Fuck You • MiniMoni ➳ Jikook

Από Bombs_Monday

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Kim Namjoon and Kim Jimin are a power couple. Gorgeous, elegant, rich, and in love. Namjoon is seen as a wise... Περισσότερα



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Από Bombs_Monday

"Ah! Kim, how are you?" A plump man, red in the face, held his hand out to Namjoon.

Namjoon took his hand from his petite husband's waist and shook the hand extended to him. They quickly fell into conversation, Jimin going unnoticed by the wine-brained man. His eyes, gently enhanced in beauty by a cinnamon shade mixed with orange, scanned the ballroom. His gloved hands smoothed down his dress and straightened out his necklace.

He didn't care for banquets. He only went because his husband did and he loved his husband. He tried to find the one face he knew quite well at these sorts of events but he found the task to be more difficult than tearing away the hands of drunkards. Once his eyes finally found a head full of curly brown hair, he turned to his husband.

"Joon, I'll be going."

Namjoon turned from the round man in front of him and turned to his spouse.

"Be back before they announce the awards."

Jimin nodded and walked off with a slight jog. He picked up his dress and slid through the crowd until he reached his friend who was sitting at a table drinking wine with a mint-haired man.

"Tae!" Jimin smiled.

Taehyung turned around and grinned brightly. Once Jimin got to him, Taehyung gripped his arm, smiled as widely as possible, and squeezed his eyes shut.

"Min," Taehyung laughed, "I'm literally losing my mind right now because I just found out my boyfriend is cheating on me and I think I might start crying."

Jimin frowned. "Oh, what the hell? How did you even find out?"

"This man here, Min Yoongi, saw him at a club kissing and grinding against someone. What makes it worse is I already had my suspicions because I found some panties on the floor that weren't fucking mine."

Jimin wrapped his arms tightly around Taehyung and rubbed his back as the brunette's body shook with sobs he refused to let leave his mouth.

"I'll leave you two alone then," Min Yoongi bowed his head and left.

Jimin pulled away from Taehyung and grabbed his hand. "Come. Let's find somewhere to be alone."

"Don't you have to be with your husband before they start distributing awards? You're always beside him when he wins and you're always there for him to make his 'I owe it all to my husband and father-in-law' speech."

Jimin shook his head. "He'll just have to understand."

Jimin shook Taehyung's gloved hand and pulled him behind him to one of the powder rooms. Their heels clicked loudly and frantically as they rushed into one. Jimin sat Taehyung down and then went to close and lock the door. He sat down beside his friend and rushed to grab some tissues, preparing for the worst makeup ruin he'd ever seen.

Lipstick, mascara, and eyeshadow managed to go to places on Taehyung's face where they weren't designed to. Taehyung heaved and wailed as Jimin held him and wiped his face to avoid ruining the expensive silk dress he was wearing. Jimin couldn't care less about his own.

They sat there for about half an hour before Taehyung sat up and his sobs stopped. Jimin cleaned his face and then rubbed his arms.

"So, how are we doing this? Ruin his reputation? Blackmail? Ooh! Maybe we should walk him like a dog and then drop him high and dry!"

Taehyung shook his head.

"I just wanna leave."

"Leave? Kim Taehyung, you better not be insinuating what I think you are. Especially not over such a slob like him!"

Taehyung shook his head quickly with his eyes bucked. "Absolutely not! I meant literally. Like, take a flight. Leave the country!"

"Oh," Jimin exhaled in relief with a hand over his heart. "Where should we go?"

"We?" Taehyung frowned.

"You're my best friend. You're straight delusional if you think I'm going to let you leave the country alone after finding out your little lap dog cheated on you. You might come back pregnant, no clue who the father is!"

Taehyung laughed but agreed. "Fine. I think we should go to Belgium."

"Get everything ready and I'll spoil you, buy you anything you want, take you on little dates, and treat you how you should be treated. I'll be your boyfriend during this trip."

Taehyung laughed and moved to hug his best friend, squishing his cheek against the ravenette's. "I love you so much, Minnie."

"And I love you," Jimin cooed.

Then there was a knock at the door.

"Sir Jimin?"

Jimin pulled away. "Yes?"

"Ah, your husband is asking for you. They are beginning the awards."

"Oh, right. Okay. I'm coming!"

"Alright, Sir."

"You're so in trouble," Taehyung teased.

Jimin rolled his eyes. "He isn't my father."

They walked out of the powder room and walked toward the award room. Jimin looked for his husband's table, knowing there'd be a seat open beside the empty seat next to his husband that was meant for him. Namjoon knew marrying Jimin meant he gained Taehyung too. So, he tended to always prepare for that. Jimin sat down and pulled Taehyung's chair for him as well.

"Where were you?" Namjoon leaned forward and whispered into Jimin's ear.

"Comforting my friend," Jimin responded over his shoulder.

"You couldn't have come on time?"

"I haven't missed your award, have I?" Jimin scowled.

Namjoon sighed and kissed Jimin's exposed shoulder before sitting back and continuing to watch the show.


After the award ceremony, Namjoon held his award and stood behind his husband because he knew the pesky eyes that would love to get a glimpse of the man's body in his dress. They may shake his hand and smile in his face, but they didn't genuinely have any respect for his husband and their relationship.

Jimin pulled back from Taehyung after pecking his cheek and smiled. "Text me the information, okay?"

"Okay, Babe."

Then, with Namjoon's hand on his waist, he's whisked away from his friends and toward their car.

"Information about what?"

"Wouldn't you like to know," Jimin smirked.

They got into the car, Namjoon holding the door open for Jimin, and putting their stuff in the backseat.

"Yes, actually, I would. That's why I'm asking."

Jimin giggled and patted his husband's knee. "When we get home."

Namjoon remembered this and as soon as they got home, he reminded Jimin he remembered as well.

"Jeez, can I at least take my heels off first?"

Namjoon laughed. He gave his award to one of the maids and picked Jimin up and threw him over his shoulder. Jimin squealed and kicked his feet as Namjoon carried him up to their room like he was a sack of potatoes.

"Joon! Stop! My dress!"

"It's long. You're not going to flash anyone."

Jimin continued to squeal and giggle until he was thrown onto their king-sized bed. He never did understand why they had such a huge bed when they remained glued to each other when they went to sleep and woke back up.

As Jimin started to gather his bearings, he felt his heels being slid off his feet. He looked down at his husband who handled his feet with great care.

"So? What information?"

Jimin sighed and let his head fall back onto the bed as he felt Namjoon's large hands massage his sore feet.

"Tae's whore ass boyfriend is no longer a boyfriend. So, to get his mind off of it, we're going to Belgium."

"How long will you be gone?"

"No idea. That's why I'm waiting for him to give me more information."

"Are you just going to go with whatever amount of time he says?"

"Of course. He got cheated on. If I got cheated on, well, you'd have to beg God to keep me from killing you. But I too would want to get away from it all."

Namjoon laughed a little and hummed in agreement.

"Shower with me?"

"Of course!" Jimin lifted his arms and Namjoon picked him up and carried him into their bathroom.


"Babe," Jimin called.


"Tae said we are going to Belgium and a few other places and we'll be gone for twelve weeks."

Namjoon's head shot up.

"Twelve weeks?!"

Jimin rolled his eyes as Namjoon walked up behind him shirtless. He cleaned up his eyeliner and laughed. "You've left me for nine months alone before."

"Yeah, for work. But you'd always fly to surprise me," Namjoon frowned as he wrapped his arms around Jimin's waist and placed his chin on his exposed shoulder.

"Then fly to surprise me," the smaller man giggled.

"You know Tae won't let me. It's gonna be 'Jiminie and Taehyungie' time only. You know he'd kick me out."

"Just call me then. Or maybe I'll sneak out to get to you. Just like back in high school," Jimin giggled as he kissed his husband's nose.

Namjoon chuckled as he shook his head. "You're adorable."

"I know," Jimin shrugged.

Namjoon grinned hard and tried to kiss his husband's face who fought against him because "I just did my makeup! Get away from me!"


"I think I have everything."

"You sure?" Namjoon looked up from the suitcase he was zipping shut as his husband stood by the bed and packed his makeup and other toiletries.

"Positive. Besides, if something is missing it's something small that I can buy when we land."

Namjoon hummed as he rolled the suitcase downstairs after taking Jimin's two other bags.

Jimin followed his husband downstairs with his carry-on on his arm. Just as they made it downstairs the doorbell rang.

"Must be Tae," Namjoon sighed.

"Hey! Don't do that. This is my best friend we're talking about."

"Your best friend who's taking you away from me." Namjoon hugged Jimin tightly, squishing his cheek against Jimin's cheek.

Jimin giggled before pulling away to open the door. He hugged his friend tightly and whispered comforting words to the man going through a hard time.

"You're not bringing your husband, are you?" Taehyung frowned.

"No way!" Jimin frowned at his friend's tired face. "Besides, I already told you I'm going to be your boyfriend during this whole trip."

"What?" Namjoon's eyes bucked.

"Hush," Jimin waved him off and Taehyung laughed.

"Are you ready to go?" Taehyung smiled.

"Mhm! I'll just grab my stuff."

Jimin spun around and grabbed two of his bags and Namjoon grabbed the other two. They walked out to the car and packed Jimin's luggage into the trunk. Taehyung was already in the backseat and scrolling through pictures of the resort. Namjoon opened the door for Jimin and Jimin smiled at him. He placed a hand on his chest and kissed him softly before getting in the car.

"Call me when you get there," Namjoon said as he peeked his head into the car.

"Will do," Jimin nodded.

"You two have fun. And Tae, you deserve better, he was shit anyway."

Taehyung looked up and smiled.

"Thank you."

Namjoon stepped back and slammed the door shut. The car zoomed off and the couple was separated.


"Did you have any speculations before Min Yoongi told you?" Jimin looked up at Taehyung, a small cracker with a small cube of cheese raised to his lips.

Taehyung gently shook his head as he swirled his glass of red wine.

"But they say there are signs," Jimin took a small bite of the food in front of his mouth.

"Yeah, I heard that too but I guess the signs were the blaring evidence of him cheating on me."

Jimin frowned. "I hated him anyway," he scowled and rolled his eyes.

Taehyung giggled. "Well, my best friend in the world, how did your husband take the news?"

Jimin snickered. "He was a little pouty because he knows I won't leave you alone and you won't let me be alone.

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "Perfect as ever."

"Yeah, well. There is something else..."


"I've been wanting..."

"He leaves you wanting? That's a first. Normally he gives you everything there is to give. What do you want, babes?"

Jimin took a long swig of his red wine.

"A baby," Jimin whispered.

Taehyung gasped as he grabbed Jimin's arm.

"A baby?"

Jimin nodded with a small smile.

"Like adoption or—"

"No. From me."

Taehyung gasped again, even louder.

"You're willing to put your body through all that? You've never even wanted to eat a burger without immediately going for a run!"

"I've been talking with Mommy and she always talks about how wonderful it was being pregnant with me and how much Daddy doted on her. He always does but when she was pregnant it was different," Jimin gushed.

Taehyung squealed and shook Jimin once he got a firm grip on his arm.

"Oh em gee! I'm gonna be an uncle!"

"Okay, hold your horses," Jimin grinned to himself. "He's just so busy so I don't know when to tell him. Or if he'll be around enough."

"He said he wanted kids didn't he?"

Jimin nodded. "Yeah, but he said he'd go with whatever I want. He isn't passionate one way or the other so it's up to me. Do you think he'll agree?"

Taehyun grinned at his best friend. "He's gonna say yes, for sure. I bet he'll fall even more in love with you than before."

The two friends began to talk about how to tell Namjoon about Jimin's wants as well as how their vacation was going to go. Jimin wanted to completely wipe his best friend's mind of any thoughts or memories of his ex.


Jimin and Taehyung looked around their hotel room before collapsing on the large couch.

"How'd you get so lucky?" Taehyung frowned.

"What'd you mean?" Jimin turned to his best friend.

"Like... you've only ever had Namjoon. Since high school, it's been Minnie and Joonie, Minnie and Joonie. You're the only people in our friend group that managed to stay together. Not just that but get married too. God, you're lucky."

Jimin grinned as his eyes drifted to his phone screen that lit up, showing him his lock screen which was a picture from their honeymoon that matched with his husband's, even though Namjoon wasn't one to care for such things. He didn't care about personalizing his phone. But to show off pictures of his husband? Of course, he would take any chance he could.

The notification on his phone screen was of a message his husband had sent. He said his "I love you"s and "I miss you already"s followed by saying he'll be quite busy with work for a few hours and to not wait up for his goodnight text.

Jimin hummed with delight and responded to his husband's text.

"The man in question texted, I'm assuming," Taehyung sighed.

Jimin snickered with a nod but turned his phone off. He turned his body to his friend and rubbed his knee.

"So, what're we gonna do?"

"I've got wine tasting, roller skating, ice skating, swimming, laying and tanning at the beach, watching movies, shopping, plenty of brunches and expensive dinners, and clubbing."

"Clubbing? What kind of clubbing?" Jimin squinted at his friend.

"Just normal, average clubbing."

"You're trying to go to a strip club, aren't you?"

Taehyung shrugged.

"Tae, I'm married."

"But I'm not. You can just sit at the bar the whole time."

Jimin rolled his eyes but agreed to the activities Taehyung had planned. He was going to make sure his friend forgot about his bum ex, even if it was the last thing he did. 

f. u.

Here <3 Chapter One to hold you over until I can finally start to work on this story more. Right now I'm writing a completely different story and I can't find the focus to write anything else and I apologize. Be patient with me 😭

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