Quest to save the universe

tdh-gymno által

356 10 19

When Lindy and Adrian get stranded in the woods, they find a book. it's about the past,present, and future of... Több

Quest to save the universe

356 10 19
tdh-gymno által

Hey! this is my first story on wattpad! My friend Tink-roxs is helping me with it.

hope you like it! rate,comment, and vote ! thanks!

now.... on with the story


“He was right in front of the finish line!”My friend Reese was telling me a story about when her brother tripped in race. I wasn’t really listening though. I was having a day dream about the movie ‘journey to the center of the earth, until someone bumped into me. I almost fell, but I still tripped. I turned around to see who interrupted my day dreaming. When I turned around I saw the most attractive guy I’ve ever seen. He had brownish, blackish, surfer hair and blue eyes. He was tall but not like a giant. He basically looked like he stepped out of an Abercrombie and Fitch catalogue. “Wait a second, who is that?” I said to Reese. “I don’t know, probably a new kid.” “I’ll be right back.” I said walking toward the guy. He was even more attractive up close. His eyes were actually green, not blue. “Hey… I’m Lindy,” I said.

“Hi, I’m Adrian. I’m a new student here.”

“Oh, well if you need any help, you know who to ask.”

“Thanks, can I umm…have your number. . . . You know just in case.”

“Sure, Here. You. Go.” I said slowly while writing my number down on his hand.

“I gotta go, but I’ll talk to you later, “I said as I walked back to my classroom.

                Once I got home from school, my phone started ringing. I didn’t recognize the number, but I still answered the call. “Hey, it’s Lindy, “I said into the phone.

“Hey, it’s Adrian.”

“Oh, it’s you. What’s up?”

“Nothing, I’m really bored though”

“Same here. Are you doing anything tonight?”

“No, why?”

“Cool Bean, there’s a party at this lake house and our whole grade is invited.”

“Oh, cool! Umm…can you pick me up, I don’t know where anything is around here.”

“Yeah, sure. I’ll pick you up in 30 minutes.  Oh wait….what’s your address.”

“Thanks, I’ll text you my address.”

“KK, see ya later.”

“Bye,” Adrian said. After I hung up, I went upstairs to pick out some clothes. Hmm…what to wear, what to wear? Maybe some shorts since it’s warm. I picked out a pair of blue jean shorts and my favorite shirt. For shoes, I just grabbed some flip-flops. Fifteen minutes later, I was at Adrian’s house. He came out wearing khaki shorts and an Abercrombie and Fitch shirt. It was perfect for him, because like I said before he practically walked out of their catalogue. “Hey,” I said as he was getting into the car.”Hi, thanks for taking me to this party.” he responded. “It’s cool!” 

“Since I don’t know that much about you, let’s ask random questions.”

“Kay, but you’re first.”

“What’s your favorite song?”

“Umm. . . Grenade, just the way you are, mine, and a lot of others.”He looked confused after I said the first song. I don’t think he’s ever heard of it. Something has got to be wrong with this kid , if he’s never heard of Grenade.” I’ll catch a grenade for ya. Throw my hand on a blade for ya, I’ll jump in front of a train for ya. Ooooo I would go through all this pain, take a bullet straight through my brain. Yes I would die for ya baby, but you won’t do the same.” I started to sing. Then he join in,” black, black, black and blue, beat me ‘til I’m numb. Tell the devil I said hey when you get back to where you’re from. Mad woman, bad woman that’s just what you are. Yeah you smile in my face then rip the breaks out my car.”

“So you DO know what I’m talking about, I was starting to get a little worried there, “I said laughing.

” How could I not know, it’s the best song out there!”

“I know right, it’s the!”

“The, I’ll have to use that one”

  “Here’s my question . . . would you catch a grenade for someone?”

“Umm . . . maybe.”

“What if it was me?”

“Yes, I would”

“Really, Why? I’ve only known you for a day.”

“Yeah, but you’re already my best friend and I’ve only known you for a day. “

“Well, I’d do the same for you. Next question”

“If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?”

“Umm . . . either someplace tropical like Hawaii, or Paris, or Greece”

“That’s cool. I’ve been to Paris before it’s really nice. But I do really want to go to Greece.”

“Maybe we could go together”

“Yeah, that would be fun”

“I know right! Oh, and we’re here.”

We walked through the house. I introduced Adrian to tons of people. I could tell he was gonna be popular. The radio was on and a lot of people were dancing. So I decided to dance over to the dance floor. ‘We r who we r ‘was on.” We’re dancing like we’re dumb, dumb, du, du, dumb,” I sang. I was dancing with Reese and one of my other friends Eliza. Adrian was talking to the football team. We were having the best time and right on cue ‘the time of my life’ came on. “I’m tired let’s go sit on the dock,” I said.”Sure,” they all said simultaneously. After sitting and listening to a story Eliza was telling us, I decided to lie down. I loved looking up at the sky, especially at night. I closed my eyes and breathed in the salty air. “Get up! Get up Lindy!”I heard from a familiar voice. I opened my eyes and saw Adrian, he looked really worried. I looked around and saw that everyone was running toward the entrance.”What’s wrong?” I asked worriedly. “The police are here. Apparently there was underage drinking or something.” He said as fast as humanly possible. “Oh crap! We have to get out of here, but how?”

“Well we could always swim across the lake.”


CLIFF HANGER!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry but i wanted to leave you guys with a cliff hanger. 

a special thanks to arfie14 for making my awesomely awesome cover!

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