No Good Deed Goes Unpunished...

Από NadiaSantos813

1.6K 97 3

Loki unexpectly finds something he neither looked for nor wanted and it gets in the way of who he is, and wha... Περισσότερα

Waking Up
I'm not lying
Facing the truth
Friend or prisoner?
I'm going to be a father
Shopping Spree
Lover's Reunion
A Rude Awakening
That's what it takes
I don't know what I want any more
To Loki
To Leah
Brother's talk
So, I have super powers now?
Loki's answer
Federal Reserve Bank Heist
Security Breach
The Plan is in Motion
Changing Sides
Status Quo
What if you knew ... what you're capable of ...
In Due Time
Doom makes his move
Rescuing Loki
On the run
Friends and Foes
In the name of SHIELD
But you are my mess
What now?
Letting go
Bittersweet Reunion
Walking into SHIELD
Easy way out
Another kind of deal
Leah and Fury sitting on a couch
Analyse me
Into the Deep
What do we know?
Hanging on
I'm sorry
At the Gates
Guilt and Pity
Soul Searching
The Plan
Black and White
Doom's Code of Honor
Coming Home
Reckless Decisions
Heart to Heart
Scolded and Forgiven

Change of Plans

46 3 0
Από NadiaSantos813


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Rating:-I didn't though Thor would give us trouble so soon —Fury tells Coulson

-But he had a point Sir, staying in the hellicarrier would only contribute to the deterioration of Leah's mental health, she doesn't trusts us. You saw how she reacted when she woke up.-

-That's the only reason I agreed for her to leave with them, besides should we need her we know exactly where she is. -Fury added still angry at the present outcome, though he knew they would have to fight the Avenger's for Leah's custody at some point this wasn't the right moment to do so.

Leah had been more than happy to leave with Thor and the rest of the Avenger's, she wasn't exactly sure why but SHIELD made her nervous, she had almost cried with joy when she saw Thor at her side instead of SHIELD's agents when she woke up, she couldn't wait to get away from them.

Afterwards in the Avenger's tower Dr. Banner was finishing his own medical examination of Leah.

-But they already draw my blood in SHIELD, do we really need to do this again? —Leah complained pointing to the small puncture mark she had in her arm.

-I'd rather have my own lab results, it's just a little pinch, I'll be gentle, I promise. - Banner tried to reassure her

-Ok — Leah sighed with defeat "I'm too tired to argue any way" were her thoughts.

-You seem fine, except for your malnutrition and lack of sleep symptoms, but that can be easily fixed with some rest and food, when was the last time you ate?-Banner asked Leah-

-I think ... yesterday's morning —Leah responded as she slightly blushed, she didn't thought he could notice and that made her uncomfortable.

-There's no need to be ashamed Leah, I once too wondered on the streets, I know how it's like, it can be our secret if you want to — Bruce reassured her, she did look one step away from homeless.

-I ... -Leah started to protest then changed her mind —Thank you Dr. Banner, I would appreciate it.-

-Please call me Bruce, Leah. Now let's get you something to eat, afterwards you can go to your room and get some rest.-

At the mention of food Leah's stomach complained with a sound full growl that made her blush even more than before —Oh dear!- she exclaimed in embarrassment.

-Don't worry, Tony has a stock full kitchen, I'm sure we can find you something tasty to eat.- Bruce said as he gave her an understanding smile.

As they reached the kitchen they found Thor and Clint finishing a pizza, Leah prayed her stomach would keep quite this time, fortunately it did. Bruce left after a while, telling them that he had to take care of Leah's lab results.

After a while Leah yawned, she was tired, being sedated wasn't the same that resting though she felt conflicted, dreaming didn't sound as appealing as the day before.

-I think we should let you get some rest Leah, after all it has been a long day-Thor told her as soon as he noticed her getting sleepy.

-But I don't feel tired —Leah lied —I want to hear how your adventure ended.

-Nonsense, you can hear it tomorrow; besides the Doctor ordered lots of food and rest and I don't plan on crossing him — Clint joked

-All right, but you are voting me off the island — Leah pouted

-We are what? — Thor inquired.

-She means she doesn't want to go Thor — Clint explained, it seemed there would always be a common day expression or reference to explain to Thor; after all the cultural differences between planets were least to say ... huge.

-I will show you your new accommodations Leah, I am quite sure you will find Stark's hospitality more than welcoming- Thor made a small vow while pointing her to the door.

-Good night then —Leah told Clint — But I do want to hear the rest of your story tomorrow.- She had decided she wouldn't break down in front of them anymore when she woke up the second time in the hellicarrier mostly because she didn't wanted to be sedated again. She had learned to hide her emotions too well during the past months, they didn't needed to see her cry, so the only option left was trying to act as normal as possible, like normal would be a word that could describe her situation.

They had just reached Leah's room when a voice called for Thor —Mr. Odinson your presence is urgently requested by Mr. Stark in the penthouse.-

-All right Jarvis, tell him I'm on my way- the he added — I am sorry Leah but I have to go.-

-It's all right Thor, I'm sure you have important matters to attend to I'll be fine — she gave him her best fake smile.

Thor smiled her back as he told her good night, then made his way towards the penthouse.

-What is the urgent matter you called me for? - Thor asked as soon as he reached the penthouse where Steve and Tony were talking to a virtual screen where an image of Nick Fury appeared.

-Fury wants us to take Leah back with SHIELD. - Tony almost yelled — Like we hadn't had this same argument a couple of hours ago-

-Why? We are just getting her settled, and she already looks a lot better.- Clint asked as he arrived.

-Probably because they just found out the same I just did. - Bruce added as he walked in

-What did you find out? - Steve asked intrigued.

-That Leah is pregnant. - Bruce answered

-I'm what?! — Leah screamed in surprise, no one had noticed her walking in just behind them, she had felt scared of being alone and went in looking for company.

-With Loki's child —Fury added — This changes everything, I want her back on board the hellicarrier as soon as possible.-

-That's not going to happen- Thor boomed — The child is my nephew and he will stay under my protection as well as his mother.-

They were all in the middle of a very heated argument when Jarvis interrupted them — Mr. Stark I'm afraid your guest Mrs. Leah is having a panic attack and she need assistance urgently.-

The whole room went silence, no one had noticed her leaving the room; then Steve told Fury — I think we'd better end this later.-

-Agreed —Fury answered as the screen went dead.

-Jarvis, where's Leah? — Tony asked the AI.

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