MCYT: Short Stories

Od CrystilCanis

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The boy sat, eyes wide and ears attentive. "Life is short," the man began, sitting down in the rickety old c... Více

MCYT: Short Stories
I: Game of Cards
II: My Gift to You
IV: One, to Three
V: Splattered Ink
VI: Bloody Snares
VII: Shattered, It Fell

III: Three, to One

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Od CrystilCanis

- Hey! And here we go, this story gets dark and gross real quick real fast! :3

Characters: DreamTeam

Warning: Major gore, major death, blood, violence, graphic and disturbing descriptions, sadness


Three, to One

The smell wouldn't go away.

It stuck like glue, couldn't be removed. It was on his shirt, his hands, in his nose, his hair, his clothes, his skin, it was everywhere, it was everywhere, it was everywhere-

God, it reeked so bad. His stomach was in constant twisting knots, bile resting uncomfortably hot at the back of his throat, threatening to spill like the crimson mess of innards splattered about in front of him. It was disgusting, so gross, so gross, so gross-

A warm and firm hand gripped his shoulder. The rapid beating of his heart slowly (too slow) dulled in his ears, the tremor in his malnourished body lessening (not enough) as he steeled his nerves, feeling the warmth from the gentle touch flood his veins. It was so warm, so warm.

He blinked open his eyes, cerulean orbs glazed in a glossy film of bleariness and daze. His vision slowly came into focus, the blurs of color morphing into distinct shapes that he could vaguely begin to recognize. Blobs of orange that formed into twirling tongues of bright flames danced on the walls, hungrily consuming their diminishing fuel sources. The crackling pop of smoldering wood sounded in the room, bouncing off the stone gray walls and echoing sharply in his ringing ears. Where were they, he didn't remember, he didn't remember-


The voice was soft, gentle, a tone of command resting beneath. He felt hot breath brush against his ear, across his neck, lightly blowing his hair. Reality gradually came to focus, and his eyes finally registered the dark, illuminated presence kneeling in front of him. Bright, glittering peridot-hazel eyes stared into his own, gleaming with tenderness and concern. His eyes trailed along the river of freckles splashed across the other's face, pale skin glistening beneath the torch's flickering flames, casting their features in shifting shadows. Dirty blond hair was matted and slick with a layer of shining grease, yet it retained its fluffy volume. Dark umber and crimson stained the other's lime pullover, thin ebony armor shredded and tearing at the seams. A bandage was wrapped tightly on their left shoulder, a thick splotch of a muddy black and red staining the center. The sweet and sour smell of sweat and uncleanliness filled his nostrils, mixing bitterly in with the looming stench of blood and rotting flesh. A small smile curved their chapped lips, a sad crease in the corner of their eyes.

He'd recognize it anywhere.

Forcing down the bubbling bile building in his throat, he inhaled a deep breath, trying his best to ignore the putrid stench entering his lungs, staining his tongue, lingering in his nose. It smelled, it stunk, it reeked-


Another warm hand grabbed his other shoulder, firm, demanding, grounding. Biting his quivering lip, he looked back up, his timid eyes hesitantly meeting theirs.


The male nodded, his expression softening. He lost his smile, but his eyes remained warm, gentle, caring. "Yes, George. It's me."

Taking a moment to quell his hammering heart, threatening to burst from his chest, he reached out a feeble hand, his trembling fingers brushing lightly across Dream's exposed collarbone. "Y-You're...w-we're a-alive..."

"Yeah," Dream sighed, his grip loosening just a bit. "We are."

"Not for long."

Dream's head snapped toward the new voice, his eyes smoldering pools of green fire as George flinched in his hold. "Sapnap..."

"What?" The second male whined, his skinny (too skinny) frame slouched lazily against the wall of the cave. The thin, stained clothing he wore hung loosely on his body, his slick and messy raven hair held tightly back with a long ivory strip of cloth. His navy blue eyes narrowed with spite. "You know we're not gonna survive for much longer, so stop being a baby about it."

"We've survived for this long..."

"And the waves only get bigger the longer we last." Sapnap looked down at his feet, his split lips curled up in a snarl. "So fucked..."

Sighing, Dream shot the younger male one more glare before turning back, his eyes softening. "Don't listen to him George, he's just being stupid."

"You're being stupid."

Dream turned his head, face scrunching in a scowl.

"Y-You're both b-being stupid," George suddenly found himself mumbling, his lips twitching up in a small, amused smile. Dream blinked down at him, momentarily surprised, before regaining his grin, eyes gleaming. "Says the stupid."

Sapnap shared the grin. "Yeah, stupid."

George's smile widened as he slowly pushed himself up (he hurt so badly), a weak giggle escaping past his lips that drowned out the whimper of pain hanging in his throat. Dream helped him lean up against the rocky wall, the jagged stone digging roughly into his aching back. He took a deep breath (ignore the smell), running his tongue over his dry lips and swallowing. His right ankle was on fire. "W-What happened?"

As soon as the question left his mouth, the lightened mood in the air immediately diminished.

George felt guilt stab his chest. "I-"

"Zombie horde," Dream answered shortly, stare no longer on him. " happened so fast," his voice sped up, a panic burning in his eyes. "I-I didn't notice u-until late, fell...I wasn't paying attention-"

"Dream," Sapnap chided, but was silenced by the dismissal wave of a pale hand. "Stop, Sapnap. I-I know, but I can't...I can't stop b-blaming myself."

"It wasn't your f-fault," George responded, grimacing as a sharp pain flared in his ankle once he shifted it. "The dirt c-crumbled beneath me, I-I wasn't fast enough to move."

Dream didn't respond, but it was clear enough he wasn't convinced. Sapnap shifted from his slanted position, the corner of his lip curling bitterly. His crossed arms tightened. "Your ankle's sprained."

George couldn't retain the sarcastic bite from his voice. "Really? I hadn't noticed."

Unfazed, Sapnap continued. "Your back is pretty messed up, too. I'm surprised you didn't break it."

"I probably would have if I hadn't landed on that zombie."

Beside himself, Sapnap formed a grin. "Too bad you couldn't thank him, then."

Rolling his eyes, George straightened himself up a bit more to release the tension from his spine, his teeth tightly clenched behind the thin white line of his mouth. He couldn't hide his discomfort even if he tried, which made him despise the look of pity briefly crossing Sapnap's pale features as he moved. "Don't look at me like that."

The younger male merely blinked. "Alright then."

Huffing, George took a moment to observe his surroundings. The cave they refuged in was quite small, already lit with several torches and scoured of its valuable resources. The unneeded remains of a furnace lied in the far corner opposite of him, which rested behind a dying fire of smoldering logs. He couldn't see the entrance (he didn't dare strain his neck and look), but from the lack of natural light, he assumed it was dusk or night.

Small movement occurred in front of him and he turned his head, his eyes locking onto Dream's hunched form. The male hadn't spoken a word within the past minutes, his head bowed and stare blankly locked on the stone ground. George could see a swirling storm of persistent thoughts and emotions whirring like a hurricane in his shaded eyes; something that worried him, but didn't have enough energy to bring to discussion.

Licking his dry lips, the bitter tang of blood still on his tongue, he dared to ask the witless question he was reluctant to.

"A-Are we safe...?"

A tense pause of silence echoed after his voice, the only quick response coming from the diminishing fire, a blackened log shriveling with a pop. Sapnap's brow creased at the question, his thin mouth twisting, torn on whether to respond with a rancorous retort or answer truthfully.

Fortunately, for George's sake, Dream answered before Sapnap could open his mouth.

"For now."

George raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to elaborate. Dream noticed his look and continued. "It's nightfall right now. We gained a pretty good distance from the swarm since this evening. We have time to spare. Gather more wood, food, make a couple more tools."

"How long do you think we have?"

Dream sighed, pulling a knee to his chest and propping up his elbow, his chin resting on his palm. "About early morning, once the sun just begins to rise. They travel faster in the dark, so we have just this night to rest before we have to leave right away."

Looking down at his hands, George groaned weakly in his sore throat. "Why is this happening..."

Neither wanted to respond.

After several minutes of silence, Sapnap let out an exhausted sigh, slowly sliding down the wall and plopping ungracefully to the ground. George stared at him for a moment, eyeing the stained linen on his left forearm and the thin scratch on his cheekbone that contrasted sharply against his pale, glistening skin. The boy's dark navy blue eyes were lidded, unmoving gaze glazed and unfocused. Blank, but filled with undeniable trauma.

Feeling his chest start to burn, George looked away, gnawing on his bottom lip with his upper teeth. The hot pain in his ankle slowly simmered as the time passed, his tired cerulean eyes studying the thick wrap of black cloth bundled tightly around the limb. It looked to be a part of Sapnap's hoodie layered beneath his white t-shirt, obviously the sleeve since the right one on the male was torn and missing. The skin of his bare arms crawled with sudden goosebumps, his cold hands wrapping around his chest and resting on his thin biceps.

Sleep wearing down heavily on his mind, he lifted his lidded gaze to the ceiling, silently reflecting on where the hell life went to shit. They've been running nonstop for how long now? Two months? Three? He lost count. All that was remembered were the restless nights they got to pass to see the daylight once more.

Dream shifted, his foot sliding into George's right calf. He immediately muttered an apology, but George brushed him off with a short hum. He couldn't really feel the pain anymore, the blessing numbness of sleep dwindling it to a faint throb. His eyes drifted up to Dream's face, which looked distant and sullen. Dark bags hung beneath his eyes, his light eyelashes coated with the crust of dried tears. That curve of worry was still creased in the corner of his lips, glistening in his green eyes that reflected the dancing orange flames like a milky mirror.

Feeling his stare, Dream's gaze flickered to him. Once he met his eyes, the male offered him a small, timid, tired smile. "Get some rest, George."

George stared deeply into his blazing pools of green. "Only if you do."

Dream blinked. Slow, languidly. "I will."

George's brow creased, his fingers twitching.

"Don't worry."

With a huff, he gave up easier than he had wanted, curling his arms around his stomach and pulling his left knee to his chest. "Okay." His voice was soft, barely a whisper, thick with exhaustion. His eyelids were heavy, slowly fluttering shut as the dark comforts of sleep tugged at his body, pulling him deep into the depths of the unknown. Before he knew it, he passed out, feeling warm and assured with the quiet presences of his family near. Grounded, safe.


George was awoken far sooner than he would've liked.

Sapnap's hoarse voice was screaming in his ear, trembling hands shaking his shoulders, pain flaring in his back. Normally, George would have been extremely worried, baffled at what could possibly cause his friend to respond like that. Desperate, scared, terrified.

The haunting, wailing moans of the undead was what sent his adrenaline racing, muddled brain snapping awake, instincts screaming run, run, run!

And so, in the early hours of the morning, just a bit sooner than Dream expected, the three were running.

Running from the ravaging hunger of the endless swarm of the undead.

Every single step, every movement sent white hot pain flaring in his ankle, shooting up his leg, through his hips to his sides, hot and boiling. Tears blurred his vision, rolling down his cheeks, but he pushed through the excruciating agony threatening to collapse his body, leaving it for the zombies to tear apart, shove it down their shredded throats.

His stomach flipped, bile rising up his esophagus.
He couldn't stand the smell.

Dream ran in front of them, leading the way through the ragged terrain of the wide plains, tall weeds entangling with their ankles like snakes and ready to pull them down like a snare. A thin sheet of gray clouds blanketed the sky, promising a thin and cold shower sometime later in the day.

George liked the rain. It lessened the smell.

"Look!" Sapnap suddenly called out, his arm pointing toward the east. Far in the distance lied a thick forest, green trees faint blobs of color beneath the horizon. Forests were tricky, dangerous because of the twists and turns and dead ends, but promising because of easily attainable provided height.

Dream looked at the suggested direction, his eyes narrowed and brow furrowed as he deeply considered. After a few moments, he gave a short nod, sharply twisting his lead to the right. "Alright, we'll head into the forest, weave around some trees to gain distance and climb."

George couldn't bite back the sharp cry of pain as his ankle lit into searing flames once he turned, the sprained limb shaking and ready to crumple. Sapnap sent him an anxious look from his left, eyes wide and filled with unrepressed fear. Dream glanced back at him, sharing a similar expression, though it contained a more controlled panic.

They knew what to do. They knew they had to keep running. No matter what.

If one fell, there was no turning back.

Gritting his teeth, blinking the burning tears from his eyes, George carried on. He was openly sobbing now, his chest heaving with quick and heavy gasps of air, his lungs tight and feeling crushed. His wails of agony only seemed to rouse the swarm of zombies looming behind them like a thick approaching fog, their ghastly shrieks rising in pitch at the recognizable sound of one of their prey wounded.

Sapnap kept passing him occasional fearful glances while Dream kept his straight forward, his heels easily digging into the dirt. "We're almost there, George. Just a little longer."

George didn't respond, his body too overwhelmed with the boiling agony ravaging his nerves. Bile sat hotly in the back of his throat, ready to spill. Sweat rolled thickly down the sides of his face, down his bruised back, soaking into his dirty shirt. His heart was hammering at a ferocious pace within his chest, threatening to burst with a rupture of red. It hurt, it hurt, it hurt-

He pushed on.

It felt like hours passed until they finally began to approach the forest, tall oak trees towering high above them and casting dark weaving shadows across the ground. The leaves rustled and swayed within the soft breeze pulling at the air, seeming to dance in joy at their arrival. Without hesitance, Dream dived into the woods, Sapnap and George hot on his tail. The jumping and swerving around logs and roots only added more excruciating pressure to George's ankle, setting his nerves alight with flames. Once they entered the forest, he slowed down just a bit, his full on sprint turning to a fast hobbling run. Dream and Sapnap slowed a bit as well, the former unsheathing his axe to cut down crisscrossing branches blocking their path.

After a couple minutes, Dream glanced behind them, his eyes narrowing at the chasing swarm which was a thin line in the distance. The zombies were still in the field. He looked between George and Sapnap, his eyes lingering on the disheveled state of the former before slowing into a steady jog. "Take a quick break, regain your breath."

George gathered all his will to survive into not collapsing, immediately lifting his right leg into the air and hopping, his breathing coming in ragged gasps between the pained sobs spilling from his mouth. Sapnap jogged to his side and wrapped a supporting arm beneath his armpits, leaning him into his side to take some of his weight. "Alright, George. Take it easy." The male faltered a few times at his side, Sapnap placing his other hand against his chest to steady him. "G-God...i-it-it h-hurts s-so b-bad!" George cried, his eyes shutting tight and teeth gritting. Sapnap could feel his whole body trembling fiercely beneath his hold.

He shared a look with Dream.

There was no doubt George most likely had a torn tendon or another ligament or something worse. He wouldn't be able to run any farther.

Inhaling deeply, Dream stretched his arms out to his sides, rolling his shoulders and feeling his axe. He turned back around, surveying their surroundings. The forest stretched on for a while, the clusters of trees growing closer into an eerie darkness in the distance. Dim sunlight filtered in from the treetops above, providing a pale light that didn't do much to rid of the shadows lingering along the brush. Toward the right was a parting in between a couple of trees, the pale sunlight beaming down in a clearing.

Spotting it, Dream turned in its direction, chopping down the jagged bushes clawing at him in his path. Sapnap followed, steering a slightly dazed and crying George. "What is it?"

"There's a clearing," Dream responded, pushing a low hanging branch from his face. A couple slim leaves floated into his hair. "Maybe we'll find something."

Approaching the edge of the clearing, Dream pushed the branches from their path, his eyes immediately widening as soon as Sapnap's did.

"A ravine!"

George wearily blinked at their sudden exclamation, his glassy eyes soon recognizing the open split gouged into the earth several feet in front of them. His lips slightly curved in a tentative smile. "I-It's about t-time we found s-something good."

The three approached the edge of the ravine, taking a good look into the deep, jagged gorge. Stone made up the walls, littered with glimmering veins of iron and other valuable ores entwined within the rock. A few waterfalls spilled from the sides, creating thin pools far at the bottom.

Sapnap bit his lip. "How much time do you think we have to mine that iron?"

Dream hummed, his narrowed eyes measuring the distance from the surface to the bottom of the ravine, between each vein of iron, to the distance of the lurking swarm of zombies entering the forest. "I'd say maybe about thirty minutes or so. We have to be quick."

Sapnap walked a little ways away down the edge of the ravine, guiding George to a large boulder jutting from the earth. He set the male down on the grassy ground, who leaned exhaustedly against the rock and sighed in relief. Sapnap smiled at him. "Rest up for a bit, man. We'll be right back."

Unable to form words, George nodded, lifting up the bottom of his shirt as the younger male walked away and wiped the sweat coating his brow. His ankle still smoldered hotly with fire, but it was a great relief to finally have his weight off it. He turned his head just as the other two disappeared over the edge, Dream's iron axe gleaming in the dim sunlight.

Turning his gaze up to the sky, George closed his eyes and allowed himself to regain his breath. God, he never felt such a pain before. He wondered if it was broken. He didn't think so, but it certainly felt like it. It was already swelling.

Dread pooled in his stomach. That wasn't a good thing. He'd only slow the other two down. What happened if another horde suddenly appeared? He wouldn't be able to move as fast. The others would try and help him, help him survive, help him to safety while risking their own lives just to save his. They couldn't do that, he wouldn't allow them to.

George's stomach twisted sickly. He'll slow them down. He wouldn't make it, he wouldn't make it, he wouldn't survive-


George started, blinking the glaze from his eyes as he looked up, meeting Sapnap's amused grin. A stone pickaxe was slung over his shoulder. "You gotta stop daydreamin' man, it's not good for the mind."

Scoffing, George shifted in his spot, adjusting the shades clipped to the collar of his blue shirt. "T-That was fast. And w-what kind of stuff would you know about that? How do you know about that?"

Sapnap shrugged, his grin falling as he pursed his lips. "You're not the only one who reads, ya know."

George's eyebrows shot to his hairline. "You read? You? Reading? Don't make me laugh."

Sapnap gave him an unamused look. "How about I step on your ankle? We'll see who's laughing then."

"Sapnap, cut it out." Dream's voice chided, the male approaching them soon after. The male sported an excited smile, an iron pickaxe replacing his axe.

"He started it," Sapnap muttered, crossing his arms with a huff.

Ignoring him, Dream reached into his pocket, pulling out a gleaming glass bottle with a small amount of a magenta liquid sloshing inside. "Look what we found." He held it up, swirling the glimmering contents within.

George's eyes widened. "A-A healing potion?!" He held out his hands as Dream dropped the bottle, catching it safely in his open palms. "H-How...where did you find it?"

"There was a dungeon on the other side of an iron vein," Sapnap answered, his expression looking rather proud. "I quickly broke the spider spawner while Dream killed the spiders inside."

"Only because you didn't want to," Dream responded, lightly elbowing the younger male in the side who recoiled away with a glare. "A lucky find."

"Extremely," George added, staring at the bottle in his hands. He reached for the cork, but then froze in sudden hesitance. The two standing above him rose a synchronized eyebrow. "But, wait. S-Shouldn't we save this in case we...well, when we really need it-"

"George, you can't run," Dream immediately interrupted, his smile dropping. His tone was sharply blunt.

"Let alone walk," Sapnap added, his own delighted expression falling.

George didn't cease. "But-"

"Just drink it!" Dream snapped, whirling around and walking away. The male watched him leave with wide eyes, his surprised stare drifting to Sapnap who shrugged. "Listen to the man, man."

Sighing, defeated, George pulled out the cork and downed the potion. As soon as the sweet and warm liquid rolled down his throat, he could feel the skin of his ankle tingling, turning faintly numb as the torn ligaments and tendons stitched back together. His energy replenished a bit as well, the aching pain in his back fading completely. He closed his eyes, sighing contentedly.

At his relieved expression, Sapnap grinned. "Feel better?"

"A lot better," George exhaled, spirits lifted at the diminished fire no longer melting his ankle. Feeling rejuvenated, George bounced to his feet, rocking on his heels a couple times, feeling his ankle. No pain.

Too bad it couldn't do anything about the smell.

Abruptly perplexed, George took a deep breath, immediately grimacing at the sharp stench invading his nostrils, burning his tongue, searing his throat. So gross, so gross, so gross-

Sapnap noticed it too, his face scrunching in a disgusted frown. "What's that smell?"

Feeling dread pool sickly in his twisting stomach, George turned.

Just in time to watch Dream get tackled by a zombie.


He lurched forward with a shout just as Dream let out a frightened scream, his arms flailing for his axe that fell just out of reach once he hit the ground. The zombie snapped its rotten teeth dangerously close to Dream's face, the male holding its head back with a trembling arm as the other reached for his weapon.

A zombie suddenly cut in his path, George skirting to a sharp halt with a startled yelp. The zombie swung at his head with a gargling groan, which he immediately ducked under, unsheathing his sword and decapitating the undead within one swift movement. Dark blood spurted out from the swaying corpse, pooling on the ground and staining the dirt a muddy black as it limply collapsed. A dozen zombies suddenly burst from the treeline, ghastly shrieks piercing the noon air in a garbled mess.

"What the hell?!" Sapnap shrieked, cutting down two approaching zombies with his gleaming iron sword. "Where the fuck did they come from?!"

Dream grunted as he finally grabbed his axe, gripping the upper handle with a tight fist and ramming it into the side of the zombie's soft skull. The half of its face caved in with a sickening squelch, mahogany blood splattering against his arm. "I don't fucking know!" He kicked the limp corpse off his body, quickly leaping to his feet and swinging his bloody axe toward a group of three charging his left. "A horde must've been hiding within the forest." He crushed a zombie's skull with a powerful, agitated swing. "Dammit! I should've been paying attention!"

"Shut up!" Sapnap spat, decapitating three zombies in one swing. Dark blood spurted into the air with a large, fanning spray. "We all should've been! They came out of nowhere, it's nobody's fault!"

Dream muttered under his breath, jumping away from a gnashing set of jagged, flaxen teeth. "Whatever. We need to get out of here! Now!"

Following his command, Sapnap began to cut a path through the swarming horde, which was dreadfully increasing in number. George flanked him, guarding his back from a wall of ashy reaching hands. His blue eyes flickered up, spotting Dream's vibrant hoodie and glinting axe amongst a steadily growing group of zombies. "Dream!"

"Go!" The male yelled, cutting down a runner. "I'm right behind you!"

The sickening dread churning around in his stomach doubling, George sliced through the chest of a snapping zombie, quickly decapitating a second and shoving his sword through the throat of a third. The zombie let out an ugly gurgle as blood bubbled out its mouth and streamed down its impaled neck. George pulled out his sword with a disgusted snarl, kicking the body away from him as thick, mahogany fluid gushed from its gouged throat.

Sapnap was almost through, bleeding and disemboweled bodies littering his path. George wiped away the dots of blood that spattered onto the side of his face, sticking to his fingers and matting in his hair. It was getting everywhere, it was everywhere, it was everywhere-

Dream was getting overwhelmed. His arms were aching, chest heaving, the iron axe head stained a dark crimson and weighting heavily with the thick blood coating its surface. The same blood that drenched his clothes, squelching in his shoes. A hand clawed at his hood, jagged fingers hooking into the fabric and roughly pulling him sideways. A yelp escaped his mouth as his foot dangerously neared the edge of the ravine, the dark bottom of the large gorge stretching far deeper (endlessly) beneath his wide stare. With a yell, he sharply twisted, severing the arm of the zombie gripping his hood. He heaved and swung his axe in a wide arch, slashing through the chests of the zombies closest to him. Unfortunately, they were immediately replaced as fast as they fell.

Taking a second to pause, Dream's eyes drifted over to his two friends.

Sapnap cut a fine line through the other side of the horde, a few more rows to plow through before he created an opening into the forest. George was holding his back, striking down the zombies daring to approach from behind. Beside himself, a grin curved Dream's lips, his eyes gleaming. For a split second, George met his burning gaze.

Oh, if only he had time to cherish it.

A powerful force rammed into his gut as a zombie hit him head on, jagged fingers digging into his sides and tearing into his flesh. His axe flew into the air, the exposed iron gleaming brightly in the sunlight.

A terrified scream tore from Dream's throat as he suddenly found himself weightless.

The color immediately drained from George's face, his blood freezing to an icy mush, his heart leaping into his throat as he watched Dream's bloody form be shoved over the edge. His axe went airborne, twirling into the air, its metal gleaming like a dancing flame of white fire.


Sapnap snapped around at his sudden piercing scream, one of his own immediately tearing from his throat as he watched Dream's body plummet into the deep ravine. Several zombies fell after him, the horde that had crowded around him eagerly diving into the ravine, careless of whether they survived or not.

A fresh meal was down there.

The breath was stripped from George's lungs, his heart frozen against his chest. His hands trembled, a layer of ice coating his body. No, no, no- it didn't happen, it didn't happen, that didn't just happen-

Sapnap was screaming, his cries of anguish bellowing over the squirming sea of haunting howls. The younger male plowed through the mass of rotting bodies with a refilled vigor, rage and anguish clouding his smoldering pools of teary, navy blue eyes. A heartbroken wail tore from his throat.


George found himself frozen, unable to move, unable to breathe, to breathe-

A jagged hand grabbed his arm. He suddenly started screaming, arms flailing and sword swinging in a blind, raging panic because there was no way, there was no way that just happened, there was no way Dream just died, Dream just died, Dream just died-

The cold grip on his arm was released, soon replaced by a warm hand. But he didn't care, he didn't care because his best friend, his best friend just fell over the edge and died-

"GEORGE!" Sapnap screamed, voice thick with panic and anguish. But his desperate cries fell against deaf ears, because George was stuck in a state of shock and denial, because his best friend just died, his best friend just died- he couldn't breathe, he couldn't breathe, he couldn't breathe-

The warm hands tightly grabbed his arms, rough and strong as they tugged him backwards, out and away from the squirming sea of rotting flesh. George was in a blind panic, he began thrashing, flailing his limbs and screaming at the top of his lungs, please, please, please let him go, he needed to find his friend, he needed to find Dream and see if he was okay, he was okay, it was okay-

His heart was hammering against his chest, his senses on a raging overdrive, his throat raw, his lungs constricting, his body shaking and tilting like a boat upon harsh waves, his mind dizzy, foggy, clouded, panicked. His breaths came in short, desperate gasps of air, his throat clogging, he couldn't breathe, he couldn't breathe, he couldn't breathe he was suffocating-

An anguished cry dying on his lips, George fell limp as his world faded to black.


The fire crackled softly, the famished flames twirling in an eager dance as they feasted upon the blackened logs.

A vibrant sea of stars were splashed across the black sky, twinkling brightly and staring down at the dark forest shrouded with night. Crickets chirped within the brush, the occasional owl letting out a low, echoing call as the small dinner burrowing through the soil came for a quick breath above the surface.

The cave was lit up with a couple flickering torches that twirled restlessly along the walls, the furnace placed in the corner blazing steadily as food cooked within its smoking shelf.

Nothing moved, nothing stirred.

Shifting his legs for the seventh time within five minutes, Sapnap leaned his head back against the cold, rough stone wall, his eyes staring up blankly at the spiked ceiling. He watched as flickering shadows danced along the gray rock, whirling and swaying and twirling in an endless routine. His eyes felt dry, stinging, burning. He slowly blinked, exhaling a heavy breath. His mouth was dry, his throat sore and scraped raw.

Blinking, his gaze slowly drifted down, resting on the other presence within the hollow cave. George hadn't moved once since he woke up a couple hours ago, his arms crossed over the tops of his knees, his face halfway tucked between. His cerulean eyes were lidded, blank, staring straight ahead, glazed, unfocused, layered with glassy film. He had threw up on himself a while ago, but didn't seem bothered or cared enough to wipe it away. The only thing that moved was his chest, steadily inflating and deflating with calm, steady breaths.

The bitter stench of blood was still pungent in the air.

Letting out a soft sigh, Sapnap shifted his legs, rubbing his bare arm that was littered in crawling goosebumps. They wouldn't go away, despite the multiple flames of heat blazing lively in the cave. He licked his dry lips, grimacing at the sour taste on his tongue. He didn't remember the last time he ever brushed his teeth. 

He glanced in George's direction, the male yet not having moved an inch. He pursed his lips, feeling completely numb.

He didn't know what to do.

He felt so numb, so empty, hollow. He wasn't even sure what to feel, what to think, what to say. His energy had been spent, sucked from his body. Drained. Exhausted.


He swallowed thickly, ignoring the bitter tang. "Hey," he croaked weakly, wincing at his own voice. It hurt to talk. It hurt to sit, to watch, to exist. "W-We...we..." He trailed off, too weak to continue. Too weak to think. To try. "We...we'll h-head to the mountains t-tomorrow...just to see..." his eyelids were heavy, his thoughts dissipating into the swarming, strangling blackness of exhaustion.

George twitched at his voice, but nothing more.

At that, Sapnap cracked a small smile. He felt delirious. "G-Goodnight, George."

He was fast asleep before he could even wait for a response.


Nothing crossed his mind, nothing at all.

He just felt so empty.

He hoped he would feel different in the morning, but unfortunately, nothing changed. It felt like he didn't sleep at all. Maybe he didn't. He wouldn't know.

The sun was out and shining, beaming brightly, joyous to be seen once more.

George preferred the rain. It drained out the smell.

The mountains jutted out with prideful might in the distance, their white peaks reaching high into the swirling clouds and cutting through the azure sky. Vast hills rolled across the horizon within blankets of green, the forest a mere speck far behind them. He didn't know how Sapnap did it, but they gained a great distance from the swarm. They had set out early in the morning, just at the break of dawn when the normal monsters began to despawn. It was now sometime after noon, and George found himself growing hungry. His stomach twisted in tight knots, flipping and turning, repulsed at the smell lingering in the air, clinging to their bodies. His clothes were rough and crusted with dried mahogany blood, they reeked just as badly as the undead. God, it was so gross, so gross, so gross-

"Do you see that?" Sapnap suddenly asked, a hand hovering over his eyes, providing shade as he pointed at the forward horizon. George squinted his eyes, trying to distinguish the mess of colors splotched across the distance like an oil panting. He saw the dark gray of the mountains, the pale green of the hills, and slim structures of a light brown.

Wait, structures?

He stopped just as Sapnap began to bounce on the balls of his feet. "T-That's a village, George!"

He squinted harder, his lips pursing. And indeed, it was. He could make out the sharp and slim outlines of multiple houses, the tall gray tower of the church contrasting against the pale green of the hills. Sharing a hopeful glance, the two picked up their pace.

As they traversed, George slowly began to frown. Villages and other civilizations were promising, but they were also the most dangerous. Zombie hordes usually swarmed places with the most populations present, obviously because it was a main food source. If this village was vacated, it could be really bad.

George faltered in his steps.

Sapnap continued walking, moving forward for a bit before noticing his second presence wasn't with him anymore. The younger male whipped around, panic briefly flashing in his wide eyes, before settling into a confused frown. "George? What's wrong?"

The male bit his lip. "A-Are you sure we should go to that village? It could be infested."

Sapnap blinked, momentarily in surprise, as if he hadn't even considered that possibility. But then he shrugged, his foot twisting in the dirt. "I dunno, we should just check it out, just in case. We might find something."

Not able to conjure up the energy to disagree, George started walking again, Sapnap waiting for him to arrive at his side before turning around and continuing. George had an odd itch in his throat, a pinching feeling in his gut. The hope he had for the village had mysteriously dissipated and was replaced with that same churning dread.

About a half hour passed before they finally reached the outskirts of the village, taking temporary refuge behind a chunk of broken wall. The village was vacant of people, and fortunately, zombies as well. Sharing grins, the two quietly dived into the abandoned streets, scrounging around for loot, supplies, and anything useful. George ducked beneath a fallen stone pilaster hovering over the collapsed entrance of the church, slithering his way inside and looking around. The benches lining the hall were strewn about, almost looking like people had plowed their way through them to get to the doors. Woolen tapestries that hung on the walls were torn and frayed, drifting softly in the gentle breeze squeezing through the shattered windows. Bookcases and shelves lined the walls, and George made his way over to them. Books were the least of his interest, but he decided to take one, just in case. A few empty potion bottles littered with dust lined the upper shelves, and George jumped up to grab one that still had a few ounces of liquid. He sloshed the baby blue fluid around, recognizing it as swiftness. It was only enough for one person, but he supposed it could come in handy at some point.

Finding nothing else of interest, George turned to leave.

A sudden creak whispered eerily through the building.

George froze, feeling the hairs on the back of his neck rise, his blood chilling. He slowly turned back around, wide and alerted eyes scrounging for what possibly could've made that noise. Gaze resting on a pile of splintered purlins, George hesitantly approached it with an unsheathed, gleaming iron sword.

A small brown mouse popped out from the rubble, rubbing its nose and quickly scuttling away at the sight of him.

George let out the breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. This time, his blood completely froze to ice as a panicked and chilling scream pierced the air.


The male immediately fled the building, diving outside and wildly searching the area. His heart leapt into his throat.

Appearing from absolutely nowhere, a horde of zombies quickly began to ravage the village.

"GEORGE!" Sapnap's scream ruptured through the air once again, sounding from his left. "HELP ME!"

Cutting down a few zombies that dared to block his way, George leaped over the crumbled well in the center of the village, rounding his way down a street. Sapnap was currently cornered by a group of snapping zombies, his back pressed against a locked door. His wide, panicked navy blue eyes met his own frightened cerulean. "George!"

Acting quickly, George charged forward with a yell, sending three zombies flying back as Sapnap sent another four crumpling to the ground. The boy was shaking, his skin pale and clammy, glistening with sweat. "What happened?"

Sapnap shook his head, eyes glazed. "I-I don't k-know, th-they just..." he trailed off, hands trembling. George frowned but didn't push, stabbing a few more zombies at his left. "Doesn't matter. Let's just get out of here!"

Nodding, Sapnap pushed himself from the door, charging and swinging full force into a group of five undead. Mahogany blood spattered into the air like spilled paint, staining the ground and filling the air with its sharp, bitter stench. At some point, thick gray clouds had began to roll in, shrouding the vibrant sky and concealing the beaming sun.

George decapitated a zombie, taking a moment to catch his breath and survey the area. The dread churning his insides did a revolting twist.

The swarm was approaching.

Hands trembling, George shoved his sword into an approaching zombie's stomach, sending rotting innards and guts spilling onto the ground as he yanked it out. He wiped his forehead, breath leaving his lips in short gasps. "Sapnap?"

His head whipped back and forth, dampened umber hair hitting his forehead, desperate for a glance of the boy. No, he wouldn't lose his second best friend. He wouldn't, he wouldn't, he wouldn't-


George cried out in pain as a zombie charged him head on, sending them both to the ground in a large billow of dirt. The male flailed blindingly with his sword, smashing his hilt into the zombie's skull with a frightened shout repeatedly until it stilled. Ignoring the thick blood coating his neck, he pushed the corpse off himself and continued his desperate search for his only companion. "SAPNAP?!"

The swarm was growing larger by the second. Hordes of undead stomped through the streets, unblinking, dark (dead) eyes scrounging for their next meal. George cut himself a path, his heart hammering. "SAPNAP!"

A ghastly shriek erupted from his right and George suddenly found himself hitting the ground once more, pain blooming in his side. A runner snapped its tearing jaws at his face, spittle flying from its mouth and onto his cheek. George glared, teeth grit as he tried to push the monster's face away from his own. Others began to surround him, howling in joy, ready to tear their fingers into his flesh and rip him apart, rip him apart, rip him apart just like they did to Dream-

"NO!" George shouted, lurching forward and smashing his forehead into the other's skull. The zombie's frontal lobe caved in, a wet gurgle rumbling in its throat as it fell limply on top of him. George pushed the body aside with a grunt, grabbing his sword and swinging blindly. The sharp blade hit several hulking masses of rotting flesh, blood spurting into the air as each one dropped dead. George brandished his sword, eyes smoldering pools of ice.

He was getting overwhelmed.

The bodies appeared as fast as they fell, the putrid stench of decaying flesh getting too strong to withstand. His eyes stung, his throat burned, his chest hurt. He wasn't going to make it, he wasn't going to make it, he wasn't going to make it-


George looked up just as a silhouetted shadow passed over his head, iron axe spinning in a twirling flame of white. Sapnap slashed the nearest row of zombies with one clean swipe, pressing his back against his as he swung at the ones approaching him from behind.

"Sapnap!" George cried, stabbing a zombie through the skull. "Where the hell were you?!"

"Killing zombies, what do you think?!" The boy retorted, flinching as a thick splatter of blood splashed on the side of his face.

"Alright, just don't disappear like that without saying anything!"

Sapnap nodded, teeth grit. "Got it."

Minutes ticked by as they stood back to back, bodies piling around them, wet viscera strewn about, blood soaking their clothing, zombies circling around them like famished vultures. George kicked a zombie in the jaw, a sickening crack echoed from the shattered bone. The longer they fought, the more tired they grew.

George tightened his lips into a white line as he disemboweled another zombie. We're not going to make it.

"Hey, Sapnap?" he called, dodging a swinging decaying arm.


"Remember that thing Dream told us, about saving the valuable and sacrificing the worthy? Or...something like that?"

"Uh, yeah...?"

George swung his sword, decapitating three zombies in a single swipe. He turned to Sapnap, nudging him towards the thin opening through the horde. "Get out of here!"

Humming, Sapnap's lips curled up in a small grin. "Sorry, buddy. But I've already made up my mind."

Taken aback, George watched with a perplexed expression as Sapnap drew his arm back, stepping forward and chucking his axe straight ahead into the thin wall of zombies with a yell. The three undead blocking the exit crumpled to the ground, red-stained iron axe impeded deeply into all three of their skulls. Spinning on his heels, Sapnap dove in front of George just as a zombie lunged forward, its flaxen teeth sinking deeply into Sapnap's arm.

The boy screamed.

"SAPNAP!" George cried, running forward. Blinking his hot tears away, Sapnap tore his arm from the zombie's jaws, his flesh tearing apart and leaving a deep gouge of bubbling carmine into his forearm. Screaming at the top of his lungs, Sapnap charged straight into George, forcing him straight out of the swarm.

George hit the ground with a pained grunt. "SAPNAP!"

"GO, GEORGE!" The younger male shouted, kicking away a lunging zombie. The fresh smell of his blood was tantalizing. "GET OUT OF HERE!!!"

"NO!" George cried, tears brimming in his eyes. "I'm not leaving you! Not you too!"

Sapnap stopped and gave him a long look, his navy blue eyes swimming with a deep grief and odd content. "GO, GEORGE! NOW!"

An agonized scream tore from Sapnap's throat as a set of jagged teeth sunk into his neck, jagged fingers clawing into his sides, tearing into his flesh. Blood spurted from his neck, splattering onto George's blanched face.


A loud wail tore from George's throat, tears burning his eyes and sobs sputtering from his mouth. Bile bubbled up in his esophagus, rolling off his tongue and into the grass below. His heart shattered, his chest tightened, his blood froze- he couldn't breathe, he couldn't breathe, he couldn't breathe-

Why? Why?! Why was this happening?!

Glancing back once more at the horde of undead swarming his best friend with a broken expression, George stood shakily to his feet, turned, and ran.


The rain pelted mercilessly at the ground, cold, sharpened shards of ice stabbing into his skin.

The cave was dark.

Nothing moved, nothing stirred, nothing made a sound.

There was no light. Only the slithering snakes of shadows lurking around in the night.

He felt numb. He felt empty.

He felt dead.

The rain pelted his skin, washing away the smell.

George fell to his knees, threw his head back, and screamed.


- Whew, wasn't that fun!

This was also an older story I had written almost two years ago, and still remains one of my favorite pieces to this day :3
And yeah, this was inspired by George's zombie challenge video a while ago.

Have a good day!

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