Yoichi's Legacy (MHA)

By SnowflakeTheTherian

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Izuku Shigaraki-Shimura-Midoriya, created in a lab with the DNA of Yoichi Shigaraki and Nana Shimura. When he... More

Ch 1. Family Never Dies
Ch 3. First Day At U.A.
Ch 4. Telling Aizawa
Ch 5. U.S.J Attack
Ch 6. U.S.J. Attack Part 2
Ch 7. Aftermath

Ch 2. How To Scare Your Parents To Death...Again

1.2K 27 3
By SnowflakeTheTherian

Disclaimer: I do not own anything (Picture, Video, or Show/Anime)


Eventually All Might returned, still looking pale. He did however listen as Izuku explained the situation, as well as who his birth parents were. To say the blonde Hero was shocked would be a severe understatement, they looked as if they just found out that a black-hole was going to hit Earth in less then a day.

Izuku kinda felt bad for them, not to mention that according to Nana, All Might was like a non-official son to her. That made All Might his older brother, or at least one of his older brothers. Kotaro was dead and according to All Might not a good person at all before their death, in fact he suspects All Might still held a grudge against his other brother.

"All Might?" Izuku spoke up hesitantly and the blonde Hero gave him a soft smile.

"Call my Toshi...it's short for my real name Toshinori, your my little brother after all." Toshinori said and Izuku smiled back.

"Um, Toshi-Onii...I want to know where I came from." Izuku confessed giving the Hero pleading look." It's impossible for me to have been born naturally, considering Mother hasn't had any biological kids other the Kotaro-Onii."

Toshinori paused at that, clearly thinking that over carefully.

"I do have a friend who can help, I don't know how much success we will have though." Toshinori admitted." You were created around fifteen years ago, maybe slightly longer. The trail might have faded in that time, if not completely disappeared."

Izuku nodded, he knew it was a long shot and that he might not be able to find out what his origin was. However it was important to him to at least try, he didn't care really. Regardless of whether he was born naturally or not, it didn't make him any less human. However it did explain why he didn't get a Quirk, since he was technically a second generation and that meant his chances of getting a Quirk was much lower.

"I just want to try, it doesn't really matter if they find anything." Izuku said with a smile, shooting his Dad and Mother a small smile." I know the most important thing is that my parents love me, even if they hadn't known I existed till now."

Toshinori smiled at that, looking proud and that made Izuku feel warm inside. He still couldn't believe All Might was his unofficial older brother, it almost felt like he was living in a fairy tale. This might have been the best thing to ever happen to him in a long time, he knew that was kind of a sad outlook of life...but it was more true then it should be.

He turned to his Dad, giving them a small smile and wishing they weren't dead. However despite being dead, they seemed almost happy...like they were content with being with the other One For All users and it was obvious they had become a family. He gave them all hopeful look, maybe he could make himself part of that family too.

"Toshi-Onii?" Izuku said turning back to Toshinori, the blonde man giving him a questioning look." Can I have more time alone with my Mama and Dads?"

"Of course, Izuku." Toshinori said with a gently smile." Just let me know when your ready to go home, alright?"

Izuku nodded, watching the blonde Hero walk away and leave him alone with the One For All users once more. He turned back towards them and decided to give them all family roles, they certainly deserved it.

"I hope I can become a good family member." Izuku declared with a wide grin." Love you, Dad...Father...Papa...Mama and you too Grandpa Hikage, Uncle Daigorou, and En-Itoko!"

Most of the users seemed to widen their eyes at the titles, making Izuku giggle slightly in amusement. He walked up to Katsumi hesitantly, before wrapping his arms around them in a tight hug. For a moment the man froze, but then they let out a sigh...hugging him back gently.

"Love ya too, brat." Katsumi grumbled slightly, as if trying not to show they actually cared.

"Where's my hug?" Sokka complained." What? You not gonna hug your Papa? Seems like I'm chopped liver!"

Izuku laughed and turned to hug his Papa, latching onto them tightly and enjoying the arms wrapping him up in a safe cocoon of love. Yoichi and Nana soon joined the hug, making Izuku feel more loved then he'd ever felt in his entire life. He just wished he knew where he came from.

He could probably do a DNA test for Nana, since she died fairly recently, but for Yoichi it just wasn't possible.

With a choked sob, he couldn't stop the tears that started falling down his cheeks. His Dad, Father, Papa, and Mama just whispered words of love towards him, making him just cry even harder. For so long he only had his Mom, now he had so much family he didn't know what to do with it and despite them being dead...they were still here for him.

Izuku looked up and into the identical eyes of his Dad, noting the older man was also crying lightly as they reached out to ruffle his hair.

"God, I wish I could have raised you so badly, my sweet child." Dad whispered gently, making Izuku giggle." I've always wanted a child, but with my sexual preference and constantly having to run from my brother...it wasn't possible."

"Well, now you have me!" Izuku chirped happily, beaming up at his Dad and then turning to his Father, Papa, and Mama." You all have me, I promise to be the best son you could have ever asked for!"

Father and Papa gave him a small smile, while Mama just laughed and wiped a few tears away.

"You already are, little one." Mama murmured softly in response, making him blush and duck his head in mild embarrassment.

This was the best day of his life, that was for sure!


Izuku rushed through the gates of UA and towards the exam arena, excitement rushing through him as his ghost family ran behind him to catch up. Soon he'd be in UA and Kacchan wouldn't be able to hurt him anymore, which would be a huge relief. He loved his friend, but sometimes their anger got a little out of control.

After the Slime Villain incident they had gotten closer, but it when he brought it up to Aunt Mitsuki they took him to get an evaluation and it turned out that due to his Quirk he had Intermittent Explosive Disorder.

It was sad knowing the whole anger and violence Kacchan always directed at him was due to their Quirk and a Disorder they didn't even know they had. Without the coping strategies, therapy, and possibly medicine Kacchan had gotten worse then they might have otherwise and that meant it wasn't completely their fault they were so angry all the time.

Not to mention the fact that the teachers always encouraged their behaviour towards him, thankfully after a few months of therapy Kacchan had mellowed out and even apologized for his previous actions.

It wasn't perfect by a long shot, but at least he could breath easy that his friend had gotten the help they needed and their behaviour had improved drastically. They even called him Izu now, not Deku, which really made him feel warm inside. They also laughed with him, played video games with him, and talked about Heroes.

They even went as far as encouraging him to become a Hero despite being Quirkless, although Izuku wasn't Quirkless anymore.

He entered the waiting area, listening to Present Mic's explanation of how the practical exam would be handled. Afterwards he and many others were lead towards an arena, in what looked like a fake destroyed city.

Izuku spotted several robots milling about, waiting for their cue to start attacking the test takers. He crouched low, focusing on what his Dad told him about activating One For All and let the energy wash over him. Green lightning flickering over his body, making him grin slightly.

"Start!" Present Mic's voice called out and Izuku burst forward, knowing that the others would be confused for a moment." That kid has got the right idea, there are no countdowns in real life!"

As Izuku dispatched robots over and over again, he couldn't help but feel a spike of pride that he had gotten used to his Dad's Quirk so quickly. He could hear the cheers of encouragement coming from the ghost family, which only made him go faster and harder against the robots.

He knew he would burn himself out after this, but it was so fun to destroy them, especially knowing that the robots couldn't feel pain and he wouldn't have to feel guilty about hurting them to badly.

Nearly ten minute's into the exam, he heard a rumble that echoed through the air like thunder and he turned only to pale as he saw what he could only assume was the Zero Pointer towering over the arena. He turned to flee only to hear a cry coming from behind him, turning around he nearly stumbled.

A girl with brown hair was trapped under rubble and the Zero Pointer was head straight for her, if he didn't do anything then she would surely die. Even if there were staff on standby, the Zero Pointer was already almost on top of her.

So he ran towards her, reaching out as if it would help him get to her faster.

It wasn't looking good though and he realized he wouldn't make it in time, but he still ran with his hand outstretched wishing with everything he could pull her to safety and then something inside him clicked. Like a piece of a puzzle was put into place, before his outstretched arm exploded with black energy.

The energy surged forward towards the girl, wrapping itself around their body and pulling them out of the rubble, before dragging the girl through the air and towards Izuku himself.

He barely caught the girl when the energy dropped her, but he sighed in relief that he hadn't done anything to her that looked too bad. He turned and fled as fast as he could, still carrying the unknown girl in his arms.

Thankfully, Present Mic ended the exam, allowing him to move to a walk, before placing the girl down gently.

His arm was sore, from all pulling of the black energy and he wondered what had happened back there, this wasn't anything Toshinori had done before. How had he conjured the energy like that, what even was that black energy?

"Kid, you alright?" Daigorou asked rushing over to him, looking him over frantically for any sign of injury and the other users walked over slowly as well." That was my Quirk; Black Whip kid, for using it for the first time...you certainly did pretty good. Didn't expect that to happen though, then again we've hit singularity and One For All has always been unpredictable."

Izuku just smiled slightly, relieve it hadn't been something worse and he was just happy that he'd saved the girl who was currently getting checked over by Recovery Girl. He'd have to ask for an autograph when he was able, depending on if he got into UA or not.

"Oh my god, Izuku, sweetie are you alright." Mama pulled him into a hug, checking his face over and then the rest of him as worry shined clear as day in their black eyes." Oh god, when you ran toward that Zero Pointer, it scared the living hell out of me. Don't you dare do anything like that again, do you understand me?"

He ducked his head, knowing better then to mess with an angry mother, Mom was terrifying when angry and he could tell the same applied to his Mama.

"I'm sorry, Mama, didn't mean to make you worry." Izuku whispered and the woman huff slightly, before shaking her head in exasperation.

"Don't just tell me that, you have three other parents who you scared the living crap out of you know." Mama stated and gestured to his Dad, Father, and Papa.

His Dad looked pale as a sheet of paper, their entire body trembling and they seemed to be leaning on his Father for support. His Father looked pale as well, their eyes narrowed in concern and fear. His Papa had their eyes closed, taking deep breaths as if to steady themselves and they also looked fairly pale.

"Sorry, Dad, Father, Papa, I didn't mean to make you worry about me." Izuku whispered and his Dad lunged forward and engulfed him into a hug, followed swiftly by his other two paternal figures.

"Oh god, I thought I had lost you...just when I found you." Dad whispered and Izuku allowed them to hug him tightly to their chest, surprised by how much the man had been terrified he would die.

He could get used to this, to having a family...


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