is understandable. Ragnar quickly stands, looks at Alicent before slipping his helmet on then looking at Viserys. He jogs after Rhaenyra who continues to walk away quickly.

RAGNAR: "Rhaenyra!"

She doesn't stop.

RAGNAR: "Rhaenyra!"

He catches up and stops her. She looks up at him with tears in her eyes before pulling away from him and walking off again. Ragnar sighs and walks after her, following her to wherever she decides to go.


Rhaenyra sits on her balcony looking out silently as her mind swirls around. Ragnar approaches her, his metal armor clanking as he nears. He slumps down beside her. The pair were quiet as they sit in disbelief. Ragnar grabs her hand and squeezes it tightly in comfort. She sighs before resting her head on his shoulder plate. Ragnar uses his other hand to stroke her cheek before kissing her head and resting his head on hers.

They didn't know what to say, they didn't know what to think. They sat there in each other's company, the place they felt the most safe.


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