Inseparable (GTOP)

Από exoverdoes

19.9K 908 179

"That's what Jiyong liked about being alone. No one can hear you cry." #740 in short story Περισσότερα



6.5K 182 8
Από exoverdoes

Seunghyun and Jiyong met in Uni, it took one glance and neither of them knew they could make a love that was full of life and colour, that was never quiet or boring. Seunghyun being the stubborn and oblivious person he was didn't open up to anyone. If there was anyone who he hated most it would have had to been Kwon Jiyong. Both of them practically hated eachother with a passion, and weren't afraid to show it either. Months later slowly they broke through this wall of anger and hatred and came to have a reasonable friendship relationship. Lunches with eachother and even a trip to eachothers houses.

When summer came, sleepovers were a regular thing. Mini vacations and just enjoying eachothers company. Seunghyun would teasingly poke Jiyong's pressure point which he knew would get on his nerves, then run away chuckling watching the reaction Jiyong gave. Nights were usually filled with conversations about things they've done in the past, why they truly used to hate each other, and places they've been before. Before either of them knew it, graduation was coming soon. Very soon. They could practically taste the freedom they would soon receive after graduation. The thought of graduation stressed Jiyong out immensely, times like that Seunghyun was needed to sing Jiyong's favourite songs too calm him down or relax him. People believed that Seunghyun's completely different attitude from the joyous and 'always happy' Jiyong could never click. But they were wrong.

After graduation they both promised each other they would rent an apartment together, both of them being talented singers gave them an idea to create their own songs and compose them. Seunghyun smiled and agreed to Jiyong's plan. They were going to make this work. With heads held high and fingers crossed, they swore to let nothing come between them. Later on Jiyong had gotten a part time job, it payed little, but could pay the rent. Seunghyun everyday would pick him up from his shift in his new car he had been saving up for, his main purpose for purchasing the car was to grant Jiyong's wishes whenever he said he wanted to go to a certain place, "Thanks hyung, but you really don't have to take me everywhere. I'm saving up for my own car anyway" Jiyong smiled at the brunette in a thankful way. "It's fun taking you places Jiyong, to know that I made you happy that day, makes me happy."

Jiyong loved all the nights when they would just sit in their apartment playing board games. And then Seunghyun would lose and pout like a young child. One night, Seunghyun mustered up enough courage to approach the fragile petite brunette and confidently ask him out. All Seunghyun needed, well wanted, was a 'yes'. And that's exactly what Jiyong gave him. Wrapping his arms around Jiyong's slim waist, Seunghyun's lips hungrily kissed Jiyong's soft ones caressing his cheek. Promising Infinity.

After a long tiring day at work, Jiyong had no choice other than to walk home. Since Seunghyun was unavailable to bring him back to their apartment. Jiyong understood why he couldn't, today was the day he was getting interviewed for a new job. When making his way through the apartment door, Jiyong immediatly felt an oncoming headache. These headaches had been becoming frequent and a real bother to Jiyong. But he brushed it off as stress. Seconds later Seunghyun walked through the door with a smile on his face, and a spring in his step. Jiyong looked at him with happy eyes, something good must have happened. Or atleast something that brightened his day managed to put a smile on his face.
"Hello Ji" Seunghyun smiled, loosening the tie around his neck. "Hey hyung. Did the interview go well?" Jiyong bit the inside of his cheek. Anxious to hear what his hyung was about to say. "Well I-" Seunghyun was inturrupted by the sound of Jiyong suddenly wincing at the prickling feeling in his forehead. He rubbed his closed eyes gentley. "Jiyong are you alright?"

Jiyong swayed before collapsing onto the floor turning unconscious. Seunghyun's eyes widened running over to Jiyong's body. His hands shook unsure of what to do. "Jiyong? Jiyong wake up!" Seunghyun gentley shook Jiyong's shoulders pressing his fingers to his neck checking for a pulse. Still there.

The apartment that night felt empty without Jiyong's voice filling the room. Now he lay unconscious on their shared bed, boiling hot. Seunghyun nervously bit his nails out of habit, waiting for Jiyong to wake up. It must have just been exhaustion which caused Jiyong to pass out. These days even though his shift only went on since morning till the afternoon. What he did was rather tiring.

The next day Jiyong woke up with Seunghyun's head on his lap. Jiyong shook him lightly whispering his name into his ear. Jiyong knew nothing about what happened the day before. How did he get to bed? Who changed him from his work clothes? The obvious answer would be Seunghyun, but why would he do that?
When Seunghyun woke up he sure was happy to see his little dragon concious again. With a wide smile he hugged Jiyongs waist gently stroking his hair. "Seunghyun what happened" Jiyong's muffled voice spoke. "You collapsed yesterday, do you know how worried I was?"
Being the overprotective person Seunghyun was, he insisted that Jiyong went to the hospital for a check up. "I am really worried about you now, have you been getting headaches recently?" Seunghyun bought his hand up to touch Jiyong's forehead, his forehead was boiling hot.
Seunghyun had a habit of getting a bit too over protective. He was told that quite often actually. But that's just the way he was.

"No I haven't, it must have been because of exhaustion. Don't be silly Seunghyun I don't have to go to the hospital just for that." Jiyong lied. Seunghyun knew all too well that it was not only exhaustion that caused him to collapse. But if Jiyong insisted that it wasn't because of a few headaches then Seunghyun would have to believe him.


Months passed, and these past months had been filled with betrayl and lies. Lots of them.

Seunghyun had successfully got the job he had signed up for. And Jiyong still with little money to afford a car had to walk home everyday from his shift. About a 30 minute walk in the morning and in the afternoon. But Seunghyun was busy. Jiyong told himself. He scolded himself for thinking bad about Seunghyun's work at times. The number of songs they had written together, not a single one of them have been recorded. Not enough time. Unless Jiyong recorded them on his own. But to Jiyong it wouldn't sound right whenever he was to listen to it.

Last month Jiyong called up Seunghyun at work to suprise him with news Jiyong was sure proud of. Jiyong had just completed the song he was working on for ages, and not only had he sung it on his own he also gained some recognition from other bigger idols out there. Jiyong was very proud of himself and he knew Seunghyun would be too. He called Seunghyun out for some drinks even though he was at work. He was sure he would make and acception and take a break from work to celebrate Jiyong's accomplishment. But Jiyong was wrong. All he heard from the opposite line was a 'Oh really? That's great sorry I can't take breaks I'm working super busy right now but I'll see you later' Jiyong understood what Seunghyun was saying, but didn't hang up until he waited for the words he hadn't been said to in ages. "I love you." But no such thing came out of Seunghyun's mouth.

Distance and neglect was becoming an issue, Jiyong couldn't help but notice Seunghyun's absence at night. Every evening after his shift was meant to end, he never came home until a few hours later. Their daily phonecalls had became shorter. Their sweet words they used to say to eachother are now non existent to them.
Jiyong's eyes flicked up at the sound of a door opening. A drunken Seunghyun came walking in smiling to himself like an idiot. Jiyong was disgusted and dissapointed at the sight before him. This wasn't the Seunghyun he knew ages ago.

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