Autorstwa Hana_loves_ff

9.5K 304 35

An shiraishi x fem reader, because none of these exist. Cover art does not belong to me, Characters do not be... Więcej

~ The First Performance~
~ Morning~
~ After School~
~Vivid-What Now?/ Goodnight~
~ A New Friend of Mine~
~Oh Crap~
~New Introductions~
~Second Performance~
~Let's Make It Official~
~Like Family~
200 Special!!
~Sleepover, (part one)~
~Unrequited Emotions~
~Unrecognized Emotions~
~Sleepover (part 2)~
~Sleepover (part three)~
~Dinner Date~
~ Live Show~
we're so close to 1k readsss
~The Night Before~
~Unrecognized Emotions Part 2~
Oneshot part 2!!!!
3000 WTF

Another oneshott!!

218 6 0
Autorstwa Hana_loves_ff

You felt your anxiety rise as you gripped the rent bill. There was no way you'd be able to pay that... Things had been a bit rough lately, and right now you were without a job. Your search never ended though. In fact, just that day you had walked yourself over to a job fair. 

You let the bill slip to the floor as you shifted the weight of your head into your hands, which were leaning on the table.

 You really wanted to cry, but there was someone you had to stay strong for. Your little sister who was 13. You were an adult, and both of your parents had recently passed away, so with no-where else to go she was in your hands now.

Right now, she was asleep in her room.  You went to bed that night thinking about the next possible way to get some type of job. Why wasn't anybody hiring you anyway? ( huh that's actually a question for me). 

Saturday morning came fast, and you left for the day to job hunt again. After a unsuccessful morning, you went back home and opened your computer. Searching up available jobs, you found a website. 

" Housekeeper job for hire at Shiraishi estate..." You knew where that was, you had walked by it one day. It was a ginormous mansion. " Interviews will be held at estate tomorrow through next week Tuesday..." This could be it!

You weren't getting your hopes up though, your luck when it came to interviews was not good at all. You spent the rest of the day looking for a nice outfit to wear. When you got home, you cooked something for you and your sister and ate a quiet dinner. 

That night you ironed your outfit and picked a nice jewelry set from your mothers box. You also pre-made a breakfast for your little sister. 

The next morning, you woke her up and told her you were going for another interview. After she wished you luck, you were on your way. 

When you got there, there were plenty of people who also seemed to be there for the interview, and they were being let in one by one. When your turn finally arrived, you were escorted into the building by a man. 

" Right down here is the interview room. If you could just walk down that hall". The man pointed down the hall towards two large doors. As you made your way towards them, they opened. Another man was sitting on a couch and offered you a seat on one across from him. 

" Okay. To start us off, can I get your name?" He pulled out a notepad and a pen. " It's Reader Lastname" You said as clearly as possible. " alright Ms. Lastname, do you happen to be a skilled-"

" She'll do" Someone else spoke from the doorway. " But Miss Shiraishi, we haven't even gone over her qualifications!" the man interviewing you said. You turned towards the door to see who had said that.

It was a woman around your age who had dark hair with blue highlights. " I said she'll do" The woman walked away. " Uhm.. Okay. Here's the job Ms. Lastname." You said thank you, and left for home. 

While it was a bit strange, you got a job, and that was enough for you.

" Oh you're back early! I thought that interview would have lasted longer" Your sister said opening the door for you. " Yeah! I didn't even have to get the interview. Ms. Shiraishi hired me on the spot!" " huh. Guess that works too". You placed the keys on the table and sat down on the couch.

" Where did you say you were working at now?" You sister soon came and joined you. You slipped her the card you got on your way out of the interview. " Wow! They have to pay you a lot to take care of that entire house" You glanced at her. " I hope so. We really need it" 


A car had come to pick you up. Your sister was staring in awe from the window. " Uhm, Is this car for me?" You asked the driver once he rolled down the window. " Yes of  course! Now get in. You have to be at the estate by 9:00. I'll driver you back here at 10:00 pm" You got into the car and waved to your sister. She waved back, before giving you a thumbs up and closing the blinds.

The car ride was smooth, and you spent most of the time looking out of the window. When you got there, you entered the large house and went towards the office. 

When you arrived, you knocked before someone familiar said, " Come in" You opened the door and slowly entered, not forgetting to shut it behind you. " Hello, it's nice to see you again" Ms. Shiraishi  said. " Uhm, yes" you responded while taking a seat across from her desk. 

" uh... If you don't mind me asking,  why did you hire me so quickly?" She re-adjusted herself in her seat and looked like she was thinking. " Uhm.... I don't know!" She shrugged casually. She wasn't as stern as you thought an owner of a ginormous place like this would be. " Anyway, for today, just dust around, maybe polish the tables too. It hasn't been cleaned in a while. Also, can you cook?" 

You nodded your head. " Great then. Before you leave, if you could make a small dinner for one" After that she left the office, leaving you sitting down. " Alright then..." You lifted yourself from your seat and got to work.

You were glad they skipped the interview with you. Truth was, you had no idea how to clean properly. Like yeah, washing dishes and picking up, all of the simple stuff. But polishing? 

You started off by grabbing a duster and dusting a coffee table in the main room. When it was done, you grabbed a polishing oil and dabbed a little on. Now what do I do with it?

You just decided to wipe it off. " Hold on a sec" You turned around. It was Ms. Shiraishi. She looked so confused. " You do know how to clean, right?" Oh crap. She was onto you. " Of course!" You tried to block the mess that was the coffee table.

" No no it's alright. Like this." She went over to the table and took your rag from you. As she was demonstrating, you observed quietly. " Go on, now you try" She let go and motioned towards you. 

" Uhm, alright!" You grabbed the rag and tried to copy her circular like motion, and slightly cringed when you knew very well you weren't doing it right. "  No". You heard her say. How could one be so bad at polishing a table? This you did not know. 

You were expecting to get fired imminently. There was no way she would keep you. You were completely convinced until you felt a slight pressure on your hand. Ms. Shiraishi's hand was. guiding yours around the table. " See? It's not that hard" She chuckled  and turned to face you. 

" Hello? you still in there?" You snapped out of it when she waved her hand infront of you face. " Sorry!" You continued to polish the table, and she eventually left. 

After a long day of trying to clean, you finally packed up your stuff and headed into the kitchen. The last thing you needed to do was just to make her something for dinner. Luckily, you couldn't clean, but you could cook. 

When you were done, you took the plate to Ms. Shiraishi's office. Before you could knock, she opened to door. " Wowww Looks good! You can go home now! I'll contact the driver!" 

The drive home was quiet. It began to rain lightly, and the tapping on the window relaxed you. You got out of the car and thanked the man. As soon as you opened to door you collapsed on the couch. Not even considering having dinner that night. You were just tired.

You woke up on the couch, still in your uniform. The morning sun was filtering itself into the window through the blinds. You checked the time. " 8:30? " You rubbed your eyes. wait, 8:30?? Oh no... the driver would be here any minute! 

" Finally! I've been trying to wake you for ages!" Your little sister was right next to you. Jumping to your feet you ran to the bathroom, quickly ironed your uniform and washed up. 

" I can't make breakfast today! There's some frozen waffles in the freezer!" You said to your little sister as you ran out the door. 

" Good morning Ms. Reader. I see yesterday wore you out?" The driver asked. He was a older man in his sixties was your assumption. " Yes I overslept! How long were you waiting? I'm so sorry!" He laughed as you pulled out of the driveway. 

" Oh not long don't worry. Ms. Shiraishi tends to be very forgiving." You sighed in relief. How many times were you going to come close to loosing your job? You exited the car exactly twenty minuets late. You were nervous on how it was going to be entering the building.

When you walked in, Ms. Shiraishi was sitting there, seemingly waiting for you. 

" Ms, I'm so sorry I overslept and-" She looked up at you. " It's okay, there's not much to do today. I wanted to take this time to get to know you. Go on, sit down!" Huh? Even so, you did. " Uhm, Ms. Shiraishi, do you want breakfast or something?" She took a sip of what looked to be coffee. " Please just call me An, but if you prefer Ms. Shiraishi that's okay too." You were thoroughly confused. 

No person you had ever worked for was this friendly. " Uhm, okay then.... An, do you want anything for breakfast?" it felt so awkward saying that, and you instantly wanted to leave the room. " No I'm good. I have other cooks, do you want something?" That's when you remembered you didn't eat your breakfast... " Uhm, I'm okay" You waved your hands. 

It was awkward like that for a long time. You were awkwardly staring at your feet, wondering how long it had been. " What made you decide to come for the interview?" An asked. You looked up at her. " It's just that I needed some money because of my little sister, and I haven't found a great job after I got out of college." You said thinking about the past couple of days.

" I see. What's your sister like?" You instantly began rambling about how great your younger sister was. Almost like a certain somebody else.  " I really couldn't ask her to be more understanding about our situation! I wish I could give her a better life though"

" Let's go" An stood up. " Huh? Where are we going?" She walked up to you and offered her hand. " To your house!" 

You rode in the car next to An, trying to look out of the window. It was a little nerve wracking being so close. When you arrived, your little sister came out looking confused. " What's going on?" An opened the car door. " Get in!" You looked at your sister, looking just as confused as you did and shrugged. " So, What should we do today? Feel free do to whatever alright? I'll pay." 

Your sister seemed to look at you for permission, and you nodded your head. " Uhm, can I have ice cream!" The next thing you knew you were all driving to the ice cream parlor. An was walking around, while your sister was getting every flavor she possibly could. You sat down and watched. " You aren't going to get anything?" An sat by you. 

" Oh no I won't. I don't want to be a burden." You took out your phone and began scrolling idly. " OH no I insist!" An led you to the front desk. " uhm, well I guess a small salted Carmel wouldn't hurt..." The lady working there got out a small cup when, " Make that a regular" An said and smiled at you. 

Why was she being so nice? Weren't you essentially her servant? " This is great!" Your little sister had a extra large cup of multiple flavors. " Whoah.. I'm so sorry about her" You apologized to An. " I took you both here, why are you apologizing? Take it and eat it!" She handed you yours, and you took a small spoon. 

It was delicious. You couldn't remember the last time you ate something like this. " Is it good?" An asked you. You nodded. your head quickly, then remembered your manners and said thank you. 

The rest of the day was so much fun. An took you both to the fair, and your little sister maxed out on the sweets. It was evening now, and you all saved the best ride for last, the Ferris wheel. 

You starred in awe at the city over the faint light of the sun setting. Through the corner of your eye, you saw An starring at you. Right now, you were smiling uncontrollably. " Thank you so much for this" You finally parted from the window and looked An in the eye. " It was no problem really" She said as the Ferris wheel lowered. 

Your little sister couldn't stop talking during the way back home. It was almost sad, now that you had such an awesome day, and you were going back to a small apartment building. You waved to An when you got out of the car. All the happiness was sucked out of you when you saw boxes being moved out of the apartment, and your land lord standing there. 

 " Rent was due almost a two months ago... You're being evicted. " Your world came crashing down. " What no! I promise I'll get it to you as soon as I can please! " You looked around at the boxes. Your little sister was behind you. You had to figure something out. " I don't want to hear it! You never pay on time!'" Your landlord snatched the keys you had and tossed your keychain back. 

She passed you and you felt your legs give out. You were homeless now... " Reader!" An ran out of the car. You wanted to cry, but you couldn't. You sister was right there depending on you. " It's fine, I can find somewhere for us..." You attempted to stand, but you fell again. " Let me help you!" An ran to your side to support you.

She put you back in the car, and called another car to pick up the boxes. You didn't know where An was taking you and you sister, but you hoped It was somewhere you could stay. 

While you were in the car, your sister fell asleep. It was just you and An, shoulder to shoulder. " Reader? Are you alright? You've been a little quiet-" You started sobbing uncontrollably. All those years of keeping it in, was finally pouring out. An held you in a hug as you continued crying. 

" Why didn't you tell me things were this bad? I could have helped" You looked up at her. " No, that's why I took the job! I just met you I can't ask something like that!" An looked sympathetically at you.

" You can stay with me" " Huh?" She sat up and repeated herself. " You can stay with me!" You started crying again, but this time not because you were sad. These tears were of gratitude. 

author's note!


Czytaj Dalej

To Też Polubisz

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