The Class E Demons.

Da Sokye21

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The Advanced Nurturing High School was truly a fascinating school that stood out among all the schools in jap... Altro

The Class E 'Demons.'
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New Story.

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3.8K 154 152
Da Sokye21

Ayanokouji POV.

It had been two weeks since the whole late night incident and the day Kyoko confronted me about it all.

My days had been going rather smoothly after that I guess.

However, today I came into my class, regular time and all. But was greeted by a slightly more serious looking Satoru Sensei.

It did not take long for finally everyone to arrive in the classroom. That was when Sora raised a question we were all probably speculating.

"Sir, what's with the uh... face." Sora asked, he seemed to want to retake and change his words as they came out kind of rude. But Satoru Sensei just chuckled.

"It's nothin'. I just have to tell you all about something." He continued, as he placed his hand on a pile of sheets that were on the teachers podium. "You're gonna have to take this mock exam, like right now."

Everyone seemed to be confused by this sudden announcement.

"Right now? Very sudden don't you think?" Lelouch stated the obvious. "Yes, well, that's just how things are. Almost the end of your first month here so we want to see how you guys are doing." He grinned at us. He began handing out the exam papers to all of us.

I thought about why such a sudden exam was proposed to us, right at the start of the day as well. I get a test to see how we, but, still, no warning or nothing.

Raising my hand, I asked Satoru Sensei. "Are we the only class doing this?"

"No. Every first year class is partaking in this test." He gave me an answer.

I nodded, and looked back down at the paper.

I doubt anyone in this class was actually worried about this, they were all most likely just wondering why such a sudden mock exam.

"I'm sure you'll all do fine, so just get it done efficiently, 'kay?" He smiled at us as he returned to his podium.

"If it helps to know, this test is just for future reference. It won't be reflected in your report cards. There is no risk involved, so don't worry. Of course, cheating is prohibited." He told us.

So it really is just to see how we are doing, right?

"You may begin." He shortly after gave us the green light to begin.

Oh well.

We had an hour to finish the exam, however it seemed everyone including me, finished extremely early.

Due to exam conditions, we simply had to sit there and wait for the time to finish overall.

Satoru Sensei was on his phone the whole time it seems. He quickly went around and collected the papers when the exam time finished.

Unlike the entrance exam where I only scored 50's, I actually went for 100 this time.

The exam paper seemed to have a few very advanced questions, while some were very simple and straightforward. It was kind of weird.

I didn't pay it too much mind in the end though.

"Alrighty. I'm off to go and mark these bad boys. Ciao." He left as swiftly and smoothly as ever.

Our class has become a lot more accustomed to each other and was a much more comfortable environment as everyone was friendly with one another and could discuss anything.


Besides one individual.

I look at Stella in the corner of my eye who appears to be on her phone.

She's still as distant as ever huh?

"How'd you guys do?" Sora asked Light and Yuuji.

"I didn't find it anything special or challenging. So I guess good?" Light laughed slightly.

"Same here." Yuuji flatly replied.

"Yo, 'Kouji. Did ya' do good on the test?" Yusa suddenly asked me, I nodded to him.

"It wasn't too bad. You?" I asked him in turn.

"Yeah it was a breeze for the most part." He scoffed.

I enjoyed my small talk with everyone. Although I do wish I could hold conversations with them all a little better in 1x1.

"I wonder if at the end of every month we will have a test like that." Miyuki spoke up.

To which, Kurumi surprisingly answered. "Yes, I'd personally guess so." Everyone else also seemed to be in that favour. This was a highly prestigious school with strict rules after all.

"Benkei, how did you find the test?" I suddenly shifted my attention towards her and asked her about her thoughts on the test. To which she perked up and looked over at me.

"It was fine. Last few questions were quite unexpected though if I had to say." That was fair to say. "You?" She asked — "Same here."

The rest of the school day went by as normal.

May 1st.

A month had now passed since I first enrolled in this school. If I had to describe my experience so far, I would say it was rather... fun. I guess. I'm still not used to describing something as fun or enjoyable so I'm not exactly sure if I can call it that. Those words feel so abstract to me.

I had gotten relatively close with everyone in the class. More specifically the guys. Light is really genuine, while Lelouch is a sarcastic fellow, however he has proved to be friendly overall. Yusa has been someone that keeps close to me and appears to like my company surprisingly. He's a joker, and very laid back individual. Yuuji on the other hand is calm, and composed. He's very similar to me I believe. Sora is a very outgoing and enthusiastic guy, he's easy to get along with.

Girls on the other hand — like Benkei and Kyoko. I've noticed to be keeping a close eye on me. Especially Kyoko now. Miyuki continues to be an Angel for the most part, Shiro is still timid but might I say adorable. Kurumi is a mysterious existence to me for some reason, but appears to be easy going with everyone. Stella, however is still distant from everyone. We have all tried speaking to her many times, even inviting her to hang out. But to our misfortune she refuses to pay us any genuine mind or interest.

Nonetheless, they were all interesting people. Some more than other, some less than others. One thing was true though, I wanted to continue this High School life.

Today was the 1st of May, like aforementioned; a month has passed since school had begun. Currently, the whole of Class E was sat in there respective seats, chatting amongst one another.

Satoru Sensei walked in with a smile on his face. At least he seemed normal today, I think.

"Good Morning kiddos. Before we jump into what I have to talk about. Do any of my students have any questions? Any at alllllll?" Satoru Sensei's eyes bounced from one student to another as he looked at us. No one seemed too interested. Yusa was on the brink of falling asleep, and same could be said about Sora dm even Lelouch. Benkei was unexpectedly awake though.

"You guys are borin'...." Sensei sighed as he turned on the projector that displayed something unexpected and sudden in front of the entire class.

The previously uninterested students were now intrigued.

Class Points Of The Month.

Class A: 940

Class B: 650

Class C: 499

Class D: 200

Class E: 600

So this was it huh? The way that students move up and down classes. Class Points, as the projector spelled out, was something I'd heard when eavesdropping on a group of second years. It was during the second week when I was having lunch by myself on the weekend. I'd heard a group of second years near me talk about something called, class points. This term was entirely abstract to me so I decided to listen in. We were in the cafeteria so it was rather loud, however from what I picked up and eventually concluded on; Class Points was a system that students gain or lose to move up or down classes.

I never actually told anyone about this as I wanted to see how true it really would have been and if we'd even ever be told about it.

"Satoru Sensei, would I be correct to assume that this is connected to the private point system?" Leouch spoke up first.

"Right you are Lelouch. Check your phones would you." Everyone including me took out my phone, my points were displayed and it showed that 60,000 was added to my total.

"60,000..." Yuuji looked up at the board and back at his phone before looking over at Sensei. "Do our private points get reflected by how many of these class points we possess? I'm assuming 100 private points is one of these class point."

Satoru Sensei smiled and nodded.

I decided it was my time to cue in, however someone else stood up and spoke clearly.

"So these Class Points. I'm assuming it's gonna be a battle between each class on whoever can gain the most points in the end?" Light took care of what I was gonna say I guess. Though he more so asked for confirmation to which Satoru Sensei — "Oh how I love how you guys catch on so quickly." I think it was safe to say he confirmed Light's question.

Miyuki put her hand up to speak, "Is this board being shown to all the other classes Sensei?" She gently asked.

"Yes. Today is the day Class E is revealed along with what we call the S-System."

So it's called S-System.

"Oh- and so I don't forget." Satoru Sensei quickly changed the slide to one that displayed every Class E Students name.

Class E Test Scores:

Lelouch Lamperouge: 100%

Light Yagami: 100%

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji: 100%

Kyoko Kirigiri: 100%

Sora: 100%

Shiro: 100%

Benkei Musashibou: 98%

Shirou Yusa: 97%

Kurumi Tokisaki: 100%

Miyuki Shiba: 100%

Kazami Yuuji: 100%

Stella Vermillion: 100%

The results were now displayed on the board in front of us. Everyone except Benkei and Yusa got 100%, probably because they both fell asleep during the test at some point. I remember noticing them both with their heads on the table not doing anything. Regardless, they still achieved extremely high scores.

"My bad y'all. I fell asleep." Yusa apologised in a jokey way for not getting 100. Benkei didn't say anything on the other hand.

"You all did amazing, don't worry. I expect as much from you little demons after all." Satoru Sensei giggled as he clapped slowly. "I'm gonna slip on out of here before this classroom get's swarmed. Bye Bye!" And just like that, our teacher once again runs off. He's really an interesting character might I say. "What did he mean by this classroom getting swarmed...?" Sora suspiciously questioned.

"I think-" Shiro was about to answer her older brother before the classroom doors were flung opened.

Oh No.

"Is this... Class E?" A group of boys asked as they looked around the class, seeing nothing but 12 students in here they've probably barely seen before.

How the hell did they even get here so quickly?

"Yes. Welcome." Light was the first to say something, kindly welcoming them to the class.

Before we knew it, there was a giant crowd outside the classroom trying to get in. "Aye! What's all this about? A class that was kept in secret?" A boy with red hair shouted for answers, he looked like some delinquent.

Most of the students came pouring into the classroom now, from the looks of it, they were all class D students. I could remember most of the faces here.

"Ayanokouji, Benkei... Yuuji too? You guys were actually in this class?" Hirata asked us. He only knew the three of us because we visited his classroom.

"Yes. Apology for keeping it a secret. But we were simply instructed to do so by the school. Im gonna go on a hunch here and say your teachers told you about our class and what it's supposed to be?" Yuuji stood up and spoke.

"More or less, yes." The bubbly and happy girl, Kushida answered.


She ended up approaching me.

"Yes?" I looked to the right of me and saw the same black haired girl who called me a creep on the first day and was also getting abused by her older brother, Suzune if I recall was her first name.

"How are YOU in this class." That didn't even sound like a question, more like a blatant insult. "I just am I guess..." I didn't really know what to say to her. She clicked her tongue and seemed ready to say something else.

"We heard about all of your test scores. You guys are amazing! No wonder you guys are in this special class." Hirata congratulated us on how we did on our test. "Although I am still very caught off guard about all of this..."


The door once again was slid open, very aggressively this time around.

"What do we have here?" A long haired male entered the room, accompanied by a large dark skinned male. Was he even a student?

"Oh my! It's podium boy!" Lelouch called the new arrival by some sort of nickname.

"So this fag is here? Hah! The two others as well?" This was probably a person from Class C, seeing as he knew the group that went to investigate them.

"What's good bitch." Yusa smirked as he stood up boldly to the 'Podium Boy'.

"Guys, please." Miyuki tried to calm them down. This was really escalating quickly.

"Please, please. You shouldn't fight guys." A friendly voice spoke as a new presence entered the room.

"Without me at least." The individual showed a sinister smile.

This made even Yuuji seem on guard. I had to admit this guy did not seem exactly normal.

"Karma." Podium Boy said.

"Hello there Ryuuen. I told you to wait for me y'know?" So podium boy was called Ryuuen, and this new person was Karma. A very peculiar name...

"This is getting messy." I could hear Kurumi exclaim as she sighed.

"So this is Class E Mmmm? Very interesting indeed!" Karma happily said.

"They're all a bunch of pussies from the looks of it. Some more than others." Ryuuen shot a look at Lelouch who kept a smug face.

Class D seemed very intimidated by Class C's arrival. They must have something going on.

"Get out of here Ryuuen!" One of the boys from class D shouted.

"Sudo!" Hirata tried to calm him down.

"We're quite late huh?"

Two new individuals strolled on into the room. Both were girls and had numerous other students behind them. This place was really getting packed now, I don't like it. I could see Benkei, Stella, Sora and Shiro also visibly uncomfortable from the sheer amount of people in the room too.

"Class B AND A? Fuck outta here." Ryuuen showed blatant disrespect to the two new main figures in the classroom.

"That's not very nice. Fufu." A little girl with a cane laughed slightly as she told Ryuuen, who obviously did not care.

"Sakayanagi, what a coincidence to see you here." Karma playfully spoke. "You too Ichinose."

"Karma was it? Hello there." Ichinose spoke clearly. She appeared to be a very genuine person. The cane girl, Sakayanagi however, walked right past him and —

Stopped in front of me.

"Hello Ayanokouji. It's been quite awhile hasn't it. Eight years and 243 days in fact."



"What? I don't even know you." I told her, confusion in my voice. The whole room was now looking at us, also confused.

"Right. Of course you don't know me. But I know you very well. After all, I spent a lot of time watching you in that room."

That room...

She couldn't mean the white room,


"Don't worry. We'll talk another time. This is a very interesting class you have going here, fufu. I can't wait to see what you all do, especially you, Ayanokouji." Sakayanagi said her farewells after that, and simply left. Her fair share of classmates following her.

"What the fuc-" Sora was the first to blurt out his confusion stupidly.

"Sakayanagi shows interest in this one? Isn't that actually interesting." Karma smiled at me. "Yeah, it is." Ryuuen took a glance at me before looking back over at everyone else. "You fuckers better not lose, because I'm gonna crush this class, along with every single other one, kuku." Ryuuen threatened us one last time, and also took his leave. Karma and the large dark skinned male who said nothing the entire time, followed behind.  

Ichinose laughed awkwardly. "Crazy day for you guys huh...?"

"You could say that again." Yusa sighed.

"I'm Honami Ichinose, it's nice to meet you all Class E! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your mysterious performances." The girl smiled brightly at all of us. "Next class is gonna start soon so we should get going haha. See you all around!" The girl waved our entire class goodbye and departed.

"I guess that's our cue too. Sayonara!" Hirata and the rest of Class D departed too.

I think I felt a chill run down by spine however.

I noticed the same pale, dark haired boy from Class D staring at me from deep within the crowd. But he quickly disappeared.

What the hell...

Aside from that, we were all finally left in peace.

"That was definitely... a lot." Sora spoke.

"Jesus, I'm tired already." Lelouch spoke his feelings, I'm sure we all mutually agreed on that one.

I guess now we can at least get more involved with the other classes.

This is where the real deal starts.


(( Hello. It's been a bit huh? First of all, I'm really sorry if this chapter was either Lackluster and/or messy. I really did end up rushing it and I'm not really happy with it myself. I just ended up pressuring myself to end up writing it now and feel I could have done so much better, so I apologise to you all. That's one of the reason why most of the crossover characters did not appear here, because I would have ended up messing up this chapter even more somehow and taking even longer.  ))

(( My exams having been going okay I guess. Could be doing better tho I think. Only a little bit more left. I just want to remind you that now after this, other characters will be getting much more spotlight and POV's too. ))

(( However. I'm slightly considering pausing this and starting a new fic. Similar to this as it will all still be a giant crossover, however with a mostly original storyline and even school. I've talked about it on my wall before. I feel like I jumped into doing a type of fic that is quite the challenge and requires of patience and thinking to actually do, which rn I feel like I lack. So I think if I did something like that other one it would help me in general become a better author y'know? Please let me know what you think. And I won't discontinue this so don't worry. ))

Published on: June 1st 2022.

Word Count: 3197.

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