Alone Together

emberdakota67 द्वारा

29 1 0

The last thing Analeigh thought she would do is run into a former classmate, Chris, hundreds of miles away fr... अधिक

Chapter 1-Analeigh
Chapter 2-Chris
Chapter 3-Analeigh
Chapter 4-Chris
Chapter 6-Analeigh

Chapter 5-Chris

3 0 0
emberdakota67 द्वारा

By Tuesday late afternoon came around I was let go for the day not needed. Since I was let out early, I had no idea what to do with myself. Grabbing my camera, I found a park that was still covered in snow and started taking pictures.

I wandered around for about an hour capturing everything from the trees still coated in ice to the geese sitting around in clusters. Once I felt the cold seeping in making me shiver it was time to leave and get a coffee. Since I knew the place already had good coffee, I went to the one the last time I was here. I brought in my camera and laptop figuring I would edit until I decided to get dinner.

I felt better after a couple of minutes of sitting inside combined with a hot drink. I turned on my laptop and connected my camera. I waited while my pictures were downloaded, by people watching. There was a mixture of people in this early evening. Teenagers who just got done with their after-school programs. Parents who need a pick me up before dealing with the chaos at home. A college student uses the internet to get homework done. Nothing caught my eye that I wanted to take pictures of.

My photography hobby started when I was in middle school when I took a photography class. For several classes, while the weather permitted, we got to go around the neighborhood closest to the school to take pictures. It became a contest among several of us to take the best photo. Nothing blurry as most of us ended up getting. I had fun with it. Learning to get different angles, figuring out where the light is. Once the class was over, I truly missed taking pictures that I begged for a camera of my own.

My parents were reluctant to get me one. Even the crappier end models were a bit out of my parent's price range. So, while I saved my money to put towards a new camera, I practiced with a digital camera my grandparents bought when they were trying to be tech-savvy. Their obsession with the digital age didn't last long.

Hey, their loss was my gain.

Once I saved up and my parents paid for the rest, my camera was always by my side. I took pictures of everything. Which eventually got on my family's nerves when I was always in their face taking a picture. My dad threatened more than a thousand times to break "the damn thing".

Over the years the passion still hasn't gone away. While I love photography it certainly isn't something I want to do professionally. I like taking pictures of what I want.

I edited for a while not realizing the sun was dipping into the horizon and the lights were brighter inside. Not until a shadow came upon me. I heard a quiet tapping then "are you stalking me now?"

I jerked my head up to find Analeigh standing by my chair with a raised brow, holding a coffee in one hand and a small paper bag in the other. She didn't look particularly pleased in finding me here.

My lips twitched into a smile.

"Hey can't blame a guy for wanting a decent cup of coffee," I said. Analeigh just stared back lips pressed firmly together. "So, do I get a hug or what?" I spread my arms open grinning.

Analeigh looked like she rather stick her head in the coffee bean grinder than hug me. Her look only made me laugh.

"I don't hug people," she informed me with a huff. Judging by the look on her face I don't think she is lying.

I shrug. "You don't know what you are missing then." Analeigh rolled her eyes, frown lessening.

"I think I will be okay," she says pointedly. "What brings you back here?"

"Why don't you sit and I'll tell you." I secretly hoped she would. I like having interactions with people and I'm on my own for tonight. Once I leave here I'll get dinner and hang out in my hotel room for the night. So thrilling.

Analeigh pauses like she is thinking my offer over. Then she turns on her feet walking to the other side of the table across from me. I let her take off her coat and settle into the chair. Bringing her coffee to her lips she fixes me with a raised brow to start talking. I want to laugh. She is too serious sometimes.

"Corporate wanted me to come back. Things are going well for the project."

"That's great," Annaleigh replied, offering a genuine smile.

"Gets me out of my workplace. I'm happy either way."

"Must suck that you love your career but where you work not so much," Analeigh offered as she dug into her bag and pulled out a scone.

"Sometimes," I respond back. There are days I'm glad I work mainly to myself that way I don't get drugged into the mess Greg is creating.

"You were doing better than I was when I graduated university. I didn't even want a degree in accounting." This time it was I who raised a brow. I leaned forward slightly interested in this story. Darren had mentioned that he thought Annaleigh went to school for accounting. Now she is a real estate agent. I wonder how she got to that point?

"Honestly back in high school, I had no desire to even go to college. I wanted to explore what's out there first to see what could interest me. My parents were not having that so I just went with accounting because it was easy enough for me to get through school and find a job. I went with the first internship who offered me a position once I graduated."

"I can see why you are not an accountant anymore." Analeigh cracked a smile. "Accountants are definitely boring in my case. The work was so dull."

"How did you end up in real estate?" This time her eyes lit up, showing the passion she has for her current career.

"My older sister and her husband were looking for their first home as a married coupled and I tagged along for another pair of eyes. I don't know, something about researching for houses to look at drew me in. Then I wanted to know the entire process of buying a home. I talked to their real estate agent a lot and he explained how his job worked. Next thing I knew I was studying for my real estate license."

"And it worked out for you," I say.

"And it worked out for me," she echoed

"It took me about a year to be able to quit my accounting job to focus solely on real estate. That's when I started getting more clients and other things." I watched as her face held a moment of sadness then it was gone by her changing the subject.

"You said Darren and his wife had a baby? How are they doing?"

I drank the last of my coffee that has gone cold over the time I've been here. "Good. Tired, but good."

I turned to my laptop scrolling back through the pictures I've taken of the new family searching for one to show Annaleigh. I turned the laptop to show her the picture.

"Aw how cute," she says with a small smile.

"I see that you're still into photography." She glanced at my camera sitting on the table.

"I remember you running after people begging to take their photos back in high school." I instantly laughed at the memory. For about a week me and a friend in yearbook would pick someone to follow like we were paparazzi. Some people just let us follow them and others threatened to get us in trouble. Finally, the principal had us stop after too many complaints. Those were some fun times.

"Good times," I grinned at the memory.

"Made the day certainly more interesting," Analeigh said as she set her empty scone bag to the side.

"Well show me what other pictures you got." I hesitated for a moment. There's not too many people I show outside of my family and close friends, my work. Still, I clicked around some more bringing up the photos I've taken today.

I watched her face as she studied each one. Never saying a word made me more nervous that she doesn't like them and will be polite to not hurt my feelings.

"Wow Chris these are amazing," she finally said when she reached the end. Her eyes meet mine. "Do you ever enter any art shows because I think you could do well at them?"

I was certainly taken aback. I figured Annaleigh would find my pictures "nice" and that would be that. It's not like I haven't heard the suggestion before, mainly from family. I said nothing for a second trying to get my brain to formulate words.

Finally, I shook my head.

"Nah. I mainly take them for fun."

"That's too bad. You're talented that's for sure." She stands up and I assume that she is going to leave. "I'll be right back." I watch as Annaleigh heads in the direction of the bathrooms. As my gaze moves back to the table I see her phone sitting on the table.

Grinning I glance to see if Analeigh is out of sight. She disappeared around the corner and I knew I had a few seconds. Surprisingly she had no lock on her phone. Rookie mistake there Grayson. I quickly go to her contacts adding mine and texting me to have her number to bug her later. I put her phone back right before she rounds the corner. Good thing she was gone long enough that I was able to delete the text I sent myself.

Analeigh settled back in her seat and we chat for a little bit longer until she turns her head and says, "it's starting to snow." My mind wasn't on the snow outside though it did add perfectly to a good opportunity for a photo.

Analeigh had her elbow on the table to brace her chin on the heel of her hand. She stared wistfully at the falling flakes. The overhead light, highlighted the side of her face so she wasn't in completely in the shadows. I grabbed my camera praying that she wouldn't move while I got everything in focus.

I scooted my chair back and leaned backward to find the best angle. Once I found it I took several pictures before she whipped her head in my direction sending me a confused look. That didn't stop me from taking more.

"Really Wexler?" She had on her becoming famous annoyed look.

"I'm not sorry for finding an opportunity." She rolled her eyes not even bothering to ask to see the picture or for me to delete it. I guess she knows that I will do neither.

"Well as long as you are not planning on giving my picture to some dude who is a human trafficker, we'll be fine." I was thoroughly amused at her imagination.

Analeigh didn't stick around much longer saying she needed to get home and take her dog out. We said our goodbyes then I packed up my things heading out to find some dinner. The odds of running into Analeigh at the same place I first ran into her were pretty slim, but it was very welcome to have someone to talk to for a while. 

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