A Rose For A Rose

بواسطة Alice-Roza

3.4K 248 76

Early 1800s and summer is here; the social season so to speak. Young Lady Rose spends the summer months in a... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Deleted Scenes


235 15 2
بواسطة Alice-Roza

Today was the day.

I was overcome with nervousness and excitement. My mother flitted around with Pipa while they helped me dress. My dress was white and elegant as expected, jewels and lace sewed to the satin and silk. The necklace I wore tonight was a gift from Olena, one of the many necklaces she had received over the years.

When Dimitri had said, many of the jewels his mother owned usually came after a beating, as if the diamonds would heal the wounds of time. And while she didn't keep all of them, she did keep her favourites.

The one she had lent me was tighter against my neck, the diamonds accentuation the curves of my collarbones. It made my figure more pronounced, and I looked older than my eighteen years. I looked like a brown-haired version of my mother instead.

My mother smiled at me as she placed my hairpiece in my hair, pinning it into place before setting my veil.

"Nervous?" My mother asked, tucking my hair behind my ears.

"A little. But not in a bad way, in a good way. Not like butterflies," I said softly, looking at my reflection in the mirror.

Mom hummed as she smiled. "I used to say that to your brother. No butterflies," she said. I chuckled and brushed my fingers over my necklace.

"He told me that. He said that butterflies were butterflies, and a man shouldn't make me feel nervous," I explained, looking at my mother.

Mom nodded as she placed pieces of my hair around my face. "He would be so proud of you," she said kindly. I took a slow deep breath and let it out just as slow. After hearing Andre say the opposite, I felt marginally better.

"He would?"

Mom nodded with a hum and kissed my forehead. "Yes. Just as I and your father are."

I sighed and nodded to myself. Baba knocked on the door and we both called for him to come in. He cleared his throat and the door swung open, revealing my dashingly dressed father. He smiled at me and sighed.

"You are not my little girl anymore," he said with a touch of sadness. I lifted the skirt of my dress and went to him, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head on his chest.

"I will always be your little girl, Baba. I'll just no longer carry your name."

"No," he said returning my embrace, "You will be a Duchess."

I nodded and enjoyed the last moments as young Lady Mazur. There was where a chapter of my life was ending and beginning. My childhood was ending and my life as an adult, a true Lady started.


I sighed and rubbed the sheets between my fingers. The doors were left open last night, and the breeze from the night filtered through the room. Even now in the rising sun, the curtains moved and fluttered in the air.

I rolled over and found brown eyes already open and watching me. I smiled and rolled closer, slipping my arms around his neck.

"Good morning," I sighed.

"Good morning, my wife," Dimitri said, rolling onto his back and pulling me with him. I settled my hands on his chest and shivered as the bedsheets dropped. The breeze was cool over my skin, but his hands provided warmth to my waist.

"Mmm, say it again," I simpered. Dimitri sat up and pulled me flush to his chest, his lips capturing mine in a heated kiss I didn't think was possible at such an early hour.

"Good morning," Dimitri said against my lips. I giggle as his lips moved over my cheek and jaw.

"Not that, the other part!" I laughed. Dimitri chuckled against my skin as his lips moved up to my ear. He kissed the shell of my ear.

"My wife," he said slowly in a husky voice, catching my ear lobe between his teeth. I closed my eyes and leaned into his chest with a sigh, tilting my head when his teeth released my ear.

"Yes, that," I said running my fingers up his back. Dimitri hummed against my skin and found my lips again, cupping the back of my head as he kissed me.

I shifted my hips and could feel his hardness against me. I was surprised given the lengthy activities last night, but he was a man. I couldn't fault him, just as I couldn't fault myself for wanting him so early in the hour.

"James will be coming soon," I moaned as Dimitri sucked on the skin behind my ear.

"No," he said pulling back and tucking my hair behind my ears, "I told James to leave us for the morning. He'll come late."

I cocked a brow at him and grinned. "Your Grace, do you have some ill-mannered ideas for this morning?" I asked.

Dimitri's hand slipped under the sheets and found my core quickly, finding wetness already there. He kissed my lips again as his other arms wrapped around my waist, lifting me just enough for him to position himself under me. He eased me down gently and I moaned at the sensation of being stretched. Even after last night, he still made me feel stretched and full.

"I have many ill-mannered thoughts for this morning," Dimitri said gripping my hips in his hands. I smirked at him as he propped himself up on the pillows, reclined enough to watch and to give me room to move, but not enough for him to be laying flat.

Seeing the ridged of the muscles over his stomach and the hardness of his arms made my mouth water. He really was a work from the heavens above, and I couldn't think of how lucky I was to have a husband that looked as handsome as he did.

I shifted around on my knees, trying to find my balance. We had done something similar last night, but it was so in the heat of the moment, I barely remembered what to do.

I bit my lip as I looked at him and rocked my hips, biting my lip harder when Dimitri bit his own. I rocked a few more times, swirling my hips every so often before I lifted on my knees and sank back down on him. The feeling of his thickness sliding in and out of me was intoxicating, and once I found a rhythm that worked, I dug my fingers into his chest, crying out in pleasure.

Every time we came together as one physically felt different each time. All were gratifying and euphoric, but they all were different. I learned new things about my body and his. I learned what would make him sigh in pleasure and moan in encouragement.

And I knew that sitting astride him like this would make him bend to my will. Whether it be the feel or the visual, I didn't know, but there had been times when he had all but screamed. Looking down at him and finding a predatory smirk on his face, my motions faltered. Dimitri's hands tightened on my hips and he lifted me off him and onto the sheets in front of him.

After carefully tossing me onto the sheets, Dimitri's hand gripped my legs and flipped me over. I gasped out of surprise, but it just made him laugh. I moved as his hand directed, balancing on my hands and knees.

I felt slightly vulnerable in this position, bent over and bare to the room. But I also knew that Dimitri wouldn't hurt me. His hands were feather light on my skin as they moved, caressing my spine as he kneeled behind me.

"Take a breath, my love," Dimitri said soothingly, pulling my hair over to one shoulder. I looked behind and gave him a timid smile.

"If this is uncomfortable, or you don't enjoy it, tell me," he said softly, leaning over me to kiss my shoulder. I nodded and closed my eyes for a moment, letting his touch ground me as he slid into me.

The feeling was deeper, and I gasped, arching my back. Dimitri stilled and questioned but I shook my head, letting him know I was okay. Dimitri waited a moment or two for my body to relax, his hand rubbing soothingly over my lower spine. When I nodded he held my hips gently as he moved, pulling in and out slowly. I wasn't sure how I felt about the position, but I knew that it felt good. Feeling him so sharply and deep made my eyes roll back and my hands fist into the sheets.

"Oh God!" I groaned, burying my face in the sheets. I could feel the ball tightening in my lower stomach. Hearing the words Dimitri whispered, his lips against my back and shoulders. The kiss he pressed against the base of my neck made me shiver, a quiet moan slipping through my lungs.

I fell apart with a scream that was muffled by the sheets. I could feel myself tighten around him and cried out, going limp. Dimitri's hands tightened harder on my skin as he raced to reach his release, coming apart with a guttered sigh.

Dimitri rubbed his hands over the base of my spine as I breathed deeply as he pulled out of me. I sighed and rolled onto my side with a groan. Dimitri laid down beside me and pulled me flushed to his chest, my breasts rubbing against the hairs on his chest.

I kissed Dimitri's shoulder and closed my eyes, tasting the salt of sweat on his skin. He ran his hand through my hair before twirling the ends around his fingers.

"I don't think I will ever get my fill of you," Dimitri said kissing my head.

I chuckled. "Is that so?"

Dimitri hummed and turned his head to press his lips to my neck. "Good thing I have you to the end of time."

I looked up at him and smiled. I rested my head against the bed, closing my eyes to bask in the glow. Dimitri sighed too but groaned when there was a firm knock on the door to the chambers.

"I thought you told James?"

"I don't think that's James," Dimitri groaned. He pressed a kiss to my lips and rolled off the bed and grabbed the closest pair of trousers. He pulled them on and gazed at me as he buttoned them.

"You should dress. If I continue to see you in such a state, I can't say that you will leave this room today."

I smirked and rolled onto my back, stretching my arms over my head and arching my back.

"Then you must go and see who disturbs us while I call for Pipa to draw a bath," I chuckled, rolling over the bed and slipping my robe on. I slipped around the bed and patted Dimitri's chest, laughing at his groan.


6 Months Later

Seeing Lissa's belly get larger and larger over the last few months was soul crushing. It wasn't that Dimitri and I had been actively trying for a baby, but we hadn't taken precautions to prevent a pregnancy.

Lissa complained about the changes and the aches and pains, and still, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. Every time my courses came, I felt sorrow deep in my chest. Dimitri had never said a word about it, knowing just how much turmoil it caused me.

"Is it really such terribleness?" I asked, moving the footstool into a spot that was better for Lissa. Six months had passed and she was sure she would give birth soon.

Six months of marriage and still had not been able to provide my husband with an heir.

Lissa rubbed her hand over her stomach, a tired but wistful look on her face.

"It's not all terrible. I mean, feeling the baby move is wonderous, especially when Christian talks to it. The biggest terror is how large I'm getting. None of my dresses fit, I feel as though I have to let out my dress every day that passes," Lissa explained as her fingers drew shapes over her stomach, the fabric of her dress moving over the distended skin.

"It won't be long now," I said softly, pouring tea into her cup. Lissa smiled and took a sip from her cup before waving at me.

"Enough about me! Your birthday is only a week away! What do you plan on wearing to the gathering?"

I toed with my lip and shrugged. "I'm not sure. Dimitri had mentioned he had a new dress ordered for me. Maybe that? I guess I should dress more as a Duchess," I said with a chuckle.

Lissa balanced the saucer for her teacup on the top of her stomach, looking at me with a frown.

"You've been melancholy for so long, what troubles you?" Lissa asked, reaching out for my hand. I smiled at her and took her hand, holding it gently.

"I'm fine," I said but Lissa narrowed her eyes at me.


I gave her a weak smile. "I feel inadequate. I've been wed for six months, and even before then, I had lain with my husband. And in all this time, I haven't conceived an heir," I explained, "Dimitri has been kind and knows how much it saddens me, but at the same time, how long until he becomes irritated that we do not have an heir?"

Lissa's frown deepened, setting deep into her lips and brows. "Oh, Rose. Don't dwell on that. It is not uncommon to not produce an heir right away," she soothed gently.

"But how could we not have one yet?!" I exclaimed, "We haven't done anything to prevent a pregnancy."

Lissa patted my hand in an affectionate manner. "It will come, Rose. I will come when you least expect it."


I pulled my gloves off with a sigh when I stepped into the manor, letting Pipa take my coat and scarf from me. I was exhausted from the travel and all I wanted to collapse on the couch in Dimitri's study. There was just something about that couch that was more comfortable than the others in the manor.

Our staff wandered about, helping prepare things for the birthday celebration Dimitri was planning. Olena had been joyful as she helped the staff prepare, boasting about how excited she was for the home to be filled with people.

Instead of going directly to the study, I went into what we considered the family room, a room that was not for outside eyes. It was warm and dark but provided a cozy atmosphere.

The only one who was in the family room was Yeva, sitting in her armchair knitting. She hadn't exactly warmed up to me, or me to her for that matter. She always seemed so distant with me and I never knew how to approach her. But Yeva reminded me of the seering in my stories from childhood. She always knew what was happening around us but without having confirmation.

Just like when she had predicted Viktoria's pregnancy, and Karolina's just before our wedding. She always seemed to know what was happening. I picked up a book that was left on the table and sat down on the sofa, resting my feet on the cushions in an unlady-like manner. I tried to focus on the words in front of me, but the rhythmic clicking of Yeva's needles were distracting.

I looked up at Yeva after a while to find she was working on an article of clothing for a child.

"Is that for Viktoria's child?" I asked politely, hoping to make some form of conversation with the scary elder. Yeva's eyes moved up from her knitting to mine.

"No," she said shortly.

"Is it for Karolina's?"

"No, you nosy girl. Stop asking questions," she said sharply before muttering under her tongue. I had learned a few words of Russian over the months, and I knew enough to know that what Yeva had said was not polite, or words a woman should utter. I looked back down at my book while feeling a little chastised.

I started to get into the novel finally when I heard the sound of familiar boots on the floor. I set the book down on the table and made my way to the foyer. I smiled when I saw Dimitri exiting one of the rooms that he used to meet with investors and such. He looked as tired as I felt, but as soon as he saw me, he smiled. I met him halfway and he scooped me up in his arms, groaning as he hugged me tightly.

"A night away from you is far too long," Dimitri mumbled in my hair, spinning me around. I laughed in his ear and held onto him tightly, pressing a quick kiss to his lips when my feet hit the ground.

"I promise I won't leave your side all day," I chuckled, looping my arms around his neck. His hands settled on my waist as he nodded, looking down at me with a soft smile.

"How was Lissa?"

"Heavy with child, in fact, she complained about it," I said with a roll of my eyes.

Dimitri chuckled and kissed my cheek softly. "I have something for you," Dimitri said as reached up to take one of my hands. I raised my brows in curiosity but went with him as he led me. He took me through the house and into the study, the only place in the manor where we could get real privacy during the day. I waited as he closed the door behind us, knowing that I would have to wait a moment for my surprise. And I was right, he stood in front of me and cradles my cheeks between his hands, his lips caressing mine. It was these kinds of kisses that made me feel like we were falling in love all over again, almost like teenage love.

I moaned against his lips, my hands wandering up his back. It was long before his hands no longer cradled my cheeks but held my waist. I dug my hands into his long brown hair and twisted the strands around my fingers. He lifted me up and sat me on the desk, pulling away with a sigh.

"If that is how I am welcomed home, maybe I should travel without you more often," I laughed. Dimitri shook his head and kissed my cheek.

"Close your eyes," he whispered. I nodded and closed them obediently. I could hear him move around the study, pushing the panel aside that he thought was secret. He came back and I hear a quiet jingle before something cold touched my neck. I jumped a the coldness but relaxed as Dimitri's hand fastened what ever he had in his hands around my neck.

"Open your eyes," Dimitri said. I did and he was standing in front of me, his hands holding a small mirror.

"I know your birthday isn't until next week, but I wanted to spoil you," he said cheerfully. I smiled at him and he held up the mirror so I could see my reflection. Hanging from my neck was a gem I had never seen before. It was large and it sparkled in the light from the fireplace.

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"It's an opal," Dimitri said brushing the back of his fingers over the side of my neck. I furrowed my brows, I had never heard of an opal.

"I've never heard of it," I said with a chuckle.

"They're rare. This one was found in one of your father's mines. He had set aside a few gemstones at my request," Dimitri said. He set the mirror down on the desk beside me.

I reached up and ran my fingers over the stone, smiling to myself. "It's beautiful. I love it," I said to him. Dimitri smiled.

"You sure? I don't want you to say that if you don't like it."

I stood from the desk and rested my hands on his chest. "I. Love. It. Thank you," I reaffirmed.

"You know what an even better birthday gift would be?" I asked him with a dreamy voice.

Dimitri wagged his brows and set his hands on my hips. "What's that, my love? You ask and you shall receive."

I snorted. "Your grandmother not treating me so frostily. We live in the same home and yet, she barely says a word to me."

Dimitri groaned slightly. "I cannot assure the delivery of that. She is a creature of a different realm."

I made a noise of protest before laughing. "I had to try," I said, "Well, there is another thing I'd like for my birthday."

"As long as it is not my grandmother," Dimitri quipped.

I smiled and took one of his hands, moving from my hip to my lower abdomen. "I want a child."

Dimitri looked at me tenderly and rubbed his hand over me. "I cannot promise that either, but I will do my best," he whispered, pressing his lips to my forehead. I could feel him smirk against my skin.

"I could do my best to deliver right now," he chuckled, making me laugh too.

I playfully hit his chest and looked up at him. "After dinner," I whispered, "I have things I need to take care of first. Starting with finding your mother."

Dimitri nodded and let me walk towards the door, but just before I got to the door, his hand swatted my ass. I gasped and I turned to look at him, my hand going to cup my asscheek.

"You can't pretend you don't like it," he said as he came toward me and opened the door, "We both know how much you enjoy it in our chambers."

I blushed and punched his shoulder, glaring at him. "And now I have to go and sit awkwardly with your mother."

Dimitri laughed and walked out of the study, winking at me over his shoulder.


3 Months Later

I smiled as I watched everyone dance. The social season had begun again. And here we were, at the same opening season dance as we were last year. The brandy in my hand was chilled and it helped with the heat of the season.

"Don't you look lovely," Mia said as she came to a stop beside me. I looked at her and smiled, clicking my glass against hers.

"Thank you. You look divine as well," I said with a smile.

Mia smiled and sipped her drink. "Where is the handsome man you call a husband? Didn't abandon you to the event, did he?"

I shook my head. "No. I suspect that he is in the cigar room. Drinking and mucking around," I said with a laugh. Mia snickered and winked.

"He could be doing worse things," Mia laughed. I smirked and shrugged, not outright agreeing with her.

"How have things been as a married woman?"

"Pleasant," I said honestly, "A true love match. He is everything I ever wanted."

Mia smiled a genuine smile. "That's what every woman wants to hear about being married."

I nodded and finished my glass, feeling parched still. I picked up a glass from a waiter walking by, smiling politely at him as he passed.

"How was your winter? Anything worthy of conversation?"

Mia shook her head. "Other than Natasha Ozera losing her status, nothing newsworthy."

I nodded as I sipped my brandy. I had heard about Natasha's fall from grace. After our wedding, Natasha tried to spread rumors and gossip, claiming that we married because I was with child. But that rumour was proven farse by Christmas time and I had not changed in physical appearance, despite my dismay.

Once the trail of lies was proven and many gentlemen verified her activites at Madame Gilda's, Christian couldn't afford to let her tarnish their family name any further. It was difficult for him to do, but he did it to protect Lissa and their child.

Their beautiful little blue-eyed girl.

I blinked out of my musing when a hand settled on my back and a familiar smell wrapped in tobacco blanketed me.

"Enjoying your evening, my love?"

I looked up at Dimitri with a smile. "I am. Care to take your wife to the dance floor?"

Dimitri plucked the glass from between my fingers and downed the contents in a flick of his wrists before pulling me to the floor. I let Dimitri wrap me in his arms, resting my head on his chest as we danced. I smiled to myself as we watched everyone around us enjoy the party, and I felt nostalgic as I watched. It was strange to think that a year ago it was us twirling on the floor for the first time.

"We met here," I sighed.

Dimitri hummed in agreeance. "You were running from Jesse Zeklos."

"And to think, you claimed I accosted you when we met," I said as we danced.

Dimitri smirked and bent his head closer to mine. "And here we are, husband and wife. Parents to be," he said softly.

I looked at him and shushed him softly. "Careful, I haven't told my parents yet. They should be here shortly" I chided.

Dimitri's hand slid lower on my back, pulling me closer. It wouldn't case too much talk given that we were married. He rested his forehead against mine.

"I remember the first time I laid eyes on you."

"You do?"

Dimitri nodded. "Dressed in that lilac and gold dress, you looked the vision of beauty."

I smiled. "Was that before or after I threw myself at you?"

"Before, and after, and the whole night on. I thought you were the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I thought to myself, 'Wow. How can a woman be so astonishingly beautiful?'"

I blushed and pecked his lips. "If you keep talking like that, the evening could turn to be in your favour," I whispered saucily. Dimitri winked at me and lifted his head, giving the image of a perfect dance.

I looked off to the side to find a young lady I had seen around town engaged in a conversation with a young man. The two of them looked smitten together and I tapped Dimitri's shoulder.

"Do you think we ever really fooled anyone? Do you think we looked at each other like that?"

Dimitri's lips brushed the soft spot before my ear. "I know that I did. We never fooled anyone."

I smirked and looked up at him. "Now we have to see how long we can fool everyone that I'm not with child."

Dimitri spun me under his arm with a laugh. "I don't think it will be that hard."

I chuckled at him, finding it hard to believe.

"After all, what can be harder than making you fall in love with me."

"It wasn't that hard," I replied softly. And it really wasn't, in fact, falling in love with him was the best thing that happened to me. I hope that I would grow old with him and that every summer week he'd still pluck a single rose from the garden and present it to me the same way he did the first time.

With a brow wrapped to it and the sweet words, "A Rose for a Rose."


Tadah! This baby is finished!

I want to thank everyone who gave me input and helped me through this.

Let me know what you think!

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