Lancelot1864 द्वारा

285K 11.1K 5.3K

Just another what if fanfic of TBATE (the beginning after the end) originally written by TurtleMe. In this f... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132-Final

Chapter 18

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Lancelot1864 द्वारा

Arthur Leywin POV

*2 years later*

I slowly opened my eyes after getting a good nights rest. Today was the day Gramps wanted to do a little test with Tess and me, to see how our combat skills are coming along.

I looked over to my left, and see Tess sleeping, her gunmetal gray hair covering her face while she used my shoulder as a pillow. Over these past two years, not a single night went by where Tess and I didn't sleep in the same room.

Tess is someone I've grown absolutely comfortable around, we do almost everything together. Some of the castle staff and citizens of Zestier make jokes saying we were particularly joined at the hip.

Over these past two years, Gramps has been training both Tess and I in combat skills, and mana manipulation. He's also been helping me with my beast will assimilation. Gramps said it's going remarkably well, probably because of my dragon body.

My mana core is now at light orange, with it still getting stronger everyday, since it basically purifies on its own. I've been helping Tess purify her core every night, and now she is at the light red stage. I also taught Tess the mana rotation technique Sylvia taught me, where you could absorb mana while on the move. However, we could only absorb about 30% of the normal amount while moving.

Tess was able to use wind magic, and unlocked plant magic not to long ago. Gramps introduced us to big sister Alea, who works with big sister Aya. Alea was a young fair skinned blonde hair blue eyed elf with a very nice personality, which put a smile on your face. Alea has been training with Tess on her plant magic, while Aya helped me to unlock sound magic.

Gramps has let Tess and I spar a couple of times, and I must say she has gotten really good. Though, every time we spar, I always get this warm feeling in my chest, and get a little distracted thinking about Tess.

Excited to see what kind of test Gramps has in store for us, I gently shook Tess' shoulder to wake her up. "Hey Tess, wake up, we have to meet Gramps soon." Tess grumbled and nuzzled her head against my shoulder.

I felt my face grow warm at this, and I felt that warm feeling in my chest again. I decided to have a little fun with Tess, and flicked her ear causing her to shoot up. "Ah, Art! What are you doing?!" Tess exclaimed as she lightly pinched my side. Tess pouted and crossed her arms looking away from me.

I laughed at her antics and sat up. I gently patted her head causing her to hum happily, putting her in a good mood. "Sorry princess, but I couldn't resist." I said while giving a soft laugh. Tess pouted at this, since I know she hates it when I call her princess.

Tess pinched my side again saying, "Tess. T.E.S.S. I swear Art if I have to remind you again." I hugged Tess before she could finish catching her by surprise. I could hear Tess hum again as she returned the hug.

"Ok." I said as I broke the hug. "We have to get ready for this test Gramps wants us to do. So let's go head and get dressed." Tess smiled at me while nodding her head. She got out of bed, and ran out of my room to go to hers to get ready.

After Tess left I got myself up, got washed up, and put on my training robes, which was basically a dobok, with a red top and black pants. I opened my bedroom door, and stepped into the hallway. As soon as I stepped into the hallway, I was tackled by none other then Tess. Luckily I was able to brace myself to keep us from falling to the floor.

"You ready Art?" Tess asked in excitement.

"As I'll ever be!" I replied as I took Tess' hand, which became a second nature to me. Tess and I ran out into the courtyard where we saw gramps waiting with three others. I recognized two of them as big sisters Aya and Alea. The third one I didn't recognize. He was a tall thin build muscular elf, who wore black leather armor with green trimmings. He had an obsidian colored rapier with gold trimming strapped to his back. He had white medium length hair, and sky blue eyes.

"My my, holding hands and arriving together. Did someone have an adventurous night?" I heard Aya say in what Gramps called a seductive tone.

Tess and I looked at each other confused, and looked back at Aya. "Aya! They're six and seven years old. There's no need to say things like that." Alea scolded Aya who just laughed.

Alea then looked at us and smiled, "good morning you two. I hope you slept well."

"We did big sis! So what are we doing for our test?" I asked Alea. A look of concern washed over Alea, which is when she looked at Gramps.

Gramps let out a small chuckle and stepped forward. "Today, you both will be fighting me while I use my first phase of my beast will. I want to see how far you have come, and how well you work as a team."

Tess and I looked at each other a little concerned. Tess and I have only heard stories about how strong gramps is when he uses his beast will. Granted, it's only his first phase. But still, I'm pretty sure it's not gonna go well.

"Which is why I've asked Sebastian to come and help us out. He will make sure you don't get too hurt." Alea said while giving us a worried smile.

I looked over at Tess and smiled, as I was little concerned for her. I know I could probably handle a few scratches thanks to my dragon body, and how fast I heal. But Tess didn't have my perks. I looked back at this Sebastian who gave me a nod and a smile.

"How are you going to make sure we don't get hurt." Tess asked Sebastian curiously.

Sebastian gave a small laugh while lifting his right hand, and emitted a green energy. "I'm an emi-"

"Emitter?" I finished for him. I gave him a small smile and looked down for a second.

"You alright Art?" I heard Tess ask. I looked at her, and saw she had a concerned look on her face.

"I'm fine Tess. My mom was just an emitter. So I just thought about her." Tess gave me a small smile as she gave me a warm hug, which I returned.

"Don't worry Art, I'll always be here for you." I heard Tess whisper in my ear, which made me feel warm inside. I nodded, and we broke the hug looking at the four individuals who were looking at us smiling.

"I guess you were right, Arthur will be the future king of Elenoir after all." I heard Sebastian say while looking at Alea, who nodded giving a warm smile. Tess and I blushed while looking down, getting laughs from everyone.

"Alright you too, best get stretched out and get ready, I won't be going too easy on you." Gramps said with a smirk. Tess and I nodded and started to stretch, while gramps got us our practice weapons. He gave me a wooden sword, and gave Tess a wooden staff, since she was a conjurer and I was an augmenter.

I looked over to the tree which gave us shade, and saw Alea, Aya, and Sebastian standing underneath the tree looking at us. I watched as Aya would try and move closer to Sebastian to speak with him, but Alea would quickly get between them and change the subject. This seemed to get a good laugh out of Aya.

"Alright you two, are you ready?" Gramps asked gaining mine and Tess' attention. Tess and I looked at each other. We gave each other a confident nod, and looked back at Gramps.

"We're ready." Tess and I said at the same time.

Gramps smirked. "Very well, here I come!"


Sebastian Araic POV

I watched with interest as Arthur, Princess Tessia, and Elder Virion got into their fighting stances. This boy, Arthur, I could sense immense power coming from him. Six years old, and already at light orange. Not only that, there was something about him, something divine, but also something....more?

There seemed to be a strange power, that was dormant within him. Something contained wanting to come out. I know Elder Virion said he had a beast will. But this wasn't it. It was something else.

After a few seconds, I sensed as Elder Virion activated his first phase of his beast will. He dashed forward towards the other two. I watch as Arthur and Princess Tessia used wind magic to shoot themselves into the air. Using wind magic, they both propelled themselves through the air, landing where Elder Virion was originally standing.

Arthur slammed his foot into the ground which sent a crack of earth towards Elder Virion. Elder Virion jumped and dodged as a pillar of earth erupted from the ground. But as soon as Elder Virion landed on the ground, several vines shot up, and wrapped themselves around him.

"Now Art!" Princess Tessia yelled, and I saw she had her staff slammed into the ground. Arthur wrapped lighting magic around his sword and himself, shooting forward at an incredible speed.

"Thunderclap impulse." I heard Alea whisper.

My eyes widen at this. How was he able to use wind, earth, and lightning attributes. "*giggle*, you should see your face right now." I look to see Alea looking at me smiling. As soon as our eyes met, she blushed and looked back to the fight.

I smile seeing her actions. I look back to the fight, and watch as Arthur arrives next to Elder Virion. Arthur was about to strike when Elder Virion did a 360 degree turn breaking the vines, and pushed Arthur back with an open palm to his chest. Arthur quickly landed on his feet, but Elder Virion appeared in front of him almost instantly. Elder Virion was about to deliver a blow against Arthur when I saw Princess Tessia swing her staff in a sideways arc.

Several wind blades shot out from Princess Tessia, aimed directly at Elder Virion. Elder Virion jumped backwards out of the way. Arthur didn't give him a chance to breath as he dashed forward with the same lighting technique. He dashed past Elder Virion, ending up behind him, and turned to face him. Elder Virion was now in the middle between Princess Tessia and Arthur.

"Icy tempest!" Arthur yelled at Princess Tessia, who gave him a nod in understanding. Princess Tessia quickly twirled her staff, and a tornado formed around Elder Virion. Arthur quickly formed several ice shards, and shot them into the tornado.

My eyes went wide at this. Impossible... he's a quadra-elemental? I could just hear Alea giggling at my facial expressions. Arthur continued to shoot ice shards, while Princess Tessia guided the shards inside the tornado using wind magic.

I smirked watching their joint attack. Clever, trap your opponent and use ice shards to constantly bombard him with attacks. It would be effective, however..... I watched as Princess Tessia continued using wind magic until she felt a tap on her left shoulder.

She quickly turned around, and grew wide eyed when she saw Elder Virion standing there waving at her. "Tess!" Arthur yelled as he dashed across the field surrounding himself with lighting. But it was too late as Elder Virion karate chopped Princess Tessia on the back of her neck. Tessia went limp, and fell to the floor.

Arthur arrived next to Elder Virion wrapping his sword in fire magic. Arthur swung his fire covered sword in an arc, aimed at Elder Virion's side. Elder Virion jumped back laughing.

"It's just you and me now brat." I thought I saw Arthur whisper something, and Princess Tessia give a slight nod. But I couldn't be sure.

Arthur dashed forward using wind magic this time. He quickly flipped in the air horizontally coating his sword in ice magic. Elder Virion was about to move away but was stopped. Elder Virion looked down growing wide eyed, and I followed his gaze. Vines had wrapped around Elder Virions ankles. Arthur landed next to Elder Virion, and hit Elder Virion with his Sword, freezing his sword to Elder Virion's side.

Once they were frozen together, Princess Tessia quickly got up and dashed towards Arthur and Elder Virion. It was a feint? But how? "She wrapped herself in wind magic at the last second dulling the blow from Elder Virion . It kept her from being knocked out." Aya said seeing my confused expression.

I nodded in understanding, and watched as Tessia jumped towards Elder Virion and Arthur. Elder Virion tried to break away, but the vines and Arthur kept him in place. Princess Tessia swiped her staff shooting off an arc of wind, which knocked Elder Virion back, breaking him free from the ice and vines. Elder Virion landed on his back, and Arthur dashed to him with his lightning technique. Arthur landed next to Elder Virion, and pointed his sword at his neck. Princess Tessia walked over to them smiling.

"I think you lost grandpa." Princess Tessia said.

"Hahahaha, very good you too. Alone you probably would've lost. But together you did great! Great teamwork! I'm proud of both of you!" Elder Virion said as he deactivated his first phase.

"It helped you were holding back as well." Arthur said smiling.

"You could tell huh brat." Elder Virion said laughing.

"It was pretty obvious. But you two did well, we are very proud of both of you." Alea said as we walked forward.

"Thank you big sister Alea!" Tess said.

"Thanks for helping me out as well big sister Aya." Arthur said smiling.

"You're welcome my little Arthur." Aya said smirking at Arthur. I could see Princess Tessia pouting in the corner of my eye, causing me to smirk.

"I'm glad no one was injured. If you no longer need my assistance Elder, I shall take my leave." I said bowing to Elder Virion.

Elder Virion stood and nodded. "Thank you for coming Lieutenant Araic. And I don't think I need to tell you to keep Arthur's abilities to yourself." Elder Virion said with a stern voice.

"His secret is safe with me." I replied getting a smile out of Elder Virion.

"Then you are dismissed. Tell your father I said hi." Elder Virion said.

I bowed one more time, "of course." I said with a smile before I started to leave.

"I'll keep you company on your way home." I turned to see Alea walking to me blushing a little. I smiled at her.

"Thanks, I'll enjoy the company." I said to Alea as we began to walk away. As we walked away, I heard Aya whisper in my ear using sound magic.

"Don't forget to pull out." My body quickly stiffened, and I could see Alea heard it too. I turned to see Aya smirking at us , and I gave her an eye roll.

I turned to Alea bringing her into a side hug and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Wanna get some food first?" I asked.

"Sure, I'd like that, your treat?" She asked smiling.

"Of course." I said returning the smile.


Tessia Eralith POV

I looked back up to Grandpa after watching Alea and Sebastian walk off. Seeing him kiss her forehead made me think about Arthur, and how it would be nice if he kissed my forehead.

"Well done you too. I may have been holding back, but you two did excellent. Good teamwork and communication. I can see you will make a good team, and a better couple." He said while smirking.



Art and I yelled while I was pinching grandpa's side. "Ouch that hurts little one. Ok, well I'm sure you two used up some mana. So why don't you two rest up a little, and then we will continue with training."

Art and I nodded. Art smiled as he walked over to me, and grabbed my hand. I blushed when he did this. I haven't told him, but I always felt the happiest when we were holding hands. Just being with him made me feel happy and safe. I couldn't even remember what life was like before meeting Art. He made me forget about all the bad things in my past. I can't even begin to imagine what life would be like without him.

We made our way to the tree, and sat down with our backs against the base of the tree trunk. We sat there under the shade of the tree while absorbing the ambient mana to refill our mana cores.

While I was sitting there, I subconsciously laid my head on Arts shoulder. While I had my head on his shoulder, I felt him wrap his left arm around me grabbing my shoulder, as he laid his head on top of mine. I couldn't help but feel happy as Art did this.

"Thanks Art, for always being there for me. And making me happy." I said smiling and humming.

I could feel his face form a smile as he leaned his head down a little. "You make me happy too." I heard him whisper, causing me to smile.

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