Endergirl (SLOW UPDATES)

Redlerman16 द्वारा

2.8K 32 6

Based off a fanfiction.net story. You're a 18 yr old male young adult that plays Minecraft a lot and you some... अधिक

Chapter 1: Not us, but her
Chapter 2: But why are the donuts gone
Chapter 3: Cunning woman
Chapter 4: An unexpected axe wielder
Chapter 5: W- We didn't, n- nothing happe-
Chapter 6: A bone chilling scream
Chapter 7: I'm going to fucking kill you
Chapter 8: Cookies and cream
Chapter 9: Pure Malicious Evil
Chapter 10: Well it worked, didn't it?
Chapter 11: Pop
Chapter 12: You're tone deaf
Chapter 13: Exactly, what I was thinking
Chapter 14: The very same
Chapter 15: Stupidity
Chapter 16: Touch her again
Chapter 18: Snowflakes in a blizzard
Chapter 19: Cold, dead hands
Chapter 20: Another one bites the dust
Chapter 21: Were you worried?
Chapter 22: Criminals among us!

Chapter 17: What's the café?

46 1 0
Redlerman16 द्वारा

My apologies for not posting the chapters at least one month cuz I've been doing things that I love to do so anyways LET'S-A START THIS CHAPTER!!!





"What's the café?"


Purple as far as the eye could see. But it wasn't the kind of warm and vibrant magenta that I had come to know. It was a dark, and diseased shade. Power and pain seeping through it as the colour consumed me. My mind was overflown with a sky of nothing else, no clouds to disrupt it, no trees to dot the horizon, just...


"Where is the egg?" A voice boomed through my head, sending reels of agony down my spine.

I shivered at the presence of such a dark aura, but pressed forwards anyway. "W- Who are you?" My voice came out weak, and unsure.

"Where is the egg?"

The pain that poured from the voice made me want to back away. "What are you talking about?"

"Where is it!?"

I jolted upright, my brain seeming to coil around itself, morphing this way and that until it could finally make out the shapes and patterns around me. White walls, grey carpet, black desk... My room.

A dream?

I felt something shift slightly next to me. I looked down at Amber, who lay beside me peacefully. Her arms were folded under the pillow, holding onto it lightly. One of her long legs extended towards the end of the bed, whilst the other was brought up towards the side, folding back halfway. A few lengths of white hair fell across her face, over her gently parted lips and across her closed eyes. She had turned over in her sleep, now facing me despite her best efforts. The baggy black T-shirt that she had borrowed, exposed one of her shoulders, the collar slipping down to her arm.

A small smile passed across my face as I looked at her. She was beautiful. There was no other word for it. Carefully, I pulled the fabric back over her shoulder, my fingers brushing across her soft skin for only a moment. She shifted once more at the contact, but thankfully, didn't wake.

I looked back at my dream, which was quickly fading from memory. It wasn't a mystery, what they were asking for. The egg that had started it all, the one Key had stolen from the End. The object which was required to release the Wither.

The Ender Dragon egg.

But something ticked at the back of my mind. The Wither... I slid out of bed carefully, my muscles complaining at having to work so early in the morning. I noticed Amber curl up a little bit, as if sensing that I was no longer there. It took all of my willpower not to abandon my thought, and lay down by her side once more. Resisting the urge, I tread quietly over to my desk and flipped open my laptop, quickly dialling down the brightness.

I opened Chrome and softly typed my question into the search bar.

Minecraft how to spawn the Wither

Clicking on the first link, my suspicions were soon proven correct. Soul sand, and Wither skeleton heads... There was no mention of an Ender Dragon egg. The conversation between Raven, Key and I seemed to have occurred ages ago, but I could still recall the redhead's words.

'The Wither boss. An endgame enemy in Minecraft that is almost impossible to kill. The Ender Dragon egg is required to summon it.'

I remembered Key agreeing with her too... Raven knew Minecraft far better than I did, and the Endergirl was practically born there. So why didn't they know the truth? I scrolled through the wiki article that I had opened. From what I read, it was certainly a difficult enemy... But not an impossible one...

The questions that I thought had been subdued, started to careen through my mind once more. What were hybrids? Who was making them? Why did they want the Ender Dragon egg so badly? How long were we going to be attacked? Who was sending the possessed hybrids? My thoughts slowed as one question in particular, announced itself.

Why had I stopped thinking about these things?

My consciousness seemed to fall into silence as the query passed unanswered. Had I just been too busy to think on it? Too caught up with keeping everybody safe? No... Something wasn't right... I struggled to hold onto my sanity as I felt the thoughts begin to fade along with my dream. I fought against the force that threatened to tear my memories away. It was a time, but I soon returned victorious.

I winced as a sudden throb echoed through my head, departing as quickly as it had come. My thoughts felt clearer, my senses sharper. But it all felt so sudden... Like a badly developed plot twist in some third rate story, created purely to cover up the authors mistake. Looking back, it was as if the last few days had all been a distraction. I had just assumed that having the mobs stay here was the best thing to do... But had we really planned to carry on with this normal lifestyle?

We still needed to figure out who was behind all of this...

"Stop thinking so loud." Amber murmured from behind me, snapping me out of my rushed contemplation. She opened an eye. "You're keeping me awake."

I closed my laptop and moved back towards the bed. "I'm sorry."

She smiled a little as I lay down next to her. "What were you looking at?"

"I'll tell everyone later." I met her gaze, retelling my thoughts briefly, but not in detail.

Nodding, she closed her eyes once more and relaxed. Her soft side was showing through her tranquil state, her ferocious attitude hidden for the moment. The corner of her mouth twitched as I finished the thought.

"Hey... Has your shoulder healed?"

It occurred to me that the pain from my wound was gone, it was so natural that I hadn't even noticed. I moved my hand upwards, brushing over where the injury should be. All that I found was a small disturbance on the skin, a scar. "Yeah, seems like it."

She cuddled a little closer to me, her side brushing against my chest. The contact made me freeze. Amber wouldn't do something like this for no good reason... A moment passed before she whispered something.

"Then get off."

She pressed into my chest, nudging me towards the side of the bed. I struggled to hold onto my small amount of territory, rocking precariously near the edge. "No, Amber wait!"

Smirking, she pushed harder. "Nope."

I tumbled off the side, hitting the hardly soft carpet below with a dull thud. I groaned in complaint, rolling to look up at the skeleton. She peeked over the mattress, a few strands of cloudy white hair hanging down. Her gaze was playful, smiling.

"After everything we've been through..." I said, stretching out a hand and flicking her in the forehead.

She recoiled from the attack and raised an eyebrow, but the playful aura remained. "I still plan to kill you."

Grinning, I rolled onto the blankets that were still laid out on the floor. "Whenever you're ready darling."

"D- Darling?"

I handed the laptop over to Raven, who examined it curiously. "That's how you summon the Wither."

Her expression turned to one of suspicion. "What about the Ender Dragon egg?"

"You don't need it."

We were sat before the TV in the media room, Zoe and Key consumed with the device. Isaac listened into our conversation, partially interested, trying to catch a glimpse of the screen that sat on Ravens lap. And Amber was searching through the fridge in the kitchen, looking for something to eat.

"This can't be right... You need the egg." The redhead concluded, handing the laptop back to me.

I shook my head. "Every website and video says the same thing."

I watched as she seemed to struggle with the idea, the thought prancing around her mind. She squinted a little. "No... You need the egg."

By now, the repetitive argument had gained Key's attention. She nodded along with Raven's statement. I studied them warily. They were serious, they weren't joking around. "Why?" I asked.

The two paused. A time passed, but they both seemed unable to answer. This whole situation was off... Someone, or something, was toying with our brains. Amber, Isaac and Zoe seemed unaffected, and I had broken free... But Key and Raven...

The redhead let out an agitated groan, which quickly turned into an alarming yell. She clutched at her head in frustration. "What the fuck is going on?" I continued to watch her as she spoke. "If they don't need the egg to release the Wither, then what the fuck do they want it for?"

Key closed her eyes, seemingly unsure of herself. But she soon refocused when Zoe leant against her, as if sensing the Endergirl's diminishing confidence. The spider's presence seemed to steady her older friend...

"I don't know, but they want it badly..." The afterimage of my dream rose to my attention once more. I turned to the purple haired girl. "Where did you hide it?"

"Secret." She replied almost instantly.

Raven rolled her eyes. "It's in your room, isn't it?"

The Endergirl disappeared with a sudden pop, returning moments later after rummaging around upstairs. "No."

I sighed. Maybe it was better if we didn't know...

It was at this moment that Amber slumped into the room. She stared at me hopelessly. "Daaavid, there's no food."

Groaning in annoyance, I stood up. "Everybody get dressed, we'll pick something up on the way."

"Can we get pizza?" Isaac asked optimistically.

"We had pizza last night."

"Donuts?" Key chimed.

"Not for breakfast."

Zoe raised a finger. "Spaghetti."

"We don't have time."

The three of them moped as their choices were shut down in rapid succession.

"We'll stop by the café." Raven spoke, a small grin playing across her face.

I winced. "I don't think tha-"

"What's the café?" Isaac asked, curiosity piqued.

The redhead beamed in victory. "We'll show you! Won't we David?"

The café... Well, I suppose there wasn't much choice. Raven's grin only broadened the longer I took to acknowledge her suggestion. I sighed once more, giving in. "Fine."

Maybe if I was lucky... She, wouldn't be working there.

Surprisingly, there was only one café in the area. Sure, if you walked for half an hour or so you would soon come across another. But who could be bothered? The small joint sat on the corner of a street but a few blocks from home. It was a small box of a place, painted an earth brown colour in an attempt to make it seem less ordinary.

The effort were futile.

A string of weary students had already gathered within the small opening before the counter. They moved slowly, their will to push forwards fuelled only by the aroma of coffee. As we neared, I noticed Raven pace a little quicker in anticipation.


We soon joined the small queue and waited patiently. I shifted towards the back of our six man group, just in case... The mobs looked in interest at the cakes and breads sealed behind thin sheets of fogged up glass. It wasn't much to look at really, a few croissants and a selection of cream buns. The customer that was being served, a middle aged man with a tattered jacket, soon departed with his order. We took a few steps forward as the line shifted, finally bringing the girl behind the register, into view.

I stifled a groan as my eyes crossed the familiar curtain of hair. Light brown, the colour of chestnut. It was pinned up against her head roughly, without care, like usual. Her eyes radiated a golden glow, slowly scanning every detail before her. She would have been roughly the same height as Amber, if not marginally shorter. Her face was pleasant, agile, and her figure was ever so slightly underdeveloped. Dressed in the subtle grey uniform of the shop, she wore her all too familiar blank expression, void of any emotion.


She pretended to ignore our presence until we reached the front of the line, by which time she was well aware of my existence, no matter how hard I tried to conceal myself behind Isaac. I exhaled briefly, relinquishing myself to the ordeal. Purposely avoiding Raven's smug grin, I made my way to the front of our group.

"Finally got some attractive girls in your life huh?" The girl asked as I approached.

"Don't be like that." I muttered back, glancing at her.

She met my eyes steadily, unwavering. "So, which one are you screwing?"

I could feel the mobs become a little surprised behind me. Standing up straighter, I replied honestly. "None of them."

"Then which one do you like?"

I hesitated briefly, but by the time I responded, it was already too late. "None of them."

"Is it the cute one?"

She had caught onto my pause of thought instantly, but whether or not her prediction was correct... Well, I wasn't even sure. It was an impossible battle with her, it always had been. "Can we order?"

"I don't know, can you?"

Amber stepped up beside me, curious. "Do you know him?"

"Unfortunately." Jen replied, passing a sidelong glance at the skeleton.

Finally, Raven put everyone's confusion to rest. "She's David's ex, Jennifer"

The small enclave fell silent. The only sounds were the rush of cars passing along the road behind us, and the ever-present breeze that nipped at our skin.

Amber turned to me, starring daggers. "You never said anything about a girlfriend."

"Y- You never asked... And she's my ex-girlfriend, it's not like we're still dating." I attempted, a little terrified by her gaze.

I felt Jen's blank stare shift across us, assessing some unknown phenomenon. A rare smirk appeared as the corner of her mouth tilted upwards, making me all the more uneasy. Amber whipped around, breaking our eye contact. She pointed towards the glass cabinet at one of the sweets. "I'll have one of those."

Jen adjusted her vision to the specified item. "A cream bun? You'll gain weight quickly if you plan to eat like that."

"Oh, you're right, the last thing I want is to turn out like you."

"By turn out like me, I presume you mean intelligent. Don't worry, you've got nothing to worry about."

"I meant overweight, if you couldn't identify that then you're obviousl-"

I butted between them, nudging Amber to the side. "Oookay, let's just, put that on pause for the moment." I tried my hardest to ignore the battle that still raged between them and looked down at the cabinet once more. Jen calmed herself quickly, returning to a void of emotion. Amber however, seethed behind me. "Five cream buns, six coffees."

The girl moved to collect the items and gestured towards her solemn co-worker to start on the drinks. Isaac shifted towards me while the other three mobs glared at the girl.

"Didn't have you picked for a player." He muttered, keeping his voice down for good reason.

I rolled my eyes. "One broken relationship hardly brands me as one."

"So, why'd you break up?"

I hesitated before nodding towards Jen as she went about her task. "See her expression?"

"Neutral." Isaac noted.

Nodding, I continued. "It hardly ever changes. If she's down, she doesn't show it, if she's happy, it's hard to tell."

"And that was a problem?" He asked after slight consideration.

"Imagine having a relationship where you can't decipher what she's feeling. Is she satisfied? In pain? Joyful? Sad? Angry? Shy? Happy? Scared? You never know what she's thinking... It's infuriating."

The Creeper studied the girl as she soon returned with our order, seeming to look past her, rather than at her. The gold eyed girl noticed his gaze and shook her head. "Take a picture,"

"It'll last longer." Isaac finished, seeming to slam the brakes on his train of thought. "I know."

Jen, as usual, contained her surprise well. The goods were slid across the counter before she punched a few numbers into the register. "Thirty five dollars."

I winced, hoping against all hope that my bank would hold. I took out my wallet and scanned my card. A sigh of relief escaped me as the transaction was approved. The ex-girlfriend noticed the reaction.

"Stop spending so much on condoms and you should be fine."

"It's not like that." I stressed.

"I'm sure. I mean, they've only got huge breasts and perfectly curved figures, not to mention beautiful skin... Except for that hideous scar."

My gaze sharpened a little, the tension becoming ever so slightly hostile. Jen flinched a little as she noticed this, but didn't back down. My words came out hushed, but serious. "I don't care about her scar."

That's what I had said, but the underlying message was clear enough.

'Shut the fuck up.'

And with that, I took my coffee and departed, not waiting to see if the others were following. I remembered now, why I had broken up with her...

Perspective Change: The Unnamed Servant

It was unnaturally cold in the observation room. Considering the climate outside, it was anything but normal. The mirror like pool that sat inlaid within the floor, shimmered. I grinned a little as I watched David pace from the small shop, Amber soon catching up with him, placing a hand on his shoulder and bringing him to a stop.

He shied away at first, shielding his eyes, but soon meeting her gaze. Their peculiar method of communication was unforseen, to say the least. I had formulated many hypotheses, but I could still not come to a sure-fire conclusion. It was odd, their connection, not to mention a little annoying.

I had, of course, been rooting for Key since the beginning. Personally I thought her and David would make a much better match. Then again, it wasn't as if I didn't have control over the situation... If I wanted too... No, no, no. That's just wrong... Unless...

"When's the next unit rolling out?" An unmistakable voice echoed through my head.

I fought down my sense of annoyance. Even when she wasn't physically near me, she still had a way of meddling with my mind. "Soon, maybe even today if we're lucky."

"Hmm, see if you can't make it a little more entertaining this time."

Her subtle sadist nature was relentless. Sighing, I said all that I could. "I'll try."
Do or do not, be better at the next chapter
Well that raps up this one anyways stay tune for the next chapter and remember:


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