
By 19RaeNegade

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As Marinette continues to emotionally recover, she finds out about a long-forgotten secret her family has kep... More



443 20 11
By 19RaeNegade


Alya's P.O.V

   It's lunchtime and everyone at my table is wondering the same thing.

   Where are Adrien and Marinette?

   I haven't seen nor heard anything from those two since our first class. I know Marinette and Adrien occasionally eat at their homes for lunch. Yet, they'd inform us if they were doing so. Either they forgot at the same time or...

   "Do you think they're hiding somewhere together and having a secret date?" Rose squealed, imagining the cute scenario in her head.

   I pursed my lips. No, I don't think that's it. I would have probably believed it before but Marinette has definitely changed. She isn't the girl who fawned over the mere thought of Adrien anymore. I've seen the two growing closer on friendly terms recently. Although, Adrien seems to be acting like the weird one now.

   Did their roles switch?

   Speaking of Adrien, what's going on with him? He has been gone for a week and then shows up without so much as an explanation as to why he was gone. Now that I think about it, he has been acting differently too. Has Nino even noticed or is he being fooled by Adrien's facade?

   I have a strong theory on why Marinette is acting off but what's going on with Adrien?

   I scan the lunchroom again, still finding neither person in sight. I let out a sigh before returning to poking my food.

   "Alya, is everything okay?" Mylene asked concern showing on her face. This gained the rest of the table's attention, looked in my direction. I sit up straight and force my usual happy personality.

   "Yeah, girl. I'm good. Just trying to solve a hard mystery for a blog article I'm doing," I half lied, standing from my seat, "I think I need to take a little walk before classes to help me think. I'll catch you guys later!"

I made my way out of the lunchroom and began to walk the halls.

As much as I love my friends, I need to solve this on my own. They don't have a speck of a clue on what's really going on. The only slip-up that gave away Marinette's issues was when she had that reaction earlier.

Was this what I was like when Lila was here? Was I this oblivious to all her lies and tricks? I feel like a huge idiot and what did I get out of it? Hurting Marinette. I hurt Marinette. I'm supposed to be her best friend but ended up betraying her for a phony. Although I'm not the only one who betrayed Marinette, I still should've known better.

That's why I need to make things right. I need to make it up to Marinette. I owe her for that at least...even if she doesn't consider me a friend anymore. For now, this operation is under wraps.

"I wonder if Adrien is somehow tied in all of this?" I theorized in my head, "He started acting differently around the same time Mallorie arrived. Or it could all be a major coincidence. I'd still like to help Adrien too.

"Maybe, I'm being too noisy? Being noisy is a partial reason why I've hurt Marinette. Should I just watch it out from the sidelines or get involved?" I thought, going deeper into my mind, "You know what, I'll continue to keep an eye on things and stand up for Marinette when she needs someone the most."

I won't mess up again. If Marinette needs someone to stand by her, I won't hesitate to be at her side.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when someone bumps into my shoulder. Whoever bumped into me continued without saying anything. I twisted around, fixing my glasses.

"Sorry, I didn't...see you..." I trailed off when my gaze locked with silver eyes.


She doesn't give me the slightest attention as if I'm invisible to her. She just continues down the hallway with her hands in the pockets of her pants.

"That's odd," I thought, "Wasn't she trying to act like "the sweet but shy new kid."

To keep up her act, she would've apologized to me but kept walking without a thought. Plus, there's no one in this hallway. There is plenty of space for her and me to walk past each other without bumping. It's like she purposely did it.

But why? Why is she starting to show her true colors? I suppose it would be hard to keep up the act with the news of her robbery out on social media. So, I guess, it wouldn't matter.

"How is she here? Shouldn't she be at a police station?" I thought, "Unless, someone bailed her out but why did she come to school?"

So many questions without any answers. I suppose if there is a time to be noisy, it would be right now.

Carefully, I began to follow Mallorie from a distance.


Adrien's P.O.V

Once lunchtime rolled around, I snuck out of the school and made sure no one noticed me leaving. At least, I hope nobody saw me leaving school grounds. I don't want to get in trouble or be questioned.

"I'm sure Plagg would be over the moon right now about my "rebellious escape," as he would say," I thought, wistfully. I quickly shake my head. No, I can't be thinking of Plagg. It'll make returning him even harder than it already is. I wince at the wording, making Plagg sound like a toy I'm returning with a receipt.

   "Stop making this so hard on yourself," I quietly scolded myself. I walk across the road and over to the Dupain-Cheng's bakery. My feet pause in front of the building and stare at it for a few seconds before it hits me.

How am I going to sneak the miraculous into Marinette's room without Mr. Dupain seeing me? Maybe, I could lie about getting something from Marinette's room? No, that'd definitely be a bad idea. I can't let him see me at all or else he might give away that I was here to Marinette. Or, it could be taken as a suspicious misunderstanding.

I need to sneak in and out.

I place my hand over the box (which looks more like I'm holding a hand over my heart). I could transform and jump onto Marinette's balcony. Yet, I don't necessarily want to see Plagg. I might break if I do. My eyes scan until recalling the side door.

If I'm careful enough, I only need to get past Mr. Dupain and up the stairs. I just need to sneak in and out when he is not at the counter or busy with a customer. Staring through the window, I see Mr. Dupain standing behind the counter and seeming lost in thought. He looks troubled by something.

"I wonder if it has something to do with a certain recently new family member?" I questioned in my mind. Marinette's been off ever since her twin arrived so it wouldn't surprise me if it is affecting Mr. Dupain too. Although, where did Mallorie come from?

I've only met her once but only for a short amount of time. We obviously didn't have time to talk since everything that was going on at that moment. I've heard the stories about her coming from America though. But, why hasn't Marinette actually talked about her sister before? What's the reason behind that? Did Marinette even know she had a twin sister before she arrived?

"I'll have to talk to Marinette about that at a later time. For now, I've got other things to do," I thought, knowing I'm getting off track. I waited for a few minutes until Mr. Dupain disappeared into the back. I quickly made my way around the corner toward the side door.

Carefully, I opened the green door and peeked inside to make sure the baker hadn't returned. He didn't. I slipped inside and quietly shut the door. Then, I made my way up the stairs until arriving at the apartment's door.

"This might be easier than I thought," I said to myself and reach for the knob. Knowing my luck, it usually doesn't go this smoothly. I purse my lips at that and pause in reaching for the doorknob. a bit too easy. I furrow my eyebrows and reluctantly twist the knob. I push the door a crack open and peek inside.

My eyes widen and I shut the door.

Marinette's inside, eating lunch at the table.

"Well, this sure puts me in an un-fur-tunate situation," I whispered to myself. I'm lucky Marinette didn't hear me talking to myself. That would be bad. Yet, I'll have to wait until after school to drop off the cat miraculous.

I'll have to do it quickly before my bodyguard arrives at school, make sure none of the Dupain-Chengs catch me, and make sure none of my classmates spot me. It'll be a difficult mission but it's for the better if I get rid of this power faster. The faster it's done, the less I'll worry about changing my mind or having second thoughts.


Mallorie's P.O.V

   That old man and I walked in through the side door of the bakery. I immediately make a beeline up the steps.

   "We are going to talk, Mallorie!" the old geezer scolded me. I paused from going any further up the stairs. Does he think he can intimidate me? I've been pushed around by guys much scarier and bigger than that life-sized teddy bear. Going through the foster system can really open one's eyes to what life truly is.

   Survival of the fittest.

   My goal is now clear. I know what I'm going to do to ruin the old geezer and much uglier version of me's life.

   Run the bakery out of business, steal all the money, and destroy that dingy apartment upstairs. Sure, I'll be back in the foster system again but it'll all be worth it to enact my revenge on this family.

   "Talk..." I parroted, turning around to face him with a cold, blank-slated look, "...I think our time for civil conversation is long past."

   "Can we please just talk? I understand why you're understanding but you misunderstand-"

   "Misunderstand? Is my entire life just simply a misunderstanding? Wow, jokes on me!" I laughed, no happiness laced within, "How about you just shut up before you screw things up more? Isn't that what you are best at?"

   He glared. Good, let him glare. It also shows that I hurt him but I could care less. He deserves to suffer way more than what my words can do. It's time I put some action into gear and ruin two people I hate most in the world's lives.

   I continued making my way toward my room above, receiving no response. Once I arrive at my room, I lock the door and escape out the window.

   First on the agenda of ruining my twin's life, stealing her precious earrings. I can use their power to help me.

   Luckily, I've been stealing jewelry and other things off of people for years. Being a part of a street gang can teach someone a few useful tricks. That screw up bound to be at the lunchroom if she wasn't home for lunch.

   I head into the school and toward the lunchroom. Yet, I bump into that annoying reporter in the hall. I continue without a second thought before realizing that I'm being followed by the nosy freak (another perk of being in a gang).

   "This is so annoying," I thought, irritated.

"I know you're following me, pest," I said, stopping. She steps out from around the corner, giving me a look. At least she's smart enough not to play dumb and continue to hide.

"What do you want?" I asked, not bothering to put on an act. She's bound to find out sometime anyway.

"What are you planning?" the ombré-haired girl questioned, narrowing her eyes in my direction. I give her a devilish grin and shrug my shoulders.

"Nothing much but if there happens to be a show, I recommend you stay tuned and watch it play out," I replied, vaguely.

"Whatever it is you're going to do, I won't let you hurt anybody under my watch. I know your true colors," Alya seethed, showing her phone with the article about my robbery.

   I roll my eyes. Honestly, I don't care if the whole school finds out about my "true colors." It was bound to happen. Unfortunately for Alya, she doesn't know my full capabilities. I'm really good at knowing things and reading people.

   It's cute she thinks she has a chance.

Alright, I'll play along.


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