Happiness [Jinkook]

By pepper_kook

133K 8K 2.2K

Despite being Namjoon's fiance for nearly a year, Jin secretly crushes on Jungkook, Namjoon's younger brother... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Epilogue Pt.1
Epilogue Pt.2

Chapter 10

2.6K 149 18
By pepper_kook

"Shit, shit, shit!!" groaned Jin while pacing back and forth in his cabin. He was trying to call Jungkook but the younger had switched his phone off. 

Jin tossed the phone aside and dropped himself onto the couch, holding his head, devastated like hell.

At first, he considered about following him home but remembered that Namjoon's probably back so put the thought aside. That's when he decided to call Jungkook but that also turned out useless.

This is not a matter he should worry about at all but no one knew that Jungkook meant the world to him. Every single thing of the latter mattered to Jin and seeing him in such agony made his heart shatter into pieces. Jin felt the same pain as Jungkook, maybe because he's his brother or more than that- in the past at least.

'Maybe I'm overthinking.' Jin assured himself. 'Maybe my Kookie's only having a stomachache. I must've mistaken or....not."


Jungkook went to school the following day with great pain. He was careful enough to not eat anything that day, in case he could vomit in the class. 

With a grumbling tummy and a pale appearance, Jungkook sat at the corner of the class, trying his best to concentrate on the current physics lesson. On other days, it was his favorite period but today it was like a torture. His lips trembled and the body felt weak enough to make the poor boy faint. 

Meanwhile Jungkook thought about Taehyung. He hasn't seen him for weeks and wondered what his reaction would be, if he really turns out to be pregnant. Will he agree to leave everything behind and start a new life with Jungkook? Of course he will, he's his love of life after all. 

But will his hyung allow that? He still didn't even know about him having a boyfriend. 

The thought of getting disowned from his own family made Jungkook shiver in fear.

"Jungkook, are you alright?" The young boy snapped his head at the teacher and nodded immediately. 

She frowned a little and walked towards him. "I don't think so Jungkook. You look like a dying person. Here, let me check"

She tried to touch his forehead, to see if he's having a fever but Jungkook sprang back.

"No ma'am no...!!!" he shouted at once, startling the whole class, including the teacher. "I Am fine."

The teacher eyed him in a weird way but didn't try to oppose, because she know his brother won't be someone who's good enough to mess with. But hearing her favorite student yell at her, made her heart swell in sadness.

"A-alright.." she stammered taking her steps back. "But tell me if you have any problem, okay kid?"

Jungkook gave a quick nod and pretended to focus on the book. 

The time passed by more slower than other days for Jungkook as he waited for the school to end as soon as possible. He fought with his body not to throw up and managed somehow. However, staying without food for almost 24 hours did gave him a hard time.

After what seemed like eternity, the last bell rang for the end of the school. Jungkook wanted to go home as fast as possible, so he could get some food and rest but he had other plans to do before.

Jungkook walked out of the building and quickly pushed himself into a large group of students who were coming out of the gate as a swarm of bees. No one noticed the small boy and that made the latter relieved. He kept his head lower as he spotted his driver waiting at the school gate.

Somehow, Jungkook managed to get rid of everyone. He started to walk down the road while rubbing his stomach uneasily.

After sometime he turned into a road and walked towards the mini supermarket which was a little far away. Jungkook had only seen this place once, when he and Taehyung went for a walk, in a park nearby. It had been the sweetest day of their life, where Taehyung confessed his love for him, for the first time. But right then...things seemed to be so different. 

Jungkook side glanced around him to make sure no one was watching and quickly entered the shop. Then he made his way to the counter, where the cashier women waited.

"What do you want?" asked the middle-aged lady, looking at the boy's empty hands. 

Jungkook's ears burned with embarrassment. How should he ask for it now? 

"Ma'am...I-I need a-a p-pregnancy kit, p-please." Jungkook stuttered while praying all the gods in the sky to not let that women ask further questions. And for his relief, she didn't cared about it. She went to the back of the shop and brought a small box. She placed it on the counter.

Jungkook checked the price and quickly paid for it. Then he put it into his bag and dashed out as soon as he can. He ran back down the road hoping his driver won't start to investigate.

"Master Kook, where were you?" cried the old man as soon as he saw the boy coming towards him. 

"That's none of your business!!" spat Jungkook angrily at him. The driver flinched at his raised voice but opened the back door for him anyways. 

After closing the door, he went around and climbed to the driver seat. As the car started to drive away, none of them spoke.

Jungkook never had been rude to any of his drivers, bodyguards or maids before but this time it was tiring for him. He was tired of everything and the uncontrollable fear for the possibility of being pregnant, haunted his mind like a dark ghost.

As soon as the car stopped at the parking, Jungkook jumped out of the car and ran into the house. He didn't care about placing the shoes neatly on the shoe rack; he just yanked them off from his legs and tossed onto it. Then he ran up the stairs, two steps at one time and flung himself right into his room.

Jungkook locked the door behind him and then sprinted to the bathroom. He opened his bag and took out the box he bought. Then he pulled out a packet and teared it to get the device out, with shaking hands.

The previous night, he had spent time watching literally twenty videos about the right way for using those things. 

'Please God!' Jungkook prayed, looking up with clasped fists. 'Please don't make it positive, I beg you! Please, I don't wanna be pregnant! I want to go school! I wanna enjoy this life more. Please..I-I can't have a child now..."

Jungkook sobbed while looking at the peaceful looking device which was probably going to give him a heart attack in the next minute.

Jungkook shivered as he unzipped his pants and let them fall down to the floor. 

Please, God! Please don't let it happen!


"Master Kook didn't come out of the room after he arrived home from school." said the maid in a feared voice, who was now standing in front of Jungkook's bedroom door.

"What? What the hell is he doing in there?" questioned Namjoon and suddenly banged on the door.

"Jungkook???" He shouted. "Jungkook, come out!"

Both of them listened quietly but no one responded from inside. 

"Michelle and I tried earlier but it was the same, Master!" said the maid with tears in her eyes. "I'm afraid Master."

"Jungkook, if you don't open the door right now there would be consequences, alright?" yelled Namjoon giving another bang on the door.

But again, nothing.

"Hm..." sighed Namjoon angrily and shouted downstairs, "Jackson!!!"

In a minute the muscular bodyguard was in front of him and he bowed. "Yes, sir?"

"Do we have another key for this room?"

"No sir, both of the keys are with Master Kook."

"Okay then, break this door open." ordered Namjoon in a stern voice.

"But sir..?"

"I SAID, BREAK DOWN THE DAMN DOOR!!!" shouted Namjoon, startling everyone.

"Okay, sir. Let me fetch the electric saw." Jackson bowed and went back down to get the said tool from the shed. After a while he and another man came up with the large saw.

Jackson plugged the saw to a nearby plug-point and switched on the saw. Then he ran it over the strong wooden surface, making a shrill noise. After 10 seconds, he cut out a space near the keyhole. Then the other man pushed his hand into it and unlocked the door from that side.

Namjoon dashed into the room as soon as it opened and the others followed in. But there was no sign of Jungkook.

"Check the bathroom." informed Namjoon while scanning the room with fear. 

"MASTER KOOK!!!" the maid wailed as soon as Jackson opened the bathroom door. 

"WHAT IS IT?" shouted Namjoon while running into the direction. He gasped when he spotted his brother laying on the bathroom floor half naked. 

"Get him out, NOW!!" shouted Namjoon with stinging eyes. He was shocked to see his beloved brother like this.

Jackson and the other man quickly rushed to him and picked him up. Then they carried him to the bedroom and laid him on the bed. They dressed him up while Namjoon called their driver to ready a car as soon as possible to go to the hospital.

Meanwhile the maid went into the bathroom to take away Jungkook's pants and that's when she saw the stick, which was scattered on the floor.

She bent down and picked it up, then gasped loudly. 

"Master Kook's pregnant?" she whispered to herself in fear. "B-But how?"

"Master!! Master!!!!" The old lady shrieked as she dashed back into the room, with the stick in her hand. But they had already gone downstairs with Jungkook.

When she finally came down into the hall, they were already leaving the mansion. She looked at the Range Rover in horror, which drove out of the gate in high speed.

"What has happened to master Kook, aunt Jisoo?" the young maid who came beside her asked while eyeing at the same direction.

"I'm afraid Michelle." said the lady, turning her gaze to the girl. "He has fainted on the bathroom floor when I went up there."

"I saw a lot of tissue papers in master Kook's bedroom bin." said the girl in worry. "I thought he was sick of something but he said he's fine when I asked about it."

"Me too."

"What's in your hand?" Michelle asked, trying to get a good peek at the other's fisted palm.

Jisoo parted her fingers a little making Michelle press her palm against the mouth, to prevent herself from screaming.

"Oh NO!!!"

(A/N;- Good thing I decided to write this in English. God, I didn't realize that I'll have to use this much mature themes, at first.)

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