Underneath The Molave Tree

By jerryscribbles

34 2 4

Jeri went to the Molave tree to rest, she was surprised to see that somebody else had already taken her place... More

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Chapter 2: Too Cheesy
Chapter 3: Not So Surprising Rain

Chapter 1: Cow Dung

8 1 4
By jerryscribbles

We never know when we meet somebody right? It's as if it was meant by fate, the universe, or maybe I have been watching too much tarot readings and stuff about divination. Anyways, as I was saying, peculiar things can happen in your life, like your face landing on cow dung because you were too busy thinking about someone. Cow shit or not, there are some things we must thank for they add comedy and fun to our lives, without it life would be totally boring, ewww. 

Her name is Jeri Kei Valencia Taylor, being half Filipino and half British, she was of course naturally bilingual. A Sagittarius born on December 15, 2006, it wasn't easy for her to make friends at all, because everyone had judged her based on her zodiac sign. It was said that she was toxic and all since she was a Sagittarius. But that didn't bother her at all, at that time she didn't even think about having friends, nor even needing them at all. She just wanted to spend a lot of time with her mother and father who sometimes fight by alternating English and Tagalog, such as stressful quarrel to hear, can't they just use one language? With that said, Jeri had to learn the two languages at the same time, and she had a tough time mastering and learning Tagalog. She was very fond of English, she loved to watch crime documentaries or law series as baby. Then she grew up to watch cartoons, even the most stupid yet funny ones that would make you laugh and leave your brain rotten. 

Kei was always on top of her class, she found it fun to learn a lot of things but at home, she wouldn't bother to help out or clean anything. She was as lazy as a cat that just got home after fighting with a dog. Even so, this habit of her died down when she was in ninth grade, she started helping out more and cleaning her room more than usual. Fun fact, when she was in eighth grade, she came out to her mother as a Lesbian. Imagine being scared to death as if you were surrounded by a swarm of cockroaches and you couldn't nudge at all. That was how she felt while coming out to her mother. As a kid, her father would buy her clothes from the men's section, usually shirts, sandos, blazers and suits and even toys from the boy's section. She loved all of these more than dolls, dresses, or princesses. Speaking about princesses, she didn't like being one but she liked to imagine being with one. The thought of being a prince gave her butterflies every single time she would think about it. 

After Jeri's mother heard what she had to say, she laughed at her.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, do I even need to know that? You're the gayest kid I've ever seen in my life!" Her mother said.

"Wait...so like...you accept me mother? This is such a dream!!" Jeri replied.

"Do you really think I was going to be homophobic and reject you? I may be catholic and very religious, but I'm not homophobic nor transphobic like that one person who claims that all gays will be sent to hell. Who at the same time, cheats on his wife." Her mother replied.

"HAHAHAHHAHA you have got a point there mother, thank you for accepting who I am." Jeri uttered.

"I love you and I will always love you even if you were an alien or something else, just don't be a criminal darling" Her mother muttered.

"I'll take that into account mother, I love you too, a lot!" Kei replied before entering into a deep sleep.

Now that was very wholesome, but sadly every girl she ever liked rejected her. Why you ask? Well simply because they were all straight. Next time you fall in love Jeri, please ask for their sexuality first, my gay heart can't even handle that at all. Thankfully, she didn't have to come out to her father, because her father doesn't care about who she loves, as long as she's a good person it's fine. This is what all parents should be like actually, not those ones that will tell you "NO I'M NOT GOING TO ACCEPT THAT YOU'RE GAY! ALL GAYS GO TO HELL YOU KNOW, I ONLY CARE ABOUT YOUR WELL BEING BLAH BLAH...". Oh shut up Karen, we all know that you're hitting on that young officer while your husband is busy getting the groceries. *sighs* Well anyways, she also loved reading classics such as Les Misérables, The Picture of Dorian Gray and The Phantom of The Opera since she found it to be very interesting to her to read. She also loved travelling and was very enthusiastic and sometimes annoying. Being an only child, she was often spoiled but it was all worth it after all. She loved exercising and eating a lot of food, she was thin yet in a healthy manner. Now, enough about Jeri, let's talk about the next character.

Outside the Philippines, there was Kazumi Miyamura and Fudo Takagi. Two lovers, aged 31 and 30 respectively were about to flee Japan because of their stereotypical toxic relatives, especially their parents. How were they toxic? Kazumi had a sister named Kato Miyamura who was gay and as soon as their parents found out he had a lover in the Philippines, they forced him to flee the house. They were living in Tokyo that time, and Kazumi and Fudo were already five years married. Kazumi had always loved her little brother, and she didn't care whether he was gay or not, she just wanted him to be happy. Fudo on the other hand, supported Kato with his love life and often gave him tips on dating. As they couldn't handle this event, they started packing. Kato along with Kazumi and her husband, booked a one way flight to the Philippines and prepared the requirements to become a fully-fledged Filipino citizen. Their parents didn't care about what they did, but deep inside they were guilty. 

The couple and Kato along with his lover resided in Quezon city. They live in two separate houses of course, next to each other. At that time Kazumi was pregnant with a girl, and after some time they went to some unknown island near Boracay. Little did she know, that she would give birth at that very faithful day. They arrived at the island then placed all of their luggage in the said rooms. The breeze was sweet and beach was just as beautiful as the summer sun, but at that time it was November, close to Christmas. As soon as Kazumi got up, her water broke like juice pouring out of Buko fruit. She immediately asked her husband for help, she was about to give birth.

"Someone please help my wife! She's about to give birth, tulong please!" Fudo shouted.

"Wait, I think I know some people who can help" Kato's boyfriend replied then ran away to get some people to help. He then came back with seven people, including a mother holding a baby girl in her arms. 

"Hello sir, maam, we are the Dimagiba family and we'll help you with your wife po. Hey brother and sisters! Help ma'am to get to our house!" The man shouted as he lifted Kazumi and carried her all the way to their house. He was an OB-Gyn, a professional doctor who helps women give birth and generally with help people with their reproductive health. After three hours, the baby finally came out and he did his thing. It was a cute and healthy baby girl, the family Dimagiba was very happy to see that it was healthy and so was Kazumi, Fudo, Kato and his boyfriend Anton. Anton was the son of the doctor who helped them, his father's name was Wilyam Dimagiba. 

"Thank you sir! Without your help, I don't know what could've happened to me, what should I call you sir and how should I ever repay you?" Kazumi said in thankfulness.

"Oh mam, don't mention it, just be good to my gay son Anton, that's enough to repay me. You can call me Wilyam, mam" Wilyam said as he was helping her sit up.

"Anton is your son? Oh I didn't know that, well we'll take good care of him and again I thank you a lot, though do you have any ideas on how to name my baby girl? I haven't thought of a name..." She replied.

"Hmmmm...Louisa, love, do you know any baby names this girl could have?" He asked.

"Kubo...It means nipa hut, like this one we're staying at right now, it's called a "bahay-kubo" how about that ma'am?" Louisa suggested.

"But isn't this made out of bamboo or like isn't this house weak for her to be called that?" Kazumi contemplated.

"Oh no ma'am, actually it may look weak but actually this can withstand the strongest typhoons and unlike other kubos, this one doesn't get blown away or anything." Louisa defended her stand.

"Well kubo sounds like a really nice name, I'll name her kubo then, thank you Mrs. Louisa!" Kazumi replied in relief.

"You're welcome ma'am! We were just making sinigang, we would love to serve you dinner if you would stay for a while." Louisa said.

"That sounds delicious! I'd be happy to join you for dinner, by the way what's the name of the newborn baby that Wilyam's brother is holding?" Kazumi asked out of curiosity.

"Oh how did you know we were siblings? My name is Mario King Dimagiba, so I named my daughter Maria Princess B. Dimagiba and the B stands for Bahai, so if you translate it in English it means...Princess Maria's house won't fall down". Mario shared.

"HAHAHAHAHHAHA that's actually a thoughtful and funny name" Kazumi said in laughter.

"Thank you ma'am, you are very kind! Oh, it's actually already time to eat! Let's eat sinigang ma'am" Mario replied. 

Kubo was now born and next time you guys go on a vacation, please plan when the baby is due. It's not everyday you encounter hospitable and loving Filipino who are ready to help foreigners in an instant, because some are racist even though their skin is sometimes close to the other races'. Anyways, eventually Kazumi was surprised at the sour taste of the dish Sinigang, but at the same time she loved it, especially the soup and the soft and tender pork meat. She asked them for the recipe and they actually gave it to her, what a good family!

The Dimagiba family and the Takagis, all went home to Quezon City and surprisingly, they we're neighbors as Wilyam wanted to make sure that his son was doing fine. Kubo later grew up to be a happy kid and she spent a lot of time with Maria and they became best friends. She loved to play outside with her whether the agenda was roleplaying or playing with dolls. Kubo always managed to be in the Top 10 of the class, she wasn't as competitive as Jeri but she is very happy though. Recently when she was in the ninth grade, she came out to her parents as bisexual. Her parents then accepted her for who she was. She also told Maria, her best friend, that she happened to be bisexual and Maria also accepted and loved her. Now I'll stop with the comedic commentary and actually go to the story, enough back story for now I guess.

Kubo and her parents had a farm lot in Bataan, and next to their house was a large Molave tree. It was believed to have been there for about 57 years, still sprouting and growing. There were also cows that the neighbors took care of, there you can buy Carabao's milk fresher than my tears when entering a mental breakdown. 

Jeri and his family also had a farm lot in the same neighborhood, also next to the Molave tree, but unlike Kubo, she would actually visit her province often. The family also lived in Quezon City, since Jeri's mother Linda Valencia Taylor's family resided there for how many years already. And this is how the two queer girls met. 

Jeri went to the Molave tree to rest, she was surprised to see that somebody else had already taken her place. Not wanting to disturb the girl, she sat beside her while pulling out her book, another classic it is. It was Louisa May Alcott's novel titled 'Little Women', it was recommended to her by her book lover friends. As soon as she finished, the girl suddenly woke up and yawned, she was also shocked to see Jeri there.

"You're finally awake miss maam, or should I call you that? what are your pronouns exactly?" She asked.

"Oh, hello! Sorry, I fell asleep here, you can call me by any pronouns but yep that's fine" The girl replied.

"Well, I know you didn't ask but...the name's Jeri Kei, you can call me either way or make a nickname out of that, can I ask for your name?" Jeri muttered.

"Don't worry Jeri, I love making friends! My name is Kubo Takagi, my name sounds odd since I'm from Japan originally but then we moved here then we now live here, permanently." Kubo shared.

"I'll get you a chair! let's hangout Kubo!" Jeri yelled as she ran to get a folding chair then eventually tripping and landing on cow dung.

"Oh no! Let me help you get back up, AHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA YOU LOOK LIKE SHIT" Kubo spoke as she laughed.

"Don't laugh at me!" Jeri replied as she looked at her with a poopy face.

"HAHSGSHGAHAHHAHA fine, let's go to the lake and wipe the shit from your face" Kubo responded.

And that's where the sweet and funny friendship ignited, all because of that random site of cow shit. Now that's what I call a faithful accident, though I wouldn't want to fall on cow poop, well it seems pretty decent if you could meet someone because of that. Kubo followed Jeri all the way to the small lake so that she could help her get the shit off of her face.

"Ugh, I hope it didn't get inside my braces, oh thankfully it didn't" Kei said.

"You were very funny when you landed there, here let me help you" Kubo replied as she wiped the poop off of her face and shirt. Jeri stared at her as if she was that one random gif that would make you feel trippy after a while. 

"Is something wrong Kei? Are you alright?" Kubo asked.

"Oh yes, but you know what's more fine, you, you're so...beautiful" Jeri said in awe. 

"I'm flattered, now let me get those chairs, how about you change first before you flirt with me?" Kubo replied.

"Yes miss ma'am! Will do!" Jeri told Kubo as she ran to get changed. Hopefully she doesn't trip on cow shit again, that would be very tragic.

Jeri ran back to the Molave tree then sat on the folding bench wearing an orange shirt and yellow pants, she looked tacky yet beautiful like the sunset, because literally she's wearing the colors of the sunset. I wonder what would happen next between them, would there be a spark of love between the two?

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