A Half-Bloods Nightmare ~ Per...

By VivianDarkblade

2.4K 49 69

Basil Greene, Ava Longing, and Alex Luster are thrown together not by chance, not choice, but by the gods of... More

I Get the Worst Grounding in History ~ Ch1
No Party Is a Party Without Wine ~ Ch2
I Get Promoted to Top Caterer ~ Ch4
My Tears Meet the Ocean ~ Ch5
Theres Nothing More Better Than Gambling For Money....Everyday ~ Ch6
My Father Fries Me Alive ~ Ch7
To Drink Or Not To Drink ~ Ch8
The Poker Goddess ~ Ch9
The Monster Part, Did Not Occur To Me ~ Ch10
I Level Up In Physcology ~ Ch11
P Is For Painkillers ~ Ch12
A Series Of Unfortunate Chapters by Cara Greene ~ Ch13
I'm Taken to My Personal Hell ~ Ch14
Ansel and Ellie ~ Ch15
Running Shadows and Youthful Demigods ~ Ch16
His Revelation ~ Ch17
Adrastos ~ Ch18
A Poem Even Apollo Would Hate ~ A/N
Caras' Nom De Plume ~ Ch19

Double or Nothin' ~ Ch3

247 4 8
By VivianDarkblade

I didn't want to leave Vegas. My home is Vegas. You got money, babes, thugs and better yet...gambling. My fingers twitched every ten seconds inside the red moving car.

But New York? New York? I've never been to New York- but I bet it's nothing like Vegas. I glanced at my dad and sighed, nothing like Vegas. "I still can't believe you dad!" Complains Allison, my older sister, "Why are you having us move?!" She leans back against her seat.

I shake my head and rest my elbow on a box seated on my lap. "Sweetie listen," my dad starts, "I've explained this a thousand times. Life just isn't good there anymore. I've been starting to worry about you kids more and more each day. We all just have to get away from...from, that stuff" he explains.

I lick my lips and look out the window. We knew what he was talking about. And for the record, I don't think you can be addicted to gambling at only fourteen. Though I'll admit I have made some risky moves in the past, but I have always won back what I lost.

Even when I was a kid I knew that trading and chances and playing games were what made me, me. Being only five and trading a toy truck for a huge bag of candy, let's just say I was persuasive. But then candy turned into a pack of cards. Toy trucks turned into real trucks. At first the cops came to the house and gave me a warning for stealing a bike when I was eleven. Then I stayed the night in a cell for driving a stolen car.

"This kids a troublemaker, this one" I remember the cop telling my dad, "But driving a car at only fourteen? Makes him a smart one too." That was my finest hour I must admit. They didn't arrest me because I was only a kid, but I still had parole. No matter what I did, what I played, what I stole, what I sold...I always got out of it. Trust me, it's nice to always get away with your luck. But then I started getting sloppy. How do you think I was busted for the car?

"Do you still have the pendant, Alex?" Dad asked. I grinned but then quickly frowned. "Uh," I said nervously. My dad snapped his head my way, "Uh, what Alex?" He mocked, looking me up and down. I smoothly turned the pendant of Tyche to my back. I pulled the front of my shirt down, to reveal nothing.

"Alex Luster!" He raged. Allison giggled and covered her mouth, "Busted." Dad slammed the car break, and the car skidded to a harsh stop. I saw a group of girls sitting in the park abruptly look up. "Where is your pendant?!" He asked, turning his big body towards me. I smile a half smile and take off my shirt, "It's nowhere to be found, see?" I hold the shirt in my hand.

The group of girls outside wooed and clapped. "Nice abs!" Screamed a girl. I turned my head and winked at them. "Alex Luster! I will turn this car around right away to go and find that pendant! You will not sleep or..." He stopped and took a look at my back. He sighs and pulls the chain to my front, "Hilarious, I'm dying" he grunts and starts driving.

I put my shirt back on and adjust the object. He gets so freaked about this pendant, it's hilarious.

After a few miles of Allison's ranting and complaining we make way to our new house. We furnished it a long time ago, we just had to get a few boxes. I opened the car door and jumped out onto my skateboard. "One day Alex you will break your neck on that thing, and I will use your gambling money to pay every bill," My dad warns. Allison snorted as she closed the door with a box, "Let's hope." I stuck my tongue out as I rode along the driveway.

After lifting a couple of boxes, my body plopped on the couch and I sighed. "Why. Do. We. Always. Do. The. Heavy. Lifting?" I groaned. My dad walks throughout the room and shuts the front door, "Because I did the bed moving, furniture moving, and gigantic screen T.V. moving. So you-"
"Yeah you, Alex" Allison walks to her new room
"You both...do most of the work now."

I nodded and spread my arms on the couch. "You got every box?" Dad asked, pulling the desk to his room, it's legs scraping the shiny floor. "Yeah" I said, staring at my reflection in the black screen T.V
You handsome devil
"You sure? Did you lock the car door?" Dad asked from his room. I groaned, "Yes dad, would ya have faith in me for once-"
His door slams shut.

I jump off of the couch and open the front door. Don't you judge me. The car door is closed, but my pillows and blankets are in the back seat. I nod slightly and step towards the car. But then I trip.
"Gaghh!" I groan as my back hits the pavement. "I'm not even wearing shoes! What did I trip on?-" I quickly pick myself up, only to face a box. It was still, and unmoved despite my tripping. I rub my head and stare at it, that wasn't there before?

Picking myself up I grabbed the long box with me, but just as I was about to open it.
A figure moves from the corner of my eye.
I look up and turn in the dark neighborhood. Everything's clear except for the houses, but then he comes into view. I step back and a man is standing motionless in the street. He wears a black cap and a black coat. Oh boy.

I touch the handle of the door behind me to open it, and it's locked. I locked myself out?! What's wrong with me?! Who was this guy? A dealer? A detective that followed me? The murderer I got arrested? The thug I stole from? A vengeful gambler? The kid I sold my truck to? The girl I cheated money out of? The man I cheated on a game with? The other man I cheated on a game with? The bully I beat up? The teacher I stole my test from? The jeweler thief I stole with?

I quickly turn towards the door and bang my fist on it. "Dad! Allison! Someone open the door!"
"Let me get that for you" a person says. As my feet spin around, my heads covered with a sack and the box drops to the ground.

"Hey!" I yell. They grab my arms and legs and pull me away. I'm squirming, I try to move my legs, but only my knees buckle. My wrists burn with every step they take. And an arm is on my torso, they carry me like...like...like baggage. I'm not good with similes.

Just when I think I'm about to pass out they drop me and yank off the sack. I'm sitting up, facing three people in an alley while someone holds me down from the back, tying my hands. "Seriously! Who does this stuff to a fourteen year old boy?!" I defy, trying to kick.

A woman with red hair and a thick accent chuckles, as do the rest, "Oh please, yes you may be young" she says putting her face close to mine, "But we all know you act as if you're much older." I glare at her. She pouts and ruffles my hair, "He's a handsome lad ain't he?"

I pull away from her hand, "Just tell me what you want!" I demand. This was taking forever. The woman holds out a notepad and flips through it, "You're Alex Luster, aye?"
"No, I'm Dana Carvey," I sarcastically replied.
Good one
The red haired woman scowled and then laughed. "Make jokes kid, doesn't matter...whats going to happen to you will make up for all of it," she touches my hair.

"Such a shame what's going to happen to this face. Pretty pretty black hair too," she mockingly sighs and shakes her head. "Now listen kid. I'm Pamela, I work for Tay-Wer Matthews, sound familiar?"

I stopped breathing in that small second, I gulp and look away. Tay-Wer Matthews. He ran the biggest poker business, I got my winning reputation because of him. He saw me play at a casino once, no wonder this kidnapping seemed familiar, he did the same thing a year ago. Took me in, thought I was pretty good for a thirteen year old, said I'd win him some money if I took risks. But then I was informed that he always won his games, but it was mainly because he had inside guys, cheated really.

People went in debt, especially the addicted ones. I thought it was unfair, he made people poor. So, I stole from him, he trusted me the most. I gave the money back to the people who really deserved it. But when I resigned and he "coincidently" lost money. He sent people after me. One guy was arrested, the other was just wounded when I jumped the fence. Allison thinks that we moved because of my...personal attachment, to poker.
But I know it was because of this.

I took a shaky breath and then answered "Yeah." Pamela chuckled and nodded her head, "Well then. We have some talking to do."

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